#i just read that AP interview they did for beauty in death and my god i just love hearing what they have to say
inkykeiji · 4 years
omg clari i love that u love chase atlantic and see them in tomura/keigo/touya bc i swear i cannot listen to them without thinking of these degenerate boys anymore KSJFNSKSK and aaaaa i just adore that band, first saw them as openers in 2018 and fell in love (and deadass back then when i first heard drugs and money live i was like ???shit this would be so good as fic inspiration) so it makes me so so happy to see other people loving them and seeing these characters in their music
OKAY ILL STOP RAMBLING hope u had a good day and that you’re taking care of yourself!!! so so so excited for bmb 3 but please take breaks and get some sleep 🥺🥺🥺
-(do u have a 🦖 anon ?? if not can i be 🦖 anon hehehe)
YES LITERALLY!!!!!!!! oh my god i got into them in the summer of 2018 and they came to my city and i MISSED IT n to this day i am still upset :((((
ME TOO ANON BB i just aaaaaah GOD their lyrics combined with mitchel’s voice is just !!!!! so fucking good like, endless inspiration from them endless endless endless!! and once again, i am literally in love with that man’s voice. like i said in the tags of the other ask, christian’s voice is v nice too but my gosh there’s just something about mitchel’s i don’t even know how to explain it!!
YESSSS OH MY GOD ANON drugs & money is such a touya-nii song to me (same with into it, swim, and keep it up (lmao), and then like TIDAL WAVE FOR SURE, what u call that, devilish and hmm pleasexanny and aleyuh!!)
AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN like literally everything reminds me of bmb!dabi but especially why stop now, numb to the feeling, the walls, falling, slow down, triggered, i think i’m lost again, empty, call me back and OF COURSE stuckinmybrain because it is his mf anthem hehehe <333
PLS ANON RAMBLE AS MUCH AS U WANT TO I MEAN LOOK AT ME i just rambled about songs n my dabis so like!!!! i don’t mind one bit <3 i love talking to everyone here!!! <33
thank you sweetpea, i am too!!!! hehehe i will try and rest, it’s looking like it’ll be posted sometime between friday night and saturday, so!!! YES U CAN BE THE LOL T-REX EHEHEHE WELCOME TO THE EMOJI CLUB!! 🥳🥳
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freespiritdani · 6 years
"But I didn't mean for this to happen..." Part 2 of 2
NOTE: I teach AP English at a high school in the USA. When I began this class this semester, I gave my class an assignment to write a fan fiction essay based on their favorite story, movie, show, or game. All but one of my students are Choices fans and wrote accordingly, Two of them (my daughter and my daughter-in-law) decided to team up and write one 2-part story. They gave me permission to share it here. You've already read Part 1 (I hope), now...submitted for your approval, here is Part 2.
Kaitlyn stepped off the Gulfstream at a little tiny airport just outside Northbridge. Ryan Summers, actor and fellow Hartfeld alum, had let Kaitlyn borrow his jet and pilot when Zack called her and told her about finding Alex dead.
She had slept fitfully during the cross-country flight. Alexandra Day and Kaitlyn Liao had been best of friends from the moment they met on their first day at Hartfeld. They were also lovers for a short time during freshman year. The memories of all the good times they had together was all that was helping Kaitlyn keep it together right at the moment.
Zack was waiting on Kaitlyn when she entered the terminal building. He ran up to her and gave her a bear hug, then he began to cry.
"I'm sorry I called you last night, but I didn't know who else to call," Zack said. "I went over to check on her like you or I have always done ever since she started drinking....and....and...she was lying on the couch, eyes open....not...not breathing...and..." Zack started sobbing.
Kaitlyn had started crying by now. She patted Zack on the back and said, "Don't apologize, Zack. Somebody had to let me know."
"And, Bec--" Zack started, but stopped abruptly when Kaitlyn's phone went off. She pulled it out of her hip pocket and checked it. A puzzled look came across her face.
"What the.....an email from Alex???" Kaitlyn asked, confused. She clicked on it and read it. "Ohhhhhhh myyyyyy god..." she said under her breath. "Alex, you little fool..." She bowed her head and slumped down into a seat in the lobby.
"Are you all right?" Zack asked.
Kaitlyn reached her phone to Zack. "She sent this at seven last night and queued it so I wouldn't get it until this morning after it was too late to do anything about it."
Zack read the email, then plopped down in the chair beside Kaitlyn and sighed. "Well, dear Alexandra," he said with a tone of resignation in his voice, "you're in good company, girlfriend."
"Zack Zilberg, the is the most inconsiderate thing I have ever heard you...." Kaitlyn paused, then it dawned on her that Alex's suicide wasn't the only bad news. "Is there something else you need to tell me?" she asked slowly.
Zack bowed his head. "Yeah," Zack said quietly, "there is. It's what I started to tell you when Alex's suicide note email came in. Becca committed suicide last night, too. Jumped off the eighteenth floor of the Hyatt here last night."
Kaitlyn's mouth dropped open. "Why? Did she leave a note?" she asked.
"No need. Madison was with her when it happened," Zack answered, then he proceeded to tell Kaitlyn what Madison had told him about the events of the night before.
Kaitlyn looked toward the ceiling, then began to cry. Zack silently reached over and held her to comfort her, as much for his own benefit as it was for hers. After a few minutes of this, Kaitlyn composed herself and stood up.
"Zack," Kaitlyn whispered, "I need to see them. Will you take me to them?" Zack opened his mouth to object, but Kaitlyn quickly continued, "Please, I beg you....I have to see them...I gotta do this for my own peace of mind."
Zack rose from his seat. "Okay," he said, trying to smile at his friend, "let's go."
An hour later, Zack and Kaitlyn were standing in the mortuary lobby, looking at the board listing all the bodies there. Kaitlyn found what she was looking for:
And a little farther down:
They walked down to Room 2 and looked in. Near the coffin containing Alex's body, Kaitlyn spied a blonde woman standing and looking somberly in the coffin. No, it can't be! she thought. It's not possible! Then she remembered the girl in psychology class that went to Braidwood Manor and what she found. Or is it possible?
"Zack....would you mind waiting in the lobby? I need to be alone right now..."
Zack replied shakily, "Frankly, I want to get out of here, period. After finding her last night, right now I...I...I can't...can't see her...her..."
Kaitlyn put her hand on his shoulder. "If you want to leave me here and go, that's okay," she told Zack. "I understand. I'll be okay, and once I'm done here, I'll go get some rest and meet you back at your house at four. Okay?"
