#i just see an unhinged character that i despise and think i love that lil rat he's my son now. its a toxic habit HSDOIFHSOIDF
azzie-tangerine · 10 months
For Character Ask:
Susie: 7, 8, 12, 23, 25, 26 (freebie question is what would be her three closest friends out of the notable cast)
Magolor: 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 23
Hooray lots of questions! This will be long.
Susie: What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I think Susie deserves to be a lil unhinged. It’s a very specific balance and one tip makes it something I dislike, but I love it when ppl make Susie a good person, just would also make lethal weapons. Would plan to torture her enemies but also go get her nails painted with the girls. Like I said, very specific balance.
Susie: What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
The answer’s p obvious. Thanks to a mistranslation a lot of people make Susie heartless, a jerk, or do things I’d rather not say on this post. I hate that a lot. Is Susie perfect? Absolutely not. She has layers to her character however.
Susie: What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I have already shared a few headcanons, like her being a cyborg or a romance fan. Those are headcanons I adore. I also think that, like Taranza, she’s a hopeless romantic. She loves the idea of falling in love. She just doesn’t have a lot of time to do so.
Susie: Favorite picture of this character?
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This one from the twitter. It's also my favorite Taranza picture.
Susie: What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I don't think I felt much for Susie when I first saw her. Most likely because my first impression of her was... certain art. That traumatized me a bit. Nowadays, I love her. She has daddy issues and definitely a kill count. But she's also sweet and makes lil robot gifts for her friends. She's great.
Susie: What would be their three closest friends out of the notable cast?
I'm a big fan of the Star Allies Wave Three trio (that being her, Magolor and Taranza) all being close. So def them, Susie would probably also be close with Ribbon. Due to a shared interest in girly things.
Magolor: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Magolor's a pretty universally loved character in this fandom. So a lot of content of Magolor I end up adoring. If I had to pick a specific thing, I think him interacting with other characters (like trying to sell Elfilin or trying to teach Kirby) are my favorites. I love character dynamics!
Magolor: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
This one doesn't irk me as much as the answer I had for Susie. I can handle this one pretty well. But still, it does annoy me when people either A. try to justify his actions and make him innocent lil blorbo, or B. Make him not learn a single thing from his mistakes.
Idk I like when characters are complex, so when fandoms simplify a character it can annoy me. This one's not as bad as Susie's though. If you see him as irredeemable or innocent I do not hate you! We can coexist and be friends.
Magolor: Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I think I said this before, but 100% Marx. They're both chaotic, they've both betrayed Kirby, and canon implies they know each other. I tend to get more attached to ships/character dynamics that have some canon backing, so I like Marx and Mags. Platonic, romantic, I don't care. I just think the grape and the cat are a fun duo.
Magolor: What's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Magolor is probably my favorite character I've written. I love when I write his shopper side. Justifying why he sold his soul for micro transactions, announcing a sale before he disappears in Stuck With The Lor. Also writing him as a cat.
Idk if I hate anything about writing Magolor. He's a fun guy to write!
Magolor: What's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
I love it when other writers give Magolor a backstory or reasoning behind wanting the Master Crown. I'm a psych major, so when past affects a character's decisions in the present?? Peak. I did this in Stuck With The Lor too. Magolor hated being powerless as a kid, so he wanted all the power. Only for that to put him in the same position he was in when younger Only a lot worse.
Magolor: Favorite picture of this character?
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I just really like the composition of this one. The colors, the hints of every phase of the final boss. I think it's one of my favorite Celebration Pictures in Star Allies (besides the Taranza one. You know which one I'm talking about)
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assim-eu-sou · 2 years
S2 Recap
Favorite Extended Sequences (in chronological order):
Sleepover/Fake Diego Call
Angie's Farewell
Madrid Podemos
Gregorio's speech to Diego
Soy Mi Mejor Momento (finale)
Favorite Songs (in no particular order)
Soy Mi Mejor Momento
Algo Se Enciende
Si Es Por Amor
Alcancemos Las Estrellas
Peligrosamente Bellas
(But tbh, the whole Hoy Somos Más album is sooooo good).
