#i just wanna love Vash's scars
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a Vash x reader with a bit of body worship and just writing to express my love for this man.
Without further adue, lets begin!
A toast for tonight's hero!!" Mr. Davis raised his pint of beer accompanied by the howls and mirthful cheers of the townsfolk as music and laughter filled and bounced around the walls of a fairly sized tavern.
learning over the lip of his pint, he keenly observed the people around him, drinking and dancing without a single care in the world - not even after the chaos that had occurred not too long ago- the jovial atmosphere never fails to pique his attention but it was nothing short from pleasant.
in his viewpoint, humans have shorter lifespans than him; lives whose flames can easily be snuffed out with a single sigh, which is why they compensate by possessing as many complexities in just a small life: love, anger, lust, greed, dilemma, and vengeance. all of which Stampede considered precious and irreplaceable. experiencing these things every day he breaths only continues to astonish him.
'One more drink and I'm heading out.' Vash Inwardly thought. As much as he wanted to keep having fun, he just can't bring himself to overstay his welcome any longer than he already was. Granted his sudden leave could cause disappointment to those who went through the trouble of throwing this celebration for him but what choice does he have? he is the humanoid typhoon after all. wherever he goes, chaos and calamity always followed suit-
"Ah! there's my man!" 'Correction: one more drink and a chat and I'm heading out ' he scoffed at himself for not finishing his drink sooner.
"How are ya holding up, Stampede?!" Mr. Davis gave a hard smack on the young man's back out of drunken well-wishes, nearly spilling his drink over -not that Vash minded the rough treatment.-
"Well on my fifth mug sir, starting to get woozy by the minute! hahaha!" Vash sheepishly laughed masking yet another lie behind that innocent smile of his. Vash Knows he can handle his alcohol fairly well and if he planned on slipping past the crowd without seeming rude, he'd first have to take out the "drunkard's pass card" by convincing Mr. Davis and Everyone else that he was about to pass out.
"Nah! I Hoped you ain't that drunk yet son. you still hadn't received your reward!" Mr. Davis waves a hand and guffawed.
"Gee, thanks but you shouldn't have! the bourbon was enough really." Stampede shook his head and gestured to his nearly empty pint.
"Nonsense! you've done so much for this town and the least we can do is return the favor, my boy!"
"it's-" before he could continue to protest, His gaze caught sight of a fine young lady striding towards his direction. 'Oh boy. this again. ' Vash Gulped.
"I just wanna make sure you're well taken care of while you're here."
"Thank you but I'm too drunk for this-"
"Even better. that way you'll enjoy the night." Mr. Davis ruffles his hair and guffaws once more.
" Oh and don't worry about the room. it's on the house." he winked, gave Vash one more reassuring pat on the shoulder, and sauntered off back into the rowdy crowd without waiting for the young man's reply.
for an extended time, the pair exchanged pleasantries and a few more drinks with the lady who introduced herself as Y/N and not too long after, found each other's company quite enjoyable.
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"Look, I'm sorry you had to be dragged into this-"
the sound of laughter and celebration continued to reverberate from the walls of his room. Vash ended up staying for the night after all. He'd hate to come off as rude and on the plus side, her company was too good, it'd be a waste to leave so abruptly. Similar to any other celebration held for him, this is what he gets for being too much of a saint.
"not at all. I volunteered and am happy to serve you tonight." Y/N innocently smiled, unbothered by the situation they are both in at the moment.
Vash wasn't one to fluster so easily, especially in these sorts of events but with the way she assured him, it somehow caught him off guard. Granted, this wasn't his first devil's tango but because of a certain flaw he has, he was often left with a cold bed to sleep on and a space to wake up next to. which is why he'd rather pull the 'yeah-I'm- too-drunk-for-this ' card and dissuade the ladies before anything could happen and spare himself the repulsed looks on their faces.
But this felt... a bit different.
"In any case..." Y/N steps closer, peaking from behind her lashes as a way of seeking permission from the humanoid typhoon. "Shall we begin?"
gingerly she hovered one hand over his chest, patiently waiting for a response, not wanting to give the impression that his discomfort was unconsidered by her.
'Just a few minutes of making out and we're done.' Vash relents and leans down, planting a chaste kiss on her lips 'just like always' he whispers inwardly.
Y/N returns the kiss and slowly-albeit hesitantly- presses herself against him. Vash hadn't realized he'd been unconsciously putting a gap between them until his back made contact with the wall. however, as soon as they hit a full stop, Y/N didn't persist in leaning against him. instead, she turned her head to one side, presenting her neck to him for the taking if he so wished to.
this, in turn, made Vash curse under labored breaths.
Granted, Vash does find the company of women enjoyable at some point, but Y/N? If magic was real, she made him feel BEWITCHED.
From her scent to her delicate gestures, even down to her faint and soft sighs, alcohol may have had something to do with his current state but only the gods know what those little things she's been doing have done to him.
although those thoughts can only go so far.
the marksman snapped back from his euphoric trance the moment he felt cold fingers pinch the hem of his shirt.
He reflexively caught her wrist and held her in place. The sudden action startled Y/N and she took a slight step back.
“Was- was it not to your liking?” she choked, confused about what she did wrong.
Now feeling responsible for his actions, Vash quickly scrambled for words to reassure her. “What? N-no! no, you did nothing wrong at all! It’s just… ah hahaha…” his hand found its way to the back of his neck, a habit he’d been doing whenever he struggled to find the right words to explain his behavior. He sighed. “I’m… I’m just not as pretty under these clothes… hahaha…”
He didn’t want to bring this up. But with what little choice he had, he’d have to bite the bullet, hope that this will be enough to discourage her and just leave rather than let her see what horrible visage his body had become. Worse still, is when she’d feel threatened by him.
“I see…” Y/N sighed
Before Vash could scoff at himself, he froze as Y/N gingerly took his prosthetic hand in her small ones, raised it to her lips and planted a gentle kiss on a knuckle, and spoke:
“I understand if you don’t want to do things you’re uncomfortable with,” She then moved his hand close to her chest, basically putting it right on her heart. “But at least allow me to grant you your reward for saving my town and its people. And I wouldn’t mind if you keep them on at all.” Y/N then leans once more and gave his cheek a tender peck, followed by a small, earnest smile. She was adamant to see her duties though but she was also ready to stop if he so wished to. In truth, Y/N wondered how far she could go to please him. For now, she continued where they left off by giving him another kiss.
The more he let her words seep into his head, the more he allowed the kiss to deepen, returning it with slowly growing vigor.
Now that He’s given it more thought, how long has it been since he’s last intimate with a woman? The answers were far too faded over time. One he decided not to revisit.
‘Give yourself a break. It’s not every day someone’s willing to give you company.’
To his surprise, the kiss abruptly broke when he felt like he landed on some cushions under him. He hadn’t realized that while his mind was elsewhere, Y/N led him to the couch and got him to sit. Before he could comment on it, Y/N had already proceeded to undo her hair as well as a couple of buttons from her shirt. Her now exposed collar bone dusted with a faint pink blush, left Vash’s throat dryer than the deserts of Gunsmoke.
He gave his hand to her, inviting her onto his lap, and in return, she took the offer, placing the other hand on his chest for support.
They resumed where they left off, leaving kisses on each other’s skins, rewarding each other with sighs of contentment and blooming ecstasy; now with better access to height, Y/N plants another kiss on Vash’s temple, trailing to his cheek, and his jaw. Y/N hooked a finger on the hem of his turtle neck collar to see if he’d protested like before. To her relief, Vash only gave an approving mewl. Y/N smiled and pulled down his collar just a little bit, enough that she could access his pulse and spoil it with kisses.
Vash sucked in a breath, fingers digging into her hips, pulling her closer to him in the process when-
“oh?” Y/N giggled, her eyes staring down at something other than his own. He froze. He knew exactly what she was, looking at. Turns out Vash wasn’t the only one getting excited tonight. Y/N snickered at Vash for becoming a blushing mess.
“Your call Mr. Stampede.” ‘please don’t say my name like that!’
“Uhhh… a little help?” ‘Vash! You idiot!’
Y/N smiles.
“Then if you’ll excuse me,” Y/n announces, beginning to move her hips on his little companion. Vash would have already spewed a string of prayers if it weren’t for Y/N’s lips being in the way that all he could do was let her swallow his moans.
Each sway of her hips was driving him even deeper into the abyss that is lust, every friction clouding his judgments and granting his hands a mind of their own, haphazardly pulling aside what little clothes he could easily remove from her just to get access to her skin. Her neck, her shoulders, her collarbones, and her chest- anything to satiate his growing need to take her.
By gods, he was getting close! His skin began to sear due to pent-up frustration from within his core and worsened by the intoxicating touch he continues to receive from Y/N.
Should he end it here? Yeah. That would be better. If they stop here, he’d have time to leave before dawn. Yeah. That’s the plan…
That was the plan.
“ Wait-“
“Stam- wha-!!“
With a swift move, Vash interrupts her with a kiss and then led her to stand.  Y/N felt Vash slowly lowering himself, all the while leaving kisses from her jaw, neck, collar bone, shoulder, her harms, and down to her wrist until his knees met the hard wooden floor.
