#i just saw u wrote me a starter and I never replied
seafrightened-blog · 6 years
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neocityarchive · 5 years
dear dream (ldh) | part 1
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: language
chapter summary: Horrible as it may sound, but it seemed as if you were starting to forget what it was like to love him.
a/n: so there’s a lot of narration in the beginning but pls be patient :> ajdaskl also please let me know what you think. thank u, love u.
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You were starting to forget. It’s been eight months after Donghyuck left for training and you were starting to forget everything.
You were starting to forget how his voice sounded on the phone at night, tired and hoarse after a long day but still managing to say sweet things subtly hidden under his teases and cheeky remarks. You were starting to forget how his lips felt on yours, on your cheeks, on your temples, at the top of you head… on your neck. You were starting to forget how his slim fingers fit in the spaces between yours and how his thumb rubs against the back of your hand out of habit. Horrible as it may sound, but it seemed as if you were starting to forget what it was like to love him.
It’s ironic, though. It seemed too soon considering how you were like the first few weeks. Even when he left, he was everywhere. The two of you didn’t break up, with the promise of seeing each other again, the promise of him coming back to you. But it still felt like that… maybe worse. He was gone but you could see him in every store you used to drag him to. You could hear him in every song, even the shitty ones with repetitive riffs and lyrics. He loves random dancing to those. Almost every night, he would appear in your dreams, either as flashbacks or as random scenes.
That is until it started to fade. Your mind that was once filled with Donghyuck has slowly been filled with a lot of something elses.
Things changed faster than you expected them to. You were still on the same job at the bookstore with Taeil who has been promoted to manager. But you went to college where you met a senior who also happened to be your upstairs neighbor. His name is Doyoung. You endorsed him to a job at the bookstore and now you’re colleagues. Both he and Taeil are the closest friends you have at the moment.
Your parents were now retired after securing your future. They sold the house, moved to a smaller place in Busan, and started a barbecue business there.  You found a nice starter apartment and started drafting your book once again, but getting nowhere.
And in all those changes, the one person who you’ve always imagined would walk every step of the way with you weren't there.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” he said that day. You never understood that statement. It didn’t really make sense no matter how much you thought about it, but it’s the one thing that repetitively plays on your mind. For some reason, it always gave you hope and a weird longing for tomorrow. But as days passed, you realized it really wasn’t enough.
Three months after Hyuck left and the dreams became lesser. You have already opened nine out of twelve of his letters, most of it was because you just wanted to experience his thoughts again. You miss him, but the new environment made it easier to get him off your mind every once in a while.
Six months, the dreams were rare. You missed him more than ever. There was one night when you were alone in your apartment, feeling shitty because you’re not making any progress on a report that was due the next day. You knew if he was there, he’d motivate you to work harder. You knew if he was there, it would all be different. But he wasn’t. So you opened the last letter.
“Read… when you’re mad or upset that I’m not there,” you read out loud. “As if this is going to change anything.”
It didn’t. He still wasn’t there. You drafted a reply, just wanting to let it out of your system. After reading what you wrote, you hated yourself for it. You crumpled the paper and threw it in your drawer, not having the heart to toss it into the garbage itself.
And by the eighth month… the dreams were reduced to none. You almost didn’t notice it, until one night your neighbor was watching the TV too loud. You knew it was his voice that was singing even through the thin walls. You’d recognize it anywhere. You realized you haven’t thought about your boyfriend much lately. It has gotten to the point where you begin to wonder whether it is still right to call him your boyfriend anymore.
You cried that night, feeling guilty. The aching in your chest forced you to open that letter again, the one you’ve read the most: read… when you miss me.
Your eyes scanned the words but you’ve already memorized it by heart.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” you read, muttering to yourself, and before you could stop your tongue, you said, “Bullshit.”
You scribbled on a notepad on your desk: It’s been 8 months since the last time… I’m getting tired. Are we still… us?
Seeing as you thought you’ve forgotten, you were surprised to dream about him again for the first time in a while. It was about the day he told you he was leaving. You still remember the barrage of emotions you felt right then. Those same emotions mirrored themselves in your chest that night, leading to tearstained pillow cases.
“Just… don’t forget about me while you’re there.” You choked down a sob. “Promise me.”
“I promise. I’ll be back before you know it.”
You tossed and turned in your sheets. Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt!
You groaned, your hands desperately looking for your phone somewhere on your bed to turn off the goddamn alarm.
You sighed to yourself, frowning at the sensation of the wet pillow on your cheek. “Fuck my life. It’s too early to be sad.”
You forced your eyes open to check for any notifs on your phone. It was just a bunch of emails from your professors and a few texts from your mom. But at the bottom of the list, received at 2:01 AM today… followed by 9 other tabs.
You blinked and then pinched yourself, trying to see if you were still dreaming. But you weren’t. It’s really there. With a deep breath and a fluttering heart, you tapped on the notification, watching it expand.
hyuckie: y/n!!!
hyuckie: i cant believe im saying this but..
hyuckie: i hope your habits are as bad as i remember :(
hyuckie: please be awake?
hyuckie: i really wanna talk to you, i miss you so much!!  ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
hyuckie: but i guess you’re asleep now
hyuckie: which is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hyuckie: so i’ll talk to you in the morning?
hyuckie: goodnight :>>
You sat up, reading and re-reading the texts. It didn’t seem real. Was it...? Is this some kind of joke fate was playing on you? After almost a month of barely thinking about him, Donghyuck once again let his existence known.
You gulped, the guilt almost eating you inside as your fingers found their way to your keypad.
You: hyuck…?
You: is this real???? are you back??
You waited five minutes. There was no reply. The small hope that bubbled in your chest when you saw his texts dissipated almost immediately. Maybe you just didn’t want to be fooled that easily or maybe you were getting tired of holding onto something that hasn’t really been sitting fully within your reach for so long.
Still, throughout the day, you checked your phone more than you usually do. Even while crossing the pedestrian. Even when you were in a lecture. Even while walking in the hallway. Even when you were manning the cashier at work. You checked your phone too much that it annoyed those who were watching.
“Y/N, stop it. You’re being stupid,” Doyoung said after he returned from a round of stacking books. He has a habit of saying things straight to people’s faces. Usually, it’s a good thing, but it’s also very annoying.
You looked up, consciously putting your phone back in your pocket with a sigh.
“He’s still probably busy. I’m sure he just had, like, a night off and decided to text you.” He shrugged. “His agency don’t really give their artists breaks that much, especially since he just debuted.”
Doyoung sometimes works in the same agency as Hyuck. He’s always getting hired by people here and there to sing demos or background vocals. Even when you’ve only really heard him sing under his breath, it’s not hard for you to say he’s talented. Also, he gives you scoop on what’s happening inside Hyuck’s agency. They’ve met a lot. But as a favor, you made Doyoung promise not to tell Hyuck that you know each other.
