#i jave many thoughts on loki it's honestly hard to organize them
Rewatched Thor: The Dark World and wrote notes the entire time. There are a lot more this time I think. So enjoy ig.
I want to aggressively make out with him (loki) [part 2]
he looks good in chains idk what else to say
he looks particularly good in this movie and he's the main reason I enjoy and tolerate this movie
also THE HAND THING THE HAND THING. will never pass up the opportunity to point out the amazing acting behind loki and frigga and their entire dynamic and everything.
what if i strangle Odin with my bare hands? what then huh? WHAT THEN?
I hate odin with my entire being idc for his reasonings he was a shit father and I hope he went to Hel
loki doesnt talk about thanos (glares at writers) to anyone and let's everyone believe his war on earth was of his own volition. many say it was his pride, but I also think it's because he didnt think anyone would believe him so why bother? and he probably didnt think anyone would care enough either way and he would still end up in a cell
I cant tell but there may be tears in his eyes yet again (loki)
why does the bifrost have to be so long
your respect and gratitude mean nothing eat shit and die old man
the guy she's on a date with is really nice
FUCK YOU ODIN EAT. SHIT. AND. FUCKING DIIIIE. cannot believe he called her a fucking goat. I dont even think he cares about loki having tried to rule earth because it's obvious he carries the same thoughts and feelings that loki presented in the avengers movie. he's no fucking better.
cant even admit that there might be a possibility that the dark elves are alive. I fucking hate him.
the power it took for him force out those words. that lie. he loves his mother sm and it's obvious he regrets his words after by the way he reaches for her, the tears in his eyes after her clone fades away and the look on his face.
I think there's a lot in what frigga says. "youre always so perceptive about everyone, but yourself." this loki didnt go to the TVA but the one that did. this sentence is very true about loki. and it's at the TVA that he for once let's himself be perceptive about himself. lets himself be honest and true about who he is and the reason he does things. the little things ig.
they really dumb down thor in later movies I think
he let out almost everyone but loki. probably a smart move
heimdall hoofing it man. he's fucking awesome I love him
what were you saying oh great Odin allfather about the dark elves being dead??
frigga is so powerful and amazing I love her
cant believe they didnt even allow loki to go to her funeral it's so fucked up
they just had a fucking guard tell him. neither thor nor odin could march their fucking asses down there and do it themselves? I wouldn't recommend odin but come the fuck on HIS MOTHER DIED
odin is so fucking arrogant can he fucking die already
heimdall you've committed treason so many times I've lost count
loki makes me so fucking sad
thor really pisses me off sometimes. he questioned loki once about everything in the avengers movie and then he just completely disregards that ever again. he barely tried to help loki or understand anything at all going on with him. he acts like he really truly tried but he really truly fucking didnt and it pisses me off that he acts that way.
I really am a loki apologist. I forget how much until I watch these fucking movies. loki deserved fucking better and I will always stand by that
loki ๐Ÿ˜ญ I love his little shenanigans
can loki not summon a weapon from one of his little pocket dimensions
I love the little smirk on his face after jane punches him. also i love his voice like it's just. very attractive.
they really are siblings. these are the most sibling interactions ever.
loki looks so excited I just know this is all fun for him ALSO THE LITTLE TADAAA I LOVE HIM
"I wish I could trust you." and then the look Loki's face. my heart breaks into a million little pieces as I've found Loki easily does to me. and then his "You can trust my rage." I believe that's in regards to the murderous rage in him against the elves for murdering his mother. but there's always more than that.
I love watching loki fight
do we think loki believed he was actually going to die? i think he did and that he meant each I'm sorry as he thought it would be his last chance to say so. and he really didnt do this for Odin. obviously. he may have his problems with thor but he loves his brother. and his mother. he did it for them.
and there's loki waltzing off as an asgardian guard. giving news of his "death" to odin. bet he was curious how he would react.
is that the dude from the witcher?? the guy yennefer dated briefly ??
I'm bored now. not enough loki ๐Ÿ˜’
now at this point we know this is loki and not actually odin. these words are loki's and they mean so much more coming from him. I also find it funny how menacing they had left it off with him on the throne and when we come back to it he's writing plays about himself and indulging in wine and theater built a statue of himself etc,. etc,. I think despite his unseriousness he was being a better king than odin i mean everyone seemed pretty happy the only complaints if i remember were from outside of asgard.
sif and the big red headed guy (I cant remember his name I'm sorry) are obviously bringing the other stone here upon king's orders. loki's orders. because loki knows thanos is out there looking for them and possibly even him. keeping both in the same place would make it that much easier for thanos. I love the little things. I really do.
0 notes