#and the audio comes from (in order) episodes 1 2 49 and 39
lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 2
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online.
Day 31: I went to Tesco’s at Hampton at @8pm. It was weird. But I made it less weird by buying (amongst all the legit stuff I needed and some stuff for Karen’s mum) more booze. I have, atm about 30 assorted cans and 60 assorted bottles. I’m gonna stop buying booze now until I’m down to the last dozen. I don’t want owt to happen and I leave many behind!
Day 32: More than a calender month! I was rung up by a recruitment agent today about a contract with DHL as a remote support engineer to their aviation section. €400 a day! I’ve applied. Few beers tonight, watching a new Netflix release (Extraction) and catching up with Fog, Ham, Andy and Rog later at 10:30pm - yikes, might be pissed.
Day 33: Typing this on day 34. Dossed around during the day, few beers and another video call with fog, Ham and Rig plus I invited John Monk along. He was his usual self and signed off from the call with a moonie! Later on I had the pleasure of Scottish Louise video calling me! She was pissed, in her shed drinking den at her home with some neighbour called Ronnie and her daughter Ellie. She was her usual outrageous self who imaprted such gems as “Tim, you look old” and “Roger on coke is the only time I’ve taken it up the arse”. Nice.
Day 34: Today I skyped Laurie and ‘met’ Matthew and Nicholas for the first time. It was bloody fantatsic. Janine was there as well.I cannot believe it takes lockdown (plus an idea to get Laurie to add me to his regular Monday skype chat with Dad) that managed to get us doing something that should have happened years ago! It was so great to talk to them all face-to-face. Janine hasn’t changed a bit, Matthew is very quiet with Nicholas being the more gregorious twin. And Laurie is still Laurie. I’m reminded of how much I sort of miss him! It was all so comfortable. I loved it! Tomorrow is Dad’s 85th hence the 3-way chat idea. I hope it comes off!
Day 35: So dad and Laurie and I skyped. It was OK but my video feed was very dark, (still dunno why) and Lauire’s kept freezing. I dropped out so as to leave them to it, my thinking being the extra person takes up bandwidth, with the promise I’d call dad later. Before I could, Rita called me and suggested Dad and I skype, which we did. So, all in all, a good day of comms! And Dad seems his happy usual self - 85 years old! Amazing.
Day 36: I am really struggling to motivate myself this week. Today, I’ve done fuck all of note. That is all.
Day 37: A similar day to yesterday. All I have really managed to do is lay down audio from Pink Floyd (Absolutely Curtains) to a video I shot of a cow on yesterday’s walk. I am having a downer of a week without any good reason why, ld aside. I have worn my new walking boots today (’cos my old ones are leaking, I found out yesterday) and they fucking hurt, despite having tried to wear them in for months, albeit pathetically. Also, a few days ago (Friday 24th April), I got notification from HM Revenue & Customs that I’m getting tax rebate (from 2018-19) of £392. Yay!
Day 38: I received notification today that I’ve got a speeding ticket…last Thursday back from Tesco’s - 87mph somewhere between the A1 and Elton. I am hoping it’s a fixed penalty. I dunno whether it is yet, I just have to send the form off confirming it’s my car and I was driving. I spoke with Lynda from Woodfords asking her to ask for a rent reduction before I sign for another year. Plus, I let her know that I will be Howard and Sue’s eyes as the look at rental properties in Oundle - I do hope they return although it would be a shame for them that their plans have been scuppered (she’s lost her job in Oz due to Covid-19)
Day 39: Today I started another piece of exercise - up and down the stairs 26 times. Not sure why 26 - it was some thing online to do with the London Marathon, I think. It fucking killed. I used 13 clothes pegs for a counting system. I asked Karen to pick up some stuff when she was shopping (burgers, radishes) - Dan dropped them off, He was with Shaggy (driving his van) and going to see Jonah. That pisses me off - they should be social distancing, ffs.
Discoevered, today, that Cornershop, post-Brinful are fucking excellent. listening to the album ‘England is a Garden’ as I type.
Day 40: That 26 times up and down the stairs is fucking hard. I did videos about it today. My legs are aching like fuck right now.
Day 41: Just done Young Sam’s (Sam Clews) quiz. 3rd week running and it’s now become a habit and something I look forward to. Out of all the internet driven socialising I’m undertaking in ld, this is the weirdest - I feel totally detatched from all others taking part but, now, would feel pissed off if I didn’t or couldn’t join in. I got 47/70 this week. My best score and only about 8 off the winning score  -  most others aren’t doing it on their own!
Today’s walk was a cloudy one - I captured some fine, dramatic pics of the clouds. I am getting into this photography lark, albeit very amateurish. But, when I post any pics online (mostly FB), they seem to be widely appreciated, which is nice.
Day 42: Applied for a remote service delivery job with a firm called TTEC. £60k. Finished watching The Outsider. The creepiest TV show I have seen in years. Really great use of background music.
