#i just didn know how to portray that dbfjfkfk
finely-tuned-line · 1 year
FTL: Doubt's Dichotomy. I am here to inquire about something related to your area of expertise. If you choose to answer, that is.
FTL: My inquiry is: what information do you have related to the Ancients' traditions and practices of duelling?
FTL: I was conversing with someone I... know, he brought up his interest in the subject, I offered to ask you, the sole specialist that I am aware of.
DD: ...
DD: duelling?
DD: according to my data, only about 67,9% of individual ancient cities had the tradition of duelling in some way
DD: most of them (31,2%) stuck to the typical 'first one to die loses' standard, with weapons limited to archaic ones (such as old explosion-powered guns and swords of all sorts)
DD: the second in popularity was using modern weapons (24,4%), which is usually defined as 'any weapon thats not archaic'. also typically with the 'first to die loses' rule
DD: third was weaponless (9,61%) - fighting directly, hand-to-hand. this one is mostly 'first to bad injury', i think because its harder to kill someone with no weapons
DD: fourth were duels of wit (2,46%). problems to be solved mentally, first to solve the problem correctly was the winner
DD: the last 0,23% were outliers... some odd things happening there
DD: my favourite is that one city that dueled mentally. not wit. but staring at eachother, fully believing that they were somehow hurting the other with their minds. thered be narrators describing all the 'action' and all of their 'tactics'. first one to pass out from the continued concentration loses. the one that loses would get ridiculed for 'not having good enough shields'
DD: the other outliers included things such as duels of skill (highest percentage amongst outliers - 0,12%, duels of performance, and duels of games
DD: usually someone was challenged to a duel for marriage, honour, entertainment/boredom, or revenge
DD: though thereve been records of odd duel conditions... such as the one where the ancients duelling were bitter rivals, and the agreement was the the loser would belong to the winner for all of their next life. the pearl i got that info from is... phrased weirdly
DD: duels were rarely ever called, it was typically seen as an indecent thing. didnt stop anyone from enjoying them tho
DD: that enough info?
FTL: Yes, thank you Doubt's Dichotomy.
DD: great, now fuck off. dont tlak to me.
FTL: I believe that Echoes of a Paradox is worried about you.
DD: good for them
FTL: Do at least talk to them. Don't pull the same thing that I did.
FTL: Though I suppose that circumstances are different. My situation had many factors, and I do still feel that I was justified in my leaving. I do not know what your situation is right now, so I cannot effectively compare.
FTL: I will utilise my rank if necessary. I... I am the Senior now, I have responsibilities.
FTL: Doubt's Dichotomy?
FTL: I'd rather you didn't abandon a conversation midway-through.
FTL: ...Alright.
FTL: Thank you once more for the information.
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