#i just thought it was funny that my first example for it was bionicle
logicalabsurdity · 1 year
Out of context spoilery Tears of the Kingdom commentary from me to @brushstrokesapocalyptic:
"Is what she's saying literal or is it some 'save the heart of Metru Nui' nonsense? .... it's 'save the heart of Metru Nui', isn't it."
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11/11/11 Tag (22/11/11? Tag?)
Another one of these! This time, I was tagged TWICE by the wonderful @sassypandacandy (go read her books,, i love them). I’ve gotta answer the questions, come up with my OWN questions, and then tag 11 people to answer, only I’m not going to tag eleven people because I still don’t think I quite KNOW eleven people yet. Also, because I got tagged twice with two different sets of questions, I’m going to answer both sets in one post, and then just come up with eleven questions of my own, because it takes me yonks to come up with questions and I’m lazy. Eso si que es, y’know?
What’s the first thing you remember writing?
A four-page story about a Diplodocus when I was… definitely before I was ten years old. Maybe like five or six. I was very proud of it.
What’s the last thing you wrote purely for yourself?
Actually, I pretty much always write for myself, so the last thing that I wrote/started to write… ooh-er. That’d be the Warrior Cats fanfiction I’ve been working on. :P
Are you a WIP playlist person or a WIP aesthetics person?
Playlist, probably. I tend not to make playlists specifically for WIPs – instead, I’ll assign songs and soundtracks to specific characters and scenes – but I’m still better at throwing together playlists then making aesthetics LMAO
What’s a book you wish you’d written?
Uuuuh… maybe it’s just because I’m young (barely an adult), but I don’t have anything where it’s like “ah I wish I’d used that idea” or “wish I’d written this book”. I still have a lot of writing ahead of me, hopefully, so all my ideas I hope to actually get out some day. (Assuming that’s,,, what the question is asking me)
What’s your favourite book adaptation?
Ironic because it doesn’t follow the books that closely, but I love the How To Train Your Dragon films very much.
Which of your characters would you like to have a conversation with? What would you like to talk about?
The downside to Pandemonium’s Bane being filled with eccentric personalities and cooky characters means that there’s actually few of them I’d LIKE to have a conversation with, because most would be too dickish or too annoying for my tastes xDD That being said, I think me and Plue are on very similar wavelengths, and we have a lot in common (such as both of us wanting to write), so I wouldn’t mind chatting with her for a bit if I had to.
Which of your WIP worlds would you most like to live in?
The Power of Ages stories are mostly set in one universe (the Nimbus System) so I guess I’d have to go with that one by default. There’s Neil’s dimension, I guess, but it’s destroyed, so…
Have you ever written anything inspired purely by a song? If so, what song was it?
I haven’t written anything inspired just by a single song, but I HAVE got certain scenes or character backstories based off of songs, or even the concepts they’re based around. I have a whole battle between brothers planned out to the soundtrack that plays when Shifu fights Tai Lung in Kung Fu Panda, and listening to the Iron Man soundtracks helped me with both the conception of a new character and her placement in my roster (and yes, she does invent things and fly around, although there are also some major differences)
Have you ever written poetry? Do you still? Why or why not?
I… haven’t written poetry. And the reason for that is… I mean, I guess it doesn’t really jibe with me? Granted I haven’t considered it heavily, but it was always my least favourite aspect of learning English at school, and I just never fell in love with it the same way I fell in love with writing conventional narratives.
Who would direct an adaptation of your writing?
I ain’t big on directors, so IDEK. I guess in terms of the rewrite of Maelstrom (my current main WIP) I’d pick Sam Raimi, who proved with his Spider-Man films that he can blend fun superhero narratives with slightly darker elements pretty well.
How do you motivate yourself when you don’t feel like writing?
Mainly by having multiple projects to work on! That way, if I ain’t feeling what I’m working on, I can switch over to another one, and bingo bango, I can keep writing. (Hypothetically. Sometimes it ain’t that simple, obviously.) I also use music, and I also take advantage of being in situations where it’s like, I’d rather write then do the alternative. Do you know how much writing I got done in lessons? So much. :P
What scenes are the worst to write?
The ones that I haven’t planned out – sometimes I have very specific ideas for how I want scenes to happen, and I’m excited to get to them, but other times they’re just obligatory because there’s certain information I have to convey. That makes it a challenge to write it in a compelling way, because why should the reader care if I don’t?
What can you say is a thing you love most about your writing?
I’d say I like the dialogue/character interplay/narrative description-y sort of stuff. I think I’m good at giving everything levity, and keeping it breezy and entertaining even if I myself find the writing process to be a bit of a slog. Plus, it’s funny to read back over, and it’s also funny to watch my discord quote a line and then keysmash at it. :P
What is writing advice that you take to heart?
