#i just thought of this just now but even if sengo's not actually cursed it doesnt really matter bc its the stories that make the sword.
kowaindar0u · 3 months
(sorry for not being sorry ;P) entry #15, for Sengou, Taikyuu AND Yuichi 👀 @zantedeschia-praesul
[ DEAR  DIARY          .    .    . ]
desire round 2 (and taikyuu) letz goooo
15.     entry made featuring desire. (Sengo)
Diary, diary, diary...
What can I say? I'm writing this with a very different mind than I wrote my previous entries. I can't say I'd ever thought I'd write for anything other than to try and ease the ache of my longing, but... Today is different.
The longing is not gone. It might be stronger now, actually, now that I dare to let myself feel it fully, but also with the tentative notion that... it seems to be reciprocated. 'Seems', simply because it feels dangerous, almost, to presume it's returned to the same extent.
Saseki... my master, my friend, the subject of my affection...
I can't say it came about in the way I would have liked. But I learned a lot about him, and... he learned something about me. Or... at least, about the way that I feel, and have felt, for so long. I tried so hard to keep it contained. I really did. I had kept it to myself for so long, and I was prepared to continue to do so indefinitely. But... he just knew, even before I could tell that he wished for my honesty.
He said that he wants for me to open up more to him. And I want to do that. I... want to be vulnerable for him, deep down I want him to see me for all that I am, not through the curse so cruelly inflicted upon him, but through me showing it to him. I'm vastly out of my depth when it comes to knowing how to do such a thing. I think I am so accustomed to stifling, ignoring, and pushing away so much that... I'm not sure I know what it is that I'm hiding. The rawest part of me that I can pinpoint is just... my desire for him. Physically, sexually, carnally, of course... but also... I want to protect him, to make him proud, listen to him. If he does so accept me, and my feelings, then... I will do everything I can to make him feel loved. I simply hope I am able.
Imagine. Me, a Muramasa blade, not just refraining from lending any credence to the rumors of the wicked curse, but... actively defying it, simply by following my heart's desires.
I have to laugh.
15.     entry made featuring desire. (Taikyuu)
[first entry]
a diary? are you kidding me? what am i supposed to write? not happeninG
[second entry]
"you know I always found journaling to be helpful when I'm dealing with something. some of my most raw, thoughtful writings come from things i write in my diary" GO TO HELL KASEN
[a few more "entries" seemingly written a line or two but furiously crossed out]
[the following entry is clearly written with a rapid, heavy hand]
sure i'm a shinsengumi sword, too. harada was just as much of a member as they were. it's not that i feel left out. it's not that. and i don't hate yamatonokami. most of the time anyway. but there's something that happens to me when i see them all together. especially yamatonokami and kashuu or kane and kunihiro. i don't like spending time with them when they are together because whatever the fuck it is makes me so ANGRY i don't know what it is. i don't know what it is but it makes me want to rip open my chest and pull my heart out and it sometimes makes me question why aruji ever manifested me in the first place if it makes me feel something like this. it's not fucking FAIR why do they get to have each other. i see them on the battlefield and they're so in-sync with each other, like they understand what each other is going to do and then they laugh together and i want someone like that who understands me the most and i want to understand him...
it fucking hurts. i ... i miss... ? i miss him...? i can't remember his name. and i know sometimes i wished i was used as much as he was. but ... he hasn't shown up here yet and ... it's not fair. i want him here. i want him here i want him here i want him here
15.     entry made featuring desire. (Yuichi)
I'm back again. I should be sleeping. You should be minding your business. But here I am, answering the call to spill my thoughts to you.
But tomorrow Nagasone and I are spending the whole day together. Planned this time. As you can tell I have probably already thought about him so much over the past long while. But... after the last time we went to our garden I really am thinking about him so, so much, and in a somewhat different way than I was before that.
The way he brought me back from how far I was spiraling, the way he cares for me, the way he holds me, speaks to me, the way he touches me... It's really doing a number on me. Any moment of quiet, my mind is full of thoughts of him. How could it not be?
And... I know he knows that I love him. But it feels so farfetched to think that I might make him feel even a fraction of this... but the way he treats me... It's hard to not admit that ... maybe I do? And now THAT... That's a big thought. It's not bad. I like it. But it's a lot. Er... what I'm trying to say is it's a big deal. It... means a lot.
We spoke about something the last time we were there. I told him I wasn't ready for... going further. You know that. I told you. But you know what, journal...? If he still wants to... Maybe I am ready. Scratch that. Not maybe. I ... If we are as on the same page as I think we are, as I feel we are, then I think we both want to show each other more. I'm in good hands-- couldn't ask for better ones. Hands... arms... lips...
