#i just dont like shaggy having short hair cause. then hes not shaggy hes just norville :[
mbat · 2 years
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by the way this was after like 127 pages of murders, gore and body horror, war, anime-style battles with OP powers, and literal gods granting power to popular cartoon characters who also have been harmed in many fucked up ways
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thejadeprincess · 4 months
how do u. rember the ninja (like appearance mainly bur whatever honestly i jus tthought itd be cool to ask)
well, im not quite the best at describing things
but here goes nothin!
Cole: he had black hair, shoulder-ish length; he had layers and such. i remember, him having hazel eyes, i believe thats what its called, it was a mix of brown and green which is quite ironic to me. anywhom, whenever not dressed in his gi and such he preffered to stay in baggy clothes rather then tight fitted; and he fidgetted with his hands and hair alot, quite the fidgety person though you didnt really.. ask for that, and he quite frequently had some sort of bandage, i remember him being quite clumsy, and protective of the other ninja. he hung around Zane alot aswell; i notice the little things, quite to much. oh, and he had pointy elf like ears.
Kai: Kai has dark brown hair, keeping it short because he thought if it were to long people woulsnt quite deem him "masculine enough"; i believe he looked perfectly fine whenever hed let it grow out a bit. anywhom, he had stunning grey eyes i believe they suit his hair colour quite well. he wore red, white and black alot whenever not in his gi. he enjoyed having baggy pants because of sensory things of the sort, and would always cut the tags off his shirts if there were any. hed jokingly scare the other Ninja just to get a laugh out of it.
Jay: Jay had a lighter brown hair, much like source, it was very shaggy major majority of the time, and getting out of water and such he looked like a wet cat. he had piercing blue eyes ironically, which tended to scare the fuck out of me cause it felt as though he were staring into my soul. he preferred to wear white and specifically; Navy and just really dark blue in general coloured things. though most the time hes just slap on a tank top or sort of shirt, shorts and call it a day. he enjoyed being around Nya alot, they were evidently his safe space.
Zane: Zane was, a robot, evidentally, but he had curly white hair and blue eyes that quite literally looked unrealistic, they were practically the same colour as the sky; Zane wore baggy clothes, much like Cole; they tended to match alot. Zane enjoyed whenever they did such. hed always have an arm around Cole whenever he could, around his shoulders, torso, or hed keep ahold on Coles shirt or something like that. he practically watched Cole like a Hawk, just because of the fact Cole quite literally couldnt be trusted alone anywhere; ESPECIALLY in the kitchen.
Lloyd; i remember Lloyd having a similar hair length to Coles, he had blonde hair though he had darker roots; hed constantly cut it, then let it grow out, then cut it again. it was a never ending cycle. he had stunning green eyes. though, he had this scar on his face, from nearly the middle of his cheek, down to his chin. much like Jay, hed slap whatever on, but it had to match in someway colour wise. like he wouldnt put grey and green; or blue together. it had to look, correct to him. i dont quite know how to word it.
thats about all, my apologies if this isnt the best description!
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Hey! Could you pair me with someone from stranger things or harry potter or IT? Also love your writing ! Im a female and pref boys <3 Also for Harry potter im a hufflepuff!
LOOKS-I am pretty short 4'11. I have black shaggy medium length hair with side bangs. Im pretty petite and have very pale skin, i also wear golden round glasses cause i cant see for shit. I have a pretty small ahem chest area. Also a Pisces.
CLOTHING-I normally wear baggy clothes like big sweaters and baggy jeans. Always wearing my converse or white airforces (I know basic dont come at me i swear i have good style somtimes lol)with my outfits. No makeup on this face except cherry chapstick and clear mascara.
PERSONALITY- I can be very shy and quiet especially around new people or alot of people. I have major social anxiety and also ADHD. But getting to know me i can be funny and a bit odd. I'm also very awkward at times even with people im close with im very cut off and not open to sharing things alot. i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. Im not as hyper anymore like i was as a kid but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. Im a INTP.
EXTRA-I have many scars and bruises from being clumsy or just a dumb ass. In school i can be a target for bullying or just ignoring me overall. Can be oblivious and childish. I get flustered very easily. Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot. I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. I love reading poetry. I love gardening well most of the time. I see myself sometimes to be such a hopeless romantic sometimes in my opinion daydreaming about my crush or people. I would be the type of partner to draw you stuff or make a playlist for you. I love cuddling, hugs, hand holding, and drawing on your hand if you let me. I always thinking of gifts to give my partner when i have one.
Of course! Hope you enjoy! :)
Stranger Things: Mike Wheeler
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I think you and Mike would get along really well together. You were apart of hellfire, which is how you guys met. In school you were either bullied or ignored, which is something Mike completely understood because the same thing happened to him. He loves reading your writings and you guys bond over the music you listen too. He helps you with your social anxiety a lot by either holding your hand or having an arm around just to let you know that everything is okay. He always wants to make sure you're alright and that nothing is going to happen to you. He doesn't want to lose you as you are very important to him. More important than you think.
Harry Potter: Harry Potter
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I think you and Harry Potter would be perfect for each other. First he notices you getting bullied by Draco, which is something that happens to him so he felt like he needed to stand up for you. He didn't want Draco making fun of you because he knows how hurtful it was. You were really quiet around Harry at first because he's "the chosen one" and you were a bit apprehensive about it. You just didn't think it was possible that he would have stuck up for you. After that incident it was just smiles at each other through the hallways, but then when you both get paired in a class for a group project you start to learn a lot more about each other. And some would say you spent too much time on this project and most of the time you guys were have deep conversations and getting to know each other better. Then you both started to fall for each other.
I think he would love your artistic side with your writings, paintings, and drawings. He loves you and he feels like he needs to protect you from all the evil in the world, which makes him want to defeat Voldemort even more.
IT: Bill Denbrough
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You and Bill would be perfect for each other. You both are really interested in writing and thats something you guys really bond over. You have always been apart of the group and even though Bill had been head over heels for Beverly he got over her once he met you. You had a lot more in common and you were a bit more of a mystery to Ben then Beverly was. He got bullied a lot as a kid and had a stuttering problem, which made him have extreme social anxiety. You guys bond a lot over your problems and what you deal with. You end up finding out you have a lot more in common than you guys thought. You also make him want to defeat Pennywise even more because he wants to protect you.
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daadddysprincessss · 2 years
that’s impossible (this is a repost from my old blog)
pairings: y/n x jim mason x stepbro michael langdon
summary: you’ve been having weird, even daring dream about your stepbrother michael, but how could you think this way when your madly in love with Jim Mason ...? maybe it was the way michael made you feel - constantly on the edge of your seat and stressed ? or maybe it’s the way his eye dragged you in wanting more ??
little things: anything in italic is dreams !
warnings: stepbrother (which IS NOT related by blood)
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i think im in love with my stepbro,
‘no, im in love with jim mason’ - you cant tell me otherwise i spoke to myself softly.
‘Eventually everything fades, even the brightest colours turns to grey’ - jims name melted into michael - but how?  you loved everything about jim - those ocean blue eyes that pull you into the deep end, his soft smile that makes you feel an instant comfort, and his hair - ugh those soft chocolate brown curls, his hair always smelt like salt water; but then there was his darkside, everything you hated but learned to love. tell me how michael crept into my mind, hes just such - ugh an arrogant asshole, the way he struts around the house thinking he owned the place, and the way hed deepen his eyes when you were talking to him - making it seem as if you owed him something, but then his blonde shaggy hair - you would think he was a laid back surfer, but no he was a douchey little fuck boy who would use any girl in a heart beat. michael did have a soft side (somewhat) - like at dinner with your parents he was so sweet with the soft glances and cheerful smiles - WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT MICHAEL HES YOUR STEPBROTHER YOU NEED TO STOP
“fuck fuck fuck” you screamed into your pillow - you were stressed and upset with yourself. “i cant do this anymore - i just cant.”
