#i just want to see the doctor and river song as wives
expectiations · 3 months
I feel shy saying this because this could be blown out of proportion but I am so grateful for the Space Wives Incident of 2024.
It has helped me shove down how they made Rogue a speed run of River's character and how everyone's now putting them side by side and begging for him to come back when Alex has been absolutely willing to drop everything back to pop back in the series.
"But River's story is done. There's no need for her to come back. We need new characters." Blah blah blah
First of all, I don't care. It's fucking Alex Kingston. Of course I want to see her on my screen.
And two, River's story ended in the episode where we met her. And it's Doctor Who. Anything is possible.
And three, with the way the Space Wives Incident of 2024 is still reigning on Twitter (and even here on Tumblr) is a testament of how much we missed out on not seeing Space Wives during 13's era.
Yes. Yes. "Big Finish is there." NO. I want Space Wives on my fucking screen. I wanna see Space Wives make out on my fucking screen. I wanna see River staring sappily at Thirteen while she happily yaps away about something she found. I wanna see an upset 13 because she wanted to kiss River but has to reach up on her tippy toes. I wanna see a flustered 13 because River just smooched her out of nowhere (she was in the middle of yapping happily about this planet of custard creams). I wanna see a sappy 13 proudly showing off her wife, the Professor River Song. I wanna see a hyper puppy 13 dragging River around, about to combust from the excitement and adrenaline.
Or you know, I just wanna see Space Wives in general on my fucking screen.
I mean, look at all these Space Wives fan art popping up barely even a day after!
mourns forever
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hey~ Just want to drop a RoR request with terminally ill teen reader. Reader is scare she won't make it and but already made her peace. So, one day, her family overheard her singing this song:
And finds out she wants them to sing that song, should she died... Both happy and sad ending, please
I legit made myself cry writing this. I’m gonna combine the two endings, making it sad first then happy.
-Your family was your rock, your cheerleaders, the ones who kept you going as you were fighting so hard.
-They always told you that someone so young, so small, shouldn’t have to fight something like this, a terminal disease that was slowly taking you from them, piece by piece.
-You could see their anger and their tears when they thought you weren’t looking, showering you with nothing but smiles, so you wouldn’t feel so scared, despite being scared themselves.
-You did what you could to help cheer them up, spending time with them, asking each of them questions about their own lives, wanting stories from them.
-You had made peace with your illness when doctors told you that you were terminal, you had been prepared for it, as they feared you were, and when it was announced, you were the only calm one in the room while your family were the ones who were crying, stunned stiff, and even a few who yelled at the doctors, asking if there was anything that could be done.
-There was nothing they could do. The only thing available was to make you comfortable and live each day like it was your last, as they never knew when it would be.
-Your family were always around to spend time with you, to help you with anything that you needed or wanted.
-They were in the backyard, cleaning up the fallen leaves, as winter was soon arriving, the trees shedding their leaves and they wanted the backyard to be clean so when you looked out there, it wouldn’t be a mess.
-Your bedroom window was opened, just a hair, and a soft voice rose over the backyard, singing quietly, until everyone was looking up at your window, stunned stiff, many quickly crying, “If I die young, bury me in satin~ lay me down on a bed of roses~~ sink me int the river at dawn~ send me away with the words of a love song~~”
-Your voice was weak but still so beautiful as you sang to them, unaware they were all listening to you.
-Eve told them, after bringing you some hot honey tea, after asking about the pretty song you had sang, that you wanted them to sing that song for you, so you could hear them when you died, so you could find your way home to them.
-It was only two days later when you left, quietly and without a fuss.
-Adam was the one who found you, shouting out your name and the rest of your massive family were quickly in your room, seeing Adam’s hands on either side of your head, cupping your face as his head was on the bed, his shoulders shaking.
-Loki fell back out of your room, his hands over his mouth as he slid to the ground, sliding down the wall as his tears seemed to rob him of his voice.
-Brunnhilde and Randgriz held Goll tightly as she was sobbing, with Thrud holding all three of them as she cried.
-Eve had collapsed to her knees, sobbing into her hands, crying out your name while Zeus was biting his bottom lip, tears slipping out the sides of his eyes, Poseidon and Hades on either side of him, Hades openly crying and Poseidon stunned, unable to react.
-Kojiro was the one to pull Adam away from you, hugging him tightly when the father turned on him, arms going around him tightly.
-Raiden and Shiva were openly crying, hugging Shiva’s three wives in a group hug, sharing their grief together.
-Buddha had silent tears streaming down his face as he clutched the sobbing Zerofuku, the two hugging each other tightly.
-Odin was one who didn’t cry, staring down at you, seeing the smile on your face, his throat clenched to the point of pain.
-Thor and Lu Bu looked mostly calm, but anyone could see their glares, unshed tears in both of their eyes while Ares was kneeling in front of them, sobbing loudly with Hermes kneeling next to him, hugging his brother, crying himself.
-Jack was calm looking, but he was in anguish, seeing the same color in everyone, overwhelming sadness, it made his heart ache, turning away only to find himself embraced by Hercules, who was crying, and Jack felt his tears welling before easily falling.
-Beelzebub let himself be embraced by Nikola, who hugged him tightly, burying his head in the shorter man’s shoulder, but Beelzebub didn’t realize he was crying himself until he felt his own shoulders shaking with soft sobs.
-You were gone.
-They made you a little shrine in the backyard, a beautiful grave, right in front of the massive tree that you spent so much time under before you were unable to.
-Goll sniffled softly, in Thrud’s arms before she spoke, “What was-was that song that Y/N sang that she wanted us to sing for her?”
-Everyone was mostly silent, not answering before Brunnhilde, who was sitting next to Odin and Adam, began to sing, her head low as she began to cry again, “If I die young, bury me in satin~ lay me down on a bed of roses~~ sink me int the river at dawn~ send me away with the words of a love song~~”
-Odin put his hand on her head, silently comforting her as her shoulders shook with her sobs as she only just barely was able to sing.
-A gentle breeze blew past your crying family, the wind was warm, in comparison to the chilly day and instantly many were smiling, feeling your presence, knowing what you said was true, that song guided you home to them.
-As they packed up your belongings, Kojiro came across a shoebox filled with letters, addressed to all of them, one each, all dated only the day before you had passed, giving each of them words of encouragement and love, telling them to live their lives after mourning you but to not dwell on you, promising each of them that you would come home, just in ways they would least expect it.
-Every letter ended in the same way, just for the different individual, telling them that you loved them so much.
-Your letters, although beautiful and meaningful to each one of them, led to more crying and mourning your loss, but soon they were able to move on, but never forgot about you.
-There wasn’t a day that went by, for each and every one of them, that they didn’t think about you, or look out to your grave, missing your smiling face, but as promised, you were there when the flowers bloomed the next spring, the blossoms that normally grew were a slightly different color, and they bloomed in that shade every year from then on out.
-You were always with them, like how they had always been with you.
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possum-quesadilla · 1 month
New chapter of Time’s Arrow, “Good luck, babe! You’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling” is up! Everyone say “thank you, concussion.” (Don’t actually. It sucks.) THIS CHAPTER IS PARTICULARLY ROUGH. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS CAREFULLY AND PROCEED WITH CAUTION!
As always, here are the extras!
- The lyrics for this chapter’s title are from “Good Luck, Babe!” By Chappell Roan! I think it is pretty self explanatory, haha.
- The songs for this chapter are “A Deer Mistaking Candles for Headlights” by Crywank, “Racehorse: Get Married!” By Jordaan Mason, “bad idea!” By girl in red, “Gross” by Penelope Scott, “maggot belly” by awfultune, “Lavender” by Penelope Scott, “Personal” by Stars, “Little Soldiers” by The Crane Wives, “Butch 4 Butch” by Rio Romeo, and, of course, “Good Luck, Babe!” By Chappell Roan!
- “ “Go! Class starts in…” he leaned away, squinting hard at the clock on the wall just outside the kitchen. “… some.. amount of time.” “… I need to take you to the optometrist.” The teen opened the door and went to step outside, ignoring the demon’s ‘huh?’.” - Beetlejuice’s eyesight suuuuucks. They’ve never been to an eye doctor, or even heard of one. They really need glasses. Perhaps they will get some soon!
- “The very thought of the feeling of food in his mouth, of the savory and salty tastes and mushy textures overwhelming his senses made his stomach turn. But the tug at his non-functional heart strings at the image of Barbara’s disheartened expression was stronger, more painful.” - Not the best motivation to eat, but honestly, any motivation can be good motivation when you’re having trouble getting yourself to eat!
- “Did anyone see you? You barely pass as human, and you’re a stranger in this town. Did anyone bother you? Are you alright?” “Geez, Chuck, when-” “Where have you been?! Do you know how late it is, young man?” - Get parent-ed, idiot!
- “‘Young man’? I am neither of those.” - This is a cheeky reference to a similar joke in “Good Omens”!
- “… English isn’t my best language.” “What others do you know?” “.. let’s put a pin in that convo, D-Dog. Your energy is distracting in the best way.” “Aww, thank you!” - a little peak at Beej and Delia’s friendship. I will probably expand more on it if I ever write the extra chapters!
- “Charles furrowed his brows. “Where did you get that laptop?” ” … “… where did you get that one?” - He stole them.
- “ “The what?” Charles sat up straight, brows knit in… concern? Beetlejuice wasn’t sure.” - he is not used to parental concern! Get cared about, fool!
- “… ‘Surely the average White River townie will be petrified by your demonic beauty!’” He chuckled to himself. He thought perhaps he imagined Barbara, Adam, and Delia laughing as well. “First of all, thank you, you’re too kind.” ” - A little peep at the smug, braggy little guy he used to be! And yes, they did laugh at his joke in agreement. He just doesn’t want to hear it because he can’t accept love.
- “Semi-tamed curly hair, now brown with irritating grey streaks he couldn’t get rid of. Manic honey-brown eyes instead of yellow serpentine ones, blemishes on his face instead of moss. Skin now pink, but still pale.” - yeah, basically just Alex Brightman, just with brown, curly hair. Surprise!
- “…wrist-length black driving gloves to cover his blackened fingertips.” - This, along with a line later on, is heavily inspired by the character Theo from “The Haunting of Hill House”. See if you can spot it! She similarly is very sensitive, and wears gloves to avoid direct physical contact with others.
- “They hate it. Fuck. Maybe next-day delivery holy water is still an option?” - ABSOLUTELY NOT
- “They look like a substitute teacher.” - Dewey Finn reference! I see a lot of Beetlejuice fans talking about the “School of Rock” musical. I’ve only seen the movie, and I love it. Should I give it a listen?
- “ “They look… nice.” Adam’s cheeks were flushed a dark pink. Barbara let out a delighted giggle as she rubbed her hands over his facial hair. “What a professional little man!” ” - They think he is so handsome. Barbara cannot control her cuteness aggression.
- “Lydia, pumpkin, I don’t want the people of this town thinking of me as a scoundrel. He obviously is too old to be E-.. Emily’s son.” - He’s trying his best to keep Emily relevant and talked about!! It’s just a bit hard still. Also, yeah, no one would really believe the man with greying hair was spawned from Charles and Emily.
- “He hadn’t been opposed to people thinking he was his son.” - he has never been called someone’s son in a positive way! New experience unlocked!
- “He was… happy. Light. Warm. He felt like he could rip apart a car with his teeth.” - like yours truly, Beetlejuice gets the urge to bite and rip things apart with his teeth when he is excited.
- “ “… I’ll tell folks I’m a distant Maitland relative. Maybe a cousin!” Beetlejuice grabbed Lydia’s arm, going to pull her out the door, missing the way Adam and Barbara wrinkled their noses at the word ‘cousin’.” - I wonder why they were so opposed to him being called a cousin? Hmmm.
- “Beetlejuice slides the Book across the counter and holds out a pen. “Have you heard about our Loyalty Program?” ” - what a weird, suspicious insistence he has. I wonder why that ‘Book’ is capitalized. Surely that must be an error? ;)
- “He bolts off, excusing that he needs to go find Percy and put him in ‘extreme air jail’.” - ‘Extreme air jail’ is when he floats off the ground while holding Percy up. Like regular air jail, but extreme.
- “Aftershave. Tung oil. Black tea. Tea-tree oil and nicotine.” - the smells, respectively, are from Charles, Adam, Barbara, and Delia! Delia smells like her vape pen a bit.
- “Lydia released the demon’s hands, slowly stepping behind them. “I’m behind you, alright? I’m gonna take your blindfold off.” ” - Lydia educated herself on his triggers and is careful not to come up behind him/touch his back or chest without letting him know first!
- “The walls had a familiar striped wallpaper applied to them..” - they recreated the striped walls from when Beej took over the house!
- “… pocketed figurines of various horror characters and stupid-looking colorful monsters. (Adam had called them “pokay-men”?)” - Beetlejuice stole a bunch of Pokémon funko pops without knowing anything about them, except that Adam likes them.
- Two “Lisa Frankenstein” references! The poster, as well as the name of a character later.
- “The ceiling was lined with familiar gentle string lights, the bulbs giving off a soft yellow glow.” - gentle lighting for his sensitive eyes, courtesy of Adam and Barbara! He never really turns on the overhead lights.
- “A large, fuzzy, purple rug covered most of the hard concrete floor.” - Delia picked this out for him! She knows how much he loves Floor Time.
- “… seemingly home-made black and white quilt..” - Barbara made it herself!
- “.. and a rotund black cat plush Lydia had ordered off of Amazon and claimed was for herself.” - it is a squishmallow. Beej still has no idea what they are, but Lyds got one just for him!
- “.. even a rocking chair covered in a bright green fleece blanket in the corner-” - Charles picked out that blanket after seeing how much Beetlejuice enjoyed the fleece blanket on the guest bed!
- “Like Dad said, you deserve your own space, big guy.” - ‘Dad’ is capitalized like that because Lydia considers Charles both her and Beej’s dad now.
- “They still aren’t sure what to do, way later that night, as they lie in their very own bed for the first time. They’d never had a space of their own.” - yeah, he’s never had his own bed. Or room. He mostly slept on the floor growing up, sometimes under a stove!
