#i just woke up and i‘m all mushy
frooopsen · 4 years
Kyalin - part 4
thanks to @linguini17 for beta-reading again. :)
"Kya.“ It was dark outside and the moon shone into their bedroom through a gap in the blinds. They had both drifted in and out of sleep and the sun would rise in a few hours. "Kya,“ she whispered once more.
"What is it?“ Kya didn’t sound sleepy at all, which confirmed Lin’s suspicion.
"You can’t sleep,“ she sighed.
"Very perceptive, Chief.“ Her smile was audible the next time she spoke. "Are you going to let me in on why you felt the need to tell me that?“
"I‘m having trouble sleeping.“ The moonlight accentuated Lin’s smooth skin and Kya let her eyes wander, taking it all in.
"You know this is hard for me, too,“ she said smirking, her fingers stroking along Lin’s arm, "No teasing you for a whole day.“
"I know. You’re doing so great,“ Lin sighed with a smile making its way onto her lips. "By the way, if you tell Bumi that you got me all mushy and analyzing stupid nightmares, there will be consequences.“ She tried to sound at least  vaguely threatening but that notion was discredited by the grin that travelled between their faces.
"Well don’t tempt me.“ Kya gasped leaning in for a kiss. Before letting go, she captured Lin’s lower lip between her teeth, as the metalbender took the opportunity to pull her in by the hip.
"Speaking of tempting,“ Lin hummed, searching for another kiss. Their lips met again, as they started feeling down each other’s backs. "Maybe,“ she said while trailing kisses along Kya's tan skin, "And I’m only throwing ideas around – we could have a different kind of communication for a change.“
Kya felt desire kicking in and this time knowing that the talk was not going to be avoided, she didn’t care how much time passed until said talk came around. "Oh, I love this non-verbal communication,“ she smiled before placing a long-lasting kiss on the side of Lin's throat.
"Maybe you’ll get a taste for it after all,“ Lin answered jokingly.
"You are a smooth one,“ Kya admitted before sliding her hand down Lin’s stomach, a clear goal in mind. "However, my tongue is just fine, tasting different things for now.“
Lin arched her back as Kya made her way down her body. Kya did have the best comebacks, no matter how good Lin's ideas were, Kya had never lost a teasing match. Lin didn’t really mind. She did like it, most of the time. She was quickly ripped away from her thoughts as her focus was drawn in by lips wandering the invisible trail that Kya had already left with her fingers.
"I‘d almost forgotten how fun this is,“ Kya joked as she took the cup of coffee Lin had just made for herself.
"It hasn’t been that long,“ Lin said, turning around just to find the empty spot on the counter. That had been her coffee. She sent a piercing look Kya’s way.
"Well I’ll be needing that if you keep me up when I’m supposed to be sleeping,“ the waterbender murmured while sipping her coffee with a knowing look on her face.
"It’s not like I woke you. And if memory serves me well, you enjoyed yourself,“ Lin answered, making herself another cup.
"Still got my coffee, didn’t I?“
They sat down at the kitchen table. Kya watched the spirits floating by the window. They usually came by during the early morning hours and she was always mesmerized by their ease. Lin read through the newspaper and sipped her coffee. The weekends were when she spent a little more time on the things she usually did in a hurry. Showering, getting ready, making coffee – weekend coffee was always better. She even flipped through the news, since she didn’t spend a lot of time doing that during the week. The most important news travelled fast – especially at the station – and she spent enough time reading police reports already. At some point reading had turned into a chore, rather than a relaxing activity. The occasional article sparked her interest, nonetheless.
"I can’t believe it,“ she gasped in suprise. "Look at this!“
Kya leaned over the table and tried to decipher the headline. "Would you look at that! It’s about Uncle Sokka!“
"Not him. His sword. Some kids found it when playing hide and seek. It says here that it was stuck in some tree,“ Lin elaborated.
"I did always wonder where it ended up. It’s been forever since he lost it. Did Toph ever tell you that story?“ Kya asked, remembering how Sokka had never been able to shut up about his space-sword – as he called it.
Lin shrugged her shoulders, "She didn’t, but Tenzin did. It sounded rather boring until Bumi took over. I always wanted to see a sword like that.“
"Tenzin never was a good story-teller. Another point to me.“
Lin glared at her. "I hate when you do that.“
"Too bad,“ she smiled as they both resumed drinking their coffee.
After a quiet lunch, Lin cleared her throat. "Can we finish that conversation?“
Kya looked around the room as though looking for something.
"You alright?“, Lin asked.
"Did you hear that?“ she giggled. "I think I heard someone volunteer to get touchy-feely.“
Lin sighed as she rubbed her forehead. "You are taking it too far, too soon.“
"You’re just rubbing your face now, so I won’t see that smile,“ Kya complained.
Lin let out a unappreciative growl. "Fine. Then we don’t talk about it.“
"Oh, come on!“ Kya said. "Don’t shut off now, I’ll promise to be nice from here on,“ she paused, then added, "For the duration of the conversation, of course.“
"Well, now I don’t even know how to start,“ Lin growled, "Not that I did before.“
Kya lead them to the couch, where she gestured for Lin to sit down. She joined her, pulling the muscular legs onto the cushion, planting herself in between and leaning her back against one of the armrests. "That’s not a very serious position,“ the earthbender noted as she leaned against the armrest behind her back, like Kya had done.
They sat across from each other, legs slightly tugged towards themselves, shins touching lightly. Lin fumbled on the leg of her pants.
"We’re just talking, not having a meeting,“ Kya laughed. "Also, talking about your feelings doesn’t have to be organized. People just…ease into that and don’t declare the beginning.“
Lin opened her mouth to interject, but Kya didn’t give her the chance.
"I’ll let it slide, since you claim to be new to this. I mean we have talked about our feelings together before. Otherwise I don’t think our relationship would have gotten to this point.“
Lin looked straight ahead to meet Kya’s eyes. "You being nice didn’t last very long. Besides the talks you’re referring to were us talking about us or sometimes you. That’s different.“
Kya leaned forward, just enough to cup Lin’s cheek and smiled, "Well, how is that different? They‘re still your feelings.“
"Yeah, the nice ones and I like talking about us and especially you,“ she explained kissing Kya’s hand before she withdrew it from her face again.