Character Thoughts:
Violetta: You will always be my baby. This girl has been through the wringer, with the Esmeralda deceit, Jeremías, and Diego. Then add to that losing her voice, losing Angie, and then losing her passion for a time. I just want to give her a big hug. And she honestly handles it with more grace than most people ever could. She deserves every good thing that comes her way.
León: A male protagonist that deserves rights. I appreciate his Entre Dos Mundos arc as someone pursuing a double major, although the motorcross seemed to come out of nowhere. I'm mad that he was mad about the non-consensual kiss and he certainly had his moments that frustrated me but like. He cares about Vilu so much.
Ludmila: She's so stupid... I love her. It's hard to remember what about her is real and what I made up because I think about her so much, so I won't say too much. Her fake friend era was such a time. It was hard to watch her cause Vilu pain, but what can I say except I know where she's coming from. Seeing her finally realize that hurting Vilu wasn't going to solve her problems was such a moment.
Naty: babeygirl. period. poor thing goes through it with Ludmila and I'm glad she ended the season happy. and yet, in the end, she will always choose Ludmi. she is unconditional. there's not much more that needs to be said here.
Francesca: Ah, Fran. She's always looking out for Vilu and that is something that I treasure. Her going-to-Italy arc was so.... yeah. As someone who knew they were leaving their hometown for college and also someone who knows they have to leave their college town whenever classes aren't in session, I get it. It's a lot. She had a really hard time letting her heart say yes to Marco, which could be frustrating, but I don't blame her. Commitment is hard, especially when you wonder how permanent things can be.
Camila: Ooooooh she's so funny. So many lines here and there that cracked me up. Her boy scrapbook was funny to me because like. That's such a normal thing to do. Not. But similar energy to something I'd do at the same time.
Diego: I hate this show for making me feel sorry for him by the end of it. He's almost even likable now. Dang it. I despised this man at the start of the season... creepy stalker. But in the end... idk. Something happened. All of the dynamics that he's a part of just make it.
Andrés/Broduey/Marco/Maxi: They exist. I don't think enough thoughts about them to say more than that.
Germán: I HATE HIMMMMMMM. Stupid Jeremías and stupid helicoptering send him STRAIGHT to prison. He did not deserve applause for Soy Mi Mejor Momento. That belonged to Vilu and the kids. As the child of overprotective parents, I have a lot of thoughts about Germán and how the show Violetta itself could be a metaphor for other things, but that should be its own post, so I won't expand for now.
Lara: she's so cool! Funky lil mechanic! Never did anything wrong tbh. I hope she ends up happy wherever she is.
Gregorio: this man is unhinged. But his development with Diego destroyed me. Like. I felt it in my soul. He truly has the range.
Angie: Her scenes with Vilu are always so special. But poor woman, she definitely needed to go to France. And her send-off... affected me. One of the deserves better girls for sure.
Jade: Please free her from the shackles of Germán and Mati. Enough said. Also her opera scene was ICONIC.
Esmeralda: It would be nice if she got a redemption arc in S3 but that won't be happening so... oh well. I also like how she brought Ámbar with her. Seeing Vilu being an older sister was cute.
Pablo: what was WRONG with this man for the majority of the season? Bring S1 Pablo back!
Olga/Ramallo: They exist. They care about Vilu. They put up with Germán. I couldn't do their job.
Pairings (Platonic and romantic)
Leonetta: A main ship I can support. Madrid!Podemos was so much. And all Leonetta hugs... so true. There's just a lot of care there.
León and Fran: such a fun dynamic, especially in Madrid. Best detectives. They just want to protect their girl Vilu.
Fran and Cami: these two fight like a married couple but in the end they have each others' best interests at heart. They often give each other advice that they need to take themselves lol.
Ludmila and Vilu: Vilu puts up with so much, bless her. The way she kept trying to let Ludmi in to her circle at the beginning of the season? The way she just moves on so quickly at the end? And the way Ludmi finally comes to her senses and wants to help her get her sparkle back? Yeah... s3 sisters will kill me.