Maybe it sounds wrong, but you weren’t really spying on your boyfriend. Besides, Doyoung is almost useless when it comes to updating you about Hyuck. All he ever tells you are his schedules, but that’s not what you wanted to know. Whenever you talk about him, it always goes something like
“How’s he doing?”
“He seemed okay.”
“Does he talk about me sometimes?”
“No, but we didn’t really talk much. He and his friends scare me.”
You ran a hand through your hair in frustration. Your mind was a mess. You don’t know what to feel about Hyuck finally reaching out to you, and for some reason, you wanted to explain what made him do it even if the explanation sounded ridiculous.
“He decided to text me at 2 in the morning, after eight months of nothing,” you said, glaring at him. “It doesn’t make sense. Somebody probably just played a prank on him.”
“By texting you?” Doyoung snorted.
You shrugged. “Why not?”
“That’s what won’t make sense,” he muttered.
“Nothing makes sense.” You sighed.
“And yet you check your phone every two minutes just in case he replied.” He shook his head. “Again, you’re being stupid.”
You were just thinking of a retort when a customer came up to the counter and asked if you had anything available on astrology. Doyoung only smiled at her politely but offered no answer.
“Yes, ma’am. You’ll find them on the last aisle.” You smiled at the lady. When she was gone, you turned back to your friend who was busy scanning some magazine he picked up. “I’m not being stupid.”
Doyoung snorted. “First of all, lame comeback. Second, yes, you are. You’re going back and forth between ‘oh I miss my boyfriend’ and ‘I don’t even know if I care anymore.’ And you’ve been going at it for months, Y/N! Make up your mind. You have to realize this whole situation is unfair to you. Third, you worry too much. Has he even seen your text yet?”
You frowned. You hate it when Doyoung is right, which is most of the time. It’s unfair that he’s always the one who makes sense. It’s worse because he tells you things you don’t want to hear but definitely should. You almost wish Taeil was here. Doyoung seems to be more reserved around him, though you’re not really sure why.
“He hasn’t,” you replied weakly. “But just to be sure…” You whipped your phone out again.
Doyoung groaned loudly, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. “And here we have an idiot,” he grumbled. “God, Y/N. Give yourself a break.”
You just rolled your eyes, continuing to navigate your phone until you’ve reached your message thread with Hyuck. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
Read 8:41 PM
“He’s seen it,” you muttered, mostly to yourself. But Doyoung heard it, too. Even he couldn’t hide his surprise.
“He has?” He leaned over to look. “Why isn’t he replying then? It’s been a minute.”
“Baby steps. Doyoungie,” you said kindly.
“Oh, so now you're back to being a hopeless romantic?” He sighed. “God, you’re gonna’ give me whiplash. Whatever. Just tidy up the counter. We have to close soon.”
You nodded.
Doyoung went to walk around the store again leaving you alone by yourself. You left your phone unlocked, the screen still displaying Hyuck’s messages as you moved around and did your routine of fixing the counter and the displays in front of it.
You’ve arranged everything and checked the store’s valuables twice, yet there were still no changes on your phone except your battery has gone down 2%.
“He really left me on read,” you muttered to yourself. “Unbelievable.”
With a sigh, you locked your phone, giving up. Maybe Doyoung was right (again). Hyuck probably just finally had a night to himself and decided to talk to you, but you couldn’t reply. Fuck timing. It always ruins everything.
The lady from earlier came to you once again to purchase an astrology book. She smiled and said thanks after you handed the book back in a paper bag. You returned her smile, but inside you were questioning why people even believe in stars. You shrugged. Who am I to talk though? Why do I even believe in a relationship that doesn’t feel like one anymore? you thought to yourself.
As if the universe was determined to prove you wrong, your phone started ringing, vibrating against the wooden surface of the counter. When your eyes landed on the caller ID, you felt your heart drop to your stomach.
It took you a moment to react. Before you started dating, Donghyuck changed the setting of his ringtone on your phone to Stay With Me by Chanyeol & Punch. He did it as a joke to tease you, but after getting used to it, you didn’t bother to change it. You regret that decision now. The song played as if you were in some sort of romantic drama, awaiting for the male lead. It seems ridiculous to imagine, but it was enough to build the tension.
You answered the call before the vocals came in.
“...hello?” you said, your voice smaller than usual.
“Y/N?” Hyuck’s voice came through the speakers. You felt your heart clench just by the sound of it. “Hi.”
“Hyuck?” you asked, feeling stupid right after. There was no doubt it was him. But it felt surreal that he’s calling you right now that you just had to make sure.
“Who else, silly?” He laughed. “How’s my baby?”
Your face scrunched as you suppressed a scream. Why am I being like this? It’s just Hyuck, you thought to yourself, trying to calm down. But it’s Hyuck!!! You wanted to cry but you were still in public. A customer might come in at the last minute and see you bawling your eyes out. Even the thought of it makes you want to punch yourself.
“Wait, is it really you?!” You could barely hide the emotions in your voice. It was too much, a heavy mixture of excitement and nostalgia and happiness and for a reason… also sadness.
“Yes, idiot. Where are you?” He sounded a bit breathless. His voice mixed with the faint sound of traffic in the background. He was out, alright, but is he on a break? How long is this phone call going to last?
You looked around, suddenly confused, mind hazy. “I’m… where am I… um, I’m at work. Why? Where are you?”
“You’re still at work? But it’s 9,” he said.
“Yeah, we’re closing soon. Where are you? Are you on a break? Why are you calling now?” You wanted to ask so many questions but they’re all getting jammed in your mind at the moment. It doesn’t even matter since Hyuck isn’t answering any of them.
“Close it now,” he said.
“Close the store now.”
“Why? My friend is still arranging the shelves.” You looked around for Doyoung.
“Tell your friend you have to go home,” he said before letting out a breath.
“What? But the keys are with me. Taeil would be mad if it gets lost,” you reasoned. “What are you even—”
“Just tell your friend something important came up.”
“There’s literally nothing going on in my life right now. What important thing would ‘come up?’” You snorted. “Just—”
You heard the bell hanging above the door ring, making you jump on your feet. “Shit. I have to go. We have a customer. I’ll call you, please pick up later. Imissyou,Iloveyou,byebye,” you said as fast as you could, crouching down lower with every word, hoping to hide from the eyes of whoever just came in.
You ended the call, putting the phone back in your pocket, before standing up straight, ready to greet the guest.
“Hi, how may I help…”
“Hi.” The guy smiled, chest heaving slightly, trying to catch his breath.