- “.. as he stared up at the multitude of gently glowing green stars plastered on the ceiling.” - Delia heard that his name is based on a star, so she got these and carefully plotted them out to match the real night sky/constellations!
- “ “I was only thirteen, Beetlejuice.” … “I dunno, Sexy. Arson is a pretty mild form of revenge. I was doin’ a lot worse for a lot less at that age.” ” - Beetlejuice had suggested that Adam should’ve set a bully’s backpack on fire.
- “And you don’t wanna put your weapon up against your victim’s back. Makes it real easy for them to just take it from ya.” - This is true! A little bit of self defense advice!
- “Do you get all your mugging tools at Home Depot? God/Satan, you’re butch.” And “My tit!” - These are both “Jennifer’s Body” references. I couldn’t help myself.
- “… red sleeveless sweater, frowning at the blood-stained button-up underneath. “My.. good friend gave me this stupid, tacky sweater vest…” ” - Yeah he dresses like his human disguise like Dewey Finn because of Adam.
- “It was tacky and itchy and smelled like mothballs, but it was still something one of his favorite ghosts had given him.” - Beetlejuice savors every single thing given to him, because no one really ever gave him presents before.
- “Don’t say Barbara, don’t say Barbara- “Ba-.. Bab… Babette.” What the fuck was that? Babette? “Yeah. Babette… ” ” - Of course, the town remembers Adam and Barbara, so he has to call them by other names. ‘Babette’ is what he thought of on the spot.
- Suprise! Ash is Sky the Girl Scout’s sister! Her full name is “Ashlyn Swallows”, but she only wants to go by “Ash”.
- “Fuuuuck.” … “ “.. damn. That… that, uh… poor girl..” Fuck, the Maitlands and Charles and Delia are going to be so mad when they hear about this.” - Asshole Beej, my beloved. He only cares about his own humans, and not at all how he impacts anyone outside his circle.
- “…and a fair wage from my own pocket.” - So the business doesn’t suffer from the absurd amount of money he is going to pay this kid.
- “Beetlejuice’s ear flicked at the sound of her heartbeat quickening, the jewelry clinking irritably.” - Yeah he hates the jewelry, but he had a hard time saying ‘no’ to Cyrus’ gifts.
- “… yeah. I didn’t realize she’d remember, though.” - Hmm. I wonder if anyone else remembers things that occurred during the loop?
- “… and Barbara enjoyed the occasional sniff of his glass.” - Since she can’t drink the wine, Beetlejuice is letting her smell it instead. Not the same, but it’s still nice!
- “Barbara was sat right up next to him on the couch, leaning on his side and keeping an arm loosely around his midsection.” … “They try their best not to melt at Barbara’s touch as she starts to gently scratch at their chin.” … “His ears went back at the delighted little squeak from Barbara, but he relaxed as she wrapped her arms around him and tightly squeezed. “There he is!” Beetlejuice felt his tail quivering as he wrapped one arm around her in turn. “Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m the most handsome devil you’ve ever seen.” The ghost softly huffed. “It’s true!” ” - Barbara is laying it on THICK. Too bad Beetlejuice’s skull is thicker!
- “.. the demon jumped as Delia leaned in close, scrunching up his nose at the smell of wine on her breath, the sudden increase in all of the sounds of her body functioning. Lungs expanding, blood flowing, joints creaking. It was much harder to ignore when she was that close.” - Beej is constantly overwhelmed by the noises everything makes, especially since he’s not taking care of his sensory needs.
- “The demon slowly let out a breath once Delia leaned back into her place again, his grip on Barbara tightening. Why was it so hard to allow humans to be close?” - BECAUSE HE DOESN’T PAY ATTENTION TO HIS SENSORY NEEDS. And also people suck sometimes.
- “He glanced down at the ghost, hurriedly looking away and taking a swig of his wine when he found her staring up at him with a soft, fond look in her eyes.” - Oh, he’s big stupid. Thankfully, Barbara likes her men just a wee bit stupid.
- “Beetlejuice slurred, finishing off his glass. He went to release Barbara and reach out to refill it, but she gripped onto him tighter.” … “He felt the wine glass be tugged from his grip.” - Barbara decided he had enough, and is gently cutting him off here.
- “(If anything, at least the alcohol was dulling the horrid sounds of the house settling, of the wind blowing and clouds churning, of the distant call of the cicadas. He could no longer feel how tight the stupid dress shirt was, feel his own teeth sitting in his skull. It was nice. Perhaps he should drink more often.)” - unfortunately, a staggering amount of adults with autism use alcoholism to cope with symptoms they have yet to learn how to properly cope with, and to help them better socialize.
- “Just like there’s some stupid part of me that’ll always hope my Ma will turn herself around and start carin’ about me.” - AUGH. The anguish of having abusive parents. Some stupid hard-wired part of your brain is always hopeful they’ll just decide to be good one day.
- “… kids are great like that. They’re made with this…. Hard wired love for their parents.” … “I always thought.. it would be great to take all the love I had saved up for her, all the love she never returned, and… pass it on.” - HE JUST WANTS TO LOVE AND BE LOVED SO BAD OKAY?? I’m not crying you are
- “He titled his head back a bit to look at Adam, in his pajamas, without his glasses, staring the demon down with the most sorrowful expression he’d ever seen on a human being. It hurts worse than the ritual, worse than the glass window, worse than centuries of solitude. This is all you do, Lawrence. You hurt others, and you hurt yourself. His mother’s voice is always in the back of his mind, but it’s so clear now.” - Adam is feeling sympathy and/or empathy, like a normal person, but Beej is taking it as him hurting Adam by being the way that he is.
- “ “B-but they… I could never…” The Maitlands hold him tightly. Barbara gently shushes him, running her fingers through his hair. He didn’t have to finish. She knew. They shared that pain, together. They’d had a long, tearful conversation one night, during their year in the loop. It was the closest he’d ever felt to human, even considering the times he was actually human.” - I will leave this up to interpretation within the confines of Time’s Arrow. I may expand upon it in one of the extra chapters, maybe write out the conversation they had, but for now I will allow readers to come to their own conclusions, since this breaches topics I am currently not fully equipped/educated to write about.
- “ “Maybe you can distribute that love elsewhere.” It wasn’t too bad an idea. But where?” - Delia is suggesting to turn that love inwards, and to maybe also distribute it to Lydia and the Maitlands. But Beej is daft.
- “ “Pink’s a great color on you,” Delia says, patting his cheek before she turns to head back towards the living room. He couldn’t disagree more.” - YOU DESERVE LOVE. CARE IS A GOOD LOOK ON YOU. Oh god he isn’t listening.
- “Sleep finally finds them. They aren’t sure how they made it down into their room, or how they were able to change into a cozy sweatshirt and pair of loose-fitting boxer shorts. But somehow, they did.” - Adam and Barbara carefully and very respectfully helped him change!
- “As they took a wary little sip of the old, undiluted wine,” - Greek wine from waaay back when had to be diluted. Undiluted, it is way too strong and bitter.
- “ “Beetlejuice, when was the last time you drank water?” .. “I had a Dr. Pepper last week.” .. “Who gave you a Dr. Pepper?” “Wh- I’m a grown demon! I can get myself a Dr. Pepper!” Lydia raised an eyebrow at him. He scoffed, looking down at the counter. “Fine. Ash did.” ” - this is both based on a bit from Game Grumps and also a conversation I had with a friend.
- “For that hour before the two of them had to leave, Beetlejuice instead listened. At first it was frantic, confused. Then the conversation was light and breezy. Teasing, joking, excitedly comparing interests. He knew he had to make them meet from the moment Ash mentioned cinematography. Neither of them had many friends other than him, from what he’d heard. And he was sure Ash didn’t consider him a friend regardless. I’m a genius.” - My guy thinks he is the master of meet-cutes. He needs to meet-cut it out and go to therapy. (Next chapter can’t come soon enough…)
- “Their tongue and throat burned with the remains of that horrible sticky, iron taste.” … “Energy, revitalized from this latest sacrifice, buzzed through their whole being..” - Yeah he is accepting sacrifices of human blood from Cyrus’ cult. That is how he is getting the energy and strength to resist the Seal.
- “They desperately grasp Cyrus’ hands. They fumble, head burning and spinning, as they guide his hands to their throat. The demon quirks an eyebrow at them curiously. “Hurt me,” they rasp, their words almost slurring together. “Hurt me like you did before.” ” - DRUNKEN CONSENT IS NOT REAL CONSENT!! Allowing someone to hurt you is not an adequate way to deal with your issues!!
- “As you wish, Pet.” - Sorry I twisted a line from a beloved romance story and made it fucked up. It will not happen again. (It might)
Fun tidbit for making it this far! Here are some TikToks that summarize Ash and Beej’s “friendship”! This, this, and this!
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nityarawal · 1 year
"What Is Hot?"
Morning Songs
I wish I Had A Tape Recorder
But I Don't
Sitting In The Car
Camping Since Valentines'
Lymes From Court Rats
Spirochetes Too
Sharky Spike Brown Proteins
Sunil's Superstrings
Stop Shedding
Dr's Germs
Bugs Suicide Out Of Me
At Peace
Body Lice
Call it What You Want
Diving Out Of Me
Green Fungus
Trees- Limbs- Branches
Die in Oxygen
River Bottoms
Dumping Out Of Me
Heavy Metals
Mountain Bugs
Call It What You
Call Me "Gross"
And You Won't Be Getting
Any Thing
From Me
See Me Doing
My Manual Massage
See Me
From Head To Toe
See My Camphor Eyes
Doing Miracles
In The Back Parking Lot
Keep Your Distance
At The Visitors' Center
There's A Reason Why
We Camp In Quarantine
Keep Your Distance
We Ask You Politely
Don't Crowd My Space
Keep Your Distance
We Knew Those Bloated
Were Spreading Germs
And Would Blow Up
Like Sharkbait
Keep Your Distance
6 Feet Please
My Tax Dollars
Paid You To Figure
Out A 911 Emergency
From A Distance
From Marine PA
Parent Alienation
Keep Your Distance
Stay Out Of My House
Keep Your Distance
My Casita Can't Sustain
This Mess
Your Cloying
Keep Your Distance
Keep Your Distance
Stay Off Federal
Cahuillan Grounds
Sacred Lands
Keep Your Distance
Don't Shine Your
Overbearing Flashlight
In My sleeping Eyes
Not Into My Car Camp
On BLM Land
Your Despised
Keep Your Distance
Stay Out Of My Kitchen
My Womb
Keep Your Distance
My Who-Who
Is Not For You
We Don't Need Your
Toxic Gay Oppressive
Our Families
Keep Your Distance
Take Your Gay
Officer Dates
On Your Own Time
Not Family Dimes
Keep Your Distance
Give Me My Gag
Rapes And Abusive
Black Web Porn
Cop Crimes
Crank Calls
Give to Me
My Soldiers
From Gay Defense Atty Team
For I'm The Custodian
Of My Things
Of Me
My Kids
My Body
And Homes
Return All
To Me My Soldiers
Especially My Children
I'm Not Dead
Not A Probate
Nor Is #FreeBritney
Just A Real Estate Property
Ponzi Scam Of Court
Victims Cry
Dr's & Lawyers Lied
At Riverside Healthcare System
Caging Mammas
Got their Bribed Ads
Off The Internet
Hooking Superstring
Tinder Whores
There's A Reason
Why God Didn't
Bless You
With My Kids
There's A Reason
Mommy's Love
You Unconditionally
There's A Reason
Why Toddler Daughter's
Dance Gay
Controlling Attys
Back To Me
There's A Reason
And We'll Whistleblow
There's A Reason
Your Gags Won't Grow
There's A Reason
We Choose
Civil War Doulas
'Cuz What Is Hot
We Heard You
What Is Hot
Marilyn Monroe
What Is Hot
Not The Gay DA
Who Abused Us
What Is Hot
Nonce Charles
Killing Starter Wives
What Is Hot
Not Beatds
Pimping Presidents
On Crimes
What Is Hot
Our Forgotten
Not Court Bribes
That Murder Thee
What Is Hot
Meghan Markle
What Is Hot
Anne Heche
What Is Hot
Naya Rivera
What Is Hot
Identifying As A Lesbian
Dr Bug
This Father's Day
Jessie Leads Our Pack Back
What Is Not
60 Thousand Gays
A Proud Parade
Stealing Our Kids
At Church Charities
What Is Hot
Attorneys Who Do
Their Jobs
What Is Hot
Dr's With Ethics
What Is Hot
Paris Hilton Closing
Down Her Highschool
Detention Center
Blowing Whistles
What Is Hot
Goop Telling
The Truth
What Is Not
Spin Dr's Mommy Hating
What Is Hot
Gwynny Unravelling
Uncoupling Court Crimes
Pimps of Gay Dad's
And Brothers
What Is Hot
Bringing Me My Kids
This Father's Day
For I Was The Beard
That Brought Home
The Bacon
And Built
For This Crazed Jealous
What Is Hot
Settling With
James Bond
What Is Not
Getting Hooked
By Stirling Hoes
Of Court
What Is Hot
Peace Loving Daddies
What Is Hot
A Man Who Shows Up
Can Walk His Talk
Honor Word
And Song
- Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal
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hopelessstudentx · 4 years
The fact Jodie Whittaker is quitting doctor who, and only 8 episodes were filmed for the upcoming season because covid delaying filming, means we only have 8 potential episodes for River to meet her wife and honestly?
That makes me cry because what are the chances the writers wrote her back in 😭
Still manifesting that it does happen though 👀❤
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kidcataldo · 2 years
The Action of Pretending
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The Doctor stood at the hob with a pan of sausages sizzling before him. A curious chuckle escaped his core as he watched them cook. He quite honestly had no idea what he was doing, but he was doing a fine job at it. With his newfound cooking skills came the humming of a happy tune. An embroidered image of a house with the words “Bless This Mess” sloppily below it—the sight of it triggered a false memory of him making it at an embroidery class the other wives dragged him to—hung proudly on the wall beside him. Everywhere, including the kitchen he stood in, had this eerie bright glow to it: perfectly white, suspiciously pure. He knew not why he was there, nor how he got there, and there was absolutely no way of escaping. Not now. Not yet.
