#i just aaahhh i want to go to the park and take pictures of birds
clementiens · 2 years
#idc about thanksgiving itself but it is feeling a little lonely having all of my family and friends busy at the same time#while my partner is also out of town for a few days#we just moved from the apartment where my sensory issues were killing me for 3 months to an apartment that's A LOT better for me#i can actually enjoy spending time here and i don't feel awful all the time#but my ebike's brakes needed work and i thought it would be done already#and the bike store is closed tomorrow so the absolute earliest i could get it back would be friday#so on the one hand. if i had to be without my bike for a week. it's better at this apartment than at the other one#where i like really desperately DESPERATELY needed it to get outside and get somewhere quiet once or twice a day#but on the other hand. it's pretty seriously limiting what i can do to try to stay busy and in a good mood#there's a park right here that i really want to go to but it's outside of my walking distance#and my back is fucked up right now so i don't rly want to try going there w my electric chair (seat is less supportive)#and it's harder using my manual chair when it's cold out bc long sleeves get caught on the rims a lot and it's really annoying#i just aaahhh i want to go to the park and take pictures of birds#i went to hannaford for dinner and fruit and mini-pie ingredients but i wasn't thinking and like. it's the day before thanksgiving lol#so i got dinner but i wasn't staying long enough to look for pie crust#i just rly want to get outside grr
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tortue-souris · 3 years
Parchment + candles + corduroy + violin + library +leather + canvas + feather + shadow + clock + orchestra + fire + tweed + dust (but if you really are bored you can do all of them or come to my flat to wash the dishes 😈😈😈)
parchment: what area of philosophy interests you?
Philosophy ? What is that ? Never heard of such a thing
candles: favorite quote?
Depends on my mood haha. Today I’m gonna go for this one from Anouilh’s Antigone :
“La vie n’est pas ce que tu crois. C’est une eau que les jeunes gens laissent couler sans le savoir, entre leurs doigts ouverts. Ferme tes mains, ferme tes mains, vite. Retiens la. Tu verras, cela deviendra une petite chose dure et simple qu’on grignote, assis au soleil.”
corduroy: any big past regrets?
You mean Many big past regrets? Yep.
violin: favorite composer? favorite piece of classical music?
It’s suuuuch a hard questiiooon dammmnnn my favorite piece of classical music would be between Tchaikovski famous violin’s concerto of course and Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue so pick one of these pieces and one of these composers to answer the question sowy :’)
library: preferred study environment?
It used to be my room, 100%, wouldn’t work anywhere else but that was when studying meant learning by heart, so now that I have some actual research and stuff to do and I apparently can’t get ANYTHING done when at home I’d say the 2nd floor of the INHA library... it feels so special and secret and magical !
leather: favorite book(s)? what makes them special?
Favorite and very special books are the Pierre Bottero serie “Ellana”, they left such an impression on the child I was haha, I cherish their story, their universe, their characters...!
canvas: is there any work of art that resonates with you? why?
I hate u :’)
It’s hard to chose but honestly Chardin’s paintings get me everytime. I knoooow they have “nothing special” at first sight but they’ve always made me feel something I cannot describe with words... It’s like it’s not those big paintings with epic actions and History that make you go “waow impressive” but it’s taking you by its sense of truth, idk the atmosphere, the games of textures and colors... It’s so real and surreal at the same time... Like ordinary life, but with a veil of... I don’t know nostalgia I think ? Like a memory in a way. A very small detail you would pass by without noticing but once it became a memory, or once a memory is attached to it, you notice it, and it has this special kind of glow to your eyes... Anyway Chardin was the best to turn everyday life into a work of art and that is truly inspiring and special and ahhh i love it. It’s probably why I also love Manet so much, but I’m particularly fond of his less known paintings, his still lifes, just look at the pictures below it makes me feel very emotional (yes it’s just a lemon im aware of that)
Here is Chardin La Tabagie (it’s very small) (It’s in the Louvre) (the picture is unfair to the beauty of this work)
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And here are two of my favourite Manet works but the picture don’t do them justice either :’(
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But it was honestly very hard to chose and you can check Odilon Redon for works that I adore without being able to tell why, some Vallotton in the same spirit... And then I could have talked for ages about Titien of course cause aaahhh... the light, the skin, the atmospheeeere... And don’t even get me started on sculptures cause that would be endless. Honestly can I answer this question twice or maybe 15th times ? xD
feather: favorite poet? favorite piece of poetry?
I don’t read enough poetry to have a favourit poet im afraid :( (omg not having a favourite piece of poetry ? I would be SO disapproved by the Baudelaires)
shadow: what makes you feel nostalgic?
Top five : thinking of my childhood and the games we were playing, hearing a piece I played with my orchestra, eating something that tastes like my childhood (like LAIT CONCENTRE SUCRE), have a drink or a diner on a terrace in Paris (my heart is dying now), and... life in general haha
clock: early bird or night owl?
Early bird... but... old owl :p
orchestra: describe the songs on your most played playlist
Well it doesn’t work very well with me because I don’t listen to music that often and when I do it’s often do discover new stuff or to listen to a whole album or random playlists... So if I look at my “on loop” playlist on spotify it really doesn’t make any sense... And since I don’t have the app I cannot have access to my top 2020 titles... But I’m pretty sure that would be Pomme everywhere XD These days I listen to Arlo Parks a lot cause I’ve just discovered her and I love what she does :D
fire: which of the seven deadly sins do you find yourself leaning towards?
I think we would both agree about that : definetely gluttony xD But wrath is coming close too :(
tweed: any languages you want to learn/are learning?
Hmmmmmmm perhaps arabic ?
dust: biggest fears?
Well THAT kept me VERY BUSY so THANK YOU and also NOPE SORRY I can’t come to wash your dishes because TONIGHT I have to watch RATATOUILLE with my SILLY VIEILLE CHOUETTE DE SOEUR :p
So now I tag oh no wait it’s not one of them :p
Bye bye vieille chouette ! SEE YOU SOON !
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