#i just think its funny bc hes been nothing but a rag doll the whole fight and suddenly does that and guideau's just like....
guideaus · 1 year
a moment in mty i think is funny is in the new arc with the witches' disciples coming to abduct the forbidden instrument. guideau says she'll choose to be a disciplined adult and wait for the chance for revenge, but promises to get this new witch back later if they're friends with angela, prioritizing protecting and getting the nameless seed child away from the situation, without ashaf insisting first, and then the child just suddenly fucking shoots a beam or whatever right at the witch
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3pirouette · 4 years
modern steggy where peggy does meet cap steve at a protest [yes its bc of ur ficlet and yes bc of cappeggysexuality's add on. and if you can't do this i understand. i just love ur style.]
(Disclaimer- I’m terrified of large crowds, and violence, so I’ve never been to any kind of protest or rally before (especially one that has ANY possibility of having any aggression at it) and am 100% making this all up.)
Part 1/2 HERE Part 3 HERE
Which makes this part 4...
She’s on the ground, writhing in pain before she even knows what’s happening. She’s not sure who started what first, but she’s damn pissed she forgot her sunglasses at home because the pepper spray burns like nothing else she’s ever known. 
She doesn’t regret stepping between the teen girl and the aggressive literal Nazi in military grade armor, not for a second, but damn she can’t even open her eyes and she’s on the ground and she can hear people scurrying around her. She curls into a ball, trying to cover her face without touching it. She can taste it through her mask, she can feel it burning in her nose. 
She can hear the girl she stepped in front of yelling that they need help. The girl’s reluctant to leave her but Peggy’s seen protests go bad before, she knows what will happen and she starts shouting at the girl to go even though each breath pulls the spray through her mask and burns her throat just a little. 
It feels like years that she’s thrashing and trying to force herself up off the pavement but it’s only seconds between when she tells the girl to go and when she feels strong arms pick her up like she’s a rag doll. “Don’t touch your face,” a familiar voice commands her. “We’ll get you cleaned up, ok?”
She can only nod, and though she knows she should feel a little fearful that someone she doesn’t know and can’t see has just picked her up, she’s happier that he’s getting her away from the yelling and the violence. 
“Just take her inside,” another familiar voice yells out to the man carrying her. “We’ve got a few of them in the lobby.”
She feels them push past a door and the second man is still talking. “Did you punch him?”
“Of course I punched him, he’s a Nazi.”
She can’t help it, she laughs at that. Even with the searing pain she can’t help but feel a little joy at that sentence. 
“Haha,” the second voice chides, “She might think it’s funny but one day one of these idiots is going to charge you with assault.”
He talks to her gently as he puts her down in a soft chair, asking before he takes the mask off her face and replacing it with a wet towel. “It’s milk,” he supplies. “I think they’re getting something for your eyes, though.”
She leans her head back, carefully moving the towel over her eyes and cheeks where they sting the worst, her eyes still tightly squeezed shut. “Thank you,” she rasps out. 
“What’s your name?”
“Peggy.” She flinches as the burning sends a sharp pain into her jaw. “You?”
She pretends not to hear his chuckle. She’s not sure why he’d be laughing at her. “Steve.” He’s quiet for a moment, serious. “That was really brave of you,” he says, reaching out and taking her hand. “I saw you, the whole time, your eyes on those guys. As soon as one of them got aggressive, you were there, trying to protect those kids.” 
“Those kids are the generation that is going to undo all the damage we’ve done,” she supplies, her free hand gently moving the towel over her skin. “They have to know people are going to help them, stand up for them.” She takes a deep breath. “Plus she was just a kid. What kind of grown man is so angry and insecure that he tries to pepper spray a kid?”
He doesn’t have time to answer. A woman with a soft but strong voice joins them and takes over, telling her to lean forward and handing her a bottle of eye wash solution and a small plastic tub. She waits until she can see Peggy forcing her eyes open, getting the solution in there despite the pain before she walks away, leaving her to Steve’s care once more. 
He holds the small basin for her as she struggles to get through both eyes. The stinging is still there, but now she can at least open them. Despite a bit of a blur, she can see.
When she looks up she finds she’s only somewhat surprised to see that the man who saved her, Steve, is in fact the man she went to see speak, the famed Captain America. “So that’s why you laughed when I asked your name.”
He nodded, handing her a clean towel. Her eyes were now watering on their own, streaks of tears steadily pouring down. “People don’t usually not know who I am.”
“Well, I couldn’t exactly see who picked me up.”