It’s from Aaron Sorkin’s writing masterclass – the idea that a story is defined by the main character’s INTENTION, the OBSTACLE facing them, and the TACTICS they use to overcome it.
How do you keep yourself from quitting writing together?
Honestly, it’s not like I have to try that hard! By this point I’m desperate to tell these stories that I have in mind, so I have a sort of innate compulsion to write because I wanna get it all out there. I’ll get back to you if that compulsion runs out, but for now, I see myself writing long into the future.
What is the strangest thing you’ve searched up on the internet for writing purposes?
Probably the capabilities of medieval-era people to recognise nuclear technology. (And for the record, the answer is “pretty low”.)
Not a question, but shoutout a writeblr (or multiple) that you think needs to hear that they are awesome and doing a great job (by the way everyone, you all are awesome and doing a great job. Keep it up.)
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Well obviously I’m gonna shout out the person who tagged me in the first place – Kels. I await the final(?) book in the DOOT series with great anticipation.
Your OCs are trapped on a deserted island, what would they be doing?
I WANNA say they’d try and work as a team, but, uh. It may not go so well. Dante and Plue would probably be the most practical. Gaia would be good at grunt work but not focus on the task at hand, Rose would be functionally useless but good at moral support, Jacen would try to organise things but Gaia would just push him in the sea for jokes… I reckon they’d escape eventually, I suppose, but it wouldn’t exactly be a clean-cut affair, you know? xD
What is your biggest inspiration for your WIPs?
I actually have various inspirations – I think collectively my biggest inspiration is the MCU, in that it’s a bunch of interconnected stories set in the same universe about different characters and also there are superpowers. xDD
A habit you have when it comes to writing?
Not doing it (thank you writer’s block)
A fact about your world and/or characters?
I have debated killing of MANY of my characters, but have only actually come to concrete decisions one way or the other with a few.
If your WIP/s got turned into a movie or series, what would be the quote on the promotional poster or trailer?
Oh, I’m gonna do this for ALL the WIPs, this seems fun!
Of Encounters and Trysts – Two Hearts, One Soul (or something equally cheesy)
Hit and Run – Even the indomitable aren’t invincible
Maelstrom – Destiny Begins
The Destroyer of Worlds – One Case, One Team, One Superpower
Survivor – It’s every man for themselves
Savants – Not so different
Omnia Vincit Amor – Good things come to those who get traumatised
Cometh the Hour – Six thousand years from home
  Alright, now it’s (finally!) time for my eleven questiones:
1 – Does music help you write, or does it just distract you?
2 – What’s your favourite writing tool? A laptop? Notepad and pens? Quills and inkpot?
3 – Do you have to physically go to places to get a feel for them and feel as though you can set writing in them?
4 – What got you into writeblr?
5 – How well can your OCs dance, do you think?
6 – Do you have a favourite writing snack? If so, what is it?
7 – Bionicle. Thoughts?
8 – Is there a specific piece of media (movie, show, book, w/e) that you could say has been more of an inspiration to you than anything else?
9 – What’s the best soundtrack you know for getting pumped and hyped up?
10 – If you could only write one genre for the rest of your writing career, what would you go with?
11 – What’s your favourite music-based meme? (Examples include “LET’S GO”, “CREEPER/AWW MAN” and “We Are Number One But ___”)
 Tagging… @thelimeonade, and @dawnuchiha!
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vrahno · 7 years
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Most dubs in my country are rubbish, cartoon dubs especially, and that goes for the four Bionicle movies too. I went through them to see how many translation screw-ups I can find, just to share my (and probably other Hungarian fans’) long-held frustration with an international audience. You may need a few years to spare cause it’s a lengthy list.
Mask of Light
The title, ”A fényálarc” (The light-mask) is already iffy, as in the movie the artifact is called “a fény maszkja” (the mask of light). They also had some trouble with character titles like Toa or Turaga -- in this language, titles usually come after a person’s name, but the dub kept the English word order. Interestingly, the local release of the books (written by one of the movies’ translators) did mostly pay attention to this.
Unity, Duty and Destiny are correctly rendered as Egység, Kötelesség, Végzet, yet in the sequels and the books, they become Egység, Felelősség, Kötelesség (Unity, Responsibility, Duty). As a side-note, the G2 webisode dubs went back to the original translation.
Not technically a translation issue, but Pewku’s name is always pronounced as “Pevku”.
For specific examples in the dialogue, I’ll quote the original lines first, then translate the dub’s lines back into English as accurately as possible, with their errors intact.
Hold your Rahi, I'm coming! Hold the Rahi, I’m going! - “Hold your horses” is not a meaningful expression here, but they kept it in the dub despite there being other animal-related idioms they could have used.