Ludmila and Diego: Oh... so much. They're just so much. I want to study them under a microscope. Just a shocking and entertaining dynamic all around. The way they both despise and care about each other.
Diego and Vilu: Their start and end was not good. They had some cute moments, unfortunately. In another life, maybe. I can tell that in the end, he really did care about her, and was caught in a very rough spot. He wasn't in the right but I get it. I will be interested to see where their interactions go from here.
Fedemila: I mean I had fun. I like seeing Ludmila enamored. I like seeing her try. And they're both just so much, so diva.
Naxi: Maxi just. doesn't trust Naty. So while she ended the season happy, she deserves better, I think.
Brodemila: They are what they are. They're always gonna be in conflict. But their cute scenes are cute.
Marcesca: It would never work out in the end, but it was nice for what it was. Like him learning Italian? So good. His Madrid gestures may have been a bit toooo grand lol. Still. after S1, Fran deserved someone at least as decent as Marco.
Caxi: not the worst tbh. I don't have strong feelings either way.
Natila, Cadmila: Some enjoyable moments for both of these pairings. Tension between Cami and Ludmi. Naty and Cami making the music video. Their trio dynamic. So much fun!
Franletta: the softe girls!!!!!!! They fight so hard for each other. Fran pulling the fire alarm? Vilu convincing Fran's dad to let her stay? That whole arc was so much. All their hugs and just being attached at the hip... yes. Sweeties.
Luty: I don't even need to say anything. We know what they did to me. Just. Yeah. There are so many moments that aren't even subtext, just straight (not) text. Like yeah. Solo te quería desear suerte. And fin.
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naturaltalent-a · 2 years
i kinda... want a jason muse ...
i’m just thinking a lot about that scene with lucas and where he goes, “so what was he doing with chrissy?!” and “she was BUYING DRUGS” and im just thinking about how that flipped him out. i really do think he was brainwashed to have a picture perfect life style, a product of his environment and chrissy ... fit, that narrative for him, for his family. in that moment i just saw this guy who has this image of chrissy in his head and in that moment it was shattered into pieces, it does very much seem like a day dream, and anyone who dares destroy this perception does send him into a spiral. which i think that would be an interesting concept of why chrissy never went to jason in the first place, maybe due to not feeling completely seen by him. i think he is very much a Product Of The 80s and illusion of this lifestyle does get beaten out of him, or at least watered down by the late 90s. like, he would rather believe his class mates are murderers and devil worshippers than admit maybe his girlfriend didn’t tell him something... bro that ain’t healthy and i would love to explore that
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Hands Off
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for the request: The world lacks Lou Miller x reader fics!! Can you do one where Lou gets mad and defensive over reader 
Summary: Lou’s friendly biker gang always welcomed you with open arms, except one.
Characters: Lou Miller x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,551
Warnings: fluff but defensive & angsty >:( Lou, harassment, swearing and a lil bit of physical violence (all within good reason I promise)
For the longest time, you thought Lou only really hung out with Debbie, some of the Ocean’s crew, and colleagues from her club. But a couple months into dating she casually slipped in how she hadn’t seen much of her biker gang lately.
“What?” you shrieked from the couch, dropping your book in your lap. She jumped and looked at you from the kitchen, nearly spilling her beer.
“You’re in a biker gang?”
“Well, yeah,” she said, rather matter-of-fact like, “I’ve got a bike. It’s only a matter of time until you’re in a group for bikers.”
“Really? What do you guys do, rob stores and terrify regular home-owners?”
“Yes to the second, no to the first,” she laughed, coming over to sit with you. You threw your legs over hers on the couch, still rather flabbergasted at this revelation.
“So you haven’t seen them in a while, you said? Why not invite them around?”
“You don’t know them, baby. They’re a bit intimidating.”
“Uh, yeah, not yet. Come on! I wanna know your friends, please?” you grinned, wiggling your toes. She caught one of your big toes between her fingers and held you still.
“Fine then, but you’ll have to get some proper biking attire.”
So now, after multiple trips and a few drink nights at Lou’s club, you were heartily welcomed into the biker gang even though you didn’t have a bike yourself, and mostly just tagged around with your girlfriend. And even then you didn’t come on all their trips, finding the cramps of sitting on the back of the bike for too long unbearable sometimes.