Zack put his hand on Kaitlyn's and smiled weakly. "Okay. Thank you."
Kaitlyn watched Zack leave, then she turned and walked to where Alex's body lay. She gently stroked Alex's cheek. "She's so beautiful," Kaitlyn whispered, then said in a normal voice, "Why'd you do it?"
The blonde said plaintively, "I didn't mean to! I didn't mean for this to happen.... I didn't want her to die...I just wanted to make things right between us..."
Kaitlyn turned and faced the blonde. "I know you didn't want her to die," she said gently. "I want to know why you wanted you to die, Becca. Why did you take that dive off the balcony?"
"Because my...." Becca paused. "Wait a second... You know I'm here? You can hear me? Because you're the first person who's even acknowledged my presence since...since...I landed on the street...."
"Kinda surprised me to see and hear you too," Kaitlyn replied, chuckling. "Then I remembered Hannah and her girlfriend and took the chance I wasn't hallucinating. So, I still wanna know: why did you jump?"
"Because..." Becca hesitated, looked in Alex's coffin, then said, "Because she's now dead and I caused it. She drank herself to death because of me...I know it. She drank herself to death because I was a selfish bitch that let my pride get the better of me."
Kaitlyn asked, confused, "How do you figure that?"
"You remember the blowup and breakup after I got accepted to transfer to Hawg," Becca replied. "Well, after it all went down, I knew the way I went about it hurt her....I'd made her cry....I was afraid to chase after her because I didn't want to make her cry again....so I threw myself into my studies, got my J.D., worked my way up to become the youngest District Attorney in California history....there's even talk -- scratch that, there WAS talk -- of me running for Attorney General next year....but...Kaitlyn....all that success, all that that glory...was hollow. It didn't fill the void that Alex left in me when we split up. All that I have -- had -- achieved...meant and means nothing without her... As each day went by...that empty feeling kept getting bigger, kept gnawing at me....It got worse every time I saw her on TV being interviewed after each best-seller she wrote, because she looked so happy without me....Finally, I'd had enough. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to talk with her and try to make things right...you know the rest....so, yeah, I killed her. I didn't mean for her to die .."
Kaitlyn sighed. "You didn't kill her, Becca. She killed herself. She sent me a suicide note by email," she said.
Becca was puzzled. "If I wasn't what caused her to take her own life, what was?" she asked.
"Well, technically, you were," Kaitlyn answered, "but not in the way you think. It wasn't anything you'd done, but something she'd done. According to her note."
"But...she never did anything to me! She was nothing but good to me!"
A voice came from behind them. "Yes I did, Becs. I did something bad to you. Three times."
Kaitlyn and Becca spun around. "ALEX!!!" Becca cried out.
"The first time was when I acted like a spoiled brat and walked out on you during the law school blowup," Alex continued. "The second time was last night when I gave you hell and walked out on you a second time without giving you a chance to talk....I screwed us both over with that one...had I taken the time to talk and listen, we probably wouldn't be in this situation..."
Kaitlyn looked at Becca. "She got you there, Davenport," Kaitlyn said, then looked at Alex and continued, "but you said three times. That's only twice."
Alex chuckled slightly and said, "Considering that my corpse is in this room, and that Becca's is three doors down because I made the one in here a corpse, number three is kinda obvious, don't you think?"
Becca looked at Kaitlyn and said, "She got you there, Liao."
"Oh, shut up!" Kaitlyn shot back.
Alex walked over and looked at her own body lying in the coffin. "I wish I could take it back, Becca," she said, regret and remorse showing in her voice. "The woman I loved, the woman I longed for, the woman I wanted to hold in my arms again, the woman I wanted to come back to me and take me and make me her wife...came back to me wanting to make things right between us....and I fucked it all up, ruining any chance of that happening...I couldn't take it. My life was over because I couldn't go on another day without her...so I sent Kaitlyn a suicide note via email, grabbed two bottles of tequila, guzzled both down in two minutes flat and...next thing I know... I'm standing up, sober as I can be, looking down at my dead body....".
Alex looked at Becca. "I died needlessly by my own hand. And because I did, you took your own life, also needlessly," she said ruefully. "I killed us...I'm ultimately responsible for both our deaths. Our blood is on my hands...and I can't do anything to make up for it and make it right...and...." She looked at Becca with sorrow and regret in her eyes. "...I have to deal with that for all eternity....I can't take back what I've done...I've condemned us to...to this....and...now...I have to face the fact that..that I caused us to never be together, ever...I'm so sorry, Becca...I never meant for it to be like this...."
"Are....Are you saying you don't love me anymore? You don't want to be with me anymore?" Becca asked dejectedly.
"I love you very much, Becca! I never stopped!" Alex replied. "But... we're dead. All we are now is a pair of ghosts. That sorta puts a stop to being with each other, doesn't it?"
Kaitlyn interrupted. "Umm, Alex... If Eleanor being a ghost didn't stop her and Hanna from being in love and being together, why would it stop you two?"
Alex thought, then looked at Becca. "After all I've done, after all the damage I've caused,":Alex asked nervously, "can you ever find it in you to forgine me?"
"I forgave you a long time ago, my love," Becca said gently. "Can you forgive me?"
Alex put her arms around Becca and kissed her tenderly. "I already have."
Becca put her arms around Alex and returned the kiss passionately. "Will you stay with me and be my woman?"
Alex smiled and looked Becca in the eyes, a deep love replacing the pain and regret that had been there earlier. "I'm yours for all eternity, my love! For all eternity!"
Kaitlyn smiled. It wasn't the way she wished it was, but her friends were back together at last.
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tsmadigan · 6 years
Anything Mentionable: Standing Where Rembrandt Stood
My introduction to the art of Rembrandt came indirectly, through my friend Fred Rogers. In the fall of 1995, I traveled to Pittsburgh to interview the children’s television icon for a newspaper story, and in one of our early conversations, Fred mentioned that his favorite author was Henri Nouwen, a Dutch Catholic priest.
Henri, as I would soon learn, was one of the world’s most beloved spiritual writers with recurring themes of grace, healing and redemption in a world of pervasive suffering. After Fred’s tip, I found The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri’s book that was a long meditation on the monumental Rembrandt painting of the same name.
Henri had first been captivated by a print of the masterpiece, which led to his 1986 pilgrimage to the State Hermitage Museum in what was then the Soviet Union. He sat alone for hours in front of the painting—Rembrandt’s dramatic depiction of a father’s welcome and forgiveness for a wayward son.
