#i just hope maybe the tv show revitalized his real love for this series
jasonsscar · 11 months
it’s kind of hard to be excited for chalice of the gods when i know for a fact that this is all just part of the marketing for the tv show. it’s genuinely worrying because this is considered the “sixth pjo book” and if this is just marketing for the tv show then? will the novel have the same heart that the original pjo series had? hoping the show just genuinely made him miss the original trio and have passion for writing about them again but that’s just hope.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Sen Çal Kapımı Ep 40 anon asks
Thanks for the asks, it was fun to talk about this episode, answers under the cut
Anonymous asked: it's amazing how the addition of the kids brings such a new light, a breath of fresh air, in the show. and i'm normally someone that doesn't like kids in my stories/tv shows, but i somehow LOVE it here already. maybe because the way serkan's relationship with her will develop is so different than normal. i haven't felt my heart in these characters like this since maybe 28.. i was hestiant about the plot when it was first introduced but now i think it's exactly what the show needed right now
Agreed. I also usually don't like precocious children on my TV. The show Single Parents is the lone recent example where I was able to enjoy them, but that was mostly because they all acted and talked like adults, lmao.
However, seeing Eda and Serkan with their child and, watching Serkan bond with her, and then anticipating the three of them finding a way to forming the family they should have had all along... MY HEART.
Everything feels re-energized and fresh. You know, part of that is also probably the rest that the cast and crew were able to enjoy over hiatus. The pace they worked at for 11 straight months was ridiculous, I'm glad they all got the chance to recharge and then come back to revitalized writing as well. But to your point, Kiraz really has brought new light to the show and I'M HERE FOR THIS JOURNEY.
Anonymous asked: i didn't have any idea that i could look forward to scenes besides any other characters than eda and serkan in the show, but my want, no NEED, for more serkan and kiraz scenes are overwhelming. i'm so excited to see how their relationship develops and changes once he finds out thats his daughter. one thing ayse knows how to do is a good buildup, and i'm expecting nothing less here!
Yes, I'm going to look forward to Serkan/Kiraz scenes each and every episode. It seems like we're going to get at least an episode and a half before he figures it out, so I think the writers really wanted to show us Serkan bonding with her and falling under her spell before he has any idea of their real relationship.
It does feel special to have him soften towards her when he's hell bent on having nothing to do with children, but still feels this connection with the child without knowing why. In this episode they already showed us many parallels to his relationship with Eda, but there's a larger thematic one where Serkan Bolat does what he wants and is beholden to no one... until he meets a special lady who turns his life upside down and to whom he can't say no. The first time was Eda, now it's his daughter. I will never be over him being late to a meeting but sitting there waiting for a child he's never met to pick her blackberries.
I already feel my heart melting at the scenes I'm sure we're going to eventually get. The first time she calls him Baba. The first time they hug. The first time she falls asleep on him. The first time they say I love you. And Eda watching all of it with tears in her eyes. Gah!
Conversely the emotional scenes we are in for when Serkan finds out that Eda never told him and they both confront why and how that happened.... we're not ready!
Anonymous asked: Do you think Serkan never actually showed Eda that flower necklace again after he found it on the boat? It sounds like they were considered engaged again at some point but this wasn't used and he still has it in that form.... so has she always thought it was lost at sea? I actually don't care for it as her engagement ring anymore but I think if it came back up, I want him to give it to Kiraz. I think that'd be symbolic.
Yes, I would like that too, as long as its curse doesn't carry over to the next generation! Kiraz does not deserve the tragedy that has befallen her parents. Can they find some shaman or someone to spiritually cleanse it or something?
Since the necklace is in the vault I'm going to assume he never told her he rescued it from the boat. She probably still thinks its at the bottom of the sea. If you think about it, they got back together, he immediately found out about the tumor and started the bucket list and then when she found out they went right into fighting cancer mode. So he was probably waiting for the right moment to give it back to her and it never came.
Anonymous asked: The Burak character seems kinda boring so far. I don't think I'd even ship him with Melo - let's find her a hot guy off of the beach instead.