“cant do what?” Michael laughed - when the fuck did he get here - his tall lean body was leaning against your door frame with his arms crossed -
“excuse me? why would you even come in here?” you spat at him
“you sounded upset and it seemed funny” he smiled - 
ugh that devilish grin, yet it was so fucking hot - “its not funny but thanks, can you just fuck off please” you stood up and shot towards the door - you lifted your hand to slam the door but michael grabbed your wrist -
“now now, dont make daddy discipline you” michael snarled at you - his grip tightened on your hand 
“let go -” you pulled your hand away and rubbed your wrist - “goodbye michael” - you spoke sharply before slamming the door.
you grunted loudly and spun around - “boo” michael laughed in your face when you turned around
“HOW-” michaels lips collided with yours - 
“y/n” your mum touch your shoulder softly - “your gonna be late for your first day of college - come on, wake up sweetie”
your eyes shot open as your heart raced “what the fuck” you said breathlessly - “it was a dream?” you spoke softly
“what was a dream sweetheart” Michael stood at your door eyeing you up as your mum walked past him 
“nothing - please leave michael.” you shot out of bed and slammed the door. your heart was pounding, you were sweating “disgusting” you spoke softly to yourself. *buzz buzz* your phone light up - “jim!” you ran over to your phone 
“jimmy” you practically yelled
“cuddlefish - are you still able to pick me up for class, i was just getting worried cause i havent heard from you yet.” 
“fuck what time is it ?” you looked at your screen “we have 30 minutes jimmy, lots of time” - 
“haha okay, ill be waiting for you babe” 
“love youuuuuu” you sang to jim - you quickly hung up the phone and got ready. you grabbed jims hoodie and threw it on with your favourite pair of shorts - your hair was thrown into a messy yet slightly styled bun. you quickly ran down the stairs grabbed your bag with your books and headed out the door - there he was- “what do you want michael”
there he stood, tall, lean, shaggy golden blonde hair - he was in your favourite pair of skinny jeans he owned - ‘god he looked so good’ - “what ?? i cant tell my favourite step sister to have a good first day of college” his voice was laid back - it didnt sound like him.
“im gonna be late - but thanks” you shrugged him off 
“ill be quick then - since were going to the same place mind if i catch a ride?” he smiled from ear to ear - ‘ugh those pearly white teeth, and his perfect smile’
“uh - sure i guess, but were picking up jimmy and he gets front seat” you rolled your eyes
“thanks sis” michael laughed as he was already throwing his bags in the back seat beside him.
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
ER: Room 6; Calum Hood/Michael Clifford (?) Pt. 1
description: in which you’re on the night shift, covering for a nurse in the ER, when a patient and his band is admitted into your room.
a/n: this is the intro to a new series! Should your love interest be Cal or Mike? Let me know!
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The computer chair emitted annoyingly consistive squeaks, the gears grinding as you rocked back and forth. The squeaking was accompanied by the clicking of the mouse as you dragged cards across the computer screen. You gnawed on your bottom lip, pupils dilated from the bright light of the computer screen. It was a relatively quiet night in the ICU, only half a dozen or so of patients sleeping soundly across the third floor. You were wrapped up in a too-large zip-up jacket, the hospital-provided blue scrubs not-so flattering on your figure. A patient had vomited on you earlier, then you vomited on yourself while running for the bathroom. It had only been halfway through your 24-hour shift, and you couldn’t go all the way across the city for a new set of scrubs.
Oh, and, the only available size for the scrubs was a men’s large. The strings were tied as tight as possible, pant legs rolled up. With this outfit and the amount of fly-always surrounding your face, you looked like a hot mess. You were covering for a friend who was sick, and your 12 hour shift turned into this 24 hour one. It was hour 8, and you were becoming increasingly bored. You and two other nurses were working the night shift, along with 2 doctors who circulated between here and the ER. All had been calm, though.
You continued to play solitaire, occasionally sipping at your hot tea, chowing down a granola bar. But, with the ding of the elevator, your boss and chief resident of the hospital, Dr. Greene, stepped out into the dimly lit reception area. You quickly stood, shrugging the jacket up around your shoulders better. You looped the abandoned stethoscope around your neck, grabbed two charts, and stuck a pen behind your ear.
“Evening, Y/N,” he stopped at the counter, heels of hands holding him into it.
You acted surprised, pushing your loose hair from your face. “Oh, hey, Dr. Greene. I was just about to do rounds.“
“Are you busy then? Could you get Nina to do that?” He gestured to your companion who was snoozing away with her head in her hands on the other side of the round desk area.
“I could, but may I ask why?” You politely responded, all too hopeful that he didn’t need you in the ER, but-
“Nurse Hathaway went home sick. Throwing up everywhere.” The corner of his lip tugged down in a disgusted-like expression. “Could you come help out a little?”
“Uh, yeah, sure, let me just-“
I threw up and didn’t go home sick, you thought, shaking awake Nina, informing her of the change, and collecting your things from the desk. Dr. Greene didn’t wait for you, already loading himself into the elevator and riding down to the ER. You took that opportunity to slip from the moccasins youd had on your feet. You tugged on tennis shoes and quickly punched a finger into the elevator que.
Moments later, you were pushing through the chaos of patients and stepping into the break room. You greeted the soap opera on the tv, the empty Chinese food cartons on the coffee table, and the sleeping doctor face down on the couch. Quietly, you set your bag on the chair beside him and left the room. You approached the counter, kneading your hands together. The ER made you nervous, which is why you chose to work in the ICU, but you had interned down here for a year.
It was loud, machines beeping, sometimes people screaming or crying. Because it was one of the five hospitals in LA, it was often busy with junkies or gangsters. You’d been caught by a gun on the back of your hip once, threatened to be stabbed, but overall rescued by the security around every corner. It was horrible.
You rapped a knuckle on the counter, tucking more loose hair behind your ears and carefully spinning the rings in them as you said, “What’s up, Frankie? Got anything for me?”
“Oh, Nurse Y/L/N, what’re you doing here?” Frankie, the receptionist, spun around in her chair. She chewed loudly on some bubblegum, spinning a pen in her hand.
“I’m Hathaway’s replacement. Got anything?” You repeated.
“Yeah, you can take over rooms 5-8. They’re empty, but there’s some people out in the waiting area. Not too much, its pretty slow except for the two trauma rooms being busy.” Frankie pointed off in each direction as she spoke.
You nodded, pushing yourself off the counter. You picked up a clipboard, took the pen from behind your ear, and hit the door to the waiting area open with your hip. Your eyes took in the four people waiting to be admitted, all tagged along with by one person or, in the sickest looking man’s position, three. You noticed the worried looks on their faces, the pale and clammy skin of the hunched over one, and immediately stepped towards them.
“Hi, I’m Nurse Y/L/N. I’m gonna be taking care of you today. If you follow me I’m gonna get you a room, okay?” You crouched down to be at eye level with the sick boy, whose blond hair made him look even lighter. He weakly nodded and you stood at the same time the dark-haired one did. “Can he walk?”
The question was answered when he stood and nearly fell on top of you. His arms slung around your shoulders and you caught myself on your heels. The three others grabbed him, pulling him off of you.
