#i just took tylenol pm so i could knock out this my final message good bye
marshalcharge · 1 year
help this is sickest ive been in a long time
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missnxthingg · 5 years
Cinnamon Coffee | Part Two
 A/N: So, I’m being nice this week, posting part two only a couple of days after Part One. That’s only because I’m going away in one week, and I wanna post every request left before I leave. So enjoy Part Two, I don’t know if it’s as good as part one.
Pairing: College!Fuckboy!Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 3K
Warnings: Mentions of sex, tears and swearing.
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The walk of shame. That’s what (Y/N) was doing right now. She was still half-drunk, holding her heels and bra on her hands, dress all wrinkled and makeup melting on her face, that including the stains left by her lipstick and mascara. She was crying and praying to not be seen by anyone. Lucky enough, her dorm was close to Tom’s. Actually, she didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing, because he would get to her in seconds.
The whole building was empty, everyone was at the party and it was pretty late, which meant that the showers were also empty. She spent a whole lotta time under the hot water, as if it would somehow get the bad feeling out of her. She cleaned her makeup and all the gross body fluid out of her and slided down to sit on the ground, hug her legs and cry. She needed a good cry, and the most of all, she needed to be alone.
Not that what happened tonight wasn’t good, it was fucking amazing. But she knew that right after she came, that was it, she was nothing else to him than a trophy. He got her in his bed, and that was it. Even if she denied it with all of her strength, she liked Tom. She liked every time he called her something nice, or did a nice gesture like getting her coffee or holding her books. But she shut him out because she knew she would break her heart, because after all, Tom was nothing else but a player. Giving in and going to bed with him was a huge mistake, because she had given him what he wanted all along. He didn’t even really cared about her.
She got into her most comfortable clothes and thanked God that her roommate was going to spend the night at her girlfriend’s room, which was all the way across campus. That way, she could have a good cry alone and not have to explain it to anyone. She cried herself to sleep that night, not before glancing up to the window, with the sun coming up outside.
Tom got really worried about her. He dressed up in a blink of an eye and looked for her everywhere, but she was long gone. The first place he went to was her dorm, but her room had its light off, curtains opened and no sign of the girl. He started to really worry about her, going back to the party to see if he could find her or someone she was friends with, and nothing. He spent the rest of the night looking for her around campus, finally giving up when it was 8 PM. He needed coffee.
He slowly walked to the café right next to her dorm to find the usual barista working along the sound of a soft music. He was tired, and that’s why he didn’t usually ordered his tea and decided to go for a coffee instead. Tom is not going to be able to shut his eyes until he found her. 
“Hello Tom, your usual?” The barista, Lizzie asked and he shook his head no.
“I want a coffee today.”
“The cinnamon latte?” She asked. It was his other regular order, as he usually gives it to (Y/N).
“No, humm… Espresso.” She nodded and went to do his coffee. He looked outside, the sun barely shining, but it was day already. He glance at her window and his heart ached, maybe she was already there. “Do you mind if I leave quickly? I won’t take long.”
“I’ll just get your coffee done.” She said and he nodded.
He ran outside, all the way through his window. One girl tried to talk to him, but he ignored her, going straight to (Y/N)’s window. He leaned against the glass and by a small gap between the curtains he was able to see her sound asleep in bed. He sighed in relief, she was alright. So, Tom decided to go back to the café to get his order.
“Can you give me that cinnamon latte, also two banana breads, and some of those mini croissants. The chocolate and the butter ones.”
“You can drink your coffee while I do the rest.” She smiled, knowing he was ordering (Y/N)’s full order. “Do I draw the little heart right next to her name?”
“Please.” He asked softly and she nodded.
It didn’t take long to get the order ready, but long enough for him to finish his small espresso while listening to that soft song and the sound of the coffee machine. He paid for the whole order and tipped the barista. He didn’t rush to get to her, because he wanted to let her sleep for a bit more. But soon he was standing in front of her window, knocking softly to not scare her off in her sleep.
(Y/N) blinked a couple of times before opening her eyes, woken up by soft knocks on her window. The clock said it was a little passed 8 AM and she had slept for only 3 hours and a couple of minutes. She rubbed her eyes and sat in bed, looking around, and she was all alone. She slightly opened the curtains to find Tom standing there with coffee and a bag. She closed the curtain right in his face and he knocked again.
“(Y/N), please let me talk to you.”
“I don’t wanna talk right now Tom.” She mumbled now back in her bed. She felt the tears floating back to her, as she hugged her legs again, as if that would somehow shield her from all the emotions coming towards her.
“Please, I’m so worried about you baby.” He said once again and that made (Y/N)’s heart ache. She wiped a tear away and didn’t answer. “I spent the whole night looking for you, please let me in.”
“I just wanna be alone.” He closed his eyes outside the window, pressing his lips together and desperately wanting to talk to her. He nodded, but he wasn’t ready to give up yet. (Y/N) stood there, crying and not bothered by Tom anymore, at least until she heard knocks on the door. “Please, let me rest.”