Day 43: Finished Mindhunter S2 last night. It’s so good but I cannot quite put my finger on why. Today has been a nothing day apart from day 2 of me not typing the letter ‘e’ in any post or comments on FB for a week. It’s hard.
Day 44: Watch Anna last night. A Luc Besson film that starts a kick-ass suprermodel. It’s right down my street. Today I have been lazy af. I need to pick up my online learning again…tomorrow, maybe! I watched Andy Murray Resurfacing. A documentary on Amazon. Fantastic. What a top man he is. Completely human and completely inhuman!
Day 45: Much talk in the news of possible lockdown relaxation. I am off the opinion we should stay the course until we are completely assured of beathing this thing i.e. a working, widely available vaccine. Dad and I Skyped - he is doing well, as usual. So is Rita. They both seem very happy in lockdown! Today has been a glorious day, weather wise. I had my walkk at 10ish this morming and it was very warm. Hottest day of the year so far I reckon.
Day 46: Bank holiday Friday (75th anniversary of VE day). Nice walk. Chat with Karen letting her know about being caught speeding just in case I am banned and need some out of town shopping. Watched second episode of DEVS by Alex Garland. It’s good and intriguing. Now, @7pm, gonna eat and hit the beers and smokes.
Day 47: Typing this at 15:45 on day 48. I had lots of beers and a good old chat with Rog…
Day 48: Today’s daily press conference was eagerly anticipated today with rumours of a relaxation in lockdown. It seems it was a fuss about nothing with no clear instructions - I didn’t watch it but, skimming the BBC news site, I shan’t be doing anything different over the next few weeks, not that I would anyway - furlough and self isolation are the order of the day and I won’t change that until I am sure it’s safe. Meanwhile people, including Danny flaunt the rules, it’s been pointed out to me plus I know he spends time with Jonah and Marc. It really fucks me off. So, the actions of the few mean I will lock myself down for as long, if not longer, as it takes. Attended Sam Clews quiz again. It passes the time. Also, I had half a scotch bonnet chilli with tea tonight (roasted veg, cous cous and sausages). Ridiculously hot!
Day 49: Received the speaker I ordered a few days ago (from eBay). It’s an AudioPro Addon T10. I got it for a very reasonable price from a German shop. As a result, the power lead isn;t three pin and that has seriously fucked me right off!
Meanwhile, I did my 26 stair climb before my daily walk today. It was easier than usual (surprise surprise) and I did 7km - but that was tough! ‘Cos I am on (yet another) free trial of Amazon Prime, I am ramping up watching stuff available. Last night I watched Booksmart - really nice little film with a great soundtrack. I am listening to Dan the Automater as I type. Today I watched half (3 eps) of The Night Manager and the film ‘The Founder’. The former is a superb series, the latter an OK film about Ray Kroc - the supposed founder of McDonald’s. Except he wasn’t; he was the wrong side of ambitious and a cunt.
Day 50: Stripped the 2 pin cable from the speaker I received yesterday and wired up a 3 pin plug and it worked. Win. And it sounds great. Win-win. Went to go shopping in Hampton but the car wouldn’t start. Loss. But it was the battery so I managed to borrow Karen’s jump starter which worked. Win.
Spent £107. Loss. But just under £40 was booze plus £10 for two big pizzas, two sides (dirty fries) and some dips. Win. Didn’t do any online learning - seriously fucking letting myself down. Loss.
Did my usual walking and 26 stair climb. The latter is hard but defo getting easier. Win. Day 51: Sam’s 51st birthday on day 51 - coincidence! Today I received my face mask from Lou - House of Stewart tartan. I’m pleased with it and that I have got a mask now. I managed to get up at a reasonable hour, just left 09:00, and revisit my web design course. Module 1, lesson 5 and I am fucking stuck. Trying to code an online CV with a side nav bar and I cannot get it to fucking work. Grrrrrr. Later, i got into a FB dispute (easily distracted due to the above) with someone over his statement of fact (Tim Martin’s treatment of Whetherspoons’ employees) when he doesn’t know it’s fact. It probably is, but that is not the fucking point.  I wish I could leave these sort of spats alone. I am drinking, at 20:45, peppermint tea as I type. Jeez, what’s happened to me?
Day 52: Well, last night took a swift chnage. Rog message me and, to cut a long story short, I hit the beers, also called Foggy later, got trashed. I got up today at gone 1pm. Sam posted on fb that Paul had forgort her birthday yesterday. Oh dear! The 26 stair climb and walking each day is noticeable for how knackered my legs feel all the time, I noticed today!
Day 53: My birthday! Nice comments and banter of FB. Rachael brought round a bottle of whisky; gobsmacked. Karen popped round some beers and sausage rolls. Sam sent a card, as did dad with a £50 cheque. Dan’s ordering me a pizza later.
Chuffed! Day 54: I went to bed late after a lot of beers, huge pizza and chips, a few smokes and a long call with WWJ and video chats with Fog then Rog. Got up around 1pm and dossed with my usual exercises and I made fish pie with a scotch bonnet. Day 55: Late one last night but up early today (11ish). Really fretting about hospital tomorrow. Nervous anyway but the safety aspect, in terms of Covid-19, isn’t helping.