“Good morning, sweetie,” came River’s voice, and he turned to happily greet his wife with a kiss.
River was dead—dying before he ever truly knew her—and it had been some time since he last saw the alive version of her. Their relationship, their love, had dwindled into something old, something part of the past, his past.
Still, he was willing to play the role of perfect husband, if that was the game this simulation wanted him to play: “Good morning, darling,” the Doctor greeted. “Would you like some sausages?” He gestured toward the sizzling meat, a burning smell now haunting the air.
River’s smile faltered taking a look at her husband’s handiwork. “No,” she said rather suddenly. And then she kissed his cheek when his ego was just beginning to blow. “I’m late as it is…”
“You act as if it’s my fault,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. She felt so real, so human. “What was it you told me this morning? ‘I’m climbing on top of you just to reach for the book I so conveniently left on your side of the bed.’ Oldest trick in the book!” Nothing really happened, of course. He just now got transported into this world, even if false memories roam his mind.
River smiled again. Goodness, he missed her smile. And even if she was just some trick of the light or a shapeshifting alien plotting to kill him, her lips felt real. At least in that moment.
What was he doing before all this happened? He remembered promising to take Clara to the edge of the world, some rundown museum in the Andromeda Galaxy: fake exhibits and an overpriced gift shop. It bled tourists dry; the whole thing was a sham, really, but she had wanted to go. They were discussing that… she ran off to fetch her coat—the Andromeda Galaxy could be a bit drafty. There was a faint smell of sausages. But that was it. He remembered nothing more after that.
“I’m off,” said River from the pristine white door. She took one final look at his cooking. “Don’t feed Ledford that, darling. It’s poison.”
Ledford Song: a square lad with brown curly hair, thick eyebrows and a mole below his left eye. The image of this boy, a boy he had never seen before, was so pristine in his mind. Ten years old, looking everything like his mother and nothing like his old man. He was their son, his and River’s. The boy who never was, the boy who never would be, alive and well in this false reality.
He glanced at the now black sausages on the pan. “Oi, it isn’t that…” But River was already gone when he turned back to her, the door slamming shut behind her. He watched as she hurried away from the house, looking back at him. The mask she wore slipped for a split second, exposing her confusion, her worry to the Doctor. He waved. “Bye, sweetie,” he said quietly, suspiciously, when she faked another smile and waved back.
“Your bangers are burning,” said a small soft-spoken voice beside him. A voice he never heard before; a voice that was so familiar to him.
He turned back to the hob just in time to see a fire erupt. One sausage popped, the explosion ruining the perfectly clean, perfectly white decor around it. He took a step back. “So they are.”
They both stood staring as the food burned. Another sausage popped, and the Doctor jumped slightly at the sound, his hand instinctively shielding himself and the boy from the wreckage. But their clothes had been ruined and the kitchen was no longer clean. “Well,” said the boy, his son, Ledford.
“Well, what?”
“Well, aren’t you going to put it out?”
“Yes,” said the Doctor, searching the room for something to tame the fire. “Yes, of course.” Some sand or water, maybe one of those fire extinguisher thingys. He began searching the cabinets around him, now dirtied by the bits of burnt sausage.
And just like that, in an instant, in a blink of the eye, the room reverted back to its original simulated form. No fire, no mess. Their clothes were no longer dirty. The sausages sizzled in their pan, perfectly cooked.
“That solves it, doesn’t it?” said the Doctor cheerfully, carrying on. Why linger on such a matter? “Care for a sausage, Ledford?”
“I’ll have my usual, thanks,” said the boy, unfazed. He twisted the hob off, the flame beneath it shutting off to prevent any further accidents, and walked to the brewing coffee in the corner.
“You’re a very serious young fellow, aren’t you?” said the Doctor as he watched the young simulated version of his son pour himself a cup of coffee, hot and black.
“We’ve already established that,” noted Ledford, still facing away from the Doctor.
He searched his pockets for his screwdriver. Trick lighting or shapeshifting beast, he was determined to discover its true form. But the memory of handing the device off to Clara in the TARDIS tarnished all plans of examination. She must have it with her, wherever she might be. Did she get trapped inside this fake world with him, or transported to a world of her own? Or was she in the TARDIS, wondering where he went?
Still, he remained curious. He bent to observe the boy, or creature. River—the simulated one, that is—felt real, alive at his touch. And, upon poking him, so did the boy.
“Apa,” said Ledford—because he was Apa in this world, and River was Mumpy: baby babble that just sort of stuck. Another fake memory that felt so real. “Why are you poking me?” He turned and the Doctor straightened.
“Why indeed,” came the Doctor’s response, looking at him suspiciously. They both fall silent, but just for a moment—the Doctor never could concentrate in a world of silence; Ledford stood his ground and sipped his coffee. Finally, the Doctor couldn’t stand it; he jumped and twirled, marching toward the door River exited just minutes ago. “Let’s go for a walk. Explore the neighborhood.”
Ledford brought the mug up to his lips, his eyebrows lifting at his father. “Did you brush your teeth?”
He shifted. “Yes…” he told him meekly. Doubting himself, though, he inconspicuously brought his hand to his mouth and checked his breath. It did not smell minty fresh like he hoped. “Right… hang on,” he continued, shuffling his way upstairs.
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riversofmars · 4 years
Oh oh what if river flirts with 13 thinking she was a companion. And is like, he always chooses the pretty earth girls.
I’ve gone ahead and combined this with another prompt from @littlesparkleshark for “River talking to the Fam about her husband and how >great he is< without knowing 13 is the doctor and the doctor getting jealous of her past selfs and telling the fan >he's not that great<!”. It carries on from the Mels prompt. Hope you like it! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1100
Genre: Fluff/Humour
The Professor
“Right then, where is he?“ River put her hands on her hips looking around the room.
“I’m having deja-vu…“ Yaz mumbled to Ryan who nodded in agreement. The Doctor was too overwhelmed to respond. Seeing River again was like ripping open a freshly healed wounds. 
“Don’t tell me he’s letting you loose in the TARDIS without supervision.“ She raised her eyebrows at them. 
“Well, the Doctor isn’t exactly the supervising type…“ Yaz replied slowly, not wanting to repeat her previous mistake of almost giving the Doctor’s identity away when she shouldn’t. 
“Isn't that the truth.“ River chuckled and eyed the Doctor who remained awkwardly quiet, not sure what to say or do. Where in her timeline was River? Was it safe to reveal herself? Before she could contemplate these questions any longer, River stepped closer. “He doesn’t change though, does he. Always picks the pretty Earth girls. I mean, I should be jealous, but…“ She reached out with a smirked and tucked a stand of the Doctor’s blonde hair behind her ear. 
The Doctor blushed deeply, she wanted to protest but the words just wouldn’t come out. She inched away from River so she would register her hearts suddenly racing but found herself with the back to the console. 
“So you’re the Doctor’s… girlfriend?“ Ryan asked slowly, trying to work out what was going on. 
“Wife, thank you very much.“ River corrected him. “What has he told you?“
“Very, very little.“ Yaz shot the Doctor an accusing look while Ryan and Graham were still trying to put the pieces together. How many wives did the Doctor have? She looked nothing like the girl they had just encountered. 
“Well, he can be very private. But he’s a sweetheart really. And so handsome in a suit.“ River carried on with a proud smile. “Dare I ask, which one of his faces you’re travelling with? Seeing as I haven’t met you guys before.“ She looked around to the Fam who were at an utter loss as to what to say. “Bow tie and braces perhaps?“ River looked back to the Doctor and ran her fingers along her yellow braces, giving her a flirty look. “In any case, I’m sure we can have some fun while we wait for him to return.“ She winked at the Doctor who didn’t know how to respond. She pushed herself further back into the console. “What is he up to anyway? Planning some elaborate trip?“ River looked back to the Fam. “You know, there was this one time he took me to the last frost fair for my birthday, we had the best time. Or that time we went to Easter Island and…“
“Sounds like he’s a great husband.“ Graham pipped up, giving the Doctor a chastising look. Why didn’t she just tell her who she was? Was she worried about her reaction? Did she think she wouldn’t believe her. Or was she just curious to see what this woman would carry on doing? She didn’t exactly give off the vibe of a married woman, the way she was eying the Doctor up. 
“Well, I wouldn’t have married him if he wasn’t.“ River grinned. “And what a wedding it was, let me tell you…“
“He’s really not that great.“ The Doctor huffed finding her voice at last. She suddenly felt jealous of her previous selves. Which was ridiculous, but definitely how she felt. She was also not liking the fact that River was blatantly flirting with her thinking the Doctor absent. She wasn’t sure which was bugging her more. “Plus, I really don’t think he’d like you, you know, just popping up in his TARDIS like that and…“
“I do have a key.“ River retorted nonchalantly.
“Why does she get a key?“ Graham exclaimed.
“Because she’s the wife?“ Ryan mumbled with a shrug.
“Doesn't matter.“ The Doctor shot back at both of them, she ducked out from under River’s arm and put some distance between them. “That’s quite enough of that, thank you very much.“
“Enough of what? Am I making you nervous?“ River smirked.
“What, me? No. No no.“ The Doctor shook her head trying to rid herself of the effects of her flirting. “But the Doctor would not be happy that you just teleported in here, so…“
“The Doctor should be very happy to see me. As anyone should be to see their spouse.“ River retorted. 
“Not when it might jeopardise the time line.“ The Doctor insisted. She wasn’t meant to have any more encounters with River, Darillium had been meant to be their last meeting so this could only mean trouble. As much as she wanted to fling herself at her, the Doctor was trying her best to be responsible. 
“Why would it do that?“ River placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head expecting an explanation. 
“Well, for one, this is far into your future, River…“ The Doctor started and River grinned like a cheshire cat interrupting her. 
“Gotcha.“ She smirked and the Doctor blinked confused until she realised her mistake. River had not introduced herself. By using her name she had given herself away. 
“For fuck’s sake!“ The Doctor exclaimed and the Fam exchanged shocked glances, never had they heard her swear before. 
“Hello, Sweetie.“ River grinned giving her a little wave. 
“So you knew it was me this whole time?!“ The Doctor glared at her and River shrugged: 
“Of course I did. I’ve met this version of you, remember. When I was in high school back on Earth.“ She winked at her. 
“Wait, that’s what happened just now?“ Ryan exclaimed putting the pieces together. This was getting very complicated. 
“You’re the girl with the gun? How is that possible?“ Yaz asked bewildered, finding that very hard to believe. 
“Might have regenerated between then and now.“ River waved off her comment. 
“You’re not one of them, are you? Not another Timelord or Lady or whatever?“ Graham gestured at the Doctor. “Like, what have we got now, the Doctor, the Master, what does that make you?“
“The Professor?“ River suggested with a grin. “Professor River Song, that is, pleased to meet you. Thrilled to know, as usual, the Doctor has neglected to mention me.“ She looked back to to the Doctor. “And why would that be, my lovely? Oh, this is fun, I can call you girly nicknames now.“
“As if you didn’t before now…“ The Doctor rolled her eyes at her. “Did you know it was me when you and Amy met us?“ She asked, hoping to not have done any damage to the timeline.
“No. But when I just saw you things fell into place.“ River explained with a smile. 
“Then why did you pretend like you didn’t know who I was?“ The Doctor exclaimed in frustration. 
“For fun?“ River smirked, taking a step closer. “Cause I wanted to wind you up?“
“I hate you.“ The Doctor huffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“No you don’t.“ River grinned, leaning in for a kiss. 
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kinglivv · 4 years
Thin Ice
13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: The Doctor' previous wife ambushes you in an ice-rink to see if you're up to the job.
Warnings: None
A/N: I'm finally back! Send in any christmassy requests if you've got them x
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It was snowing, and Earth christmas music played merrily in the background as you gazed at the dozens of christmas trees covering the snowy ground around you. You breathe in the frosty air and watch fondly as the Doctor skates off (although rather unsteadily) into the crowd, her jacket billowing out behind her and snowflakes in her blonde hair.
She'd insisted on buying hot chocolates from the little stand at the edge of the ice-rink for the both of you. The queue is about two dozen people long, but she'd been persistent, telling you that Andromeda hot chocolate was the best she'd ever tasted, and promptly left you clinging to the railing at the edge of the rink.
You weren't complaining - you needed at minute to think and calm your nerves. You sigh, wobbling slightly on your skates.
"Are you her new plaything?"
You jump at the sudden voice in your ear and almost fall over. Pasting a hard glare on your face, you turn around to find a very smug looking woman standing next to you, leaning casually on the rail. It only takes you a once over to figure out who she is, with her massive curly hair and extravagant skating outfit.
"River Song." You smirk.
"In the flesh," She replies.
"S'nice to finally meet you," You offer your hand, which she takes. Instead of shaking it, however, she turns it over and inspects it, her eyes scanning up and down your body as if she can tell exactly who you are just by looking at you.
"I'm guessing you're her new companion." She raises an eyebrow, letting your hand drop.
"Not new, and not her companion. Well - not the type of companion you're thinking of."
She doesn't miss the innuendo.
"Indeed. She thinks I don't know about her little conquests on the side," She smiles slyly.
"Well, I'm Y/N." You say. "And I think you'll find she's my latest conquest."
"So I've heard. You two have been making quite a lot of trouble this side of the galaxy."
"Just undoing a few dictatorships and stopping Dalek invasions. The usual."
"Glad to hear nothing's changed. Even if she does have another little human wrapped around her finger."
"Well from what I've heard, you're not exactly faithful either." You retort.
"We have an... agreement. When you only see eachother every century or so, you've got to find other things to do to fill in the decades."
You try not to let her words sway you.
"I'd say you almost sound jealous, Professor." You quip back.
"Jealous? Darling, I couldn't be more pleased. She looks happy with you, and I know this is the regeneration after I've died... in her timestream, anyway." She says, a sudden change in tone. "And I know why you've brought her here, Y/N."
