#i just needed yall to know i was waxing poetic abt ur work
haloburns · 1 year
What books, series, or movies influenced your writing most?
hmmm lets see
percy jackson is a recent influence. the "dead is" series is very formative for me, too. simon vs the homosapiens, series of unfortunate events, the secret series (SOUE style mystery that is based on the five senses with synesthesia... its so good. its middle school age but man. its so fucking good.), vladimir todd, CIRQUE DU FREAK. i like that cheeky tone in the face of insurmountable odds. ....i'm just now realizing how many weird books i read as a kid. OH and the enchanted forest series. gods, you wanna talk about subversive cheeky lit?? SUCH good book that does world building in literally the best way. gregor the overlander for that crushing inevitablity and the weight of a people's expectations for you to be a hero that suzanne collins does SO fucking well. sherrilyn kenyon's nick chronicles too. man they're so fucking funny and they have the perfect balance of "i'm going to make a joke" to "shits fucking serious mate" its perfect.
oh, and even tho i'm annoyed with this author currently for the way i think she's taking the story, but kresley cole's poison princess series (tarot cards personified, fated to fight each other to the death fro the amusement of gods that no longer exist....). (she's actually written two smut series that i fucking ADORE but that's besides the point)
tv series, it'd probably be Bones for the romance, sense8 for the interconnected queer love story, buffy for the girl against the world vibes, angel for the brooding hero. buffy & angel also for the dry wit i aspire to, the only thing whedon excelled at. oh, young royals too. man the tension between wille and simon is just. amazing. and the queer story its wrapped in is just. gods.
i dunno if i have any movies that have influenced my writing... i'll think about this one and get back to you alskjdflksjdf
i also have to give a special shout out to that quote from dan levy that's something like he says that schitt's creek isn't in a homophobic world because he's tired of those stories and if you want your world to change, you gotta start with the stories you're telling and that. that is such good advice and i'm using it in everything i possibly can. there are other obstacles, homophobia is a tired and boring on in fic. let's do something else
and i also gotta mention the fic writers that have influenced my writing, whether they're aware of it or not.
first off, there's @not-close-to-straight just because i fucking LOVE how cinematically she writes, tension and drama that is literally unparalled (more than words STILL gets me and its been two years. the world won't end if we rest and its recent big twist has me foaming at the mouth BECAUSE I SHOULDVE SEEN IT BUT I DIDNT AND GODS I WISH I COULD DO THAT), and the big sweeping love stories that are twined with the drama and make my heart ache, no matter how many times i've read that couple fall in love... when i was writing early danny/mateo and trying to figure out how to manage their first kiss and make it good, i talked to her and reread as many of her fics as i could to pick apart what makes a good first kiss. i want to be that good when i grow up.
also @dreamwraith is literally everything i try to be when i write. i use his fics ALL THE TIME as research. the way he captures intense emotions and small tender gestures is so perfect, i can literally only try and be half as good. there's a fic he wrote that has a wonderfully heartbreaking scene of grief, and i read it i have no idea how many times while trying to write my invisobang. and the romance he writes?? tooth rotting sweet and heart achingly soft. so perfect.
and special shoutout to @ashilrak because without her (and my other friends from the groupchat), i probably wouldn't publish ANYTHING i write. and also, the way she writes romance is just... gods, its good, all of the flavors of it. imagery on point, streamlined into nice neat packages in a way i could never manage. the dedication to her writing is literally next to none, and i can only dream to be like that.
okay this is probably mroe than you wanted to know but apparently i'm feeling sappy and rambly today so here ya go! 💖
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