“Fair.” He smiles a little, holding up the spent eye wash bottle and the small basin. “I’m gonna get rid of this- I’ll be right back. How about some water?”
She nods, watching him leave. She takes the chance to look around, her sight coming back with each tear that filters out. There are a dozen or so people in the lobby of what she assumes in the Stark building, Tony Stark himself and several other Avengers who were present at the protest helping to triage them. There’s only one other with the bright red eyes like her, and he’s being tended to by someone that looks like a doctor. The rest look like scrapes and bruises. 
There’s a teen in the corner live streaming everything. She’s not sure why he’s allowed to broadcast from in here, but she isn’t about to ask questions. 
“Shouldn’t you get back out there?” Peggy asks when Steve comes back with her glass of water.
“It’s broken up,” he replies, sitting on the floor next to her chair. “We’ve got a couple of people out there, making sure things stay calm. If I go back out...” he just shrugs. 
She knows he’s right. Things are derisive enough, him going out once it’s calm might reignite flames. She chugs the water down, lets it cool her throat. She’s not quite sure what to say next. She wastes time taking smaller sips, waiting for him to make excuses and leave. Instead, he pulls off his helmet and runs a hand through his hair, looking for all the world like he’s trying to find a way to make conversation. 
“I want to ask what a girl like you is doing at a protest like this, but it sounds like a horrible pick up line,” he finally relents. 
“Well, is it?” she asks, avoiding his eyes. 
He laughs, his cheeks turning red. “Uh, would you like it to be?”
She knows she’s mess. Her face and eyes are still burning and she’s in combat boots and jeans that are ripped from her tumble to the ground and she has tears and snot dripping down her face and by god all she wants to do is say yes. She’s going to say yes, when Tony Stark interrupts them. 
“Flirt with the pretty lady later, Cap. We’ve got pissed off skinheads headed this way.”
He turns serious quickly, standing and setting his helmet back on as the woman who helped her before comes and scoots her back further into the lobby. 
He starts to leave then turns back, looking right at her. “Don’t leave, ok?”
She nods, watching as he marches back out into the street, the burning on her face suddenly surpassed by the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. 
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edwardamcullen · 7 years
Almost the entirety of Red is about Bellward #confirmed. Pass it on.
this feels like a challenge to prove this right and...that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Except I’ll extend this to Twilight as a whole. pls keep in mind i obviously know taylor didn’t write these songs about these characters i’m just IN LOVE with the similarities and how they relate.
1. State of Grace “And I never saw you coming and I’ll never be the same”/"We learn to live with the pain mosaic broken hearts, but this love is brave and wild”/“You come around and the armor falls, pierce the room like a cannon ball now all we know is don’t let go”/“This is the state of grace. This is the worthwhile fight. Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right. These are the hands of fate. you’re my achilles heel. This is the golden age of something good and right and real” I think these lyrics fit Bellward in that...1) this love...was....real and new to both of them and not something they ever saw coming but it was scary but too real to let go of and not want to fight for. There’s so many risks in their relationship but “this is the worthwhile fight. love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right.
2. RedI made a gifset. This is New Moon!Bella - “Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes tell myself it’s time now, gotta let go. But moving on from him is impossible when I still see it all in my head, burning red.” bc the girl LITERALLY saw him everywhere. and also “Loving him was like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street, faster than the wind passionate as sin ended so suddenly” because when he left he took his whole world with her the entire time she was struggling to hold onto the memories. she was in the middle of such a :D point and everything was so good and in one instant it all fell apart.
3. Treacherous“This slope is treacherous this path is reckless this slope is treacherous I-I-I like it” this song is literally about sex and their relationship not being good but “nothing safe is worth the drive” which SCREAMS Bella and Edward like I don’t have to explain that tbh.
4. I Knew You Were Trouble...idk...bella knew he was trouble but shame on her because SHE LITERALLY WAS LYING ON THE COLD HARD GROUND when he left her....damn taylor really get specific 
5. All Too Well “It was rare I was there I remember it all too well” / “Time won’t fly it’s like I’m paralyzed by it. I’d like to be my old self again but I’m still trying to find it.” Is her the entire dark phase of New Moon. 