“Let me grab a wheelchair,” you walked to the corner of the room where a rack of wheelchairs were. You popped one open and helped situate the boy into it. You gestured for the others to follow, the dark haired one falling in step with you.
He was flustered, hair shaggy with worried hands shoved into his hoodie pockets. “He’s been sick for a few days, but it got really bad last night. Said his chest was hurting and he was really short of breath. He doesnt have, like, heart or chest problems, so we got worried.”
You stopped outside of the room and he took it as his cue to open the door. He did, you thanked him, and stepped inside. Your lips cracked into a smile, “You should be worried even he did have chest and heart problems.”
The boy let out a shuddered laugh, skin sticky with sweat. “y-yeah.”
You shut the door and stepped up to the bed, “Can you help me get him up here?” They all did, hands shaky and faces weary. “Okay. Go ahead and take a seat. I have to do a physical evaluation before I get a doctor. I need to know what information to present a doctor with.”
“His names Michael, by the way,” the dark haired one added once they all nodded with approval to your plans. “I’m Calum. Hood, his last names Clifford.”
“You already did paperwork in the waiting area, right?” You carefully brushed Michaels hair from eyes, peeling them open to shine your flashlight in them. His eyes responded with dilation, a positive sign.
“No? No one really told us anything,” the tall blond responded.
You huffed, rolled your eyes, but tried not to look annoyed for your patient’s. “Okay, why dont one of you go to the front desk and ask for an information sheet. You’ll need to fill it out for him. i dont think he’s in any shape to hold a pen-“
You had been roaming your hands around his body, taking his blood pressure, peering at the back of his throat. Now, you were checking his pulse, and noticed that his fingernails were blue. You glanced back up at his lips, hearing the door open and close. The blond was gone, doing what you told him to. Michaels lips were blue.
You checked his blood pressure on the paper and frowned. It was normal, but you continued by taking his temperature. It was 104.2. You quickly unwrapped the stethoscope from your neck and lifted his shirt. He shuddered at your cold fingertips, causing a wave of shivers to wrack his body.
“Sorry, sh, its okay,” you cooed, hearing your voice drowned out by the quickness of his heartbeat. Keeping yourself cool, calm, and collected, you took the buds from your ears and tucked it around your neck. “Okay, I am going to get a doctor.“
You slipped from the room before they could question your flushed face. Quickly, you turned the corner from your assigned rooms and walked towards the desk, where a white coat was signing papers.
“Dr. Greene?” You stopped before him, “I have possible pneumonia in 6. He’s struggling to breath and I’m worried he’ll go into respiratory distress if we dont get him hooked up.”
Greene choked on his coffee and tore the clipboard from your hands. “Alright, lets get going.”
You took twice as many strides, shorter than the doctor who didn’t wait for you. The two of you calmed your exposures outside the room, not wanting to scare the boys inside. The blond was back with his own clipboard, scribbling and murmuring with the other two.
They nudged each other to pay attention when Dr. Greene arrived. You smiled politely at them, moving to stand across from Dr. Greene. “Michael Clifford, fingernails and lips are blue, coughing like crazy but no signs of blood. Chills, temperature of 104.5, blood pressure is 160 over 120, heartbeat is quick, but I didn’t have time to check because I came for you.”
Dr. Greene reached for the blood pressure equipment and took it again, eyes widening when he showed you the 100/120. “Okay, lets get him IVed, put a nasal cannula for oxygenation, order some blood tests, a chest x-ray, pulse oximetry, and a sputum test. Let me know what you happens and I will be back to help evaluate further instructions.”
“Okay, thank you,” you got to work, quickly wrapping a band around the left arm of your patient. This one was blank of tattoos, but still pretty thick with muscle. You couldn’t deny he was a handsome man, despite the blue lips, pale skin, and sweaty exterior.
You briefly heard Dr.Greene informing Michael’s friends of what was happening when the patient himself mumbled something. You quirked a brow, hummed, and leaned closer as you began to set up the nasal cannula. “What’s happening?”
“Hi, Michael,” you spoke gently, “my name is Nurse Y/N. Your friends brought you in because they were worried about you. Turns out, they were right to be. Your BP dropped to 100/120, your skin is blueing, your heartbeats rapid, inhale is clouded, and temperature is 104.5.”
“They actually care about me?” He weakly chortled, immediately coughing into his hands afterwards. You didn’t fault to notice the blood and carefully helped him settle back into the pillows.
“Hey, here,” you grabbed a cloth, wetted it under the sink, and carefully blotted at his hands, his lips.
He briefly smiled at you, eyes barely cracked open. “Youre really pretty.”
You blushed, scrunching up your nose as you set up fluids to run through his system. He was dehydrated, and you didn’t need a doctor to tell you that. “Thanks, Michael.”
You turned to leave, nodding at the boys as you passed. You found the telephone on the wall beside the room and dialed the memorized numbers. Soon, you were back in the room, pulling up the handles of Michael’s bed. You hooked his IV bag to the rod sticking up in the back, hung the clipboard by the front rung, and helped Calum push the bed through the door.
The two of you loaded the elevator, your eyes focused on the fluttering lashes on the sleep patient sleeping soundly below you. Calum was staring at the floor, eyes glassy with worry.
“Hes going to be okay, Calum. Worst case scenario, he ends up in the ICU for 4-6 days and Ill be watching him.” You giggled, smiling wider when Calum chortled.
“I thought you worked down here?” He twisted his hands on the handles, eyes fluttering around the elevator. Suddenly, it ringed and the doors opened.
You pushed along behind him, instructing him on which door to enter. “I was just covering for someone. I’m usually stationed in the ICU.”
“Oh,” Calum responded. You told him to take a seat in the waiting area and checked in with the x-ray administrators.
When Michael was wheeled into the room and transferred to the x-ray cot, you turned to join Calum. You sat in the chair beside him, arms crossed.
“How old are you?” He turned to ask.
“Why?” You shook your head, an amused expression on your face.
“Well, if he’s gonna be in the ICU for 4-6 days, I’m going to be there, too. Might as well get to know you before I’m up your ass for the next week.”
You liked this guy, and this unworried side of him. You could tell his humor would have you bent at the waist, head thrown back in laughter. You lifted a brow, smirked, and said, “Bold of you to assume I’m not going to be up your ass.”
“Try me.”
A beat of silence passed, both of your eyes turned away from one another, “I’m 23.”
Calum tilted his head towards you and smiled, “23. Youre young.”
“graduated early, top of my class,” you shrugged your shoulders with pride on your chest.”What about you? What do you do for a living?”
“Well, I’m surprised you weren’t fangirling when I introduced myself.” Amused with your twisted face, he continued, “I’m in a band. 5 Seconds of Summer. I play bass.”
You suddenly noticed his accent, which seemed to be faded from years in the US, “That makes, strangely, lots of sense. I can see you playing bass.”
He had huge dimples which deepened. “Maybe you can actually see me someday.”
“Woah, Hood, lets get through this x-ray first.”
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zanesgirlfriend · 6 years
Sucker | David Dobrik
Description: David gets in his feels for the reader, based off the song Sucker by the Jonas Brothers
Requested?: yes but okay so i accidentally deleted the original request but i know it was about the new jo bros song and i love them with my whole heart so im sorry if i didnt do what you asked im a dumb bitch
A//N: This came in my inbox before i stopped taking song requests pls dont be mad at me I have one more song thing after this and then im done with songs forever okay bye also i dont have the spanish n key on my computer so dont @ me
David’s song of the week came about randomly. Rich Girl popped in his brain as soon as he put on those Cartier rings. The Pina Colada song happened when Natalie made everyone Pina Coladas before a party. Dancing Queen was stuck in his head for months when he heard it one night at a party. 
