#i just wanna live alone in a one room one bathroom hole with a veiw
actual-corpse ยท 6 months
Why am I, the Woman, villanized?
I'm a full-time student, and I work 30 hours a week (that's 6 hours short of full-time), and yet, I can't sit and relax without someone huffing and puffing about something being dirty.
I'm not the one who fills the sink.
I'm not the one who fills the trash.
I'm not the one who leaves my dirty clothes all over the bathroom floor (and those clothes fucking stink... They smell worse than the literal boxes of cat shit that sit in the same room)
I'm not the one that hogs the clothes machines for DAYS at a time because I can't be arsed to move them.
There are two cats. One isn't mine, but I am the one caring for both cats full time. Emptying the boxes, buying and administering the flea meds, cleaning and filling water/food bowls.
I'm afraid to start a video game. 1. Because nobody can fucking respect that I'm trying to enjoy something and 2. Because when the dishes pile up in the sink, I'm the one stuck dealing with it.
There are fast food cups rotting in the bedroom because I am not cleaning up after a grown-ass man (they've been accumulating since we broke up (August))
There is shit accumulating on the table.
I will move out when the lease is up. And when I do, I hope these boys fucking suffer as they realize they ran off one of the most patient women they'll ever find.
#im mouthy sure#but im pretty patient#i can think of so many people who would've already left#or just stopped picking up after them#i hate this fucking country#because I SHOULD be able to live independently like the adults my age did 20 years ago#i feel like a prisoner#unfortunately women shoulder an immense emotional burden that men dont fucking understand#and that burden is DRAINING#its hard to work a job that drains you and then come home to man-children who drain you#i just wanna live alone in a one room one bathroom hole with a veiw#WALGREENS KEEPS PROCESSING MY FUCKING REFILL BUT NEVER ACTUALLY FILL IT#FUCK#god damn groundskeeper makes hos job harder on himself by pointing the blower into the corner and blowing debris into the apartment#fucking roomate who doesn't fucking understand how fucking doors work tries to tell me im wrong#THERES A GAP IN THE DOOR WHERE THE FUCKING BUGS GET IN THIS PLACE WAS BUILT CHEAP#I FUCKING HATE HOW INCOMPETENT SOME MEN ARE and they like to act so smart#AND THEY FUCKING MAKE SNIDE REMARKS ABOUT YOUR AGGRAVATION but YOU cant do it back#Most of the men Ive met are so GODDAMN SELFISH#i wish my mom would let me be gay. Not only do I want to try it but also... women have a tenderness that most men lack#im so fucking tired#and fucking annoyed#i cant do my fucking laundry#yeah the washer is available but I cant dry the clothes. and leaving the damp clothes in the washer is fucking stupid#thats how you get mildew stink#can you guys hope i get the LBL internship? ๐Ÿ™#it provides money and lodging (and experience lol) and its IN THE WOODS THE FUCKING NATIONAL PARK YALL#LBL is Land Between the Lakes National Park in KY and I wanna be there#Id actually like to work there too ngl#in the nature
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