Oh. I've been trying not to think about that too much. I have things I need to be doing after all. I SHOULD be sleeping right now. But closing my eyes just puts me right back in our strange, beautiful, mystical cave, and THAT's not sleeping.
It's going to be a long night.
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sohmariku · 5 years
Toumyu Kisho Hongi Review-ish
OMG, Kisho Hongi was so good! Everyone is so talented! The wigs and costumes were on point and I loved the music. Like, all these boys are amazing singers! Surprise of the day was probably Tsurumaru's singing voice. Holy **** that boy can sing. He does feel a little baby for the role maybe, but he did an awesome job. Everyone did an amazing job!!
Other surprises were the singing voices of our historical characters. Those boys can sing too! They did an amazing job too. Love them!
Storywise, the start of the musical felt a bit slow, but then a twist and the action begins. I also like how it seems they are trying to bring all the separate stories together and how this story really ties in with Mihotose on a level we haven't seen before. I'm really interested to see where they'll take it next. What's also nice, this musical seems to explain some things of Mihotose too. I'm actually amazed they thought that far ahead!
Now, onto the spoilers, stop reading if you don't want to know plot info!
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So, we begin our story in the past. Sengo and Tonbokiri are still at Ieyasu's side, performing the roles they took upon themselves. Ishikirimaru, Nikkari and Okurikara have returned already, because their roles have been fulfilled and they "passed away". Monoyoshi seems to be out on the field to fight a battle, but might be in trouble. Sengo wants to go send reinforcements, but Ieyasu refuses. (or something)
Now, insert Kotegiri gives an idol performence... That boy makes it very clear he wants to become a star and stand on the stage with his senpai. Then Akashi shows up, introduces himseld and comments on Kotegiri's sof hands. Then leaves. Next Otegine shows up and Kotegiri invites him to join him for singing and dancing.
We cut back to the past...
The exact timeline is a bit blurry in my head, bit let's talk about some things I do remember.
So, Ieyasu (together with Tonbokiri and Sengo) decides he and his third son Hidetada will both lead a force to fight some battle. While his second son Hideyasu has to stay behind. This apparantly indicayes Ieyasu has chosen Hidetada to be his successor. Hideyasu and Hidetada don't take this well. Hidetada feels his older brother should be the successor. And so does Hideyasu. Ieyasu doesn't want to explain himself and both brother's feel it might be related to the fact that Hideyasu is in fact the older half of set of twins. (I unfortunately forgot the twins name) Twins are supposedly cursed or so and usually removed from history.
Thereupon Hideyasu gets corrupted by the History Retrograde Army and trouble starts.
A new team is dispatched to help Tonbokiri and Sengo fight the threat, but things go south, because Sengo feels and incredible regret towards Nobuyasu's death and wants to take revenge by killing the Kebiishi who cause Nobuyasu's demise. So, he goes all crazy when one shows up as they are fighting Hideyasu, who's trying to kill them. As a result Sengo almost gets himself killed and they need to run for their lives. Consequently he and Tonbokiri share a touching moment while Tsurumaru is sleeping right next to them. Seems like Sengo was more involved in Nobuyasu's upbringing than anyone thought. Before becoming Naomasu he apparently disguised himself as old men (etc) to play games with Nobuyasu and teach him "things".
More HRA and just as they are almost defeated a stranger shows up who saves them. It turns out this person is actually Nobuyasu, alive and well, who's taken the name of Kakegawa no Gohei and now works as a farmer, while fighting to protect the common folk. War is all about food, he tells his Hidetada, people fight because they are hungry. Fill their bellies and you'll have peace. Hidetada thereupon decides to once more ask his father, Ieyasu, why he was chosen over Hideyasu. Oh, btw, Nobuyasu knows all about the Touken Danshi and the fact he's alive is actually thanks to Ishikirimaru. It was basically all a set up. Though he didn't learn about the Touken Danshi from Ishikirimaru. He played the role of Hanzo till the very end. Someone else came by to tell him he should help the Touken Danshi if that time came. This turns out to be Mikazuki! (We learn at the end of the musical.)
More fighting and somewhere in between we have Akashi and Kotegiro discuss the meaning of life and fighting. Saving one life is as good as saving none, or something. So, no need to bother. But Kotegiri's heroics eventually convince Akashi to actually try.