“And so there I was; facing the painting that had been on my mind and in my heart for nearly three years,” Henri later wrote. “I was stunned by its majestic beauty. Its size, larger than life; its abundant reds, browns and yellows; its shadowy recesses and bright foreground. But most of all the light-enveloped embrace of the father and son surrounded by four mysterious bystanders, all of this gripped me with an intensity far beyond my anticipation. There had been moments in which I had wondered whether the real painting might disappoint me. The opposite was true. Its grandeur and splendor made everything recede into the background and held me completely captivated.”
The Return of the Prodigal Son is a beautiful book and inspired me to read several others written by Henri. But I remember thinking it was somewhat odd that he would invest so much meaning in an art work, that he would delve so deeply into each fine detail, that he would find the experience of it so overwhelming.
I think I understand better now, after becoming somewhat more acquainted myself with great art in recent years. There is indeed a mysterious power in the first-hand experience of a masterpiece, and fortunately for me and people like me, that pleasure, awe and wonder are not reserved for those with advanced degrees in art history.
That, in fact, was a founding principle of the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, the internationally renowned institution that opened in 1972. When it came to art, the Kimbell’s first director, the late Richard Fargo Brown, put as much value in the opinion of a museum janitor as a curator from the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
“He was very much of that mind,” Brown’s widow, Jane, told me a few years ago. “He both despised and prized the word ‘elitism,’ saying that if ‘elite’ means ‘special’ and that’s really all it means, then he was an elitist. But that didn’t mean that the janitor couldn’t be an elitist, too; the janitor could also recognize that beauty. Rick said that there is a reason that great works have come down through time—that there is an appeal that you don’t have to be schooled for.
“He was among the young art historians…[who] really believed that your eye told the truth—you needed no other information.”
In the remarkable story of the Kimbell Art Museum, only Kay Fortson and her husband, Ben, have been there from the beginning. Kay was the niece and heir to Kay and Velma Kimbell, the Fort Worth business giant and his wife. Upon his death in 1964, Kay Kimbell left a large personal art collection and a vague but Kay and Ben Fortson at the Kimbell Art Museum opening in 1972imposing mandate to “build a museum of the first class.” Velma then immediately contributed her half of the estate to that same end.
More than any two people, as leaders of the Kimbell Art Foundation board for decades, Kay and Ben have been responsible for seeing the dream become an unlikely reality. But in the summer of 1960, four years before Kay Kimbell’s death, the coming challenges were impossible for the young couple to imagine. Kay was a young wife and mother, Ben an ambitious oilman who had never set foot inside a museum.
That year, while traveling with another couple to the Olympic games in Rome, the party from Texas made a brief stop in Amsterdam. The wives then coaxed their husbands into visiting the famous Rijkmuseum, home to one of the world’s great art collections. Most of the names of the artists there were unrecognizable to Ben.
“That’s the day I became familiar with Rembrandt,” Ben told me a few years ago.
But it was more than that. As he viewed the collection of Rembrandts, one by one, Ben understood immediately why the work of the Dutch master had endured through the centuries. He might not necessarily have had the vernacular to explain what he felt—Ben just knew.
“I remember walking through and seeing how the Rembrandts just glowed and stuck out,” he said. “There was something about the way he painted faces.”
He would never forget the experience, particularly with all that was to come. In 1975, Richard Brown acquired a Rembrandt masterpiece for the Kimbell. “Bust of a Young Jew” is a dark painting of a brooding young man in a yarmulke that was finished in 1663, late in the artist’s life and the same period that Rembrandt completed “The Return of the Prodigal Son.” That was when the artist most sought to explore the human spirit through his work.Bust of a Young Jew
For Ben Fortson, the Kimbell’s Rembrandt remains deeply personal and satisfying. But he has never forgotten the broader meaning of his experience with the Dutch master.
“That’s what we’re trying to develop here,” Ben Fortson said. “We give people the opportunity to come in, sit down, and really look at masterpieces, one at a time. If you can just educate one person like me, who walks in at eighteen or nineteen or twenty, and he sees masterpieces and the experience just sticks...That changes a person’s life.”
The December weekday afternoon had turned overcast. Dusky natural light filtered into the Kimbell gallery where I was greeted by a Picasso painting. Further down the greens, blues and browns of a Cézanne landscape fairly leapt from the canvas. There was a Cézanne portrait hanging nearby, and a Matisse on the opposite wall and at the end of the room the Kimbell’s newest acquisition, a sublime landscape by the French painter Pierre Bonnard.
But on this visit to the Kimbell I had a destination in mind, so I had to tear myself away. A left turn into an adjoining room, past Monet’s Weeping Willow to the place where Rembrandt’s moody masterpiece hung. The face of the young Jew was half in shadow—curls of beard and forelocks and eyes whose expression have baffled viewers for four centuries. Were they sad? Weary? Did they even betray a subtle mirth? As I wondered again, I was conscious of the beating of my heart and stirrings in the deepest part of my being.
Then I moved closer to the painting, standing where Rembrandt himself once stood. Inspection from that distance revealed that the speck of light at the end of the nose was really a dab of white paint; the wisps of beard and lines in the forehead were brushstrokes. It was humbling, such an intimate acquaintance with the details of his creation.
I heard a voice behind me.
“What do you see?” the middle-aged man asked.
I told him that for all the times I had looked at this picture, I never quite knew. The picture meant something different to me every time I stood before it.
“I sure don’t know anything about this stuff,” he said.
“But that’s the glory of it,” I said. “You don’t need to be an expert.”
As we stood there, I told him the story of young Texas oil man in Amsterdam, in a museum for the first time, understanding the greatness of Rembrandt the moment he encountered it. As Ben Fortson learned that day, you don’t need to know, at least not in the scholarly sense.
“Wow,” the man said.
He paused while looking at the painting.
“If I can take the time to appreciate these things. I can appreciate God’s work, mountains, rivers. But this…”
He smiled, thanked me for my time, and wandered through the quiet gallery toward the next masterpiece.
Rembrandt van Rijn, Bust of a Young Jew, 1663 Oil on canvas 25 7/8 x 22 5/8 in. (65.8 x 57.5 cm) AP 1977.04 Kimbell, Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas
Thanks to the new subscribers to the Anything Mentionable  blog. If you would like the blog and other book and speaking news delivered each week to your email inbox, visit www.timmadigan.net, scroll down from the home page and subscribe.