“May I?” He inquired, taking the hem of her skirt in between his fingers and meeting her eyes. Y/N smiled. “Proceed, Mr. Stampede.” With that, Vash hoists one leg over his shoulder and disappears under her petticoat.
Not long after, Y/N was reduced to a mess of gasps and pleasured moans. Vash’s tongue worked wonders on her; constantly stealing her breath out from her lungs, her voice always finding ways to escape her throat which gave him his vigor and appetite. He was thankful he skipped dinner.
At this point, Y/N could no longer hold her weight as she reached her first climax, causing her knees to buckle under her yet Vash had already long kept her propped up with ease as if she weighed nothing to him.
“heh. There we go~” Vash was pleased with himself for giving you the first finish.
“St- Stampede…” Y/N stammered and could do nothing but a gesture to the bed. “Please.” She added. Vash kissed her inner thigh and escorted her to the bed as requested.
Vash Found one of her fingers hooked on the belt loop of his pants, eagerly pulling the layer of hindrance, “May I?” this time, it was Y/N’s turn to ask for the same request as Vash did before.
He nods in approval, allowing her to undo his belt and finally meet his little partner. He was unexpectedly girthy.
“Thank you”
Vash leans in for another kiss, this time it was at a gentler pace. He’d hope that by doing so, Y/N would be put at ease before finally committing to the full copulation.
He aligned himself with her but paused.
‘damn… never knew I’d be able to get to this point again… what if…?’  Vash inwardly thought. Just then, Y/N’s small yet warm fingers caress his cheek and gave him a tender, reassuring smile, and said “It’s okay. You won’t hurt me.” With that, he began slowly pushing in.
Every succeeding inch being pushed in caused Y/N’s back to arch from the bed, and for every succeeding length, Vash had to suck air through his teeth. He felt as though he finally hilted in her and curiously looked down to see his work. It turns out, he had already reached Y/N’s cervix without being fully sheathed yet.
‘Fuuuuuuuuckkk that’s cute’
In a haze, Y/N completely misread his pause as hesitation and assured him again that he could move. Vash was about to correct her but thought against it to not dampen the mood.
The pace was slow at first. no rush. Just completely focus on giving each other as much pleasure as they can possibly give one another. As Y/N begins to get used to him, her insides begin to memorize his shape. But as their hearts begin beating faster, their breaths more ragged and labored, blood boiling hotter, so too was their pace, each time Vash pulls out and reenters her, his shaft slowly fits in her and finally, she fully sheaths his length, finally completely connected for the first time.
“V- Vah- hah – sh… Ah!” Y/N mewled his name, her voice felt like a prayer to him. The kind that would haunt him in his sleep. Oh, the dangerous game she unknowingly made him play. It did nothing but stoke his roaring flames even more.  
Speaking of which, Vash was beginning to feel overwhelmed by how hot the room has become and it wasn’t helping that his clothes were in the way. Lost in the heat, he had completely forgotten why he kept them on in the first place, far too lost in his heated pleasure with this terrifyingly bewitching woman, and tore his shirt off. It gave him only but a brief moment of relief before he realized what he had done.
His blood ran cold, his body frozen in place, inwardly cursing himself for getting carried away. At this point, he can do nothing but anticipate Y/N’s expressions contorting into something of disgust or fear. Either way, he’d accept his fate, come what may.
In a blur, he now found himself underneath Y/N.
“How-?” Vash couldn’t finish his words when he saw the glint in her eyes. Keenly, intently, adoringly scanning every scab and scar that was ever present on his skin. She looked so wild but ethereal under the glow of the moonlight. Vash had forgotten they were even connected until Y/N began moving again, the sudden movement earned a surprised gasp from his lips.
“Gods you’re Beautiful.” Her voice was dripping with venom and lust, and a new wave of heat and passion bloomed from within her core. But Vash was too focused on what she called him… ‘beautiful’
Memories of when he first laid bare to a partner in bed pierced his thoughts. Of when he has bestowed a myriad of names, ones that aren’t pretty, to say the least. Memories of when he woke up to an empty bed, of when he was lied to and left alone to have no one to love.
Before the tears could form in his eyes, Y/N had already kissed them away then her lips moved to a small scar nearby, smiling with every scar kissed in her wake, each lovingly treated as though they were fragile, especially the ones that looked new or recent, afraid that they’d hurt if she was too rough.
“Your beautiful as you are, Vash the Stampede.” The way she whispered his name wasn’t of fear but of love. One he hadn’t heard of since his childhood, a hundred or so years ago.
Stampede stirs awake, feeling the sun's rays hit his lids. He rolled over to one side of the bed, hoping he’d find Y/N still sleeping next to him… only he rolled onto another space.
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Feeling dejected, Vash sighed and rolled onto his back, covering an arm over his eyes in a pathetic attempt to hide his own emotions but failed, now fighting back hot tears and chuckling to himself.
“I knew it was too good to be true.” Vash heaved a bleak sigh.
Vash gave himself all to her that night. Each wound was mended with her warm touch, that night, The humanoid Typhoon was but a calm breeze.
“What is?”
Vash bolted up from the bed, scanning the room to find the owner of the voice in disbelief. There, Y/N stood by the bathroom door, wearing nothing but the large red coat that Vash had discarded the night before.
At first, Y/N looked confused by his reaction but when her eyes landed on the fluffy blonde mess atop his head, she puffed a small laugh. She then strode towards the bewildered man, cupping his cheek as she reached him and planted a warm, loving kiss on his forehead.
“I suppose the bourbon hasn’t completely left your system yet.” Y/N beams sweetly to him and smooths his tangled golden locks “get dressed and let's get something to eat-“
“tell-!” Vash yelped, a bit of panic in his voice. Feeling responsible all of a sudden.
“Tell me if your stomach hurts okay? If you need anything, let me know!” his hands found her elbows, gently pulling her close to him. “if the baby bothers you just call-“ Y/N interrupts him, giggling in the process. “Slow down, Vash! You know it will take a while to confirm it right?” Y/N was reduced to a giggling mess.
“I… I knew that.” Vash cleared his throat.  “Unless…” Y/N leans into his ear and whispers; “You’d want a little stampede running around, I could gladly give one to you.”
She was right, the alcohol wasn’t fully out of his system yet.
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*Comments are absolutely encouraged!*
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maomango-doodle · 1 year
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Playing around with the color wheel WEEE
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orcelito · 11 months
So with me getting a big art commission for ITNL, it makes me think about how I've never gotten any commissions for discacc... and like yes ok I've been neglecting my big baby (I'm Sorry,,,,) but my love for it remains. The 500k word count is testament to my dedication to it, even if it's currently on hiatus.
But for me putting actual real money into ITNL and not discacc...
It ultimately boils down to the fact that in discacc they still look just like their canon counterparts lol so there's really no point to doing a commission for it. ITNL Vash already looks different from his canon counterpart (due to the lightning scars, which are the main focal point of the commission).
So... no it is NOT me saying I love ITNL more. ITNL and discacc both are very dear to me. I'm just doing objectively crazier stuff in ITNL and Thus, big differences have happened. And so it goes.
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vashs-ass · 4 months
Realizing Knives and Vash feed into the others world view is actually heart breaking for both of them :,,,,,)
Knives believes all humans are abusive and exploitative by nature and seeing the scars on Vash’s body only serves his point. He knows how Vash is treated for his kindness.
Vash believes humans and plants are equal in their ability to love and change but also in their ability to harm and destroy. Having Knives physically abuse him over and over (kicking him in the face, severing his arm) just enforces the idea that plants are just as capable of committing evil.
It’s a never ending cycle and I wanna hug all of them.
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bendycxmet · 5 months
Pierced—Vash the Stampede
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Summary: How did Vash get that hoop in??
Word Count: ~1.2k
Pairing: gn!reader x Vash the Stampede
Content: fluff, a lil angsty, Vash deserves his sense of self ok
a/n: @aboveweirdest gave me this wonderful idea while we were analyzing this man to death! tyty was thinking about this when i got another helix piercing done recently so i whipped this up before bed
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In recent days, you’ve seen Vash eyeing you. At least, more than what is normal. It was unsettling everytime you felt his gaze on you whenever you tried passing the time by creating something out of scraps you found into jewelry, specifically earrings. 
For instance, he was doing it now, as your hands worked the small pliers expertly to transform a piece of gold wire into a hoop. You either usually pierce your own ears with your creations, or sell them in town for some extra cash you both could use for bullets or food. Vash wishes he could be as good as you on the artsy side, but you always remind him that he is good with his hands. No one can beat him in marksmanship.
“Like what you see there, gunman?” you tease, side eyeing him for a split second. Caught in the act, Vash blushes a lovely red that reaches the tip of his ears. You love getting a rise out of him.
“Do you wanna learn? Is that it? Because you’ve been a little too curious these past couple of days.”
“Mm.. ‘s not that. I just… How many piercings do you have?” 
The question comes out of nowhere for you. You think it’s obvious, since mostly all of them are on your ears. Doing mental math, you count what you have on your ears.
“Uh, around 11? I’m thinking of doing more, but we’ve been too busy lately.”
He simply nods, humming to himself as he visibly thinks through your answer. 
