#i just saw the fruity little vampire man and fell in love and then THE TRAUMA SHOWED UP and thats it that was the end for me
bosspigeon · 11 months
Did not mean to craft Literally The Perfect Man for Astarion I just made a demisexual dude with a complex relationship with sex and intimacy due to trauma bc it is my God-Given Right to cram my own issues into an oc and then the vampire twink just happened to have issues to match and anyway what was i talking about
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nyxienoya · 3 years
Humble Surprises
lil Rohan x Dio fic for the bestie
summary: Rohan draws Dio because he's a simp
word count: 1.9k
It was silent in the Kishibe residence, both Rohan and Dio were sitting parallel to each other in the living room. A faint sound of the record player playing Mozart softly. Rohan was sat on his single seater red leather couch seemingly slaving away working on his manga as usual, at least that’s what it seemed like to Dio.
Dio however, was sat on the black three seater leather couch reading one of his old books from the 1880s, holding it with one had as he swirled a glass of red wine with his other hand, stopping his reading to take a small sip every so often.
The two had met only years prior when Rohan was nineteen and decided to take a trip to Cairo to expand the limits of the manga he had been planning for years. He frequently used the architecture of the buildings in the manga, even in frequent volumes just to reference back to one of the best moments in Rohan’s life.
Rohan ended up stumbling away from the city, getting too versed in drawing anything that piqued his interest, to the point of him having to buy an extra four sketchbooks the minute he landed in Cairo, knowing he’d lose all control. It only took two days for Rohan to fill up the first sketchbook. To ensure that he wouldn’t fill the rest of the sketchbooks in mere days, Rohan decided to venture off away from the city, trying to take in more than what met the eye.
Off in the distance he saw a large building, illuminated by candles of all shapes and sizes, curious, Rohan decided to head towards it.
Meanwhile, inside the mansion stood Dio and his thirteen year old son, Giorno in deep discussion in front of the grand staircase. “Giorno, son. Don’t be ridiculous, you can’t venture off to Italy this young on your own!” Dio exclaimed, to which he continued on in a hushed tone of voice, “please son, if you leave it’ll just be me and Vanilla Ice, and as much as I appreciate him as a follower, it’s too much. By this point he should just be my slave, he’s that subservient to me.” In response Giorno rolled his eyes, playing with the ends of his braid. “Father, I’m not doing this to abandon you, I adore you, you care for me whereas mother doesn’t, she left you for a Japanese man, and I cannot forgive her for doing so. But I digress, you’re extremely dramatic. The most compelling reason you wouldn’t want me to leave is as a result of you being a vampire, and Italy is a catholic country, therefore having crosses and garlic and whatever vampires are allergic to.” This caused Dio to look towards his son with a deadpan look on his face whereas Giorno was stood with a smirk on his.
Unbeknownst to the two, the grand door had been open for a minute where Rohan had been standing, jaw agape from what he had just witnessed, “You-“ he tried to muster something to say, but was quickly silenced by the tall vampire suddenly appeared by his side. Giorno looked to the scene in amusement, “You can’t kill him.” He spoke nonchalantly to which Dio opened his mouth to reply only to close it once more, unable to think of a response. By now, Rohan had gained control over his thoughts once again and started to look around frantically. “Ah! The architecture of this place is simple magnificent.” Rohan exclaimed, turning to face the vampire. “And, you’re a vampire? Your features would be great in my manga. Oh the possibilities are endless, having a vampire in my story would add a little spice.” Rohan ranted, without Dio realizing, his son had slipped away from the situation, laughing softly noticing how fascinated his father was with the mortal.
Dio was stunned, normally if a human had stumbled into the mansion, Dio would kill them or turn them into a vampire to act as his follower, but this human, he was something else.
Over time, Dio found himself infatuated with the human who he came to know as Rohan, and within a years’ time of knowing him, his partner. Dio thought it would be appropriate to turn Rohan into a stand user just lie himself, using the arrow. To no surprise to anyone, his stand; Heaven’s Door took inspiration from Rohan’s zeal for manga and the arts. Later, the two found that The World had a softness for Heaven’s Door, acting in a nurturing way towards it. The first time the two saw their stands together The World seemed to be fretting over Heaven’s Door and seemingly inquiring about its powers. Seeing this made the users chuckle, who knew their stands felt so softly for each other?