You blink slightly, suddenly unable to meet her gaze.
"I'm going to propose to her." You admit softly.
"Thought so." She replies, but there isn't a bite in her words. "Why do you think I'm here?"
"To stop it?"
"To see if you're good enough, silly." She grins. "Wouldn't want my Wife in the hands of anyone except the best."
"And what if I'm not 'the best'? Are you going to shoot me or something?"
"Quite possibly. Well, you do look nervous, dear." She smirks, fluttering her eyelashes. "Go on then. Tell me how you're going to do it."
"I, uh, wanted to take her to the christmas tree maze," You admit, going slightly red. "This regeneration's not very fancy so I thought something simple like that would be nice. We did meet at Christmas, after all. And she'd have her hot chocolate with her, and when we got to the end of the maze... I'd ask her."
"Very cute," River comments, although she does actually sound approving. "There's something else bothering you, though."
You sigh.
"I don't think I can live up to you." You blurt out. "Or any of her wives or husbands. All of you are bloody Timelords, and I'm just a plain old human. I'll probably be dead before we've even had a honeymoon, and that's if she'll even say yes-"
You stop yourself with a jolt and look up to find a wide-eyed Doctor standing - wobbling - with a take-away cup in both hands and looking positively thrilled. She appears to have heard none of your conversation.
"Hello sweetie." River grins, before the blonde barrels into her, arms wrapping around her neck and burying her face in a mess of curly hair, all while some how not spilling a drop of hot chocolate.
"What are you doing here?" The Doctor's eyes are slightly glassy and wide, and she finally pulls away, absently handing a cup to you, still clinging to River's.
"Just passing by. On my way to King Hydroflax's space ship."
"Oh," Replied the Doctor, her grin falling as she realises what point River was at in her timeline. "You know that's a bad idea, don't you?"
"Well it seems you're doing just fine without me, dear." She glances to you and you see the Doctor's cheeks go a little pink, her mouth breaking out into a shy smile.
"I miss you, though." The Doctor counters softly.
"I'll miss you too." River's eyes go soft and for a split second, all the love she has for the Doctor flashes over her face. You knew that look. A lot of the time, you wore it.
"I've got to go," River tells her quietly, and the Doctor nods, knowing she can't create a paradox. Now really isn't the time.
River leans down and presses a kiss to the Doctor's lips, and you should feel jealous, but instead you just feel happy for the Doctor. And slightly worried - how were you supposed to live up to that?
River pulls away, but not before she whispers something in the Doctor's ear and glances back at you.
"You'll do great, Y/N. Besides - someone has got to replace me." She winks, and then she's gone, gliding easily away on her skates.
"What does that mean?" The Doctor asks. "What were you talking to her about? She said you needed to tell me something."
"It's nothing love, I was just introducing myself," You take her hand. "Do you want to go somewhere quiet? I've got a question for you."
Taglist: @truthbehindthemysteries @queerconfusionthings @xenteaart @actuallyanita @ateliefloresdaprimavera @persephonehemingway @fabulous-jj-style @anteroom-of-death
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dilapidatedmooneel · 3 years
Sorry it took me sooo long I am back to school and hating it, hope you enjoy
Rated: Teens up
Word Count: 1439
Ao3, Prologue, 1st Chapter, 2nd Chapter
Since the End/Begining of Time
Chapter 3 - A Predicament
The Gamma Forest
They all turned to the sound of the voice to once again to be shocked, though as they recognized who had spoken all their faces, bar Missy’s who face only showed a slight irritation, hardened, there standing in all his holographic glory, with suit shoes, checked trousers, navy shirt, checked waistcoat, purple suit jacket and a manic grin was, The Master. The trees around them seemed to stop rustling, if you asked Graham he would say they were softly shaking in fear, at the presence of two equally insane and cruel regenerations of the Master.
“Awww…. What's this not happy to see me” The Master sneered out grinning down at The Doctor, her companions and Missy. It was obvious the hologram was propelled upwards from the embedded crystals in the Missy’s axe from its place on the tree stump, so it would give the Master an air of superiority “Not even you lady version?”
“Well I don’t particularly like gifts with holographic crystals embedded in them” Missy quickly snipped “I knew they were there all along by the way”
“Sure you did” the Master sarcastically drawled “That's why you left then in the axe, even though I gave you more than enough time to remove them”
“I wasn't bothered!”
“You cut down a tree!”
“From frustration of having to see you again, it was my coping mechanism” Missy dramatically threw the back of her hand unto her forehead
The Doctor seemed to finally snapped out of the shock induced daze, by the two regeneration of the Master bickering, her face went murderous then back to perfectly calm, like a storm behind
“Where is my wife” her voice tense and full of anger, her whole posture was rigid. The whole display was full of anger and utterly fighting but was cut off by
“Wait a second, did I hear you right, wife??” questioned Graham looking at Yaz and Ryan trying to see if they knew what was going on Yaz's jaw just kept opening and closing like a goldfish, while Ryan looked like he was about to say something but kept thinking better of it.
“Yes yes, the Doctor has a mongrel wife” The holographic Master quickly said interrupting any questions from the Doctor's companions were going to ask, effectively moving the process much faster, “On the topic of the half-breed, do I need to get tested for rabies or something, she made me bleed!” lifting up his left hand to reveal a human, mouth shaped bite mark that even with the hologram you could see it was bleeding.
Then a chair leg appeared in the hologram smashed off the Master's head before the Master fell forward towards the doctor and Co. then disappeared from their view. Then what the Doctor will always call the voice of a goddess spoke saying two words she really wanted to hear
“Hello Sweetie” with a certain amount of flair only River Song could pull off “Sorry but he likes the sound of his own voice way too much and he would have started on done sort of long dramatic speech I did us all a favour by stopping him and may I just say he was being too dramatic it was only a tiny nip he was annoying me”
“None of your bites are tiny” The Doctor muttered under her breath, softly rubbing her neck
“What was that sweetie” the woman who now stood exactly where the Master previously had been not 2 minutes ago and she seemed to radiate so much power it rivaled if not more then him, now smirking down at the Doctor “I didn't quite catch that”
“It was nothing dear” the Doctor full on squeaked and flustered about, before looking her straight in the eye “I just missed you”
The Doctor and River seemed to be in a world of their own cataloguing each others every features savouring each curve, freckle, remembering the exact colour of each others eye and-
“Yes, yes, your happy to see your curly haired half-breed, can you stop now I think I'm going to puke” Missy said breaking the spell over the wives “Also how did you escape whatever other me used to trap you, did I keep all the brains when I regenerated?”
Both they both silently decided to just completely ignore Missy and turned to the Doctor’s fam when Graham finally decided to speak up
“Um doc, what's going on? And who's that?”
“Aww you're still going around not telling people about me? Do I embarrass dear?” the space hair woman put on a pout and looked over at her wife. The Doctor blushed and looked away before muttering
“It's too hard to explain our timelines on its own that's without adding all the other stuff, plus, it never came up”
River looked as if she was about to answer, but instead her eyes just widened she tensed up and collapsed
“River!” the Doctor cried, her voice breaking and on her face was pure terror for her wife, this shocked her fam as they were used to seeing her with bright smiles and a cheery attitude even if it seemed a bit fake at times.
“Oh don't be so dramatic! She's only unconscious” the Master said as he kicked River out of the projection and reclaimed his spot once more, rubbing his left hand, that was now covered in blood from the bite off the back of his head, where he had been hit “You really thought I would keep you pet assassin without precautions did you? “
“What have you done to her?!”
The Master’s infamous manic grin formed on his face as he held up a remote “I have put a little incentive in the shape of about 50 eltronic shock emitters…… meaning your trained psychopath has multiple tiny devices, that I can use these little beauties to just knock her out but they can also send out a powerful enough shock to fry all three brain stems and stop her hearts from pathetically beating, she would be completely stone dead never to live again”
“Do you understand the time ripples that will send, the timelines will be destroyed, would you really do that just to get at me?”
“Oh you don't know? Oh this is amazing!” the manic grin seemed to grow even bigger on his face as he watched the Doctor's confusion “Oh come on Doctor why haven't you got it yet, do I need to spell it out for you?” the Master questioned teasingly “You get it lady version don't you or did I take all the brains with me when I became my own being?”
“Of course I know, I figured it out when she first teleported into my beautiful Tardis” Missy snapped back
The Doctor looked between the two masters, looking truly lost, before looking straight at the Master
“what do you mean?” she was confused, angry and was on the verge of snapping and she needed answers quickly
“It means that this River Song is from after the Library, it means that this is your supposed lover after you failed to save her, it means that your wife could die all over again and you would be failing her, letting her die all over again just after she was saved”
The Doctor’s face was pure joy at the thought of her wife being once again alive, after such a long time, then her face hardened at one fact the Master lied they always did trying to find the best way to destroy her, having hope again only to lose it again would be the final step in the her destruction.
“Did you really think I would fall for that, getting my hopes up so that even when I save River from you, I will once again have to send her along to her death like every other time”
“Do you really believe I'm that cruel?” Missy asked annoyed “I did see you after Darillium after all”
The Doctor winced at the name of her home for 24 years, the last place she had ever seen River before this
“Yes yes I do” the Doctor snapped at Missy who then had the audacity to look upset. She then turned back to the Master and asked
“What do you want?”
“Finally the question I have been wanting to hear” the Master sneered down at her “Let's meet up and discuss, how about the ruins of Galifrey at our favorite spot, bring lady version won't you don't want to have her getting in the way somehow” and his hologram disappeared leaving once again silence.
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Chapter 8
Eden and Chase headed back to Dawsonville after Chase did his media and such. It was almost Chase's 25th birthday and Eden was planning a huge surprise for him. Chase loved backyard barbecues at home so that's what they were doing.  She knew how much he loved Eric Church so she was having him perform there. She invited his family and close friends.  
Finally the day was here it was Chase's birthday. Eden woke up before he did. She put on his shirt and headed down to make him breakfast. A little bit later she takes it upstairs.
"Something smells so good." Chase says sitting up.
"Breakfast in bed for the birthday boy." Eden says.
"Hmm can I have what's under my shirt?" Chase asks.
"Hmm maybe if your a good boy and eat all of your breakfast." Eden says kissing him.
"Okay." Chase says.
Eden had made all of his favorites including Honey Nut Cheerios. They ate together and then Chase set the trays aside. He pulls her into his lap.
"Chase." Eden moans feeling the tip of his hard on rubbing her entrance.
"No underwear baby and so wet for me?" Chase says.
"Always wet for you." Eden moans.
"Good ." Chase says as he pushes up into her.
Every inch of skin was touching as they moved together.
"God baby." Eden moans as Chase kisses her neck sucking on it.
"Mmm." Chase moans deep in his throat.
They move together kissing and touching any skin they could.  
"Chase oh god." Eden calls out as she cums hard.
Her orgasm rushes through her.
"Eden baby." Chase moans as he cums inside her.
They ride it out.   They end up going at it a few more times before laying in the bed wrapped around each other.
"Happy birthday baby." Eden says kissing his chest.
"Thank you baby.   Best way to celebrate wrapped up with you." Chase says.
"You would think as much sex we have been having these babies would come." Eden says.
"I know but I guess they are just stubborn like their daddy and their mama." Chase says.
"True fact." Eden says laughing.
"We better get up.   I have to head out with my dad and Ryan." Chase says.
"Yes to do boy things.   Why I head to your moms to help plan your birthday dinner." Eden says.
"Yeah I know.   I am so happy you will finally get to meet Brittany and Starr." Chase says.
"I have met them before." Eden says.
"Yes but as my best friend princess not as my wife and mother of my unborn kids." Chase says.
"True." Eden says.
They both get up and get dressed.    Chase heads out with his dad, Ryan and a few other guy friends.    Eden got dressed and headed to his parents house.     Eden walks in.
"Surprise!" Cindy says.
Brittany, Starr, Amy Earnhardt, Abigail Kahne, Samantha Busch, Chandra Johnson, Ingrid Gordon, Emily Johnson, Shannon Gustafson and a lot of other wives in the racing circle were there.
"What is this?" Eden asks.
"A little baby shower for you lil Chase and Casey.    Then we will clean up and turn it into a backyard barbecue for Chase's birthday." Starr says.
"Yes welcome to the family Eden.   I always knew  that you and my brother would end up together." Brittany says.
"Thanks guys." Eden says hugging them both.
"Yes welcome to the family." Cindy replies joining the hug.  
They they usher Eden to her chair.    They make her a plate of food and then everyone gets a plate as well.
They chat as they eat.   They then play a few games before opening gifts.    They really spoiled the heck out of the twins.    They then clean up from the baby shower and decorate and get ready for Chases party.    Eric would he there soon as would Chase and the boys.    They were in the kitchen helping the caterers get set up.
"Oh god." Eden says clutching her stomach.
"What's wrong?" Cindy asks.
"My water just broke." Eden says.
"Oh no." Starr says.
"It's okay guys I'm going to get Abigail she is an OB doctor and can help." Brittany says.
"Okay we will take Eden into the living room and get her comfortable." Cindy says.
With the help of Starr and Cindy Eden made it into the living room and they got her laying down on the couch.    A few minutes later Brittany returns with Abigail.
"Guys can you go get blankets and some other things." Abigail says.
She gave them each a list of things to get.
"Eden I am going to slide off your under wear and do an exam to see how far along you are okay?" Abigail says.
"Okay." Eden says.
She then screams out as a contraction hits her.   Abigail quickly takes the underwear off and does the exam.
"Okay Eden looks like it's show time you are 10 cm's." Abigail says.
"Oh god." Eden says as another contraction hits her.
Cindy, Starr and Brittany come back with the stuff.    They then each take their spot beside Eden.    They coach her through birth.   A few minutes later Eden brings a healthy baby Boy into the world.     They didn't have much time before she then delivered her little girl followed by the placenta.    Brittany and Starr get her cleaned up.   Abigail and Cindy got the babies cleaned up and Eden was able to hold them.    
"I can't believe they are here." Eden says kissing their heads.