6. 22*scratches head while I try to think of something* “It’s miserable and magical” - lmao bella when wolves were magical but also she is literally miserable. (BY NOW YOU KNOW I DON’T THINK THIS IS SERIOUS I’M JUST HAVING FUN WITH THIS) 
7. I Almost Do“I hope sometimes you wonder about me”/”I just want to tell you it takes everything in me not to call you. And I wish I could run to you and every time I don’t, I almost do” Edward to Bella when he left. 8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Togetherdeadass??? idk. Leah to Sam lmao. i’m kidding. no i’m not she’s never getting back with him he hurt her. except they weren’t on and off. She’s just never ever getting back with him. and she’s done w/ his excuses. etc. OH WAIT WEREN’T JESS AND MIKE ON AND OFF...them too lmao. 9. Stay Stay StayTHIS SONG IS SO PURE AND SO CUTE AND SO HAPPY. “you took the time to memorize me my fears my hopes and dreams I just like hanging out with you all the time.” every relationship ever. Also “It’s been occurring to me I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life.”
10. The Last Time“This is the last time I’m asking you this put my name at the top of your list” lmao fucking JACOB to Bella in Eclipse. Actually wait this could work. “You wear your best apology but I was there to watch you leave. And all the times I let you in just for you to go again.” wow....damn it really could be Jake to Bella 
11. Holy GroundI’m going to half make this about Jacob and Bella because “Tonight I’m gonna dance for all that we’ve been through but I don’t wanna dance if I’m not dancing with you.” could be them at Bella and Edward’s wedding. But this is actually a nice breakup song about it being good and never looking back and them both being respectively happy for each other and that’s just not the case. he calls her stupid and thrashes her like a rag doll and fucking grabs her by the arms. the moment was ruined.
12. Sad Beautiful TragicOH HOW NEW MOONBella: In dreams, I meet you in warm conversationB/E: We both wake in lonely beds, different cities (except edward doesn’t sleep)B: And time is taking its sweet time erasing youE: And you've got your demons and darling they all look like me (actually it could be bella too because she feels like a waste of his time and like he never even cared for her)
13. The Lucky OneLet me make this about Rosalie. “New to town with a made up name in the angel city chasing fortune and fame, and the camera flashes make it look like a dream”/ “And they tell you that you’re lucky but you’re so confused ‘cause you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used.” This entire song is Taylor’s fear of fame and the glamorous lifestyle turning into something that’s so ... scary and just not as good as it’s made out to be. That screams Rosalie. And just any of the vampires who would trade this “perfect” vampire life for a normal one.14. Everything Has ChangedB: All i knew this morning when I woke is I know something now know something now I didn’t before. (BELLA LITERALLY....REALIZING SHE’S IN LOVE WITH EDWARD honestly vice versa because this whole love thing was new for both of them)E: All my walls stood tall painted blue but I’ll take them down and open up the door for youB/E: All I know is we said hello so dust off your highest hopes. All i know is pouring rain, and everythig has changed. All I know is a newfound grace all my days I’ll know your face all I know since yesterday is everything has changed.
15. StarlightTHIS IS SO HARD ALSKDLAKS “Ooh ooh he's talking crazy/Ooh ooh dancing with me/Ooh ooh we could get married” bella when edward proposed LMAO. but no really the thing about Starlight is it pictures such a happy and forever-and-always blissful and magical love which SM paints with their whole eternity thing. “Don’t you dream impossible things” literally. because he’s a vampire. OMG WAIT “Have ten kids and teach them how to dream” ...rosalie and her perfect life she thought she had before everything happened.16. Begin AgainLet me.....pull a muscle while I REACH a bit. “And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid. I think it’s strange that you think I’m funny ‘cause he never did. I’ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end, but on a wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again” .......this is a REACH and a this I’m making shit up...but bella never really felt like herself or confident enough to be herself until she met the cullens and....idk...bella saw her divorced parents and she never reallly had a love to relate to so she really didn’t think love...was...a  thing...but w/ edward...it was.???/ i told y’all i’m reaching
if you wanna be like that you can make this about jacob when bella grows close to him after edward left her but tbh that implies that bella ...was in love with him....and that she stayed with him...and nah. i’m not doing that lmao sorry
The deluxe tracks??? The moment i knew is too specific it’s about him not going to Taylor’s birthday. that didn’t happen. “You should’ve been here and I would’ve been so happy” if pulled out of context might relate. Maybe Come Back Be Here being about them being apart but being in love COULD be B/E in New Moon but they were both very sad and this is more about missing the other one...pretend “I can’t help but wish you took me with you” is overdramatic bella missing edward when he hunts. I can’t think of anything for Girl At Home.
I’m sorry this was so long all you wanted me to do was pass it on I’M SO SORRY
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