“Why do you pierce your ears?” You quirk your eyebrow at him. “Don’t mean that in an offensive way!” He quickly puts his hands up, offering a sign of peace. You laugh at his gestures. “I just been noticing lately that your usual customers are people with loads of piercings, and I never gave it much thought before to get one of my own, but I think…they look so cool on others. They seem so happy with them too, expressing themselves without even saying a word.”
Your hands still at his words, something dropping in your stomach and twisting at his solemn expression. Vash never revealed much about his past, and you never probed him further. Anytime anything connected to his past came up, you could clearly tell whatever happened had left its scars on him, physically and mentally. You respected his decision to close up those details, and reminded him that whenever, if ever, he was ready to share that load with you, you would be there.
You look back down at the gold hoop in your hands, an idea coming to mind. You quickly add the finishing touches, putting a little more effort into it as it was for someone special now. 
“Hey, what do you think of this?” You hold up the hoop to Vash’s eyes, catching the glimmer in his eyes at your recent creation, like that of a thief spotting expensive items through a window. Greed and envy swirling together.
“It’s beautiful! You always amaze me with how you turn a piece of trash into such a pretty object. That one’s gonna sell fast Mayfly!” You warm at his praise and nickname for you. His confidence and support for your skills potentially outweighed yours for how he handled his gun.
Yet, you can’t stand the fake smile he plasters on his face, masking the jealousy he feels for the future owner of the golden hoop.
“Think I’m gonna sell it for free. It’s for someone close to me.” Vash simply cocks his head to the side. You roll your eyes at his obliviousness. “How about letting me pierce your ear for you?”
The change in his demeanor is quick. He straightens his back, eyes shining brightly, nodding eagerly at you. “I’m in your hands!”
Grabbing a small threading needle from your kit, you order him to sit close to you on motel bed. Cleaning your hands and the needle, you search his face, looking for any signs of regret. 
“You sure about this? Do you know where you want it?”
He’s pensive for a moment, eyes looking past you. He hums, pointing at his left lobe. How perfect, you think, same side as his cute little mole. 
You fidget, rethinking piercing his ear. You’ve only ever pierced yourself, so now that you have someone else in front of you, you feel like a total amateur. 
“Hey. Get out of your head there. I know what you’re thinking.” Vash’s voice breaks through your brain fog. He wraps his hand around your raised arm, poised and ready to pierce him. He gently tightens his hold on your waist. “I trust you.” You feel your heart twinge at the soft vulnerability in his eyes.
“Ok, this will be a slight pinch. I know you’re used to pain-” you interject, noting his slightly raised eyebrow, silently telling you been there done that. “-but just follow my rules. Ok, breathe in for me.” You raise the needle to his ear. “And breathe out.” As you feel his breath ghost your arm, you push the needle as quickly as you can through his ear, quickly adding the hoop to his ear. 
You turn around to wash your hands. “And there you go! Your first piercing ever! Crazy, considering that you’re like 150- hey don’t touch-” you catch him as he’s going to finger his new piercing, staring straight at the mirror on the vanity opposite the bed. The warning dies in your throat at the sight of him nearly in tears.
“I…I love it,” he says in a warbled voice.
“Oh Vash, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? I really tried to be careful. Always with you.” You sit beside him, leaning onto his shoulder, rubbing his back in comfort. He sniffs. 
“It’s not you. It’s just…this is the first time I feel like I’ve done something for myself. I feel like my own person. With just a hoop.” Wet tears trail down his cheeks. You press your fingers to his cheeks, wiping his tears. You know how he’s been burdened with his past, no doubt still feeling the shadow of his brother and the destruction that’s come from his actions. Perhaps this earring meant more than you could ever imagine, perhaps it finally binded him to the present, and to his own future that he can create. 
“You’ve always been Vash to me. Never your brother. Just you. Vash the Stampede. The most amazing gunman to ever walk into my life.” He turns to you, wrapping his arms around you and pressing his face into your neck.
“Thank you. Now, I feel like everyone else. Maybe they can see me as one of them. Not this humanoid disaster.” You nuzzle into him, hands returning to their rubbing against his back.
“You look nice by the way. It suits you really well. The gold complements your blue blue eyes,” you tease, hoping to get a chuckle out of him. 
He pecks your cheek, another thank you from him. He presses his face tighter to you, jolting suddenly. “Ow!”
“Yeahh, it’s gonna be a bit tender for a bit.” 
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divider by saradika
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Can I request a first time smut with Vash please???? big bonus points if you can make it reunion sex hehehehe im a huge sucker for that kinda stuff. thank you so much!!
A/N: The way I'm immediately putting this with Eriks!Vash (I wanna smash him so bad he just makes me wanna *insert horny grip meme here*) I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Anyways, feel free to think of this as a follow-up to this fic. Anon who requested that fic - guess you're getting that spice after all!
Warnings: MINORS DNI, AFAB!reader (female terms used), smut, lots of smut, hints of Vash having a size kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks, practice safe sex!)
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The only thing you could register, other than the sound of your heartbeat in your ears, was just how warm Vash's skin was against your own.
You'd been separated from Vash for two years, since the destruction of the city of July, and you'd only just found him in a quaint little town, disguised as a man named Eriks. His hair had grown longer, and he had scruff on his face and now wore glasses, but deep down, he was still your Vash.
Your reunion had been filled with tears of sadness, regret, happiness, love and disbelief, with you both clutching onto one another as you both cried and rejoiced at being reunited. And now, as the house where Vash had been living became silent as people drifted to sleep, the two of you had fallen into one another, pressed up against each other, clutching at each other with a desperate need to be comforted and assured that this was real.
Clothes had quickly but gently been shed, leaving you bare before Vash for the first time. You could feel the heat rising in your face as you stood there, your body exposed to Vash in a way you'd never done before.
You and Vash knew that you had feelings for one another, and despite being in a relationship prior to the events in July, this was the first time you and Vash had ever gotten so... intimate.
Now, Vash was looking at you with wide, blue eyes, filled with an awe and a love so tender that it would have others believing you had hung the stars in the sky.
"(Y/N)... G-God..."
Vash's voice was low and rumbly as he pressed you up against him, his body trembling slightly at the feeling of you against him.
You felt a shiver go down your spine as Vash's large hand pressed against your bare lower back, pulling you into him as his lips ghosted over the sensitive skin on your neck, his scruff scratching against you slightly.
"You're so beautiful."
Vash's warm breath fanned over your skin, sending another shiver down your spine, your fingers digging into his arms slightly as you tried to suppress a quiet moan.
You could feel Vash's muscled and scarred body moving against yours, and before you could process it, Vash had lifted you up, his hands tucked under your thighs as he carried you to the bed, gently placing you down so that he sat against the headboard with you in his lap.
"V-Vash," You got out breathlessly, looking up at him as you sat in his lap, straddling him a bit. Was this really happening?
You could feel the silky warmth of Vash's cock brushing up against your folds, a shiver coursing up you as your eyes widened - he was big. You had known that from the moment you saw his cock; long, and surprisingly thick with a beautiful reddish-pink head, veins visible along the sides.
However, now, as you felt Vash brushing up against you, you realized you didn't understand just how big.
"I-I don't know if I can... take you," You mumbled in embarrassment, your cheeks flaming pink as you felt Vash's cock twitch against your pussy - did he find that idea attractive?
"Oh, (Y/N)," Vash whispered gently in return, his large hands rubbing your thighs tenderly as he spoke, "I'll prepare you. Don't worry, love. I plan to make sure you're ready before we go any further."
Sure enough, with that, Vash pressed his lips to your neck, gently sucking and kissing your skin with just enough pressure to leave little marks - signs of his love for you. You stifled your moans, but the moment one of Vash's prosthetic fingers found your clit, you let out a choked gasp.
Vash just smirked a bit at your reaction, "Bingo."
With that, he gently pressed his lips to yours as he continued to circle your clit, drawing more muffled moans and cries of pleasure from you against his lips. You bucked your hips desperately in his lap, seeking more friction as you felt your orgasm beginning to build deep in your abdomen, your heart racing as Vash's fingers continued their nimble work.
"God, (Y/N), you look so beautiful like this," Vash all by growled out, his eyes filled with desire and love as he gazed at you coming undone by his touch, "I-I've missed you so much."
"I-ah! M-Missed you, Vash," You replied between gasps and moans, your orgasm nearing with every second Vash had his hands on you, "L-Love you... love you s'much."
"I love you, too, (Y/N). I've thought of nothing but you," Vash panted back between kisses to your skin, relishing the taste of you as he felt you tense in his arms, his lips ghosting over your chest and neck, "Nothing but you these last two years."
His passionately words of love for you, plus the feeling of Vash circling your bud perfectly, had you cumming harder than ever before, a cry of Vash's name leaving your lips as you came undone, the pleasure washing over you in wave after wave after wave.
"That's it, (Y/N), God, you're so beautiful when you cum for me," Vash mumbled gently, kissing your lips softly as he held you close.
You were panting softly in his embrace, your head resting on his shoulder as Vash hugged you to him, letting the aftershocks of your pleasure run through you.
"W-Want you, Vash," You panted out, gently grinding yourself on Vash's cock - you could feel the precum leaking out of its head, likely from just the sight of you cumming in his embrace, "Want you so bad."