He was wearing a black jacket over a plain white shirt that was tucked in his jeans. The look was so simple, yet he still looked amazing. Better than your remember. Better than he appears on TV. Something about him was different, you could feel it. He looked different. He was taller and his cheeks were somehow smaller than you remembered. His hair was a different shade of brown than when you last saw. He was still slightly slouched but something about his stance is more powerful. He held himself with more pride now. And rightfully so. But underneath all of those, you could still feel it. That familiarity. That sense of security that no matter how many things have changed, he still is the same Lee Donghyuck. And somehow, despite your doubts and overthinking, you just knew he still is your Lee Donghyuck.
“Hyuck,” you said, voice faltering. You didn’t think it was this easy to have tears pooling in your eyes, but it was. Fuck, you thought. “Hi.”
He let out a chuckle upon seeing your reaction. “To answer your question, I’m your important thing that came up.”
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cheiianarchive · 6 years
shotputs my url at anyone who reblogs this
@maginoire ( ACCEPTING )
Do I Follow Them?: yes ofcWhy Did I Follow Them?: uh tbh i can’t remember but I do Do We Role Play?: I.. can’t remember that either. I have too many drafts I lost track of who I write with asjdlasdDo I Want To Role Play With Them: yes!!!An AU Idea For Our Muses: uh... happiness?A Song For Our Muses:Do I Ship Our Muses?: idkWhat I Think About The Mun: super nice and sweet okay yes, a blessing.Overall Opinion: a good blog to have on the dash, nice mun and wonderful writing. I would die for!!Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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rev-eeriee · 6 years
u have a werewolf au????
Yes! Though it’s currently confined in the rps at the moment. I am actually tempted to change it into one-shot fics one of these days and post it too, but the stuff that happened in this AU is… bizarre. It’s different from the stuff I usually write. It’s part of our Multiverse AU, so that meant we have two Oumas for starters, with different backgrounds and a connected backstory. Meanwhile, Werewolf!Momota’s past is… kinda really bad. There’s a lot of sex and a lot of… *cough cough* unconventional kinks (male lactation, heats, pregnancy kink, knotting, some cum inflation stuff) that really only resulted in the fact that werewolves are maltreated, critically endangered and have lots of sexual stamina in this AU. I did not mean for it to be this kinky. It’s not even meant to blow up into a love story. It just kind of started with a casual sex that suddenly became feelings. 
Even so: I am proud of my werewolf!Momota and mage!Kokichi. I posted some snippets under the cut to anyone who actually wants to take a peek on how I wrote them! :D 
Werewolf!Momota: “Then why not tell me what you’re not allowed to remember? Or who did this to you?” Subtlety had fucked off the moment he spoke again and Ouma was almost standing over Momota at this point. “Tell me, remember already, for fuck’s sake!”
A loud bang resounded on the room as Momota suddenly slammed his fist on the table, and when he lifted his face his expression was unlike anything he had ever shown Ouma before. There was rage there, irritation, outright murderous intent as he glared at him with eyes as cold as ice, lips curled into a snarl. 
“Make up your damn mind, you stupid fucking mage! Do you have any idea how painful-” As if on cue, Momota suddenly hissed as he held his right hand, almost clawing at the skin as a splitting headache reached up from the back of his skull, the searing heat of the scar only making it worse. He whimpered as he pressed his head against the table, food forgotten as he whimpered pathetically. His entire body was telling him to obey, to remember, but that bastard fucking sealed the order with his own spells and he didn’t understand why he’s trying to rescind it like this now, even a lowly werewolf understood how that it doesn’t fucking work that way! Was that the goal? Tormenting him? Just having fun?! Momota sealed his eyes shut as he tried to regain his composure but it hurts hurts hurts- it was impossible to follow one without contradicting the other and oh my god please make it stop- he screamed. 
 "Take it back!“ he demanded, yelling himself hoarse. “Take it back, or I swear to god, I’ll kill myself right here right now- Shuuchi’s dead, he’s gone, what do you want from me, fuck you!”
“Or what I’m guessing you actually mean is,“ His double took a step forward, meeting Ouma’s eyes evenly. “How I know he’s he’s a werewolf and that you’ve done something to his head that means he can’t say no to anything you tell him to? I hate to steal a phrase from Chabashira-chan, but what kind of degenerate puts that kind of spell on someone?”
Ouma’s expression darkened. The dog puns were infuriating, clearly this other him was trying to rile him up. But what really made set off his alarms was that last part. As much as it sent a stab of of guilt into Ouma’s heart, it’s not something he could do anything about- Momota’s status as a werewolf doomed him to that scar. Even before he met Ouma, even before the authority was transferred to him, it has always been there, tormenting him. Trying to get the spell off only resulted in disasters. Ouma knew. He tried, once.
It was physically taxing. So much so that he got incredibly sick. After that, Rantarou told him to never try it again. 
That didn’t mean that he wasn’t still trying. He wasn’t stacking up books upon books, reading late into last night and the night before and the night before and night before for nothing. 
“The same kind of degenerate who tries it out on a stranger,” he replied. He didn’t care how this person saw him at all, he just needed the cold hard facts. “Tell me the truth, you found out by giving him orders yourself, didn’t you?” his eyes were unwavering, gaze cold as ice. “What did you do to Momota?”
Extra stuff for shits and giggles (in more lighthearted part of the RP): 
“Hey Kaito! Ouma here’s thinking about riding you too!”
Ouma let out an flustered squeak, before he practically threw himself on his double and covered his mouth, hissing at his ear. “Stop saying weird things or I’ll make you!” When Momota snapped out of his thought and gave them both a weird look, he practically shouted, panicking. “I wasn���t! Thinking about weird things! Like riding you! Nope!" 
Momota tilted his head, confused. "I would let you, though? If you really want to." 
 Ouma’s face might as well have burst into flames. Oh my god what the hell is he talking about he can’t possibly know what he’s talking about, I swear I’m not interested I’m not curious at all, Momo-chan is my familiar after all, this is so fucking weird- 
 "I mean… you’re pretty light, so piggy back rides aren’t even a big deal." 
Ouma let out a sigh in relief, for once grateful of this timid Momota’s denseness. Momota’s other, snarkier personality would never let him live that down. Considering he doesn’t snarl at him in disgust in the first place. Was it really so bad? Momota was attractive. Ouma wasn’t blind. Clearing his throat, he composed himself, giving his other self a death glare as he did so. He started walking ahead, determined to let that small embarrassing moment go. "Anyways. Let’s just go already,” he said impatiently.
“If you really want details about riding stuff I can totally give you all the info you need, but you’re not actually interested so I guess I won’t have to!” The other him’s voice was so goddamn smug that Ouma can practically hear the smile in his voice, and the moment Momota was distracted, he flashed him a middle finger.His double let out a genuine laugh. 