Day 56: Hospital appointment was just for an eye scan so the consultant can review it. I was very surprised to see how few people were wearing face masks! I did two lots of washing today. (After the hospital) I went to Morrsions, Asda (queue too long though), B&M (queue too long though) then Tesco’s. All to buy a baseball cap ‘cos I’m fucked if I’m going to wet my hair each time I go out and want it to look presentable! In Morrsions (no mens’ clothing apart from underwear!) I stocked up of 10 cans of sugarfree apple Caraboa….I was only thinking of this drink just the other day. Yesterday I finished The Night Manager on Amazon. I liked it a lot but, also, expected much, much more from it consdiering the hype. Hugh Laurie has come a long way from comedy sketches with Stephen Fry!
Day 57:Received an email from Sueanne yesterday asking ( as designated spokesperson for everyone) how I am. The most interestring piece of news in a rather uninformative email was that the US has started to open resorts!
Day 58: I am writing this on Day 59. I started a two walk a day regime. The first walk I do is shorter, around 4km. my aim is to be ready for 1,000,000 steps Diabetic UK challenge (throughout July, August and September). I need to do just under 11,000 steps a day. The relaxation in ld rules makes this achievable. On that score, I am allowed to visit a friend’s house, as long as it’s just the two of us, outside, 2m apart. I went round Karen’s last night. I was desperate to have a Happy Hour (I allow myself a midweek beer - today (well, yesterday) is/was Wednesday!) of sorts with another human (rather than a video chat). I was there for about 2 hours, very enjoyable, and then came home. Then I had usual roasted veg with rice and sausages but I couldn’t eat it. I used half a scotch bonnet rather than the usual birdeye chillis. It was too hot, had to sling it! Had a few more beers and, hence, neglected my diary duties!
Day 59: It’s 01:20am. I don’t know why I am still awake and up, but I am. But, also, I am now going to bed. Nothing else to report, really.
Day 60: Half way through 12 weeks furlough. I was discussing this with Dad and Rita earlier - I am expecting that, at the end of 12 weeks, I’ll be laid off. I hope I’m wrong but I reckon it’s well on the cards. Off to have a beer round Karen’s in a sec which will be pleasant. Just a hour or so. It’s fucking windy today so I shall wrap up!
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languaholic · 5 years
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Hi everyone!
So here is my proposal to make the most out of the last 100 days of the year. First of all, you don’t have to review lessons/pages every day if you don’t want to, I am doing it because it helps me learn things better.
The point of this challenge is that you dedicate at least 10 minutes every day in getting better at expressing yourself in another language and little by little increase your exposure so you are also more fluent. 
To start this challenge, check the options below and decide if you either want to follow the order, skip some or change them for others. Just find what fits your rhythm better and register it so you can look at your progress ;)
Don’t forget to tag your posts with any of these:
100 Days Express Yourself Language Challenge
100 Days Language Learning Challenge
100 Days Language Studies Challenge
And let’s start!
1. Sing a song or read a poem in your target language
2. Translate into your native language the chorus of a target language song
3. Find some interesting idioms used in your target language and write them down illustrating with examples
4. Translate a quote from your native language into the target language
5. Get a list of some irregular verbs that are difficult to you and create sentences with each
6. Describe in your target language something you like or something you find fascinating
7. Watch a short video with the subs of your target language
8. Make a theme vocab list in the target language of the episode you watched and place examples under each word
9. Read an interesting article in the target language and try summarizing it in a few lines
10. Play an audiobook in the target language for ten minutes and write down the words you deem interesting and/or important to review later
11. Make a bucket list in the target language
12. Describe an item you need in the target language
13. Translate a few quotes into the target language
14. Describe your plans for winter vacations
15. Watch a TED talk with the target language audio and/or subs
16. Print a picture you like and write about it
17. Make a vocab list of things you love and add examples
18. Read a short fairy tale
19. Write about food you like
20. Summarize a movie, tv show, book, fanfic, etc. that you enjoyed
21. Find some jokes in the target language
22. Talk about someone you admire
23. Write about a place you would like to return to
24. Write about a dream you recently had
25. Make a vocab list of things you hate and add examples
26. Listen to some songs you like and record yourself singing along
27. Translate a comic or book or fanfic page from your target language into your native language (it can be a panel or a paragraph, etc.)