"They both look just like Chase when he was born." Cindy says.
"So precious." Brittany and Starr says.
Eden was relieved to hear Cindy say that but she knew without a doubt they were Chases but now it was confirmed.   They got the babies laying in their little number 9 race car carrier.
"I need help getting dressed." Eden says.
"For?" Cindy says.
"Chases birthday party." Eden says.
"We are still having it?   Aren't you tired?" Starr asks.
"Yeah shouldn't you go to the hospital?" Brittany asks.
"The babies are fine no need for a hospital.   Just take them to see their pediatrician soon for follow up." Abigail says.
"In that case let's get ready to celebrate the birthday boy." Eden says.
Cindy and Brittany help her get into her dress and her shoes.    They then take her down and she attempts to feed the twins for the first time.   She does well and they both latch on.   Once they finish eating she changed them and out then into their new outfits.   She then takes them out into the backyard.    The rest of the guests pass the twins around.   Finally it was almost time for Chase to come.    Eden took the twins back.    Chase walks through the gate with the rest of the guys.
"Surprise!"  Everyone says.
"For me?" Chase asks.
"Of course for you!   Happy birthday son!" Cindy  says hugging him.
"Thanks mom." Chase says returning the hug.
"Happy birthday ace." Bill says.
"Thanks dad." Chase says.
He goes through the line until he reaches Eden who was holding the twins.
"Happy birthday daddy." Eden says.
"Oh my god you had them?" Chase asks shocked.
He sits down beside her.
"I did baby.   With the help of your sisters, your mom and Abigail." Eden replies.
She hands him their daughter.   She looked just like he did when he was a baby so there was no doubt he was their father as his son was also a spitting image of him when he was a baby.
"She's beautiful just like her mama." Chase says kissing her head.
He then leans over and then kisses his son followed by Eden.
"I love you Clyde.   Meet your daughter Casey Leeann Elliott." Eden says.
"Oh baby you named her after Casey." Chase says.
"Figured you would like to honor him and I did too." Eden says. 
"I love it, and I love you so much." Chase says.
"And this is your son William Clyde Elliott the third." Eden says.
Chase just smiled.
"Best birthday gifts I will ever receive." Chase says.
They mingle around the crowd.   The had pulled pork barbecue, ribs, barbecue chicken, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, chili and cornbread.     Chase opened his gifts from Eden and friends and family and then they had watermelon and cake.    It was awesome.
Finally the night wound down.    Cindy was holding the twins getting all the snuggles she could.      Eden leads Chase over to the make shift stage.   
"I have a huge surprise for you Baby." Eden says.
"Even bigger then you having the twins?" Chase asks.
"Well no but it is still a huge surprise." Eden says.
That was when Eric Church walked out onto the stage.
"Oh my god." Chase says.
"Happy birthday Clyde." Eden says.
Eric starts to play.   He played his biggest hits including Talladega, hell of a view, Srpingsteen, Smoke a lil Smoke, drink in my hand and many more.    Everyone was having a hell of a time.   The alcohol was provided by Dale Jr and whiskey river.     To end the show he had a special dedication.
"Okay Chase and Eden I want you to take the center of the dance floor." Eric says.
Chase and Eden come front and center.   Chase pulls her close to him and Eden wraps her arms around him laying her head on his chest.
"Okay now this song is for you from Eden with lots of love.   Happy birthday." Eric says.
He then starts to play Love your love the most.
"I love sleeping in on Saturdays
And I love college football games
I love not acting my age
And good barbecue
Yeah I'm a fan of Faulkner books
And anything my mama cooks
Small mouth bass have got me hooked
On Sunday afternoon
Yes I love good cold beer
And mustard on my fries
I love a good loud honky tonk
That rocks on Friday night
And hell yes I love my truck
But I want you to know
Honey I love your love the most
Man I love how Redman tastes
And damn I love my Nascar race
Any song sung by George Strait
Is country at it's best
Yes I love good cold beer
And mustard on my fries
I love a good loud honky tonk
That rocks on Friday nights
And hell yes I love my truck
But I want you to know
Honey I love your love the most
I love
Yeah I love scuffed up cowboy boots
And broken tore up jeans
A four wheel drive, eight point bucks
And rocky road ice cream
And hell yes I love my dog
And Jack D in my coke
But honey I love your love
Yeah I love your love
I love your love the most
I love your love the most" Chase sings with Eric as they sway back and forth.  
Finally everyone starts to leave.   Eden and Chase head home with Fletch and the twins and everything they had from the baby shower and his birthday.
"I will get it in the house later." Chase says.
"Okay baby.   I am tired too." Eden says.
"I bet you are baby." Chase says.
They then take the babies into the house and get them fed, changed and settled into their nursery.   Fletch made himself at home in the center. 
"Guess he's going to protect his siblings." Eden says.
"Yup big brother on duty." Chase says.  
He flips on the baby monitor and him and Eden head into their room.   They get changed for bed and then climb in.    Eden snuggled against Chase and he held her tight.
"Good night baby I love you." Eden says.
"Goodnight baby I love you too.   Thanks for the best birthday ever baby.   Lil Chase and Casey are the best gifts ever." Chase says kissing her head.
They snuggle together falling asleep.
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Chase and Eden were up off and on throughout the night taken care of the twins.   Chase had taken the last wake up since they just needed to be changed.
Eden woke up a little bit later finding Chase laying beside her with Casey snuggled up on his chest.     It warmed her heart.    Eden got up without waking either of them.   She slips on her bedroom slippers and her robe and heads down to the kitchen.   It was Thanksgiving day and they would be going to Bill and Cindys later for dinner.    Eden was making a few dishes to take with them.      She makes her corn casserole, green bean casserole and her famous pecan pie.    She ended up making three one she could leave home because she knew  Chase loved it.     Once everything was in the oven she started to make breakfast.    That was when she felt arms snake around her waist.
"I love seeing you barefoot in my kitchen." Chase says kissing her neck.
He was still wet from the shower. 
"Only thing is I'm not pregnant anymore." Eden says.
"For now baby." Chase says.
"You are going to knock me up again once the six weeks are up aren't you?" Eden asks.
"Damn I have  to wait six weeks?" Chase says.
"Well six weeks before we can have vaginal intercourse but there are other ways." Eden says.
"Yes there are thank god.    And to answer your question, yes I plan on knocking you up as soon as I can." Chase says.
"Figured as much." Eden says turning to face him.
She runs her hands on the sides of his face.  Chase leans into the touch.    He was wearing just a towel.
"I love you Eden so much.   I am so thankful for you.   You are my best friend and my soul mate, mother to my babies and love of my life." Chase says kissing her.
"I am thankful for you too Chase my real life Superman, my hero, soulmate, best friend and father to my babies and most importantly love of my life." Eden says before kissing back.
"Come back to bed baby." Chase says.
"I have to make sure the food is out of the oven. Not trying to burn down your house." Eden says.
"Our house baby. Everything I own is yours baby including my heart." Chase says.
"Aww." Eden replies planting a soft kiss on his lips.
Chase pulls her closer to him. He was unbelievably hard. Eden rubs her thigh against him.
"God don't tease baby." Chase moans.
That was when the timers went off.
"Let me grab the stuff out of the oven and I will take care of you." Eden says.
Chase nods his head and then helps her get the stuff out of the oven. They put the two casseroles in the fridge. And they cover the three pies and put them off to the side. Eden shut the oven down. Chase comes up behind her picking her up throwing her over his shoulder.
"Back to bed we go." Chase says patting her butt.
"Clyyddeee!" Eden squeals.
Chase grabs the ice bin out of the freezer and then heads up to their room. He sits Eden down on the bed.    Eden kneels up in front of Chase.    She kisses his stomach.
"Eden baby." Chase moans.
She takes the towel off throwing it.   She flicks her tongue out licking the tip of his cock.   She then sucks the tip sucking away the pre cum.
"God baby please." Chase begs.
Eden licks a circle around the tip then down the under side of his cock before taking him totally in her mouth.    She slowly works him in and out little by little.
"God baby that's it suck my cock baby." Chase moans grabbing her hair.
He runs his fingers through it as he pushes her head further on him.   He starts to thrust a little fucking her mouth.    Eden hallows her cheeks.    She switched it up between her mouth and her hands.   But the whole time her smile never left her face and her eyes never left Chase's.
"God Eden do you know how hot it is to watch you suck my cock." Chase moans. 
"Mm hmm." Eden moans against him  sending vibrations through him.
"God baby gonna cum." Chase says.
Eden gently plays with his balls as she nods her head.    She takes him all the way into her mouth running her tongue up and down his shaft.
"Oh fuck Eden." Chase groans as he cums hard right down her throat.   
Eden swallows down every drop.   She then slowly works him out of her mouth licking him clean.    She then kisses up his stomach and chest to his neck.     She  sucks leaving marks.   Finally she kisses his jaw to his lips.    She drops a bit of cum into his mouth letting him taste himself as she explored his mouth with her tongue.
Chase breaks away.
"Whats wrong!?" Eden asks worried.
"Nothing baby.   That was amazing baby." Chase says kissing her head.
He then lays her back on the bed.
"Remember baby no vaginal intercourse." Eden says.
"I know baby.   But I'm going to worship your body and make you cum using my mouth." Chase says.
"God please baby, I am so turned on and need release." Eden begs.
"Do you trust me?" Chase asks.
"With my life." Eden says.
"Good." Chase says.
He picks up a piece of ice putting it in his mouth.   He then kisses her lips letting her suck it out.   He gets another piece and moves along her jaw , down her jawline to her neck down to her chest.    He gets another piece running it across one breast and around one nipple before heading to the other one repeating the process.
"Chase." Eden moans.
Chase grabbed another piece of ice.   He then kisses down her stomach the hip line.     He continued down to her slit.
"Oh god baby." Eden moans putting her fingers in his hair  pushing him down onto her further.
"Mmhmm." Chase moans against her.
He pushes his tongue inside her and starts to lick and suck and twist it around.   He was eating her like a man starved.    They never broke eye contact and he had a huge smile on his face.   It was such a turn on.   
"God Clyde baby that's right eat my pussy so good baby." Eden purrs out.
Chase added a finger inside her stretching her gently.   He bends his finger inside her hitting her g spot as he sucks on her clit.   That was it.
"Clyde oh god Clyde." Eden calls out as she cums hard orgasm rushing trough her.
Chase kept going letting her ride it out.   He licks her clean.    He then kisses her body following his ice in reverse.    He finally reached her mouth.     He drops a little of her cum onto her mouth letting her taste herself off his tongue as he devoured her mouth.    
"God that was amazing." Chase says.
"It was baby.   It's always good with you." Eden says.
"I am glad." Chase says kissing her head.
"Now we should get up and get ready." Chase says.
"Can we go get the twins and snuggle and watch the parade first?" Eden asks.
"Yeah baby that would be perfect baby." Chase says kissing her head.   
Chase goes and gets the twins carrying them into the room.    He hands Lil Chase to Eden.  He then sits down with Casey.    They were both still sleeping.  
"They are so precious and beautiful and I can't believe they are here." Eden says as she lays back with Baby Chase on her chest.
"I know right Daytona was a great night, won the biggest race of the season, got to make love to my princess for the first time and these two were conceived." Chase says snuggling closer to Eden with Casey laying on his chest.
"Best decision I ever made.   I don't know why it took me so long." Eden says.
"I don't know either but you were worth the wait.   I would wait as long as it took." Chase says kissing her.
"I love you Clyde." Eden says.
"I love you more." Chase says.
Chase turns the parade on and they lay there watching it.      It was a little different without the people in attendance but it was still amazing to watch.     It finally got to Santa Claus.
"Wow Christmas will be here so soon.   I haven't done any shopping." Eden says.
"We can shop this weekend catch the deals from Black Friday and Cyber Monday." Chase says. 
"True." Eden says.
"I have a little surprise for you baby." Chase says.
"Okay?" Eden says.
"After Thanksgiving is over we are going to pack and head to Aspen." Chase says.
"Really baby?" Eden says getting excited.
"Yes I bought us a log cabin cottage out there." Chase says.
"I love it.   Will the family come out there for Christmas?" Eden asks.
"Yes and New Years.    When I will marry you in front of family and a few close friends." Chase replies.
"A New Years wedding.   I love it." Eden says.
"Yes when I kiss you at midnight it will be as my wife." Chase says.
"I'm your wife now." Eden says laughing.
"I know but you know what I mean." Chase says.
"I do." Eden says.
They finish watching the parade.   Then then get up and take care of the babies.   They then get ready to go to Cindy and Bills.
"Pack a bag baby cus we are staying over tonight. I will probably be to drunk to drive a and you will have wine." Chase says.
"Okay baby." Eden says.
She grabs a overnight bag and packs a change of clothes for her and Chase. She then packs the diaper bag for the twins with a few outfits and diapers. She made sure she had her pumping machine and the pack and play.
She then gets dressed it a black red and white plaid dress. She comes out and sees Chase had put on a red white and black plaid shirt a jeans.
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"We are twinning baby." Eden says.
"Yes we are and didn't even plan it." Chade says kissing her head.
Chase takes the stuff out to the truck. Eden takes the babies downstairs in their carrier. She then grabs the food having it ready. Chase takes the babies out and buckled them in. Eden puts the food in the back and then goes and gets Fletcher. Chase gets in with them.
"We will be able to take the two puppies home with us." Chase says.
"Aww okay." Eden says.
"Ready to go?" Chase asks.
"Yes baby." Eden says.
Chase pulls out to the drive and heads towards his parents house. A little bit later they arrive and he pulls into the drive. Eden gets out with Fletch. Chase gets out and grabs the twins.
"I'll come back as grab the food and the bags." Chase says.
"Okay baby." Eden replies.
They head into the house. Eden gets the twins settled into their swing. Chase went and got the bags and food. He comes in and hands the food to Eden before taking their bags down to his childhood room. Eden heads into the kitchen. Cindy, Starr and Brittany were already in there.
"Hey guys." Eden says.
"Yay you are here." Starr says
"I will take the casseroles and pies and put them aside." Brittany says.