Sucker, however, was all y/n’s fault.
Natalie had spent the night at Cass’ house, and all of David’s friend’s had come and gone. He was alone, in the living room editing away. 
Are you awake?
She texted him, bored out of her mind and not able to fall asleep.
Yeah, why are you up so late?
His heart fluttered a bit as he awaited her response. His crush on her seemed to grow and grow the more they hung out, and the chance to finally be alone with her was very appealing.
I can’t sleep, but if you’re editing I don’t wanna distract you!
She didn’t want to bother him, but something inside of her was urging her to text him more.
It’s okay hahaha I don’t have to post tonight anyway
He subtly was asking her to come over.
Do you wanna go get ice cream or something?
She asked him.
Is anything open this late? We can drive around and look for something if you want
He saved his edit and got his keys, already making up his mind. He drove to her apartment and appreciated how quiet everything seemed to be.
“Hey.” He said to her as she opened the door.
“Hey.” She stepped outside and locked her door behind her. He noticed her body as she was wearing little thin pajama shorts and a light sweater. The pair made their way to David’s Tesla and they started to drive.
“I didn’t see anything open on the way here, but we can go into the city a little more.” He spoke softly, as if he didn’t really want to wake up the world. He glanced over at her and saw that her arms were wrapped around her legs and she was shiving. “Are you cold?” He asked, already putting the Tesla in autopilot.
“Yeah, it was kind of dumb not to change out of my pj’s, huh.” She laughed at herself as she watched him take his sweatshirt off and hand it to her. “Oh, I don’t want you to be cold!” 
“I’m fine, this is nothing compared to Chicago.” He leaned over and turned the heat up. She threw his sweatshirt on and settled into her heated seat.
“Ooh! That place is open!” She pointed up ahead of them and he quickly turned on his blinker. They pulled up to the little store and went to get ice cream. They sat inside the Tesla as they ate it and discussed what to do next.
“Where are we going now?” He asked her, hoping that the ice cream wasn’t the end of the line.
“I wanna have an adventure. Like, the city is so quiet for some ungodly reason, so I feel like we have to make the most of it.” She shook off any sense of tiredness and was ready to just go have fun with the cute boy she liked so much.
“I have an idea.” David smirked and put the car in drive.
They drove around the city all night, finally finding what he was looking for. He helped her jump the fence and held her hand tight as they looked around for security guards.
“David, turn the flashlight off, I think someone’s coming!” She whisper yelled in his ear. He turned it off and the two of them giggled for a minute before stumbling in the dark through the pool area of a very fancy hotel.
“I found the pool, okay don’t look!” He joked as he started to strip his clothes off.
“David, how am I supposed to look if all the lights are off?” She joked back and removed his sweatshirt from her body. They held hands and jumped into the pool together. The lights in the bottom of the pool clicked on as if they were motion activated, scaring the naked couple.
“Shit, shit, shit!” David whispered as he grabbed onto her shoulders.
“I think they’re automatic, oh my God don’t look at my boobs!” She whispered back at him. They giggled together, trying to stay as quiet as possible, but to no avail. The pair skinny dipped for a while, sneaking glances at each other before y/n finally had the guts to make a move.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you shirtless.” She told him as she swam closer.
“I definitely haven’t seen you shirtless before either.” He joked, rousing a laugh from both of them. He swam towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She wrapped he arms around his neck and slowly started to kiss his jaw as his hands explored her body. Just as she made her way to his lips, the door to the pool area opened.
“Hey!” The guard yelled, causing them to scramble to jump out of the pool. David threw his underwear on and scooped up the rest of his clothes before running back to the fence. Y/n was more bold, however, and just picked everything up and ran for it. David got quite the view as she climbed down the other side of the fence. Their laughs got louder and louder as they ran for his car.
“Oh my God!” She screamed as their dripping wet bodies hopped in the car. David sped off to an empty parking lot nearby so the guard wouldn’t catch them.
“That was crazy!” He laughed with her as he parked the car. They hopped out and attempted to dry off. Y/n was still naked.
“I’ve never done anything like that. Like, ever.” She used her sweater as a towel before slipping on her shorts and David’s sweatshirt.
“How am I supposed to dry off? I really didn’t think that through.” He laughed and laid his jeans on the hood of the car.
“I wanna dance. That’ll dry us off.” She was pumped full of adrenaline and wanted to move her body. David smiled and played some random music through the speakers of his Tesla. They danced together for a few minutes before the Jonas Brothers new song started playing.
I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars I follow you through the dark, can't get enough
“Can we dance on your car?” She asked him as soon as she heard the lyrics. He nodded and helped her up onto the hood. They jammed out, doing small movements and holding onto each other as to not fall off. A slow song was next, so the laid down on the hood and took a moment to breathe.
“I’m really glad you texted me.” He looked over at her and pushed his shaggy wet hair out of his eyes.
“I’m really glad you wanted to go on an adventure.” She laced her fingers through his and smiled at him. She leaned over, finally giving him a real kiss.
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The Little Mermaid With Royality?
Patton rested his fins on the rocks calmly, dragging his hand through the seaweed as he watched the sun dance in the water. His best friend in the entire ocean, Virgil, was crouched by his side, chewing on his nails.
"Virgil, if you keep knawing on those nails of yours they're going to bleed!" Patton said, batting Virgil's hand away from his mouth.
"Sorry Pat, but are you sure this is a good idea? That ship could be filled with all shirts of traps!" said Virgil, his tail flitted through the water almost enough to cause a hurricane.
Patton laughed "Of course we'll be alright! I wouldnt let anything hurt you!" he ruffled Virgil's hair. Virgil mumbled something Patton couldnt hear and they swam over to the seemingly abandoned ship.
"How could something so beautiful be dangerous?" Patton pondered aloud.
Virgil shrugged "Maybe it's the sharks, maybe the human diseases, who knows, I dont think we should be h- WHY ARE YOU SWIMMING INTO THE BOAT!-" he swam after Patton, who had already made it halfway through the ship at that point.
"Look at all of this stuff! I wonder what it all does?" said Patton, picking up a fork and poking the top of it with his fingers. Virgil sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We should probably head back shouldn't we?" said Virgil, glancing around the ship like the walls could collapse at any moment.
"Virgil! We've barely even finished exploring!" Patton exclaimed, circling yet another table of seemingly random objects. Patton was so immersed in examining the table of objects that he didnt notice Virgil speeding past him, followed by a giant shark.
"PATTON- A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Patton jolted up from the table and swerved in Virgil's direction, letting out a shocked gasp. He swam after Virgil and pulled him through a hole in the hull of the ship, swimming around the outside until they lost the shark in an anchor.
"Virgil I'm so sorry! I couldnt see it!" Patton wrapped his friend in the tightest hug he could muster until Virgil began tapping the side of his face to get him to let go.
"Its not your fault Pat, you got overexcited," said Virgil, smiling. "Now how about we go ask Remus about the stuff we got from the ship?" Patton nodded and swam to the surface. They reached the bay area where lay a merman with green scales and a moustache.
"Well if it isnt the raccoon and the kitten!" Remus clawed his way over to the edge of the rocks and peered over the edge.
Patton lay the things he'd gathered from the ship in front of him "Can you tell me what all of these do?" he said, tilting his head to the side.
Remus examined the items, he held the fork up to his face "Well, this ones obviously for hair," he said, dragging it through Virgil's bangs. The merman batted him away, annoyed.