"You know, Kya,“ Lin said softly, her gaze still holding the waterbender’s eyes captive, "When you smile at me like that, I am so happy to have you. Your’re so full of love and I get to feel it wrapped around me.“
They stayed quiet for a while. Kya had heard the words come out of Lin’s mouth clear and warm. Yet it felt like the woman‘s soul had spoken instead. Lin’s voice sounded different, when she said things like these and Kya couldn’t explain why. It didn’t happen a lot. She thought it must have been that it felt so surreal to hear Lin – the woman she adored to an extent, which sometimes scared even the passionate waterbender – talk about her in that way. Yet she wanted to hear it from no one else. "Spirits,“ she sighed finally breaking the silence as she lowered her head a little, "I only want to make you feel, like you just made me feel.“
"And what was that?“
"I can’t tell you. I wish I could, but I don’t think the words exist.“
Lin smiled into the room as she remembered a poem. "You know, some poet once said that if lovers were ever able to express their feelings in words, they would be too full of energy for everyone who heard them. He called it the lovers‘ curse.“
"Well, it’s not hard to believe him. Especially when I see you looking at me like that.“
Now it was Lin’s turn to sigh. The past week had been filled with so many emotions, that she could feel the exhaustion flare up any time she took a little time to sit down and rest. The time she spent with Kya had been spent in silence; except for that one afternoon after the panic attack. Her skin still reacted with goosebumps when she recalled the immense fear she had felt; first in the nightmare, then during the panic attack. Now anytime she went to bed, she had to convince herself that she wouldn’t dream like that again. It still lingered around and she knew Kya could feel it too. She had always been more perceptive when it came to that. Even though Lin had noticed that her tension somehow affected both of their sleeprythms, she still didn’t know if Kya saw the residue of fear, that Lin saw anytime she looked in the mirror.
"Can you see it in my eyes?“ she mastered up the courage to ask, "The fear.“
Kya swallowed, because she knew that it would be easier if she couldn’t.
"As clear as the love you claim to see in mine,“ she paused then added. "Not just your eyes, though. You move differently. You have for a while now.“
Lin shifted, drawing her knees even closer to rest under her chin. "I really wish you couldn’t.“
"I know.“
"What if it breaks me? My strength is all I have.“
They both knew that she had more, but Kya understood what she meant. She couldn’t imagine Lin without the powerful elegance she carried herself with. It had been the constant in her life.
"You won’t break.“
"How can you be so sure?“
Kya wasn’t. "Because I’ve seen broken people.“ It didn’t make a lot of sense, but it seemed to help.
"I don’t feel like myself since we’ve talked and I don’t know how to get back to that.“
She hardly remembered the time she had spent at work that week. Like she hadn’t been there but watched her body work on reports and arrests. Her mind had been busy thinking about the panic attack and the helplessness she had felt at the lack of control.
She slightly raised her voice again, "I have always had control until I met you. They aren’t joking when they call it 'falling in love‘. I don’t mind that anymore. But this…this feels like loosing a different kind of control.“
Kya was surprised. Even though it still felt like Lin carefully assembled her sentences before saying something, so as to not disclose it in the wrong way – whatever that meant – she was talking freely, nonetheless.
Kya used the next silence to speak. "I don’t think you lost control. It was rather taken away from you. By your feelings. I don’t know…to me that’s different.“
Lin’s brow furrowed. She didn’t understand what Kya had meant.
"I couldn’t even bend my armor away,“ she exclaimed, changing the course of the conversation. "When I had nothing else, I always had my bending.“ Almost always. As she heard herself say those words it felt as though they had come from Kya. It sounded like something she would suggest.
"Well, fear is a powerful mind blocker. Your qi must have been affected. You once told me how your breathing influences your bending and how you breathe deeply before swinging the bigger rocks,“ she thought out loud, recalling the conversation they‘d had a long time ago about their differences in bending-style. "I was a good listener. Even back then.“
Lin smiled, thankful for the light comment, keeping her from tearing up. "I know. I can only repeat myself: quite the catch I landed with you.“
Kya smiled in response but didn’t want to change the topic. "It only makes sense that you loose the connection to the bending, when your other senses are overflowed as well.“ And back was the tension.
"How do you know what it’s like?“ Lin marveled. "You haven’t had one, have you?“
Kya shook her head slowly. "No, but I’ve read about them. The mind convinces the body that you’re in immediate danger, so your senses are more alert, causing you to feel and perceive things more vividly and unfortunately overstimulating your nervous system.“
Lin nodded as she thought back. "Everything was so bright all of a sudden…and the room started spinning so badly. And time passed so slowly, while it felt…like…like something was wrapped around my neck.“ She put her hand to rest underneath her throat.
"I can’t imagine how scary that has to have been.“
"I hope you never experience that. I sure don’t want it happening again. Imagine if that happens at work. I wouldn’t be able to bend.“
Kya interrupted the train of thought. "How about we don’t imagine that for now. I don’t think it will happen again.“
"But what if it does?“
"Remember when Ammon had taken you bending away,“ Kya began. "You still got all the criminals you set out for. You weren’t helpless. Your strength exceeds your bending ability. And if you find a way to reconnect to yourself you won’t even have to think about that again.“
Lin scoffed, "So you do think it might happen. How am I supposed to 'reconnect to myself‘ when I don’t even know how to express what feels off?“
Kya tried to stay calm. She had no idea either and it wasn’t fair of Lin to keep coming at her like that, but she reminded herself that it was in fact new to Lin and the pain she had accumulated over the years would in consequence spill out of her as soon as she opened up.
"I can’t see the future, but I’m trying to tell you that you’re already stronger than you think. We can all be. Sometimes we don’t even find out how strong, until we’re faced with a stupid situation like this one.“ Her frustration was clear, yet Lin stayed put, not lashing out.
She continued, "I can only rely on the experiences I’ve had, just like you. I’m not all-knowing.“
"I don’t ask you to be. You’re just... So in touch with your feelings. You probably don’t even  have to think that hard before saying those smart things and analyzing.“
Kya felt embarrassed at the underlying jealousy in Lin’s tone. People had always told her to be less emotional and that it was overwhelming when she rambled on about her feelings. Lin seemed to come from a different angle. Kya hadn’t thought that the trait she had found to be a strength, rather than a weakness, could also be seen as such from someone else – Lin of all people.
