#i just really wnana go home rn lol
thesoundofmadness · 2 years
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monohart · 6 years
pretzels. (boyfriend!au)
ft. kim jungwoo, younger siblings and a safe word for “save me”.
when you started going out with jungwoo, your younger siblings / younger friends were even more excited then u were
bc he was the nicest and kindest and most considerate guy in the world
ok no lie he was nicer than u and he was kinder to your friends too lol
i don’t blame him honestly he just wanted to make a good impression on your friends who he knew meant a lot to u
even tho they can be ... quite a handful sometimes..
the first few months were okay because your friends were still on that.,, getting to know him stage,, so they were quite shy
until once u were like
oh boy u regret it now
but u were like
a bit tired of how they always came to you for requests and favours
like hey can u help me with this homework,,, or hey can u pick me up after school bc my parents are too busy...
so u were like
ok here is my boyfriend’s number, just ask him to help u bc i’m rly busy
it started off good, bc like i said, jungwoo wanted to be friends with your friends too!!
and your friends were like WOW...... IT a BOY hHhHhHhh
and jungwoo was like ᵒᵐᵍ ᶦᵗˢ ᵐʸ ᵇᵃᵇʸ'ˢ ᵇᵃᵇʸ ᶠʳᶦᵉⁿᵈˢ ʰʰʰʰʰᴴᴴʰᴴᴴʰ
u liked seeing them get along well too
a few weeks later
whenever u were like
hey jungwoo can we hang out this saturday i finally finished my assignments for now
and he goes
“oh ... oh no i promised your friend.. the one who always wear pigtails? i promised her i’d take her to the mall for the uh, claire’s big discount sale”
“... did you just turn me down bc u have a date with my 7 year old friend..”
after much persuasion from jungwoo your 7 year old friend finally let u tag along
she was looking forward to spend the whole afternoon with jungwoo bc he was nice and he smiled and gave his genuine opinion on stuff
and he’d buy bubble tea for her just to see her smile kjdsnf he was soft for that kinda thing
he wasn’t like u who scolded them every other minute, for spending too much money and wasting time
basically they hated u at times bc u were such a mOM.
so anyway at the mall date outing, when the 7 year old was busy browsing through some necklaces at the sale, you pulled jungwoo aside
your friend was little but she eavesdrop on stuff a lot
so when the store manager wasn’t looking you pulled jungwoo into the small storage room at the back
and he’s like
slightly panicked
and he kept licking his lips bc he was nervous and also he forgot to wear your favourite chapstick
the one u really liked the flavour of
because he thought u stole him aside because u wanted to kiss him lol poor baby im sorry u just wanted to talk loolol
"we need a safe word...”
“for? what?”
“for when you can’t stand my friends anymore... and you want me to tell them to back off.”
“oh... it’s okay. they’re really cute and i don’t mind”
“you’ll change your mind after two months, wanna bet?”
“huh? oh.. it’s really okay, baby.”
“okay just in case you change your mind... just... tell me that u want some pretzels and i’ll get it.”
he laughs. “okay then.“
u reminded him about the secret code for a distress call almost everyday and he’s like yep no worries i’m good rn
then before u know it two months fly by
you still get to spend a lot of time with him during the week
but as the semester rolls by you both get busier and busier w studies
he still helps your little friends with the little favours and stuff and he still likes them with his full heart but
but whevenr he goes hang out with them he noticed how reluctant u were to join and that small crestfallen look on your face when u think that he and your friends prolly enjoy each others’ company more than yours,
made him worried fr
so he called u one evening
u were walking home from a night class
and y’all chat about bland things until he goes
“i miss you.”
and you’re like pft come on we talk everyday and we spend our weekends together
and he’s like :(
“but it hasn’t been.. just us.. in a long time..”
u were like
u decide to play w him a little
“but too bad my little sisters like you so, so much and you seem to like them too and they’ll be disappointed if jungwoo oppa can’t come and play with them anymore”
he goes silent for a while and u could tell he strugglin’
“i... i guess i just want some pretzels...”
he added quickly “just for a while?”
“and how long is your while, baby?”
“um, one month?”
you think about it.
one whole month where you get jungwoo all to yourself again
yeah of course what the heck he was your boyfriend after all
literally that night you phoned your friends to say jungwoo was super busy this next month so they weren’t able to find him
cue some sulky sad depresso 7 year olds but wtv!!! they’ll live!!!
jungwoo that headass
he came over to your place and packed a bag of your stuff w all necessities and basically kidnapped u for a few days
netflix every night until y’all both fell asleep!!
lots and lots of cuddling and spooning and soft shit
on nights without netflix y’all lay in the dark and talked about whatever came to mind
his favourite place was the crook of your neck
tickled u hella but u let him bc u liked being the small spoon
felt safe and protected uwu
he smelt nice after showers too
he doesn’t wear cologne but u know that very fresh laundry and soft cotton soap smell
yeah that’s jungwoo and it was so warm and soft
waking up in the mornings you’d find that he hadn’t moved at all and was still spooning u
tbh he’d usually be up before u so when you turn your head he’d attack u w kisses
hug u a bit tighter until you start laughing bc he always said the first thing he wanted to hear in the mornings was your cute little laugh
you’d go to the library together to “study”
u being the kind of college student who don’t wnana delay graduation and longer than it should be, worked diligently
but your mans kim jungwoo was willing to risk it all
you’d look up everyone few min or so and he’d be just looking dreamily at u
w a small silly grin on his face
his eyes go a little softer around the edges like he was looking at smth absolutely gorgeous and cute
u kick him under the table shyly
and he gently kicks u back
and y’all nudge each other back and forth until u couldn’t stand it anymore and drags him out of the quiet area
there’s a fire emergency staircase next to the toilets around the back of the library where people rarely go
before u could fully make sure there weren’t anyone lurking around the area he’s already backing u against the wall and kissing u
one of his hands is against the wall just above your ear and the other hand is on your chin
meanwhile your hands are everywhere tho
and he loves it
awkwardly stops when some lost first year kid come walking up the stairs only to immediately dash back down again hhh
gave u an excuse to hide against his chest
made him giggle a bit uwu
but then lifted your chin up and dove back in :)
anyway :)) after y’all finish :)) making out :)) you head back to your desks like nothing happened :))
some people stare though
at jungwoo’s tousled hair and bright red cheeks
and at your swollen lips and shifty eyes :))
when the one month come to an end it feels like coming home from a honeymoon really
bc everything goes back to normal and your friends are ringing him up again
but you didn’t mind because it’s only gonna be a matter of time before jungwoo comes back and asks for pretzels again uwu
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