Mary was an older, chubby-faced biker, with the face of the neighbourhood grandma who bakes, yet covered from the neck down entirely in tattoos. Paul was her husband, with an afro as white as winter snow, and chains hanging from every pocket and belt loop.
The two of them chatted, joked and laughed with you when in slower traffic or making a much-needed burrito pit stop whenever you went out. The rest of the group was around Lou’s age or younger, and though you felt welcomed by them, you kept to the three of them mostly. It felt nice and familial to hang around, and Lou seemed the most comfortable around Mary and Paul as well.
Then there was one member of the club who would come and go, and you didn’t often see him around, but when you did you weren’t the most chuffed at the sight of him. Tommy was a middle-aged balding man who didn’t seem to really like anyone in the group, but was still there for reasons unknown.
Your distaste was clear to Lou, and you managed to successfully avoid him.. most of the time. On one trip you had taken a well-deserved break near Central Park, lounging in the cozy late-evening weather, with Lou donning her iconic all-black leather outfit and heeled boots that made you swoon.
You were wearing a pink leather jacket yourself. Lou had chortled with glee at the sight of you trying it on, so contrasted to her black leathers and jewel-toned fabrics. Perhaps the rosy coloured leather wasn’t something you would’ve bought for yourself, but every time you wore it, Lou would grin to the point where her eyes would shine nonstop. So you wore it almost every time you went out on her bike together. It was a little bit Pink Ladies-esque, but you quite liked the way it looked.
But Tommy had been looking at you quite.. harshly, somehow. But you could tell he wasn’t checking you out, rather just judging you and your look. He seemed set on being around Lou, who couldn’t be bothered to give him the time of day, only having eyes for you and talking to you as you relaxed by the park.
“Lou,” you began, watching him scamper off to the other side of the group. One of the nice things about being in a biker gang is no one seems to want to bother any of you, letting you hang around in peace.
“Hm?” one of her hands was running through your hair.
“Does Tommy like you?”
She slowly blinked at you in baffled amusement, “like me?”
“Yeah.. I mean either he likes you and is sizing me up cause I’m your girlfriend, or he just despises me as a person.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Don’t give him the time of day, love.”
“Why is he in the gang anyways?”
Lou shrugged, “him and Paul go way back. I don’t mind much, he’s usually not around anyways.”
You pursed your lips in worry, so Lou grasped you close in a tight embrace,
“Don’t worry about him, baby. He isn’t bothering you, is he?”
“No, just his annoying face.”
Lou looked over and saw that indeed, Tommy was giving you a repeated once-over, lingering on the small studs of the pink leather jacket, and her expression immediately soured.
“If he comes close again, I’m gonna clock him,” she growled.
“Hey now, don’t say that,” you giggled.
The rest of the time spent at the park seemed to be going fine, if it weren’t for the constant tugging at the back of your mind from Tommy’s incessant stares. The silent harassment from his eyes were making you uneasy, and Lou noticed.
“I am definitely going to clock him,” she said to you again. 
“Don’t,” you whined, but not very convincingly. 
Later on, Mary started a warm conversation with you, helping your nerves a bit.
“You’ll have to tell me where you got your jacket,” she said, “I have never for the life of me found a jacket with a colour like that. Only browns and blacks, and it’s so boring.”
You laughed, enjoying the way Lou absentmindedly rubbed your waist with her thumb.
“We’ll go shopping then,” you said, barely noticing Tommy walking in and joining in on the conversation, “I’m sure we can help you find something, Mary.”
“I don’t think pink is quite your colour, Mary,” Tommy piped up, eyeing you again, openly now that all focus was on you. You blushed, not from shy happiness like when Lou looked at you, but rather from sickening dread.
“Where’d you get this anyway, a cheap community theatre production of Grease?” Tommy grinned, tugging at the buckle of one of your shoulders. Your eyes flashed, and you slapped his hand away, every hair on your body standing up at his toothy smile, the ugly flash of a worn golden tooth growling back at you.