You heard Vash hiss softly as you pressed your pussy down against his cock, his whole body tensing and his hands clutching onto your hips so hard he probably bruised you.
"(Y-Y/N)! G-God, Mayfly, pl-please, be careful! S-Sensitive!"
You couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh as you looked at Vash's face - those beautiful, blue eyes, wide and filled with pleasure and awe, the beads of sweat on his brow, his expressive eyebrows, his pretty nose and lips, his long, blonde hair, everything - he looked different than the last time you saw him, but God... he was still gorgeous.
"So... beautiful..." You whispered gently, your hand coming up to cup Vash's cheek as you pressed the softest and most tender of kisses to his jawline, the scruff rubbing your skin as you did so.
"Make love to me, Vash."
You surprised yourself with your own words, and you could see Vash's eyebrows rising in surprise, but the smile on his face spoke of his desire as he nodded, his hand coming up to stroke your cheek delicately. You watched the most beautiful blush spread across Vash's cheeks and the tips of ears and his nose, those baby blues focusing on you with a gaze filled with love, tenderness and desire as his hand returned to your hip.
Slowly, oh-so-slowly, Vash's hands lifted you by your hips, letting you reach down to align his cock with your soaking wet pussy, teasing him gently by swiping it through your folds a few times first. The gasps and whines Vash let out were worth it, his voice rising in pitch and volume at the sensation of his cock brushing up against your slick.
You couldn't help but smile softly, letting the head of Vash's cock push into you slightly as you sunk down onto him, causing you both to moan out in sync at the feeling of Vash stretching you out at last. The stretching feeling burned slightly, but within moments, the discomfort was giving way to pleasure.
"I-I love you, Vash," You gasped out, clutching onto him so hard you're sure your nails broke his skin, leaving marks, "I love you. Don't ever go... somewhere I can't follow you."
"N-Never, (Y/N), never!" Vash replied, whining at the feeling of you clenching just around his tip, desperately fighting the urge to slam you down onto him in one move, "I love you. N-Never wanna be apart from you again. It almost killed me..."
Your whole body felt like it was on fire, each nerve feeling like a livewire as Vash touched you and pushed into you gently as he shifted you, his words making your heart pound frantically in your chest.
Looking up at you tenderly, Vash whispered, "You ready?".
All you could do was nod, not trusting your voice to work at the moment. In one consistent but slow movement, Vash sank you down into his lap, pushing into your pussy inch by inch until he was in to the hilt, gasping as he felt you clench around him.
You hissed at the sting of him stretching you out, but it was outshone by the pure pleasure and happiness you felt as being joined with Vash this way at last. Finally... the two of you could share in this intimacy.
"Big... y-you're... big, Vash," You whimpered out, bringing your mouth down to his shoulder and biting down a bit, causing Vash to shiver.
"Sorry, (Y/N)," Vash cooed back softly, his hand brushing through your hair gently, "But you took me so well, Mayfly. So well..."
You whined in response to his praise, your pussy tightening around Vash and causing his breath to hitch.
"God... I can feel every bit of you. So tight, Mayfly. Try to relax..."
You did as Vash said, taking a deep breath and trying to relax yourself, letting yourself rest in Vash's lap. You wanted nothing more than to stay this way, holding onto Vash, feeling him against you, in you, for the rest of time.
"I-I'm gonna move now, (Y/N). Is that okay?"
"Yes, Vash," You whispered breathlessly, feeling so unbelievably full, "Please. Move."
Vash's smile was so bright, hearing you say that, and as gently as possible, he lifted your hips, sliding out of you almost entirely before pulling you back down into his lap and thrusting back into you, drawing out a moan from your lips as pleasure shot through you.
You shifted slightly, moving your own hips in time with Vash's guiding hands, allowing Vash to thrust deeper and deeper into you, both of you gasping, moaning and whining at the friction between you. Soon, that same feeling from before began to build again in the pit of your abdomen, a feeling of pleasure getting you close and closer to the edge.
"Nngh! (Y/N), G-God, you feel amazing... you're incredible, M-Mayfly..."
Vash's moans of pleasure had you clenching on him, a small gasp escaping the both of you as you continued to roll your hips, Vash holding you close in his lap as he thrusted up into you in time with your movements. You could feel his large hands splayed across your back, holding you close to him in a protective, almost desperate manner, your own hands clutching onto Vash's shoulders for leverage.
You two were close, so impossibly close.
"V-Vash, I- I'm gonna cum, I-"
"M-Me too, (Y/N), m-me too!"
With a few thrusts, you finally felt your orgasm wash over you, pleasurable wave after wave crashing into you, causing your pussy to clench down on Vash's cock in a way unlike anything he'd ever felt before. With a final thrust, Vash spent himself inside you, a warmth blooming in your abdomen as Vash pressed his lips to yours passionately, holding you close to him as he painted your walls with his seed.
"I love you, (Y/N)," Vash gasped out against your lips, holding you close to him as his chest heaved. You could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he spoke, his voice quiet but so, so loving, clearly moved by the intensity and the intimacy of the moment.
"I love you, too, Vash," You replied, pressing your forehead against his and just hugging him close, relishing in the feeling of his warmth against you, your own eyes burning with tears.
All the emotions coursing through you were overwhelming, but you couldn't help but feel love, happiness, and relief. Vash was here with you, and you were here with him, and there was no doubt that the two of you would never be separated again.
"So... can we do that again?"
You sighed at Vash's question, a small smile appearing on your lips. You might've just awakened a whole different beast.
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trigunwritings · 1 year
Vash x Fem!Reader
Vash slowly realizing that he’s falling in love with her and might even wanna marry her one day. Just him enjoying every bit of time he spends with her.
When the thought first crosses his mind, its too early in the morning to ponder upon it—the sun has barely risen from its hiding spot behind the horizon, and the sky is aglow in pinks and oranges so beautiful that it’s hard to believe someone could die beneath it in the span of just a few hours. The land is barren for iles beyond where the sand kisses the sky, but it looks so peaceful at a mere glance. Strokes of golden dunes beneath the brief but peaceful dawn.
But the sky isn’t what’s holding Vash’s attention.
You must have gotten up early, possibly when the sky was dark and the stars still visible. You’re lightly dressed, but facing away from him and sipping lightly a drink which must have been warmed by the fire not too long ago given that the ashes are still smoldering. Coffee? Tea? Vash can’t tell, but it smells nice on the soft morning breeze.
He watches your silhouette against the horizon as the thought crosses his mind for a second time, but ultimately decides it’s better to pretend that he’s still sleeping.
When it happens again, the two of you are at a nameless bar in an equally nameless town—one of many across this stretch of the desert, if only because of the multiple reserves of ground water and compact soil that make it easier to grow small patches of crops. Not easy, but easier; there’s always a difference.
But it means the town is lively and the booze is all too easy to get ahold of. Vash never intended for the two of you to get tipsy, but you’re giggling at his stupid jokes all the same with a soft smile that never quite leaves your lips.
Maybe it’s the alcohol, but Vash feels his heart race for the entire evening, even when he finally retires to his rented bed, and tries not to think of you in the room next door and how nice it might be to sleep beside you.
He fails spectacularly and barely gets a moment of rest in the entire night.
It’s almost too easy to ignore his injury. Given that his body is more scars than smooth flesh, Vash can ignore a majority of the pain flashing and flaring across his thoughts. It was a small bullet, and it had just barely caught the side of his abdomen—missed anything important, but there was still so much blood to deal with.
He tries to assure you that he’s okay, but it doesn’t help; you fuss over him with hands grasping at his coat, tugging off his layers of clothes until fear is gripping harder around Vash’s heart than the pain of being shot. But before he can say anything, before he can even prepare himself for the inevitable disgust-laced pity sure to come over your eyes, your hands are already tearing apart strips of cloth from anything you can spare to destroy off your own body.
Don’t you notice? Don’t you see? The countless marks, the poorly-healed wounds and broken bones of a man who would barely keep his own mind and body together.
Still, the look across your tear-filled eyes is nothing short of desperate and miserable, voice muddled with sobs as you try to assure Vash that he’s going to be okay, even as your hands are stained with his blood soaking through all the layers of makeshift gauze.
And Vash—the one who is injured, the one who should arguably be the most concerned in the situation—can only feel one thing as he watches you cry for him.
The pain is dull and distant in comparison.
“I love you.”
Vash blinks, taken a bit by surprise when the words leaves your lips. It takes a few moments for him to fully comprehend what you’ve said, and a few moments more to react to it—his eyes widen and his heart starts to race just like that one drunken night together, only this time he can’t blame the alcohol.
You look so scared. Eyes flickering across the ground as if unable to meet his, your hands twisting together so tight that he’s almost worried that you’ll hurt yourself without meaning to.
But the words, they echo over and over themselves within his mind.
And this time, the response comes from him all too easily. It’s natural and instinctive, blooming forth like a flower as it drinks up the sunlight. No longer idle thoughts, no longer ignored, no longer denied.
“I love you too.”
And he wants to keep repeating it forever.
