#i just feel like all tankies are stuck in like the year 1968 or something when it comes to looking at current events
ravenkings · 1 year
one thing i’ve truly never understood about tankies is that like......neither was the USSR at the time it collapsed (and frankly a long time before) nor is the contemporary PRC anything CLOSE to what one would consider “communist.” like with the USSR there was very much a party elite (i.e. the nomenklatura) whose progeny did benefit from the privilege of being associated with said elite (and many of whom frankly stayed part of the elite into the formation of the russian federation when they bought up all the state assets for sale and then became putin’s pet oligarchs.) and like vis-à-vis contemporary china.......................honestly if you think that ANYTHING going on there is in any way, shape, or form moving forwards with “marxist” principles as opposed to some general nationalist-authoritarian ideology with capitalism on hyperdrive then like............idek what to say to you.........
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