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twentysixdegrees · 7 years
maaaaan, this girl is non-stop!
*pushes my index fingers together* i wrote all the starters i owe, though i have replies that i still owe (i didn’t forget)! i’ll get to those either later today after i meet some deadlines or tomorrow!! that being said, welcome to the new members of werelit, and i still have a lot of brain babies and random ass ideas...so uh, if you want to do something you can take a look down below!
if we’re mutuals, if you find this in the tags and it piques your interest, or we already got something going on but something in this catches your eye....like, call dibs, message me first, or breathe in my general direction--anything works!
tumblr im is the best way to reach me! pls don’t leave me hanging!!! (also please excuse the typos that are sure to pop up, i’m running out of steam omg)
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random ideas
some kind of superhero au: im gonna be real i typed all the shit under this and lost my steam BUT i saw black panther the other day and was endlessly inspired. obviously it doesn’t have to be in that setting but maybe in the mcu with more poc heroes? 
mythology/percy jackson-esque au: i loved the percy jackson books! camp half blood or not, we could have them living in the outside world trying to integrate successfully, or recognizing each other as half-bloods and being all !!!.  ANYTHING!
existing muses that i have that i would love to make a plot for!
hacker (affiliated with some sort of underground organization): some typa mob au, park kyungri fc though it’s flexible! she was part of a closed rp at some point and i loved her even after i left the rp so i kept her bio close...intellectually gifted as a youth, while en route to a job in cyber security, in uni an event forced her to change careers drastically. w/ technology and her own set of learned skills, she’s off the grid, new identity, and working for the enemy of her enemy (so they’re now her friend). if you’re interested, lmk!!! i’ll give you her full bio or summarize it for you!
clairaudient psychic: kim taehyung fc, though it’s flexible! a psychic who has particularly clear hearing, aka he is especially sensitive to voices from beyond the grave. he usually uses his gift to help souls pass on by reaching out to relatives or vice versa, his brother’s death was a heightening event that only made him more sensitive. he has some spirit guides that *spoiler* guide him and assist him in distinguishing lost souls from malicious ones. makes a living as a psychic with a dedicated client base, though he does get the rando skeptic every now and then (that usually ends up leaving a little shaken). has the potential to lean slice of life or supernatural, depending on what kind of character plays opposite him!
nighttime radio dj w/ supernatural elements: more of a brain child than anything, i don’t have a fc for him yet! but kind of inspired by that whole ‘welcome to nightvale’-ish vibe? i’ll admit i never fully got into the podcasts, but i like the idea of them being completely human but unknowingly or uncaringly kind of blending into other dimensions because of a mix of location (perhaps near a bridge in the city that they’re in, since bridges have been known to have connotations of ‘leading to other realms’) and time (probably from 3am to 4am since it’s commonly associated with the ‘witching hour’). maybe their broadcast reaches out further than simply their plane of existence and kind of interferes into other dimensions? idk! it would be interesting and i am so up for discussion/tossing ideas back and forth!
time travelling cyborg: was a jb from got7 fc, but i want to change his fc...he’s from the future, was in a fire so the majority of his left side is enhanced prosthetic ergo cyborg. i have a lot of hcs though i lost his bio but i can tell you many many things about him. basically he’s studying the past in order to better the future (his present), etc etc etc, and for his thesis he gets to time travel back to observe...told not to make too many important relationships etc because butterfly effect but...inevitability!
a polyamorous dynamic: obviously this requires 2 other beautiful writers that kind of know each other (or don’t mind getting to know each other)! but i think it be really interesting to explore a dynamic that so often misrepresented? the r/s isn’t perfect ofc, and there’s still jealousy and misunderstandings involved but the three of them, at the center of it all, make each other better. it’s a balancing act but it’s worth it? so many potential dynamics between the three of them!
muses inspired by fcs/photos (very basic ideas!)
rena from pristin in a modern royal au: a princess. she is a princess. i fell in love on my timeline when i saw this photoset. something to do with this photoset? idk!!! if u have an idea lay it on me!!!
yongguk from bap looking like a snack: i just want to write for a yongguk. that’s all. hit me with any ideas if you want. let’s do it.
nayoung from gugudan in a pirate au: pirates! just PIRATES! there are so many ways to go about this? but all i know is that i want nayoung to be a pirate. whether you want to play a fellow pirate or a crew members or a naval officer captured or or or...there’s a lot of options............
jinyoung (got7) as a kind of kiki’s delivery service au: look how sweet and unassuming he looks! maybe a magical being who moves out of their little community to try and make it in the city...doing odd jobs and trying to make friends!!!
a plot where i can use liu yifei as a fc: yes, i know she is the casting for hua mulan but it doesn’t have to be mulan-esque (unless you’re down with that!)...i see this as a potential historical-esque, wushu inspired, fantastical plot?
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reddiess · 7 years
[stan_the_man messaged you]
For the anon who wrote:  "stenbrough social media/college au where person A is an instagram model and person B is a fan who has a friend that forces them to follow and comment, and !! person A notices him!!!!" i’m so sorry something was wrong with the connection so i either didn’t post it or deleted it but shoot me a message if you liked it op! you can also find this on my AO3 Requests are open, shoot me a prompt for a fic or headcanon!! Summary:  Stanley Uris has an undying crush on Instagram model Bill Denbrough. Which is fine, until Richie Tozier goes and messages him. * The moment Stanley Uris spots his best friend with his phone in his hand, suspiciously only tapping once on the screen and with purpose, is the moment he knows Richie Tozier is fucking dead. "Richie," he draws the word out as if to question his friend's entire existence. "What are you doing with my phone?" The traitor looks up and has the audacity to smile innocently, like he doesn't know what Stanley is talking about. "Um... Nothing?" "Nothing my ass," Stan murmurs under his breath before sizing the situation up and jumping into action. He throws himself over the back of their leather couch but Richie is already out of the living room, wheezing as he bolts towards the kitchen door. Stan stops and crosses his arms in front of his torso, waiting for the inevitable— CRASH! He watches with perverse satisfaction as his flatmate trips over the ironing board standing in the entrance to the kitchen, toppling to the floor. "There's something in the way," he deadpans. "Watch out."
"Fucking bitch." Richie pushes himself up. Somehow, there's still an unnerving grin splitting his frog face in two. "I still messaged him though."
