#i just break out my customer service voice and tell the cats to please remain calm and in place while we work on fixing things lol
jedi-bird · 2 years
Our power went out for just over an hour. It's now back on (I have fans again!) and seems to plan to stay on, so I'm charging my phone while I can just in case. Still no internet but that's fine for now; we'll worry about that tomorrow if it's still not on. I'm assuming from the number of emergency vehicles that past my street that someone hit a power pole again, in which case I hope they're okay.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I found this on my laptop?
Magnus frowned at Maia but she didn’t bat an eye. Alright, he thought, it was time to bring out the big guns.
He pouted at her.
“So, I can’t give free drinks to any cute people?” he asked, leaning against the wooden counter.
“Nope,” Maia replied shortly.
Huh. Maybe the pout needed more voltage.
“But what if they are super cute?” Magnus asked, pouting even further. “Like Chris Pine cute?”
“Still nope,” Maia shook her head.
“Are you telling me that if Chris Pine walks in here tonight, I can’t offer him a free drink?” Magnus asked incredulously.
Maia sighed, half tired and half exasperated. “I can assure you that Chris Pine is not going to walk into this bar on a Sunday night.”
She paused and looked at Magnus seriously.
“He better not walk into this bar when I am not bartending,” Maia said. “I will be so fucking pissed if that ever happens.”
Magnus wondered how much it would cost him to hire Chris Pine to visit the bar on Maia’s birthday.
“What’s the point of running a bar if you don’t get to give free drinks to cute people?” Magnus gestured at the patrons.
It was Sunday night and Hunters Moon was buzzing with anyone who hated Mondays – which was pretty much everyone.
“The point is to make profit so I can pay off my student loans,” Maia answered and slammed the cash register with a loud thud – she could be a little extra sometimes.
“You had to guilt me with the student loans, didn’t you?” Magnus pouted, for real this time. “Capitalism is a bitch.”
“Magnus, you don’t have to-”
He jumped over the counter in one smooth motion and put a finger on her lips. Cute people come and go – but friends are forever.
“I promised I will take over for you tonight,” Magnus smiled. “I won’t give anyone free drinks – even if they are Chris Pine cute. I promise.”
“Just for a couple of hours okay?” Maia said, as she picked up a napkin from the cupboard, probably hoping to clean the counter for the hundredth time. “It’s mostly just kids from the nearby campus. You can close up by 11.”
He smiled at her and took the napkin from her hands and put it over his shoulder. “Maia, I’ve got this. I just need to look pretty and serve alcohol. I’ve been doing that might my whole life. Just ask my dad.”
“Magnus, your jokes are more depressing than they are funny,” Maia pointed out, looking rather concerned.
“Hush, you!” Magnus shushed her. “Now why don’t you go back to the apartment and prep for the interview with the bank tomorrow?”
Maia was applying for a loan so she can renovate Hunters Moon to make it bigger and better. He wished he had the money to make her dream come true – but he didn’t. So he had decided to help her in whatever way he could. If that meant serving alcohol to redheads and Star Wars nerds with what were clearly fake IDs, Magnus didn’t mind one bit.
“You are the best-est,” Maia smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “You are sure you can handle it, right?”
“Maia, I know my way around alcohol,” Magnus reminder her again. “I once drank so much gin that I almost got married to a plate in Poland. Or was it in Philippines? It was a country starting with P. I remember that much.”
“If that anecdote was supposed to make me feel better, it failed miserably,” Maia groaned, shaking her head.
“The only thing that can make you feel better is some hardcore prepping for your interview tomorrow,” Magnus informed her. “Now off you go. I’ve got this.”
He turned around, already taking orders from a blonde girl in a leather jacket. He saw Maia exiting the counter and picking up her backpack. She turned around and gave him a fond smile.
“One drink,” she said. “You can give one free drink.”
“One?” Magnus said in disbelief. “But there are so many cute people here!”
Maia put her backpack over her shoulder and winked at him. “Then you better find the cutest of them all – and it better not be Chris Pine!”
Magnus pouted at the door, which closed after her. He looked around the bar once more - the small cozy space which will hopefully be a big cozy space in the future. It was full of cute people alright. But how could he just choose one of them? It seemed like an impossible mission.
“Alright cutest of them all, show yourself!” Magnus announced dramatically, half joking and half wishing.
Right on cue, the front door bell jingled and two ridiculously good looking people walked in. They looked like students – but Magnus did not make that assumption based on the usual signs like the dark circles under their eyes or the ramen stains on their t-shirts.
These two were actually carrying a pile of giant text books as they found a corner booth and settled down. Magnus was trying to figure out which one of them was cuter when the door opened more and his quest to find the cutest of was settled – probably forever.
The man wore a simple gray sweater and had dark floppy hair that fell just above his eyes. Magnus wanted to know whether he didn’t comb his hair or didn’t know how to.
And his face. Oh my god, his face. 
It was cute. Probably the cutest thing Magnus had ever seen – which is really saying something because Magnus had once attended a cat fashion show a couple of years ago.
The cute, no – cutest – guy’s face scanned the space, searching for someone – probably his girlfriend, if Magnus’ past luck was anything to go by. Even if this cute stranger turned out to be miraculously and conveniently gay, he was probably still here to meet up his boyfriend.
Magnus was used to his shitty luck.
The man’s eyes stopped on him and his mouth parted open, forming a slight O. He shook his head, his ridiculously cute hair flopping around making him look even cuter. The man started looking around again, this time more urgently.
“Face!” he yelled at someone. Or may it was Trace. Magnus couldn’t hear him over the patrons.
Mr. Cutest of Them All walked towards the two ridiculously good-looking students and immediately started gesturing aggressively at the counter. The two students peered over at the counter – at him? – and pointed at their books.
The man sighed and put his face in his hands. Clearly the three of them were dealing with some sort of personal drama. Magnus, despite wanting nothing but to talk to the cute guy, decided to give them space.
For now, he decided to do his job as promised and started taking and making more orders. One hour down, Magnus had successfully poured drinks, breaking zero glasses – although he did break a couple of hearts when he refused to give them his number.
They should really blame the stupid cute guy who was now brooding in the corner booth. The two mysteriously good-looking friends – friends? – seemed to be reading (studying? In a bar?) their giant textbooks in silence.
The blonde one did come over to get a couple of beers but didn’t say much. Magnus wondered if it would be a good idea to send over a drink to their table. Maia did say he could give one free drink after all and he didn’t think no one cuter could walk into that bar tonight – or any other night for that matter.
The bar was starting to empty out slowly as Maia had promised although the corner booth remained the same. Magnus shrugged and decided to clean up the counter since he had to close up in half hour. He was looking for Maia’s cleaning cloth – which she probably should wash more often – when someone loudly and awkwardly cleared their throat.
Magnus turned around to find the cute guy sitting on one of the bar stools, his fingers clasped neatly on the counter before him.
If he had thought the other man was good looking before, he didn’t have words for what he was feeling right now. Magnus could actually see his clearly now. His face, pale but beautiful – like porcelain that you want to caress at first sight. His blue eyes were so deep and enchanting and would definitely give Chris Pine run for his money.
The counter was empty, and so was the bar mostly, but one customer was still a customer. So Magnus decided to stop thirsting and starting pouring – alcohol, just to be clear.
“What can I get you?” Magnus asked, putting on his best smile.
No harm in smiling, right? It was just good customer service.
Okay he might have also unbuttoned one (or two) or his buttons while he pretended to look for something but that’s mostly because New York can be ridiculously warm in…January.
“Can I get a Cake by the Ocean, please?” the man asked.
“A what?” Magnus blinked.
“A Cake by the Ocean?”
“Uh, I don’t know how to make one of those,” Magnus replied helplessly.
Great his first impression on his cute stranger was that he was a loser who didn’t know fancy alcoholic beverages.
“I am sorry,” Magnus said quickly. “I am not a professional bartender. I am just covering for a friend. But I can look it up on the internet and see if I can make it for you.”
“No worries,” the man smiled, and Magnus wanted to kiss him. “It smells like orange juice and vodka. But also tastes like cranberries, I think? Oh – and peach schnapps!!”
“Hold on,” Magnus said slowly. “Are you talking about a Sex on the Beach?”
The man blinked at him once and then twice. His eyes widened in realization and he face palmed and groaned so hard that his friends looked over at the counter in concern.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” the man said, his voice muffled by his hands. “This is so embarrassing.”
“It’s really not,” Magnus smiled. Can this guy get any cuter?
“Why would anyone even call a cocktail that?” the man complained. “It’s a terrible name.”