Your own Captain of the Guard... The new Bodyguard Captain... New?
Must I unleash those who should never see the light of day? Must I unleash those who must never see light? - Another expression taken literally.
Their unity can be poisoned, their duty will be broken, and their destiny I must shatter. Their unity I can poison, their duty I can break, and their destiny I can prevent. - Terry’s talking about the Rahkshi powers here, so the last should have been kept as “shatter”.
Shadows that cower in the depths. Exactly as foretold. The shadows cover the depths, just as the prophecy said. - Mishearings and mondegreens are a staple of this translator couple’s work (yes, there were two people working on this shit). Did they even have the original script?
“But you wander off every chance you get looking for stories. What about your story?” “I don't have a story.” “Only 'cause you won't stand still long enough to make one.” “But if you have the chance, you wander off looking for stories. What kind of story do you long for?” “I’m not longing for a story.” “Only because you can’s stay in one place for long enough.” - So Takua’s looking for stories, but he’s not, because he’s too busy looking for stories?
“Keep 'em busy. I'm…” “Running away and leaving me!” "Keep him busy. And I’ll...” “I’d rather run away.” - Maybe not a mistake, there’s room for artistic freedom after all (and I think Takua’s line is kinda funny), but given the other examples, it’s just as likely they simply misheard the line.
Lewa in this dub doesn’t use treespeak. Instead... Word is deep-wood that you seek the Seventh Toa. The world is a deep forest if one’s seeking the Seventh Toa.
If Toa Lewa helped on your search, might he be a... spirit-lift? Say, if Toa Lewa helps you search, will he also become an... elevated spirit? - I know he’s kind of an Indian-hippy mix in this movie, but the fuck is that supposed to mean? He’s only asking if his company would lift Jaller and Taku’s spirit, as in cheer them up.
Er, I've been a second! But, er, I've never flown one myself. Um, I’ve seen such a thing, but I’ve never flown on one. - MNOG is not canon in the dub. (Or perhaps Takua means the Gukko he rode didn’t look like the movie design?)
Your village has fallen to… Rahkshi! The Makuta's sons. Your town has recently been... attacked! By Makuta’s sons. - So how do T&J know what a Rahkshi is if they don’t hear the name?
Frozen? What could do this to them? They’re frozen, how could they harm us? - This is another habit this translator couple has, reordering the original words and inserting some new ones to get a different meaning out of them. At least in this case, the line still fit the situation.
Takua’s grumpy “Tunnels.” line is missing.
Makuta originally says “They will not disturb you.” to Mata Nui, but the dub reinterpreted the line to refer to the three new Rahkshi. Some other dubs also did this.
Do you think the Turaga were right about us? What do you think, was Turaga right? - “Turaga” is not the name of a single character.
But, united, our power defeated the Rahkshi! But if we unite, we will defeat the Rahkshi! - Beyond mixing up plural and singular words, these translators also have a hard time interpreting past, present and future tenses.
I have but one destiny. Yours lie with the Matoran and the Turaga. We don’t share our destiny. Yours is tied to Matoran and Turaga. - The intended meaning is somewhat there, but sounds hella awkward.
Summon the Matoran! Conjure up the Matoran! or Subpoena the Matoran! - Yes, “summon” can mean those too, but the relevant meaning here is “gather”.
My duty is to the Mask of Shadows! My doom is the Mask of Shadow! - Eh. Both lines sound random, but I guess they sort of make sense if you consider Makuta’s originally intended characterization as a well-meaning guy who has been corrupted by his mask. To be fair, the ending scene of the movie is a mess even in English, so whatever. But it’s still not a correct translation
The city of the Great Spirit, my island home, refound. The city of the Great Spirit, my island home, has recovered. - I think the translators didn’t get Vakama was talking about Metru Nui here. Seems they thought he was referring to the villages on Mata Nui being rebuilt.
Legends of Metru Nui
The translated title has “legend” in singular. Not a big deal. What is a bigger deal is that titles like Toa and Turaga are now correctly placed after the character names... but they went overboard with it, as even the Toa Suva becomes “Suva Toa”, which makes no sense. It’s not a Toa named Suva, it’s a shrine dedicated to the Toa.
Pronunciation-wise, Dume is not only spoken aloud as “Duma”, he’s even called that in the subtitles. Nuju became “Nuyu”.
Prove yourselves worthy Toa. Prove that you are worthy for the Toa. - Again, it makes some sense but sounds awkward like that. Why not “for the title of Toa”?
Mask maker, you saw Toa Lhikan last, right? Mask pourer, you saw Lhikan Toa last, right? - But Vakama carves masks, he doesn’t pour them into molds.
... we sought out, found and recovered these Great Disks. ... to find and discover the Great Disks. - Great redundancy.