The tough crunch of Lou’s well-jewelled hand landing on Tommy’s cheek caught you by surprise.
He stumbled back into his parked bike, knocking it over as he landed on the ground, letting out a filthy curse as his nose began dripping blood.
“You broke my nose,” he cried out, “you bitch!”
“Wish I had done more than that,” Lou snarled, her hand still clenched in a fist. Mary and Paul had rushed forward to hold her back, but she didn’t seem too interested in punching him again.
She reached out for your hand and looked you up and down, as if he had given you a kick to the stomach rather than just bully and tug at your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” she asked, while your jaw was still a little unhinged.
“Y-yes, I’m fine,” you replied, a bit lost for words, “but what about you?”
She shrugged, but you noticed her tightly clenched fist and the redness of her skin. As you inspected her hand, Tommy had got up, managing to stop the bleed and gave a rude gesture towards Lou who simply glared back.
“Fuck you,” he said, hoisting his bike back up straight. No one else bothered to check on him or lend a helping hand as he clumsily sped off down the street, leaving the rest of your small group to hang around on the street. Paul sighed in disappointment, but didn’t seem bothered by him leaving. Hopefully for good, you thought.
Mary was the first to break the silence, clapping Lou on the shoulder and congratulating her on a job well done.
“I never liked him anyways,” Lou muttered, as you lifted her hand and kissed her reddening knuckles.
“I think we should get some take-away burritos, don’t you, Mary?” Paul suggested, locking down his bike.
“Oh, yes, come on all of you, on the house,” Mary grinned, taking his hand and heading down the street to the nearest burrito place, the rest following.
“Burritos?” you waggled your eyebrows at Lou, and slowly the anger dissipated from her eyes, because you shoved your hands in the pockets of your pink leather jacket, and with your combat boots and jewelled belt, she thought you had never looked more like a biker, while somehow being the cutest thing she’d ever seen.
“Alright,” she hooked here arm through yours, “but maybe don’t get the spicy one again? You didn’t seem to enjoy it much last time.”
You shoved her playfully, “yeah well, you said that I could take it, and I trusted you completely, which I never will again.”
“You wound me,” she gasped in mocked pain. You lifted her hand again and pressed it against your mouth,
“Only when you sucker punch creeps to defend my honour.”
A/N: Defensive girlfriend Lou Miller to the rescue? yes please!
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komowah-blog · 6 years
Tied | Borusara Fic~
ahhhh, nights out series will come out soon, tmr or today. just wanted to make this fic. ill use this as a prompt.
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Summary: The girls capture Boruto Uzumaki, questioning him to see if he’s perfect for Sarada Uchiha. Sarada doesn’t know about this... Oh boy, how will this end?
Genre: Fluff and a lil of angst.
Rating: T+ 
Word count: 1,599
Character count:9,101
Quick ad that you don’t have to read: My ask is open, and remember to like and follow if you like my fics! if you like this maybe you’ll like, Girl’s Night/The Nights series! ^^
Warnings: Language
I don’t do beta-reads so please reply if I made any mistakes!~
It was a new day, Sarada Uchiha, the heir of the Uchiha clan. She was hanging out with the girls; Sumire Kakei, Namida Suzumeno, Wasabi Izuno, and  ChouChou Akimichi. They all were close to the Uchiha. And there was also, Boruto Uzumaki’s group. Shikadai Nara, Inojin Yamanaka, Mitsuki, Iwabe Yuino, Denki Kaminarimon. Both of these groups had mostly someone who lead it, and inspired everyone of them. For the boys, it was the Uzumaki. For the girls, it was the Uchiha. They all just had.. like a quirk. Everyone around them just felt almost connected to them, y’know? 
“ ‘And then, he grabbed my hand..’ Sumire, what the hell is this?“ ChouChou furrowed her eyebrows to her with a glare. 
“N-Nothing! It’s just...Imagine Kagura if he would do that to one of us! He’d glazed to us, with the sun behind us...! And then, lean one of us to a kiss, and then get a good grip, and hug him tig-” 
Namida scratched her back and throwed a comment at her,”Sumire... you’re obsessed with him.”
