#i just wait for people to ask me abt killshot so I can talk about it
thebahwrites · 2 years
Re: the fic questions. For killshot. I'd love to know all or any answers to 2, 5, 6, 11 and 12.
My beloved ❤️❤️❤️ LES GO! I love these I'M SO EXCITED TO TALK ABT KILLSHOT
Under the cut cause I ramble so much...
on killshot!
2: What scene did you first put down?
A scene that never made the final cut! It was an Iceman scene and it was something based on a movie I'd just watched and I thought 'hah that'd look cool written down' and when I did I realized I had a whole fic idea. I still have it written but it'll likely never see the light of day, which is sad because it's actually so good!
5: What part was hardest to write?
There are two death scenes down that haven't been posted yet that to me were really gut wrenching, there's another scene that also isn't posted yet that is very raw and had me rewriting it about three times. of the posted ones, funny enough the Rooster/Charlie Hard Deck scene, not because the scene itself was hard but because I wasn't satisfied with how it turned out. Still don't love it but it's posted so!
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
It's the fic that made me want to go back to writing fanfics! I woke up that day, had the idea for a scene and inspiration just hit me violently and when I realized, I had a whole... lore and ideas and just REALLY wanted to write this specific story with these specific characters! And I had stopped writing six years ago, so really, this one fanfic is the brain worms that brought me back into fanfiction, fandom culture and writing! I can't even explain, it just happened! And I'm so very happy about it.
Also what makes it different from the others is that not only it's this very specific niche AU so dear to my heart but it's also my experimental little piece. With narration and writing style, everything about it is just... me coming back from writing for myself for the past six years and trying to put in practice everything I've learned since!
I feel I'm improving by the day, too!
11: What do you like best about this fic?
The literal amount of effort I've put on it, I have the exactly eight (08) docs of things detailing lore, timeline, powers, character dynamics, design, ideas, removed scenes, scenes to be added. I have just SO MUCH for it, it's a pet project I've just... loved since day 1?
12: What do you like least about this fic?
The non-linearity. NO, HEAR ME OUT. At the same time I love it because it's a cool narrative resource, it's also ASS to keep it organized. I have to make sure whoever is reading can understand more or less where these things connect, which means I have to connect them.... AND IT'S SO MUCH ASS. It's HARD AS FUCK. I love and hate it so much, I curse myself daily trying to keep track of what the fuck scenes and moments I've written.
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