Cross the sea of protodermis, and be honored as Toa. Cross the protodermis, so we may greet you as Toa. - Since the word “sea” is missing here, Makuta’s callback at the end loses some of its context.
“Do you thing they went this way?” “Why do I bother?” “Ah, do you think they went this way?” “What does it matter?” - A joke died here. Nidhiki’s supposed to be lamenting Krekka’s stupidity (the Toa hopped into a one-way transport chute, so they couldn’t have gone any other way), not responding to him with a nonsensical answer.
Matau’s “Check out these wings.” line becomes plural in the dub, even though he’s only talking to Nokama.
“Stock boy” is translated as “numbskull” (I guess Onewa would say such a thing, but it’s still incorrect) and “record keeper” as “record holder”. The word “record” of course refers to “records of the past”, what with Whenua being an archivist, not “record achievement”, which is what the translators thought.
Look beyond your history, and see what is. Look beyond your past, and see what it is. - The exact opposite of what Lhikan meant.
You (singular) shall help both your brothers (plural). You both (plural) shall help your brother (singular). - Onewa is a single person and there’s two of his brothers there, you fucking shits.
I believe it is time to depart. I think it is time to split up. - But they don’t split up. They just leave the cell. He said “depart”, not “part”. This is another line multiple dubs misinterpreted.
"Follow me!” (in singular, since Krekka’s talking to Nidhiki only) “Hmm. No. Get down!” “Follow me!” (plural) “Hmm. Fools!” - The fuck happened here? Why are both Krekka and Nidhiki suddenly multiple persons each?
It's amazing what you can learn when you're not always speak-teaching. It’s amazing how much you can learn when you’re not being taught. - Nokama’s a teacher. She is the one doing the teaching, not the one being taught. Again the line completely changed its meaning.
Maybe he sneak-passed! Maybe he snake-sneaked! - Can’t decide if it’s “snake” or “sneak”, so just go with both?
“Hey, Nokama, I see us taking a romantic ride-drive.” “And you believe Vakama has odd visions!” “You, Nokama, do you feel-see what a romantic journey we’re on?” “And do you still think that Vakama’s visions are weird?” - Another joke lost. Matau’s fantasizing about a future ride that only he sees. Not only that, Nokama’s retort is worded wrong, as the emphasis is placed on “do you still think” instead of Vakama’s visions.
As mentioned, Dume doesn’t say “sea of protodermis”, so Makuta’s callback becomes the following: Perish in the real sea of protodermis. Die in the protodermis’ really-big sea!
Without the Mask of Time, it will take a lifetime's journey to find both our destinies! Without the Mask of Time, both of us can spend a lifetime searching for our lost destinies! - But their destinies aren’t lost. It will just take a long time to find them.
In MoL, the line “This is they way of the Bionicle” was translated as “This is the rule of Bionicle”. Here, it becomes “This is the law of Bionicle”. The third movie will have a third variation because another thing this translator couple hates is consistency.
Web of Shadows
The title on the DVD cover, “Árnyak hálója” (Web of Shadows) differs from the one they actually use in the movie, “Árnyak hálójában” (In the Web of Shadows). That’s a warning sign right there.
I gotta say this is one of the worst dubs of anything I’ve ever heard. Sure, there are dubs that are far worse on a technical level, and this one at least has passable casting and the dialogue mostly matches up to when the mouths are moving (or flashing). But there’s a thick aura of uneasiness, the line delivery sounds awfully stilted and forced throughout, and you can tell none of the people involved wanted to be anywhere near the recording booth. The translation is an even bigger mess than ever, and the VAs under and overact at all the wrong spots. There’s a few moments where the dub actually sounds great, but as a whole it’s a cringeworthy experience. I guess they were really fed up with these movies by this point.
Titles are again arranged in the English word order. As for pronunciations, Sidorak is for some reason called “Sidoraak” and Keetongu becomes “Keeetongooo”. And as if to make up for ditching Lewa’s treespeak in MoL, Matau’s chutespeak is cranked up to eleven, to the point where he ends up sounding like a fucking Gungan.
The Toa united in a dutiful pledge. They made a pledge to the Toa Metru vow of obedience. - The what? It’s also of note that the dub actually calls them Toa Metru, which never comes up in the original. In fact there’s lines not only in this dub but other as well that can’t be heard in the English version, so I wonder if the translations were based on some preliminary script.
“Well, that stunk.” “It would appear there was an error in our transport. Pilot error.” “Wow, this is smelly.” “It seems that an error has slipped into our transportation. A grave error.” - Fuck you.
Well, there goes the old neighborhood! That there is an old acquaintance! - Another expression interpreted too literally.
