#i just wanted to challenge myself to make a quick amv with a song i just had lying around
marshmallowgoop · 1 year
Come back I'm waiting anytime the heavy rains come
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novantinuum · 6 years
Jen’s mega list of plans:
Written and posted here purely to keep me accountable, and also bc it’s easier to archive posts than find anything in my thousands of documents on my phone. These are all fan projects, basically.
Gravity Falls
-Draw kiki-kit’s precious flame Mabel, (from the graphic novel), and perhaps a flame Pines Family to go with it. Love her design. It seriously just... is precious <3
-Draw graphic novel like “covers” for @the-ill-doctor and I’s RPs to commemorate our 1 yr anniversary of starting the first RP
-While speaking of RP, push past editing road blocks on The Time We Lost, the Time We Mended so we can finally post TateGate™ (pardon the unintelligible inside joke)
-I genuinely want to continue working on the AU comic I’d churned out a few pages for, and test my ability there more. The graphic novel has inspired me.
-I really want to make a print of that nice piece with three eras of Stan and all the Stan related objects floating over them for myself and hang it on my wall. Simple task, but I know I’ll forget so here I am posting a note to myself. JEN YOU KNUCKLEHEAD, get it done :O
-Just, generally? I want to get more comfortable sketching quick and fast. In traditional. I want to fill up a sketchbook with dynamic poses and expressions and random bullshit and get comfortable getting messy with my art.
-AMVs. Once my brother helps me rip the boxset, I have a special commission to make for @eregyrn-falls , and then after that I had a great, emotional idea for the song Unity by Shinedown.
-I had a fic I started that I REALLY want to get back into, Death and All That Follows. I just have so many crazy projects rumbling through my head that this is easier said than done XD
-There’s a bunch of dynamic Jim and Toby pieces I have half finished that I’ll prob come back to one day if I’m bored...
-My cosplay prop amulet. Need to get glue and get it all together, plus resin/glow in the dark stuff for the crystal, and maybe paint for some touch up pizzaz.
-Not to mention, if I’m going to cosplay Jim? I need to actually order shoes, a wig, and the jacket. I have a stretch goal for colored contact lenses, but eh if I don’t get there that’s fine.
-I can never draw enough troll Jim, to be perfectly honest.
-I promised @inktheblot that I’d draw Toby in the trollhunter armor at some point and I still aim to do that. I actually kinda have an AU for it too?? So I could prob just make a bunch of sketches for that...
-I also promised myself once that I’d make big two or three inch amulet pins. Mostly one just for myself. But if I had the money to do a small bulk batch, excellent.
-Also mostly just for myself, unless I threw it on like... redbubble or something, I wanted to make a custom Trollhunters shirt with the amulet and some crystals and a quote and shit. Because I’m salty that the only Trollhunters shirts that officially exist are for small children.
AU crossover nonsense
-Write more of A Tale of Two Trollhunters. Probably a given, but I’m behind where I wanted to be. Also, I have a bunch of half sketched out future scene ideas I want to post as one shot snippets bc we all know I’ll never actually get there going chronologically ;D;
-Design troll forms for my changeling Dipper and Mabel
-While we’re at it, make designs for Alex and Gina Pines, my OC Dip and Mab parents who feature in the future stuff for this story.
-Just, in general... develop my OCs more. Make MORE OCs. Challenge myself to just MAKE characters.
-Speaking of that, I kiiiinda wanna make a GF dating sim persona I kiiiinda really do, is it too late for that? XD
So. Anyways. As you might tell from all this insanity, I have a whole hell of a lot I would. Conceptually like to do? I really really love making fandom content y’all, it’s what keeps me going honestly. It’s my one creative outlet in between the stress of trying to pursue a degree in biochemistry, of all the hellishly complicated things I could’ve decided to find fascinating. And there’s genuinely some points where I’m like? What the hell Jen. What the fresh hell, why on earth do you have to give yourself so many project ideas to tackle? Why did you decide to draw AND write AND edit, why can’t you just pick ONE? And I’ve no idea dudes not a s i n g l e fuck. My attention bounces so fast from one idea to the next that sometimes I genuinely marvel how on earth I’ve gotten anything done in the past two years, but eh no matter. Anyways, now I’m just rambling so?