"Okay where do you need me?" Eden asks.
They work together and get all the food made and set the table so they could eat. Everyone gathered in the dinning room.
"Man this food looks so good. You girls out did yourselves." Bill says.
"Yes it looks so good." Chase replies locking eyes with Eden.
"Well let's sit down and eat." Cindy says.
"Yes I am hungry." Starr replies.
"I am too." Brittany says.
Everyone sits down. Eden was sitting across from Chase.
"Before we dig into this amazing food. We always sing we gather together." Bill says.
"Eden honey you always had a pretty voice, why don't you lead us off." Cindy says.
"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing; He chastens and hastens His will to make known; The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing; Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own." Eden sings.
Everyone sang with her. They then dig in. Eden takes her foot and starts to run it up Chase's leg going up to his thigh. Chase starts to cough.
"Chase honey are you okay?" Cindy asks.
"Yeah just something stuck in my throat." Chase says.
He glares at Eden as he took a sip of his beer. Eden flashes him a smirk. She knew what she was doing. She hand her foot wedged between his legs rubbing his cock. She felt him growing harder. She was loving it. Somehow Chase made it through dinner and desert. He got roped into dishes and clean up. Eden went and took care of the babies before laying them down in their play pen in Chase's room in the basement. She heads up stairs finding Chase in the kitchen drying. She grabs a dish towel.
"Need some help there stud?" Eden asks smacking his butt with the towel.
"Yes the faster we get done the faster we can go to bed." Chase replies looking at her with love and a whole lot of lust in his eyes.
"I am not tired Clyde." Eden says.
"Who said anything about sleep." Chase replies kissing her.
"Oh would you too get a dang room." Bill says.
"Sorry dad." Eden says.
Bill smiled hearing her call him that. With the help of Eden they got the dishes down pretty fast. They head to the living room. Chase and his dad share a few more beers and Eden and the girls had wine.
"Okay it is getting late so Eden and I are going to turn in." Chase says.
"Are you guys both sleeping down in your old room in the basement?" Cindy asks.
"Yes Mom I mean we are married and have twins together so its a known fact we sleep together." Chase replies.
"None of that in our house." Bill says.
"None I promise besides I can't I just had twins remember." Eden says.
They laugh and bid each other goodnight. Chase takes Eden's hand and leads her down the basement. He had a key to lock the door and keep everyone out. Fletcher and Daisy were down there with the puppies but that was okay.
"God I have never been in your room before." Eden says.
"I know baby." Chase says pulling her to him.
"God it sucks we can't have sex, sex." Eden says.
"I know because I want nothing better then to fuck the hell out of you in my bed like I dreamt about so many nights as a teenager." Chase says.
"Hmm William Clyde Elliot Jr did you jerk off thinking of me?" Eden asks.
"God yes many many times. Wishing it was your mouth or god your pussy around my cock making me cum." Chase groans.
"And here I thought you were a Georgia Peach." Eden says shocked.
But in reality it was such a turn on hearing him talking about how he masturbated to the thought of her.
"I am but damn I wanted you for so long." Chase says.
"Well I will let you in on a little secret there Clyde. My first dildo was just as big as you are and I used it pretending it was you. I called it my Battery Operated Chase. I never acted on it because I didn't want to loose our friendship. But then in Daytona I just realized that." Eden says.
"God baby." Chase moans kissing her.
Eden pushes him back onto his bed to where he was sitting. She climbs into his lap kissing him.
"God baby I have an idea. Do you trust me?" Eden asks.
"With all I am baby." Chase says.
"Good." Eden says.
She unbuttons his shirt in a hurry. She then takes it off throwing it. She then runs her fingers down his chest to his jeans. She undoes them and frees his rock hard cock.
"God baby please." Chase begs.
"I am getting there baby. " Eden says kissing him.
He Chase kisses back. His hands roam down Eden's body slipping up under her dress. Eden runs her fingers down his chest playing with his nipples.
"Oh god Eden." Chase moans.
Eden takes his mouth with hers so he didn't let everyone know what was going on down there. Chase rips her panties running his finger along her slit feeling how wet she was. They were in a serious make out session. Eden starts to grind her hips against his thigh.
"Oh Clyde damn I wish it was your cock inside me. But this will have to do." Eden moans.
"God baby." Chase groans.
"Go head baby touch yourself. Let me see how you would make yourself cum." Eden says.
"God really?" Chase says.
"Yes really baby. I wanna watch you get yourself off as I ride your thigh." Eden says kissing his neck.
"God okay." Chase groans.
She looks down watching as Chase wraps his hand around his cock and starts to pump it.
"God that's it baby. Pretend it is my mouth baby." Eden purrs in his ear never taking her eyes off him.
Chase closes his eyes breath hitching as he starts to stroke himself. Eden moved harder against his thigh.
"God Eden your mouth, I love fucking it." Chase moans stroking harder.
"That's it baby." Eden says.
"God baby that's it suck my dick. Just like that. God I just want to bottom out balls deep inside your sweet pussy baby." Chase moans.
"God Chase I want that too." Eden moans.
"Oh fuck Eden." Chase calls out as he cums hard splattering it against his stomach.
"Clyde baby. "Eden moans as she cums all over his thigh.
They sit there breatheless riding the high from their orgasm.
"God that was just wow." Chase says.
"Better then your fantasies?" Eden asks.
"Yes baby much better." Chase says.
Eden gets up and drops to her knees.
"Can't let all that cum go to waist now can we." Eden says looking up locking eyes with Chase as she licks the cum off his stomach.
Chase kisses her as he picks her up off the ground. He leads her towards the bathroom shredding the remainder of their clothes as they did. They end up in the shower Eden gave Chase a blow job and then Chase returned the favor by eating her out. Finally they showered and headed to bed after cleaning up. The babies woke up and they take care of them. They then climb into bed and snuggle under the covers until they fall asleep.
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might-be-a-zygon · 4 years
Yowzah, Twiver, and Space Wives? 16, 12, 7, 2. No points for guessing who my fave is hehe
What song fits your pairing most?
Running Through Rivers
And I’ve been searching for someone
Who makes like a story
And you seem quite perfect to me dear
And you won’t be sorry
That you seem quite perfect to me
Favourite headcanon/trope/idea?
Honestly? Anything relating to the awkwardness of their very early relationship. The post-Demon’s run stuff is always sweet, but I’ve always adored the older River causing Chaos in early Eleven’s life! (and the angst potential of it!)
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom what would it be? Why?
I don’t know why but the tangled series? Like Disney brand high fantasy weirdness with Eleven being a Varian style steampunk inventor and River being a morally dubious adventurer/rogue knight.
Which character in your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?
I feel like Eleven might try very early on, because this woman knows too much and she’s infatuated with him and it’s terrifying. He’d probably be too intrigued to do it, though.
What song fits your pairing most?
I wish that time was on our side.
Every time I go away
I need you so close
Every time I go away
You see me more like a ghost
Favourite headcanon/trope/idea?
River is very into Twelve’s rockstar aesthetic, even if she misses the suspenders. He plays guitar for her on quiet afternoons.
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom what would it be? Why?
Hmm. Again, I’m not super engaged in many fandoms? Honestly I love the idea of them just in some YA vampire world and staying out of the drama? Like stick them in the Twilight universe except they’re just super-power vampires in the UK somewhere vibing.
Which character in your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?
Again, by this point they’ve been married centuries and their lives are tied together, plus there’s the fact Twelve knows how close to the end they are- I feel like they’re both clinging to every moment knowing how few they have left.
Space Wives
What song fits your pairing most?
The Story
I climbed across the mountain tops
Swam all across the ocean blue
I crossed all the lines
And I broke all the rules
But baby I broke them all for you
Favourite headcanon/trope/idea?
Thirteen being kind of clueless about the new body, and River talking her through all the girly stuff + getting ridiculously excited about it. I also really like the idea of River piercing the Doctor’s ears and I’m not sure why? Like full on bad-idea sleepover ice-and-eraser piercings.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
“I did mum’s when we were kids!”
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom what would it be? Why?
HATCHETFIELDVERSE. River and Thirteen dealing with a whole bunch of different eldritch bullshit? Hell yes. The sheer possibilities! Honestly I feel as though River would be with PEEP, and Thirteen would be a Mrs Holloway witch figure. Also now I want to write this.
Which character in your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?
I think they’re both too invested? It’s kind of ride or die with them. I can’t really see either of them breaking things off, they’ve fought too hard for each other.
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chipsterai · 4 years
Prayer for You
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“Pronoia is the Antidote”
This is a perfect moment. It’s a perfect moment because I’ve been inspired to say a gigantic prayer. I’ve been roused to unleash a divinely greedy, apocalyptically healing prayer for each and every one of you—even those of you who don’t believe in the power of prayer.
And so I’m starting to pray right now to the God of Gods…The God beyond all Gods…the Girlfriend of God…the Teacher of God…the Goddess who invented God.
Dear Goddess, you who never kill but only change:
I pray that my exuberant, suave and accidental words will move you to shower ferocious blessings down on everyone who reads this benediction.
I pray that you give them what they don’t even know they need—not just the boons they think they want but everything they’ve always been afraid to even imagine or ask for.
Dear Goddess, you wealthy anarchist burning heaven to the ground:
Many of the divine chameleons out there don’t even know that their souls will live forever.
So please use your brash magic to help them see that they are all wildly creative geniuses too big for their own personalities.
Guide them to realize that they are all completely different from what they’ve been led to believe about themselves, and more exciting than they can possibly imagine.
Make it illegal, immoral, irrelevant, unpatriotic, and totally tasteless for them to be in love with anyone or anything that’s no good for them.
O Goddess, you who give us so much love and pain mixed together that our morality is always on the verge of collapsing:
I beg you to cast a boisterous love spell that will nullify all the dumb ideas, bad decisions, and nasty conditioning that have ever cursed the wise and sexy virtuosos out there.
Remove, banish, annihilate, and laugh into oblivion any jinx that has clung to them, no matter how long they’ve suffered from it, and even if they have become accustomed or addicted to its ugly companionship.
Please conjure an aura of protection around them so that they will receive an early warning if they are ever about to act in such a way as to bring another hex or plague into their lives in the future.
Dear Goddess, sweet goddess, you sly universal virus with no fucking opinion:
Please help all the personal growth addicts out there to become disciplined enough to go crazy in the name of creation, not destruction.
Teach them the difference between oppressive self-control and liberating self control.
Awaken in them the power to do the half right thing when it is impossible to do the totally right thing. Arouse the Wild Woman in them—even if they’re men.
Dear Goddess, you pregnant slut who scorns all mediocre longing:
I pray that you will inspire all the compassionate rascals communing with this prayer to kick their own asses and wash their own brains.
Provoke them to throw away or give away all the things they own that encourage them to believe that they are better than anyone else.
Show them how much fun it is to brag about what they cannot do and do not have.
Give them bigger, better, more original sins and wilder, wetter, more interesting problems.
Most of all, Goddess, brainwash them with your freedom so that they never love their own pain more than anyone else’s pain.
O Goddess, you wildly disciplined, radically curious, shockingly friendly, fanatically balanced, mysteriously truthful, teasingly healing, lyrically logical master of rowdy bliss:
Cultivate in yourself a fervent yearning for the intimate companionship of these budding messiahs. Play with them every day. Answer their questions. Listen to their stories. Inspire them to love you so much they lose all their hatred forever.
Dear Goddess, you psychedelic mushroom cloud at the center of all our brains:
Bless the insanely poised creators out there with lucid dreams while they’re wide awake. Provide them with their own spin doctors and vacuum cleaners for their magic carpets, and solar-powered sex toys that work even in the dark.
Give them a knack for avoiding other people’s hells, and a thousand masks that all represent their true feelings, and secret admirers who are not psychotic stalkers.
Arrange for a racehorse to be named after them, or an underground river, or a thousand-year-old storm on Saturn.
Teach them to be their own prophets and pray to themselves and right their own wrongs and sing their own songs and be their own wives and save their own lives.
Dear Goddess, you riotously tender, hauntingly reassuring, orgiastically sacred feeling that is even now running through all of our soft, warm animal bodies:
I pray that you provide all the original sinners out there with a license to bend and even break all rules, laws, and traditions that keep them apart from the things they love.
Show them how to purge the wishy-washy wishes that distract them from their daring, dramatic, divine desires.
And teach them that they can have anything they want if they’ll only ask for it in an unselfish way.
And now dear God of Gods, God beyond all Gods, Girlfriend of God, Teacher of God, Goddess who invented God, I bring this prayer to a close, trusting that in these mysterious moments you have begun to change everyone out there in the exact way they’ve needed to change in order to become the gorgeous geniuses they were born to be. Amen. Awomen.
And please also give them each an emerald green parachute, ruby slippers, a canoe covered with jewels, a black market orchid and a bouquet of organic broccoli, a donkey clown piñata full of crickets, a protective gargoyle lifted from the Chartres Cathedral, a guitar string actually played by Jimi Hendrix, a strawberry chocolate cake baked in the shape of a question mark, a human DNA map drawn up by the Human Genome Project, fistfuls of sparklers, a bottle of holy water from the River Jordan, photos of lightning on a giant poster, a refrigerator magnet cast in the likeness of the Dalai Lama, and the key of life accidentally placed inside a box of Cracker Jack.