Remus continued explaining what he assumed the human artifacts were for, well until sunset. Patton thanked him and swam back to the castle with Virgil, where his father, Deceit, was waiting for them.
"What were you thinking! You could've been killed out there!" Deceit swam back and forth in front of his son.
"But I didn't-" Patton interjected under his breath. Deceit glared at him out of the corner of his eye. "Right, not a good time for jokes, sorry," Patton swam back a bit and looked to the side.
"I've been contemplating it for a while now, I'm quite tired of you swimming off all the time to explore human ships and talk to exiled mermaids, Logan!" Deceit called toward the back of the castle. Yet another merman joined the group, and swam directly next to Patton. "Logan's going to watch you from now on, so you dont risk getting hurt anymore," said Deceit. Patton let out an indignant gasp of protest.
Logan placed a hand on his shoulder, "Its for your own good Prince Patton, he's just doing what's best to protect you,"
"That doesnt make it any better," said Patton, swimming out of the room. Virgil and Logan followed close behind. Patton ducked into a cave and swam as fast as he could through a network of tunnels, hoping to lose the two. He reemerged in a cave covered in what most would label a hoarder's heaven, but to Patton was a museum of priceless treasures.
"I just dont understand all this nonsense about humans being bad bow could a world that makes all this cool stuff be a bad thing!" Patton said, running a hand along the side of a music box.
"Maybe because it's a society of ruthless killers bent on the destruction of all of merperson kind!"said Virgil from behind him. Patton jerked backwards a bit.
"Virgil's right, the human world is in fact an utter disaster, it's best if you stay as far away from it as possible," said Logan.
Patton turned around and averted his eyes "But they've made so many good things. . ." he said under his breath. Virgil and Logan placed a hand on each of his shoulders and pulled him into a hug.
"Good things dont always come from good people, and you dont actually know how they use this stuff as humans Pat," said Virgil. Patton pouted and swam back out of the cave. He surface once more to stare at the sky, Virgil and Logan joining him shortly after. The night sky was covered in gleaming white stars that sparkled in the water like diamonds. Patton continued swimming lazily in circles, watching the stars glimmering above him.
A sudden noise and spark of color above him alerted Patton to an approaching ship. Logan and Virgil called for him to come back to them, but he didnt listen. He swam up to the ship and latched onto a net hanging from the side, climbing up to an opening, where he watched the humans inside with interest.
They were all so different form each other, but one in particular caught his eye, a man with auburn hair and eyes like fire, the way the moonlight caught them it was like watching fireflies dance. A large shaggy dog bounded around him until it raised its snout in the air, and turned its eyes on Patton. Before he'd realized what had happened the dog raced over. Patton lost his grip on the floorboards momentarily, but was caught by the man.
Patton was to stunned to speak. He stayed there in stunned silence for eons. Someone called for the man and he ran off, Patton took the opportunity to flop back into the water.
"Patton what were you thinking!" Virgil swam up to him in a frenzy.
"Boys-" Patton sputtered. Logan facepalmed and dragged the two of them back under water. Only for a flash of light to alert them of debris falling into the water. Patton immeadietly began to panic. He swam through the sinking ship debris and located the fiery-eyed man, sinking toward the bottom of the ocean. Patton dragged him up to the shore as fast as he could, but he'd underestimated just how far such a trip would be. By the time he dragged the man up to the shore the sun was rising. Patton cupped his face in his hands.
"Come on, wake up, I know you can do it," Patton said, he let a few song notes escape his lips, the man blinked. Patton thought about staying until he'd fully woken up, but thought better of it as he realized how his father might react. So before the man could wake up, Patton dove under the water again.He swam back into his grotto, where Virgil and Logan awaited him, staring at a new addition Patton hadnt remembered bringing there. It was a statue of the sailor boy, and it looked so like him Patton half expected it to burst to life at any moment, and he halfway wished it would.
"We found this in the ship rubble, thought you might want it," Virgil smiled. Patton hugged him and swam around the statue, examining its features.
"Its so life-like," Patton said, smiling.
The euphoria was short lived, as the familiar hiss of Patton's father joined the chorus of ooo's and aah's from Patton while he traced the statue.
"Patton, what's all this," said Deceit.
Patton froze and spun around "D-Dad, how did you find me?" he said, backing up against the statue. Logan avoided looking Patton directly in the eyes. "Logan? This was all you?" Patton said, he sounded hurt.
"All this human obsession nonsense stops now, Patton, I'm tired of it." Deceit raised his the trident he always had at his side, and the room was engulfed in a flash of yellow. As the color subsided, Patton took in exactly how much damage had been done to his beloved grotto, and he began to cry. Only when the face of the once beautiful statue floated to the bottom of the chasm, did Patton swim away. He swam so fast that it felt as though he could form a whirlpool. He hid himself away and rested his head on a nearby rock, breaking into choked sobs.
"Poor thing. . ." said a girls voice.
"If only there was a way to help him. . ." said another.
"Oh wait, there is," the girls said simultaneously. Patton looked up. There were two eel-like mermaids wading in front of him.
"You really think you can help me?" Patton said, he dodnt know who these girls were, but at this point he'd do anything to get to the human world, to get to him even if it cost him dearly.
"Of course we can! We know someone very powerful!" said the girl with pink and blue hair.
"Follow us!" said the one with blonde and teal. Patton swam toward them, and followed them to what looked like the skeleton of a sea monster.
"Girls! What have you brought for me today!" a tall man swam out from behind what seemed like a cauldron, Patton noticed that he had many tentacles instead of one single tail, it reminded him a bit of what Remus always said he wished he had instead.
"They said you could- help me," Patton whispered. The man smiled and swam over to him, squinting as though Patton was some sort of insect he was planning to experiment on.
"Of course, a prince in love with a prince, I live for matchmaking games you know, one might say it's my entire purpose," said the man, there was something sinister in his eyes, but Patton took no notice of it. "Of course, love is never meant to be easy, I will need something from you," he said.
"But I have nothing to give you, all I held dear has been destroyed," said Patton. The man held a finger up and shook it.
"I'm not asking for material objects. . . What I require is. . . Your voice," Patton gasped and jolted backwards.
"But without my- how would I- he'd never be able to-" he tripped over the words as they fell out of his mouth.
"You're a cute boy! What more would you need! Humans only care about looks anyways!" said the man, examining his reflection in a nearby mirror. He turned to Patton and held his hand out. "Now, you'll only have three days to get a kiss from your prince, so make it quick, so do we have a deal?" he asked.
Patton looked around, the two mereels nodded at him. He turned back to the strange merman, and shook his hand.
"Good, now all I need you to do, is sing," said the man. Patton opened his mouth and the melody spilled out easier than a wave current. The man began to chant something, and Patton felt his voice begin to waver. His fins seized up in pain as though they were being torn apart with a knife, his lungs- when did he get lungs?- began to fill with water, he felt like he was going to die. Something seized him by the arm and dragged him up to the surface.
When Patton's eyes reopened he was met with the faces of Virgil, Logan, and Remus. He tried to ask what happened, but all that came out was a choked squeak, his voice was entirely gone.
"Alright Sunshine,let's get you some clothes before someone sees you like this," said Remus. Patton noted the glare he was getting from Logan, which suggested his first draft of the sentence was probably something different.
After hours of gathering enough ship sails and seaweed to make a serviceable outfit for Patton, his three friends disappeared back under the water. Patton heard barking and hid behind the nearest rock.
"Cmon boy! What'd you see!" the sailor ran out from behind the cliffs. Patton peaked over the rocks to look at him, only to get a face full of dog slobber and fall backwards.