28. Listen to a podcast in the target language (duolingo has some options)
29. Watch a short in the target language or with the T.L. subs
30. Translate a song from the target language into your language
31. Read the news in your target language
32. Select some topics that you feel are difficult in your target language and use them making sentences or re-explaining them in the target language
33. Find some verbs with different meanings and illustrate the meanings with more examples
34. Write about a place you want to visit
35. Make a vocab list of things you fear
36. Read some riddles and try to find the answer
37. Select some words that sound the same but are different things (homophonous) and illustrate them with examples
38. Write a few sentences of what makes you anxious
39. Take a photo of the weather and describe it
40. Write a letter in the target language to a loved one who is no longer with you
41. Read a poem in your target language and record it
42. Find some proverbs and/or sayings in the target language and write them down
43. Make a list of yes/no questions in the target language
44. Find instructions for something in the target language and try following them
45. Make a vocab list of common swear words
46. Write in the target language an idea you disagree with
47. Write an argument about why you disagree with the idea above
48. Read some pages of your favorite book in the target language and write down the words you don’t understand
49. Read something light and make a list of WH questions in the target language about the reading
50. Make a review of a book, song, tv show, or movie
51. Write in the target language an idea you whole heartedly agree with
52. Write why you agree with the idea above
53. Make a top ten of things you like and write why in the target language
54. Print some pics of food you want to try and describe it in your target language
55. Make a vocab list with examples of things that bring you joy
56. Get your hands on some favorite quotes and translate them in the target language
57. Watch a documentary in the target language (or with the subs in the T.L.)
58. Write in your target language about something that obsess you
59. Translate into your target language a paragraph of something happy
60. Recite a dialogue of a movie, tv show, book, fanfic, etc. you like and record it
61. Talk in your target language about something that troubles you
62. Listen to a playlist in your target language and sing along (follow the lyrics if you need them)
63. Write some reflections in your target language about love
64. Select a constellation which story you like and write about it in your target language
65. Make a vocab list of slang in the target language
66. Check out a site in your target language and write down the words you find difficult
67. Find an actor/actress/singer/artist whose native language is your target language and write down some phrases they’ve said you liked
68. Check out videos of grammar topics you would like to delve into
69. Read out loud a fanfic or short story in your target language (250 words is recommended)
70. Write down a topic you would like to debate about and some main points about it
71. Develop the points of the topic you want to discuss
72. Create a speech with the points from the task before and read it out loud
73. Watch an episode of a TV show (I recommend it lasts 25 minutes or less) with the audio and subs of your target language
74. Check some funny videos in your target language (find some youtubers whose spin is comedy)
75. Select a song you like in another language different to the target language and translate it into your target language
76. Write in your target language about something you hate
77. Write about the music you like
78. Make a schedule you can follow next week
79. Play an agility game that includes a simultaneous physical and mental exercises in your target language (like jumping the rope for five minutes while reciting the irregular verbs or prepositions, etc.)
80. Check out a video in your target language that explains something you find interesting or exciting (can be a tutorial, a tour around somewhere, etc.)
81. Create a set of instructions in your target language to cook something
82. Make a vocab list of words that only exist in your target language
83. Translate into your target language a paragraph of something sad
84. Reflect in your target language about something that makes you super proud
85. Describe in your target language a scent you like
86. Watch an animated movie in your target language with subs in your native language
87. Tell or write something nice to your loved one(s)
88. Explain a grammatical law you find fascinating to someone
89. Write in your target language about something you miss
90. Lay down in the grass or somewhere where you can look up at the sky and come up with shapes and write them in your target language
91. Go to your favorite fanfic site, select the stats you want, and read a fic of 1,000 words written in your target language 
92. Write in your target language a reflection about time
93. Make a short story with your pet(s) (or favorite animal) as your main character
94. Talk in your target language about a memory that marked you
95. Create your own language learning master post
96. Write a language overview in your target language 
97. Write down in your target language what you feel when you think about longing
98. Get a book in your target language (short is recommended) and start reading it
99. Explain something you find fascinating in your target language to someone
100. Write down your purposes for next year and why they are important to you in your target language
And that’s it folks! 
Good luck to the community who will try this, and please feel free to modify any of the points given. The point of this is to have fun while being constant in learning a language and get to create the habit of studying while learning how to express better in another language ;)
See you all at the end of the year!
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birdlord · 7 years
What I Watched in 2016
Here are the movies and TV series I watched in 2016, some with commentary and some without. The number after the movies is the date of release, my faves are bolded, and rewatches are marked with as asterisk. Last year’s list!
01 Do I Sound Gay (14)
02 We are The Best! (13)
03 Hateful Eight (15)
04 Welcome to Me (14)
05 For Your Eyes Only (81) - I listened to a lot of back episodes of the James Bonding podcast early this year, which of course led to watching a bunch of Bond movies. Not all, and not in order, certainly.
06 She’s the One (96)
07 * Diamonds are Forever (71)
08 It’s Complicated (09) - I think it was an article about the kitchen design in this movie that led me to watch it?
09 The Natural (84)
10 * Anna Karenina (12) - Never having read the book I can’t REALLY speak to this movie but haha I kinda love its commitment to artifice. 
11 About Time (13)
12 What We Do in the Shadows (14) - I did enjoy this, but wasn’t as taken by it as I thought I might be. Found the werewolves the funniest by far, so I wish they’d turned up more often. 
13 The Abominable Bride (15) - counting this as a movie, it was the Sherlock xmas special and I recall exactly zero about it, so…..must have been amazing, right?