"You have to give yourself a break. You’re trying so hard to overcome the uncomfortable feelings that you don’t give them enough room to exist for a while,“ Kya muttered.
Lin’s face let go of some of the tension that had built up throughout the past minute. "But I don’t want that. The more fear I feel, the less I can bare.“
"Well, you can’t shut them off. You see how that turns out. I don’t want you to increase that distance inside yourself. You feel it, too, you said. Just give it time. It will fall into place.“
She didn’t know what else to tell her.
"The way people praise 'talking about feelings‘, it just seems like a pill you have to swallow and afterwards everything’s fine,“ Lin growled. "But it’s not. It just leaves you confused and angry at yourself.“
"Talking isn’t the easy way out,“ Kya agreed, closing her eyes. "It’s the hard way through.“
"I’m going for a walk,“ Lin announced, getting up. When Kya stood up as well, she signaled her to stay. "I need to be alone for some time. I’ll be back before dinner.“
Kya swallowed but knew she had to give Lin more space – even more. She didn’t want to.
"See you then,“ she said while making her way to the kitchen.
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vespertineflora · 4 years
You said you're open to any combination of 3zun so does that include... nieyao? 🥺 If it does, could I beg for something canon-divergent and sweet? Back when Meng Yao was at Qinghe and/or he makes better life choices. If that's too vague a prompt, I do also love anything involving their ridiculous size difference.
YES NIEYAO IS ABSOLUTELY INCLUDED they deserve to be soft and sweet too, i love them 🥺🥺🥺 and yes THE SIZE DIFFERENCE I CRI. thank you very much, i’m so soft for this
(feel free to drop me a prompt for 3zun/any combo of 3zun or wangxian and i may write a drabble or short fic!!!)
Meng Yao slowly rolled his head back from one shoulder to the other, his eyes closing for a moment as he stretched his neck and tried to stave off his exhaustion. His eyelids were heavy, had been heavy for ages, but there were supply orders to review, battle plans to triple check, infantry requests to sort through, and if the war wasn’t going to sleep then neither could Meng Yao. They were leaving the Unclean Realm in less than two days to head down to the front lines for yet another battle and everything needed to be ready for them by then...
Even as his feet started to go a little numb from standing in one place for too long, even as his eyes started to burn with the strain of keeping them open, even as his back started to ache, he fought to keep himself awake, reviewing everything page by page, checking boxes, making alterations and additions wherever necessary.
He was so absorbed in the task that he didn’t hear the door opening behind him, and nearly jumped as he heard--
“Meng Yao, what are you doing in here?”
Continue Reading on AO3 or below the cut
His head turned quickly to see Nie Mingjue closing the door partially behind him, giving him the faintest frown, and out of simple reflex, Meng Yao greeted him with a bow.
Nie Mingjue’s frown immediately deepened and he waved off the gesture. Meng Yao heard the dismissal without Nie Mingjue needing to say it; he’d told him months ago, when they’d first stumbled into being something more than sect leader and his second in command, that such things weren’t necessary when it was just the two of them--but Meng Yao was so used to doing it for an audience that he’d found it a hard habit to break when the were alone.
He let his arms fall, and his gaze motioned to the papers stacked in neat piles across the table as he offered in explanation, “I‘m trying to sort through all this before we leave, Zongzhu.”
Nie Mingjue had also told Meng Yao that there was no need to address him so formally, but that was something Meng Yao hadn’t been able to bring himself to do.
“Hm,” Nie Mingjue replied lightly, stepping toward the table, but moving into the space directly behind Meng Yao.
Though Meng Yao nearly expected it by now, his breath still caught faintly as he felt Nie Mingjue’s chest pressing softly against his back, as Nie Mingjue’s larger hands settled naturally on his slender waist, as his chin rested easily atop Meng Yao’s head--a move that always flustered Meng Yao--so that he could peer over him at the stacks of documents, judging their contents...
“You could do this tomorrow,” Nie Mingjue commented softly, the disapproval obvious in his voice, “And I thought Cheng Guo was supposed to be handling these requests from the front line.”
This time it was Meng Yao’s turn to frown, though having Nie Mingjue’s warmth pressed up against him was making it extremely difficult to resist his exhaustion, and he found his eyes slipping shut. “He was,” Meng Yao admitted. “I decided he was taking too long.”
Nie Mingjue huffed out a soft, almost amused breath; his arms moved to wrap around Meng Yao’s waist, and Meng Yao’s body reacted almost involuntarily. He exhaled slowly, letting himself lean back against Nie Mingjue’s firm chest, feeling... safe and supported by the arms embracing him and nearly ready to collapse. The exhaustion he’d been fighting back for hours was suddenly hitting him quite hard.
“You’re working too hard,” Nie Mingjue scolded gently, holding Meng Yao a bit closer as he felt his weight sinking into him.
“You like that I work too hard,” Meng Yao countered with a faint smile as his hands moved to cover Nie Mingjue’s and hold them in place against him.
“I do,” Nie Mingjue agreed easily, as it would be futile to deny that Meng Yao’s industrious nature was a quality he valued very highly in him, “but not when it keeps you from coming to bed.”
Meng Yao felt a soft heat on his cheeks as Nie Mingjue’s face nuzzled down against his hair. Even now, months later, Meng Yao still wasn’t fully used to the affection Nie Mingjue showed him, the nuzzling, the embraces, the soft kisses, every time Nie Mingjue tucked Meng Yao’s head ever so comfortably beneath his... Being raised the way he was, Meng Yao would hardly do more than blink at even the most depraved sex acts, but the moment Nie Mingjue held him close and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, Meng Yao’s heart started to race, fluttering about his chest in a way that was almost uncomfortable and was definitely embarrassing.
When this had all started in a fever pitch of an unexpected and intoxicated makeout session, Meng Yao hadn’t realized how soft Nie Mingjue would be with him. He had anticipated correctly that Nie Mingjue wasn’t one for long winded platitudes or mushy sentiments, of course, but physically... when they were alone together, Nie Mingjue was far more gentle and tactile with him than Meng Yao could have ever imagined, Nie Mingjue’s hands and lips lingering on him sweetly every chance they had--and though the two of them had had their fair share of heated and rowdy moments in the bedroom, it was Nie Mingjue’s dedication to tenderness that had caught Meng Yao by surprise.