“I brought you coffee. Your favourite. And I also brought banana bread and mini croissants, the chocolate and the butter ones." Her heart warmed up, but it was still shattered. Somehow, she got some strength to get up and open the door. He smiled warmly and handed her the things he said. "If you really don't wanna talk, I can just drop this for you and go away. I was so worried."
"Stay." She whispered but it was enough for him to listen and follow her into the room. She rested the food over her table and sat in bed again, in the same position she was before, watching him sit next to her and make himself comfortable.
"Why did you run?"
"I-It's just… I swore to myself I would never sleep with you, and once we did it, I broke vow and I was just… Too much for me. And I'm all sorrow and everything hurts…" She crumbled even more, and his heart ached to see her like that.
"D-Did I hurt you?" He was shaking, scared of the answer. She didn't know what do say. He got her hair away from her neck to find a whole lot of dark marks around there. Tom's heart ached and he let a tear scape. "I'm so sorry baby girl, I didn't wanna hurt you, I just wanted to make you feel good."
"You did make me feel good. It was amazing. But what hurted me the most was that it was all I was going to get from you."
"What do you mean?"
"It means that after it was done, you would simply forget about me and collect my name as one of your trophies." She glanced back at him and Tom was crying too.
"I could never forget about you. I never did all of those things to get you to my bed. I genuinely like you." He held her hand and caressed it softly. "I know I'm not a good guy and that I don't deserve you, but I couldn't help but think you're the most beautiful girl in the world."
"Tom…" She sobbed and he stopped her.
"I just wish I didn't hurt you." He said, now looking down to his lap. "I just hope you're okay."
"It's just, you do it to every girl. How could I be so special to the point where I would have special treatment?"
"You're so special, and precious darling." He wiped one tear away from her face. "You're funny, you're kind, you're beautiful, inside and out. I let my feelings float when I was around you and I wish I didn't let my strong dom side be so hard on you, and I wish I could have properly asked you on a date."
"I really like you Tom, I just wish you would stop messing around with girls."
"I only did it because I thought you didn't want me." He said, tearing again. "I didn't sleep all night, looking for you. I came by, but you weren't in your room. I thought something had happened to you, I was so worried."
"I spent a good time crying in the shower." She chuckled, but her whole body hurted. She moaned in pain, shutting her eyes closed. "Everything fucking hurts."
"Do you have Tylenol? Or any painkiller?"
"My purse, right there on the table."
He got through the purse he had sticked many post-its with cute messages for her and got a painkiller out of it. He handed to her along with her latte and she leaned back to her pillow and drank it while they remained silent. He entwined their fingers and caressed the back of her hand. She closed her eyes, feeling his fingers massage her hand.
"I really like you too." He said, smiling tenderly to her.
"Thank you for the coffee." She said, resting it on the table next to her. She opened the bag and handed him one of the banana breads.
"I bought it for you, darling."
"I want to share. You must be starving." He nodded and took it as she smiled at him. "It means so much to me, the little things. Like, getting me breakfast, worrying about me."
"You deserve so much more."
"I have all I need." She kissed his cheek and started to eat one of the croissants.
They ate the whole thing silently, sometimes caressing each other, causing smiles to come out whenever that happened. They talked and apologized to each other for being such idiots with the other. Once they finished it, he got up to throw the things away, and yamned midway.
"You must be tired." She said and he nodded, rubbing his eyes.
"I think I might just go back to my dorm and sleep."
"C'mere." She said, pulling him by the wrist, making him sit in bed again. She sat in front of him and held his face between her hands, leaving a small peck on his lips. Tom smiled and she pulled him to lie down. She was facing him, but their legs were entwined and he was playing with her face while her hands rested on his chest.
"My pretty angel. You're heaven sent." He kissed her forehead and rested his chin on the top of her head. "It's so good to sleep and know you're safe."
"And that we're together."
"That's even better." He kissed the top of her head. "I promise to be gentle with you next times. I promise to take care of you, get you all the coffees and croissants you want and I promise to never let you go."
"I promise not to be a bitch and not so insecure about us."
He stroked her hair and she smiled with his touch, hugging him to get even closer, as if it was somehow possible. She rested her head at the crook of his neck while his nose was buried on her hair.
"Baby girl." He said, very low.
"This feeling of having you in my arms is the most amazing one in the world. My pretty angel."
"Why do you always call me pretty angel?"
"Because that's how I see you. And I'm calling you MY pretty angel. You're mine now."
"I'm yours for a long time now."
"And I'm yours as well. You have my heart since the first day." He continued to stroke her hair and she smiled. "I think I'm falling for you."
"That's good."
"Because I might be falling for you too." This was his turn to smile and glue their lips in their first real kiss, one filled with real feelings. They smiled during the kiss, taking as much time as they could, and they had plenty of it. They separated when air was need, smiling so hard that their faces hurted.