Stanley's eye twitches. "Who exactly, again?" He stomps over to the monster he calls his best friend and rips his phone out of his hand. "WHAT THE FUCK!"
stan_the_man followed you
stan_the_man mentioned you in a comment: @billyboy boi fuk me up u fiiiiiiine
Bill Denbrough's eyebrows draw together in confusion, his stare almost piercing holes into the touchscreen of his phone; what kind of language...?
stan_the_man messaged you: dam boi are u a pair of ray bans bc ud look great sitting on my face ;);););)
The line is so out of the blue and bizarre that Bill actually bursts out laughing. He sits up and quickly screenshots the ridiculous message to send to the groupchat with his closest friends.
Out of pure curiosity he clicks on stan_the_man's profile and is surprised to find that the guy looks fairly normal – handsome, even – and not at all creepy like he would've expected. There's also no trace of the attitude or the, um, grammar he used in his direct message to Bill. He actually just looks like a regular guy who's nice and hot and therefore way out of Bill's league.
He goes back to the direct message to type in a reply but changes his mind pretty quickly. Should he even address something as childish and weird as this message? Should he even...
He almost drops his phone in surprise.
stan_the_man: Oh God, sorry. That was my roommate, this is so embarrassing. He thinks he's funny.
No emojis, no pickup lines. But at least the guy has good grammar. That's more than what he normally sees on Instagram these days.
Stan tries to forget all about the most embarrassing event of his life, also known as the time Richie dm'd his Instagram crush with a godawful fuckboy one-liner. He doesn't unfollow Bill Denbrough though because why would he?
He does still spend a good majority of his free time stalking the guy's profile. What can he do when Bill is literally perfect with all his black and white photoshoots and colorful model shots in European countries and mirror selfies with his dog? What is Stan supposed to do, ignore it? Yeah well, not today - and not only because he's a photography major and the shots make his heart weep but also because Bill is ridiculously perfect.
So here's the brief story of how he found the guy: He was exhausted after a long day of work and was in search of a movie stupid enough for his mushy brain to absorb. In this state of mind, a person's brain capacity is not exactly at its full potential, and so that's his excuse for clicking on a Buzzfeed article titled "21 Hottest Male Models We Shamelessly Follow On Instagram". Go figure.
All of them were hot, of course. But Bill Denbrough was... something else. All Stanley could think about was photographing him. Most of the models were these muscly, handsome machos with chiseled jawlines and messy hair - your typical, well, douchebag look. None of them were Stan's type by far, so he was ready to close the article but then he saw number 21, Bill Denbrough aka @billyboy. Bill was... stunning, to say the least. For starters, he didn't have any facial hair, one point for him. He was not buff, more of a tall and lean type, another point. Not the average face that's considered universally attractive but more of a unique charm and he seemed to have a dog; more points. His bio said:
Bill Denbrough 23yr old model based in New York, loves dogs, books, nature and tv shows. Advocate for LGBTQ+ and homeless youth. For business inquiries, please contact...
His pictures all matched with his bio, Stan realized as he scrolled through his profile. He really was a dog and nature lover, liked to read and was actively helping the LGBT and homeless youth - infinite points and there went Stanley Uris' heart.
So that was then. Now is now, and now... Stan is getting a message from him.
Stan clears his cache, force stops and restarts the Instagram app and cold boots his phone but it's still there:
billyboy: Haha, no problem man. I know a lot about annoying roommates. I like your work btw!
What. The. Fuck. He doesn't know if he should smack Richie or kiss him.
stan_the_man: Wow, thank you! I'm a photography & imaging major so they're mostly my assignments, but some of them are just for fun. Are you still studying?
Lame, but kind of okay. Acknowledged Bill's compliment, gave a bit of insight related to the topic, asked to show he's also interested in having a conversation. That's normal, right? He waits a couple of minutes before sending it just so he doesn't seem desperate but gets a reply almost instantly.
billyboy: Yeah, I'm studying creative writing, it's my last year though. Can't wait to be out of uni tbh.
stan_the_man: same, I'd sell my soul at this point for it to be over
Bill laughs, or at least sends a laughing emoji so Stan guesses he does. That's how he starts talking to his Instagram crush.
It doesn't help much with his crush, talking to Bill. If anything, it makes him like the guy even more, which in turn just makes his heart hurt when he thinks about how he doesn't have a chance. Sometimes he has a flicker of hope, like when Bill says something especially flirty or compliments his new picture. He doesn't post many selfies but the one he does Bill ends up commenting on ("What a handsome curly man #crying") and Stanley ends up gaining 300 followers overnight.
And his infatuation with the model just keeps growing and growing. He's certain Bill is not perfect, he can't be but what can a man do when it sure seems like he is? Stan has no chance. So he does the stupidest thing he can do and invites him out for coffee. As soon as he sends the message he throws his phone across the room, the childhood habit of biting his fingernails making a short but threatening return. Get your act together, Stanley thinks. He's just a guy.
He's Bill Denbrough, he's not just some guy! His mind helpfully supplies.
You're arguing with yourself again. Stop it.
I do whatever I w--
That has to be Bill. It has to be. Stan carefully rounds his bed and reaches for his phone, pushing the home button so he sees his lockscreen. The preview of Bill's message starts with Sure! When are you... and then it's cut off.
Stanley looks around to see if Richie is in hearing distance, and when he finds he's in the clear, he does a dance of celebration.
He really should give a present of gratitude to Richie now.
It goes well. Coffee, that is. They hit it off right away because as normal as Bill comes through in his messages, his humour actually aligns with Stan's in that dry, passive aggressive, death loving kind of way. Which is fine. Amazing.
What's not amazing however, is how perfect he actually is. Stan sees his clear skin and perfect hair and amazing body proportions and red lips every day on Instagram but it has nothing on the real thing. There's just no way any camera could ever capture the charisma the guy has.
(Stanley is going to try though. Even if Bill wouldn't have agreed to it, he would somehow bribe him into modeling for his portfolio. He did agree though, and without any extra convincing too so Stan is going to make the most of that promise.)
It turns out that Bill's favorite tv show is Supernatural, bless his soul, but his favorite movie is Edward Scissorhands, which Stan also loves. They also realize they go to the same university and actually took a course together last semester – some bullshit class where attendance wasn't mandatory – except Stan never realized it. Bill traveled a lot last year due to his modeling career and Stan literally never was there so there was little to no chance of them meeting; which is nice because he would have had an aneurysm on the spot.
When he gets home that afternoon Richie is already sitting in the armchair in their living room with crossed legs.
"I see you've had a fun day," he waves his phone at Stanley, who has to squint to see that Bill has uploaded the selfie they took together to his Instagram.
"None of your business," Stan replies and automatically turns to leave. Well, he would if Richie Tozier didn't jump on his back the next second and really, how is he that fast?
"Tell me EVERYTHING Stan the man, don't you even think about sparing me any juicy details!" Richie booms in his ear before he manages to shake him off enough that only his arms remain locked around Stan's neck. "Come oooon, I hooked you guys up!"