Fast forwarding to the present, Rohan was scribbling away at a piece of paper, having his coloured inks sprawled on the coffee table, dipping his pen in every so often. Dio thought is was cute how Rohan acted when he drew, tongue in between his lips, eyebrows furrowed, his hair sticking to his cheeks; his headband working to no avail. Whilst reading, Dio would look up over his book to take in the sight of his partner. He thought it was strange how the two of them clicked, a 138-year-old vampire, and a passionate manga artist. Two unlikely lovers, and quite frankly, Dio wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Aha!” Rohan suddenly called out, causing Dio to place down his now empty glass of wine as well as his book. “Are you okay there, darling?” Dio asked, an undertone of concern laced in his words. Rohan looked up to his boyfriend, a large grin plastered on his face, “Everything is fine, my love. If you don’t mind” he stood up, drawing in hand, “I’ll be right back.” Rohan then rushed upstairs in order to finalize some details.
Dio rubbed his chin in curiosity, “What ever could that man have been drawing to be that excited for it?” He questioned. Shrugging, he stood, picking up the glass and walked into their kitchen which had the key to the basement. Dio snatched the key off the hook and headed towards the basement door. He opened it and flicked the lights on, stepping down the wooden stairs. He took a deep inhale, the smell of various types of wine accumulating into one scent. He walked around the racks of wine, uncertain on what flavour he was craving. Dio didn’t realise that ten minutes had already passed before he finally picked the perfect red wine. A Malbec; which Dio thought perfectly expressed the fruitiness of summer, having a blueberry flavour with a hint of spice. Perfect for these Summer evenings.
The moment he picked up the bottle of wine from the rack to take back upstairs, he was suddenly was enveloped by two arms around his waist, “I knew you’d be down here, you alcoholic.” Rohan joked, nuzzling his cheek into Dio’s defined back. “Oh hush, young one, I simply ran out of the wine from earlier. That’s beside the point though,” he started, turning to wrap one of his arms around his boyfriend. “what did you need from me, dear?” He asked, pressing a soft kiss to Rohan’s forehead.
“I came to ask you to come upstairs. I wanted to show you the finished piece.” Rohan smiled, taking Dio’s free hand and almost dragging him upstairs. Taking almost stagnant steps, Dio smirked; “You know dear, you’re stronger than you look.” To which Rohan replied with briefly glaring at him and groaning, “Come on, I don’t have all evening to wait for you-“ He was promptly cut off by seeing that his boyfriend was no longer behind him, rather; leaning on the door frame in front of him, eyebrow quirked. “Exactly what I’m saying love, come on, we haven’t got all day.” Dio spoke, sarcasm dripping from his voice. Once more, Rohan groaned, muttering “Sometimes I hate that stand of yours.”
Taking his boyfriend’s hand once again, the two walked up to Rohan’s office in silence. When the two were in front of the door, Rohan released Dio’s hand and turned to face him. “Okay, no using The World, I want you to cover your eyes, it’s a surprise. Whether you’ll like it or not is beyond my control, but I hope at least you’ll appreciate it.” Dio nodded and covered his eyes with his arm, still holding the bottle of wine whilst reaching out for Rohan’s hand and succeeding.
Rohan opened the door and took slow steps, trying to ensure his partner wouldn’t trip, walking into the center of the room then stopping. Rohan let out a sigh and released Dio’s hand again. “Okay, you may uncover your eyes.” To which Dio complied, accompanied by Rohan saying “Surprise!”
He took in the drawing. It was him, which was the first thing to shock Dio, Rohan really cared that much about him to take hours of time to draw him? What surprised him more was the fact that is was him when he was a teen, back in the 1880s before everything in his life fell apart. Dio was taken aback, stumbling backwards slightly. It was a beautiful drawing, the fluidity of the ink encapsulating his features perfectly. Dio, needless to say was taken away with the drawing, and Rohan could see it in his expression.
