#i just think a couple more episodes of leeway might have helped carry it a little more
kingofdinosaurs · 8 months
fionna and cake should have been at least 12 eps though. probably more.
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sparkanonymous · 6 months
Let me ramble about my ship opinions real quick. I gotta say something to somebody while my siblings procrastinate watching what's available.
⚠️ Total Drama Reboot Season 2 Spoilers ⚠️
We're gonna talk about the canon ships this time. It makes it easier to talk about.
Caleb x Priya
They might not have gotten together yet, but Millie said that Priya has a crush on him. I really don't see this one. She showed no interest in him the first season - probably didn't help that he was only in one episode - so the first sign of interest from her was when Priya had mentioned looking him up on social media. I don't like Caleb as a character very much; I think he's kind of boring. Plus, it still feels like the writers don't really know what to do with him since he's barely done anything yet, besides literally carrying his team in the third episode. The writer's paired them up as the strong couple and haven't really gone beyond that yet. I personally would've wanted Damiya because there was a more interest last season and because Damien is just a better character, in my opinion.
Raj x Bowie
This relationship is by far one of the more nuanced ones we've gotten out of Total Drama as a whole; Gwent and Duncney were great in their first season, but after that, they made it so painful for me to like them. If you look at my profile, you can tell Rajbow is one of my favorites. I think they're cute, and I hope that we get to see them be assholes to other people together at some point. Maybe even with Wayne included. Hell, I'll just take fanfiction if the writers don't provide. I like that they're spending more time together doing various things and that Raj isn't afraid to scold Bowie when he thinks he's doing something wrong. I think they have an easier time discussing things, even if Bowie is technically lying to Raj right now about not cheating. A lot of their bonding felt a little rushed last season. There was the scene where they were going to talk by the lake, right before Julia found out about the video posted on her social media account (does she still have that account?). That was only a ten second scene. There were so many quick moments, blink and you'll miss them. They're more obvious now, longer too. I like that.
MK x Julia
I know I said canon ships, but... but COME ON. This is canon. I'm not taking any other opinions. Anyway, I did notice when people started shipping these two last season, and I'll be honest; I didn't see it. This new season, though, has made me see a new light. I think the writer's felt like they had more leeway and like they had a better grasp on these two's personalities. MK was always a bit of a troublemaker and thief, and she would definitely take the easier way of winning than to actually try if she had the choice. Julia doesn't want to get voted off, so she'll take cheating to win, knowing that she's always on the chopping block when Bowie has both Raj and Wayne on his side. The writer's are really playing up their flirting, too, so whether they actually get together in the season or not, their relationship will not be forgotten.
Ripper x Axel
I'm gonna be so for real right now; this caught me so off guard. Out of all the characters they wanted to pair up, I didn't think Ripper would be an option. I do like him more this season, but he still makes me kind of uncomfortable, especially in the second episode where he butters himself up while only wearing his swimsuit. I cringe. Axel being into him? For why? I don't know what's going on up in that brain of hers, but this is awesome! I didn't expect to like their relationship as much as I do, and when I found out it was canon, I was buzzing. I don't know why I was so excited, but I was, and that's all that matters to me. I don't like poetry, and neither does Ripper, but the fact he put that aside to impress Axel is really sweet to me. Ripper has officially gotten himself good points and is no longer my least favorite character. I hope these two get along well and don't do the thing Emma and Chase did, where they constantly try to get a rise out of the other and break up every twenty minutes. I do believe we should've gotten more interest in them last season, but I think the only interaction they got was when Axel kicked Ripper off the ship.
I do feel bad for the Axel x Nichelle shippers, but just because it's not canon doesn't mean that you should stop shipping it. Both Axel and Ripper are a bit fruity anyway, so even if they hadn't gotten together, they would've been shipped with other characters by the fandom regardless.
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theaceofskulls · 2 years
My work’s internal network is a mess and I’ve been trying to keep myself entertained but screw it, I’m just gonna review the Hammer and Bolter Episodes.
Keep in mind that all of these have a little janky animation that I’m grading on a scale for. Also these are anthology episodes so I’m giving some leeway here and there.
1. Death’s Hand
A story about an Inquisitor who keeps consulting fortune tellers who tell him he’s going to die is about to get a promotion that takes him back to Terra. He suspects a lot is off and is proven right. Funnily enough this is probably one of the worst intro’s you can have, not that it’s a bad episode at all, but it deals with a lot of more squirreled away concepts of the Imperium including the Ordo Assassinorum (if you’re new to 40k and aren’t used to the names, oh boy is it a setting). Overall though it’s alright, with an unexpected turn or two.
