#i just kinda vomited this as soon as I saw the question HAJAJSJS
bokuroskitten · 2 years
hi L do you like bokuto?
Hi nonnie do I still like bokuto—?
Bokuto and his big big titties that I can suck on for hours 😔 leave purplish and pink marks of my teeth and lips scattered across the skin 😔 and then shamelessly use them as pillows for 6 hours— HES not going anywhere, he can’t he’s mine I need him and his honkers on stand by they are my emotional support honkers
Bokuto and his adorable lil face that I just wanna kiss all the time hello even when he’s pouting I’d bite his bottom lip so fast are you KIDDING he’s just begging me to pick on him and bite him 24/7 god I love him so much wtf
Bokuto and his fine FINE ass body that he works on every day and I’m so proud of him 😩 he’s working out constantly and eating well and taking good care of his body even if I have to remind him to drink water cause he hates the plain taste HSBNSAK but he just looks so good, every time I check him out (which a lot, about 95% of the day) I find a new muscle flexing like what the FUCK this man is Adonis and I love it please throw me against the wall and have your way with m—
Bokuto who likes to remind me how pretty I am all the time cause he’s just as big of a simp as I am HEJWJ OMGGGGG he likes to just like take my face into his big ass hands and squishes my cheeks and stares like a lil weirdo for five minutes <333 finally all cute and shit he’s like “you’re just— you’re so pretty”
His boobs may be my fav but you know what so are his thighs I need his thighs to survive they are my life line. But I also wanna be smothered by them. Lowkey I’ve left scars of my teeth on there I’m sorry (but I’m not lowkey it’s fine) and it’s the perfect place for me to rest my head when I’m really sleepy but also the perfect place for me to rest my head when I wanna suck the life outta his big thick cock :333
So uh— yea nonnie I still like bokuto I think
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