14 Wake in Fright (71) - Never Go To Australia 
15 Hail Caesar (16) - I think I’d have to see it again to determine if the whole thing actually holds together, but at the time, it felt of a piece with the Coen’s cheerier output. 
16 In the Heart of the Sea (15)
17 The Night of the Comet (84)
18 Laggies (14)
19 * Bowling for Columbine (02)
20 A Gentleman’s Agreement (47) - confessional, experiential journalism, but done by Cary Grant in the 40s. Ahead of his time/gender?
21 Barefoot in the Park (67)
22 Suddenly Last Summer (59)
23 Tangerine (15)
24 * His Girl Friday (40)
25 That Touch of Mink (62)
26 * Charlie’s Angels (00)
27 9-5 (80) - Holy shit, somehow I thought this movie was just a rah-rah, girl power story about a bunch of secretaries getting together and overthrowing their boss and yeah, that’s SORT OF it but it gets way way weirder in the final third.
28 * Who Framed Roger Rabbit (88)
29 * The Addams Family (91)
30 * Addams Family Values (93)
31 Frida (02)
32 Bridge of Spies (15) - A E I O U and sometimes SPIES :O
33 Swimming With Sharks (94)
34 Sleeping With the Enemy (91)
35 Fatal Attraction (87) - Watched this movie and the previous one as part of an 80s/90s thriller weekend. These two are an interesting contrast to one another, being as the first is about an abusive husband and the second focuses on the most notable example of the “crazy ex-girlfriend”.
36 1 Cloverfield Lane (16)
37 The Man Who Never Was (56)
38 * To Die For (95) - This was a super fave of Teen Emily, who definitely identified with the Lydia character. Watching this time was a huge reminder than Illeana Douglas is a goddamn national treasure.
39 Trouble In Paradise (32)
40 Eraser (96)
41 * Flashdance (83)
42 * Notting Hill (99)
43 Gone to Earth (50) - Not the best Powell and Pressburger out there, but one takes what one can get, right?
44 Holiday Camp (47)
45 Never Sleep Again (10) - This is a four-hour doc about the entire Nightmare on Elm St series, and is the reason I watched Freddy’s Revenge a couple of movies down the list. It’s not a series that I have a particular attachment to, so I learned a ton.
46 Clouds of Sils Maria (15)
47 Mommie Dearest (81) - I’m not sure that I have enough appreciation for high camp to really get into this. There were some moments, but overall it’s a fine example of the kind of thing that is Not For Me.
48 Nightmare on Elm St: Freddy’s Revenge (85)
49 Inside Man (06)
50 Trainwreck (15)
51 White God (14)
52 * Sleepwalk With Me (12)
53 Amy (15)
54 * Meatballs (79)
55 Everybody Wants Some!! (16) - I found this a huge disappointment, and I’ve been a bit mystified by its positive reviews and inclusion on critics’ end of year lists. While D&C definitely has a “main character”, and we do follow him and his friends, other people and subsets of the high school are given serious time and consideration. Ultimately, I don’t think following this one dude tripping through a bunch of different college subsets was as illuminating. Plus, weak jokes.
56 * Dazed & Confused (93) - had to cleanse the mind-palate by watching the original!
57 Summertime (55)
58 The Money Pit (86)
59 Zombeavers (14)
60 Mistress America (15) - I am finding Greta Gerwig more and more charming, the more I see of her. Greta, let’s be friends!
61 While We’re Young (14)
62 The Invitation (16) - quite effective, very upper-middle-class bohemian LA horror film. I’ve heard some complaints about the final scene, but I thought it was an effective & clever way to show an expanding scope without an extra expense or sets.
63 End of Days (99)
64 Escape From New York (81)
65 Escape from L.A. (96) - Watched these two together, on the same night. They definitely should NOT be watched that way, given how identical the plots are. Unbelievably terrible ’96-era CGI in the second one, hard to believe that Jurassic Park was three years previous?? Gotta get that Spielberg money, am I right?
66 High Rise (16) - my only real disappointment in this movie was not being around to see the decline of the civilization - we jump straight from things being fine (if weird) and everything gone to heck. My favourite part is the decline, give me decline!
67 The Great Outdoors (88)
68 * Catch Me If You Can (02)
69 Little Darlings (80) - just your classic losing-virginity-at-camp story, but…wait for it….with GIRLS.
70 * Good Will Hunting (97)
71 Popstar (16) - diminishing returns, but some funny bits (mostly in the songs, not surprisingly). 
72 Tarzan (16) - watched this with friends and relatives, at a drive-in theatre a couple of days after my wedding! It’s NOT a good movie, but it was a fun time.
73 Love & Friendship (16) - got completely obsessed with Tom Bennett based on his 100% rate of scene-stealing in this film. Sevigny feels utterly out of place - am I capable of seeing her in a period piece set before, say, 1975 without feeling weird about it?