“My pretty angel.” He caressed her face. “Where do you want to be taken for a first date?”
“Anywhere, as long as it is with you.” 
“I’ll think about something. Now can we please sleep?” He yawned and she nodded, turning around so he could pull her to sleep with him. 
“If my roommate comes in and find us like this, she’s never gonna leave me alone again.” She giggled and he shrugged.
“I don’t really care, you know.” He said, kissing the back of her neck. "Let's just… talk later."
"Alright." She pressed him tighter against her, getting even more comfortable around him.
“Sweet dreams baby girl.”
“Sweet dreams darling.”
It was Saturday again, a couple of weeks after that one party. (Y/N) was at her usual spot, this time not reading alone, but trying to get a little sun with Poppy, her roomate. They were enjoying their conversation when one person came around them. He wasn’t doing what he used to do every Saturday morning. This time, he was dressed up properly, holding three strawberry smoothies.
“Good morning ladies.” Tom said, sitting next to (Y/N), delivering both the girls one smoothie.
“Uhm… Thank you.” Poppy thanked, taking the smoothie.
“Somebody is being sweet today.” (Y/N) giggled and Tom threw his arm around her.
“I’m always sweet. I’m made of pure honey, baby girl.” He said, and she left a small peck on his lips.
Some girls passed through whispering and staring with very ugly face. (Y/N) recognized them as the girls that used to always be running after Tom across the campus, but he never actually talked to them. Since the party events and since they talked about their relationship, they started to be more public, and just like that, the hottest guy on campus was dating someone, and that caused a lot of hate towards them. Tom and (Y/N) were the main topic of many conversations, and it somehow still makes (Y/N) laugh.
“Dude, this girls are so mad that we are together.” She giggled, taking another sip of her smoothie. “How is it going to the desired boy in campus?”
“I think almost every girl I had on my contact list blocked me. But that’s okay, I only need the number of two.”
“Two?” (Y/N)’s blood boiled in jealousy and Tom chuckled.
“Yeah, you fool. Yours and my mum’s.” She rolled her eyes and he smiled, pulling her to another kiss. “You’re jealous already?”
“I’m not jealous.” She crossed her arms and he kissed all over her face to make her soften. “Stop it! I hate losing an argument because of kisses.”z
“Seriously, I still don’t know how you guys happened.” Poppy said, now halfway done with her smoothie. “I mean, she was cursing you with all of her strength two weeks ago, and now she’s kissing you.”
“That’s called repressed love, darling.” Tom said and it made the girl under his arm roll her eyes.
“That’s not it.”
“You haven’t even asked me to be your girlfriend yet.” She crossed her arms and puffed her chest.
“Well, I’m waiting for the right moment.” Poppy giggled.
“I always knew you two would end up together.” She pointed at the couple, still giggling.
“You did?” (Y/N) furrowed her brows and Poppy nodded.
“Of course I did. I’m not stupid. You talked about Tom… A lot! And you would keep staring at him like undressing him with your eyes. Kind of gross, actually.”
“I fucking knew it!” He said, pointing to the girl right next to him.
“You don’t have moral until you actually ask me to be your girlfriend.”
“Shut up love.” He kissed her and pulled her to his lap.
“So, I guess I’ll see my girlfriend, because I don’t like being the third wheel.” Poppy got up and pulled her purse up.
“Hey, maybe we should go on a double date sometime.” Tom said and (Y/N) nodded, agreeing with him.
“Yeah, maybe after he asks me to be his girlfriend just like Gen did to you, Pops.”
“Oh for fuck sake! Will you be my girlfriend?” Tom asked, now angry at her and she giggled, kissing him briefly.
“Not yet.”
“You’re confusing me!” 
“Now you know how I get with all of these feelings.”
“Just accept it, (Y/NN)!” Poppy shouted, now much far away.
“I don’t think I will.” She glanced at Tom and kept staring at his eyes for long seconds. “Or maybe these eyes will make me accept it.”
“So do it.” He whispered, taking her lips again.
“I do want to be your girlfriend, Thomas.”
“Good, cause I don’t know what I would do if you didn’t want to.” She smiled and got up, standing one hand in the air for helping him get up. “What are you doing?”
“I wanna do some things with my boyfriend.” She said, getting really close to his ear. “But I don’t think that kind of stuff is proper to make in public.” He smiled at what she said, feeling his trousers get tight down there, only with her words.
“So my room or yours?”
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Taglist:  @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​ , @tinyplanet-explorers , @spideyyypeter , @princezzariel,  @tomshufflepuff, @deathofthethrones , @unicornslothfish, @coonflix , @itsjustahuman, @legendsofwholock , @emistrash, @starlightfound, @sandran04, @paaaam97, @pure-ghost,  @kitykatnumber , @silver-winter-wolf
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