“You were already gone by the time I woke up this morning...” Which was saying something, because it wasn’t as if Nie Mingjue was someone who slept in late--Meng Yao had just woken up very early. “And I spent the last hour waiting for you to join me. You’ve been working later and later every night.”
Meng Yao exhaled, deflating a little and feeling Nie Mingjue’s arms hold him a little bit closer. He tried to open his eyes again, as he’d really been hoping to finish at least one last pile of papers... but now that he’d closed them, his eyes were stubbornly refusing to open again. “We’re leaving soon,” he said with faint exasperation. “I want to make sure everything is in order before we go.”
Nie Mingjue’s head was dipping down now so that he could press his lips lightly to Meng Yao’s temple. “Meng Yao, you’re very skilled,” Nie Mingjue said, offering up the praise plainly before pressing onward, “but the Nie Sect has survived without you for hundreds of years. I’m certain the Unclean Realm will manage to hold itself together for a few weeks in our absence.”
If Meng Yao had had the energy for it, he would have laughed. Nie Mingjue was right, of course, this was just... Meng Yao’s fear of inferiority rearing its head, his worry that if he didn’t work harder and harder, if he didn’t constantly prove his worth, if he didn’t keep topping his own efforts that... this would all fall apart. He’d worked so hard to get where he was, and he’d worked even harder to prove to himself and others that he deserved the position he’d been given. To slack in those efforts even for a moment felt like a slippery slope towards failure, even if his definition of not slacking involved what others would consider a neglect for a regular sleeping schedule.
He just... finally felt like he found something good here. It wasn’t what he had hoped for, it wasn’t the acceptance he craved so desperately from his father, but... His position in the Nie Sect had granted him a level of respect and power he never imagined he would have, and his relationship with Nie Mingjue...
Well, to put it simply, Meng Yao’s expectations for romantic love in the course of his life had been... non-existent. He’d grown up barely knowing what a romance should look like beyond the depiction of it in books his mother had gotten her hands on in order for him to practice his reading, beyond observing couples in the marketplace when he was sent to run errands. The brothel was pretty much the last place to find examples of a healthy romantic relationship, so... Meng Yao had grown up knowing more about purchased companionship and sex than he ever had about love, and therefore hadn’t spent much time imagining what that might look like for himself.
He’d been with Nie Mingjue only a handful of months, and yet... already, Nie Mingjue had shown him more loyalty and affection than Meng Yao could have asked to receive in his whole life. The thought of losing that because he’d failed in his duties, the idea of all of this shattering like it was no more than some frail illusion, and Nie Mingjue finally seeing him as the son of a whore that everyone else immediately took him for...
It was more than his heart could bear.
“You’re right, Zongzhu,” he conceded. Even if he didn’t already agree Nie Mingjue’s point, he would have been too tired to argue. With some effort, he forced his eyes open, taking a few seconds to make the table come into focus as he said with a sigh, “Let me finish reviewing this last pile and then I’ll join you.”
He was just about to free himself (somewhat reluctantly) from Nie Mingjue’s embrace, when... he realized that Nie Mingjue wasn’t letting go of him.
“No,” Nie Mingjue denied him bluntly.
And before Meng Yao had even the faintest chance to react, in the blink of an eye, Nie Mingjue hoisted Meng Yao into his arms, picking him up as effortlessly as if Meng Yao was made of down and not flesh and muscle. Meng Yao immediately felt his cheeks burning, his heart hammering as he gasped to fill his lungs with air as the maneuver had quite literally left him breathless. Naturally, his arms wrapped around Nie Mingjue’s neck, though it wasn’t as if he wasn’t perfectly and easily supported by Nie Mingjue’s incredible strength.
“As your sect leader, I’m ordering you to get some sleep,” Nie Mingjue said, his tone taking a step closer to authoritative--and though it obviously wasn’t a real order, Meng Yao decided to give in to it anyway. It wasn’t like he could do much about it in his current position.
“Yes, Zongzhu,” he said with a defeated smile. Nie Mingjue had won this round.
Exhausted, Meng Yao let his head rest against Nie Mingjue’s chest as Nie Mingjue nudged the door open with his foot and carried him down the hallways to their room. Meng Yao was... thankful for the late hour, allowing them to encounter no one on their journey; Meng Yao felt flustered enough to be carried around like this, much less be seen in such a position.
Inside their room, Nie Mingjue carefully set him on his feet and then helped the both of them strip off the outer layers of their robes, before tugging Meng Yao into bed. Almost immediately, Meng Yao found himself tucked neatly to Nie Mingjue’s chest, his face pressed comfortably into the crook of his neck; Nie Mingjue’s arms circled around him completely, easily, the heat coming off of his skin an instant comfort in the chilly room. Meng Yao allowed himself to press close to Nie Mingjue’s form, already somehow comfortable sleeping together like this as he half-draped his body over him and took a slow breath against Nie Mingjue’s skin.
His eyes closed, and he swallowed the thoughts that still questioned how this could be real, what he’d done to find himself in such a position... but it didn’t take long for the fiercely battled exhaustion to take over, letting him fall asleep peacefully against Nie Mingjue’s chest.
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angryrabbit42 · 5 years
Bonus Tracks 5
All for the lovely: @a-rose-by-any-other-doctor @dwsecretsanta
Read on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/21925084/chapters/52331086
Track 3: Hurt 
“That’s it, open your eyes,” an American woman was saying. Her voice was pleasant, soothing until she shouted, “Doctor! Come quick. I think she’s waking up!”
Doctor? Rose’s head felt like it had been ground up and dunked in water. She blinked a few times to clear grit, her eyes practically glued together. A warm flannel was pressed over them, gently cleaning the lashes. “It’s okay, you’re safe,” the American woman said.