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thoschei-rights · 5 years
Even more Who Fic ideas I can’t write bc I’m lazy
Okay maybe not lazy- I don’t think I’m lazy? I just really struggle keeping attention, and after a paragraph I’m bored? I struggle to stick with thing?? Idk? I dunno how to explain- but yeah take my ideas and run with them if you like them?? Heck if you write them, hit me up, and I’ll literally link them in this post <3
Okay so some of these exist already but they’re all mostly text fics? But can we please have more Eleven/Dhawan!Master fics?? I think the fandom has mostly just accepted their original meeting was while he was Eleven because he’s the only New Who Doctor not to have a Master Post-Ten? (Look I bolded post-ten so yall don’t think I’m ignoring Nine and The War Doc??) Can we not have the Master lowkey flirting with Eleven and Eleven being flustered af bc Eleven was a baby :’) Idk? I just- I have no excuses haha
This is an idea Ive had for a while, because I like River and y’know? Space Wives?? Please? :’) But anyway, my biggest love would be Thirteen in the Library episodes? Thirteen lowkey infiltrating the exploration squad or whatever the fudge they were called, she could pass as a normal person albeit a bit eccentric? Because River definitely doesn’t know that face if the Husbands of River Song is anything to go by? Thirteen promising herself she’s not there to get involved or change anything, she’s just there to see River one more time- but then Oop- she get’s involved gg :’) Its up to you how much she changes, if anything gets overwritten? Go crazy yo-
This prompt contains Broadchurch S2 spoilers btw Okay this one is a crossover? Sorry. Normally I’m not a crossover person, I just don’t like them most of the time unless they’re really well written? I read an amazing D:BH x Marvel crossover once?? ANYWAY. I’m going off on one... Broadchurch x Who fics aren’t rare.. but ones including Thirteen are hella rare and it makes me so sad?? But anyway, I finished season 2 the other day and lol at they end, Paul is all like lol bye Joe off to Sheffield you go... and I’m just there fucking screaming? Imagine right? Joe is just chilling in Sheffield being the shitstain that he is? And he sees Thirteen? and he’s like? fuck? what? help? Extra points if she’s being super gay with Yaz or she’s lowkey with the Master :’) but either way Joe is pissing himself bc he’s like holy fuck i’m being haunted or karma or- idk :’) extra extra points if Thirteen spots this random human staring and thinks he’s being homophobic or racist or smth and she lowkey gives him a glare and hESHJBF,DJKBFHDHJKFSDG I’m fine. fuck. i’m honestly fine. Joe deserves jail thanks he made my baby cry :ccc
nOW I have that out of the way- iMAgine lets kill hitler but when River gives him her regenerative shizzle, it heals him yes, but he also regenerates into Twelve? bc by this point the ponds have witnessed Mels > River regeneration so they’re aware of the concept? but now? their young energetic puppy of a doctor is a grumpy scot? and they’re whiplash af? but they aren’t the type to get judgemental? bc he’s still the doctor? I think if the ponds ever had to deal with a regen, they’re definitely in the group that would be accepting and wouldn’t taken ten years to get over it (LOOKING AT YOU CLARA YOU MEANIE???) Rory having a mid-life crisis bc now he has TWO anger scot peoples 
Clara breaking Thirteen out of prison bc we’ve all seen the Jack versions but hi Clara can’t get back to Gallifrey to be put back in her timestream if iTS ALL DESTROYED SO IS SHE IMMORTAL??/ Anyway yeah Clara is like lmao psyche I’m gonna go save the dork from prison bc ur not telling me she doesn’t keep tabs on him? pft. Thirteen is like woah holy shit Clara? and Clara is like woah holy shit yoU REMEMBER ME AND YOU’RE GORGEOUS AND WOAH SHIT NOW IM GAY?? :’) and then Jack bursts in and he’s like oh i was late which one of you are the doctor- :’) 
Asylum of the Daleks except Eleven literally takes Dalek Oswin with him? and news spreads among the universe? the doctor and a dalek> traveling? together? it causes the biggest shOOKETH in the history of shOOKETHs? imagine landing places and peoples reactions to a fuCKING DaleK OH SHIT WE GON DIE but then woah?? a literal sassy female-sounding dalek? hi bye wtf? Yes. We stan Dalek Oswin.
Thasmin bc I need to make sure yall know deSPITE THE USERNAME I DO ACTUALLY DIE FOR THASMIN TOO YKNOW??? anyway, the house-tardis (housis) likes Yaz, bc everyone likes Yaz, have you met her? she’s precious? we love? anyway the housis takes Yaz to the Doctor bc Yaz is lowkey begging bc she needs to save her- she doesn’t know what happens but- she hopes and- anyway the housis takes her to prison and yeet Yaz is a badass and breaks her out? Thirteen is like woAH im gay af when Yaz deadass throws a guard over her shoulder or smth and she’s like I DONT APPROVE OF TH E VIOLEN C E but she’s also gay crisis af :’) we just have lots of prison break alternatives in this church
Can i throw in another broadchurch crossover? I like these... The Master escapes the Kasaavin realm and ends up in Broadchurch? He’s bare confused why everyone looks like the doctor or his/her/their human pets :’) he lowkey does double takes every two seconds. without a tardis he’s forced to live as a human for a bit, while trying to contact the doctor, bc as much as he doesnt wanna admit it, he needs her to give him a lift to his tardis lmao- anyway she eventually turns up and idk , everything falls to shit bc the general public are so confused bc now there’s two beths :’)
the fam end up in petes world after a shitshow in the votex :’) maybe someone crashes into them (lol probably the master being a bish) and yep. thirteen is like o shit nope i cant do this- but the fam wanna explore, so she can’t refuse. and ofc, cliche af but oFC THEY RUN INTO ROSE? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? WE NEED BLONDE BABIES TOGETHER THANKS? maybe thirteen is trying to pretend to be normal and human and its a disaster and the fam are confused but play along, maybe they’re dragged into an alien issue and its all running and shit? maybe meta doc is dead? maybe thirteen wants to tell rose who she is so bad but? she cant? things are so different now? she’s changed so much> she’s scared? jkhflkjhg precious- but yeah take it as you wANT YO
the fam meeting missy. you can set missy pre-dhawan, post-dhawan, I’m not bothered? personally I really like post-dhawan but it’s fine. the fam are like oo whose this aND IT DOESNT CONNECT THEY’RE THE MASTER BC MISSY IS A NORMAL NAME SO THEY DONT THINK- but then it comes to light and they’re like HYJKFGUIGFDSLUHGSUHL maybe they’re angry and confrontational, maybe they’re defensive and shook?? i dunno but missy and fam are the dream squad thanks-
same as last time, this has lots of typos and gramatical errors, shit punctuation and half the time i forgot to capatalize... BUT i lowkey have a big ass bandage around a finger on my left hand and its hard to type- (i was a numpty and cut a bit off my finger at work) SO YEAH I HAVE AN EXCUSE- ?? haha jokes im just a mess... but yeah I’ll fix this post up evenbtually... 
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terapsina · 5 years
002 - 13/River
Thank you :)
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: Literally the moment they revealed Thirteen’s face and a grin erupted on my face because I ship all versions of the Doctor with River but the chance for Space Wives is just something I can’t pass up.
My thoughts: I have a LOT of thoughts about them. Specifically though? IDK I just keep wondering about the ways in which they might run into each other. Would River recognize her? And if she did would it be because she’s already seen the new face? Would it be in the middle of River trying to steal the TARDIS? Or would she show up just in time to save the Doctor from their new adventure? Would it be a young reckless River or a River that’s already a professor? Would the Doctor react by hugging River so tightly it’s like she never wants to let go or would she freeze in place and try to run away? There are so many possibilities and I want to see every single one of them.
What makes me happy about them: The idea that the Doctor might run into River again and the Fam would be there to meet her and to be left blinking because the Doc’s MARRIED? 
What makes me sad about them: The thought that whatever River shows up is a pre-Library River and the Doctor would still be on borrowed time.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Not annoy me exactly but I’m disappointed if their fic doesn’t involve any of the new companions. I want to see Yaz, Ryan and Graham actually meeting River Song.
Things I look for in fanfic: Reunion fics. ALL the reunion fics. I’ve written 3 and read a lot more and they are always so very satisfying.
My wishlist: Honestly, just that River shows up, or gets mentioned and referred to as Thirteen’s wife.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Can’t do it, I love and admire multi-shippers (I’m kinda actually envious of them) but I’m just largely very incapable of being one. It’s not that I mind them moving on… I’d be happy for them… I just wouldn’t read any fics about it.
My happily ever after for them: I don’t need an ever after for them, I just want more time for them. For the Doctor to find out that there’s still more moments with River in her future.
(in answer to this ask meme. This was fun and I’m still bored so if anyone wants to send me something else go ahead and ask here pls)
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mendesho · 6 years
The Wild Rose
A/N: So here it is. It’s a little dark but I hope you all enjoy it anyway.
Word Count:  A little over 4k.
Warning: Blood, Murder, A lil sex. Things like that. 
Song inspiration: Where the Wild Roses Grow- Nick Caves and the Bad Seed Ft Kylie Minogue.
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They called her the wild rose. Her beauty and grace were known far and wide across the country. Her lips red as the bloody roses that grew down by the river and her hair cascading down her back like the rapid falls. Her eyes gleamed like diamonds hidden in a mine far below the earth.
 The called her the wild rose. But her name was Eliza Day. She had been forgotten by legend, her true name a forgotten song in the wind. A legend that haunted the town and the river where the wild roses grow. Her namesake. This is her story. The story of the girl time forgot.
 It was a warm July day. The birds were chirping loudly as she woke, her eyes fluttering at the sound and the beam of the sun entering her blinds. She sat up, petting the small kitten that lay at her feet and stood, stretching as her bones creaked.
 She went to the vanity that sat at the edge of the room, brushing her hair. She got dressed and prepared to enter town. She stared at herself in the mirror once more, making sure she looked presentable, before exiting her house into the warm summer air.
 She tried to ignore the stares she got from the men and the scowl she got from their wives. She knew she was pretty, but she always remained humble. She walked past with a smile as she made her way into the market.
 She wandered aimlessly, not really looking where she was going, her mind far away in another place. That's when she bumped into him.
 “Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!” She cried out, helping the man brush off his coat.
 “It's fine it's- oh” He said, his eyes finally meeting her face.
 She had to admit, he was quite handsome. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was brown and curly and sat neatly on his head. His eyes were brown with a hint of mystery behind them. Something dark and locked away.
 “I'm Shawn. Shawn Mendes” He said, extending his hand.
 She shook his hand, his grip firm but his hands soft. “Eliza Day”
 “Lovely to meet you, Miss Day” He said with a smile.
 “You as well, Mr. Mendes” She smiled.
 “I should get going but I'm sure I'll see you around” She said with a smile.
 He nodded and released her hand, taking a step back as she walked away.
 She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face as she walked away from him. She hoped she'd see him again.
They had seen each other again, a few times in passing. Their eyes met and their smiles lingered. She had this desire for him. A desire that she didn't know how to explain. She hadn't been with anyone. Not even a kiss, and yet somehow, she had this animalistic desire to have him take her.
 She didn't know where this came from. The desire to make love to this man that she barely knew. She couldn't explain it. She didn't care to. All she knew was that she wanted him. All of him.
 They had talked each time they saw each other, mostly quick remarks simple hellos. Their stares would linger and their eyes would follow the other. She would blush and look away, unsure why he had made her so nervous. He was just a man. A beautiful man.
 She wanted to know this mystery man. The man who appeared in town out of the blue that turned her whole world upside down. The man who made her feel things she didn't think was possible. She hardly knew him, but she wanted to.
 He had invited her out to dinner. It was a simple meal of potatoes and steak, but it was delicious. They had simple conversation. She learned about where he was from, that he was a doctor who was working at the university.  That he loved to go to the river where the wild roses grew and bask in the serene setting. The peace of the river bringing comfort while he was far from home.
 He was beautiful.
 He walked her home that night, his hands by his sides; though she could tell they wanted to wander. They stood on her doorstep, illuminated only by the light of the moon.
 She looked into his eyes, the mystery behind them still lingering. She'd been on dates before. She’d always felt nervous and shaky. With him, though, she felt calm. Like he took away all her sadness and fear.
 “Thank you for coming out with me tonight, Miss Day”
 “Thank you for having me, Mr. Mendes” She said with a smile.
 He returned the smile, his hand coming up to brush a stray hair out of her face.
 Her eyes fluttered shut at his touch. So gentle and warm.
 Her eyes opened to find him staring, his eyes boring into her soul. There was something dark in them. Something a little dangerous. It almost made her shutter in the warm air.
 “Can I... can I kiss you?” He asked, his eyes softening with the question.
 “Oh... um, yes. Please” She stammered.
 She'd never done this with anyone.
 He leaned in, his lips brushing her tentatively, before pressing them firmly against her. She closed her eyes, her body trembling and her heart pounding. His lips felt soft. They were careful, yet sure. His hands planted on her waist, respectful and calm.
 Her body felt light. Like the wind was carrying her to the heavens above. It was new to her, but it felt right. It felt real.
 It was over far sooner than she wanted, her mind buzzing as the feeling of his lips lingered against her skin.
 “W-would you like to come inside...” She stammered out. Her body was on fire, craving his touch further. Wanting to feel him in the most sinful way.
 “Not tonight my love... but soon. I promise” He said with a smile.
 She nodded, placing another kiss to his lips.
 “Goodnight, Shawn.” She said, stepping back from him.
 “Goodnight, Eliza” He said, his voice soft and sweet.
 She smiled back at him once more before stepping inside, closing the door behind her.
 She pressed her back against the door, a wide smile on her red lips. He was the one. The one she had been waiting for. The one she would give herself to. She was sure of it now.
 He was the one.
 They had seen each other for nearly 3 months, each night ending with a kiss and a goodnight, him never wanting to come inside. She felt endeared by this. The respect he had for her. She felt calm with him. Like nothing could hurt her. Like everything she wanted was finally in front of her.
 There was a knock on the door, startling her out if her thoughts. She padded over the cool wood floor, opening the door. There he stood, a jacket, white shirt and denim pants. In his hands was a single red rose that he held out to her, a smile on his lips.
 “For you, my lady.” He said with a smile.
 She smiled bright and took the rose, placing it to her nose to smell the sweet aroma. It was one of the roses that grew by the river. It's petals were blood red and it filled her nose with its floral scent.
 “You shouldn't have” She said, placing a soft kiss to his cheek.
 “It was my pleasure. You have to come to the river with me tomorrow morning” He said
 She smiled at him, the rose placed over her lips. “I'd love to”
 “Excellent. Are you ready for dinner?”
 “I am! Let me grab my coat” She says, reaching for her jacket.