“Kya! I’m n-n-not!” Her face was totally wrong for what she said, it countered her statement physically. Poor Sumire. ChouChou noticed Sarada, she was lost in her own thoughts. She kept on looking at her, and poking at her.
“You keep on saying that Sumire!” Wasabi also joined the argument between those two. Her headband threw a shine before she looked at those two. The conversation kept on going on, and Sarada still no response of her saying to the rest that Sumire is fine. This usually happens, but not today? What’s going on with that little Uchiha? ChouChou couldn’t handle it anymore and kept on glaring at her. Her eyebrows changed into a irritated expression. She DESPISED when Sarada was like this. ChouChou then roared,”Sarada!” Sarada blinked twice and then looked at ChouChou. The others stood quiet, the scream that ChouChou frightened them. Sarada just looked at the sight of a furious Akimichi. And boy, when they were mad, they can one-shot you and destroy millions of buildings. Especially when someone said the f word... (fat)
“Uh...ChouChou? Is there a problem?” her glasses released a shine, one side going to another. It fogged up her glasses by how embarrased she was, releasing a tear of sweat. 
“I-Is there a problem?” Sarada was feeling sheepish, and ChouChou the opposite. She was unhinged and upset. 
“Bitch, what do you mean if there’s a problem? You’re supposed to tell us, what the hell was that expression you just had?” ChouChou was boiling, she was like a red pepper.
“ChouChou..! Calm down!” Wasabi had the courage to say something.She put her arm around ChouChou’s to signal that she’s overreacting. Sumire and Namida were in shock, they’ve never actually seen ChouChou this mad. They see her swear all the time, but not have an expression or tone of voice. 
“How the hell can I calm down when my friends are gloomy?” Namida was to say something, but her mouth closed immediately. Wasabi released her hand, and Sarada was petrified. She then fixed her glasses, and brushed her hair off the sides.
“So? What is it Sarada? Is there something you wanna tell us?” ChouChou leaned in closer, and cracked her knuckles. “Do you wanna pick a fight with her? Friends are supposed to comfort them, right?” a smile from the shadows appeared on a rooftop. ChouChou’s mouth opened, and her expression went into a frown. “No! I’m not trying to do that at all! But friends are supposed to tell them what’s going on right?” ChouChou then furrowed her eybrows,”Wait...Who the hell are you?” She crossed her arms and looked down. Sumire was worrying and shouting all over the place,”Uwawah! What’s going on..?!!!” because now, ChouChou isn’t acting like she’s crazy. “I think you know me, I’m pretty friendly. The name’s Boruto Uzumaki!” He finally walked out of the shadows, with a big smile. “You little motherfucker! You’re the reason Sarada’s acting like this, huh?!” ChouChou started to crack her neck. Sarada felt bad, and gave ChouChou a note, then flashed away. 
“Huh?” Boruto was confused, why didn’t she give him a note. He was a bit jealous.  “Bratty Sarada, only caring about girls..hmph.” Boruto looked away in disgust. 
“The reason why I was spaced out was because my father isn’t coming home for about a year. He says it’s just him protecting us...” ChouChou gasped, and so did the girls. “Some dad she has!” ChouChou was mad again, jesus. but not that mad, because this isn’t her family. So she understood. But she also saw a picture fall off of Sarada when she flashed. Boruto’s eyes widened when she read that. He went closer to the Akimichi, and telling her to see it. She passes it off to him, and he furrowed his eyebrows. ChouChou went closer to the photo and grasped it. It was a photo of team 7. She started laughing, and the rest were confused. Sumire ran off somewhere with Namida and Wasabi when they weren’t looking, so she can calm herself. 
“Look, Boruto! It’s a photo of you when you were younger!”, she had an evil grin on. “Huh? Lemme see!” He ran in closer and until ChouChou went even more closer, her hand went in a flash and hit Boruto’s head with some what big hands, not partial expansion jutsu. He collapsed and ChouChou was dragging him on the floor with his jacket. She released an evil laugh when they went to the forest of Konoha. She tied him up with a rope onto the tree. “Sarada would kill for a guy like you, huh?” She was talking to herself at that time. She reached in her pockets and grabbed her phone. She dialed class rep, Namida and Wasabi.