Rose focused on her light brown eyes. They were full of concern. Rose thought she had nice eyes, friendly, and warm. She was beautiful too with her button nose and wavy dark brown hair. Thin and pale, she was wearing a red blouse with a plunging neckline and an adorable white umbrella print. Rose opened her mouth to speak only to have a straw placed at her lips. She sipped, coughing a little. Spasms racked her whole body. Every nerve ending screamed in outrage. Rose grunted.
“Right, sorry, sorry, he said if you woke up before he got back to give you this purple pill.” She offered the pill. Rose opened her mouth. It looked a lot like the pills the Doctor handed out liberally whenever she or Jack had gotten a raging hangover. A pang of longing washed through her for those days. The pill dissolved in a hint of jam taking her pain with it. Rose sank down into the sheets. The woman smiled kindly. “There you go. I took one of those the last time he got into one of his lecture moods… Okay, I’m going to go see what’s keeping the doctor.”
“Wait,” Rose croaked. “What happened...me?”
“Um,” the woman cut herself off, “I-I- you were kind of, well not kind of, you were, you just sort of appeared in the middle of a war zone and got shot. But it’s okay, the doctor patched you up. He’ll kill me if I don’t tell him you’re awake. We’ve been waiting a week...oops. Pretend I didn’t say that, huh? Oh man,” she stood up. “Listen, I’ll be right back. You’re safe. I promise.”
“Oh, right. Peri,” she tapped her chest, “I’m Peri.”
Peri grinned. “We know. Rest now.”
Rose faded in and out. The pill had taken away all the pain and none of the exhaustion. Her body felt like lead. Speaking had almost been too much. She glanced down at her body to see where she’d been hit. A sheet was pulled up under her armpits. She felt that odd sensation creep up when you realize you are completely naked. “Just the sheet then…”
Falling back, she listened for Peri to slipping back into the room. Her ears, no, her body, no… no, it was in her head. She was hearing… “Tardis?” Rose felt a welcoming warmth trickling into her. There was a flash of worry and reassurance and comfort. Overwhelmed, Rose felt a few tears trickle out of the corners of her eyes. She was home. The Tardis agreed heartily, the lights around her dimming and then brightening.
“Well, I was calibrating the fluid links! It’s not my fault I couldn’t hear your bellow from underneath the console!” A booming, cranky male voice complained. “Besides, the Tardis already let me know that’s why I was in the hall. I can feel her singing.”
“Who Rose?” Peri asked, confused.
“No, the Tardis. She’s pleased that the girl has woken up. She doesn’t normally take too much notice of you lot.”
Rose’s heart sank. If that was the Doctor’s voice than she wasn’t in the right time again. This was yet another incarnation of him. Peri had known her name, the Tardis was here and she still wasn’t where she needed to be. Rose huffed. It was getting harder to keep hope when she kept missing her own time by miles. The Tardis hummed merrily.
“Hallo, how is our patient doing this fine morning?” he asked.
“No morning on the Tardis, Doctor,” she croaked.
Peri laughed. “Oh wow, I like her already.”
“Yes, well, she’s right. There’s no time at all on a Tardis. I just thought it sounded better than ‘how was the coma?’ How was the coma, Rose?” he asked.
Rose’s eyes widened. She tried to sit up, scream about her cannon, and her mission and her…”
“Now, now, don’t worry. I’ve recalibrated your ‘dimensional hopper,’” He explained, thickly emphasizing ‘dimensional hopper.’ “You have a day or two left,” soothed, the robust man with a head of unruly blonde curls as he slid into view. His blue eyes were bright, shrewd and curious. Rose got a hit of that bookstore shop and strange engine oils that she liked so much. He was the Doctor alright. “I feel I ought to tell you that it’s a very irresponsible mode of traveling through the dimensions. You should be in a capsule, young lady.”
“Don’t be such a nag,” Rose muttered.
Peri barked out a laugh. “I like her even more now.”
“Tough crowd,” he remarked to Peri who giggled. “I‘m going to be the bigger Timelord here since you were injured,” he said, sniffing indignantly. “Now before you go getting all worried, I’ve spoken to your ‘Control’ and I told that woman you were injured and she threatened me.”
Rose chuckled. “Sounds like my mum.”
“Yes, your mother is…”
“Be nice,” Peri warned.
“Protective,” the Doctor finished, making a face.
Rose gave him a smile. He smiled back. He slipped his hand into hers, sliding up to check her pulse. Rose enjoyed the cool touch a bit too much. He smirked as if catching the stray thought.
“Now, you are very lucky we happened to be saving the world in your general vicinity…” he began only to be interrupted by Peri scoffing. “Oh alright, I was very lucky you appeared when you did. You saved my life. Thank you.”
Rose beamed. The Doctor’s cheeks flushed. Peri snorted. “Quiet,” he hissed at her. Peri did not quiet, she snorted again, louder this time. “You’ll have to excuse her, she finds this entire experience dripping in incredulity.” The Doctor dripped his own words in sarcasm. Peri ignored it, obviously used to him.
Rose moved to sit up. The Doctor wrapped an arm around her, helping her shift so she was sitting up. The weight in her limbs was lessening. It was a relief to be more mobile. He sat back to regard her. “How’s your head?”
“Mm, normal? There’s only four of you, right?”
“Very amusing, Miss Tyler.” the Doctor said, pulling a penlight from his pocket and checking her eyes. “Pupils are normal and reactive. Muscle weakness? Headache? Spots?”
“Yes. Yes. No.” Rose was enjoying his proximity.
“Good,” he drawled. He hit a pad on the edge of the bed, and Rose felt the Tardis run a passive scan. “Another hour before you can try standing, alright? No acrobatics for another ten. Rest is what you need. Rest and lunch?”
Rose’s stomach grumbled.
“Peri, there’s a meal in the stasis booth behind you. Enough for three. Grab that for me?” He turned back to stare at Rose. “Extraordinary.”
“What’s so incredulous about this whole thing?” Rose asked as the Doctor handed her a what turned out to be sweetened iced tea.
“You fell right into the middle of a battlefield in the middle of one of his speeches!” Peri exclaimed, handing out sandwiches. “He was booming, ‘There’s got to be a better way to solve this conflict than cannons!’ And blamo! They shot at him and you appeared in front of him like a human shield. It was awesome!” Peri enthused. “S-s-sorry you got shot though… But you saved his dumb life.”