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bookstattoosandtea · 4 years
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Double Audio Blitz
Making Rules & Rules to Ignore (Davey’s Rules Series, Book 6 & 7) By Susan Hawke
Narrated by Michael Dean
Making Rules (Davey’s Rules Series, Book 6)
Length: 1 hour and 49 minutes Narrated by Michael Dean
Publisher: Grape Ape Productions Themes/Tropes: M/M Romance, Daddy/boy, Contemporary Audio Release Date: March 11
Davey’s Rule #53: Daddy shouldn’t be afraid to let his boy top.
Before Davey came to work at Daddy’s Lap and began that crazy list of rules, his future bestie, Sammy, was already living happily ever after with his own Daddy-dom. From the moment they met over a gas pump to the day they were legally able to wed, leather Daddy Raphael Robustelli adored his linebacker-sized boy. This is their love story, as seen through a series of six short vignettes. Witness the moment they met, see the first time Davey came to the club, and so much more. This is a short 20k volume, filled with emotion and backstory for the entire series.
NOTE: This is not a full-length book and does not contain a new couple. This can be read as a standalone but will be most enjoyed by those who have read the series.
This is the sixth book in a series about not-so-perfect Daddies, adorable “boys,” and one sassy brat with an insane list of rules. Grab your fan and tissues because this series comes with both a high heat advisory and all the squishy feels you’d want from a Susan Hawke book.
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🌟🌟🌟🌟 4.5 stars 🔥🔥🔥 Heat Level: 3.5 🎧🎧🎧🎧 Narration: 4.75
Heartbreakingly Beautiful!
I knew it would make me cry! Raf and Sammy’s relationship was just beautiful and I loved getting to go back and seeing where it all began and how their love grows and evolved. It was a lovely read and made even more emotional because we knew Raf is no longer with us. Reading this book was like looking back on a photo album of the best parts of the life a loved one you’d lost. It was sweet, a little sexy, and heartwarming to read the highlights of their life. It ends with love but also so much sadness as we know there were no more pages in Raf’s story. I loved Raf and Sammy and while I know Sammy has a new love on the horizon, Raf was is first Daddy and holds a very special place in his (and my) heart!
Thanks for reading! For great stories, reviews and more please visit http://blog.bookstattoosandtea.com 📚!
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Exclusive Excerpt from Making Rules for Books, Tattoos and Tea
From Sammy’s POV, this is the first time he met his bestie, Davey. 
As always, I was proud when I walked into Daddy’s Lap. Raphael had asked me to help come up with name suggestions for a Daddy club that would be welcoming for boys as well, and I’d suggested this one. When Raphael had asked why, my response had been “what could possibly be more welcoming than Daddy’s Lap?” Daddy Raph had pulled me onto his lap and kissed me soundly before saying that my suggestion was perfect.
Just like the name, the club was warm and welcoming. As I made my way to the bar, I waved at some of the regulars I recognized. Daddy was wiping down the counter and talking to a cute guy.
I didn’t feel bad for noticing he was cute because I was allowed to find other men attractive as long as I told Daddy about it later. That was one of our private rules. He would do the same in turn because it was only fair. Then we’d laugh and kiss each other and say that no cute guy would ever be worth ruining what we had together.
Daddy shot me a knowing wink when he saw me ogling the stranger. “Hey, baby boy! Get over here and give me sugar.” I had no problem obliging and leaned over the bar to give him a kiss before taking a seat on a stool one over from the cute dude. Daddy Raph motioned to him as he introduced us. “Baby, this is Davey. He’s interviewing for the open bartending position.”
I frowned in confusion. “We still have an open position? I thought you filled it the other day.”
Daddy shook his head. “I thought I did too. Until the sucker didn’t bother showing up today for his first shift. I put the position up online, and Davey called me within the hour. That’s why I’m interviewing him here at the bar instead of in my office. Someone has to work the bar today. I had a few other guys lined up for interviews, but I have to say that I’m feeling pretty good about this guy.” He grinned at Davey, then rested a hand on my arm. “Davey, meet my precious boy, Sammy. He’s the co-owner, even if he prefers to be a silent partner.”
When Davey turned to stretch out a hand with a friendly smile, his eyes went wide as he zeroed in on my biceps. I was tempted to flex it, thinking he was admiring my guns, but he spoke too soon. “Damn, that is an amazing tattoo. The striation the artist got on that spider’s back is amazing. Cool 3D effect too.”
I looked at him like he was crazy. “Tattoo? I don’t have any tattoos. I hate pain too much to willingly go near a needle, let alone choose a freaky spi–” I glanced down at the arm he was still staring at and let out a higher-pitched scream than I knew I was capable of making. Seriously, my voice reached a note that even Mariah Carey couldn’t hit on her best day.
I nearly fell off the stool as I scrambled to my feet and waved my arm to make the evil spider fall. “Get it off me! Make it die! Hurry, before it bites me and turns me into Spider-Man or something. Oh my God, I’m going to die! Get it off me! Daddy! Help!”
I was still freaking out when I felt a firm hand settle on my shoulder and a napkin brush against my arm. Davey winked and cupped his other hand over the napkin. “Excuse me a moment, princess. I’m just going to step outside and release this baby back into the wild. He doesn’t deserve a death sentence for having the good taste to try and cuddle up next to a hot guy with muscles. Can’t blame a girl for trying, right?” He held his cupped hands away from his body as he turned to Daddy. “I’ll be right back, Raphael.”
Daddy nodded and motioned for me to come closer while he answered, “Take your time, Davey. I appreciate you giving my boy a hand with his spider situation.”
Rules to Ignore (Davey’s Rules Series, Book 7)
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Length: 7 hours and 24 minutes Narrated by Michael Dean
Publisher: Grape Ape Productions Themes/Tropes: M/M Romance, Diva Daddy/boy, Size Difference, Self-discovery, Contemporary Audio Release Date: March 18
Davey’s Revised Rule #1: A good Daddy will love his boy with all his heart.
Davey Hendrickson doesn’t mind being forever single when he’s got his bestie at his side. It’s not that he wants to be single. He’s spent most of his adult life searching for his own perfect Daddy. Even if he’s not naturally submissive, someone that fabulous is obviously meant to be a boy… right? Over the years, he’s dated every type of Daddy imaginable but not one of them could come close to meeting the requirements from his ridiculous list of rules.
After losing his husband, Sammy Robustelli has learned to be strong while raising two children on his own. No matter what life has thrown his way, nothing seems too hard with his best friend and roomie Davey at his side. When the two friends learn that people believe they’re a couple, they can’t help but laugh. The very idea is a big joke… until it isn’t.