6/10, worse ways to kill time
2. Bound for Greatness
Spooky story about a book counter at the local imperium not-library where the speaker system continues to warn you against doing anything other than a menial task and not to read anything. Look, you already know the twist this is going and I’ll admit that “forbidden knowledge” storylines are my least favorite things imaginable. Especially in a setting like this that continually emphasizes how fucking awful working and living in this universe is. There’s a fun moment with a daemon but otherwise this actually might be my least favorite of them all.
1/10, fuck your anti-intellectualism horror, Lovecraft, I know that’s you in the fucking floorboards
3. Old Bale Eye
The story of a human commissar, told by an Ork. This one is fantastic, with a lot more exaggeration in several of the animations and the script is allowed to be dumb and cheesy in a way that makes you smile the whole time. There’s not much more to talk about.
9/10, it only loses a point since it’s not a complete story
4. Fangs
Space Wolf commanders play a board game where they can get bonus points if their aspirant survive the hazing ritual they sent them out on. Yeah, the premise alone kinda rubs me the wrong way and it doesn’t help that everyone feels like they’re more moving figures than characters. There’s some interesting action scenes, but it’s let down by being a little too obvious on when one of the aspirants is “eliminated” from the game or not, meaning it’s clear who we should be following soon enough. The worst part though is that the commanders are the center focus while the aspirants are the ones in danger but they lack any personality, so it’s hard to care about anyone in the end.
3/10, this would’ve been better as them sitting around telling stories that get more and more obviously made up
5. A Question of Faith
Hey, it’s time for a Sisters of Battle episode! I wonder how they’re going to die nobly as martyrs. Okay in seriousness, the approaching Khorne cultist horde and the unexpected twist to how the irony played out was actually better than expected. I think the fact that there were only two characters in it somewhat limited what they could do with it and can see this one being polished up with a few more goes to be something good.
5/10, carried by the one scene of a Khorne cultist getting really upset that someone brought a gun to a gun fight rather than another knife
6. In the Garden of Ghosts
Hey aeldari fans, it’s time for you regular misery porn. Honestly though, this one is actually kind of neat in that it’s got a lot going on. Ultramarines are the actual villains, several characters to play off one another each of which has different thoughts on the past and future of their people, and a bittersweet ending that’s actually stuck with me. There’s a couple of moments that knock it down a few numbers though, where it feels like a scene was written more for the Space Marines than the Aeldari
8/10, i’m biased though so it’s probably got an extra point to it
7. Kill Protocol
A mechanicus episode centering around a Tech Priest and her robot as they are trying to grab a relic from aftermath of a battle with the Orks. There’s a melancholy vibe to the episode and a post-apocalyptic feel to it that also manages to weave its exposition in smoothly. Not to mention some fantastic character moments that manage to take advantage of the short story format it’s in. There’s a slight obvious moment towards the end, but considering how it manages to help make the character in question more complex due to their earlier actions (which I’m not spoiling because honestly it’s one of the stronger moments in the show, not just the episode), I’ll forgive it. This one is actually good.
9/10, I don’t have much more to say on this one
8. Cadia Stands
Imperial Guard vs Tyranids in a trench warfare episode. Generic war movie with its finger on fast forward, it might have worked as a full series or a book with more than two characters in it but it’s just boring.
2/10, just go watch Saving Private Ryan
9. Artefacts
After assaulting a necron world, a squad of Chaos Terminators are sent to pilfer artefacts from a Space Hulk. When they arrive, they discover they’re not the only spikey raiders hunting for the prize, but there’s some other... peculiarities. Honestly, this one is one of the best, even if you do have to know a bit about the guest stars in it. It has a great ending and terrible things happen to terrible people so there’s some catharsis. Also there’s fantastic amounts of easter eggs. Also the changes to the animation make for a much more interesting watch.
10/10, but it was always fated to be so
10. Plague Song
A Death Guard sorcerer decides it’s time for a change of leadership and embarks on a quest to raid an imperial stronghold to make his visions a reality. I’ve been trying not to give any negatives here for gore or stomach turning visuals. It’s 40k, it comes with the territory. And I try not to knock points off Nurgle stuff for going gross, but this episode does display one weakness of the series I’ve put off talking about: it tends to use disgust or shock similar to action. What I mean is that several scenes sometimes feel like they’re in the series to show off the gorn rather than to feel like they fit the tone. Thankfully that doesn’t take over too much of this episode, though it certainly does linger on a few scenes, and while I’d call that lingering fitting for the stagnant and trundling nature of Death Guard, it comes off more as “look at how gross we made this”, which if you’ve seen one night of adult swim, you’ve seen them all. The meat of the story is serviceable enough and watching the machinations unfold feels good in the end, but my expectations were always going to be a little higher after reading Lords of Silence. Though again, the faction is slow moving so it struggles in an anthology series.
7/10, Nurglings make everything better.
I’ll review more episodes as they come out and I feel like.
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