“Time for a mission, girls. It’s called Sarada Uzumaki.”
“Sarada Uzumaki?! Eh? isn’t that Boruto’s last name?! Kyah!” 
ChouChou released a sigh,”Yeah, she’ll be an Uzumaki soon.”
“Give us your location!” Namida said with excitement.
“On it.” ChouChou pressed home and texted all of them where she was located. 
“I’ll see you there in 2 minutes?” Wasabi informed them, then she hung up.
“Uwah!!! I’ll go there in a sec!” 
They all hung up. ChouChou opened a bag of her favorite, chips. The salted ones, just regular. Soon after, Sumire and all of them appeared. Boruto just started to open his eyes. 
“So what’s the details?” Wasabi then stretched her arms.
“Interrogate him. Let’s see if he’s perfect for her.”
“What? For who?” Boruto eavesdropped and closed one eye.
“Sarada Uchiha.” They all released giggles and it made them look super scary.
“Oh god..” Boruto released a sigh.
“You know ‘ttebassa, could you at least try to be nice?” he left a grin for them. 
“You’re still breathing, that’s me being fucking nice, asshole.” ChouChou then cracked her neck in a threatening way.
“Jeesh. If Sarada hears this, she’d just be in love with me after all, I need to deal with you guys.” 
“Shut it, Uzumaki!” the Akimichi was pointing to him.
“I’m sorry...!” Sumire whispered out to him.
Boruto left out a wink. And the rest were signaling that they can hear her...
“So, do you like Sarada Uchiha?” ChouChou sat down infront of him. Brushing her hair aside, in a diva mode.
“Hmm... I dunno. That’s tough. She nags me alot, though.” Boruto was actually cooperating? ChouChou and the rest widened their eyes. “Huh. You’re not that tough to talk. I envy you for that” Wasabi added. “If I had the chance, I would ask her out. Too bad she’s into Kawaki.” Boruto was blushing, and had a tone showing some sorrow. He looked away, and later added,”Just let me go ‘ttebassa..” ChouChou was suprised and giggling. “She’s not into Kawaki! Oh Kaguya, Wasabi is into Kawaki, not her. She actually likes you, but she also gets sad about you. Like when you get hurt, or sometimes when you make fun of her. She’s tough, but she has her weak spots, y’know?” ChouChou closed her eyes, and poked Boruto’s face who was super flustered. “Really? I have a chance?!” Boruto started to dance in the rope, like a little worm. His eyes brightened. “Just like a child... goddamn it Uzumaki.” Sumire, Namida and Wasabi flashed away in a second, just like usual... ChouChou released out a deep, she brought out a kunai and cut the rope. “Just go to her...” “She in her house, she’d be more than happy, Sakura isn’t home, either.” 
“Thanks, Chubbs.” 
“Uh-huh..whatever..” She was waving bye to him while facing the other way. he flashed away, and she left a smile. “Lady Uzumaki..”
Boruto randomly got flower, he probably stole them from the Yamanaka flower shop. Oh well, he’s friends with the owner, after all. He’ll pay sooner. He hid the flowers behind his back, and rang her doorbell. He could her the footsteps coming from upstairs to downstairs. His eyes brightened. The Uchiha opened the door, suprised that it was Boruto.
“B-Boruto?” She had her glasses off, she was resting. He looked away, and said,”Mrs.Uchiha... will you be my girlfriend?” He had the color of bright red all over his face. Sarada’s eyes widened, she then got embarrassed.. And grabbed his hand to pull him inside. He closed the door with his leg, and placed the flowers on the table. She then pulled him close, smashing their lips together. They were kissing for about 10 minutes, their mouths numb and on the couch now. 
“I’m guessing that’s a yes?” Boruto grinned.
Sarada sighed ,”Yeah..” 
In the window of all of that, Mitsuki and ChouChou were recording everything.
Thank you all for reading! Sorry if this didn’t have proper development.. It’s kinda late, but oh well! 
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