It only takes a few wake-up calls before Davey wonders what happens if a guy might be in love with the best friend he can never have. It could never work for a pair of boys in need of a bossy top, right? Except… maybe Davey doesn’t know himself—or Sammy—as well as he thinks.
This is the final book in a series about not-so-perfect Daddies, adorable “boys,” and one sassy brat with an insane list of rules. Grab your fan and tissues because this series comes with both a high heat advisory and all the squishy feels you’d want from a Susan Hawke book.
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🌟🌟🌟🌟 4.5 stars 🔥🔥🔥 Heat Level: 4 🎧🎧🎧🎧 Narration: 4.5
Oh, Diva Daddy!
I loved Davey and Sammy both separately and together they are a beautiful best-friends-to-lovers-to-Daddy/Boy story. I enjoyed the conclusion of the series and while I picked up on the hints very early on in the series Davey’s Diva Daddy transformation was so good. He’s a very unique character and while I was surprised that he had certain Daddy/Boy presumptions that seemed up like him, his eye-opening moments were fantastic.
I loved that Sammy got another chance at love and I loved that they both talked about Raf and acknowledge his presence. I loved Sammy and his submissive side was handled wonderfully by Davey and while it took a while for them to find their way together and their way to a Diva Daddy and Princess/Boy dynamic they find their way and it’s beautiful.
I loved the series and look forward to more in this world soon!
Thanks for reading! For great stories, reviews and more please visit http://blog.bookstattoosandtea.com 📚!
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Excerpt From Rules to Ignore
Davey keeps being told he’s more Daddy than the boy he’s always assumed himself to be. In this snippet, he’s looking for people to agree that the idea is ludicrous. First his “baby stepdaddy” and then his friend Adam, but neither give him the reaction he expected.
Cameron asked about Sammy and the kids, which had me spilling the beans about how the people at the school had thought we were a couple. And how Preston had dared suggest that I, of all people, might not be a boy. “…And to make matters worse, my own chef at the club mistook me for a Daddy, too. Tell me, Cammy-Cam… how weird is that?” I didn’t know why I was dwelling on this so much, but I hadn’t been able to get it out of my mind over the past couple weeks.
He studied me for a bit before shrugging. “I don’t think it’s weird at all.” He hesitated for a moment. “Since we’ve always been honest with each other, I’m going to say this. Have you thought about what Preston said? Maybe try to consider that you’ve never found a Daddy of your own because you’re not really a boy?”
I sputtered, glad I didn’t have a drink in my mouth when I heard that. “For real? You too? I feel like nobody really knows me and that makes me sad.”
Cameron hummed softly, moving his head from side to side. “Or maybe we know you better than you know yourself?” When I gasped at that, Cam held his hand out and started naming off Daddy traits, ticking them off one finger at a time, just like Preston had.
I couldn’t get mad at baby stepdaddy, not when he was so adorably earnest. “Think about it, Davey. You’re protective. When you see something needs to be done, you handle it. I’ve seen you do a lot of kind things behind the scenes and not even take credit. You’re right there to offer help when you find someone in need. I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point.”
“Pshaw, doll. That’s just called being a decent human. For one thing, I’m too small to be a Daddy. And for another, I’m way too fabulous.”
Cam snickered, waving his hands as if he couldn’t handle it. “Davey, you can’t call yourself small when you’re like six feet tall. The problem is that you’re drawn to bigger guys. If you preferred twinks like me, you’d probably have an easier time seeing what everyone else does. Or do you just gravitate toward big guys because you think they’re more Daddylicious and automatically ignore smaller ones that you assume are natural boys? If that’s the case, you need to pay better attention to your clientele.”
Huh? I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to make sense of what he was saying. Cam bumped his shoulder against mine. “I mean it, Davey. Think about it, you’re taller than a lot of the Daddies at the club. Sure, you’re still smaller than one or two of the boys—especially the ones like your friend Sammy—but that doesn’t have to be a problem unless you make it one. Size has nothing to do with being a Daddy, from what I’ve seen. Does it make Sammy less of a boy?”
Cheese and crackers, he had a good point and I didn’t know how to respond. We talked a little longer before I left. Thankfully, that was with a bag full of leftovers. I thought about breaking out the lemon bars while I drove but ended up calling my buddy Adam instead.
As soon as he answered, I had the presence of mind to ask about his new foster daughter before I started babbling about my own drama. After I filled him in on this whole Daddy ridiculousness, Adam didn’t react like I would’ve expected.
When he was silent, I double-checked the light on the Bluetooth. “Hello? Say something, doofus. Can you believe all that crap?”
Adam sighed. He did it softly, but I didn’t miss the soft release of breath. “Honestly? Yes. I totally can. I’ve never wanted to bring it up with you, but I agree with Preston and Cameron. Davey, babe… I truly don’t think you’ll ever find the Daddy you’re looking for because you aren’t naturally submissive.”
My mind was blown, so I blew it off with a joke. “Bottom said what? I don’t know, but I guarantee it wasn’t anything like ‘give it to Daddy harder, boy.’” I snorted, shaking my head at finding myself in the same crazy conversation with yet another person. Seriously, does nobody know me at all? “Adam, you’ve known me forever. Can you really see me turning into a dominant top anytime soon?”
Adam chuckled softly. “I guess you’ve never heard of topping from the bottom, huh? Because that I could totally imagine you doing. Seriously, what does topping have to do with anything?”
I was so stunned that I nearly missed the freeway entrance. “Wait… are you saying what I think you are? There are boys who actually top?”
Adam laughed even harder. “Typical Davey. You get an idea in your head and never look for other options. Of course there are boys who are tops. Your favorite sexual position or preference has nothing to do with whether or not you’re a dominant type. Or even a submissive, for that matter.”
Thankfully my phone beeped right then with an incoming call. “Adam, let me put you on hold. I have another call coming in.”
“Nah, it’s cool. I have to go anyway; Mickey will be waking up from her nap soon. Think about what I said, okay? We’ll talk again soon.” I smiled as I pushed the button, thinking about Adam being a father now. I really need to drop by with a gift for the baby girl. And definitely something with Mickey Mouse on it.
Check Out the rest of Davey’s Rules Series HERE!
