#i just think his age was quite emphasised to explicate how young he is and how much he has achieved
gemkun · 6 months
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one thing that has pestered me for a while is the subject of ratio's age and his birthday. the latter isn't as important so i will focus on the former.
i think most people agree he's somewhere in his 30s or later but after reading these it got me thinking what if he is in fact younger. he proved professor rond's conjecture in middle school which as the mathematician's letter also states is the time veritas was recommended to the university of veritas prime. he also explicitly mentions that ratio learns at a staggering speed which could hint at the equation being solved roughly around his earlier years of high school which puts him around 14 — 15 if we use china's middle school education system. so , let's say he was enrolled at 15.
from here , i believe he went beyond and partook in several doctorates at once which is actually possible it is just unthinkable and highly inadvisable. but veritas ratio took on the challenge and earned a title that had been unclaimed for two amber eras. if this is the case , then the second message and looking at the user id must indicate that veritas had been present for 10 years at the university — as a student and as a teacher. he would have achieved his doctorates 6 — 8 years after his admission into university and since he was directly eligible to teach , we can say he has been teaching for 2 years since he was a ta prior to this and was notorious as an assistant alone. which puts him at an age of 25 years old.
this means that with his accolades and numerous achievements , he is only in his mid — 20s.
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