Agreed! So far he is blaaaaand, a bit whiney, but mostly a non-entity. Which at least tells you he wouldn't have stood a chance even if Serkan hadn't come back into her life. Our Eda would never end up with a slice of stale wonderbread.
Melo deserves far better as well. I really do hope they find someone for her before the end of the series, just because the character wants to be in love so badly, not because everyone has to end up paired off.
Anonymous asked: Why did Leyla leave Sen Cal Kapimi? Did last nights episode also confirm Ferit is never coming back?
I assume the writers/producers decided that the character of Leyla had run her course and wouldn't add much to a season 2. I'm not really surprised, as much as we enjoyed Serkan bey yelling her name, she was the only regular character that was often left out of big group scenes, and she just didn't really have much to do other than a little office comic relief once in a while.
Yes, Ferit is also gone, Cagri confirmed, however I'm not sure about the "never" coming back. He's not a part of this story arc, but I suppose you never know what can happen and I wouldn't rule out them bringing back characters like Ceren and Ferit for a guest spot in the series finale, maybe an appearance at an Edser wedding or something like that. Melisa is on a Fox show after all. You never know! But even if we never see them again, at least we know Ferit and Ceren are happy in London and looking forward to expanding their family.
Though, that does beg the question... did Ferit and Ceren get married? Because if they did and had a large wedding, that seems like an event that both Serkan and Eda would have been invited too...
Anonymous asked: i think the biggest difference that i wasn't expecting to feel, was how right away i felt like these characters were BACK, in a sense. the last few episodes of s1, after the memory plot, it just felt like we were floating aimlessly with the plot direction.. so they would just throw random plotlines in there in hopes to prolong the series. now, i immediately feel the cohesiveness of plot already, and maybe thats the benefit of getting to write way ahead of schedule and knowing when the end is.
Yes, I feel this way as well. They didn't seem to have a strong direction after the amnesia. I'm not sure what they would have done with the tumor plot if COVID hadn't ended the season early, but it didn't feel like they had a specific direction in mind.
As you say, in this episode it did feel like the characters were back, especially after so many were unrecognizable during the amnesia plot. GAH! Not to belabor the past, but they pretty much had to ruin every side character in order to make Selin-the-villain work and it was honestly one of the worst decisions they could have made. I still think how much better those episode would have been if they were just dealing with memory loss and the return of robot Bolat without all of her nonsense and every other character pretending it was normal.
As I said back then, if you have to ruin every character to make your plot work... rethink your plot.
Anyway, it does feel like they were able to write ahead. They've clearly been filming season 2 episodes 1-4 (40-43) a bit out of order, utilizing locations to their fullest. Rumor has it that 4 is the last episode that takes place out at the beach hotel...we shall see! I don't know if there's any truth to that or not.
Anonymous asked: Something I'm confused about - did they reveal who did the breaking up? Because if Serkan ended it with Eda, why was he so bitter during their first coffee meeting? Was he just being irrational and had no business being angry? Or do you think there's something they haven't shown yet that Eda did? It seems like the blame is entirely on him right now, even if we as the audience can understand why he'd push her away after the brain tumor
I think some of your confusion may stem from trying to "pick sides" in what appears to be a pretty tragic situation. Why are you trying to place blame? I honestly don't get this mentality.
It remains to be seen how this is going to play out, but you seem to be looking at it as if one party decided they didn't love the other or betrayed the other and that's why they broke up, while I personally can't imagine that's how it went down.
If you watch the flashbacks, they clearly were deeply in love and committed while he was fighting cancer, but it was taking a terrible toll on both of them and he was struggling with everything including his own mortality. Again, I don't know which direction they're going to go, but I'm willing to bet you big bucks that the break up was at his instigation but he did it because he wanted her to lead a better life than what he thought he could give her and he knew she would never leave unless he severed their ties and was cruel in the process.