“It was actually coined by this guy from Florida. He was asked by a peach schnapps company to create a cocktail featuring their product. So he made this,” Magnus gestured at the cocktail he was currently making, “He named it Sex on the Beach because most of the spring breakers who visited Florida at the time were looking for sex or the beach. It was really good marketing strategy to be honest.”
Cute guy looked both impressed and surprised at the same time. Cute guy looked cuter.
“I didn’t expect you to offer me an explanation and definitely not a comprehensive one at that,” the man said. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Magnus winked – because of customer service.
“You said you are covering for a friend,” the man after a minute of silence. “So how do you know about the sex on the beach thing? Do you happen to know random details about random alcoholic beverages?”
“While that would certainly look excellent on my resume, unfortunately no. My knowledge of alcohol is limited to mixing cocktails and making hangover cures. But I was a linguistics major at Columbia. I spent an entire semester on etymology. I may have a little obsession about discovering the meaning of things. So I happen to know random shit like this.”
“That’s actually pretty cool,” the man smiled again.
“I am glad you think so,” Magnus said genuinely. “My dad doesn’t see the point of pursing linguistics.”
“Most parents don’t understand the purpose of learning for passion,” the man pointed out. “They think we need to get a degree so we can get a job. They don’t really care if we like what we to learn or enjoy what we do.”
Magnus blinked.
The man was not only breathtakingly beautiful but also eloquent and deep.
“I agree,” Magnus replied. “But if we are going to talk about our parents, we need something stronger than a cocktail with orange juice.”
The man chuckled.
Magnus used to think that the most beautiful sound in the world was the sound a cocktail mixer makes when you are getting yourself booze after a long day at work – or short day at home.
But now he wasn’t so sure.
Maia can think whatever she wants – but if his depressing jokes can get another laughter out of the mystery man it would be worth it.
“Alec,” the man said, now smiling.
“Short for Alexander?” Magnus smiled back.
“Yep,” Alec nodded.
“Do you know the etymology of your name?” Magnus asked, as he waved at the last patrons – other than Alec’s friends – who were leaving the bar.
“It means protector, right?” the man guessed. “For Alexander the Great or something.”
“Actually it goes further back,” Magnus corrected, glad they were talking about etymology and not something like…baseball. “It was actually an epithet given to the Greek goddess Hera. She was a total badass. You should be flattered.”
“Well then, consider me flattered,” Alec grinned.
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justatiredpotato · 4 years
Set Me Free | Chapter 3
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Chapter List
Pairing: hybrid!Yoongi x human!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, coffee shop AU, hybrid AU
Word Count: Chapter: 5,000~ Total: 40,000~
Updates daily at 10pm MST
Warnings: panic attacks, implied past sexual abuse/exploitation, harassment
Summary: Yoongi, a cat hybrid, has been hurt time and time again by a world that would have him believe he’s worthless. One day he finds himself in your protective care, and gets a new family to boot. But is it really that easy to escape the past and embrace a new beginning?
Author’s Note: In this fic the reader’s name is Yeoji
When you woke up sunlight was already streaming in through the kitchen windows. You blinked, shifting to stretch and flinching at the pain in your joints. You’d fallen asleep sitting up. Glancing down at the boy still laying on your lap, you couldn’t help but smile as you brushed his fringe out of his eyes. He nuzzled into your hand and whined, the sound more of a grumble because of his naturally low voice. You glanced up at the windows, eyes flitting to the clock on the wall. 
You sat bolt upright, a gasp leaving your lips. Yoongi was awake instantly, protectively leaning toward you while scanning the room for threats.
“What happened?” he said, words slurred together a bit from drowsiness.
“I’m late!” you leapt off the couch and sprinted into your room, door bouncing on its hinges as you tried to throw it shut behind you. “I need to open the cafe. Ugh, and the festival is starting today too!”
You paced your room, grabbing clothing items at random, already peeling off the things you’d fallen asleep in the night before. No time to wash up or do your full makeup, you thought, quickly tying your hair up in a messy bun. Hurrying to your bathroom you brushed your teeth and splashed some water on your face before applying mascara and a little bit of concealer.
“Yoongi, is my phone out there?” you called. He hollered back an affirmative. “Can you grab it and see if Jungkook has called? He’s supposed to be working today, I’m sure he’s wondering where I am.” 
You exited the bathroom, grabbing your top off the bed and pulling it on as you rummaged through the closet for your work shoes. 
“You have three missed calls from him,” Yoongi informed you, coming to bring you your phone. You didn’t see him as he pulled up short at the door, face going bright red as he saw you stumble across the room trying to pull on your black skinny jeans. He quickly looked away and pulled the door shut as quietly as he could.
 “Here’s your phone, noona,” he called through the door, still facing away. 
You pulled the door open, completely oblivious. “Thank you, Yoongi!” You leaned on his shoulder as you pulled your second shoe over your heel. “If you feel up to getting dressed and coming out front, I’ll introduce you to Kookie.” You peered at his face, noting the bright flush. “Are you feeling okay?” you asked, putting your hand to his forehead.
“I’m fine,” he said quickly. “You should go ahead. I’ll be out in a bit.”
You nodded, calling behind you as you headed out front, “Tell me if you aren’t feeling well. I’ll go buy some medicine.”
Yoongi let out a breath and tried to pretend he hadn’t noticed how good your butt looked in those jeans as you walked away.
When you emerged from the kitchen into the cafe you were shocked to find it open, with a few customers sitting and chatting at the small tables by the windows.
“Noona!” Jungkook greeted you cheerfully.
“Koo!” you responded, running over to wrap the tall boy in a hug. “Did you open by yourself this morning?”
“Yeah, I have a key. I figured you must’ve been really tired, so I didn’t bother you. Is that new guy giving you trouble?” Jungkook asked, concerned. “I was going to go break the door down if you didn’t come out soon.”
“Yoongi is great, though I appreciate the concern. You didn’t call Joon, did you?” you asked. He was already nervous about Yoongi staying with you. You really didn’t want another lecture about being too trusting.
“No,” he answered with a mischievous grin. “I didn’t want to get you in trouble.”
“I’m not worried about getting in trouble with my little brother!”
That was a lie. Namjoon’s lectures were notoriously long, and being his big sister did not protect you from his scolding. Jungkook laughed knowingly at your denial.
“Yoongi will be out in a little while, I want you to meet him. He’s really sweet, but he’s quiet. I figure if he gets to know you before he meets the other boys he might feel more comfortable,” you explained.
“You mean I’m your favorite? The only one you can trust for the job!” he said, bunny ears twitching happily as he puffed out his chest.
“Yep! You’re the best,” you confirmed, getting up on your tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. “The sweetest hybrid and cutest baby brother. Don’t tell Joon or Jimin.”
He nodded, grinning. Jungkook walked over to continue cleaning the espresso machines, as he’d been doing before you arrived.
“How’s business this morning?” you asked, washing the cups that had accumulated in the sink.
“Pretty quiet so far. It’s been picking up since about 9 this morning. That’s when people really started setting up for the festival.”
The festival was a new event for the area. For the rest of the week tradesmen, business owners, and artists would occupy the plaza and promote their various products and services. They also had a stage set up at the far end where local musicians would be performing. More traffic was expected for all the businesses in the area.
“It’s only Monday, the weekend will probably pick up a lot more,” you said. 
Jungkook nodded, going to restock some of the coffee syrups on the back counter. “Is Jimin-hyung coming in to help you tomorrow?” he asked. 
Jungkook was starting classes this semester at the nearby university, where Jimin was already a dance major. You normally worked Tuesday alone, since both boys had classes. But they’d wanted you to have extra help since you’d be busy with the festival. You didn’t want to make either of them skip class, so Yoongi coming to work with you was perfect timing. You’d meant to ask him if he’d be up to starting the night before.
“I think I’m going to have Yoongi help out tomorrow. Can you help show him around and teach him today? It’d be a good opportunity to get to know each other.”
“Does that mean I get to boss him around?” Jungkook asked, eyes twinkling. He got tired of always being the maknae.
“No, he’s your hyung, and I expect you to be polite.” You shot him a look. He pouted and your expression softened. You were never able to truly scold Jungkook.
“You’re gonna like him Kookie, I know it. He’s been through a lot. I need you to help me help him, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he agreed. You ruffled his hair, scratching his ears while you were at it. 
You both continued about your tasks until Yoongi emerged. He’d dressed in a similar way to you, tidyand all black. Whether that had been an attempt at matching the dress-code or because most of what he’d bought was black, you weren’t sure.