"What the fuck do you mean you hooked us-" DING! "Excuse me, I have to go." He unceremoniously bites Richie in the forearm until he has no chance to let go with a yelp.
"At least tell me later!" his best friend shouts after him but he's already halfway to his room. He plops down onto the light blue bedsheets he changed just yesterday, and the faint smell of the detergent kind of reminds him of how Bill smelled when they half-hugged while saying goodbye.
billyboy: Thank you for the coffee today! I actually have a confession to make.
billyboy: Tell me if I got the wrong message or anything but I had a very hard time not kissing you after we met. I just thought it would be fair to tell you.
Stan turns so his face mushes into the pillow and screams.
("When were you going to tell me this?!" Richie shouts, pushing his phone screen into Stan's face. "HUH?"
It's a picture Bill took on campus of them kissing - he uploaded it onto his Instagram story which in turn spiked hundreds of fans to raid Stanley's DM's – mostly with positivity – and Richie to, apparently, have a mental breakdown.
"Just die," Stan replies, pushing the oversized phone out of his face, but he is smiling. "I was going to tell you later, maybe when we're not in the library? You're making a lot of noise."
He's pretty sure he can see Richie's face turn purple with how much he's trying not to scream.
He is going to buy him a present, don't worry. But for now, he has to work on his assignment so he can go meet his boyfriend.)
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lunuanaki · 7 years
burntofight replied to your post“ღ ☼ - teavy”
anyway i always wanna write with you cna you uncupped egg i love ur sweet ass // also i see where you're coming from but also x2 I See Where You're Coming From which means this isn't a you problem so much as it is most ppl don't really actively offer/initiate plotting so much as toss random starters or maybe i've been totally out of the loop if active offers are supposed to be normal (i feel like they're not anymore) // lad i love you more than my ass loves dick so sending the confidence symbol was very much real and not an empty ass pat from me i mean i fawned over your prose all those years ago and snooped ya threads also pop yevon where we first really wrote was /divine/ im not gonna be some yoga pants wearing summer blogger and tell you to Chin Up :)! expecting probable years of insecurity to suddenly dissolve but i am here for you ok
Nah you’re probably right, maybe I shouldn’t have said plot specifically - but even like. Starters are rarely done for me, I did twelve or so a couple of weeks ago and I think like seven are still on my tracker, but if I like other peoples’ calls, I’m lucky if I get one out of ten back. Part of that is people have a habit of making them then vanishing BUT YAKNOW. It contributes to my not being here much because I don’t wanna take up space no one wants me taking up. sighs. I do really miss daddy yevon. He is not the most cooperative, though. I can thread him, but he doesn’t want to be bothered or touched or dragged into anything emotional. This is partially why I tried to dial it back and only keep some of the more accessible ones. I have Seifer, a canon Boy, two multi verse OCs, Velka will never go anywhere, Izana the easiest creature in the world, and Hoid, also ridiculously easy to interact with because he appears anywhere and doesn’t need an intro to whatever verse. Like I said to J thought I don’t know how people reach the point where anyone gives a shit about any of their muses. I think I used to be better for that??? 2014 was my peak that was last time i was gud.  I JUST SUCK TOO MUCH FOR THAT KINDA THING NOW THAT FUCKING PANSY ASS SEVERELY PROBLEMATIC(TM) OC WE SAW THE OTHER DAY IS COOLER THAN ME. ANYWAY I LOEV U TEAVY. THANK U MY GUY you are my lad 4 lyf and even if I eventually decide to give up on pretending to be able to form a sentence I promise I will never stop making you My Immortal AUs for every character you love. Next: Shinji reappears at Hogwarts, he didn’t die, he apparated
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blainemoriarty · 7 years
Hi! I'd like to try rping with you but the rules/bio pages are incompatibke with either my phone or my my app. Would you be a dear and copy/paste them here so I can know if we are rp compatible please? Much appreciated! @cameron-allen
Of course!! Sorry about that–
** Also, if you have any other questions regarding either my rules or Blaine’s storyline, feel free to ask!
Just some basic stuff:
Blaine is gay. I will not ship him with women, or put him in any sexual/romantic situation with a woman (unless we discussed something otherwise). Don’t let that scare you off from plotting with me, though! I’m more than happy to roleplay with female muses, and even if they are in to him, that could make for an incredibly interesting plot. Blaine just won’t be attracted to them in return.
This is a semi-selective roleplay blog. I reserve the right to choose who I roleplay with and when I answer.
I’m open to roleplay with OCs or characters from different fandoms. This is a crossover account, after all, and Blaine is so out-of-character that he might as well be an OC himself.
I’m not very picky with who I ship Blaine with, when it comes to male characters. The relationships themselves can be as unhealthy and toxic as you please. Also, age-differences are irrelevant.
NSFW will be tagged. I’ll do my best to tag triggers, as well, but please let me know if I miss anything.
Blaine is a male prostitute. This should be a trigger warning in itself, I think.
Both the mun and muse are of legal age. I will roleplay with underage muns, but I would rather not roleplay smut with you if you are under eighteen. The reason for this should be clear enough.
I’m fine with doing threads in which our muses already know each other. I know how awkward it can be when you send an ask that’s replied to with “Who on earth are you?” That won’t happen here. Unless you wanted to.
The mun reserves her literacy for threads, for the most part. If we chat ooc (which would be awesome) be warned that I tend tO TALK TO U IN ALL CAPS LIKE THIS !!!
I tend to post a lot ooc, since this is my only platform to do so, and also may reblog stuff that isn’t particularly relevant to my muse. Please respect that. All of my ooc stuff will be tagged if it bothers you, and if I share anything that you find triggering or just don’t like, simply shoot me an ask and I’ll tag it for you so you can blacklist it. Easy-peasy.
I will automatically attempt to turn answered memes into threads, whether I’m the one who answered them or you are. Keep this in mind! If you don’t want something to be turned into a thread for whatever reason, don’t be afraid to let me know!
I don’t use small or formatted text in my replies, because that’s a lot of work (especially since I’m on mobile most of the time) and I think that the quality of the writing itself is much more important than how pretty it looks. So naturally, the same standards apply to my partners. Format your replies however you like, or don’t format them at all - I’m much more concerned about the content itself.
Icons are very rarely used on my part - mostly because I don’t have many and I’m on mobile most of the time. If you want to use icons, that’s fine - let me know when you send an ask. If you answer my ask using an icon, or tag me in a starter using an icon, then most of the time I will wait until I have access to a computer to reply. That means the time between my replies will be longer. Rarely, I might reply to an icon thread without an icon, in which case I will try to make up for it by writing oodles of text. This is either because I’ve been on mobile for a while and am anxious about making you wait, or have a lot of muse for that thread and want to reply already!