The Onu-Metru Archive houses a specimen of every Rahi beast ever discovered. At least… it used to. The Onu-Metru Container is chock full of the widest varieties of Rahi monsters. At least... the discovered ones. - Yet again they remove the main point of a sentence.
We go to the Coliseum, we rescue the Matoran, we leave. We go into the hall, finish our work, leave. - They said Coliseum in LoMN, so why not here?
I assume your telling me this without twitching uncontrollably means the Toa have already been captured. I assume when you talk about this event you have already trapped the Toa. - Leaving out chunks of sentences that can be tricky to translate is another forte of this couple.
“Well, fire-spitter, we can't say you didn't show us the city. 'Course, we can say that you got us captured, poisoned, and, seeing as I don't think we've been brought up here for the view, imminently smash-dashed.” Onewa barely audibly muffles „not Vakama's fault”. “He agrees!” “We can’t complain-say you didn’t show us the city. And perhaps nor that it’s your fault we got catch-caught, poisoned, and because we haven’t been brought here for the view, it’s your fault we die." “Baloney.” (clearly audible) “I agree!” - I agree too, but this is more than baloney, this is bullshit. How did “of course we can say” become “perhaps nor can we say”? Well, at least they got “we” and “say” right.
When Vakama starts mutating, the dub has the others react with: Whenua: “Hey, ho, ho, be careful already!” Matau: “Wow, that’s so dangerous!” Ruining what was meant to be a serious, disturbing scene.
Even now their broken bodies are being brought to me. And their broken bodies have been brought here to me. - “Even now” and “are being” are not past tense.
What do you say, mask smelter? What do you say, mask pourer? - Again with this pouring. Maybe they misheard “smelt” and thought it was “melt”?
Unity, duty, destiny. It starts with unity. Unity, responsibility, duty. Starting with duty. - Reminder that two translators got credited for this.
I'm sure it could have helped our old Toa selves, but… now? It obviously helps us reacquire our Toa selves, but...now? - The meaning is yet again changed to complete nonsense. So the Temple helps them change back, but it doesn’t because they’d have to change back for that first? And why is “it could have helped” translated as “it obviously can help”?
“You're not worried they're going to tell him you said that?” “They are loyal to me.” ”Right. Like you are to Sidorak!” “… Yes.” “Aren’t you afraid these are going to tell him what we’re talking about?” “They are loyal to me.” “Of course. Like you are to Sidorak!” “... No.” - The subtitles actually do say “yes”. So watching the dub with those turned on is an experience onto itself.
“I wonder what's taking the Rahaga so long, I mean how hard is it to get directions?” “Well, when they're to a creature that has not been seen since the time before time… hard.” “How hard can it be for Rahaga to discover-find the direction?” “As in the case of creatures that hasn’t been seen since before the beginning of time... hard.” - This doesn’t even make grammatical sense. However, maybe I’ve misheard a particular word (amit - amik), so just in case, here’s a different interpretation: “As in the case of creatures that haven’t seen since before the beginning of time... hard.” - Does this make more sense perhaps? It’s grammatically more correct, but it suggests that these supposed “creatures” are blind. In either case, the sentence is totally wrong, since the word “creature” in the original line is singular, not plural. Unless they meant that there’s more than one Keetongu, which is just as wrong. Or maybe they meant the Rahaga? That’s even more wrong.
Because of you, the Rahaga will be put where they belong: in a cage. Thanks to you, the Rahaga have been put where they belong: behind bars. - On one hand, I applaud the translators for taking advantage of Sidorak’s extra lip movements and fitting the words to them. On the other, the line still isn’t accurate.
What I applaud them even less for is their wrecking of Matau’s speech to Vakama at the end. In the original, the writers wisely held back his chutespeak to make the speech that much more convincing and serious. But in the dub, they stuff it full of these stupid made-up words that just make it laughable. I won’t attempt to type them all here. Just imagine it’s Jar Jar in Matau’s place or something.
Still, there are yet more things wrong with that scene. In English, Matau brings up the three virtues woven into his speech in succession, reminding Vakama of his life as a Toa. In the dub, both duty and destiny are translated as duty, meaning there’s only two virtues. Also, there’s this: You're our leader, Vakama. You're my leader. You’re our direction-leader, Vakama. Our leader.
Not strictly an error, but throughout the film, the terms “defeat”, “strike down” and “destined to fail” are all translated as “destroy”. Also, “elemental powers” never come up. Instead, they’re “special powers”.
In light of all you've given, you owe us nothing. Despite that I know you’ve given so much, you owe us nothing. - Again they turn part of the line completely around. Keetongu owes them nothing because he’s done so much, not in spite of it.