“Yoongi!” you greeted, waving him over. “Come meet my little brother.”
He walked over to join you. Jungkook looked him over, nose twitching. You watched as the two hybrids appraised each other, knowing they could communicate a lot without words. After a moment, Jungkook broke into a darling bunny grin.
“Nice to meet you, hyung! I’m Jungkook. We kind of met before, when you came into the shop,” he held out his hand. Yoongi took it and shook politely.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Yoongi.”
None of you knew what to say after that, the pause becoming a little uncomfortable.
“I’m glad you’ll be here to help Yeoji-noona tomorrow,” Jungkook broke the silence. “Jimin-hyung, the other guy who works here, and I have classes tomorrow. It’s good she won’t be by herself.” 
Yoongi looked at you expectantly.
“Right, I hadn’t been able to tell you yet. If you feel well enough, I could really use your help tomorrow. Jungkook and I can teach you the ropes today.”
“Yeah, of course,” Yoongi said, looking around the shop.
You spent the remaining part of the morning showing Yoongi where things were and teaching him some basic recipes that people ordered frequently.
“If you forget, there’s a book with all the recipes right here.” You opened a drawer under the espresso machines. “And I’ll be with you the whole time, so you can also just ask me. Mostly I’ll have you help me with dishes and keeping things stocked.”
Yoongi paid close attention, asking questions here and there. You let Jungkook take over the teaching when a new customer came up to the counter. The two were a little stiff, clearly cautious of each other for the moment, but they seemed to relax as the hours slipped away. You sent them back to the apartment to have their lunch, and when they came back their demeanor was entirely different. You looked between the two of them, clearly surprised.
“Did you know Yoongi-hyung writes music?” Jungkook asked. His face lit up like a little kid in a toy store. You nodded, smiling at Yoongi’s quietly pleased expression.
“I’d heard you play before, but I didn’t know it was your original stuff!” he said. “You’re amazing, hyung! Can you show me some of your work sometime?” 
“Yeah, sure,” Yoongi agreed. He ducked his head, not sure how to react to the praise. He seemed to think of something and his face fell. “My keyboard got wrecked, so I won’t be able to play you anything. Sorry.”
Jungkook looked at him sadly. “Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong,” Jungkook asked. Yoongi just looked at him, incredulous. You smiled proudly. That’s your boy.
“I can bring my keyboard from home!” Jungkook said. Yoongi looked at the younger man hopefully.
“Really? You’d let me play it?” he asked, unsure if he could trust the generosity.
“Yeah, as long as you let me listen!” he said, his smile making his nose scrunch cutely.
You worked quietly and listened to the boys chatter on about music and Jungkook’s schooling, smiling as it blended with the pleasant background noise of the cafe.
You set several alarms on Monday night so you woke up on time Tuesday. You had tried to make Yoongi take your bed, insisting you’d be okay on the couch, but in the end he took the couch. You puttered around your room, trying to be quiet and let Yoongi sleep a little extra while you showered and put on your makeup. Once you were ready for the day you poked your head out into the living room.
“Yoon?” you called softly, walking over to the couch. He stirred a little in his sleep, burrowing further into his blanket so only his eyes showed above it. You resisted the urge to pull out your phone and snap a picture. Instead, you reached out and softly shook his shoulder.
“Yoon?” you said again, a little louder this time. “It’s time to get up, we have to open soon.”
He blinked, peering up at you through his lashes and fringe. 
“Did I oversleep?” He sat up quickly and rubbed sleep from his eyes. “I set an alarm for the time you told me.”
He examined his phone to see why it hadn’t woken him.
“Ah, I set it for PM not AM.” He looked at you apologetically.
“That’s okay,” you assured him. “I wanted to let you sleep a little longer. I feel bad having you start working so soon.”
“I’m fine!” he said, rising from his spot and folding his blanket. “Do I have time to shower before we open?”
“Yeah, take your time. I’m just going to get a couple things set up. Come out whenever you’re ready.”
He disappeared into your room to get ready and you headed out front to get the cafe ready. You took all the chairs down off the tables, straightening decorations as you went. You pulled the blinds open all the way and turned on the string lights that cast the whole place in a warm light, hopefully drawing commuters to come in out of the frigid morning air.
Then you returned to the counter to make yourself a warm drink, making some cheese toast for you and Yoongi, and making him a warm latte with lots of whipped cream. As you finished his drink he emerged from the back.
“Perfect timing!” you said. “Come have breakfast before I unlock the door.”
He grinned, looking at what you’d prepared and gratefully accepting the warm beverage.
“I made you a latte this time, since you seemed to like cream. I hope that’s okay?” you asked, unsure if you should’ve checked first.
“Yeah, I think this is actually my new favorite,” he said, taking a big sip that left a bit of whipped cream on his upper lip. You giggled, pulling out your phone.
“Don’t move!” you said. He froze with his cup just inches from his lips, looking up at you questioningly. Right then, you snapped the picture. He heard the shutter noise and groaned.
“Noona!” he whined, surprising you with the cute behavior. “Delete that!”
“Absolutely not,” you said coolly, looking happily at the picture. In the shop’s soft lighting Yoongi looked absolutely angelic. He set his drink down and reached for the phone, but you dodged away from him.
“I’m keeping it!” insisted, holding the phone behind you when he grabbed for it again. You stifled a laugh when you noticed he still hadn’t gotten the cream off his lip. He frowned at you, closer to a pout than he would ever admit.
“Wait, wait!” you said, still laughing as he continued trying to grab your phone from behind you. “I’ll let you take a silly picture of me too. Then you can embarrass me with it if I ever show this cute picture to anyone.”
He paused his attempts and considered your offer. He must’ve realized he was unlikely to get you to delete the picture, because he nodded and pulled out his phone. Your drink didn’t have whip on it, so you took a sip of his, making sure to give yourself a mustache with it. Some of it ended up on your nose too. He pulled out his phone and took the picture, chuckling as you made dumb faces at him.
“Let’s take one together!” you said as he moved to pocket his phone again. He rolled his eyes, but quickly pulled out his phone and turned to stand next to you. He bent down a little and put his arm around your shoulder to pull you into the shot. You grinned at your picture on the screen, both still sporting whipped cream on your faces. He took several pictures and you convinced him to make a couple silly faces to match yours. You glanced at the clock in the top corner of the screen.
“Oh, I need to open the front door!” you said, realizing that it was three minutes past your normal opening time.
You hurried to the door, wrestling the keys out of your pocket. As you unlocked the door and flicked on the open sign, you missed how Yoongi smiled softly, scrolling through the photos you’d just taken. Literally seconds after you turned from the door, the bell jingled. You turned to greet your first customer of the morning and were greeted by a familiar heart-shaped smile.
“Hobi!” Your face immediately lit up with a smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure, sunshine?”
“Morning, noona,” he said, wrapping you in a tight hug. “I’m making housecalls today, so I figured I’d drop by and get my caffeine fix on the way to my first patient.” He glanced up over your shoulder at Yoongi, observing the interaction from behind the counter.
“Hey there,” Hoseok called to him, walking to the counter with an arm still around your shoulders. Yoongi’s ears flattened, body tensing with anxiety as the man approached and you detached yourself from Hoseok’s side to rejoin him around the counter. You wrapped an arm around Yoongi’s waist and gestured to Hoseok.
“You guys didn’t exactly get an introduction before, huh?” you said, trying for a light tone. “This is my friend Hoseok. He’s the doctor that treated you-”
“I remember,” Yoongi interrupted, refusing to meet Hoseok’s eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Hoseok cut in abruptly. Yoongi glanced up at him, clearly surprised. “You were in bad shape and my priority was to get you stable. You weren’t able to give your consent for treatment at the time, but I know that it wasn’t a pleasant experience. You must’ve been scared. I sure as hell would’ve been. So, I’m sorry that you had to go through all that.”
There was a pause as Yoongi processed Hoseok’s words, seeming to scan his face for sincerity. In the end he just nodded, but you felt his thin body relax a little, ears cautiously sitting back up. 
“If it’s okay with you, I’d like to start over,” Hoseok said, holding out his hand for a shake. Yoongi raised an eyebrow, but accepted the handshake. “I’m Jung Hoseok,” the boy said, flashing another 100 megawatt smile.
“Yoongi,” Yoongi answered quietly. “Nice to meet you.”
He broke the handshake and gave a polite bow.
“You don’t have to be so formal! I told you, your only hyung here is Jin,” you said, nudging him. Hoseok smiled wider.