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About Susan:
As an avid reader and big romance fan myself, I love sharing the stories of the different people who live in my imagination. My stories are filled with humor, a few tears, and the underlying message to not give up hope, even in the darkest of times, because life can change on a dime when you least expect it. This theme comes from a lifetime of lessons learned on my own hard journey through the pains of poverty, the loss of more loved ones than I’d care to count, and the struggles of living through chronic illnesses. Life can be hard, but it can also be good! Through it all I’ve found that love, laughter, and family can make all the difference, and that’s what I try to bring to every tale I tell.
I’m a happily married mom with one snarky teenage boy, and three grown “kids of my heart.” I’m more widely known for my mpreg writings as Susi Hawke; this new name is a departure from that. Whether written by Susan or Susi, the books are filled with that all-important love, laughter, and family I mentioned; the only difference is that this name has no male pregnancy. I look forward to sharing my stories with you, and to bringing more romance and laughter into this world that needs it so very badly.
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About Michael
Michael has well over 50 audio book titles currently available for purchase on Audible.com. He is versed in multiple styles and genres including fiction (novels and short stories) ranging from romance to science fiction to crime dramas to thrillers; business strategy books; health and wellness books; and even an occasional children’s book.
Fans of Michael’s narration are welcome to follow him on social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and SoundCloud.
If you are interested in working with Michael to produce your next audio book, you can contact him directly at [email protected]
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  Double Audio Blitz with Exclusive: Making Rules & Rules to Ignore by Susan Hawke Double Audio Blitz Making Rules & Rules to Ignore (Davey's Rules Series, Book 6 & 7)
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Rewatching “Rogue One”
Prepare for the pain.  Lots of pain.
That shot of the planet’s rings is so cool...
What planet is it called again?
God, Galen Erso is probably the best and most important side character in this movie.  I will fight anyone that bad mouths him.
*Saw appears on Lyra’s ‘Skype’ cam*  BOOGITY!
So, do I have this right:  the Death Troopers are basically the Star Wars equivalent of the Super Soldiers from “Captain America:  Civil War” except they’re part kinda zombie?  Is that right?
So if Grand Admiral Thrawn has the authority to have Death Troopers, how is Director Krennic able to?
Theory Time:  is Lyra Force-Sensitive?
*Krennic appears*  Hey, it’s me!
A little backstory for this:  me and @theimpossiblescheme were talking about Krennic one day and I pointed out that I’m a lot like Krennic in that A) I would indeed put my feet up on my desk, sit back, and sip a martini (basically what he did in the Rogue One novelization) and B) we both freak out over anything and everything.  Lo and behold, the association stuck with me.
Where did they film this opening scene because it’s fantastic.
“Oh look, it’s Lyra, back from the dead.  It’s a miracle.”
What I find really interesting is that young Jyn has a toy Stormtrooper.  It’s reminiscent to little kids have action figures of famous people and superheroes.
*whispers*  Her lantern looks like a holocron...
I’m gonna be honest here and please don’t hate me for this but I think Jyn’s characterization is “Meh” compared to everyone else’s.  The first time I saw this in theaters, I noted that she’s not really as interesting as the other characters.  She’s kinda like Katniss in that matter.
*Cassian appears*  Diego Luna!
So Cassian’s a Fulcrum agent?  Are we gonna see him in Rebels?
“It’s the pilot... the detector.”  You’re that one dude in the pre release pics for Rebels S4!
Wobani... is an anagram... of Obi-Wan...
“Congratulations, you are being rescued.”  To quote CinemaSins:  “TUDYKKK!!!!”
Wait, that’s Major Sholto from “Sherlock”!
Mon Mothma!
“What does this got to do with my father?”  Honey, it’s Star Wars; everything is father-related.  If you don’t have a problem with your dad or have a secret sibling, something’s seriously wrong.
The Force theme!
There’s the Ghost!
So what planet does Yavin 4 reside under?
Holy crap, that Geonosian sand really got to Saw...
In all honesty, if you could remove one character from this movie, it’s Saw.  He was kind of an unnecessary addition in my opinion.
Something Gareth Edwards, the director, is amazing at is showing you the SIZE of things.  He did the 2014 Godzilla movie and you can clearly see how HUGE it is and he did the same thing with the Death Star under construction.
So how old is Jyn when it comes to the Star Wars canon?
OK, looked it up on Wikipedia:  she’s 21 at the events of this movie.  That only makes her like 2 years older than Ezra in S3...
Is there really any point to this mind reading octopus thing that Saw has?  No, no there isn’t.
Cassian:  Stay on the ship.
K2:  OK (follows them anyway out of sheer boredom)
OK, Chirrut just has to be Force-sensitive.  Maybe that’s how he “sees;” he uses the Force or something.
Saw’s little band of guerilla attackers reminds me a lot of the extremists in al Qaeda.  Maybe that was intentional, I dunno...
“I am taking them... to imprison them... in prison.”
I just realized that Chirrut is wearing a Stormtrooper belt.  That’s badass.
God dang I love Donnie Yen as Chirrut.
K2:  We have no fear.
*Baze points a BFG at him*  One fear.
AP?  Or a bot of a similar model?
It’s a physical game of dejarik!
“Are we not still friends?”  Lemme check.... NO!
“It’s a trap, isn’t it?”  Yes.  Everything’s a trap.  The entirety of Star Wars is a trap.
“You’re the pilot?”  “I’m the pilot.”  *sings* YOU ARE, HURRAH FOR BODHI ROOK!  AND IT ‘TIS, IT ‘TIS A GLORIOUS THING TO BE SIR BODHI ROOK!
God, this speech is so freaking good...
“Think of where you are...”  *tearfully starts singing Hamilton lyrics*
I legit got upset in the theater when Galen died.
“My God, it’s beautiful.”  This bit is fantastic.
“I’m not very optimistic about our odds.”  NEVER TELL ME THE ODDS!
*Saw unplugs his emergency air and dies*  Well at least there’s someone else who chews the scenery more than him.
Get it?  It’s the planet.  XD
“I will be taking control of the weapon that I first spoke of years ago, effective immediately.”  *cue Kill Bill sirens*
“Now there’s a 35% chance [of survival].”  “I don’t wanna know.”  “OK.”
There needs to be more rainy scenes like this in Star Wars
*K2 presses some buttons in the background*  Beep boop beep
OK, Chirrut definitely is Force-sensitive.  I mean, c’mon.
*Cassian looks through the binoculars*  Well there are two Banthas, but I don’t see any Sand People.
Cassian, if you’re trying to shoot someone via sniper gun, at least have a cover over yourself so that you won’t have to keep continually wiping rain off your vision scope.