74 The Night Before (15)
75 Ghostbusters (16) - So I know I was supposed to be charmed by Kate McKinnon, but her schtick just doesn’t work on me, for whatever reason. I was also really frustrated by the final fight scene of this movie - it had obviously been hacked up in editing, and wtf is up with punching ghosts instead of containing them? I’m glad this movie happened, and certainly a great deal of the criticism it came in for was deeply unfair, but it was distinctly disappointing to find that this movie just wasn’t that great.
76 Brooklyn (15)
77 Poltergeist (82)
78 * Before Sunrise (95)
79 Love & Basketball (00) - Effusive praise for this movie somehow came to my attention from all over the place this year, so I finally had to watch it.
80 The Man Who Knew Too Much (56)
81 * Road House (89)
82 Carol (15) - watching this FINALLY allowed me to fully participate in Today’s Meme Culture
83 * Out of Sight (98)
84 Happy Texas (99)
85 Red Rock West (93)
86 Weiner Dog (15)
87 The Trouble With Harry (55)
88 * When Harry Met Sally (89)
89 Jungle Fever (91)
90 Ocean’s 11 (01)
91 Star Trek Beyond (16)
92 Two For the Road (67)
93 * Seven Year Itch (55)
94 Maggie’s Plan (15) - like I said earlier about Greta Gerwig? I liked this one even more than Mistress.
95 The Dish (00)
96 Splash (84)
97 Desk Set (57) - watching this and the next were inspired by stumbling across a blog about depictions of librarians on film. I particularly hit on this one because I’ve always wanted to see a Hepburne/Tracy film, and never had (to my memory, anyhow).
98 Party Girl (95) - one of those movies I’d always noticed on the shelves at the video store, and never actually watched it.
99 * Young Frankenstein (74) - saw this in the theatre, Gene Wilder notwithstanding I…..don’t think it’s good. It’s only extremely intermittently funny, you guys! Plus, the Putting’ on the Ritz bit makes me uncomfortable (especially in audio-only form, which I heard TOO many times after Wilder died).
100 The House of the Devil (09)
101* The Witches of Eastwick (87)
102 The Borning (81)
103 * Shaun of the Dead (04)
104 Dolores Claiborne (95)
105 The Conjuring 2 (13)
106 In a Valley of Violence (16) - definitely watched this because I happened across an article about the movie’s dog star. 
107 The Witch (16) - very effective in getting across the supernatural, natural, and social dangers of early puritan America, and Black Philip has entered my idiolect for any creepy animal/person/twitter feed. 
108 * Wayne’s World (92)
109 What if (13) - riffs on When Harry Met Sally’s fundamental question of women and men being friends, and basically comes to the same conclusion. yawn.
110 The Martian (15) - I read the book as part of a book club last year, and finally got around to watching the film. Since I found the worst of the writing in the book to be those passages dealing with description, the movie was a lot less annoying to experience.
111 Sleepless in Seattle (93)
112 * Thelma & Louise (91)
113 Casino (95)
114 Other People (16) - wept several times. GOSH I love Jesse Plemons, he’s so hugely sympathetic. Would watch in virtually anything.
115 The Life & Death of Colonel Blimp (43)
116 Primary Colors (98)
117 Edge of Seventeen (16)
118 *Die Hard (88) - loaded up the laptop with this and the next four xmas-set movies, for watching on planes and in airports, while we were on the road at christmastime.
119 *Batman Returns (92)
120 *Scrooged (88)
121 * The Apartment (60)
Theatre - 5
Drive-in - 1
All the rest at home or at friends’ homes!
*The Office US S2-3
War & Peace (2016) - you bet your BOOTS I started the book after watching this. Did I finish it? Not even close.
Love (2016)
Better Call Saul S2 - this is a show I enjoy while I’m watching it, but I don’t particularly find it memorable. Why? Who knows. It’s still something I look forward to, but not a show that sticks with me.
Great British Bake off *S1, *S2, S7 + Xmas Specials - a eulogy for Bake-Off as it was. Pour one (pint of double cream, that is) out for what once was.
Broad City S5
Travel Man S1, S2 - I find Richard Ayoade so desperately charming, but ever time I’ve watched one of the movies he’s directed, I’ve ended up disappointed. This show is a bit hit or miss, depending on the guests he brings along, and the episodes definitely have a sameness to them, but if you find this guy even a sliver as entertaining as I do, it’ll pull you along anyhow.
The Night Manager - so looking forward to Hugh Laurie’s upcoming career phase as Bond Villain.
Newsradio S1-S3 - I’d seen an episode or two of this over the years but never sat down to fully appreciate it. It’s making me miss Phil Hartman all over again, a fresh devastation, plus haha did u know Tone Loc plays a security guard on this show? It’s all true.
Lady Dynamite
OJ Made In America - I’ll count this as a series, since I didn’t watch it in the theatre. Still haven’t seen the other big OJ series of 2016, but I loved loved LOVED this. What impressed me the most is that, in spite of its 7 hour+ running time there were still aspects of this story that could have been expanded upon.
