#i just wanna draw shit again without getting tired in 10 mins
dwn055 · 2 years
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accepting i'll probably never get anything done on time again
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
yo!!! what are the rfas nighttime routines with mc?
Welcome back to another episode of ‘Sunny is drinking alone and decided to get her shit together and do some requests’ (I am a horrible influence, if you are under the drinking age please be responsible). Anywayyyy here ya go anon! I very well may read this back in the morning and edit it again but will let you know! <3
RFA nighttime routines with MC
❤︎ Zen’s all about a pamper y’all
❤︎ he wants to stay looking fresh and healthy but bbygirl he also wants to make sure you’re well looked after
❤︎ is it even a nighttime routine if you don’t have an elaborate hour-long skincare regime?
❤︎ well yes Zen not everyone is as extra as you like you might as well be chewing gum
❤︎ if anyone actually gets that dumb joke then i am so sorry but also you get 10 points
❤︎ whilst i don’t imagine Zen to usually be that tired in the evenings, his muscles are always tired after a show/day of rehearsals
❤︎ so he would have a bath but he also gets home pretty late and doesn’t wanna faff around ya know?
❤︎ so shower it is
❤︎ oh you think that because he’s a grown ass man that he could be away from you for like 10 mins to shower on his own? well you thought wrong
❤︎ actual puppy
❤︎ sometimes it turns into ~sexy times~ but most of the time he just enjoys the intimacy/closeness and enjoys it when you take care of each other
❤︎ and boy when you shampoo his hair he literally turns to putty
❤︎ when you get out of the shower he L O V E S to do your hair
❤︎ king of braiding
❤︎ but he L O V E S it even more when you do his hair
❤︎ pretty sure you heard him purr once
❤︎ then he sneezed lmao
❤︎ you’re both pretty much out as soon as you get into bed but you always fall asleep in each others’ arms
❤︎ to conclude: nighttimes are about taking care of each other
★ so this man FINALLY got his life together once you started dating
★ you helped him find his motivation and drive again so it’s actually a pretty production evening most of the time
★ your goal is to get everything done early on so you can relax properly later
★ soon as you both get home? homework/work straight away
★ you also try to make a habit of cooking dinner together every night
★ but you know how it is sometimes you just wanna order a takeaway and that’s chill too
★ do what you gotta do boo
★ once you’ve finished dinner aND DONE ALL THE WASHING UP (don’t you dare leave it until the morning Yoosung i see you), you play LOLOL together !!!!
★ he found that it was SO much more rewarding to play once everything he needed to do was done, and he didn’t have that horrible nagging guilt whilst he had down time
★ then all that’s left to do is get ready for bed !!
★ …
★ …Yoosung?
★ “mC oNe MoRe gAme” “you said that an hour ago.” “i MeAn iT tHiS TiMe”
★ EVENTUALLY you drag him to bed but he’s always grateful when you do because he only realises how tired he is when his head hits the pillow
★ and he also gets  s n u g g l e s  so it’s always worth it
★ to conclude: nighttimes are productive but also relaxing
☞ this poor woman works so hard
☞ even when she quits working for Jumin and you guys open the coffee shop, she still always pushes herself to the max
☞ ya girl gets tired
☞ so you know what that means
☞ some things only bubbles can heal
☞ wow what that’s so deep Sunny ah yes wasn’t it thank you Sunny aren’t i inspirational yes you are Sunny
☞ you two always go a but overboard with the bubbles lmao but this woman only deserves the best o K
☞ similarly to Yoosung’s, you guys like to get everything done that needs to be done before you relax, so once you get out of the bath you can do whatever ya want!!! how swell is that!!!!
☞ usually end up watching a movie/one of Zen’s musicals because why not hmm?
☞ Jaehee likes to get an early night, so y’all are all snuggled down and ready to sleep at a reasonable hour, ready for your shift in the morning
☞ on a serious note, this woman is pretty affection starved so you make it your MISSION to shower her with love before she falls asleep
☞ i’m talking kisses, cuddles, the whole shebang
☞ when you’re cuddling you like to have a good gossip about the RFA and all that and you always end up all giggly and it’s just the best
☞ to conclude: every night is like a teenage girly night in that she never got to experience
♚ although he doesn’t like to show it, he’s always exhausted after work
♚ he has a lot of pressure on him and he constantly has to be focussed and alert, so by the time he’s walking through the front door he’s running on very little energy
♚ therefore he appreciates a quiet night with the love of his life <3
♚ of course, every night you have a nice meal and a glass of wine W I N E and chat about your day
♚ Jumin has learnt to appreciate the smaller things in life after meeting you, so he adores listening to your voice as you talk about what you got up to that day during dinner
♚ you could be reading the phone book out loud for all he cared, he just loved listening to your voice
♚ he’s usually too mentally tired to do anything like reading in the evening, so most of the time you end up either watching a film or cuddling on the couch
♚ you have enlightened him to the concept of slouchy clothes
♚ yes, Jumin Han has learnt to appreciate joggers and a hoodies what about it?