*Jyn sends a Stormtrooper off the bridge* That was the quietest take down I’ve ever seen.  Even quieter than the take downs in the Batman Arkham games
Why yes, I watch gameplays on YouTube.
“Star-Dust...”  Nope.  Gone.  It’s gone.  My heart has flown out of my chest cavity and has sailed out the window into the appropriately timed storm outside.
They killed off Mads Mikkelsen.  You bastards.
No wonder in Rebels they say it’s where “the Jedi go to die.”  Vader has a freaking castle there!  It probably got built near the end of Season 1 but still.
Is that Julian Richings?
The interior freaking looks like a mix between the tower on Mortis and the Sith temple in “Twilight of the Apprentice.”  So many triangles!
*cue me drawing references to the Illuminati via Snapchat*
“Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, Director.”  Oh my God.
Yes, Bail!
“The Death Star?  This is nonsense!”  Shut up, Anderson, you lower the IQ of the whole galaxy!
Who’s that lady in the gold hood?
C’mon, Mon Mothma!
“General Syndulla, please report to briefing.”  HERA!!!
Please tell me we see her getting promoted to General in S4!  Please Filoni!
“Rogue One.”  Roll credits!  *ding*
Wait, Mon Mothma knows that Obi-Wan’s alive?
“I would trust her with my life.”  GAH!
Oh my gosh, we actually see Imperial faces in the original trilogy and this movie.
Well, Saw Gerrera was an asshole, Jyn.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, there was supposed be a happy ending where everyone survived but Gareth Edwards didn’t get the go ahead to do it so he went with the “everyone dies” ending and made it dark.
Fun Fact:  the scene where they walk through the building on Scarif was filmed in a train station.
“Yeah, they rolled out the T-15s.”  Haaa... and they talk about the T-16s in “A New Hope” and the T-17s in “The Force Awakens”
I love this music here when they realize that they have to deploy the Rebel fleet to Scarif.
Oh my God, 3PO...
Oh crap, walkers...
Gold Leader!
I was gonna say “Where’s Phoenix Squadron?”  but then I realized that there is no longer a Phoenix Squadron :(
I love how they envoked some of the Vietnam War during the beach battles
Oh Blue Squadron made it in!
The prosthetics on the Mon Calamari are great in this movie.
Haha, that little hair flip Cassian does before using the handles.
K2 takes out the Stormtrooper squadron*  I’LL BEAT A MOTHEREFFA WITH ANOTHER MOTHEREFFA!
“Black Saber?”  What project is that?
Literally the main focus of the finale is to make sure the Internet connection is up and making sure the file is small enough to send.
*K2 dies*  I’m done.  I’m done you guys.
What Imperial ships are those?
I’m one with the Force and the Force is with me...
*The Ghost takes down a couple TIEs in front of the Mon Calamari ship*  Oooh, that was nice.
“I’m on it, Gold Leader.”  THAT WAS HERA!!! WE HEAR HER IN THIS! 
Leia gave us the Hammerheads in Rebels!
[Bodhi dies] *slams head on floor*
Mood:  Mads Mikkelsen opening a bottle of vodka during a “Rogue One” interview”
Baze looks like he has a air tank on his back.
*Baze dies*  God... dammit...
*The Hammerhead takes out two Star Destroyers*  Niiiiccceeeee......
Krennic, the entire Erso family is out to kick your ass throughout this entire movie.
Krennic also has a fancy Imperial pin in his lapel.  The Empire is just full of fancy pens.
*Death Star emerges from hyperspace*  Oh crap.
*Jyn and Cassian look at each other in the elevator*  Oh just kiss already
*Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer emerges from hyperspace*  Oh crap!
Oh God this music!
“Open fire!”  Oh hey Sam Witwer!
Fun Fact:  he threw that line in.  Even when he’s not Maul, he’s still improvising in Star Wars
[the camera pans to see Leia]  *sings*  We celebrate a day of peace....
“And Forrest Whitaker”  BOOGITY!
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Press/Gallery: Aubrey Plaza and Elizabeth Olsen Sound Off on Hollywood, Dark Humor and the Pitfalls of Instagram
    W MAGAZINE – id-way through Ingrid Goes West, the so-called “Instagram” movie that premiered to rave reviews at the Sundance Film Festival in January and will finally hit theaters on Friday, Aubrey Plaza, mid-carpool karaoke—and to K-Ci & JoJo, no less—shoots a glance at Elizabeth Olsen that sticks with you long past the credits. It’s a look of equal parts envy, lust, desperation, and infatuation—in a word, it’s unhinged. And it’s what makes Ingrid Goes West one of the summer’s most captivating movies.
  In the film, Plaza plays the titular Ingrid, a fragile and arguably deranged twenty-something who finds her calling after the death of her mother. In her copious free time she turns to Instagram to pass the hours, stumbling upon what will soon become an all-encompassing obsession: Olsen’s Taylor Sloane, a seemingly perfect, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, California-living, avocado toast-loving Instagram star. And so Ingrid goes West, to meet Taylor and get a piece of that social media bliss for herself. As you might guess, hijinks ensue—both slapstick for the Millennial set (at one point Plaza attempts to diffuse an awkward situation by screaming “I brought rosé!”, and it works) and unexpectedly dark (blackmail; attempted murder).
  The relationship between Ingrid and Taylor is a tenuous one, powered by iPhone battery life and Valencia filters that, like Ingrid’s gaze, will leave you feeling uneasy. Plaza and Olsen IRL, however, is another story. Nine months after the film’s Sundance debut, and countless photo ops (including one particularly ingenious red carpet ‘who wore it better’ moment), late night interviews, and yes, Instagram posts, the pair has an easy rapport, fueled by a similarly quiet wit and general affection for their joint project. Sitting together on a secluded bench just outside a bustling photo studio, the pair frequently broke off a conversation about the film for quick asides and playful bickering among themselves (and, no, Plaza does not hate Girls Trip). It was all-too-easy to just sit back and passively observe, à la Ingrid scrolling through Taylor’s feed—albeit, hopefully in a much less creepy fashion. Here, the pair talks about their new film, embracing social media, and the specificity of Los Angeles vocal fry.
  How did you first find this project?
Aubrey Plaza: I was sent the script through my agent. He got his hands on it really fast, and I kind of knew the director and writer [Matt Spicer] socially, so I reached out to him on my own and got together with him. I was just very aggressive about it. I just loved the script. It’s a beautifully written script. It’s very specific, and I thought it was so rare to have a story from one character’s perspective. I liked the subject matter, also, and thought it was really timely and a really beautiful human story, but also a great commentary on what’s happening right now with social media and society.
