#i hunger for a complete and professional tl....i YEARN....
ebooking pt. 2
i think if there was one change i love above all others in this edition, it’s kim dokja’s increased... empathy(?). not in a, “oh he understands people better” way, because he doesn’t, lol. i mean it more in a... he sees a hurt or a frustration someone might express and is more likely to go “ah, me too.” in a way it might seem trivializing of their pain, i guess, but it really feels like kim dokja going, “well you’re not the only one thinking that/feeling like that, i can assure you.” thinking about some of his exchanges with min jiwon, jung heewon, yoo sangah, even han donghoon... there are some small changes that essentially boil down to this kind of reciprocity, almost. he’s still very presumptuous in his way LMAO kim dokja king of making assumptions about people, and he’s by NO means effusive or smooth about it, but like... it works. idk, i think it really works.
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