Tears cropping up in the corner of Dio’s eyes shocked Rohan the most though. “Darling, are you alright, is the drawing that bad? I can destroy it if you want.” Rohan frantically explained. Dio shook his head, rejecting the idea. “Don’t do anything of the sort darling. I apologise, but I was just incredibly taken aback from it. It’s beautiful. You perfectly matched up my personality from when I was a boy, all from the stories I’ve told you about my youth.” Dio stated, Rohan nodding as he spoke.
“Are you sure that’s all-“ Rohan started, but getting cut off mid-sentence by his boyfriend. “I know you must think there’s some deeper meaning to by my response being as sorrowful as you expected, and there is. It’s just that, looking at this drawing evoked something inside of me; regret? Anguish? I’m not sure, but whatever it is makes me miss JoJo, I never wanted to actually hurt him-“ Dio’s rant being cut off by Rohan hugging him, tears of his own cropping.
Dio smiled softly, returning the hug, staring at the drawing. “I want you to frame it. It’s too precious to put elsewhere.” Rohan nodded.
“Thank you Rohan, this means a lot to me. You’re so talented and I cannot thank you enough for being my partner despite my past.” Dio spoke softly. Rohan muttered a response against his partner’s chest; “I love you too, Dio. If you ever need me to draw something which can bring to life the memories you once had with Jonathan, I’ll do it, no questions asked.”
Later that night, Dio found the drawing framed and hung in the walkway to the living room and smiled softly. “Thank you, JoJo.” He whispered to himself. As he said those words, he could’ve sworn he felt a large hand on his shoulder, one so familiar to him, but so distant at the same time. Jonathan Joestar after all these years was still looking over his brother.
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hanny-writes-spn · 8 years
The Memories
Title: The Memories
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Wordcount: 1400 ish 
Warnings: Excessive drinking
Read Part 1: The Ultimatum by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes 
Read Part 3: The Compromise by @melonshino 
A/N: Written for @spnbuddywriters SPN Team Building Challenge. I used the song Drive by Oh Wonder for inspiration for my part of the story. I was fortunate enough to be put in a group with these two lovely ladies for this challenge! I had a lot of fun collaborating with them. Ida and Tierra: thank you for always reassuring me when I second guess myself and for throwing me even deeper into my Sam and Dean crisis. I love you guys a lot. <3
Leaving Dean was by far one of the hardest things you had ever had to do. You had endured monsters and death your entire life, and you could handle that, but leaving him… it was almost unbearable.
When you left the bunker, you went straight to your childhood home. Instead of dreading that old house, you now found comfort in it. Walking into the door, you dropped your bags of clothes and sighed. It was the first time you had been there by yourself since your dad died.
The sun was starting to set and even though you hadn’t eaten dinner yet, you had no appetite. Your heart was broken and all you wanted to do to fill the void of Dean was drink. You knew exactly where your father had a stash of liquor and luckily there was still one bottle of whiskey and one bottle of vodka left. You opted for the vodka, the whiskey being too hard to look at since you always associated it with Dean.
Taking a long, burning swig of the clear liquid, you made your way outside to the rocking chair on your back porch. Swinging yourself back and forth, you let your mind wander.
Had you made the right decision leaving Dean? Was a normal life really for you?
Thinking back to your argument leading up to your departure, you almost chuckled. You left Dean because he didn’t want to have a normal life. You left him because he didn’t want to have a family. You left because he didn’t want to try to live in your house. Now instead of living out a somewhat bearable life of hunting with the love of your life, you were going to live a “normal life.” You were going to have to get a job, make new friends, maybe even a new boyfriend…
Tears were streaming down your face when you thought about starting a new life with someone else eventually. The break up was way too soon for you to be thinking that far ahead.
Maybe it was good for you to be alone. You had always had someone to take care of you - your father took care of you before he died, then Dean came along soon after and took care of you. You also always had someone to take care of. You looked after your father when he hunted and again with Dean as his girlfriend. In the first time in your life, you were on your own. Maybe it was time to take care of yourself. It was time for you to be independent.
But why did it have to be so hard?
Not even three hours into your break up with Dean and you were second guessing yourself.
You started to lose count of how many pulls you took of your vodka. You just wanted to get your mind off of your breakup, but that wasn’t easy. When the bottle finally ran dry, you peeled your body from the rocking chair and stumbled inside. You could handle your booze, but this wasn’t like any other night at the bar. There were only two other times when you had gotten as drunk as you were at that moment: your 21st birthday and the night your dad died.