  Elizabeth Olsen: I had a friend who mentioned [the movie] to me and said, “There is this movie called Ingrid Goes West and if you hear about it, I think it’s really funny and I said that you’d be great for it.’ And then three months later, it came in with a pile of other scripts to my agent and manager, and they were like, “We’ll read this.” And I was like, “I’m going to read it too!” Then I read it and was like, “I’m going to do it!” I don’t know if everyone who read it would get the humor until they saw it, but I got it. I was like, “This is brilliant.” My favorite movies growing up were weird films that were a little off, like Heathers or Death Becomes Her or Return to Oz.
  AP: It does have an old school, cult classic vibe to it.
  EO: It has a dark, cult classic-y feel, and that’s why I loved it.
  Had you met before filming?
  EO: No. Actually—yes, once.
  AP: In a shop. The General Store.
  EO: The Mohalk General Store in Silver Lake, and you were on crutches.
  AP: I was just shopping with my friends.
  EO: And I knew one of your friends, and we all met. Then that was it. But that was a long time ago.
  AP: I guess we both have the same taste.
  EO: Maybe. I was in there first.
  Aubrey, were there any fictional characters that you looked to to help you tap into the mind of Ingrid?
  AP. There were definitely movies that we thought of, at least tonally. [Martin Scorsese’s] King of Comedy was a big one; just the idea of having that person who is obsession-worthy. But there weren’t any specifics characters.
  Elizabeth, in the film your character is a big Instagram influencer, and I read that director Matt Spicer made a fake Instagram account for you to help get into the mindset of a social media star.
  EO: He did. The password was like, ‘I love the beach,’ or something stupid. He had a list of influencers he wanted me to follow, so that was like my homework. He also wanted me to practice taking photos and I was like, ‘But I’m so bad at taking photos.’ But I took a picture of a dog in my backyard, and a sign that said “Beautiful Inside.” I didn’t know what I was doing. Thank God I didn’t have to take any pictures for the movie because I am really bad at taking photos.
  And you are both pretty new to Instagram yourselves [Elizabeth started using her account in February, while Aubrey recently made hers public]. Have you embraced it more now after doing this film?
  AP: I always felt a little pressure about [going public], especially since I had gotten off Twitter, so I didn’t have any social media presence. But then I was really excited about this movie and another movie that I had come out this summer [ The Little Hours, which is currently in theaters], so I was just excited about having a way to share that with people. So I was like, I’m just going to dive in.
  EO: It’s kind of funny now. I kind of enjoy it.
  AP: I did a fun little video on my vacation.
  EO: You did a Story?
  AP: No, I didn’t do a Story. I haven’t ever done a Story.
  EO: Oh, the Big Little Lies video. That was funny.
  AP: But I’m not as judgmental about it. I’m like, ‘Oh, whatever.’
  Is there anyone in particular that you like to follow?
  A.P.: I mostly just follow all of my friends. Who is really good at Instagram? I don’t know.
  EO: I don’t know either. My friend Jake is really good at Instagram.
  A.P.: Official Sean Penn is really funny to me. Those funny, comedy ones are always good.
  EO: Danny Pellegrino, do you ever follow him? He’s funny.
  AP: And John Early. He’s always doing these, like, dances.
  EO: We went to school together. He was in the grade above me.
  AP: I did not know that. I’ve never met him, I just think he’s funny.
  You shot the movie in Los Angeles, and the film has a very specific Los Angeles vibe to it. What was it like shooting there?
  EO: I like filming on location; it’s hard for me to work where I live. You obviously have had so much experience working where you live. I’m assuming with Parks & Rec?
  AP: Yeah, but it’s different on a movie. With TV, it’s like, ‘This is my job, I’m going to work.’ For this movie [shooting in LA] made sense, and it was fun to go to Venice, because I don’t ever go to Venice, or Joshua Tree and other places like that which I never want to go to.
  E.O.: Joshua Tree was really fun. Matt, Aubrey, and I shared a home. He never reviewed or rated me, and I’m trying to get an Airbnb right now and I feel like me having points or something would help me get a place. Then I got nervous because I thought we may have left the house dirty, but we didn’t. We were really respectful.
  AP: We definitely borrowed some of his hats, but I think we put them back.
  EO: We did. And I think he told us there was a hat closet in his opening note.
  AP: And ponchos.
  E.O.: But I really want my rating.
  Speaking of Los Angeles—Elizabeth, the very particular Valley Girl-esque cadence of your voice as Taylor is a real highlight of the film. Did you pull inspiration from anyone in particular?
  EO: I just grew up in LA and the only reason I don’t talk like that is because I went to drama school, probably. My mother has a high-pitched voice and I feel like you take on the cadence of people around you. I just think what is really funny about people in LA is that they talk like they are running out of breath.
  AP: Even your laugh was different.
  EO: I know, but then I was laughing like that with my friends. I was like, ‘Why am I doing that?’
  How long was the shoot altogether?
  EO: Like, a week.
  AP: Yeah, seven days. No, it was twenty-four days total.
  EO: So nuts.
  Did that kind of quick, intense schedule affect your relationship? It sounds almost like a summer camp, secluded bubble type of experience.
  EO: Aubrey never had a moment off, because the whole movie is her. I had a lot of time to go have my normal life and come back.
  AP: I feel like when we were on set, we were in really uncomfortable situations at times. Our toilets were in our chairs.
  EO: Like, if you moved this bench up, there would be a toilet under there. The toilets smelled so bad.
  AP: But it was good. It helped us band together.
  EO: Like little, dirty children.
  Is there anything in particular that you are obsessed with right now in your own life?
  EO: My friends are very obsessed with this movie, which is cool. They all went to the premiere in LA. And I heard Girls Trip was fantastic.
  AP: Oh, I want to see that.
  E.O.: My friend Clay saw it and was obsessed with it. Then I said, ‘What’s better, Ingrid Goes West or Girls Trip?’ And he said, ‘Honestly, Lizzie, they are on the same level.’
  AP: What.
  EO: That movie was a huge success; that’s a compliment.
  AP: Okay…
  EO: Take it as a compliment. I think it got 99 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. People are obsessed with Girls Trip.
        Gallery Link:
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      Press/Gallery: Aubrey Plaza and Elizabeth Olsen Sound Off on Hollywood, Dark Humor and the Pitfalls of Instagram was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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