Name: Blaine Anderson
Age: 24
Place of Birth: Ohio, USA
Current Residence: London, U.K
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Male prostitute
Family: Daniel Anderson (Father, deceased), Gabrielle Anderson (Mother, deceased), Cooper Anderson (brother, estranged)
And now…
   Daniel Anderson was the youngest of six children born into a wealthy Irish family, moved to the United States in his twenties to set up his own life and escape the suffocating atmosphere of his old household (while still making use of his share of his parent’s money, of course). He was a very devoted Catholic, and wrote mystery novels with his free time - they never did make it to publication. He came across as cold and unapproachable, caused both by his own, personal, emotional issues, and a deep, internalized idea of what a man should be that was far heavier than the weight of the Anderson family’s legacy. He married young, to the youngest daughter of another rich family, Amara Canton. They didn’t like each other at all, despite having a son together, and argued constantly until they finally divorced. Daniel met his second and last wife about a year later, and together they had another child.
  Gabrielle Mendoza was a third generation Filipino-Americam who had music running through her veins. She had the voice of an angel, and taught Blaine every instrument he knows how to play. She met Blaine’s father when she was twenty-seven and he was thirty-four; he’d recently divorced a woman whom he’d married solely for his family’s benefit and with whom he already had a five year old son, Cooper. Daniel fell in love with Gabrielle almost immediately. She was unconditionally kind and caring, even when Daniel seemed stiff and cold. She did what no other person had ever managed to do for him - she made him softer.
 They were married in little less than a year of meeting each other, and Blaine was born within another.
  Blaine was born on April 15th, 1992. His mother had always described him as ‘a tiny man with big dreams’ - tiny, meaning a five year old boy in a ridiculous bow-tie, dancing with his mom in the warm sitting room that served as their ballroom. Music was always something that he loved, and came as naturally to him as breathing. Of course, his father had certain opinions about his son’s passion, but Gabrielle would never let him rob Blaine of the one thing in the world that never failed to make him happy. (Besides, his father loved seeing him that way)
  Trouble came to Blaine in the form of his brother. Cooper didn’t like Blaine, and he despised Gabrielle. He even held a particular distaste toward their shared father, a remarkable amount of anger for a ten year old boy. The adults tried not to take it personally, and blamed it on grief - his mother had died, after all, not long after divorcing his father. It was understandable that he would be bitter over someone else’s happiness during such a dark part of his life. Blaine, however, couldn’t have understood that, and couldn’t help but think that he’d - at three years old - done something horribly wrong to ruin Cooper’s life.
 It wasn’t difficult to see why Blaine would believe such a thing. Cooper was mean - he was unjustly cruel and clever enough to disguise it. He bullied Blaine in secret for most of their young lives, knowing exactly how to manipulate his little brother into believing that it wasn’t really bullying, Cooper was just teaching him a lesson, Cooper was just making him a stronger person, Cooper was just punishing him for messing up that one dance move that he should’ve gotten right on the first try-
Blaine quickly began to hold resentment toward something that he’d once been passionate about. Nothing he did seemed to be right, or good enough, and the stressful need to be perfect trumped his enjoyment. Pleasure had turned into a source of distress - and it would stay that way for a long time.
 There was a short period of freedom when Cooper went off to college - if it could be called freedom. The derogatory thoughts about himself that had been drilled into him still haunted Blaine, but he could focus his perfectionism on other things, now. With Cooper out of the picture, at least, Blaine had some control over his own life.
  That all ended once Blaine turned fifteen and Cooper returned home. Blaine was at the peak of puberty and his body had a mind of it’s own. Cooper, being the kind of person that he was, took advantage of this. Blaine saw it as Cooper finally liking him - or, hopefully, loving him. For Blaine, the unhealthy charade between them was him finally being accepted and wanted by his big brother.
  For Cooper, it was the perfect way to hurt his little brother.
Their ‘relationship’ was a one-sided attraction laced with manipulation and abuse - both physical and emotional. Cooper hated Blaine; in his eyes, Blaine was symbolic of everything that had ever gone wrong in his life, and the perfect means-to-an-end of his lifelong, misguided quest for vengeance.
 Very simply, Cooper wanted to hurt Blaine. And that’s exactly what he did.
Blaine’s parents were both murdered a year after Blaine and Cooper’s relationship began. Cooper had left (he was always leaving for extended periods of time, during which Blaine’s mood usually took a turn for the worse. That was probably why) and the next time Blaine saw him, he was standing over their parents’ bodies. He didn’t know it was Cooper, of course. Not until much later on.
 After their deaths, Cooper left, and never contacted Blaine again.
 Blaine’s last year of high school was a blur. His family’s now-empty house was suffocating him. His country was suffocating him. He needed to get out, and college was his opportunity to do just that. Luckily, his stressful but successful high school career paid off, and he was accepted to a prestigious art school in London. He lasted there for less than two years before dropping out.
 Grief was a difficult thing to work with. Mixed with trauma of every shape and size, Blaine was barely able to function at all.
 How Moriarty became interested in him, Blaine would never figure out. At the time, he was just a whore. A resourceful whore, who knew how to get what he wanted, but anyone could
 Nonetheless, Blaine was contacted on his website (which he still refuses to discuss, because it contains some very old, very exposing photos of his barely nineteen-year old self) by the king of crime, looking for a whore.
 Foolishly, Blaine agreed to meet with him.
Surprisingly enough, Blaine wasn’t contacted just to be fucked - at least, not just by Moriarty. He proved himself to be a useful tool when it came to getting information out of people, without the mess that forcing it out of them would result in.
But why had he chosen Blaine? There were plenty of other sex workers throughout London, more talented and popular and charming than he was…
 Inevitably, Blaine stopped torturing himself over such things. Instead, he did something even worse to himself - he fell in love.
Jim Moriarty was, arguably, one of the most dangerous men in the world. Falling in love with him was probably the most idiotic thing Blaine had ever done. At the same time, what little seemingly-genuine affection that was given to him was also more than anything he’d ever experienced before. Perhaps it was all part of Moriarty’s ‘plan’, or maybe it was his own mistake (doubtfully), or maybe he the feelings he showed were genuine (even less likely), but whatever it was, it worked. Blaine was hooked.
Of course, that meant he was loyal to a fault. Especially since, alongside his romantic feelings, Blaine had quite a bit of fear. Once again, Moriarty was one of the most dangerous people in the world, and his violent outbursts made no exceptions for Blaine if he was irritated or not.
 Whatever there was between them, it was made very clear that Blaine was expendable.
 That was no surprise.