“I could have gotten through to them,” the Doctor muttered wistfully, “another moment or two… If Erikson hadn’t decided to shoot at me. The villain!”
“The Leklens killed his mom. He apologized!” Peri argued. “He even let us use that tank thing. You were in purple goo for like a day.”
“Ew,” Rose muttered.
“Yeah, it was real gross,” Peri enthused. “Like ectoplasm. You know? Like in Ghostbusters.”
“Take her to one movie… and it’s all she talks about,” the Doctor grumbled.
“You glowed a bit,” Peri added.
“She did! I saw it. Right before the beam hit you. You glowed a bit golden and then you crumpled. I thought you were toast!” Peri took a big bite out of her sandwich chewing with relish.
“Americans,” the Doctor muttered.
“And that’s not what I can’t believe,” Peri added as the Doctor turned a bit pink. “I can’t believe that you and he are you know, an item.”
“Peri!” the Doctor admonished.
“S’what you told me. You sensed it or whatever. It’s why you didn’t tell her mother who you were. He’s chicken. Thought she might kill him. But he doesn’t… You don’t…” Peri trailed off, waving a hand in a vaguely lewd gesture. “Well, you don’t!” she shouted when he scoffed.
Rose giggles. “What don’t you do Doctor?”
“Rose,” he drawled. “You’ve traveled with me. You’re brimming with artron energy and I remember you. You and I have met before at a party… for UNIT? I must have hidden the memory. But you and I, we…”
“Nope. I don’t believe it. He doesn’t do that. He never has while I’ve been around and I’ve been around a long time now.” Peri smirked.
“Do I tell you everything?” The Doctor demanded, indignant.
“No, you never tell me anything unless it’s useless facts about gumblejacks…”
“It’s a fish, very good eating,” the Doctor said in an aside to Rose. “And YOU never listen. That’s why you never know anything about me.”
“All I do is listen,” Peri bemoaned, eyes twinkling. “Alright, tell me, who have you dated?”
The Doctor flustered and sweating a bit glanced at Rose and then back at Peri. “I-I ah, freely admit some of my regenerations are more… amorously inclined than others.”
Rose giggled. Peri muttered, “Yeah right.”
“Ah! YES! Yes, you’ve met one of my paramours.” the Doctor announced.
Rose’s eyebrows disappeared into her hair. “Who?”
“Yeah, who? The only other you I’ve met, well, other than the nicer version of you-”
The Doctor scoffed. Peri patted his arm to show she was kidding and he was mollified.
“Wait… Jamie? Really? He was… well, a he.” Peri said.
Rose burst out laughing. The Doctor was beet red now. “Peri! All the traveling we do and that’s the issue you take with it?”
Peri laughed. “No, of course not! It’s cute! Jamie was hot. He wore a kilt,” she told Rose.
“Hush, I seem to recall a certain Pharaoh we traveled with who spent an awful lot of time in your room.”
Peri blushed. “Oh, we were, Erimem and I, she and I were… Shut up!”
Rose was going to die laughing. Great big belly laughs escaped her. The Doctor watched her, faking stern with his twinkly eyes. “My love life amuses her.”
“I’m not convinced you have one, yet. Maybe you regenerate into a real Romeo in the future.” Peri finished her sandwich.
“Tall thin, great hair,” Rose said, “really great hair, not that I’m not loving the blonde curls.”
A yawn escaped Peri. “No offense Rose, but I am going to take a nap. Been watching you for days. Good to meet you. Glad you’re awake. See you later, Doc.”
A long-suffering sigh escaped him. “Don’t call me ‘Doc.’ Insufferable girl!”
Peri hugged him. The Doctor hugged her back. Peri disappeared with a wave.
“You’re a marshmallow,” Rose muttered, leaning back against her pillows.
He harrumphed, sliding his hand into hers and squeezing. Rose’s heart eased. He was always home to her. He glanced at her sharply. “Can you hear my thoughts?”
“No, not as such,” the Doctor murmured. “Just your emotions a bit, leaking through the barriers. It’s not unpleasant, just surprising.”
“Because this regeneration isn’t as ‘amorously inclined’ as others?” she teased.
He smiled softly. “Something like that.”
They sat in comfortable silence for several moments, drinking one another in. “Rose,” he began, voice hesitant. “You were talking in your sleep.”
A frizzle of fear slipped down her spine. “Oh?”
“You mentioned stars going out,” he said, “and needing to find me, not this me, I’m assuming?”
“Sorry, no. I think he, my Doctor is a bit farther into your future.”
“The Byronic hero or the one in the Panama hat? Nooo, couldn’t be the one in the hat. He’s… No.” the Doctor shook his head. “The one in the velvet frock coat?”
“No, he’s sort of pinstriped.”
The Doctor made a face. “I like pinstripes. Never met him. He has yet to be as far as I am concerned. I know the next two after me and the previous ones of course… We meet from time to time. In the direst of circumstances…”
“Because you irritate yourself?”
“Yes,” he chuckled. “I am hard to get on with.”
“No you’re not,” Rose replied.
“Very kind,” he murmured. “Rose? What did you mean when you said… Time War.”
Rose froze solid. “You can’t know.”
“Oh, I can forget…”
“No, not this, you can never forget.” Rose stared hard at this younger Doctor, feeling nothing but sympathy. “It’s far in your future I think. Nothing to worry about.”
He nodded, resigned. “Yes, I quite understand. Rest now.” He patted her hand before withdrawing.
Rose didn’t want to be left alone. But he must have used a hypnotic suggestion in his touch because Rose was drifting off before she could form a protest. When her eyes popped open a while later, she was alone. Voices told her that Peri and the Doctor were nearby, in the corridor? She was more alert. She noticed her room had white walls with glowing round things recessed into them. It vaguely resembled the medbay.
“She was just dreaming,” Peri was whispering.
“I don’t think she was,” the Doctor argued, tone low. “She said they were all dead.”
“That’s crazy! The Timelords are all-powerful. Nothing could bump them off easily.”
“I can think of one species that can and would do,” the Doctor said incensed.
“The Daleks,” Peri agreed. “Yeah, but now that you know, you can stop it, right?”
“No, I can’t! My hands are tied. Rose is from my future. Don’t you see? That’s why she won’t tell me. She’s a good time traveler. She knows it could cause a paradox.”