♚ honestly just the sound of Elizabeth purring and your breathing is enough to bring his stress levels to 0
♚ he’s tried meditation, he’s tried mindfulness, but nothing was as healing as having you in his arms whilst you stroked his hair
♚ after you’ve done the essentials like showering and brushing your teeth and all that jazz, you get into bed and just talk
♚ normally you end up talking about your future, and he goes to sleep every night dreaming about the life you will have together, and then wakes up every morning excited to make that life a reality
♚ to conclude: nighttimes are for recovery and comfort
☀︎ honestly? every night is different lmao
☀︎ Saeyoung is a spontaneous guy, so no evening is the same when you’re with him
☀︎ which is amazing, because it keeps things exciting and fresh !!
☀︎ however, there are a few things that don’t change
☀︎ every. night. without. fail.
☀︎ it’s SO important to you guys that you have time to catch up with each other and make sure that Saeran feels a part of the family because sometimes he likes to hideaway and doesn’t know how to include himself
☀︎ so dinner time is the family bonding time, and then you go back to doing your own thing
☀︎ do you find brushing your teeth boring? do you wish you could make it more fun? do you have a energetic red-head in your life?
☀︎ well then LISTEN UP
☀︎ like is said, this man keeps you on your toes lmao
☀︎ is this a bathroom or a nightclub the world may never know
☀︎ did someone say cuddle monster??
☀︎ because that’s Saeyoung lol
☀︎ idek why but i always imagine Saeyoung to be very physically affectionate, and not necessarily in a ~sexy~ way
☀︎ he just really appreciates physical contact
☀︎ it grounds him and reassures him that you’re really there and really love him
☀︎ to conclude: every night is exciting and spontaneous, there’s never a boring night with Saeyoung
V  / Jihyun:
❁ V is also a man that appreciates a quiet night in
❁ he’s had so much chaos and drama in his life, that quiet domesticity is utter bliss to him
❁ evenings are typically spent in a companionable silence whilst you do your own thing
❁ reading, drawing, whatever! there’s just something so comforting to him about being with you, without even needing to talk
❁ music has become an VERY important part of your lives
❁ we all know that Jihyun is a man who appreciates the arts, and music is no exception
❁ he’s had a stressful day? he’s feeling overwhelmed? put on some soothing music and you can actually see the tension melt away
❁ always trying out new recipes for dinner
❁ most of the time they turn out delicious, but some are just complete abominations i am so sorry
❁ but really? it doesn’t matter because you made them together and you had a good laugh about them
❁ one thing that you recently started doing was reading together in bed
❁ and i don’t mean reading two separate books oh no no no
❁ i’m talking the same book
❁ what a plot twist
❁ every night you take in turns to read out loud to each other
❁ it takes a while to get through book this way, but it also mean that you both appreciate every damn word because how could you not when they’re coming from the literal love of your life??
❁ to conclude: nighttimes are spent in quiet bliss
☽ every evening begins with a walk
☽ it’s a must
☽ Saeran just l o v e s nature, and it’s the perfect start to a relaxing evening
☽ Saeyoung picked up on the fact that you both like evenings to be a calm time, so when you two get home he tries not to be too crazy
☽ but we all know this bitch is out of control so it doesn’t last long lol
☽ Saeran secretly finds it so entertaining but bless he would never admit it
☽ Saeran finds a pleasure in the ordinary
☽ he has never experienced ‘normal’, so he finds so much comfort in everyday activities such as washing up, cooking, setting the table…things like that
☽ he hasn’t had much time to form his own hobbies/interests, and is still experimenting to find things that he enjoys
☽ so he loves watching you do your hobbies
☽ it really doesn’t matter what it is, he just finds watching you concentrate on something you care about so fascinating
☽ often you will offer to teach him and share your interests, and his face always lights up when you do so
☽ this precious boi i cry
☽ he just loves to learn i C R Y
☽ when it comes to showering and all that, he prefers to do that alone
☽ don’t get me wrong, he adores you and cherishes every moment he spends with you
☽ but he’s easily overwhelmed and needs time to himself
☽ it’s also important to him that he’s able to care for himself, so something as simple as washing his face on his own helps him feel like he has some control
☽ to conclude: nighttime is the time for self-care and exploration
Thank you so much for the request, anon! I hope these were what you were looking for. Have a wonderful day💛
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