So, Hideyasu is saved by Kotegiri's purifying skills. He talks with his younger twin and they both agree it's alright even if he can't succeed Ieyasu. Btw. This younger twin also knows about the Touken Danshi. Something he learned from his big brother Nobuyasu long ago. At first the younger twin and Otegine don't get along very well, but as they spend more time together they turn into a great team.
Eventually we also learn that Ieyasu chose Hidetada to succeed him, because he feels Hidetada is better suited to rule a peaceful country, but if Ieyasu had felt he couldn't bring peace and the wars would continue, he would have chosen Hideyasu to succeed him. Hidetada is satified with this answer.
And... They all live happily ever after...?
Not really, at this time we learn Mototada/Monoyoshi passes away in battle. Ieyasu just bursts in sad laughter, because laughing is what Monoyoshi taught him best...
We end back at the Honmaru. With Tonbokiri reading the book that Ishikirimaru wrote and Sengo making to changes to it. And the other boys having fun. Akashi not going to get himself fixed, even though he's told by Kotegiri time won't heal his wounds, they aren't human after all. Except Tsurumaru, who has a serious conversation with Master.
So, yes, now we know. The person visiting Ieyasu on his death bed wasn't a ghost, it was probably Nobuyasu himself, alive and well.
We also know Mikazuki is going around in the back. Possibly without his Masters knowledge. It seems he is all about taking shortcuts to keep go history as it is. Even if it means he has to tell people what needs to happen.
We are treated again. Great costumes and great songs. Tonbokiri solo, Sengo solo, Tsurumaru solo. All three guys did such an amazing job! Otegine, Akashi and Kotegiri need to share the stage, but their song is fun. And their vocals more than decent.
We also get some group songs. We had Tonbokiri and Otegine come by our side of the theater. Tonbo was just waving. Otegine started really interacting with the audience. He created some very happy saniwa today. It was so cute!
Another very cute part was the MC corner. Akashi is lazing around and Sengo says he's just playing tsundere. Kotegiri comments he doesn't know what it means, so Sengo gives Otegine and Tsurumaru the job to explain to Kotegiri what "tsundere" means. Insert a very cute fake fight. Otegine pushing and yelling at Tsurumaru to leave, because he isn't helping. Than yelling at Tsurumaru, because ge pushed too hard and hurt him. It seems to turn into a fight... then suddenly... That's Tsundere. Well, guess Kotegiri understands now.
Next Sengo asks the whole hall to tell Akashi we don't love him. (because yes, if he's being tsundere , we can too) He responds by getting up and telling us he doesn't really care if we like him (it's easier that way) , but he still likes us. XD I've neven laughed so much during a show. It felt like the boys had too much fun too and just tried to make it last as long as possible.
More songs, even our historical characters get a chance to show off their vocal abilities again. Thankfully. It would've been a waste of they hadn't done that. And of course the taiko too, we still have that.
Songs were good, costumes were good. I have no complaints, except... I wanted more!
It was a super fun performance and I can't wait to see it again!
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vivisucre · 6 years
Overanalysis of Mihotose no Komoriuta (spoilers ahead)
As a huge fan of this musical, I couldn’t help but gather my thoughts on this masterpiece. Beware of spoilers and of many unnecessary analysis ! Long post with screencaps !
Credits to screencaps and subs : Amaris fansub and @sohmariku
-- A subtle theme of Ruriiro no Sora begins when Ishikirimaru mentions their story for the first time.
-- Monoyoshi happily singing Ruriiro no Sora before the mission even started, showing how attached he is to the Tokugawas. The theme of Ruriiro no sora will become sadder and sadder along the musical.
-- Nikkari is the first to hold 1-month-old baby Takechiyo, which is nice, when we know he will become the closest to him with Monoyoshi.
-- The Master and Ishikirimaru know the vassals have been killed, and the only way to get it right is to become the vassals. When they leave, Ishikirimaru is the only one knowing it’s gonna be a long mission.
-- Nikkari to Ookurikara : “Looks like we’re fated to stay together” might be foreshadowing
-- Baby Takechiyo is laughing every time he is in Monoyoshi’s arms
-- Ruriiro no Sora sang my Monoyoshi is way more cheerful than any other versions. At this moment he is just happy to be reunited with a Tokugawa. Ishikirimaru may be thinking of assuming Hanzo’s role at this moment. He is observing everyone and then the baby.