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saetoru · 2 years
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ you wonder how vash smiles so easily with all his scars, and he shows you (.7k words)
☽ contents ⋮ just fluff for my lil wonder boy :(, mentions of scars
☽ notes ⋮ i tried my best to characterize him im on episode 5 okay :,)
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vash has scars.
you expect as much with the way he lives, just not to the extent that’s before you. he stares at you blankly for a moment as you walk through the door before blushing, the soft, red flush bleeding from his cheeks to the tips of his ears as he scrambles to hold his shirt to cover his chest.
vash has scars—and much like they did his skin, they slash at your heart.
some run long and deep, from his shoulder blade down to the middle of his back. it makes you think about all the times he turns his back blindly to people, hoping, trusting he won’t be betrayed. who could ever slash someone like vash across the back, you wonder, with his guard down and his heart out in the open.
some are small, like tiny bullet holes that heal to form uneven skin, a testament to the way he’s so selfless. you can almost envision him jumping in front of someone, blocking the bullet just seconds before they penetrate skin. because that’s who vash is—he’ll bleed to put out the fire for others in this dry, cruel desert.
even for those that start the flames to burn him down.
distantly, you think maybe you should leave. you should cover your eyes and apologize for intruding and walk out, but you can’t. not when the most vulnerable part of him is right here in front of you. it almost feels like to ignore it is to ignore vash, to ignore his kindness, his sacrifice, his pain and the cruelty he so casually suffers.
vash doesn’t deserve to cry—nor does he deserve to bleed, so you reach out tenderly, slowly, finding the scar that sits over the left side of his chest, letting your palm soothe over the bumpy skin as if it’s still bleeding, as if your touch alone can stanch the flow of blood.
maybe it can—maybe it does with the way his eyes close and his breath exhales shakily as though he’s in relief.
“sorry to walk in unannounced,” you murmur, giving him a tiny smile, making him chuckle lowly. he takes a step closer, lowers his shirt that covers his chest just like he turns his back when he trusts people.
he trusts you to see his back, maybe more than that.
“you could knock,” he teases lightly. you reach out and cup his cheek, running a thumb along the soft swell of skin as he hums appreciatively.
“i could,” you nod, “but then i’d miss the view,” you squeeze his left pec with a giggle, making him flush deeper as he looks away to the side.
and because you love him, because every part of him deserves to be loved no matter how scarred and imperfect it might be, because you cherish the parts of him that no one else did when it counted, you lean and press a kiss over the old bullet wound.
“you shouldn’t open doors hoping for half dressed men,” he mumbles, pouting slightly, “that’s not very polite.”
“i wasn’t looking for half dressed men,” you grin, “i was looking for a half dressed you. otherwise roberto’s room is right next door.”
“you probably don’t wanna see that,” vash shivers, making you giggle as he slumps his cheek against your hold, sighing softly in content when you lean to peck his jaw.
“no, i probably don’t,” you agree, “good thing i walked into this room instead, huh?”
“i guess it was the better alternative,” he says shyly.
it’s silent for a bit. you don’t know how to bring them up, how to so casually ask him to tell you the stories behind every harsh branding across his skin. so you settle for a question you can ask—one that you have, one that you know the answer to, but you can’t help but wonder no matter how many times he replies.
“how…why do you keep going? after all this?” you ask softly, staring at the rough marks across his body, the witnesses of the cruelty he’s faces who never quite leave.
he shrugs, stretches that easy grin on his face. “i deserve to smile,” is all he says.
and he does—painfully, you’re aware how much he deserves to smile and laugh and feel the sun soak him with warmth as the gentle breeze tickles his skin.
“do you?” you ask, slowly like you’re scared to hear the answer, “smile?”
his grin only widens. “yes,” he says sincerely, glancing down at your lips. “i do.”
and then his lips meet yours in a slow, smiley kiss, warm and gentle and tender enough to make you forget about his pain.
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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Broke: wow he's like that one shonen Alchemist guy!
Woke: Wow he's like that one rhythm game guy that came out recently!
Me: Anyone remember that one guy that sees ghosts?
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[IMAGE: Vash from Trigun Stampede posing with peace signs with Yoh Asakura from Shaman King]
IMG text below:
- Designated Cinnamon Roll of the series
- Solves everything with LOVE AND PEACE (and maybe weed)
- Older OP twin bro who's the main antagonist and wants to create a new world without the human race due to messing up the entire planet and personal grudges (also kinda has a point)
- "I don't wanna fight!!" "Can't we just talk???"
*proceeds to win nearly every fight they're in*
- Has a rival that ends up being their best bro 4 life
- Has a love interest who can kick their ass
(one guy and one gal)
- Has scars they keep hidden either on purpose or because no one seems to notice them
- Said scars are only there because they LET people hurt them out of kindness/compassion
- Sleeps a LOT (probably due to depression)
- Very goofy!! Just a silly lil guy!!
- Loves music!! Carries headphones
- Attire consists of at least one unique accessory that was acquired from a parental figure
- Got them puppy eyes
- Outcasts due to natural disposition/ideology
- Should NOT be dealing with this
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eomma-jpeg · 4 months
trigun fic rec list - from lace!
alright, FINE, twist my arm
FIRST UP: @squid789 Blank Ticket - vashmeryl/milivio
so i have a personal fanfic like... catalog LOL and i make little notes as i read and here is the note i left on BT right after i finished it about a year ago
seriously sooooooooooooooo good. squid does an incredible job at post trimax work
blank ticket is so good if you like post trimax stuff (like I do >:)) and squid is so good at representing vash as he ought to be (a brat with a bad attitude and abandonment issues)
Sea Foam - vashmeryl/millywood
once again i have notes from my catalog LOL
SF is a mermaid au and i adore ANYTHING THAT GIVES ME MERMAIDS. It is such an amazing exploration into so many characters, and especially knives WHOM I LOVE TO HATE IN THIS FIC. hes such a brat and yet is just a kid who never got to be a kid and i love him
After Eden - vashmeryl/milivio
I don't have this one in my catalog !!!!! a tragedy !!! (i stopped updating my catalog when i started writing what a shame T-T)
But i can chat about after eden bc i was there for its conception!!! and I beta for it teehee
but its an exploration of BT and i just
it hurts me
squid loves to hurt me
but it hurts so good T-T
if you love to see manga vash act like a spoiled brat and enjoy meryl whump, you will LOVE after eden
Not a Chance - vashmeryl
a lil fic written in the in the meadow universe and its by squid and i love squid and this is my favorite thing in the world
meryl contemplates why she had to fall in love with this doofus
Now, for just a HUGE line up of fics !! these will include my initial thoughts that i have saved in my catalog teehee:
Truth of a Memory by @fullcry
Vash and Meryl experiment with Vash’s telepathy and memory sharing.
one of my favs just because meryl and vash are so sweet to each other T-T
The Art of the Date by fullcry
Meryl and Milly pity Vash for being a terrible flirt, and Vash dares Meryl to a date to teach him to do better. Vash does better than anticipated.
i go back and reread this one often lol
Memories on Film by fullcry
okay.... this one is spicy and I'm not a huge fan of explicit content....
Other Ways to Speak by fullcry
Meryl kisses each and every one of Vash’s scars
inspired by this
No Reason by @eilwen
this is more of a collection of one shots rather than a complete story, but it has some very cute chapters.
Seriously one of the best fics. I'm still not completely caught up bc i have zero time, but its so incredibly written. i wanna be like eilwen when i grow up
Distractions by eilwen
eilwen at it again !!! their stuff is so good !!!!!!
this is an incredible exploration of meryl’s character and the growth of their relationship through the books she reads.
The End by @ginger-mosaic
Long fic. It is a vashmeryl fic but it is MORE of an exploration of Vash and Knives’ relationship after the events of the manga.
currently unfinished and I want to die because I need more. I love Livio
seriously an INCREDIBLE FIC. it is a book that could be published at this point its so good. not incredibly vashmeryl heavy, but it is there and i adore it sm T-T
The thomas in the room by @anime-grimmy
Paired with a comic by the author, this takes place after the events of the movie Trigun: Badlands Rumble.
Meryl is acting weird and Vash is determined to figure out what he did to make her so angry at him.
Saving Grace by anonymous
TRIGUN SPOILERS - biblically accurate vash. big angel boy
Meryl gets injured and vash tries something new in order to help her
uhhhh if you like monsters and big angels and kisses then uhhhhh this is for you
Roots by @magadauthan
Meryl and Vash have a… whirlwind of a relationship. Vash notices something strange about his hair. Meryl makes him clean the bathroom.
soooooooo silly and domestic and dumb they heal each other its cute.
Interjacence by herdedcats (jaina <3)
Vash and Meryl can’t sleep and decide to make donuts in the middle of the night. Unfortunately that also leave a lot of time for evaluating feelings and confessing thoughts.
no comfort :(
Flying or Falling by @madnessmadness
my two niche interests slammed together and its so good aldkjfsljdflkj
Bluebells by @needle-noggins
Like a Limb by @commander-goo
points aggressively
you like post trimax ? you like feathers and hurt/comfort ???