He wants to know why you'd want that. Seeing as you've made peace with the beast within. He wants to know why you wish that. Have you made peace with the beasts within you? - And yet again. The second sentence is not a question, it’s a statement.
The Makuta! He is gone. Makuta! He’s gone from here. - As usual, the wrong part of the sentence is given emphasis. The point is that he truly has escaped, like Norik claimed. Not that he’s gone “from this specific place”.
As for this line, the delivery is just as bad as the translation. I’ll attempt to convey it through writing: We'll find a way to defeat him. Because that's what Toa do. We find a method to defeat him! That’sthee... Toowah’s... faith. - And no, they didn’t choose the Hungarian word for “faith” because it fit better to Vakama’s mouth movements. Translating the line literally (”Mert ez a Toa dolga”, instead of “Ez a Toa hite”) would, on the other hand, have perfectly fit. But they didn’t. So they got both the translation and the lip sync wrong, and as a result the delivery is shit too because the VA had to make these silly pauses and needlessly extend the words where necessary.
“This is the way of the Bionicle” is rendered here as “This is the way of life in the world of Bionicle.”
So the couple who localized these movies are actually some of the most prolific translators working in the country’s industry, with decades of experience and thousands of scripts, books and comics to their name. Yet their grasp on both the English and Hungarian languages just keeps deteriorating further, and to this day they continue to wreck every almost dub they touch. I’m gonna stop fucking around and name them: László Katona and Zita Csányi. The former also translated the few Bionicle books we got in this country, and while they have plenty of issues, the translation is much more competent. Most people mainly have a beef with Csányi, whose dubbing scripts for animated productions are consistently some of the worst in the industry, and she’s especially infamous for the wretched translation work she submitted for the Ben 10 and Steven Universe franchises. I’m a fan of neither, but as a mere casual cartoon watcher, I’m appalled by the sheer stilted-sounding nonsense I keep hearing whenever I come across any of those shows on tv. Mishearings, taking foreign idioms literally, constantly confusing past-present-future and singular-plural, or just straight-up rewriting the dialogue into something completely detached for their original meaning.
But moving on to everyone’s favorite Bionicle movie (note: this sentence was translated by Zita Csányi)...
The Legend Reborn
Now, at the time Lego’s Hungarian website advertised this as “A legenda újjáéled”, until the web team got notified that the DVD is actually called “A legenda újjászületik”. A red flag already. The dub was produced by a different company and a different translator who was somehow just as bad. With this film, they didn’t even try to sync the dialogue to the mouth movements, so that’s the level of quality we’re dealing with here.
You never hear the word Glatorian in the dub. They’re just called gladiators, which gives me vibes of all the European DBZ dubs that avoided saying the word Saiyan at all costs. Also, the Skopio is merely a scorpion. Yet they kept everything else. The Great Beings are inconsistently called “Giant Beings” or just “Giants”. I take it the translator thought the Great Spirit Robots were supposed to be GBs? Not that the movie makes it clear.
Its name echoed my rebirth – the Mask of Life. My rebirth can thus be summarized as such: the life born from the mask. - That’s one way to overwrite a simple sentence.
You just won me a lot of bets. You won me heaps of money. - Bets in this case referred to Kiina’s conviction that there’s life on other planets. Maybe there was money involved (does Bara Magna even have currency?), but the translator probably just thought Kiina made a bet on Mata Nui’s arena fight. Which would make little sense as he wasn’t even scheduled to fight.
The Glatorian are headed for Tajun. The gladiator is headed for Tajun. - Ah, good ol’ singular-plural confusion.
Those Bone Hunters are gonna be eating Skopio belly for weeks. The scorpion’s stomach is gonna be digesting Bone Hunters for weeks. - This is the fucking opposite.
Not an error, I just think it’s amusing that instead of calling him a “filthy thief”, Kiina calls Berix a “goddamn thief”. I call him worse.
I like fixing things, and I'm good at it, too. I mean, c'mon, who do you think got the lights working, huh? I like tinkering with things, and I’m pretty good at it. Who’d have thought the lights here work? - Maybe it’s just me, but this doesn’t give me the impression that he was the one who patched them up.
Wait, what you did with the Vorox tail and Click, could it work with these? Wait, what have you done Click and with the Vorox tail, could you do it with this? - Did this translator speak either of the two languages required for his job, I ask?
Of course! Fire is your elemental power. The Mask of Life has simply ignited it. Of course! Fire is your elementary element. The Mask of Life simply recognized this fact. - This just sounds stupid.
Guess it's a stand-off. I think this is a dead-end. - I guess technically. But there’s more suitable expressions he could have used.
I told you, Raanu, pitting Vastus against Tarix would pack 'em in! I told you, Raanu, it’s a mistake to pit Vastus against Tarix. - That means the opposite you dumb fuck.