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-- 10-year-old Takechiyo outfit could be matching Nikkari and Monoyoshi’s color scheme (all right, this one is certainly an overoveranalysis)
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-- Nikkari learns two lessons from Monoyoshi : “You should never lose your smile” 
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-- And the “Laugh Strategy”. Nikkari starts to laugh, to make Ishikirimaru laugh back, and bring him good fortune again. (also, he learns that smiles aren’t always “Nikkori”)
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-- Nikkari & Monoyoshi : They are Takechiyo’s preceptors. Monoyoshi teaches him how to fight, while Nikkari supervises school. We see him teaching maybe reading, and mathematics. They are the first to come&see Ieyasu on his death bed.
-- Ishikirimaru is more interested in Baby Nobuyasu than tactics useful to fulfill their mission as Touken Danshi
-- Most likely, Gohei was supposed to die by the hands of the swordsmen, or at the Fort Marune but he didn’t, thanks to Ookurikara. Ironically, the one TouDan who has no interest in changing history at all, is the one to create the most important one. Indeed Nobuyasu is supposed to die from his father’s orders, but Gohei’s presence and friendship change the balance between father and son. But fate will catch them, as it is Gohei’s death that changes Nobuyasu’s state of mind and eventually drives him to suicidal thoughts.
-- The whole scene where Ishikirimaru realizes he’s been killing not even Retrogrades, but human beings, breaks my heart. We can see Nikkari above him, who stops fighting and is watching him, concerned.
-- And just after, Ishikirimaru snaps at Ookurikara’s comment. I think he’s angry towards himself more than anyone else.
-- The theme of Kibou no Minamoto plays when Ookurikara pledges allegiance. One more step following the right flow of History.
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-- Ishi/Hanzo and Nobuyasu’s relationship is utterly important. Even Nobuyasu’s outfit matches the colors of Ishikirimaru. Their movements will also match during scenes, even in the background. Ishikirimaru follows his duty and tells him to learn sword fights, as the firstborn of a family of warriors. But he also teaches him the core of his own personality, to love and cherish living beings.
-- Nikkari tries to talk to Ishikirimaru, to make him face his feelings. But Ishikirimaru runs away. The next time we see a similar scene, 10 years has passed. We can assume Nikkari tries several times. Or maybe he didn’t, out of respect for Ishikirimaru’s feelings. Nikkari is not the type of personality to force people to act.
-- Monoyoshi was going to tell Ieyasu : “A smile will bring Good Luck” but Nobuyasu does it first. Monoyoshi is a proud parent.
-- Ieyasu acknowledges Hanzo/Ishi heavy involvement in Nobuyasu’s education, but Nikkari worries too much now. He is the only one to foresee Ishikirimaru’s heavy duty as Hanzo.
-- Even if Sengo seems careless, he actually cares a lot, and is very professional. He knows he is a Muramasa, a sword family cursed for the Tokugawa family (A muramasa killed Ieyasu’s grand-father, father, and Nobuyasu too). He stays away to be sure nothing happens to any Tokugawa before time. Then he becomes a vassal, around the time Nobuyasu should commit suicide. He also protects Monoyoshi, so he would remain a “lucky” sword.
--The theme of Touken Ranbu is playing, when Nikkari and Ookurikara discuss Ishi’s conflict with war. A reminder they’re Touken Danshi with a duty to fulfill, with their own share of conflict.
-- Historically, the Six vassals died before Tokugawa. Which means, the Mihotose Team fulfilled their duty until the historical death of their role, disappearing one by one, then certainly watching the others from afar. Naomasa (Sengo) and Tadakatsu (Tombo) are the last to die in 1610. The TouDan may have returned to the citadel but I think they stayed to ensure Retrogrades wouldn’t come back to interfere in Ieyasu’s end of life. They come back to witness Ieyasu’s death and say their goodbyes. The two first to show up are Monoyoshi and Nikkari, the closest to him when he was a child. Ieyasu thinks he’s seeing spirits. Then Nobuyasu’s real spirit shows up. He took the name of Gohei, meaning his spirit is free from torment.
They stayed alongside Tokugawa Ieyasu for 73 years.
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Bonus :
-        For IshiKari fans like myself: In this scene, Ishi shows him Nikkari’s portrait, without real enthusiasm from Nikkari. Then he shows him Ookurikara’s. During Tombo and Sengo’s scene, we see IshiKari chatting, Ishi shows Nikkari’s portrait again. I think he’s asking him what’s wrong with it! Then, after Muramasa’s and Monoyoshi’s scene, we see Ishi with the pen in his hand, drawing on Nikkari’s portrait again! He wants Nikkari to be proud of his drawing aren’t they cute ??
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