Aaaand also a crap ton of demon!Blaine stuff in case he interests you as well–
Incubi (Mun’s Interpretation):
Succubi and incubi are demons that feed off of orgasmic energy, created soley to please other demons, although it isn’t uncommon for them to feed off of humans as well. It’s rumored that the first succubae and incubi were fallen angels or nephilim, but only the more superstitious of the bunch (like Blaine) believe in this.
According to most sources, any succubus demon is also an incubus demon, and vice versa. Their title depends strictly on which gender they present as. An incubus demon would only “become” a succubus demon if they wanted to reproduce (which, thanks to handy demonologists like Sebastien Michaelis, I get to give you a ridiculously detailed step-by-step guide for.) In their succubus form, they would “collect” (ewugh) a human man’s sperm, and in their incubus form would “transfer” that sperm to a human female and impregnate her. Most sources agree with this, although a few mention that an incubus and succubus can also have a child together. Either way, the child produced is called a Cambion. There’s not much information on them, so let’s just say that they’re baby demons that later become either an inbcubus or succubus, determining their presenting gender once they’re of age and their “powers” appear.
Since incubi are also sometimes referred to as ‘fauns’, their demonic forms most likely have goat or deer aspects, such as horns or antlers, and equine legs. Rarely, they may also take the form of a ball of light (very similar to a will o’ the wisp). This only happens if an incubus desperately needs to burn off extra energy or needs to lure in new sources of it, and not all incubi know how to assume this form. Blaine doesn’t.
Sex demons feed off of the sexual energy of other people, but they don’t need to orgasm in order to feed. The process doesn’t harm other demons, but can harm humans, but this heavily depends on the demon that is feeding off of them. More powerful demons can feed off of humans in their dreams, but this is a rare talent.
An incubus’ body or form changes depending on how much energy they’ve consumed. As mentioned earlier, some can turn into a ball of light, but the body of every incubus and succubus has its temperature change. To put it simply, an excess of energy makes their body cold, while a lack of it makes their body warm, in order to be either alluring or repelling. If an incubus has too much or too little energy, their bodies can turn into dust, and they die. The obvious solution to a lack of energy is by feeding off of someone’s energy, but to cope with too much of it, most incubi will find another incubus or succubus to have sex with. Since they can’t produce energy on their own, feeding off of each others acquired energy evens everything out. This would suck if two of them wanted to be in a relationship, but their biological needs make monogamy nearly impossible, and none of them really have a desire for that kind of relationship. Often, outside of the harems kept by Hell’s royalty, incubi and succubae prefer polyamorous relationships instead.
Blaine presents primarily as an incubus, and rarely takes on his succubus form. He doesn’t really need or want to (he has no desire to reproduce, at all). He’s not the most powerful incubus, but he does have more status than some of the strongest, since he’s got two masters, one of which is the king of Hell (not necessarily Supernatural’s Crowley, but it can be) and another who is stronger than all of Hell’s heirarchy put together (my confusing au Jim Moriarty).
Blaine was born as a Cambion, the offspring of an unknown demon parent and his unknowing human mother, Gabrielle. He was raised as a boy because of mankind’s gender-binary thing (this is the case with a lot of Cambion children), and that stuck with him even after he discovered that he was a demon, when he turned eighteen and Moriarty sought after him. That was a long time ago, and he’s still very comfortable in his incubus form. In a way, he got lucky.
Despite his weakness as a demon, Blaine is still much stronger than any human, and smarter than most demons, which makes him an excellent spy. That’s the purpose he serves for Moriarty, who he considers his true master, and he’s unconditionally loyal. Blaine practically worships him, despite not being able to be intimate with him, since his power is so much that Blaine would turn into dust by even being too close to him during sex. As for Crowley, Blaine doesn’t mind him much, even if he feigns dislike towards him to please his true master; he’s not a terrible owner. A bit sadistic, unsurprisingly, but not terrible. (Or maybe Blaine is just very easily wooed)
0 notes
seafrightened-blog · 6 years
SPEED. im actually online a lot because im on summer break and all my friends here have already headed back for college (theyre on the semester system while im on quarter system) so i am. alONE. i’m also a super fast writer, so im pretty speedy at replying combined with all the free time when im not working.
REPLIES. i try to match length but usually end up writing more than the person i reply to and then replies just get really long lmAO SORRY ;; also u may have noticed but my two favorite things are way too many adjectives and semicolons. this hoe LOVES a good semicolon.
STARTERS. i loooove writing starters tbh never be like “hmm i wanna write w/ emmy but dont know if i can like her starter call” pls do it lmao. i tend to write about 3 paragraphs per starter, thats my “i want this to be interesting but not overwhelming” limit. whether i write ninny as visible or invisible depends 100% on my mood but if you want one version over the other its totally chill to specify. nothing makes me sad w/ roleplaying quite like when i spend a lot of time writing a starter and the other person never replies. if you like my starter call, please. actually reply to the starter i wrote you lmao ;; like im serious that so many people like my starter call, like the starter to let me know they saw it, and then just. never ever reply to it. not just on this blog, ive been rping for years on this hellsite and its always been a thing. it makes me so gjhsgdfsf bc i spend so much time writing those starters like boi
INBOX. i reblog ask memes once in a blue moon bc i always get super worried people wont send anything + am super picky about which i reblog lmAO but on the occasion i do reblog ask memes/rp ask starters, feel free to send in as many as you want i guess? i rly do enjoy writing them so go hard idk
SELECTIVITY. im mutuals-only! i used to not be on my older blogs but oh my god so many weird ppl tried to force me into rping with them and bc i wasnt selective (plus was kind of desperate to please lmao) i just uncomfortably went along with it and it was. tragic. i have no problems with OCs or multimuses or if you use icons or how fancy said icons are or if you make your font tiny or not, i care more about the writing style n stuff. i follow back most of the ppl who follow me! but if we aren’t mutuals than please don’t jump onto an open post or anything ;v;
WISHLIST. i think it would be so cute if i did a thread w/ someone who met ninny as she was when invisible and then met her again as visible, when she’s barely recognizable because she’s so healthy and happy. im also pagan (got a bigass tattoo of Aphrodite on my chest which my friend refers to as my aphrotitties,) and spent a ton of time in the greek/norse myth rpc, and seeing as ninny is a magical creature, itd be really cool to do rps with ppl who roleplay gods. ive had a few but theyve never gone super far. i also wanna explore ninny having a crush on too-ticky because oh my god they wouldnt stop cuddling at the end of the episode in the 90s cartoon u cant tell me she doesnt have a crush on the local butch lesbian
TAGGED BY : @exitstcgeright
TAGGING : @graecvs hello loki ur my default for tagging in anything ilu :*
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