The sailor helped him up "Oh dear- sorry about. . . that" he paused abruptly, clearly star struck. "May I- have your name?" Patton opened his mouth, before closing it abruptly, remembering his voice yet again. "You cant speak. . . can you," the sailor seemed distraught. "Well, I'm Roman," he said. Patton smiled. "Let's get you somewhere warm shall we?" said Roman, lifting him up and running to the palace. Patton's face flushed, Roman's chest was warm, and his home even warmer.
A man dresses primarily in black with dark sunglasses on approached the two, "Who's this you've brought with you Roman?" he said.
"He doesnt speak, or can't, rather, but he washed up on shore, he seems shaken up so I brought him inside," Roman smiled. Patton waved at the man, hoping he came off as friendly. Roman set him down, "Remy will show you to your room," he said, gesturing to the man in sunglasses. Remy held his hand out and Patton took it, allowing himself to be lead into a room full of the prettiest garments he'd ever seen.
It took him ages to pick out something to wear, but he finally decided on a light blue sundress and a hat that nearly fell over his face. He walked out of the room and back into the entrance way.
Roman's jaw dropped "Wow. . . you look brilliant," he said. He walked over to Patton and placed a hand on his cheek, Patton felt like he might melt on the spot. "I'm going to take us out into town, get to know you a little better I suppose," he said.
The town was the best experience that had happened to Patton. The colors and structures were beautiful. But the best part was carriage ride with Roman, watching the trees pass with his head resting on the prince's shoulder. He didnt want anything about it to change.
Ok, maybe he had lied about the carriage being his favorite part. They'd take a boat ride shortly after, and some familiar faces had helped set a mood for it.
"So, a little angel told me your name was- Patton, I believe?" said Roman. Patton nodded and smiled. "Well, Patton, I want to ask you something," Patton leaned forward in excitement.
Roman leaned forward, and Patton realized he was trying to kiss him. But in his excitement he didnt notice that two tails under the boat, tipping it over so he and Roman collapsed into the water.
Patton was mortified after that, he felt as though Roman would think it was all his fault, and the later morning didnt help much either. A mysterious man had shown up the previous night, the last night Patton had to get that kiss. To Patton's horror, he saw a ring on the man's finger.
Patton ran to his room, utterly distraught. He tried to cry, but no sound came out. He raced to the window and watched the love of his life leave with a stranger that he didnt even recognize, the raced to the docks to watch them leave, collapsing near the shore as tears fell from his eyes.
"Sunshine!!! Sunshine!!!" Patton looked up, the sun had started to set, he saw three familiar faces frantically swimming over to him.
"Its the sea witch!"
"He used your voice to hypnotize the prince!"
"We have to get you there before th wedding starts!"
The sentences jumbled in Patton's brain like a tornado. Remus grabbed him by the arm "Hold onto to me, I'll get you there," he said. Patton didnt argue, he obviously couldn't.
By the time they got to the ship Patton had already given up hope. But nevertheless the quartet ascended the ship. Virgil lunged at the witch with raging speed, an anger burned in his eyes that Patton had never seen before. Fear flickered in the eyes of the attending guests. The witch's eyes narrowed, he was finally distracted. Logan took the opportunity to snatch the necklace away from him. He held it to his ear and his eyes when wide, he slammed it into the ground and Patton felt a tingling sensation in his throat.
Roman whipped around just in time to hear Patton's song return to him, his eyes sparked with realization. "It was you- this whole time it was you-" he attempt to run to him, but the witch used his rapidly forming tentacles to knock him back, he grabbed Patton by the waist and disappeared under the water.
"LUCAN!" Patton heard his father call from below the surface, he had no time to wonder how he'd gotten there.
"Dee! It's been oh so long since I've seen you!" Patton was spun around to face his father, the cold metal of a knife was felt on his throat. "I expect you know why you're here now? Hm?" Patton felt tears falling down his face, his father's face had turned entirely green. He let go of the trident.
"DAD! YOU CA-" Patton felt the knife press further into his throat. Lucan took the trident in his other hand, and Patton watched his father shrink to the size of an eel.
"Poor Dee, he just loves so recklessly doesnt he, if only hed learned sooner when family matters, he could've avoided this whole thing couldnt he have?" Lucan smirked, and Patton realized that they were rising out of the water. He saw Logan and Virgil's faces in the water and tried to reach them, but Lucan had wrapped a tentacle around his entire body, he couldnt move.
"Now isnt this nice, you get to watch everyone you love die because you care more about a stupid obsession than your friends and family!" the words cut Patton worse than even the knife could have. Tears stung his face as he watched the whirlpool's forming in the water drag his friends underneath. He'd given up, resigned to whatever his fate may have been, when Lucan let out a scream. Patton fell, and was caught by someone. Roman had steered a ship into Lucan's side, causing him to drop the trident. The small snake under the water lunged for it, and Patton's father rose out of the water with a streak of lightning, which struck Lucan right as the ship landed another blow. Lucan sunk back into the ocean with a scream.
The skies cleared, and Patton raced through the water to embrace his father once again. "I'm so sorry. . . I never should have made that deal"
"Its not your fault, Pat, I should've known better," Deceit said, wiping the tears off of Patton's face. "I have a surprise for you," he said. Patton felt warmth envelop his body, his fins began to split again, but this time it felt natural.
He opened his eyes again to see a shining blue dress,and a pair of legs. He turned to Roman, he had abandoned the ship and was racing toward him. He embraced Patton and spun him in his arms. Deceit smiled, Virgil, Remus, and Logan resurfaced with broad grins on their faces as well.
"I'm glad we've both found out voices, I dont know what I would've done if I'd lost you forever," said Roman, planting a kiss on Patton's cheek. Patton rested his head on Roman's chest and listened to his heartbeat, and he sung his heart out as they stood there in the now shallow water, lost in their love for each other, reality only a distant memory.
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The Vampire Diaries (Endless Summer AU)
M/C is Taylor in this! (Jake x MC)
I awoke to the blaring of my alarm clock. My hands rubbed ruthlessly at my eyes, dreading the first day of my junior year. After a few more moments, I managed to shut off the obnoxious sound and escaped the comfort of my wonderful bed. 
Quickly getting ready, I took a few moments to write in my diary for some form of emotional release.
Dear Diary: Today will be different. It has to be. I will smile, and it will be believable. My smile will say, “I’m fine, thank you. Yes, I feel much better.” I will no longer be the sad little girl that lost her parents. I will start fresh, be someone new. It’s the only way I’ll make it through. 
My mind drifts to my parents, but I don’t allow my thoughts to linger for very long. If I was so desperate to get past this, I’d have to try much harder than I had been recently. If not for my sake, for the sake of my brother Diego and my aunt Lila.
I shove the leather bound book into my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder. Hurrying down the stairs of our beloved home, I stop briefly in the kitchen to grab an apple. My aunt Lila is busy on her laptop, dressed impeccably, likely for another job interview.
“Where’s Diego?” I question her, glancing around the otherwise empty kitchen. She shrugs, her eyes still trained on the lit screen before her. 
“He left a while ago, something about getting to school early,” She explains, pulling her focus from the laptop screen. Lila stands from her seat at the kitchen table rushing towards me, a bright smile across her features as she engulfs me in a bone crushing hug. “Have a great first day, hun. If you need anything, let me know!” 
I flash her the first fake smile of the day before pulling away from her tight grasp. As I leave the safety of my home, Quinn’s car is quick to pull up to the sidewalk. She excitedly waves at me from the interior of her new vehicle, motioning me to quicken my pace.
