#i was actually going to make an animatic for today something i planned long ago
dwn055 · 2 years
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accepting i'll probably never get anything done on time again
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czarojay · 4 years
I’ve had this idea like months ago, even before the election (and the last part during the election, so HAHAH HOW DID THAT TURN OUT HOO BOY) so like idk how to end it and don’t feel like writing it anymore. SO IM GONNA DROP ALL THE NOTES I WROTE IN THE PAST HERE! 
feel free to write it, but plz tag me (a must! i want to reaaad!) and I’d appreciete it if you credit the idea ;w;
Always busy with planning this, writing that, meeting them and Fundy was lonely. Wilbur actually spent years planning revolution as soon as they moved to the Dream Kingdom, so Fundy grew up to the ideas of that, listening to dad behind the heavy wooden door, crying quietly clutching at his fox plushie. 
 As he reached his 19th birthday came, he joined the revolution. Fighting along his father, spending more time with him than he had in years. And after the victory they spent even more time together. And as annoyed as Fundy was that Wilbur only now acted like he had a son, babying Fundy and not letting him do stuff, he had a father finally.
 But then soon later he throws himself into an election for L'manburg and he hardly sees him again and thinks to himself "Some things never change", but then looks outside his room in one of L'manburgs towers and stares at the setting sun and remembers a quote he once heard his father say to someone in his office. "if you want the change, make it happen" or something like that. 
 The next day he joins swag2020. Soon later he makes his own party of him and Nihachu, refusing to join his father once again, seeing how he's slowly turning into a tyrant, who'd do anything to get the seat, be elected. Why wouldn't He abandon L'manburg for the seat, if he has neglected his son for his goals already? 
Wilbur is in the docks and take the fundy from Salmon's hands and holds the baby fox close. He watched the mermaid swim away not looking twice and dive only seeing one last sparkle of her scales on the sun, one last splash of her golden brown coloured tail and she's gone he takes the child and treats it to his best abilities, but once he has reached the age of 5, he went back to planning and working and everything for the best for his son.
 He works his ass off every day, works does his best s overjoyed with every opportunity to meet his son and once they win the revolution. He creates a safe world for his son who proved himself during the revolution despite not needing to prove himself Wilbur stops seeing Salmon's hair in Fundy's fur after that. He stops seeing her smile in his grin and the mischief in his eyes. He sees Fundy for the first time in forever and hopes to establish a happy family with Niki and Fundy but peace cannot last long and he goes back to making sure his son will be safe, along with his new chosen family found family 
So imagine both the pride and surprise and dissapointment when his son decided to compete against him.
   The day of election, Wilbur sits nervously, his leg bouncing, waiting. The results are going to be out today. He was confident he'd win, but he knew something the others didn't...Swag and schlatt team. They should win, however... He just had a bad feeling. Niki told him she had a bad dream about today and it just keeps ringing silently, yet irritatingly in the back of his head.
 Preparing his sheets, going through the pages, while trying not to look at the results just yet, he caught a glimpse at coconut2020 votes. And despite himself he smiled His son tried at least, but the false votes? Man, he didn't expect that from his son... But hey coconut2020 got so many votes anyways! 
Truly like father like son, in no time will Fundy follow his steps and become a great politician perhaps...? Anyways, it's time to go on stage. From what he's seen Tommy and Tubbo were listening to the disks, just vibin' heh... He decided to let boys be boys for at least one more moment and just went forward alone. They'll meet there.
Now that i edit and copy and paste my notes I can see THE PART WHERE I CUT OFF DID NOT
Here is where my notes cut off those months ago, but ideas do not stop you know. 
So like, remember when Wilbur looked at his son tearing down the walls? When he heard his son deny any relation to him? 
What if Fundy at first was bitter and a little happy to be out of his father’s control? What if he thought it to be a change for better rather than worse? What if he decided to be a spy only once he realised HOW BAD Schlatt is? Because while Wilbur neglected, Schlatt straight up abused. 
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How did you come up with the idea for jade?