“Let’s get along well, hyung!” he said, bowing to Yoongi instead. Yoongi blinked at you, confused by the show of respect, but he didn’t comment on it. Hoseok stood by the counter, chatting with you happily while you made his coffee. Once he got it he waved and got on his way, turning to wave again through the window before disappearing down the sidewalk.
You and Yoongi didn’t talk much, but fell into an efficient rhythm working together. As it got busier, you focused on taking orders while Yoongi helped wash dishes and keep the tables clean. Around three, Jungkook came by, his class having let out early. He offered to take over so Yoongi could go get some rest, but he gratefully declined. He seemed to be enjoying the chill atmosphere of the cafe.
You and Jungkook talked about his classes while you served drinks to the festival-goers passing through. The sun was hanging low in the sky, string lights illuminating the plaza outside. Your attention was drawn away from the drink you were preparing when a shrill voice cut through the soft chatter of the cafe.
“Kitten?” the voice said. “It is you! It’s my favorite kitten.”
You turned to see Yoongi drop the tray of dishes he’d been clearing, eyes wide as he looked at the woman who had spoken. She looked about thirty, though judging by the stiffness of her features that could be off by ten years or so. She had bleached blonde hair and unreal proportions. She towered over Yoongi in her heeled boots, and he backed away, bumping into the table as she stepped toward him.
“Where have you been?” she asked, completely ignoring his discomfort. “I’ve missed you! The club just isn’t the same without you. I asked and your masters said you must’ve gotten lost. They looked everywhere for you.”
You stepped out from behind the counter and headed toward them as the woman grabbed the tie of Yoongi’s apron and pulled him to her, grabbing his chin in her fingers and holding his face inches from hers.
“How could you leave me? I know I was your favorite customer,” she smirked, an almost predatory glint in her eyes. He refused to meet her eyes, trying to pull away. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but she tightened her grip on his face, making him wince and shut his mouth. 
You pushed a chair aside with a loud screech as you reached them. Your body moved before you could think, one hand clasping Yoongi’s white the other grabbed the woman’s hand in a vice-like grip. You pushed her away with more force than entirely necessary.
“Is there a problem?” you asked, glaring icy daggers at the woman. Yoongi kept his eyes on the ground. His whole body shook and his grip on your hand bordered on painful. You stepped in front of him protectively and turned to face the woman again. She had stumbled back a few steps, unsteady in her impractical shoes.
“What’s your problem b****?” she snapped. She looked from you to Yoongi, a wicked sneer spreading on her lips. “Ah, I see. You found a new girl to whore yourself out to? She must be desperate to settle for damaged goods. I pitied you, kitten. It’s only a matter of time unt-”
You were already walking away, noting with disgust that none of your customers had stepped in to help. Instead, they all avoided looking at you or Yoongi as you slipped back behind the counter and headed to the kitchen.
“Call the police,” you said flatly to Jungkook, who had been watching with an expression not unlike a bunny in headlights. He nodded, phone already in his hand. “Tell them we have CCTV footage and we’d like to press charges.”
You heard the woman splutter behind you, barking profanity before her footsteps retreated to the door. You heard the bell chime as she exited but you continued back through the kitchen and into the apartment. As soon as the door fell shut you turned to Yoongi, his hand still clutched tightly in yours. His eyes were still on the floor, staring into nothing. You guided him gently to sit on the couch. He refused to release your hand so you awkwardly used your free one to pull his favorite blanket around his shoulders.
“Yoon?” you started softly. “Sweetheart?” You gave his hands a gentle squeeze. His eyes flicked up to meet yours.
“She- she- I was-” His eyes darted between yours, panic finally surfacing through the shock. “They’ll take me back,” he said, breaths coming too quickly as his body shook harder.
“No. No they won’t,” you said firmly. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promised you I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you again and I meant it.”
He didn’t seem to hear you, so you placed a gentle hand on his cheek. He flinched away at first, but you waited until he looked at you before repeating yourself.
“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, Yoongi. You’re safe with me.” Tears slipped down his cheeks, mirroring the ones that already fell on yours. He still gasped for air, and you recognized a panic attack when you saw one. Jungkook had them frequently when he first came to you and Namjoon.
“Sweetheart, I need you to slow your breathing down. Can you breathe with me?” He looked at you with wide-eyes, struggling to draw a normal breath. You took a deep breath yourself, loud enough for him to hear. He squeezed his eyes shut and attempted to follow your slow inhale. You held the breath for a moment before releasing it, repeating the process for several minutes until he was able to follow. Tears continued to fall down his face, and he was still shaking.
“You’re doing so good, sweetheart,” you praised, wiping the tears from his face. “What can I do? How can I help?”
He paused, seeming to hesitate as he drew another shaky breath. Then he moved forward, thin arms wrapping around your waist as he buried his face in your neck. You immediately wrapped him in your arms, petting his hair gently, continuing to take deep breaths as he kept following. After a while you felt his breaths even out, thinking maybe he fell asleep. Doing your best not to jostle him, you pulled out your phone. It had been almost an hour, and you quickly texted Jungkook.
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You sighed, the last thing you needed was an overbearing little brother getting Yoongi worked up again. You switched to your conversation with Namjoon.
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You turned to Yoongi, knowing you had to let him know Namjoon was on his way. The last thing he needed was an unexpected guest.
“Yoon? You awake?” He nodded against your shoulder, not pulling away yet. “My brother, Namjoon, is coming over to check on us,” you said softly. You felt him tense. “He just wants to make sure we’re okay,” you tried to reassure him. “He’s bringing us dinner. Maybe we can watch a movie?”
Yoongi pulled away from you and your heart broke again when you saw his puffy eyes, red from crying. He took a hiccuping breath, then nodded.
“Okay.” He seemed to ponder for a moment. “Is he mad?”
“What do you mean? At us?” you asked.
“At me,” he clarified.
You frowned. “Why would he be mad at you?”
“It’s my fault. Her making a scene and yelling. She could’ve hurt you. And it would’ve been my fault,” he said. You pulled him back into your arms, holding him tightly.
“Yoongi, listen to me. Nothing that’s happened has been your fault. You did nothing to deserve that kind of treatment. And everything that awful witch said was a lie. You are wonderful.” You punctuated the statement with a gentle squeeze before pulling away from him. He nodded, wiping at his face with a sleeve.
“Let’s get cleaned up a bit, why don’t you change out of your work clothes? Joon will be here soon,” you said, standing and heading to the bathroom. You washed your face and changed into some sweats. Yoongi went after you grabbing a fluffy sweater to change into. Just as the bedroom door closed behind him you heard a knock at your door. Namjoon stood on the step with a bag of food and two six-packs of beer.
“Chimaek!” he announced proudly. You smiled tiredly and let him in. He set the food on the kitchen counter and you immediately grabbed a beer and popped it open.
“That bad?” Namjoon asked, grimacing. You only grunted in response. “The police really won’t do anything?”
“If I ever see that b**** again, I’ll kill her myself. Then the police will get involved,” you growled.
“Not if I help you hide the body,” Namjoon said, opening a can of beer himself. You gave him a small smile and clinked your cans together.
Yoongi emerged from the bedroom then, bundled in his baggy grey sweats and a yellow sweater that gave him perfect sweater paws. You waved him over, pulling out a beer for him.
“I don’t think you two really met, did you?” you asked, not waiting for a response. “This is my little brother, Namjoon. Joonie, this is Yoongi.”
Yoongi bowed politely, and Namjoon glanced at you as he bowed back. “Nice to meet you. Jungkook wouldn’t shut up about you when he got home last night. Sounds like you’re gunning for my spot as favorite hyung!” he said playfully.
“Of course not,” Yoongi said meekly.
“I’m kidding, hyung,” Namjoon said, laughing awkwardly. Yoongi looked up sharply at the respectful tone. That made two humans in one day speaking politely to him? What the hell was with these people?
“S***, is that too friendly? I just feel like you’re already family. Yeoji-noona mentioned you coming into the shop a bunch, so it’s like I know you,” Namjoon rambled. You shot him a look, but the words were already said.
“You mentioned me?” Yoongi asked, genuinely surprised, but happy.
“Yeah,” you said, a little shy at being called out. “I’d always hoped we could be friends, or something. And then with everything, I ended up getting to know you better.”
Yoongi smiled then, for the first time since the incident. His eyes sparkled with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Namjoon watched the exchange with interest, letting the moment hang for a moment before interrupting it.
“Let’s eat! The chicken will get cold,” he said. 