 They had a nice dinner, as they did every night, but tonight, the air felt different. It felt more electric. Like something was pulling them together. Making her more nervous. There was nothing new. Nothing that should be making her palms sweat. But she couldn't shake the nerves that plagued her.
 It was a usual night. He walked her home, gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. But this time, instead of saying goodbye, he asked if he could come inside.
 She nodded eagerly, unsure as to why she was so excited for this. They had been dating for barely 3 months, yet she wanted to be close to him. To open up to him. To give him every piece of her that she could.
 She shut the door behind them as he stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room.
 ‘I know it's not much...” She said, standing self consciously
 “No, no! It's nice. I love it” He said, placing his hands on her hips. She smiled, leaning into him.
 She felt his thumb brush her side as he stared in her eyes. She felt a shiver run down her spine and her hairs stand on end.
 “I want you” She breathed, the words not hitting her brain until they'd already left her lips. Her eyes widened at her own forwardness. She'd never been so bold, always known as the shy, beautiful girl who stayed to herself.
 “I'm sorry... I shouldn't have” She started, turning her head to look away from him.
 His finger came to her face, turning her head to look him in the eye again.
 “No. Tell me. What do you want” he said, his voice firm.
 Her breathing hitched at how rough his voice sounded. His voice was usually calm and smooth, soft as the rolling clouds. Now, there was desire behind his voice. A dark desire that made her shiver more than autumn air that began to roll in.
 “I-I…  I want you...” She stammered, struggling to find her courage.
 She was about to take a huge step. About to give this man a piece of herself that she swore she'd save until marriage. That she'd save for the one.
 He was the one
 “I want you to make love to me” She said, more confidence in her voice. She still trembled at the thought if giving herself to someone. Especially someone like Shawn. Someone who made her weak in the knees and her mind buzz. She couldn't deny it, though. She loved what he made her feel. How he made her feel. How he made her feel beautiful without trying. How he made her feel loved.
 She loved him.
 He nodded his head, eyes boring deep into hers. “Okay.”
 He took her hand, leading her to the bedroom. He turned to face her once they were inside, placing a kiss on her lips.
 She kissed him back, her hands on his shoulder to steady herself.
 She pulled away from him, taking a step back and removed her dress, hands trembling as she did so. She tossed the dress to the side, clad in only her black bra and underwear, and lay on the bed.
 He eyed her hungrily, the darkness in his eyes returning as the bulge in his denim grew bigger.
 She bit her lip, trying to calm her nerves for what was about to happen. She had never been with anyone like this. Shawn knew that. She knew he take his time with her, but she couldn't fight the trembles that shook her body.
 “Just... be gentle, okay?” She stated her voice shaky.
 “Of course, baby. I'll take care of you” He said.
 He kneeled on the bed, placing soft kisses on her cheek, his lips gliding to her neck. His hands gripped her sides as he nibbled at her neck, soft moans and giggles escaping her lips.
 His hands trailed down her body, his lips following close behind. He removed her bra and underwear, leaning back to take her in.
 She blushed a crimson red as he stared at her, instinctively going to cover herself. Before she could, Shawn grabbed her hands, pushing them away.
 “No. I want to see you.” He stated.
 She nodded, allowing him to place her hands by her sides again. She took a deep breath, her nerves subsiding a little, and allowed him to continue.
 His lips returned to her stomach, as he pushed his shirt off his body, his muscle rippling as he held himself up on his forearms.
 She moaned at the soft touch and the feeling of his lips. Her desire was pooling in her core, a sensation she had only heard about. A sensation she was finally feeling.
 “So beautiful” Shawn muttered against her skin.
 His lips landed on her thighs as his hands found their way to her center, a long finger rubbing slowly up and down her folds.
 She whined, lifting her hips to receive more friction. She could feel a smirk against her thigh, is teeth grazing the soft flesh. She wanted to feel more of him. Wanted to feel the delightful sensation that rocked her core. The soft kiss of his lips all over her. She needed more.
 His eyes peered up at her, still dark and mysterious. His tongue flicked over he clit, causing a shooting pleasure to rip through her body. She moaned loudly, hands gripping his hair as he continued the motion, long and slow sweeps over her clit.
 It was blinding, the amount of pleasure she felt. The new sensation overwhelming her senses. Her brain seemed to turn to mush and she was putty in his hands. She wanted him to do what he pleased with her and she was okay with it. She needed him.
 “So sweet.” He muttered again, hands gripping her thighs firmly.
 She writhed in his grip, a knot forming in the pit if her stomach as the pleasure she felt continued to ascend until she couldn't take it any further, the knot exploding and her moans filling the quiet room.
 He popped up from between her thighs, licking his lips as he watched her.
 He trailed kisses back up to her lips, placing a soft peck on them before sitting up again.
 He began undoing his pants, shimmying them off his legs along with his boxer briefs.
 He kissed her slowly again, as he lined himself up at her entrance. He pulled away, staring at her face.
 She nodded for him to continue. He gave her one final kiss as he slid into her, going as slow as possible.
 She winced in pain, feeling him stretch her. It was almost too much. Tears began to stream down her face as he filled her completely, the searing pain causing her vision to go white.
 He stayed still for a moment, kissing the tears away from her cheek.
 “I've got you. It's okay. I'll take your tears away.” He whispered
 She found his words calming and found her body relaxing, the pain still lingering but something else replacing most of it.
 He began to rock his hips, a sharp inhale leaving her lips. Her eyes fluttered shut and her lip between her teeth.
 He began thrusting, in and out, filling her again and again. This was all new to her and she definitely understood why people did this. It was an intense feeling and extremely intimate. Something that she was lucky enough to share with the one she loved.
 Her nails dug into his shoulder as she moved her hips in motion with his. She felt the familiar knot begin to form again.
 His head dipped into the nape of her neck, his warm breath hitting her skin as his thrusting became faster. His lips placed soft kisses on her neck and shoulder, teeth grazing and nipping at the flesh.
 Her mind was a whirlwind of emotion, her sense felt overloaded. She felt like she wasn't in control of her body, moaning and bucking uncontrollably, the intense pleasure overtaking her.
 “S-Shawn. S-sha-” She moaned loudly as her second orgasm washed over her. Her back arched off the bed, her skin pressing against his as she felt herself pulse around him. Her nails dug into his shoulder, as her eyes rolled back into her head.
 She heard him groan from above her, teeth sinking into her skin as she felt him twitch inside her. She moaned again, feeling both of their bodies relax as he collapsed on top of her.
 They lay in silence, the only sound in the room coming from their breathing and the only light from the moon peering through the open window.
 It was a beautiful sight, two lovers in an embrace, sharing a moment neither would forget. It was magnificent, the way he felt against her. The way his fingers danced across her body and the way his lips left behind a tingle that would stay with her.
 This was more perfect than she ever dreamed.
 “You okay?” Shawn asked, his eyes meeting hers.
 “Yeah… Yeah, I'm perfect” She said.
 “Yes you are” He whispered, placing a kiss on her shoulder.
 This was a night she would never forget. It was truly perfect.
 The air began to get crisp with the change of the seasons.  The roses by the river were still bright and blood red, though signs of wilting were beginning to show.
 They held hands as they walked along the bank, smiles on their face. Her white dress blowing in the cool breeze and his white button down shirt clinging to his form.
 They came to a clearing by the river, wild rose bushes on each side. She smiled at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.
 It was a beautiful day, the sun high in the sky and the birds singing. The river running calm as she stood in her love's embrace, their lips tangling.
 “I love you” She breathed as she pulled back from him, her eyes still closed, letting the feeling of his lips linger on hers.
 “I love you too, Elisa” He said, his voice calm.
 She pulled back from him, holding his hands in hers and smiling. She could feel the joy overtake her. The joy of having him in her life. The love she had long sought but thought she'd never have.
 She turned from him, her back facing away as she watched the river flow peacefully.
 She thought back over the months they'd spent together. How quickly she had fallen for him. How easily she gave herself to him. She felt warmth rush over her as she thought about their future. Getting married, having children. A little house on the hill. She wanted it all with him.
 She heard him mutter something behind her, and as she went to turn towards him she felt a sharp pain in her head, her vision blurring instantly and a rush of warm liquid trickle down her cheek. Before she could say anything, she fell to the grass beneath her, her vision going dark.
 From the moment he saw her, he knew she was the one. Her beauty overtaking him. Her lips crimson and red like the wild roses by the river bank.
 She was as graceful as a swan and her smile filled him with a comfort he hadn't experienced since his mother's soft kiss to his forehead.
 He had to have her.
 He watched her every day, making a habit to interact with her. To gain her trust.
 It worked.
 He told her he was a doctor. He knew this wasn't true, but he couldn't tell her the truth. She would never trust him. He would never have her if she knew who he was.
 He made her love him. And he loved her.
 The night they made love, he had achieved his desire. To possess her completely. To have her completely and entirely. To make her his.
 She gave herself to him and he took every bit he could. Every inch of her skin as soft as a rose petal while his heart raced like the falls. The way she sounded like the soft strums of a harp, calm and serene and beautiful.
 She was his. He finally had her.
 As they walked down the river, he knew what he had to do. He had to preserve her. Leave her untouched by another hand. To make sure she stayed his. The last person she would ever love. The last person to ever have her that way.
 She kissed him. A kiss that lingered. A kiss that made his heart shutter in his chest. He watched her as she stared over the river, the calming rush of the water easing his nerves.
 “Goodbye, Eliza Day” He muttered as he picked up a large rock from the ground, eyeing the rough surface. It was grey and jagged, the size of a baseball. He looked up at the back of her head, the wind blowing her hair.
 She looked like an angel.
 Before he could fully stop himself, he plunged it into her skull, the sickening crack echoing over the peaceful quiet that surrounded them. Everything seemed to go still. Like nothing was around except her and him.
 She fell to the ground, a wet gurgling from her throat as the crimson red seeped into the ground. She tried to speak, her words coming out grumbled and low.
 “I'm sorry” He whispered, kneeling down and planting a final kiss to her red lips. A kiss goodbye. “I'm so sorry”
 “S-Shawn” She gurgles, struggling to breathe.
 “All beauty must die” He stated, the words from his father filling his mind.
 She reached out to him once more, her arm weak from the blood loss. Her voice trembled as she struggled to speak, tears welling in her eyes “S-Shawn, p-plea-”
 “I love you” He raised the rock in his hands once more, crashing it down with a sickening crack. She fell silent. She stopped moving. No more gurgling. No more pain. No more beauty.
 The peaceful quiet returned as he stood over her, the grey rock in his hand stained with the blood of the women he loved.
 Even in death, she was still beautiful. The white dress stained red and her blue eyes staring up at the sun, lifeless and hallow. A single tear falling from her eyes.
 Shawn stared at her, dropping the rock to the ground. He wiped the tear away, placing another soft kiss on her forehead.
 She was begging to get cold.
 His hands trailed to the necklace he bought her, lying motionless against her chest. His hand ran over the small silver chain, a heart locket at the end, placing it flat against her chest again.
 He plucked a rose from the bush next to her body, running along her lips and chest before placing it in her mouth.
 “I love you” He said once more, closing her eyes, making sure she was finally at peace.
 He stood, dragging her lifeless body into the river, watching as it sank below the surface, her beauty being preserved forever but the cool water.
 He watched for a while, the birds still chirping in the cool autumn sun. Before long she disappeared below the surface, nothing remained of her besides a dark spot on the dirt where she lied.
 Shawn closed his eyes, shaking his head. He looked at the sleeve of his shirt, stained red with her blood. He rolled the sleeves up, rinsing his hands in the river before standing again, looking at the calm water once more, hints of red mixing into the surface. He turned around, looking back once more before walking away into the woods. Leaving her to rest where the wild roses grow. Leaving her to be at peace.
 Nobody ever found out what happened to her or Shawn. He disappeared after that day, leaving no trace behind of him.
 Some say you can still see her ghost, still beautiful with ghost white skin and blood red lips, wandering the bank, clutching the red rose in her hand that he left with her, searching for her lost love. The man that took everything from her.
 Her name had been erased from history. No one remembering who she really was. They only know her story. The story of the wild rose. They called her the wild rose. But her name was Eliza Day.
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ukthxbye · 6 years
So on the 2nd anniversary of the ILY scene, I reflect on the aftermath and the future.
Perhaps this is our ending for Sherlock, after all, and there can be a contentment found in it. But technically it is still open for production at the BBC.
So perhaps I can provide some hope to particularly the Sherlolly community which may not be familiar with Moffat’s patterns if they did not follow his run on Doctor Who and with the River Song story line.
Moffat writes wives for his faves. I plan to call him on it if meet him one day. Molly fits that model perfectly when matched to River. Independently capable women with their own lives, smart as the men(he was a man the whole time River knew him far as we know so we’ll stick with that gender) they love, and the kind of women that make them want to do better. Women that chose for better or worse to keep these men in their lives because they do love them and see the greatness in them. And push them to greatness.
In the run with River Song, there was much hate and discourse about the Doctor not really loving her. Marrying her at the top of that tower to just appease her. I even heard people say how pathetic she was in that scene. Sound familiar, Sherlollies?
Moffat made it clear that the Doctor loves River but he decided to take the opportunity to make it without a doubt clear of their love and marriage with The Husbands of River Song. And also give a nice gift to Davies as well who is good friends with. Always funny how people like to pit them against each other. He made sure to shut down the haters and gave the Doctor and River 24 years together. Domesticated 24 years.
But I digress, the point being, we are only two years out from The Final Problem. I do not think they are done. And I do think Moffat cannot resist to repeat what he did in Husbands of River Song. And anything haters and trolls and you name it try to say against it, the more it will fuel him to make Sherlolly without a shadow of a doubt canon. Ignore whatever he has said. He lies and deflects. And if he is lying and deflecting, then there is an opposite thought spinning in his head. Trust me, I have seen it many times with Doctor Who.
Again, there are a lot of factors that could derail this all. But he gets the chance again, it’s happening. So have hope on this day. There may be more. Until then, let’s just keep filling in the holes and finishing the story ourselves.
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