I do as told, holding onto the strap of my backpack as I rush towards her car. She props the passenger door open for me, a squeal escaping her lips as I slide onto the leather seat. I flash yet another fake smile as she begins to emphasize her excitement for junior year.
She finally asks the dreaded question, “How are you doing?”
My practiced smile plays at my lips, “I’m fine, thank you.” She frowns immediately at my response, knowing damn well that I was far from fine. 
Instead of pressing on the subject she begins to talk about her time spent at her grandmother’s house her the summer. “So Grams is telling me I’m psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, which isn’t all that,” As she continues, we pass the town’s cemetery and I can’t tear my gaze from the sight. Just the smallest glance towards the place and I’m transported back to the car crash, then to the hospital, then to their funeral.
I turn back towards Quinn, attempting to feign interest and optimism. Thankfully, we soon arrive at the high school, Quinn carefully maneuvering her vehicle into one of the open parking spots. As we clamber out of the car, I’m quick to catch sight of many familiar faces.
My neck cranes as I hope to find Diego, but unfortunately, he’s nowhere to be seen. I sigh as I fall into step with Quinn, the pair of us nearing the dreadful prison. The two of us chat about nothing in particular, Quinn focusing on the lack of attractive boys.
As I position myself near her locker, allowing her to collect her books, Michelle is quick to approach us. She engulfs me in a tight hug, “Oh my God, it’s so good to see you!” Her chocolate brown eyes quickly search mine before turning to the red-headed girl beside me. “How is she? Is she good?” She questions as if I wasn’t even there.
“Michelle, I’m right here. And I’m fine, thank you.” I say with a plastered smile, causing Michelle’s features to brighten in return. She hugs me once more before releasing me to rush to her first period.
As she leaves, I catch sight of Diego rushing into the bathroom, tears in his eyes. I whisper to Quinn explaining the situation before following after him, unashamedly entering the boys bathroom. Boys immediately seem to groan uncomfortably at the sight of me, but I only roll my eyes and yell at them to leave in response.
Diego stands in front of a mirror, his hands gripping tightly at the sink in front of him. Immediately I rush to his side, my hand rubbing comfortingly at his back. 
His breathing is ragged, causing me to take long exaggerated breaths in order to encourage him to follow along. Ever since the accident, Diego’s anxiety and depression had only intensified. He struggled to socialize with anyone other than Lila and I, so I could only imagine how this atmosphere was affecting him.
As his breaths slowed and became much more regular, I pulled my palm from his back. “Are you feeling any better?” I question quietly. Diego nods, a small smile playing at his lips. 
“Thank you so much, I don’t know what I’d do without you,” He states gratefully, pulling me into a hug. I nod into his chest before escaping his grasp, looking at him one last time. He smiles once more and I watch him exit the bathroom, leaving me alone for the first time today.
I rub my hands over my face, savoring this final moment to myself before strutting out of the bathroom straight into a stranger. “Pardon me,” The deep voice states, as I step away. He was gorgeous, for sure. A black leather jacket hugged his toned body, his bright blue eyes seemed to shine as he pushed his shaggy blonde hair from his forehead. I watch as his eyes dart from me to the bathroom door, “Is this the men’s room?” 
I laugh nervously as I try to come up with some response, “Uh yes. It’s a long story,” I manage to choke out with a laugh. We stumble around each other as I make my way towards my first period, looking over my shoulder in order to steal one last glance at the handsome stranger.
At the end of the day, I find myself at the cemetery once more. My feet lead me to my parents’ graves and I sit at the head of them, fishing my diary from my bag. I begin to write about the day and how meaningless it all was. 
Suddenly, a crow flies above me until it lands upon their headstone. It shrieks loudly as fog seems to fill the dampened ground beneath me, the eery setting sending chills up my spine. I stand from my spot, attempting to shoo the bird from the gravesite, wanting nothing more than to escape the ominous scene. As the bird flies away, I can’t help but shake the feeling that something, or someone, was watching me.
I couldn’t explain it, but I no longer felt safe here. I scramble to shove my belongings back into my bag before sprinting away, my feet pounding against the slanted ground. My breaths quicken as my heart seems to race, my thoughts solely trained on escaping. However, my clumsiness prevails as I trip over a tree root. I feel my ankle scrape against the ground, but I’m quick to pick myself up.
As I glance around, I turn only to be met with the handsome stranger I encountered at school earlier today. His blue eyes are filled with concern as they focus on me. “Are you okay?” He questions quietly, as if we weren’t the only two people in the area. I gasp, struggling to catch my breath after the short run.
“Were you following me?” I question in return.
He is quick to respond, “No, I just saw you fall,” 
My eyebrows furrow in confusion. “And you just happen to be hanging out in a cemetery,” I say, skepticism laced within my voice.
“I’m visiting family here,” He explains, his voice solemn.
“Oh, wow. I’m sorry, it’s the fog, it’s making me foggy. And back there, there was this bird and it was all very Hitchcock for a second. That is the bird movie, right, Hitchcock?” As the words tumble from my mouth, I can’t help the laughter that escapes my throat. I’m pleased to see the stranger smile at my apparent nerves and simply smile as well. “I’m Taylor,” I finally manage to introduce myself.
“I’m Jake,” He states in response.
I smile, “I know, we have history together,” 
“And English and French,” He retorts, causing my smile to widen. He glances towards my hair, cautiously pulling a leaf from my tangled strands. My cheeks redden at the small interaction, and I thank him quietly. I compliment him on the large ring adorning his finger and he explains that its an heirloom.
“Did you hurt yourself?” He suddenly asks.
I shrug, before propping my foot so I can pull up my pant leg. Not at all to my surprise, a cut resides right above my ankle, fresh blood oozing from the spot. I notice Jake turn away suddenly, as if revolted by the sight. My eyebrows furrow, “Are you okay?” I question.
His voice turns cold as he responds, “You should go, take care of that,”
I shake my head, assuring Jake it was nothing but a scrape. However, as I pull the material back down and stand up straight, I’m confused to see I was utterly alone. Jake was nowhere to be seen, it was as if he disappeared into thin air. I was completely perplexed, but also completely intrigued.
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
Adam Devine, Anders Holm, And Blake Anderson Take The BuzzFeed BFF Test
Adam Devine, Anders Holm, And Blake Anderson Take The BuzzFeed BFF Test
Taylor Miller
When the last episode of Workaholics aired last year, we mourned the death of a beloved comedy series that made us pee our pants with laughter nearly every episode. But all hope was not lost. Soon after we learned about Game Over Man — a Netflix film featuring our three favorite comedy boyz — Adam Devine, Anders Holm, and Blake Anderson, written by Anders and directed by Kyle Newacheck.
Fast forward to today, the week of the Game Over Man! release. We sat down with the three leads of the movie to play the BuzzFeed BFF Test and see how well these guys ~actually~ know each other.
What was Ders’ high school superlative?
Adam: [To Ders] We wrote the same thing!
Ders: That’s crazy. That’s some BFF shit right there.
Blake: …I want you to be my President.
A: [To Ders] You are my President.
D: We’re so much better friends than we are with him [Blake]
A: Yeah, we are better friends.
B: That’s not nice.
What’s Blake’s favorite curse word?
B: I hate cursing.
D: I’m basing this off on when he fucks up a take on a show.
B: Too short. “Biiiiiiiitch!”
A: You do sing that the most, you don’t sing “fuck”, but you say it.
B: I do love that one. To be fair, “Fuck” is pretty sick.
What’s Adam’s secret talent?
D: I mean, he’s showed us all of his talents. His secret talent? How secret? I feel like all of his talents, he’s done.