“Chicken?” Yoongi said, excitement obvious in his voice, eyes sparkling with something very recognizable this time. Namjoon grinned, picking up the food and moving to the living room. You picked a movie and settled onto the floor so you could eat at the coffee table. 
By the time every bone was picked clean, Namjoon was on his third beer. You and Yoongi and you had finished off five each. To be fair, it had been a long day. You had all migrated onto the couch, Namjoon on one end, you in the middle, Yoongi on the other. As you watched the movie Yoongi naturally curled himself into you, head resting on your lap. You mindlessly played with his hair and he was out in minutes. Namjoon watched you, a smirk playing on his lips as he heard the purr rumble from Yoongi’s chest. When the movie ended, he shook you gently.
“Noona, you guys should get to bed. Your back will hurt,” he said. 
You nodded drowsily, waking Yoongi and pulling him to his feet. You dragged him along, shuffling into your room and tucking a barely-conscious Yoongi into bed. You returned to see off Namjoon, who was putting on his jacket.
“Don’t drive!” you said, ever the protective older sister despite being a little drunk and very drowsy.
“I called a cab.” He chuckled, patting your head. You scowled and brushed his hand away, then wrapped him in a hug.
“Thank you for coming, Joon,” you mumbled against his chest.
“Of course,” he answered, planting a kiss in your hair before pulling away. “Go to sleep, I’ll lock the door on my way out.”
He waved you off and you crept back into your bedroom, flopping into bed and curling up against the warm figure that was already softly snoring away.
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isabellitah · 4 years
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Title : safe place
Pairing : none but this focuses on Eightie's relationship with Klaus
Warning : a bit of angst at first and some cuss words
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you landed on your ass in a random alley at night on 1960 at Dallas alone
you heard a faint click from afar but ignored it
shaking your head from its daze, you stood up and left the alley- set on looking for your family
Klaus desperately tried to push back all his anxious thougts that immediately plagued him
Why was he here?
Where even was he?
Where were his siblings?
Oh God-
Wait are any of you even alive?
Was he the only one who made it?
What made him, of all people, deserving of life over his brothers and sisters?
What was he going to do now?
A sob broke out of Klaus. He- no one can help him. No- no one he knows is alive... He’s alone. Shit- he’s all alone.
About three days later, Klaus was starving. He hasn’t eaten anything but the leftover’s from the dumpsters and whatever people were willing to give him. He was so close to giving up- I mean- he can barely be sober; how is he meant to stop the apocalypse without any of you?
He stumbled out of the alley he came from- it’s been his home for the past few days- as he followed the familiar and enticing smell of diner food. Growing up going to Griddy’s with his siblings, Klaus knew the smell of a home-cooked style meal when he smelled one. And his stomach did too as it twisted into knots of starvation. Not bothering to think anything through, he flung open the door to the diner and dropped himself into a booth near the door. Aside from the bell on top of the door ringing, what caught nearly the entire diner’s attention were his clothes. Compared to the other inhabitants of the diner – the men’s nicely pressed trousers paired with comfortable overcoats and the women’s long skirts and petticoats – Klaus’s tattered and sleeveless army shirt, laced leather pants, shaggy hair, and dirt covered face instantly earned him the full attention of the diner.
Normally Klaus thrived off of receiving attention. But God he’s tired. He doesn’t have the energy to be happy or embarrassed- he honestly just wanted good food and his family. He was so tired that he didn’t even feel it when his eyes shut closed. The firmness of the booth chair and the cool air from the air conditioner were a nice change to a cold and unforgiving ground.
You’ve been here in the 60s for about two weeks now. You haven’t seen any of your siblings yet but you know they’re alive somewhere- it was a gut feeling and it was what pushed you to where you are now. Luckily you had a mini sling bag with you when you all time travelled so you had some money. And that some money which would’ve been moderate for your time, was a big amount in the 60s. You were comfortable enough to have rented a luxurious apartment and not need to work for a few years but you loved helping people. And so- you found a job here at Gladys’ Diner as ‘Tee’, and you rented a comfortable two-bedroom apartment not far from here; just in case you run into any of your siblings and they need a home. It was hard at first- making up lies on why you lived alone and how you got the money you have but- you made it. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear a thing until you were called by your fellow co-worker, “Uhh, Tee?” resisting the urge to flinch, you turned to face her.
You turned to your normally happy co-worker and were immediately worried for she had a concerned look on her usually smiley face, “is somethig the matter?” In response, she discreetly pointed her pen towards the booth by the entrance. Following the pen’s direction you were immediately met with the sight of a man with dark hair and grimy skin leaning against the back of the bench with his legs stretched out across the booth under the table and eyes fallen shut. He looked oddly familiar but eh. It might be your wishful thinking once again. After all- you did imagine hearing Luther’s voice calling for Allison not that long ago- but upon looking out your window, it was just an old man so you didn’t bother. You did give that old man five dollars the next day though.
“You wanna switch for today?” you asked as she nodded in a way that instantly made you assume that she was thinking something along the lines of, ‘Better you than me.’ And so you took the notepad and pen from her and left her to cater to the counter.
Upon seeing you make your way towards the unknown man, most customers looked away while some - mostly men - continued looking just in case you needed help. Their wives did after all adore you as you had the optimism and smile of someone youthful thus bringing up this urge in them to protect you. You arrived beside the booth and put a hand on the man’s shoulder. He tensed at the contact before looking at you and once the dazed look disappeared, he stared at you in a horrified manner, “O- Oh God- Eightie- y-you’re d-” you were shocked yet elated to see your brother but you knew you had to calm him, “I’m not dead, Klausy,” you sat beside him and wrapped your arms around him as he buried his face in between your neck, “I’m right here with you, okay? I’m not leaving you any time soon.”
Seeing this, the customers looking at you looked away.
You slowly detached yourself from him- much to his displeasure, “now, Klausy, what do you wanna eat? Hmm?”
“Service water, please. And if you have any crackers, I’ll take those too, please.” you rose an eyebrow but knew arguing with him would lead to nowhere in the state he was in. Klaus started to shiver from one, the air conditioning, two his slightly wet clothes, and three, from the harsh wind that came from outside when a couple entered the diner. “coming right up, Klausy,” you felt your heart break at the state your brother was in. After returning to the kitchen to fill up a cup with water, you grabbed a pot of hot chocolate and poured some into a mug, along with a plate of buttered toast before returning to the table. Looking at your co-worker, you gave her ten dollars and upong seeing her bewildered look, you told her that this was one of your siblings who went missing a few weeks ago. Lookig at you with empathy, she gave you your five dollars back and said she’ll half with you. You tried to convince her otherwise but she was stubborn and told you to go and spend time with your brother, and that she was willing to take your shift for the remaining day. It was a calm day, after all, so it wouldn’t be much trouble. Taking off your apron, you thanked her and brought your tray to Klaus’ table.
Placing the tray down, you sat down across your brother who had his head in his hands, you said, “I put in an order for you as well. I hope you still like your eggs scrambled and with tomatoes and onions,”
“Nononono- I- Eightie I ca-” he struggled to say what he had in mind as he looked at you in panic, “Eightie- I can’t pay for this. I can’t pay for anything- I don’t have any money.”
“It’s okay, Klausy, I got you.” Y/N said with a reassuring smile.
“No Eightie. I don’t want to be anymore of a burden. I-I’m fine with some crackers,” he tried to argue, “I’m skinny, I don’t need a lot of food.” even though he knew arguing with you when it came to his health was futile.
“You’re my last customer before my shift is over, Klausy. It’s okay. Don’t worry about. You’re never a burden, okay? After this, we’re going to m- our place. You’ll shower and change clothes, I bought clothes in everyone’s sizes just in case, and we can talk- or rest. Whichever comes first.”
“... Okay,” a gentle smile fell over Klaus’s face. You talked as he ate and when he was done eating and drinking, you found your old Klausy back. Your conversation jumped from so many different topics that didn’t even relate to the other. It was chaotic- but it was fun. It was a safe place for Klaus. Being with you, that is. You’re his safe place. He remembers that now.s
You ended up travelling anywhere and everywhere you can with Klaus- and yes, he still ended up making his cult. It was a very... interesting thing to experience. Throughout their entire journey, they had each other as the other’s safe space. Where they could let out all their fears and worries and anxieties with no fear of being judged. The safe space where they knew they were genuinely loved for being themselves- flaws and all.
And one night, Klaus let out one of his biggest insecurities.
You were both seated in the fireplace of the mansion of one of his cult members just relaxing when he all of a sudden asked, “what’s my purpose in life?” thrown off, all that left your mouth was a “huh?”