“What will you do?”
“Nothing. That’s all I can do.” the Doctor said mournfully.
“You can’t just let your people die,” Peri shouted.
“Shh!! I’m sure my future selves will sort it all out…”
“No, you’re not.”
“No,” he agreed, “I’m not.”
He entered the room with a breakfast tray. Rose took in his plaid waistcoat, white button-down, plaid suspenders and yellow pinstripe trousers. “How did I not notice your outfit yesterday?”
“I know, you can see those hideous pants from space. Wait until you see his coat,” Peri said hopping up onto the edge of the bed. “How ya feeling?”
“Like I need to get up,” Rose said meaningfully. Peri laughed and looped Rose’s arm around her neck to help her into the en suite. They tucked the sheet around her like a toga. She came back out to the Doctor's fidgeting. “Out with it.”
“I’ve helped you a bit,” the Doctor said, holding up her recall disc.
“I know. I know! I can’t help myself. Your settings would keep you jumping randomly forever. I made some minor modifications to narrow down the jumps to a time closer to your own. I’ve also added an algorithm that will pick Tardis timelines, narrowing it farther. It would help if you had a Tardis to coordinate with but needs must.” He handed it back to her.
“Thank you,” Rose took it and looped it around her neck. Since she was standing on her own, she tottered into the Doctor’s embrace. He hugged back and Rose was reminded that he gave really great hugs. He squished her a bit before releasing her. He kept her hands on his forearms so she could use him to balance.
“You did save my life. It’s the least I can do if you’re going to go on to save the entire Universe.”
“Enough of the heavy stuff,” Peri grumbled. “She’s got twenty-hours left. Think you can take us shopping? Or we could get pizza!”
The memory cut off abruptly as the zeppelin dipped a bit. The Doctor was startled and his fingers slipped breaking the connection. Rose turned to regard him. “Alright?”
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t remember any of that. I have a really strange craving for pineapple on pizza though…Oh and those fried jalapenos.”
“California,” Rose murmured. “We got pizza in Malibu… It’s sorta trickling back in. You got mistaken for a busker...The Tardis got a ticket. Images slipped past. I didn’t remember any of that either until now. I remember getting home and Mum was strange. I was put off of the rotation for a week. I was furious. Mum she, didn’t budge. Said the doctor said a week, no less.” Rose beamed. “She meant you, the sneaky old thing!”
The Doctor grinned.
Jackie appeared as if summoned by her name. “We’ve got another hour on this thing. Oof, I miss planes. Can’t say traveling by blimp is all that efficient. You alright? Both of you just been cuddled up here. Thought you’d be talking or…”
The zeppelin dipped again. The Doctor grabbed her hand and peeked out the window. “We’re alright, Jackie. In fact, we were top-notch a minute ago.”
Rose snorted. “We’re fine Mum, just tired.”
“When we get home, you’ll get all the rest you need. No world-saving for a bit, alright? Give your mother a break, sweetheart. You too, you could use some feeding up and a bit of mothering.” Jackie reached out and patted the Doctor. He enjoyed it for half a second before recoiling. He glanced at Rose to see if she had caught him out and Rose smirked.
“I’m assuming London will be invaded ten minutes after I arrive.”
“Oh, four, surely,” Rose agreed.
“You two!!” Exasperated, the two were left alone.
“Peri, she, it didn’t end well for her…” the Doctor muttered. “Or it did? I have several sets of memories for that…”
“Believe in the good one, Doctor,” Rose advised.
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joaquinbumblebee24 · 5 years
Onslaught 3/11
A week and a half later, June 23, House packed his bag with Wilson’s help. They had been packing all day yesterday; their backpacks were brought to the brim.  Wilson overpacked; he wanted to make House comfortable. He and House had wanted to treat this trip as a vacation. While away for five weeks in the Philippines,  one week they would spend in the city of Clark in the province of Pampanga, two hours drive from the capital Manila. Then after the conference, the plan was to go backpacking across Luzon, one of the three main islands of the country.  
After the incident with his birthday House told Cameron that he was on the spectrum. The woman was on a hissy, half pitying and half freak out. She had almost blurted to a patient's father that Dr. House was autistic. Chase just removed her from the potential disaster on time.  
House was furious, and stress out. He finagled a five-week vacation from Cuddy. He told her about an offer for a research position at UCLA, and he was ready to take it. Wilson was willing to go with him. Cuddy was taken aback; she gave in without any fuss.
They took an Uber to the John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City. As soon as they were there, House’s nerves were shot to hell. He had taken his Luvox, which he only takes when extremely anxious.
“Greg, You okay?” Wilson asked while they walked to their gate. House put a hand on his ears, even though he has his noise-canceling headphones on. The airport was busy;  people were rubbing against him. House was on the brink of a meltdown. “Okay, Greg,” Wilson said dragging him to go to a bathroom.
As soon as the bathroom open House went inside a cubicle. Wilson followed him in; his partner was rocking back and forth. The oncologist slid down next to House and hugged him. The noise overwhelmed him, and too many people. Wilson knew this; He just stayed in the bathroom for thirty minutes. Luckily for them, they were an hour early.
After the meltdown ended, House felt humiliated. Wilson sensed this. “Hey?” Wilson said. “You don’t need to feel embarrassed, Greg. I love you.”
House huffed; he lost his words. As a child, whenever he had a meltdown, his Oma would know how to coax him, hugging him tightly.  “Jimmy, I’m fine,” House said, regaining his barrings.
Wilson blinked and handed House the cane.  He used a cane whenever they would walk far. His legs were easily fatigued due to hypotonia, which was related to the  Autism. They walked hand and hand; Wilson kept House’s guitar bag, it was the Martin LX1.
The next hurdle of this trip was the pat-down search. House past thru a metal detector fine; an agent stopped him. “Mister, where do you think you’re going?” The TSA agent asked.
House; oblivious to the sarcasm said. “To a medical conference in the Philippines, I’m a doctor.”
Wilson frowned. “Sir, please forgive him, he has Autism,” He said. The glare from House didn’t stop him. “He doesn’t understand sarcasm.” The statement was half correct. House could understand sarcasm when he knew the person speaking.