Also I think you may have misread the reason he got angry during the coffee date. I didn't read it as general anger at her over the breakup. You might watch it again and see what happens right before he makes his hurtful remark. I thought he got touchy when she wouldn't tell him if she was in a relationship and then told him he didn't understand anything about love and that this was a mistake. This is a man who has probably been in love with her every minute of every day of the last five years and here she is telling him he doesn't know what love is. I can see why that set him off a bit and it's also why the writers had her apologize for that line after he apologizes first. I'm not saying that was fair of him, which is why he apologized, just understandable considering his emotions.
Also can't he be bitter at circumstances, fate, the universe, his illness, everything that has happened to him and kept him from the life he once dreamed of with her? And now, whether it's fair or not, he has this fear she's living it with someone else?
For me, shipping is much more fun if I'm not constantly picking sides and pitting one against the other.... so I don't. Period.
Anonymous asked: i've seen so many ppl in the fandom be mad at serkan for what he said during that coffee scene (how GOOD was that entire scene tho) but barely anyone mention that afterwards he APOLOGIZED!! they BOTH did for the things they said and how they knew they didnt mean it. i wish the fandom would take these angsty scenes in strides instead of using it to pin serkan and eda against each other when in the show they clearly move past it. they are actually TALKING! that should be more important.
Preach! This is what I'm saying. I loved that they were talking in this episode, something that was sorely missing from this show. And as you say he apologized! This is a man who in episode 9 ran all over town, handcuffed her, spent all day with her and did everything in his power to get her to forgive him except for the one easy thing which would have worked off the bat... apologizing. It's so hard for him and the fact that he did it here, the next day, and without cajoling from her or anyone else speaks to the fact that he has not regressed to full Robot Bolat. Some of the growth we saw is intact!
As far as being mad at Serkan, I don't get that. It's obvious that his cancer was a heartbreaking time for both of them and ended up ripping them apart. I don't understand how you vilify a character like Serkan after everything he's been through. Yes, Eda, poor thing, has been the one holding it all together through every heartbreaking thing that happened, but Serkan is the one who actually has lived it. He's the one who was in a plane crash, he's the one who was brainwashed and preyed on by a psycho, he's the one who had a year of his life erased, he's the one who got a brain tumor and was confronted with his own mortality. The man has been through constant trauma!
Like... can we cut them both some slack?
Anonymous asked: I think that the doctors told Serkan he couldn't have children as a consequence of the cancer treatments and that's the reason why he pushed Eda away. That would also explain why he tried to become immortal through architecture. At first I wasn't a fan of the time jump, but I loved bölüm 40. I cannot wait to see Serkan falling in love with his daughter, reading her fairy tales and teaching her magic tricks and all he knows about the stars. I hope that we get a flashback of Eda's graduation because I'm a hundred percent sure that he was there watching her.
Yes! I saw this theory on twitter, and now I hope it's how it plays out. If would make so much sense. He knows how badly Eda wants a family and if he found out that news, after probably already feeling horribly guilty about the way she put her life on hold because of him so many times, and in his (probably) post-illness depression, I could easily see him deciding he needed to push her away for her own good. So that she could go have the family she dreamed of and he wouldn't keep holding her back and ruining her dreams. In that state of mind he wouldn't have been thinking clearly, and adoption and other alternate ways to have a family wouldn't have even weighed with him. He would have just felt worthless and decided she was better off without him, and it's 100% entirely in character for him not to tell her the real reason why.
Can you imagine if he found that out and decides to push her away for her own good right when she's headed to tell him she's pregnant?? Gah! Timing! But she's never able to tell him because he knows she wants kids so he used that fact and emphatically tells her he doesn't want kids, he wants nothing to do with kids in order to drive her away? This sort of tragic misunderstanding is soooooo them.
And that would explain why he's still so adamant that he wants nothing to do with children. A self-defense mechanism because he had to put away his own dream of having a family with her. It would also explain why it might take him a few episodes to figure out the truth, if he doesn't think he can have children, it gives him no reason to suspect he does have a child.
We'll see how it plays out but this would be a way to keep both of them from being to "blame" for the breakup. Once again tragic circumstances, bad timing, and terrible communication.
One bright note, other than the GIANT secret Eda is keeping from him, their communication was improved during this episode. Eda, at least, got to have her say and it felt cathartic to watch.
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