Klaus’ chuckle had a tinged of sadness to it as he repeated his question. You thought hard on it before answering him, “you never really know, Klausy. Each decision we make leads to a different path- a different purpose each time and we can never actually guess where we’ll end up in. All we can do is try our best and hope for the best.”
It was silent as Klaus processed what you said. While he was thinking, you rested your head on Klaus’s shoulder to give him comfort.
“What if I’m in the wrong path now? What if- what if this is it for me? Like, I have a cult for me- what if that’s my only purpose in life?”
“You’re not. You know why? You found me- by accident, yes but you found me. Had you chose a different diner to enter, you wouldn’t have ever found me- we both would’ve been miserable. Also- just because you got to your goal, that doesn’t mean you’re at the destination you’re meant to be in. No matter what path you choose- I’ll always- always be here for you, okay, Klausy? I’m not leaving you anytime soon.”
With tears in his eyes, Klaus straightened his back and wrapped his arms around you, prompting you to sit on his lap. You wrapped your arms around him in return as he buried his neck into where you neck and shoulder met.
“Thank you, Eightie... for everything. For being there for me even when I couldn’t be sober to save my self. For being there when I was struggling to become and stay sober. And for being here now. Thank you for never giving up on me even when everyone else, including I, did.”
“You’re family, Klaus. And you forever will be. You’ll always be a part of my life. And just like what you told me not even a year ago, if you ever need me, I’ll be here for you. That’s what family is for.”
Klaus smiled as you continued brushing a hand through his hair.
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bangtanlalaland · 5 years
the final touch | kth (m.)
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synopsis ↳you are left with Taehyung to close up shop yet again. your only concern is: “can I handle another closing shift with him?”
— nail tech!au
→pairing: nail tech!kim taehyung x nail tech!female reader
→genre: smut, pwp
→word count: 3.1k
→contents ⨯ warnings: heavy petting, kissing, swearing, dirty talk, masturbation, oral sex (m + f receiving), face fucking, squirting, unprotected sex (stay safe everyone!), creampie
Time was slowly approaching to shut the nail shop down, and it had been a long day. Mr. Lee, your manager, left you in charge to close with Taehyung yet again for the 3rd time this week. The one person you weren’t comfortable working with here. The only reason why you started working here to begin with is because you figured the extra cash wouldn’t hurt, considering that every bit helps when you’re a struggling college student. Why aren’t you fond of working with him? Well let’s start with the first reason why:
1) He’s ridiculously smoking hot. And God knows you do not do well around attractive guys. Even today, you don’t know how you made it through training when you first got hired. That is, since Mr. Lee assigned Taehyung to train you then. He literally gives you goosebumps anytime he: looks at you with those gorgeous cat-like eyes, calls your name with that intoxicating voice, or simply brushes past you to grab warm towels from the towel warmer. You always ponder if he has a girlfriend, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he did. How could he not?
He literally appears unreal, like a manga character. He’s been here since you started about a year ago. You noticed he always shows up to work with a new hair color just about every week or so. It’s either blonde, red, blue, gray, or sometimes pink. Out of those colors, your favorite one is actually dark blue. It contrasts so well with his apricot-toned skin. Lucky for you, that’s his hair color now.
2) The biggest reason of them all. He. Flirts. Too. Much. And no, not with you. The customers. All the time. You’re not sure if the reason you’re annoyed with this is because you’d rather have him flirting with you or the fact that he moves like a turtle, when you could really use his help (especially on the weekends) if he would just stop playing around.
But apparently, he was seen as the “best nail tech” here because he attracted the most customers. Most importantly, he kept them returning. The only reason they’d keep coming back was so that they could exchange looks and numbers with him, and it drives you insane. Not only do younger women come in because of him, but older women do too. Like 40-60 years old. It makes you gag.
3) Did you mention how hot he is?
It was the last hour until closing, and there were about 3 people left to service. As always, you had to help 2 customers, a mother and daughter, on your own while Taehyung was obviously occupied the past hour with the remaining customer. 99% of the time he was flirting. The 1% left was his actual work.
You were applying the final coat of polish on the mother’s toenails, while at the corner of your eye you could see and clearly hear the flirty remarks that were given to Tae. You cringed. Thankfully no one else came in at the last minute, which meant you were all set to clean up your station as well as the rest of the shop after checking the mother and daughter out at the counter.
Two minutes till closing, you lock the doors and turn the “Open” sign off. As you turned around, you noticed Tae wasn’t here. Ugh, where did that fucker go? I’m going to leave him here alone if he doesn’t help me close. You walk towards the back of the store and make your way to the storage closet just before the breakroom, where the cleaning supplies are.
You open the door and hear soft moans. It’s dark and you can’t see. You flip the switch so the light turns on, and sure enough there he was.. jacking off. His eyes dart open towards you after realizing you were standing in the doorway.
“Shit!” he exclaims. You immediately froze. You couldn’t believe your eyes. “What the fuck, Tae?” He hurriedly turns around to zip his pants up, you could tell he was embarrassed. He turns back around towards you and his rock hard bulge is so obvious. “Please! Please don’t tell Mr. Lee. I can’t afford to lose my job! I’ll do anything! Just don’t tell him. Please?”
“I hear you.”
He sighs of relief and adds, “Thank you so much. I don’t know how I could repay you. It’s just... I’ve been really sexually frustrated lately, and I don’t know what to do about it. I have to get off like 3 times a day now, and it sucks.” Your eyes widen and you gulp that thick lump of nervousness that caused your throat to tighten.
He looks down at you with those eyes filled of lust. You can feel the tension in the room rising, and you don’t know who is going to make the first move. You take another look at his bulging member, and he notices. He looks down at his erection and back up at you. You blurt out: “Oh stop it! Don’t give me that look. You were just standing here jerking off, how can I not notice how hard you are?”
He just stands there, blushing away.
“Ugh, whatever. When was the last time you had a blowjob?”
“I don’t know. Why?”
You roll your eyes, “Just asking. I mean.. all of those women you flirt with. I’m surprised none of them have pounced on your dick already.” He scoffs, “That’s because I know my limits. And besides, I don’t want them. I only do that for tips. You should try it sometime.” Your eyebrows furrow, piecing together the fact that the shop hardly gets male customers. You shake your head at him,
“Yeah, yeah whatever you say. Well are you going to help me clean up so we can leave or are you just going to stand there enticing me with your... dick?”
“Enticing you?”
“Yes! You’re enticing me. You do know that I’m straight, right?”
“Yeah... Why do you ask?”
“You literally just suggested that I flirt with our clients to get better tips. You know most of our clients are women.”
“I was talking about guys though.”
“Oh, really? Where? Because I obviously don’t see any.”
He starts to say something but then pauses, looking up in the air and squinting his eyes. You had assumed he didn’t have anything to come back with. “Okay, I’m done here.”
“Wait,” he pleads while grabbing your arm, turning you around, and looking into your eyes. You hadn’t noticed his facial features because you’d never been so close to him before. At least not this close. He had a small beauty mark on his nose and on his bottom lip.
He was literally inches away from your face. His lips so pink and luscious. He was staring at you the entire time, your body temperature rising through the roof. You finally look up into those beautiful, brown eyes. “Did you really mean what you said when you said I am enticing you?” You slowly nod your head and reply with a simple but quiet “yes.”
“Then you have no idea what I’m capable of.” He licks his lips, lightly pinching your left cheek with his fingers before leaning down to press his lips against yours. His lips were so juicy, tasting like berries. So silky, like your bedsheets at home. So soft, like a cloud. You could literally melt in his mouth right now. You pull away, feeling stunned then ask,
“Why did you do that?”
“Because I know you wanted to.”
Your eyes widen, “What makes you think that?”
“If you didn’t want to, you would have stopped me. And you didn’t.. I think you were really into it. Besides, you told on yourself,” he presses himself against you. You can feel his hard cock rubbing against your thigh. “I’m turning you on, remember?” You feel the temperature in the room rising, and despite how nervous you are, you’ve always wanted Taehyung from the first day he started working here.
And here he is now, pressed upon you with his stiff member. You smile nervously and don’t make eye contact with him. Instead you place your palms on his chest, then play with the buttons on his white-sleeved button down. You slowly ease down towards his jeans, rubbing what’s sheltered underneath and you hear an “oh fuck” from him.
He lifts your chin up with his finger and meets your lips once again. You entangle your fingers in his hair, as he asks for entrance into your mouth with his tongue. You give him access, and he lets out a soft moan that gives your core a rush of arousal. He grasps your left cheek with his hand and eases toward your earlobe, placing soft wet kisses then whispers,
“I really want to fuck you. Tell me you want it too.” The bass of his deep, masculine voice making your insides shiver. He steps back, staring deeply into your eyes and swipes your cheek back and forth with his thumb. You reply with a simple: “Yes, I do.”