Future Jen. Step your game the fuck up my man. Get some cool fan content done! Stop disappointing your far-too-cool mutuals and followers with a lack of fan content and make something you can be proud of! Be cool, dude.
Be cool.
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toruhoe · 7 years
Excuse me while I go cry because I miss my hair green and long *sobs*
SSSSOOO I got tagged by @haganenobeato ty again Marilyn <33 Also since you did it in spanish you motivated me to challenge myself and try this in english even though I had to stop and re-record like 10 times because I would go asfhlhasjdf and forget words
I’ll put everything down here! *** I forgot answering your question in the audio ;___; “ How would you feel having your soul attached to a suit of armor?” It might come in handy for some stuff, like, you mean no fatigue? But I’d miss so many things so much. I’m a hugger. I love hugging people and feeling warmth, I’d miss the warmth, I’D MISS SLEEPING SO MUCH FFS I sleep tons, I’d also miss flavors, I’d probably get pretty depressed ***
Tell me about you! 1. Where are you from? Panama city!
2. Do you like the manga, brotherhood, or 03 best?  I like both animes, but I prefer Brotherhood/mangaverse
3. When did you get into the series?   Just until last year. I know, how did I live before FMA? smh
4. Do you create anything for the fandom (fanart, gifs, amv’s, songs, fanfiction, etc.)? I draw stuff often. I really enjoy drawing Royai! Sometimes I write some quick drabbles but I never get around to sharing any of them because they suck asjdhf
Fullmetally questions: 1. Who’s your favorite character and why? (Try to keep as low as three.)   ;_; I love them all, Don’t do this to me! Riza Hawkeye has to be the first, I love everything about her! Roy Mustang is a close second (you know they had to be together in here, their chemistry is too much) annnd the third would be Olivier Armstrong! She’s such a badass, I’d let her step on me and thank her. 2. Would you want to be an Alchemist, join the military, or work on automail? Alchemist all the way! 3. Any OTP’s? ROYAI FOR LIFE M8, also I really love Edwin and I think Almei is very cute. I’m sticking to the canon in here asdfsdgf  4. List some of your favorite fics or amv’s: Don’t do this to me x2 THERE ARE JUST SO MANY THAT I ADORE. Before I start listing 1000 fics I’ll just say one of my all-time favorites is Ruby Throat by hmmingbird on FFN. It was one of the first fics I read and it’s so beautifully written, it’s like poetry. 5. Where would you want to live in their universe? Ahh I doubt I’d settle in one place! I love their universe so much and assuming I’d be an alchemist I could somehow get around to travel a lot, I want to get to know every place! 6. Which way do you prefer the death of the Rockbells, mangahood or 03? Mangahood all the way. I couldn’t stand having Roy do that in the first anime ;_; 7. Moments that made you cry? How about moments that made you laugh? I would literally never end the list. When I most cried, though, was at the ending. But it was mostly because it was ending ajksdhfjhasjd, seeing all my precious babies all grown up and doing their thing IT WAS TOO MUCH also the Royai bits during the promised day got me crying like a baby. And I laughed a lot everytime I saw Ed’s reaction about being in love with Winry 8. How do you feel about Roy Mustang’s decision to use the Philosopher’s Stone? Oh boy who am I to judge, to be honest I would’ve done the same. 9. Make up a question for the people you tag! What was your favorite aspect of the series? (like character development, plot development, humor, fights, romance, etc) I’m tagging @queenxolivier, @egalitarian-nature-blog, @jouissezduprintemps, @xennariel and @the-flame-and-hawks-eye. However, if you don’t want to do it that’s okay!
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