((**Oh,,, ooOOOHHHH— This may or may not be long, but I will try to sum it up as quick as possible, otherwise I might ramble too much,,))((**Lets see, first I’ll start off with how long I’ve had her- so, its 2019, and I made her in about the 2010-2012 span I think, idk, my memory tends to be spotty, but my point is that I’ve had her for a pretty long time at this point))((**Since her creation, she’s gone through some body changes, but she’s overall kept her black and white colors with golden-yellow eyes and a heart hole thats never changed shape or placement; she used to actually wear more than just pants, and used to not have her more animalistic legs- but it didnt take me too long before I decided to actually make her as animalistic as possible instead of just a monstrous humanoid with fluffy ears and a tail- which yes I cringe at a lot, but we’ve all had to start somewhere, right? And I wanted a more animal like body for her, which is why her legs are how they are now, because I just thought it’d suit her far far better than her old version–))((**If I’m going to be completely honest, and I’ve admitted this before at some point I think a long time ago- Jade’s very first version of herself came to mind and ended up being created because I had just found out about and got interested in the CreepyPasta fandom, and I had found a specific and very actually sorta popular Comic- PastaMonsters (by @/Comickit if you didn’t know which I’d be surprised if you didnt its an amazing comic go read it—))((**Basically that comic gave me the motivation and idea to create a Creepypasta monster character, so thats what I started with. I started with the Idea of a monster-esque female and then I thought of a name. Frankly I actually meant to do a short J name, bc… Jeffery was my favorite at the time, so I went with a short J name that hadn’t been taken yet (to my knowledge) and came up with Jade, with is actually a name I really like as well (so much so that I ended up naming my cat Jade as well but it was fitting- this was off topic sorry))((**But then I added that everyone just calls her Jade, but her full first name is Jadeth, which makes it even more unique and I love it, its oddly elegant, or at least to me))((**Basically her first version was mainly wolf-esque version of a.. s i g h, neko girl sort of, with the ears and tail and a few other minor details like Teeth, while her eyes remained somewhat more cat like- both animals also influenced some of her behaviors and actions… But again it didnt take me long to change her into a far more animalistic and monstrous type of character, while her personality sorta just.. me?))((**That’s another thing I almost want to touch on- Im Jade, but Jade isnt me per say. She’s not a sona, she’s not a fursona or monstersona, shes not a sona- she’s a character that I love more than any other- she’s more of an icon to me to a point- if there’s something I put forward to show or represent me, its her, but shes not a sona or anything-??. I’m Jade, I see some or a lot of myself in Jade, but she Is Not me. I don’t know if any of that made sense but I sure hope it did? Even alittle))
((**I got the overall Idea to make Jadeth because I loved monsters, I loved animals, I was interested in this fandom, that Comic influenced me to a point and sorta motivated me, and after I had made a character- I met a friend or two who encouraged me to keep going with Jade’s idea because they too had created a character for or vaguely for the same fandom- and I think, I could be wrong, but I think we both sorta just kept each other going and made each other brave enough to expand and develop…))((**I had made fan characters and such for things before, just these characters for things I liked- but Jade is the one character (regardless of what she was originally made for, aka the CreepyPasta fandom) that has stuck with me for so long, and I just keep at her. I keep developing and tweaking and having fun with her- so many ideas and there’s so many things I’d love to see her be in or do in the future; like any creator, someday I’d like to see her be popular or a character that a lot of people might like- like a good few key creeps we see today like Jeff or LJ for example. Maybe not so thrown out of proportion to the point so many many many people sorta `share` her, because she is Mine, and I will stress that to the day I Die, but just… have her be popular, or at least known, and liked- you know?))((**This is off topic to her creation but At some points in the past I had always wanted to make a comic for her, in some context, or have her be apart of something big or the like. While her story has never been posted, I have sort of summed it up for certain people in the past. I’ve summed it up and i’ve summed it up for myself, to the point where working on her actual story(stories?) has become sorta difficult to me, but hopefully it will actually get written out fully and posted for all to see and read… Hopefully.))((**At some point I do plan on expanding on Animation a lot more, so she will definitely be a focus of my animations/animatics/etc at some point, which might help how people will see her bc then they’ll finally see her move or at least sort of… and at some other point, I would love to finally give her a voice..?))((**Which I’ll mention is actually My voice, which might also tie in to how closely I see myself in her.. its only because I’ve never really found a voice that I like for her, and my voice has always been her voice up to this point- so I’ve just accepted it and decided that her voice is my voice, and perhaps one day ya’ll may finally hear it at some point…))((**Okay– I think thats a lot and I’ve sorta rambled and gone off topic plenty,,, sorry about that- but thanks for reading through if you did entirely ; w ; ))
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