I saw them being dragged away. Through the hot springs. I saw that they dragged them away to the hot springs.
Did you ever think maybe you weren't the only one that needed to believe there was something more? Did you ever think that you were the only one who wanted to see more with it? -Huh? With what?
I am closer to becoming the warrior I must be if I am to reclaim my empire and free my people. If I reclaim my empire and save my people, I will become the warrior I wanted to be. - No. He has to become a warrior because he wants to save them. It’s not that he has to save them because he wants to become a warrior, you mongrel piece of fuck translator. To be fair to him, TLR sucks. Technically, the others do too but the dubs suck more.
If anyone’s wondering, or I should say if anyone even made it to this part of the post, there’s only one major translation goof I recall from the 2015 webisode dub: they called Skull Basher Skull Grinder. Oh, and the introduction episode just plain wasn’t dubbed at all, if you count that as a goof. The Journey to One wasn’t dubbed or subbed either cause Netflix’s online content still hasn’t been localized here.
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quartings · 7 years
The importance of mystery: A storytelling analysis
Okay, so this has been on my mind for quite a while! What differentiates those shows that are good at the start, versus those which take a whole season to get rolling, versus those which start out promising but then decline quickly? Well, I believe it has to do with-
1) Is there a big mystery element introduced in the first few episodes?
2) Do we get closer to understanding the mystery outside of background subtext after the first season (or at least the first 20+ episodes)?
The short reason is because this is a good way for the writers of the show to tell the audience that they have properly thought through what story the show will have, that it even HAS a story, and that they trust the audience to have fun figuring it out as the show progresses! Basically, it shows they actually know what kind of show they're making and are trying their best to make everyone happy!
For example, shows like Gravity Falls and the new Ducktales reboot have those huge reveals at the ends of their pilots in order to tell audiences that their central stories will revolve around certain things that will be better fleshed out later in the first season via other mysteries! The faith that this generates in audiences will guarantee their return and hype in the future!
However, there are shows where there are big mysteries, but only in subtext for many episodes. Take Steven Universe, where Rose's past is referenced all the time in the first season but isn't a MAJOR part of the show's central conflict until much later. Or Rick and Morty, where the overarching plot isn't fully alluded to until the second last episode of the first season. Before then, both shows could just be called pretty decent and interesting shows that people would say "whoaa, dude! You gotta watch this cartoon! It's got a wacky thing and it's kinda different! Investment? Ehh who needs that! It's so zany!" Huh. I guess that's another thing these shows have in common aside from... you know...
Anyways! There's also shows which promise huge things but don't deliver on them or mess up the execution of the mystery. An example that still haunts me is the Pokemon Black and White series, where the key mysteries we see in the show's first few episodes are: Zekrom's involvement and Team Rocket's huge new direction. Neither of these things get properly addressed later on- they simply fade away as the show progresses, winding up in disappointing the fanbase who came to see how such big new changes would shake up the status quo, leaving them feeling cheated.
And there's shows which seem to not even have subtext of mystery until much later, such as Adventure Time. As such, the show only had its initially niche fanbase because it was riding on bizarreness alone- if all sorts of crazy things could and did happen, they start to lose importance the more things went on. Of course, this eventually got fixed, but it goes to show that making a show bright and silly and cute and crazy isn't enough to make it good- otherwise the 500th time you have your characters make funny faces and flail around screaming, you'll bore your audience and just be left with people who're like Patrick Star watching the show where people get hit in the head with coconuts.
And lastly, I wish to discuss the difference between mystery and hype! Hype is a different factor from mystery in that it comes entirely out of nowhere to grab more viewers, while mystery is more along the lines of something audiences could predict or hope for as they watched through the series. Examples of dishonorable perpetrators of abusing hype can be seen in shows like Spongebob or the Fairly OddParents like "WHAT IF SPONGEBOB HAD ROUND PANTS?!??" or "WOW, TIMMY GETS A NEW PET DOG!!" And other "clickbait" premises. Things such as introducing new characters without foreshadowing and then having said characters not actually contributing to the overarching plot, or crossovers which don't have lasting impacts on the show, or randomly inviting guest animators for crazy shenanigans could be seen as hype.
So, what does this mean? Well, we can take away that we should choose the shows we watch just like how we choose to watch YouTube videos- don't get clickbaited! Instead of being hyped for that radical new character next episode, consider and speculate on how this character would interact with the show's main plot! Instead of starting that show because "lol I saw a screenshot from that in a silly meme and it looks funny!", check out some behind the scenes stuff and see how excited the crew is to work on the show! Make sure the show can properly balance its plot and comedy and you too, can avoid being in a Bionicle Gen2 or Powerpuff Girls (2016) level disappointed fan!