Wait, he can do that? by anonymous
meryl gets a glimpse into vash's ..... dreams.... and gets a bit flustered
Absolution by SMP
companion piece to tension, describes the intimate moment between Milly and Wolfwood just after he kills Zazie and before [MAJOR TRIGUN SPOILER]
one of the best millywood pieces out there. seriously so good and so soft and has some of the best imagery
i can see a lot of life in you by procrastinatingbookworm
Milly and Wolfwood share clothes
some trigun spoilers because of Wolfwood’s guilt :/
In Eden by MicrosuedeMouse
a 98 fic where wolfwood happens to be alive 1!!! and he’s scared to come forward and see milly………….
but then he sees her
Zirconium Blues by @madnessmadness
alt au where Nai is the hero and Vash is the villain……..
milly takes care of an injured nai and shes so country i love her so much
In the Moonlight by @veilder
How to say "You are the sun to my moon" in Flowers by FullmetalDude1
a cute fic inspired by in the meadow and its suuuper sweet
this is a flowershop au where knives is essentially domesticated by milly and i love them so much
Interested in the fics i didn't mention? here you go Lace's Fanfic Catalog
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ceruleansol · 1 year
So I’m workin on a lil (Vash x reader) somethin….
Nsfw to come once I finish and make this a whole other post
The routine noises are comforting. It starts the same every evening from where you sit resting against the armrest of the couch, reading the book he bought for you that month. Over the course of your five-year-long relationship, you learned the various ways Vash expresses and needs to receive love.
One of the ways he gives love is by gift giving, in which he studies you in detail and makes sure he enables every one of your passions. Every month he either buys you a book based on your preferences or picked out by himself for you to try. If he sees a pretty rock on the ground or has time to stop by the local crystal shop, he brings you crystals to add to your ever-growing collection. By the time you've added another passion or hobby to your repertoire, he's already created another mental list of ideas of what to gift you.
The set of different sketching pencils will arrive in the mail next week—with the specifications that it is a gift, so the price isn't showing.
What is more notable, however, is his need for quality time and physical touch. He will insist it's for you. He is hellbent on serving you and making sure you're comfortable, secure, and protected. It is innate and in his nature. Many a late and stressful night for the both of you has he chosen, unprompted and without complaint, to do the cooking or the cleaning or the laundry. But he'll also ask in that soft and sweet voice if you want to join him. He needs to take care of you and have you with him, but you know the real reason.
The noises continue in the bathroom down the hall that stretches straight ahead of you, the light bleeding sideways out of the cracked door. And it's by such repetitive routine that each tell paints a clear picture in your mind of him methodically undoing his prosthetic and placing it onto the countertop, a relieved breath following suit before he begins to tug his shirt over his head.
The door then opens like it does every evening where he steps out with only his pants remaining. It is this sight of him in particular that especially warms your heart and increases your fondness for your lover. No one else gets to see him in such a vulnerable state. Only you get to hold the weight of his trust and witness him and all his scars.
His eyes soften when he sees you with the book and he smiles. "Hey," he says as soft as his gaze and raises a hand to get your attention, though he's never lost it. "Wanna shower with me?"
He's met with only a growing smile on you at the familiar question, and so he pushes himself past the doorframe.
You watch him in adoration of his lean stature, the marred skin across his chest that reaches his back, the angle of his shoulders, and the gentle yet playful manner in which he steps toward you.
When he stops, his shins are against the couch between your legs, and he grins down at you. He nudges your leg with his to coax you out of the stupor he's surely noticed you in.
Blinking back into reality, you're met with the realization of how your head reaches the height of his abdomen when you sit down like this.
You know it well, just as well as he knows you; Vash gives what he needs to receive, and you intend to make sure he always gets as much as he gives.
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weirdcat1213 · 7 months
Almost 3am trigun brianrot time! This is long so be prepared
Tldr: it's about my idea of trigun 98 being the body, stampede the mind and trimax the soul
Ok so I was thinking about how TF I'm gonna handle trimax for @vashsscoreboardofpain (follow that is gonna be funny) and then I remembered an idea for a master post I wanted to do. I still want to make it but sadly I'm not at a stable position rn to do so. Maybe one day. But I still wanted to put that idea cuz it's slowly taking more form
Now, when I mean X is Y I mean it in a "this version of trigun has everything yes, but highlights Y the most and I think that's neat." Also it applies for all the characters but tonight I'm gonna focus on vash cuz im a vash enjoyer first and a person second. Yes my favorite character is the main one sue me.
Anyway, let's go
Trigun 98 is the body and vash encapsulates this idea in an interesting way. Plant powers aren't really a thing in this version so he is more like a super human with a fucked up arm. This makes him the closes to humans he's ever gonna be. But even if he doesn't have powers on this one, it was his and knives' bodies the cause that one guy's fear (its 3am I don't remember). He's afraid of how fast they grow and how much they learn. 98 also highlights vash's body being like everyone else's. He gets hurt multiple times, he needs nurses and kind people to look after him. Not only during the eriks episode but also on the episode after he kills legato. He also shows vulnerability by getting so drunk he needs to really focus to aim. He needs food and water. 98 Vash is really the closest one to humanity than the other 2, but only because of his physical attributes. Only because of his body, which bring him trouble most of the time. His vulnerable body is the cause of his misery, but it also allowed him to get close to people
Stampede is the mind cuz yeah, they had a specific mind palace episode (which I loved I ate that shit right up) but also because it does give us an easier access to everyone's mental state. We get to see this vash speedrun so many psychological problems in 12 episodes and is not gonna slow down. We literally get to see the guilt and terrors that plague his mind and how his mental fortitude exists thanks to other people. Also if you notice it, people just diagnose him left and right on stampede. Roberto picks up the ED signs, most characters tell him he has a death wish, nai straight up tells him he's doing good things out of guilt and vash allows himself to think about his contradictions outloud in episode 12 and why does he do the things he does (something that would be a therapy exercise I wanna say). Stampede is the mind cuz everyone is getting retrospective
And finally, trimax is the soul because it has more time to dwell on the characters emotions than any other version will ever give us. Instead of straight up diagnosis, trimax will give us panels to show us how vash feels about a situation. Instead of showing vash hurt from the horrors done to his body, trimax will focus on his pain. On his eyes that refuse to look at his own terrifying body that we can see, but only he can feel. What I mean is trimax is designed to drown us with emotion. The other versions are emotional af too, but trimax has that raw emotion up its sleeve. Trimax does nor dwell on the multiple scars vash has or his many Many mental problems. It shows us how fucked up vash's thoughts are about his body and his sins and we get to say "ohhhh...oh no". Trimaxs emotion is so heavy to bear that the body nor the mind are still present, but in comparison to the soul, they aren't highlighted. People say eyes are the windows of the soul and honestly I feel like you can learn so much of vash just from looking at his eyes. Once you focus on his soul and emotions you just can't let go of the feeling that this man will be drowned by his own emotions. Both positive and negative.
I want to rewrite this one day. Fuck, I'm pretty sure I got the Google doc somewhere. But I also wanted to put that idea out there. Because this doesn't mean one version is better than the other. It means that they all highlight different parts but they all end up in the same conclusion: trigun is about connections and alienation and love and peace
And vash needing therapy. Desperately.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Thinking about Vash's scars, and then I got to thinking about episode 1 of Stampede. In particular, this scene...
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I LOVE this scene! I love Vash's casualness. I love Meryl and Roberto's shocked faces. And I love how it suggests to the audience that this blond dork here could have gotten free at any given time. He just chose not to.
Not only did he choose not to, but it seems like he was so committed to the bit that he might have forgotten he was tied up in the first place. He only seems to remember and do anything about it when someone points it out. At which time he gets free, because it's no longer beneficial for him to pretend he can't escape.
And then there's this scene, also from episode 1...
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I know it's been talked about how this is physically impossible, but babygirl here is dodging bullets at point blank. I remember him doing something similar in '98, and even though I haven't read it yet, I'd bet money this sort of technique shows up in TriMax, too.
Point being, Vash is insanely, inhumanly fast, with exceptionally keen senses. Our girl Meryl might have a full-out side hobby of lassoing and rope tricks where she's good enough at them that she could be making her way through life doing those instead of journalism, and somehow I doubt she'd catch Vash if he didn't allow it. In fact, aside from extremely special circumstances like when Nai cuts off his arm, there isn't a being on the planet who should be able to touch him, much less hurt him.
Boy doesn't wanna get caught, he's not getting caught.
Boy doesn't wanna get shot, he's not getting shot.
Which means that practically every one of those scars likely came from 1) putting himself in danger to protect others like we see in episode 12, 2) a betrayal where he let his guard down around someone he shouldn't have or, 3) as we see in episode 10... an act of penance on his part.
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triplesilverstar · 10 months
A shower and some worship
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Rating: 18+
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Play, Scars, Scar Worship, Hand jobs, oral, groping, implied sex
Word count: Roughly 2K words
A/N: Part 17 of the series. I wrote this one while sick lol
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It was too much of a precious resource to waste, at least that’s what you keep telling yourself as his fingers glide along your stomach before dipping lower to tease you. The suds that had been on your skin sliding along with the spray of warm water before circling the drain and disappearing, a distraction from his hot breath in your ear. A distraction he remedies when he bites into the space where your neck connects to your shoulder harshly making you groan, body heated from more than just the shower. 