Finding the nearest couch, you threw yourself into the soft cushions and let out a sigh, followed by a sickening burp. You knew that there was no way you wouldn’t throw up, but you were too tired to care.
Before you finally passed out, you let your mind wander back to Dean. Out of all of the beautiful moments you and Dean had shared together, the one you couldn’t get out of your head was the night that you met the Winchesters.
Sitting at the local bar of the town you were in, you sipped on your fruity drink. You pulled your dress down an inch and clicked your heels against the legs of the stool you were propped up on. After combing your fingers through your hair, you looked suspiciously around the bar. God, what you would do for a glass of whiskey and a pair of jeans instead, but you had a cover to uphold.
You were after a small clan of vampires. They were all young men, and their prey of choice seemed to be attractive, vulnerable women. You planned on getting picked up and then taken to their nest - a high risk, high rewards situation.
After downing the remainder of your drink, you saw out of the corner of your eye a man sitting down next to you. You slowly turned your head ready to flirt with who you assumed was going to be a vampire, when you saw who it was.
Dean Winchester. He must be after the same case as you were. You had heard stories about the Winchester brothers. They were the ones that started (and stopped) the Apocalypse. They had both been to hell and back… literally. They were the closest thing to celebrities that the hunter world had.
“Hey there. Do you mind?” he asked, gesturing towards the seat.
“Be my guest” you said lightly, then signaled the bartender to get you another drink.
“I couldn’t help but notice that you’re here all alone… thought you might like a little company” he said with a wink then took a sip of his own drink.
So, this was the Dean Winchester you had heard so much about. He was much more handsome than the mug shots had let on. Was he really hitting on you?
“Very… chivalrous of you”
Dean laughed, unable to take his eyes off of you. You weren’t used to so much male attention. In fact, you seriously considered the fact that your plan might tank because the vampires wouldn’t even be attracted to you.
“So, are you from around here?”
You shook your head, turning your body towards him. “Just passing through. You look like a drifter yourself” you nodded to him. You wanted to keep your act up, not let him know that you knew who he was. Or that you were a hunter, too.
“That I am… so, what’s a pretty girl like you doing in bar all alone?” his voice drawled, almost sucking you into his charm.
You leaned in, letting your lips barely graze his ear. You knew you were giving him a good view of your chest as you whispered, “Probably for the same reason as you, Dean” you said with a little chuckle, pulling away just enough to see his reaction. “I have to get going… it was nice to meet you. I’m sure this won’t be the last time we cross paths.”
Your courage was unusually high at the moment, so you gave him a peck on the cheek then left the bar without looking back. Even though you didn’t see the look on his face, you knew he was totally lost as to how you knew who he was.
Later that night, you finally located the vampire’s nest - your plan was quick and easy, but when you got to the warehouse the vamps were hiding out at you noticed the sleek, black Impala parked in front.
“Son of a bitch…” you muttered under your breath then made your way inside.
Both Dean and who you assumed was Sam were mid battle with two different vamps. It looked like they had done a good job and could probably finish the nest up themselves, seeing all of the decapitated bodies scattered everywhere, but you decided to help.
With a swift swing of your machete, you decapitated the vamp that was on top of Dean, then went to Sam and did the same to the one on top of him. By surprise, another one popped out of nowhere but you had no problem taking it down as well.
Both of the boys’ eyes were wide, staring at you as if you were another vampire.
“How…. what… I just…” Dean stumbled over his words, unable to create coherent sentences.
“I think you mean, ‘thank you’” you said with a laugh. You offered him a hand and he gratefully took it, still clearly confused.
“Yes, um… thank you…?” he asked with one eyebrow cocked.
“Y/N. My name is Y/N” you said with a satisfied smirk.
You and Dean loved to talk about that moment. He always claimed that the moment he laid eyes on you slicing those vamps into bits, he knew that you were it for him. He was a goner.
You wondered what happened to those two kids that fell in love so long ago.
Dean Tags: @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @applepie-and-angelwings
Forever Tags: @mogaruke @melonberri @holding-on-to-francis @dyingwhaleseatpizza @impalaobsession @feelmyroarrrr @pureawesomeness001 
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