#i just KNOW he has the same fucking mile long stare everyone judges child afo for ik it in my heart of hearts
When people write Yoichi and make him socially competent and cool and effectively flirty it makes my blood boil
Like girl that man had the childhood socialization of a feral raccoon. His only frame of reference for human interaction was fucking. Afo, of all people. until he taught himself read, at which time he decided to model his entire personality and worldview after a cheesy one-dimensional comic book hero in elastic tights. He presumably never attended any form of standardized schooling. I'm willing to bet he's never had a real job. He probably received his first and most formative exposure to the concept of romance from fucking comic books, of all things
Stop making him normal and well adjusted, you are depriving him of what little implied narrative flavor he has been given!!! He is weird!!! He is socially inept!!! He did not know what indoor plumbing was until he was at least twelve!!! He reasonably must've internalized at least some degree of his brother's batshit behaviors and belief system considering that they were literally all he was exposed to during his formative years!!!
Justice for loser freak Yoichi, you'll always be real in my heart 😔
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