“I thou-” two of his fingers dip into you, thumb rubbing against your clit making you moan long and loud, or is it echoing in the small bathroom? “Thought, we were trying to” swallowing hard as his fingers start to press against a spot inside you that makes you see stars, if it wasn’t for his hands on you you’d be slumping to the bottom of the stall.  
“Thought we were trying to what, Mayfly?” His voice is teasing in your ear, a light nip to the outer shell while one arm is wrapped around your middle, keeping your body pressed against his. His other hand is still working your cunt, fingers making a scissor motion inside of you while his thumb keeps working your clit. 
“Save water” voice barely above a mumble, one of your hands pressed against the slick tiles trying to keep yourself grounded, the other gripping the gap in the forearm of his prosthetic wrapped around you. 
A laugh in your ear and Vash is biting into the side of your neck, above your pulse point, making you hiss back arching and you can feel the scrape of his scars against your skin. “I think that went out the window when you told me I could help you rinse off.” 
While you had said that, the plan had been to shower and then move to the bed for the rest of the night. Not get finger fucked in the bathroom under the streaming water. As his fingers keep moving inside of you, a third added and you feel yourself shudder in his hold. A weak whimper as his thumb presses harder against your clit.
“That’s my lady, so serious all the time, I love hearing your turn into a moaning mess at my touch” fingers curling and twisting in your insides. Body torn from enjoying the feeling of his fingers inside of you and the feel of his teeth dragging along your skin. He can argue with you all he wants, but knowing his sharp little canines are leaving lines of welts against your body is making your core burn. 
“Vash” his name and the way you say it, so breathy does something to him, the speed of his fingers plunging in and out of you moving fast enough that you tip over that edge he had you on. A scream starting in your throat, silenced by his prosthetic moving to slap over your mouth while he works to drag out your orgasm. 
“Can’t get too loud, don’t wanna get kicked out do we?” Nodding against his hand, you do have to agree. That had been an awkward night getting kicked out of the hotel with a noise complaint. 
Breathing deeply through your nose, feeling loose and content you smile knowing he can feel the movement of your facial muscles against his prosthetic and how sensitive it is. Humming when he finally pulls his fingers from your drenched core, leaning back against him while he deals with shutting the shower off.
“Can you stand?” Both of his arms are around you now, wrapping you in his embrace, part of you wishing to stay like that for a while longer. Another part of you wanting to get this show on the road, putting a plan in place to get back at your pretty plant man. 
“Yea. I’m not that fucked out of it Sunshine.” A soft laugh and a swat to your ass as he releases you, handing you a towel to dry yourself off with. Stepping outside the shower after him you have to grin, watching as he leans over to dry his long legs. Unable to resist, wrapping the towel around yourself, reaching forward to grab an asscheek in each hand. “My, these sure are some nice buns.” 
A quick flinch when you grab him, before he’s laughing at your antics “I’d argue, but I can’t see them. So I guess.” Laughing along with him while he keeps drying himself off, you press a series of soft kisses along the scars of his back. “You’re making a mess on the floor” a hint of annoyance lacing his tone and you know why. Even after all the time the two of you have been together he’s still not happy when you show his scars attention. 
“It’s water. It 'll dry.” Stepping away from him and starting to dry your own body off, giving his hands a swat when he reaches for his underwear. “Leave them off. I wanna do something.” A raised eyebrow but he leaves them sitting on the counter, sauntering out to the room. 
You can only giggle at the sway of his hips, but you're not going to be so easily distracted.  Following after him, as he makes a motion for you to crawl into the bed, shaking your head at him. “Naw. I want you on your back, pretty man.” 
Throwing the sheet and covers back he lays down in the center folding his arms under his head so he can keep watching you. A lick of your lips at the feast laid out before you, and you are going to indulge yourself. 
Crawling onto the bed near his feet you grin, keeping your body hovering just above his as you crawl up over him. Feeling the heat radiating from his skin, the bob of his cock as you pause to press a kiss to his inner thigh, him moaning under you before moving on. Letting his cock press between the skin of your breasts as you keep moving forward. Pressing kisses along the skin of his chest as you go.
Stopping when you’re nose to nose and lowering your hips to his, cock trapped between both your bodies, and you kiss him with all the passion you can muster. Moving closer when he pulls his hands from behind his head to grip your shoulders, trying to pull you flush against him. A content sigh as you pull away from him.
“Will you let me do what I want tonight? No bitching or groaning about what I do?” Keeping your tone teasing as you lean to press your lips against his beauty mark, feeling his exhale against your face. 
“Alright, I’ll just lay here and let you do what you want.” You have to laugh, his attempt at being suave undercut by that hint of desperation in his voice. Oh you are going to enjoy this. One more kiss and you lean back, sliding down his body and keeping your skin just above his own. That a deep enough inhale from either of you would be enough to close the distance. Your first target in easy reach. 
Lowering your head to run your tongue along the metal wire across the center of his chest, his chest shaking under your moist breath. “I know you don’t like them.” A kiss pressed to each end of the metal, before turning your head to the scar starting at his shoulder and running down the left side of his chest. A line of kisses interrupting your words. “So maybe tonight, you’ll see that at least they don’t bother me.” Reaching the mass of raised scar tissue over his pec, where his nipple should have been, you suck gently hearing him hiss. 
“I love all of you Vash. From your blond hair and goofy grin, to that tiny scar around your thumb.” Raising your body up once more so you can move down the right side of his body, another trail of kisses. The tip of your tongue trailing the metal wire gracing his other pec, ignoring the hardened nipple in favor of moving downward along the smooth metal. 
“Mayfly, come on” he’s whimpering and you can hear him fist the sheets trying to keep his breathing regular. 
“You agreed” voice rising and falling as if you’re singing “no bitching.” A harder suck to one of the scars that just above his hips, feeling his cock twitch under your chest, leaving a wet trail against the skin it brushes against. 
Ignoring his weeping cock you keep going, kissing, licking, and sucking along every scar, and piece of metal you find down one of his long legs, repeating the pattern going up the other leg. All the while whispering to him how handsome he is, how caring he is, how much you love him and his kind nature. 
A final press of lips to the metal resting just above his left hip, before you look him in the eye. A light sheen of sweat on his forehead, blue eyes blown wide, skin a dusky pink, and you feel your heart starting a tempo in your chest. Smiling full of love when you look at him. “Tell me, will you at least work on not making a fuss when I touch your scars from now on?” 
He’s nodding, and you grin “words baby.” 
A long swallow “I’ll try, for you my pretty bounty hunter.” 
“That’s all I ask.” Lowering your head so your in the center of his abs, pressing a trail of kisses as you work downward to where his cock is. “Now let's take care of that shall we.” A quick hiss of agreement as you wrap a hand around his heated flesh. 
Taking the tip to your lips and pressing them to the slit and sucking every so lightly as you pump him, watching him jolt. A twist of your wrist rewards you with a moan, popping off his cock and angling him so you can place long licks from his base to the tip, keeping your tongue flat. 
A whimper that sounds a lot like your name, as you keep licking him, enjoying watching every twitch and jerk his cock is making against the wet muscle and your hand. Once he’s covered in spit, you wrap your hand around him again.
Slowly pumping him before taking one of his balls in your mouth, humming lightly as you tease rolling his nut around in your mouth. Your other hand pressing up against the other one, letting your palm roll him around gently. 
Hearing his breathing quicken you don’t stay there for long, still pumping and pulling off his nut with a pop and leaning up to properly wrap your mouth around the head of his cock. Tongue swirling around the tip as you hollow your cheeks, pumping along his length and rolling his balls up and around his base. 
It doesn’t take long before Vash is a moaning mess, chest heaving and hissing through his teeth. You don’t get a warning. Just a mouthful of his cum while his back arches, still sucking and swallowing his thick seed, dragging out his orgasm. As you feel the final spurt you pull away, making a show of taking a deep breath and licking your lips. 
Vash has one of his arms thrown over his face while he pants away, trying to catch his breath and to hide the blush still coloring his cheeks. “You make it both really hard and easy to love you ya know.” You laugh at his exasperation, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before moving up and laying on your side next to him. 
“Right back at you, Sunshine.” As you lay there, you place a hand on his chest, fingers tracing a similar path you had with your mouth. Maybe you’ll start to do this little ritual with every new scar he gets, where you cover all of them in kisses. He might finally get the hint then. 
“Keep that up and I'll be ready to pound you into this mattress, Mayfly.” You grin, eyes flicking to face to see him watching you from beneath his arm. A sly grin along his own lips. 
“Hmmm, promises, promises” leaning over to catch his lips in a soft kiss. 
Vash does make good on that promise, pounding you into the mattress, and in the morning you’re both just happy you didn’t get a noise complaint. 
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Hey there again! I wanna ask for Vash x reader who also has a ton of scars from various sources (fights, accidents, stray cats, etc.) and is a bit nervous about how he might react to them. Twist is, they actually kinda like their scars and personally think they're actually kinda pretty on a good day. They like finding little patterns in them. It's only other people's reactions they're insecure about. They also make sure Vash knows they're entirely non-judgmental about his scars and think he's absolutely beautiful. Hope this isn't too long of an ask fjfifjcusisj thank u <3
Constellations on Your Skin
Pairing: Vash x reader
A/N: As somebody who's got scars and actually thinks they're cool, I LOVE this prompt! It's not too long an ask at all, thank you for requesting!! Hopefully this is sorta what you were hoping for??