Silicon Valley S3
* Veep S1, S2
Catastrophe S2
Pulling - went back in time to get more Sharon Horgan in my life, since Catastrophe seasons are terribly short and far-between. I’d been aware of this show for a long time, and somehow wasn’t expecting it to be as near-devastating as it ended up being. What, did I forget what a British show was like?
Another Period S2
Difficult People S1, S2 - Another late discovery, but a great one. A fine example of just giving some funny people a show, and letting them just do their thing on it every week.
Fleabag - yes, I’m in for this, obviously. And if I wasn’t, the show designed itself to put me off, from the first moments. A wise move!
One Mississippi
Very British Problems S1, S2
Atlanta - I’ve got a bad feeling that this show’s deserved success will lead to surreal elements being deployed, but much less deftly than they were here.
Please Like Me S1-S4 - Tore through this entire series greedily, am now suffering until they make another season. Balances some very harrowing elements with comedy and an ensemble cast of loveable/terrible humans.
Divorce - Sharon Horgan’s writing minus her acting is a hollow empty shell, but hey, I’ll take what I can get, when I can get it.
The Fall S3 - I’d decided last year after S2 that I was done with this show, and yet, here we are, I was drawn back in.
The Crown
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
President Trump Weekly Address Aboard the New Gerald R Ford Aircraft Carrier
President Trump  Weekly Address Aboard the New Gerald R Ford Aircraft Carrier
I'm joining you today from the deck of  what will be our nation's newest   and soon to be commissioned, Gerald  R Ford
fellow Americans
I'm joining you today from the deck of
what will be our nation's newest
and soon to be commissioned, Gerald
R Ford and as you can see I'm wearing a
jacket and I had that they just gave me
not really used to it but it feels
awfully good i'm very proud of that
actually are carriers are the
centerpiece of American military might
projecting power and are totally
unparalleled strength that see this
beautiful new warship represents the
future of naval aviation and she will
serve as a cornerstone of our national
defense for decades and decades to come
a famous aviator once wrote that to
build a truly great ship we shouldn't
begin by gathering wood cutting boards
for distributing work but instead by
awakening within the people a desire for
the vast and endless sea so true in the
same way we must continue to renew the
American spirit in order to rebuild our
country and we build it we will on
tuesday before a joint session to
Congress I laid out of version i hope
you all watched for how to accomplish
that national rebuilding my vision
includes the elimination of the defense
sequester which has imposed steep cuts
for military we must give our sailors
soldiers airmen Marines and Coast
Guardsmen the tools equipment resources
and training they need to get the job
done and get it done right especially in
these very dangerous times the active
duty army has been reduced by more than
85,000 meant since 2009 and we have over
18,000 fewer active-duty Marines
Air Force it's the smallest it's been
since 1947 and their planes are on
average nearly 30 years old if you can
believe that our Navy sleep is the
smallest it's been since world war one
and that's a long time ago
frontline navy and marine strike fighter
aircraft are more likely to be down for
maintenance than to be in the sky we
cannot afford to continue down this path
my budget will give America's armed
forces the resources they need to
achieve full and total military
preparedness to meet any and all global
challenges and meet them we will
investing in the military means
investing in peace because the best way
to prevent war as George Washington said
is to be prepared for it
most importantly an investment in the
the military is an investment in the
incredible men and women who serve our
country in uniform they are the best of
they are the greatest force for peace
and justice the world has ever known and
we will support them every single step
of the way these are truly exciting
times amazing opportunities are
unfolding before us to strengthen our
military to reboot our economy and to
bring back our jobs if we all work
together and put our country first then
anything is possible let us seize this
moment and make the most of this
incredible opportunity for national Reno
may God bless the men and women of our
military and may God bless the United
States of America the country we love
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Frontline - "Sheriff Clarke: The Thin Blue Line" Discusses Black Lives Matter Movement
Frontline - "Sheriff Clarke: The Thin Blue Line" Discusses Black Lives Matter Movement
Listen to Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr tell Lt. Col. Oliver North why black lives matter is a “dangerous, hateful, destructive ideology.