Then you open your mouth to take his thumb in, sucking it ever so gracefully while looking into his eyes. He sucks his teeth, making that “hiss” sound. And you let go of his thumb with a “pop” sound. “Fuck,” he slips. “Follow me.” You lead him to the break room in the back of the shop, where the leather sofa is. You shove him towards the sofa, and he plops down with his legs open. You straddle on top of him to continue your make-out session.
Your lips meet once again. He grabs your ass, firmly squeezing it and guiding your hips. You move your hips back and forth, grinding on his clothed erection. You give his neck one lick using your tongue, trailing along his earlobe and giving him gentle kisses, gaining a low moan from him. He grabs your tits and kindly squeezes them, “Oh, Taehyung.. I’m so horny. Please, I need you in my mouth.”
You ease off of him and kneel down, grabbing his belt to unloosen it and unzip his khakis. He lifts up just enough to pull his pants and boxers down. His stiff member plops straight up, and your mouth waters at the sight of it. He slides down a little, getting himself comfortable and giving you closer access.
"Holy fuck, you’re huge.”
He softly chuckles, “You think so?”
“Um... yeah? I mean look at it!”
You couldn’t estimate how long it is, but you knew it was long enough to make you squeal. You spit on your palm and wrap your fingers around his shaft, spreading the saliva along it as you jack him off. You notice the slit on his tip is oozing with pre-cum so you drop a line of saliva onto it and spread more of your spit on his cock. Next you wrap your lips around his mushroom-shaped tip, softly sucking and pulling away repeatedly, making that “pop” sound.
“Fuck... Stop fucking teasing.” He grabs a handful of your hair and pushes you down onto his cock, forcing you to take him whole. He catches you off guard by thrusting his hips into your mouth. You glide your tongue under his shaft, attempting to restrain yourself from gagging. You hear him say,
“Yes, just like that.. *hisses* don’t stop..”
The slurpy sounds of you getting face-fucked echo throughout the room, and you feel a gush of wetness soak your panties. He stops thrusting and relaxes. You let in a huge inhale as you pull away trying to catch your breath, leaving a string of spit coming from your mouth leading to his cock. You give him another stroke with your hand and he grabs your hands lifting you up.
You both switch positions. Now you’re laying against the couch with your legs open. He helps to remove your polo tee, and khaki pants, revealing your D sized cup bra, paired with your silky panties. He grins, giving you a lustful expression, “Wow, I never knew this was underneath your uniform this whole time.” His compliment makes you blush. He runs his hands along your body, starting with your breasts. He un-snaps your bra and throws it across the room.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy.” He caresses your tits, and plays with your nipples. Flicking your left nipple with his tongue, he wraps his lips around it giving a lengthy suck while looking up at you. You throw your head back in pleasure and moan his name, running your fingers through his silky, straight hair. He moves to your right breast and repeats the same action, while slipping his hand towards your aching core. Rubbing gently through your panties.
“Mmm, please Taehyung. Just fuck me already.
“I want to taste you first.” He wraps his arms under your thighs, pulling you closer to him and kissing the silky material that’s concealing your core. He teases you a little more by grazing his nails across the inner parts of your thighs. You groan and squirm in response. “I love seeing you like this.. All horny and ready for me. It’s so hot.”
He pulls the seam of your panties and you lift up off of the sofa to help remove them. He spreads your legs open to finally reveal what’s been hidden. He traces your pussy lips, covering his fingers in your juices.
“Woah. You’re fucking soaked, I love it.” He dives in head first, laying his tongue flat upon your lips, gliding up and down from your entrance to your clit. He returns to your clit and flicks it with his tongue then begins sucking on it. You let out a loud gasp and curl your toes. He sucks and kisses your pussy lips, licking all around and spreading his saliva with his tongue, mixed with your wetness.
“Ah, Yes! Uh-please don’t stop!” You can’t help but grasp his hair once again and grind against his face. He moans into you, and it makes your pussy tingle intensely. He inserts his long, slender finger inside of you twisting it in and out. He gave your clit one last lick and pulled away adding another finger inside of you fingering your pussy moderately, making sure to curve them into a “come here” gesture.
You suddenly feel an unfamiliar urge, and then woosh. You look down to find that you squirted all over Tae’s fingers and made a small mess on the sofa and floor. He licks and slurps your juices. Completely caught off guard, you lay there shocked.
“Oh my God! I’ve never squirted before.”
“Hmm.. there’s a first time for everything, right?” He adds, while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. With his cock stiff and your ready, dripping core, he uses his member to slide along your lips, rubbing against your clit. He gives your pussy a few slaps with his cock. “Fuck me already, Tae. Please.”
He gives you a smirk before saying, “Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it,” then ramming in all the way and rubbing your clit simultaneously. You breathe in a loud gasp, trying to adjust to his size.
“Mmm, fuck. You’re so tight and wet, why didn’t I fuck you sooner?”
His cock literally filling every inch of you, he takes hold of your hips to pick up the pace. You yelp from how thick he feels inside of you. Your tits now jiggling up and down from the fast pace, he uses one hand to wrap around your throat. Your moans becoming uncontrollable. He switches rhythms, and groans at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of you.
The next thing you know, he flips you over and has your ass up with your face down while he’s pounding your kitty like there’s no tomorrow. You try grasping the couch, to catch yourself from falling forward from how hard he’s banging into you. But you’re conflicted from trying to cover your mouth to conceal your intense screams.
Noticing this, he bends over to pull your hands away saying: “No. I want to hear you scream, baby.” Your hands immediately grip the couch again as he slows down his thrusts. Your kitty clenching tight around him. “Good girl. You’re so sexy.” He drags his nails down your back, erupting soft moans from you. He gradually slows his pace, and you follow his lead. He guides you into the cowgirl position, and you position yourself on top of him.
You rub your heat against his tip before inserting him inside of you. “Uh! Oh fuck,” you moan, throwing your head back, taking all of him in and rubbing your clit. You feel yourself on the verge of an orgasm any moment now. Taehyung, who is nearly drained and almost out of breath, as you pick up your pace while riding him. Your thighs slapping against his, both of your bodies dampened with perspiration.
“Y/N, you feel amazing... I don’t think I can last any longer.” He reaches towards your breasts and sucks on them, playing with them as they jiggle in his face. To your surprise he picks you up, with his dick still inside of you, and pins you down on the sofa into the missionary position. His body pressed on top of yours. You reach down to rub your clit again as he hammers into you.
That tense feeling deep inside of you re-approaches stronger than ever and you feel your body entering a stage of nostalgia. You knew exactly what was happening so you wrap your arms around Tae’s neck.
“T-tae-hyung, I am- c-cumming,” You manage to say between breaths. His thrusts becoming harder and slower, but deeper. “Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my fucking cock.” He demands while lifting himself up enough to rub your clit in circles, applying just the right amount of pressure to have your walls pulse rapidly around his length. And that’s all it took for your orgasm to reach it’s full potential over you.
Causing your legs to tremble furiously, your nails to scrape his back up and down, your breathing to become delayed, your eyes to roll in the back of your head, and your moans to turn into a high-pitched sound that you become inaudible due to the wave of bliss that flows throughout your body.
“Oh, fuck. I’m cumming,” Taehyung moans. You feel your walls being drenched in his hot, sticky load. He collapses on top of you, resting his head in between your tits. Breathing heavily he attempts to say, “That was...”
Although you were slowly coming down from your high, your body still slightly twitching, you gather up the strength to play with the strands of his hair and respond with, “Amazing?” He smiles, revealing those pearly whites. “So amazing.” A sudden silence overtakes the room.
You both remain rested on each other, like you were stuck together. Glued. The vibration from his vocal cord rumbles against your exposed abdomen when he breaks the silence: “Hey, you are on the pill right?”
Your eyes widen. Oh shit. You thought.
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aggressivehasana · 6 years
Starry Night
Fandom: Aggretsuko/Aggressive Retsuko
Characters: Haida, Retsuko, Fenneko, Ookami, Tsunoda, Ton, Resasuke
Relationship: Haida/Ookami
Summary: AU where Retsuko didn’t break up with Resasuke and Haida is dealing with that.