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bestchoomever · 6 years
My Top 10 Videogames Ever
10. Uncharted 3
The Campaign. Fucking great and deserves some cred for being kinda original in the series. The Multiplayer. Some of the most fun I've ever had playing a multiplayer game in a while, like a long while. (@kaiborg101 would know why lmao)
Nothing else to describe, this game is just really fucking great to me and deserves more respect. Especially the home screen theme song.
9. Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
The reason this is up here is because of how dedicated I was to completely finishing this game. I loves the Sly Cooper story and personally see it as one of PlayStations greatest games ever, and to add more depth to it made for something amazing.
All the Clockwerk easter eggs, and how the story focuses on multiple people at once and yet still somehow focusing on Sly and the gang at the same time. I would've put the Trilogy edition on here bc it included new remastered versions of all prior games for the PS3, all we need now is Sly 5 and I'm settled.
Btw, Tennessee Kid Cooper is the best imo
8. Little Big Planet 3
I owned this for this for shit and gigs, guilty of charge. But out of the time I played this game I fucking love it. All the action adventure combined with an actual original and very thought out storyline made for a good chill game to play when stressed. Hell even dying in this game is fun, albeit a bit morbid to say but you hopefully catch my drift.
7. Call of Duty Black Ops
For 2010, I had just gotten a PS3 and gotten two games, all of which on on here. Call of Duty Black Ops was one of them, and to this day I still play it, albeit on a different account thanks to a hacker who stole my account and locked me out of it, leaving me to never play on my original account ever again.
Black Ops is a very special game to me, as it carries out what it was supposed to do, but better. The gameplay was for me a mix of slow and fast pace in certain situations bc of the gun balance, which admittedly in some places isn't the best **cough** snipers **cough**.
Either way, I spent way too much time on this game as a kid and it's personally my favourite in the series aside from BO3, which currently has my highest time ever played on a video game; 7 and a half full days. 170+ hours.
6. Rocket League.
I'm no pro, but I love this game. And I sincerely say to myself whenever I play it that I will eventually have the time to learn actual plays and freestyles and just get better.
Besides, whats more fun than jumping around a batmobile hitting a ball at this awkward yet surprising angle to score?
5. Uncharted 4
Oh another Uncharted game, fuckin loser.
I've been told this to people who haven't played Uncharted 4 like I have. I love this game to bits. The soundtrack is one of the bests I've ever heard, the character it presents is intimidating and the multiplayer and Survival is astounding. The Graphics in this game are on ANOTHER LEVEL also.
4. The Last of Us.
Holy shit. Naughty Dog you pulled a fucking MASSIVE HEART STRING with this game. This is some of the most compelling, gritty and emotional piece of storytelling I've ever sat five hours through completing. I didnt even care about the multiplayer bc the campaign was something straight out of a movie, if not better than one.
Me and a lot of other gamers like me cried during this game at a LOT, and boy do I mean a LOT of times during this game.
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So much to take in, thank god for the sequel coming out!
3. Bionicle Heroes.
As a kid, I had only ever watched the trailer for this game a thousand times before actually buying the game back in 2008, and by god if I didn't I probably wouldn't be here today.
Not the best game in terms of gameplay, in fact it's very linear and simple by today's terms, but if it wasn't for this game being out, I wouldn't have been so into the Inika line than I Already was.
The boss battles in particular are some of my favourite examples of a fight in the game that I could literally Top 5 them. The story was non canon, obviously, but what it lacked in canon story it made up for in funny moments and great sequences.
It's by no means a perfect game, and sure as hell isn't. But it's surprisingly fun on the PS2 and I highly recommend checking out the PC version to anyone who wants a simple child game to play when bored or simply need to chill out.
2. Team Fortress 2
Pyro main, 141+ hours, and over 130+ achievements.
I played WAYYY too much of this game.
On its surface, it's basically Overwatch but free and dumbed down. On the inside, it's a madhouse of fun steaming of possibility and great hilarious over the top fun and action.
If you remember 2007, you have no need to know more. This game is beyond fun and even today, only a few months ago, the devs updated the game. 11 years on, and it's still being played.
1. Devil May Cry 4
In my opinion, this game and the rest of DMC is some of the best story driven games out there and possibly of all time.
This game was the first game I ever played on a PS3, all the way back in 2008. The story mixed so well with its source material that it almost felt like a different game but set in the same universe. Slashing demons and spewing one liners that would Make Chucky from Child's Play cry, this game was an absolute showstopper. Nero is my all time favourite protag ever, along with Dante, and their friendship is someone I wish I had today with my friends.
The nonstop action, heavy metal soundtrack (in some parts), and the EXCEPTIONAL graphics for the time make up this extremely great title. For anyone feeling murder-y, I recommend this game. Highly.
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