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You never really understood why other people made you so nervous with respect to your scars. Sure, you had plenty of them, and you genuinely found them beautiful on the odd day, but why did the idea of other people seeing them make you wanna hide and never come out?
And Vash... Vash, of all people, made you nervous.
'But why? He's literally the nicest guy, so why does he make you nervous about your scars?' You thought to yourself, trying to piece it together.
'Maybe because he'll never look at you the same way ever again,' a little voice whispered from within, making a shiver go down your back - you didn't want to picture that.
"Hey, (Y/N)? You okay? You've been super quiet and you look troubled," Vash's voice interrupted your thoughts, causing you to look up quickly. Vash stood in front of you, looking down at you with a gently-concerned expression.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, Vash. Thanks for checking, but I promise I'm alright," You brushed him off, offering him a smile you hope he'd buy as a distraction.
Clearly, though, Vash knew better than that. A slight frown appeared on his face and he sat down in the sand next to you, watching you carefully.
"I don't know about that. You've had an awfully serious look on your face for a little while, and it looks like something's bothering you. You know you can talk to me about anything, right, (Y/N)?"
Vash's tone was gentle, and you could see the kindness and genuine worry in his eyes as he spoke to you. You never really understood how he could continue being so kind and genuine after all the horrible things that had happened to him.
You let out a soft sigh, thinking a bit to yourself, weighing your options - would it be worth just voicing your fears out in the open? In front of Vash? Would that take away some of the weight of your fears? Or would it just confirm them and leave you feeling like you wished you could disappear?
"Y-You don't have to tell me!" Vash let out a small, nervous laugh, "I-I just wanted to make sure you knew you had somebody to talk to if you needed to!"
You just shook your head quickly, "No, no! It's not that, Vash. I-" You swallowed hard, a weak smile appearing on your lips, "I'm just trying to figure out if I'm brave enough to actually talk about what's bothering me."
Vash just smiled at you, scooching closer to you and nudging your shoulder gently with his, "Aww, don't be so hard on yourself, (Y/N). You're plenty brave, no question about that!"
You let out a soft laugh at that, and somehow, just that small action and single interaction gave you the strength to do something you didn't really ever do around others - you rolled up your sleeves.
Your skin was marked with several scars, some older and faded, some newer and more visible, and of all different origins. Vash's eyes widened as his gaze landed on your scars, and you could see them flitting from scar to scar, taking them in.
"I've got a lot of these, from all sorts of situations," You explained softly, looking down at your skin, smiling softly to yourself, "Fights, accidents, even just stray animals who didn't trust me much, they're all here. Don't get me wrong, I actually like my scars. I think they can be beautiful sometimes - telling my stories to those who see them and reminding me I've survived through a lot. The problem is... others who see them don't think the same way I do. They look at me differently once they see them."
"What do you mean?" Vash asked softly, his eyes leaving your skin to look into your eyes as he asked, "How do people see you once they've seen your scars?"
You shrugged slightly, rolling your sleeves back down, "They pity me. Or treat me like I'm made of glass and that I'll shatter if they look at me wrong. I just... am always afraid of how people will react when they see my scars."
"What?" You looked at Vash, your eyebrows raising in confusion.
Vash simply smiled, before extending his hand out to you, silently asking you to give him your hand. Slowly, you extended your hand to him and before you could register what was happening, Vash gently rolled your sleeve back up and began tracing patterns across your skin, connecting scars to each other.
"See? They're constellations!" Vash just grinned at you warmly, and you couldn't help but smile at him in return as he continued to explain, "You've got constellations on your skin."
After a moment, you began to laugh softly, more to yourself than out loud, "I do that, too. I draw patterns on my skin sometimes. It... makes me happier about them. Makes me feel like they're not so bad."
"They're part of you. And that makes them beautiful."
You looked up at Vash as he said that, heat rising to your face as he smiled at you.
"D-Do you really think so?" You asked quietly, your gaze meeting his.
Vash just nodded, his smile only widening, "Of course. They're part of you, (Y/N), how could they be anything but beautiful? They're you."
You only felt the heat intensifying in your face as you replied, "Thank you, Vash... that's kind of you to say. I-I was really scared of what you would think when you saw them."
Vash's eyes widened, "You were nervous because of me? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like-"
"No, no!" You cut him off immediately, shaking your head, "It's nothing you did, Vash, I promise! You've been wonderful about everything, and extremely sweet, it's just my own fear."
Vash just looked at you, the expression on his face telling you that he wasn't entirely convinced, so you just sighed out, "I-I guess... I just didn't want you to treat me or think of me differently. You're one of the best people I know, and it would hurt the most if you did end up treating me differently. Not that you would! I just..."
You trailed off, grasping as straws as you tried to figure out how to get across that you didn't blame Vash for your fears.
"I have a lot of scars, too."
Vash's voice was so quiet that you almost didn't hear him. You glanced over at him, your eyes wide as he continued to speak,
"I'm covered in them. I don't like people seeing them, either. It's... embarrassing. I've got a lot of scars."
Now it was Vash's turn to look at you in confusion, causing you to smile gently at him just as he had at you.
"You've got a lot of constellations, Vash," You explained, smiling at him, "Just like me. We both have a lot of constellations on our skin. Your scars are distinctly part of you, Vash, and they're beautiful because they're a part of you. You're beautiful, truly. More so than I think you know or will ever let yourself believe. So, if you ever need reminding, I'll be there to do just that."
Vash just took in your words, the very same he had given you just minutes prior, suddenly seeing them in a new light. A gentle blush spread across his cheeks as Vash felt his heart fluttering in his chest, a small smile appearing on his lips. Maybe, just maybe, for once, he'd let himself believe you.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
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eshtaresht · 2 years
oh damn oh jees I'm so normal sooo sooooo normal rn ahaha! emotionally, I'm feeling sorta ZGBZFDHZV HV ZDH DZVVZDS ZD ZZV LZV. like, it's trigun, I expected it to hit hard BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO HIT SO HARD spoilers for ep 10 under the cut as usual
tbh I'm mostly shaking about the next ep and impending season finale, but this one was still pretty brutal
firstly, the goofs. vash fucking SNEESING and getting ruthlessly bullied by wolfwood is pretty much in spirit of their relationship in 98' anime and I'd love to see more of it (pls I hope there'll be a season 2)
scar reveal! I was afraid they're gonna give him a glow up and yeah, some scars are barely visible, but the other ones look awful. so, everything I hoped for, good to see he's in pain /j. also nico tried so hard not to stare at shirtless vash... he's looking away respectfully
vash is such a wet cat pathetic paperbag of a guy... just let that guy take a shot, barely flinched, took the bullet 'cause he thinks he deserved it. didn't even think of attending the wound until wolfwood said so. and, mind you, vash doesn't have any superhuman abilities so that must've hurt like hell
nico's job is so funny because to keep vash safe he has to get into mega epic fights, but also remind that idiot to eat and take care of wounds. again, vashwood duo feels more like the original now, after the sandsteamer. I think nico actualy started caring about vash since he saved the orphanage, it's great to see him conflicted with his mission
also policemen from ep 1 and the guy who shot vash are like... second best side characters in stampede and this is not a compliment. the best ones are nomads who ate worms btw
oh meryl, she's gonna girlboss so hard now... woe to all the haters and naysayers, she's getting character development and faces the same conflict as vash and nico thus gaining more narrative significance!! don't get me wrong, manga and 98' anime meryl was a crucial character, but she's getting much more freedom in stampede to develop and get into action
the moment where she gets up during wolfwood voiceover is when we start to see the "iron lady" and I'm so here for it! now we just have to wait for her designated therapy dog girlfriend to appear and when I can be at peace
tbh I don't really care about roberto. no hate, just neutral, rip drunckle grumps
everybody just dumped zazie... so rude, meryl didn't even answer their question >:(
elendira is..... not bad, but disappointing in comparison to the manga's gorgeously evil and hilariour girlboss who was also explicitly trans! oh look, she's a child experiment plant hybrid now, yay... meh
TESLA CONFIRMED omg I'm SOO exited for the next episode we're gonna be in SO MUCH PAIN
knives yeeting vash into the pit got a giggle out of me, but also... damn he actually was preparing all these years, crafting a perfect trap. and all the plants... he couldn't fix them and boy oh boy, I'm pretty sure he gathered them not for safekeeping... HE'S GONNA DO A LAST RUN ON THEM TO "FIX" VASH!! that was probably what elendira was refering to when she started crying
I am the normallest about this. these twins are such hyppocrites I wanna study and dissect them. knives doing the most cruel thing to his sisters so he can get rid of everything that makes vash human in hopes that if they were on the same footage they would finally stay together.......
and the words that he says to vash hurt so much more because it's true. he does love humans, but the main thing driving him is guilt. in stampede, more than ever, vash blames himself for pretty much all human suffering, because he helped the great fall happen. no wonder he's so depressed and not nearly as goofy! homeboy doesn't just protect the lives rem saved, his pacifistic quest is penance for all the people he (thinks he) killed
july is going to destroy him.
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