A: Naw, there’s some you don’t even know about dude.
B: Dude! I got it! Not many people know, but dude is good.
A: Not people know how good I am at hacky sack.
D: Well no one knows how good at French you are, including you!
A: If only I studied it ever.
What’s the biggest perk of being Ders’ friend?
A: Oh you guys both have a “makes me seem” . Now I have some sort of underground hip-hop knowledge.
D: Right, right. Backpack rap.
A: Backpack rapper.
B: I wrote “makes me seem smarter.” “Make me seem.”
D: Well, you spelled “seem” right.
A: Getting a little high from these sharpies. Now I know why you’re called BUZZFeed.
What’s Blake’s go-to guilty pleasure song?
D: We’re not, like, guilty pleasure people.
A: No, our pleasures are right on the surface. There’s no guilt with our plasures. We just like them. I’m not even going to write it, I’m just going to say it, Shaggy.
D: [To Blake] Just tell us, dude.
B: “No Scrubs.”
D: You feel guilty about liking that?
B: Well, because I feel like I am a scrub and I feel bad about, like, calling out my people.
D: Right, cause you’re a “No Pigeons” guy.
B: Yeah, I’m a “No Pigeons” guy. Look it up, it was good. I hope you know that.
A: It was a weird hit. Not a hit, actually. Not all. No one knew that one.
D: [To Blake] Don’t feel bad about that.
B: I don’t, I don’t really have a guilty song, but, “No Scrubs.” I just want to say I love that song.
D: Shout-out to everyone that’s got guilty pleasures. It’s okay. Nobody cares.
A: Just like them outright.
D: Yeah, it’s fine.
What would Adam say his favorite moment was while filming?
A: [Reading Blake’s answer] “Lakers win champ while car.” Whoa, Blake, your sentence game is at an all-time low.
D: That’s like a hundred years ago, on Workaholics.
A: We’re talking about the new movie! We’re promoting Game Over Man.
B: Oh, shit.
A: You can’t just talk about our whole lives!
D: But that was fun. We got pulled in a car.
A: It was season one of Workaholics and we listened to the championship basketball game on the radio while we were shooting it. And that was great. But, yeah, I made them stare at my dick while I had it out for this movie.
D: For a day.
A: For a full day.
B: It was fun for me, too.
What would Ders say he misses most about you two when you’re not around?
A: I just wrote “feeling something.” He dies inside when we’re not around.
B: Wow, that’s really nice.
A: [To Ders] Hey, I give you permission.
What would Blake say if you asked him to loan you a million dollars?
D: This is a quote from Big Trouble in Little China.
B: Yeah, that is pretty good.
D: I don’t know if you’d actually send it.
B: [Reading Adam’s answer] “OK. Wait what? New phone, who dis?” Oh, so you’re asking me over the phone. I don’t got it!
What can Adam usually be found doing between scenes?
B: [Reading Adam’s answer] Chugging Red Bull — aw, it depends on how long the break is!
A: Yeah, that’s true. I do play 2K, and nap, and slam caffeine.
D: It’s either/or. He’s either asleep or wide awake.
B: There’s no in-between.
What is Ders’ most-used emoji?
B: It’s supposed to be a thumbs up!
D: The weirdest nutsack… You ever see a dick with a fingernail?
B: [To Adam] Oh, you did a dick, too?
A: Ders has a secret emoji of a dick that I feel like he should start to use.
D: This one saves the day, errday.
What’s Blake’s pet peeve?
B: What bothers me?
A: Nothing really bothers you.
B: What is my pet peeve?
A: Remember that phase that I was going through when I would sneak up on you guys and kiss your shoulders?
B: Did I not like that?
A: Yeah, I dont think you liked that one.
D: Cool bit.
A: Yeah, that was a fun bit that no one else liked.
B: My pet peeve…
D: He’s unpeeve-able.
A: No peeve. Peeve-less!
Who’s the messiest?
A: [To Blake] Your room is messier than mine.
B: Is it?
A: Yeah.
B: I just remember when we lived together, lots of dishes stacking up.
A: I don’t do dishes. So, me. I’ll take it. Sure!
D: …I’m…not…messy?
A: Well, you fold your fast food wrappers.
D: Yeah.
A: So that immediately says you’re not messy.
D: Okay. I’m very, uh, regimented. That makes sense.
Who’s the biggest flake?
D: [Points to Blake]
B: Blake the Flake.
A: It rhymes, so he has to be it.
Who could get you into a club?
B: Devine. Come on, he’s got that Pitch Perfect swang.
A: Yeah I do have that swang, all that clout. [To Blake] But that hair will get you in! Ders could talk you into the club. He’ll get you in based on his wits and bravado.
D: “Hey, uh… can we get in there? Or not?”
A: Remember we got in there that time by going like “We’re on Stephanie’s list!” and it worked. Evidently there was a Stephanie in there with a list.
B: Remember in Vegas when you tried to convince them you were a cast member on SNL? “Andy Bovine”?
A: Yeah, this was before —
D: Like 2004.
A: We were children.
D: It didn’t work.
A: Also you have to wear fancy shoes in Vegas… we still aren’t allowed to go to Vegas.
D: It’s a good thing.
Who’s the “Dad” of the group?
A: Ders.
B: Ders.
D: I mean, come on, next question.
A: That was a layup.
Who’s the biggest prankster?
A: We’re not really —
D: It’s not our thing. We don’t do those.
A: We’re not much of a pranking group.
B: Adam’s biggest prank was the shoulders thing.
D: What’s with everyone doing pranks? Just be cool. I do like scaring people. I’ll go around a corner and jump out and scare people. But that’s more of a control thing I need to express. I’ve asserted dominance and control, but now it’s over.
A: I’ll fart and then not claim them but only because I’m embarrassed of my flatulence.
D: But we know exactly what his farts smell like.
A: I have a certain smell.
Who’s the biggest stoner?
A: Me, probably. Believe it or not, Blake isn’t. I had to push Blake down the weed path.
B: Yeah, you’ve been smoking waaaay longer. You got me into it. Gateway drug, though, so..
A: Yeah.
B: Thanks, Adam.
A: Wait, what are you trying to say?
D: You’re onto heroin, now.
B: I’ve moved on.
A: Oh, gosh. You heard it here first, BuzzFeed!
Without looking… what color are each of your eyes?
A: [Reading Blake’s answers] Evil black, yeah. Green.
D: [To Blake] Your eyes are blue, huh. That’s cool.
B: I don’t know.
A: [To Ders] Yeah, they are more greener. I thought they were more hazel-y. Almost yellow. You’ve got some weird-ass eyes, dude.
D: Here’s the thing is that we never look each other in the eyes because as soon as you do, you start fucking each other.
A: We’re too hot.
D: And then, like, we already work together, we don’t need that.
A: That’s a whole other thing. You both have very beautiful eyes.
D: I wrote brown but then I knew it was blue.
A: You have gorgeous, gorgeous eyes.
B: And I know you don’t have evil black eyes. But sometimes they do get very —
A: I do have beady eyes. Yeah. Anytime anyone ever goes like, “Bro, I get that I look like you all the time” I’m like, yeah, cause you look like a little satan. A baby devil.
D: Cocoa is how you describe them.
A: I think it’s a softer [word] instead of shit brown.
D: They are lighter brown.
A: They’re a little cocoa one might say.
B: Nestle. Nestle up to me.
A: Nestle up in this.
D: Can you guys leave? We’re going to fuck.
Taylor Miller / BuzzFeed
Game Over, Man! is available to stream on Netflix tomorrow, March 23rd!
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