Warnings: None
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Words: 1,807
Betaed by: @pomp-adourable
A/N: –
He was staring up at the ceiling, tinted a dark shade of blue due to the faint streetlight filtering through the darkness of his room. He had been home for a while now; hell, he had been in bed for a few hours, but he just didn’t seem to be able to fall asleep. Not with everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. There was so much to think about… But at least, for now, the grief was gone, replaced with the fact that he couldn’t get Ookami out of his head; his mind going over the conversation he’d just had with him, again and again, repeating what the maned wolf had said…
“We live in quite a starry night.”
It was true. He had to admit, to remind himself, that Retsuko was not the only star in his life, even if she was the brightest. He knew about “other stars” now. Maybe he could try to focus his attention on them. To distract himself.
He sighed deeply and rolled onto his side, probably for the sixth time that night. His eyes jumped to his digital clock, which marked eleven past one, and he growled softly. It was late. He needed to be up by seven. Closing his eyes, he snuggled against the pillow and decided to leave the thinking for some other time, but it wasn’t until almost three am that he finally fell asleep.
A glimpse from the skunk girl from Marketing. A whispered compliment from the sheep girl from Marketing. A shy smile from the hedgehog girl from Customer Service. He caught them all. He was actually surprised he never noticed those gestures, for now that he was well aware of the ladies’ interest in him, he could see they were pretty obvious.
He had to admit, it was sweet, and they sure served as a distraction during Retsuko and the Sales Guy’s 7th and 8th months together, but… He wasn’t sure if he was ready to take the next step. To start talking to them and getting to know them better. He’d catch himself still staring and smiling at Retsuko while hearing her talk, hurrying to open the door for her, buying her drinks at the vending machine… He was still thinking about her. There was no way he could focus on someone else while she remained in his mind.
“Hey, Fenneko…” he said after a brief moment of silence, one day when it was just him and the little fennec fox in the Dining Area. The calendar was marking the 18th of October, and Retsuko and the Sales Guy’s 9th month was fast approaching.
“Hm?” she replied, her eyes still fixed on her phone as her index finger danced up and down the screen.
“What do you know about Hana, from Marketing?”
“So you finally noticed? Or did someone tell you?”
At Haida’s silence, Fenneko raised her eyes, and his astonished, flushed expression made her smirk.
“I don’t know much about her, except for what you already know. And that she’s an Otaku and an artist. I believe she has an account on Pixiv where she posts her stuff,” she explained, lowering her eyes back to her phone as she kept scrolling.
Haida remained in silence for a moment, setting his gaze on the cup of coffee in his hands. An Otaku, huh? He squinted a little bit. He knew about the subculture of Otakus, and even though he enjoyed some anime shows from time to time, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to keep up with a girl who was obsessed with that kind of stuff. He had other interests.
“And what about-?” He started asking, raising his eyes to the fennec fox again.
“Misumi from Marketing?” Fenneko interrupted. “She’s Hana’s best friend. Seems to be into the same kind of stuff as she is. They’re quite close, actually, many of us suspect they’re in a relationship.”
Haida’s partially opened mouth closed, and he stared at his best friend for a few seconds, waiting for her to clear up that she was joking or something, but she never did. His eye twitched. In a relationship? The two girls, really? Then why would they be interested in him? Were they really interested in him? But he caught the skunk girl staring… And he overheard the sheep girl complimenting him… Then why?
“But that’s just a rumor, right? Nothing confirmed, right?” he asked with a chuckle and a forced little smile.
“Probably,” was all Fenneko said.
It didn’t help shake the weird feeling off him, so he shook his head, deciding to focus instead on his third option.
“Ok, what about Nezumi from Customer Service?”
“I don’t know her,” Fenneko replied, and it made Haida want to slam his forehead against the table in defeat, but before he could do anything, she finally raised her eyes to him, offering him her characteristic little smile. “Would you be interested in hearing about the guys who have a crush on you?”
Warmth immediately crawled up his neck, lighting up his cheeks in a bright blush.
“Not really,” he assured her, taking a hand to discreetly pull at the collar of his shirt.
“Do you know Nyanko?” She asked, nonetheless.
“Nyanko?” His eyes drifted to the ceiling as he made an effort to relate that name to a face, resulting in the picture of a young, orange cat with round, blue glasses. “Oh, from Technical Support? Yeah, I know him… Wait, really?” He lowered his gaze to the fennec fox and she let out a giggle.
“You seem surprised.”
“Well, I am! I’ve only exchanged words with him a couple of times,” he said as he swung his cup, trying to seem busy assessing how much coffee he had left, to avoid fully minding the conversation, but Fenneko could see his blush increasing, covering the bridge of his nose.
“Is he not your type?” She asked resting her cheek on her hand. Now she was just teasing, Haida knew that much.
“No, he is not my type…” he growled while setting the cup back down on the table. “…Because I’m not-“
His voice was cut off by a quiet gasp coming from the fennec fox. In a blink, her expression had morphed completely; she didn’t seem playful anymore, she looked mortified, as if she was facing a ghost. And not only that, but he noticed her attention wasn’t on him anymore; it was on something over his shoulder.
“What?” He asked, and he was about to turn when his little best friend interjected.
“Don’t look.”
He remained frozen in his place, staring at the fennec fox as he slowly began to realize what was probably happening, and before he could do anything about it, he heard Retsuko’s voice behind his ear.
“Hey, guys!” she said with that particular tone if glee in her voice that she’d had for the past few months. “Can we have lunch with you?”
He knew it.
God, he wished he’d had more time to prepare himself. He knew this day would come eventually; hell, they all worked in the same place! But a little warning would’ve been nice. A little “Hey guys, is it ok if we have lunch with my boyfriend?” a few hours earlier would’ve been nice. When Retsuko disappeared from the Accounting Department, he assumed she’d just go look for him, have lunch with him in his department, as she had been doing all these months. Not…bring him along…
“Um, sure.” Fenneko was the one to respond. They both knew Retsuko didn’t deserve cold treatment over this; they needed to be welcoming. Supportive.
Because she was happy.
“Thank you! Oh, Haida!” Retsuko’s voice called him, and his heart skipped a beat. “Let me introduce you to my boyfriend!”
There it was. The line he had hoped for months he’d never have to hear.
He closed his eyes for a breath, collecting himself as best as he could before finally turning around.
Retsuko was standing next to a male red panda who was slightly taller than her, holding his arm with one hand, while the other held two bento boxes in a napkin, stacked one on top of the other.
“This is Resasuke!” she continued, looking at her partner while saying his name, before returning her eyes to him. “Resasuke, this is Haida. He’s also a friend from the Accounting Department, along with Fenneko! You remember Fenneko, right?”
The male red panda didn’t reply, he just turned to look at the small fennec fox with a pair of black, almost lifeless eyes, and she greeted him with a soft “Hey.” He nodded in response, and then moved his eyes back to him.
He had to say it. Retsuko had just introduced them, now he was supposed to smile, to stretch out a hand and say “Nice to meet you!”… But he was paralyzed.
For months he had tried to imagine what Retsuko’s boyfriend would look like, and even though people had told him that the boy wasn’t bright, he really wasn’t expecting…this. This mannequin-looking guy with a dull expression and emotionless eyes. Did he… Did he really lose Retsuko to this guy?
In what threatened to grow into a storm of mixed emotions of pain, frustration and despair, a voice crashed in. A voice that his brain delayed a moment to recognize, but just as he was associating it with his owner, he felt a couple of hands clasp onto his shoulders tightly, pulling him back a bit to make him turn.
“Here you are! Thank Goodness, I’ve been looking for you all over!”
Facing the other way, Haida’s face met with the young maned wolf’s, who was offering him a cheerful smile.
“Ookami,” Haida babbled.
“You’ve gotta help me with the thing! Remember?”
“The thing?” the hyena asked clueless, and the maned wolf gazed into his eyes intensely.
“Yes, the thing! I asked you to help me with it this morning. Please, Senpai, I won’t be able to get it done without your help!”
Haida noticed Ookami’s eyes drifting slightly to the doorway, and after a couple of seconds, he caught on.
“Oh! Right!” he exclaimed, and the maned wolf smiled victoriously. “Right, sorry, I almost forgot. Let’s go.”
Taking his cup in one hand, he stood from the chair and turned to Retsuko and her boyfriend, but hardly spared them a glance.
“Um, sorry Retsuko, I gotta go. We’ll talk some other time!” he said as he started to walk away, but only stopped to raise a farewell hand at the male red panda. “Nice to meet you, Resasuke.”
He couldn’t stay to wait for a response, even if he’d wanted to, for he immediately felt Ookami taking his hand and pulling him away from the scene, out of the Dining Area.  
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