between the guardians of our society and those they serve seems wider now than
it's been in my lifetime but no one can doubt being a law enforcement officer is
becoming increasingly dangerous Ferguson Baltimore baton rouge Dallas no walking
just a few of the many places in our country where violent protests have been
blamed on members of the thin blue line certain members of the so-called
mainstream media some political leaders and those who profit from discord have
all but put targets on the backs of those who were a badge Milwaukee Sheriff
David Clarke has spent his entire 38 year career in the cause of justice by
any measure
he's an American hero and he tells it like it is when you look back at the
time that I was growing up
milwaukee was a middle-class city lot of Industry a lot of jobs a lot of
well-paying family-supporting jobs and then when the industrial economy started
to leave replaced by the tech age of the information age all that industry went
milwaukee became a Rust Belt city so you're losing all of these of this
that's the middle class that's the foundation of a strong community a
strong society you know it's been replaced
especially in the black community by the single-parent household and and all of
the things that have fallen off from that have been devastating for Milwaukee
so what that meant was we were putting more on the backs of the police you know
when i started in policing compared to today
hi was easy and you didn't see is easy back then but it was because you had a
more stable community you know the police were seen as you know guardians
and and protectors the officers knew the people in their squad area there beach
area they walk to be even it
in a patrol car so there was a connection there was a familiarity you
didn't have the single parent racial that we have today seventy percent of
black kids born into a single-family home
seventy percent when I grew up with Kid first of all you know my first authority
figure was my dad and my dad demanded discipline demanded and ask for demanded
he taught me how to respect authority so when I left the house during the day I
went to school in grade school
it became the authority figure a teacher they were an authority figure and so
when I looked I saw my dad I said that's the authority feet these young kids
don't respect your parents don't respect teachers at school don't respect respect
other adults in their lives as authority figures now they run up against the
ultimate authority figure the cop and when that meets that undisciplined young
kid with no respect for authority meets that authority figure in the form of a
uniform and a badge the uniforms gotta win I'll tell you why because we are on
the front lines of water Liberty we have to force along we can't back down
teachers back down up and get seasick
this is tee shot you know though don't curse the teacher out in the classroom
alright will do the same thing on the street so we have to win we have to win
because ordered Liberty is at stake the cops make millions of stops here across
the country traffic stops field interview stops they go to calls for
service millions rarely do they have to source
very rarely it is an aberration and use deadly force
this is a rare occurrence has been heightened magnified by the media
this is a breakdown of the underclass society that's that's the heavy lifting
it's easier to just slam the police are on the front lines with the most visible
symbol of government in the community it's not the elected official they're
rarely seen right consider every day except the deal with some unpleasant
things for people who are an easy target
this is a political construct that has nothing to do with black lives
it's an ideology it's a dangerous hateful destructive ideology in isn't
very auntie police ideology
he's a purveyor of hate for the American police officer take it out back ya know
love ya got about this is not being presented as the symbol of the new civil
rights struggle compassion for criminals we've gone from Rosa Parks was an icon
of the civil rights struggle Emmett Till dr. Martin Luther King and others we've
gone from that to Mike Brown to eric garner to Freddie greatest Sandra bland
those are icons in a civil rights show no those are criminals engage in
behavior that contributed toward what happened to them at the end that's what
bothers me more is it wait a minute wait a minute now we've come a long way in
the civil rights struggle there was a time in it and it wasn't that long ago
it's difficult for blacks to volt there's an ugly chapter in this country
don't have that anymore
what can we do to keep this going and civil rights struggle as a political
constructs its so now you gotta resort to criminals and I say Amen
how do we fall this fight is fast you know for most part to my ground
the only way you know about this movement or what they claim is happens
to the media the media knows better
this stuff has all been debunked that we kill more young black males and police
interactions any other race it's not even close
it's not even call if we were close i'd say well you know it's coin flip by a
two-to-one margin more white males are killed in police interactions and
blackmails 21 it's not even close
the media's role really should be responsible reporting look at the data
look at the research
and say hey they're making his claim but it's all emotion we understand
understands the emotion out of these things
what is what the research shows they won't print that they won't tell that
I need a supporter or someone who doesn't support them i simply report on
black labs do you condemn the ante police rhetoric coming from this hateful
ideology as a journalist sitting here on television I don't have to condemn
anyone that anything that is something like this
well either people around the country and energy jobs two conditions like I
contend that beautiful ideology other groups like the KKK alright i condemn it
this has fuel and fan the flames of this anger toward the American police officer
there's only one group in America one time that truly cares about the lives of
black people in these urban ghettos and it's the American police officer who
goes down there on a daily basis
what's their life on the line to protect who black people and I've been all
across this country talking to cops
I say cop some old-school I'm a cop I'm a career college that tell people my
career cop other beleaguered right now we didn't get into this to die but we
volunteer more willing to make that sacrifice by called the ultimate
sacrifice we want to do that to make our community safer
however we gotta know it's worth these men and women leaving behind spouses
siblings parents and I want to know hey this was worth so when I see what's
going on today and I go to the law enforcement officers memorial wall
washington DC i stand in the middle of that plastic and I say to myself what
must they be think 20,000 names of law enforcement officers killed in line to
do any idea what must they be thinking with all this stuff going on this
constant slamming the police defaming us mischaracterizing slandering us if you
lost sibling of you lots of spots you lost a son or daughter killed in the
line of duty as a cop
what would you be thinking the sacrifice was in vain
Dino cops cops are good people we perfect not really stretch the
our law enforcement agencies perfect not even close to being imperfect as part of
the human condition you don't expect for my people i sent them on every day they
know it
excellence not perfection excellence and from law enforcement officers all across
this country we get excellence
hopefully our next president will be the kind of leader who sets an example of
respect for those who protect and serve in uniform and who admires them as much
as i do for front lines on NRA news
i'm oliver north
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