The TSA agent, a man asked. Are you his brother?”
Wilson glowered at him. “He's my husband.”
The TSA agent looked at House with disgust. Wilson sighed. “Where the hell is your supervisor? Because I won’t let you harass us for being gay. Being gay is not a crime.  I don’t know what you saw on him, but you are looking at the wrong person here. As he said, he is a doctor, not a terrorist. “ The agent looked humiliated.  
Wilson led House out to their gates. They sat at a frequent flyer lounge, Wilson and House were both frequent flyers. They flew at least once a month to go visit House’s 86-year-old Oma in Portland. While his parents settled in Eugine.
“Greg? You doing okay?” Wilson asked while they drink coffee.
House looked at him. "What do you think? You called me autistic in front of a bear;  I have no choice but to give a speech." He said, and his voice was bitter.
Wilson knew House. His spouse didn’t like it when people questioned their relationship, saying that because he had autism he didn’t know how to Love, romantically. “I’m sorry, I just need to get him off your back.”
House sighed. “I don’t want you to tell people I’m on the spectrum, James. It’s my business. “ He knew that House was upset when he uses his first name, not his nickname, ninety-nine percent of the time he was Jimmy to House or (Wilson at work.)
He knew not to argue with him; he was right. “Okay, I am sorry again.”
The overhead speakers announced their flight. They both got their backpacks, Wilson took the guitar, while House took his cane. They boarded the flight without any difficulties.
As they sat at first-class, House opened his laptop sleeve and got his MacBook Pro;  and began editing the speech, that Wilson wrote. While Wilson got to sleep.
The fifteen-hour flight was a success.
During the flight,  House played on his phone and iPad. While awake, Wilson researched  LGBT issues in the Philippines. Although there are no laws on the criminalization of homosexuality;  the country has no protection for being a gay man. According to his source, a nurse back in Princeton; "The Philippines is like the US in the ’90s. People in the country were more tolerant and accepting, though."
The plane touched down at Clark-Diosdado Macapagal International Airport. This was Wilson’s first time here in Asia; He and House had vacationed in Europe a bit.  They had avoided Asia and Africa for safety reasons.
“Jimmy, welcome to my home for five years.” Said House as he ordered a (Grab car) an Uber-like service in the country.
The Grab CAr arrived. As soon as they were in the got inside the car, House slumped in a seat. “Mabuhay, Welcome to the Philippines, My name is Carlos.”
Wilson looked at his partner for cultural guidance. “People in the country understands English pretty well, they had been learning it for years since Pre-School,” House told Wilson while slumping next to him in exhaustion.
“Okay, Carlos,” Wilson said. “What are the best places for food?”
The driver smiled. “There is the mall;  you can eat at some of our restaurants. First timer?”
Wilson smiled despite his exhaustion. “Yes, but my partner lived here when he was a teenager.”  
The driver’s smile was never faltered. “Where are you from?”
“We are from New Jersey.”
They arrived at their hotel. “If you want a ride, call me,” Carlos told Wilson in parting, giving him his personal number.  
Wilson booked a suite; at the Clark Marriott hotel. As soon as House saw their bed, he removed his blue Hershel & Co backpack and slumped to sleep. Wilson followed after a quick shower.
Hours later, It was ten in the morning they had arrived at 4AM. House woke up.  They needed to buy OTC medications.  They didn’t usually bring so many things, because he and that conveyor belt don’t mix. “Jimmy? You awake?” House asked, shaking Wilson. “Am hungry.”
Wilson  mumbled, “Greg, what time is it?”
House looked at the alarm clock. “ten-thirty. I‘m hungry.”
Wilson stood up and got his jeans from underneath the bed.
“Can we call for room service instead of going outside?” House asked,  getting his laptop from his bag.
Wilson most defiantly wanted to say no; Let's go outside and mingle in with the locals at the mall, but no, House needed to rest, for lunch, he would urge. “Okay." Wilson got the hotel phone. Then he asked as though forgotten. “What kinds of Filipino food do you eat when you were younger?”
House remembered the taste of one of the handfuls of mushy food he would eat, Kaldereta. Kaldereta was made of goat or sometimes beef with liver paste and tomato sauce. He’d love the beef version. “Kal- De- Re- Ta. Kaldereta.” When Wilson gave him a questioning look. “or Adobo.” He said the words with the correct accent.
“You call them yourself,” Wilson suggested. House looked at Wilson as if Wilson killed his puppy. Right, social anxiety, he thought. House swallowed nervously. “I won’t let you call them, okay?” Wilson was reminded; how House was in many ways a kid.
He dialed the number, “Do you have, Kaldereta or Adobo?” The staff on the other line answered an affirmative, “An order of adobo and kaldereta, please,  Rice?" House gave a big nod, he ordered rice too. “So what are we going to do today?” Wilson asked; when the phone call ended.
“Do some touristy things with you?” House said, peering from playing on his iPad.
They have watched CNN Philippines on the hotel’s flat-screen TV. It was an English channel but was geared towards Filipinos and what was happening in the country. “There is a freaking Typhoon,” House commented as he saw what was on the TV screen.
“Where is it headed?” Wilson asked.
“We don’t know yet,” House said, as he peered towards a half-opened window. Meteorology had been one of his obsessions growing up.
Their food arrived fifteen minutes later. House looked at his food, and the Kaldereta looked and smelled lovely. House tasted it; as soon as he tasted his food. He was brought back almost 30 years ago; in the same town, that was previously a military base.
Wilson was delighted to see him eat; House regularly didn’t eat, he didn’t like the texture, or the smell or its high caloric. His partner was closed to being too thin. “Greg, you really love it here?” He asked as he took a bit off his chicken adobo; it was really good.
House looked at everything, but not at Wilson. He is gearing up for a speech. “When I was eight, I was homeschooled because of autism. I was bullied. I was with Oma Abbigail in California, while mom joined father somewhere in South America. I didn’t come; it's too dangerous. When I got here, in Clark, knowing a few words of Tagalog.  I started in the third grade. They just put me on the fourth grade a month into it, After that school year I was entering the sixth grade.”
“Where I went to school was an international school, but 80 percent are Filipinos. Kids didn’t bully me, unlike that back in the states. They liked me, Here I was a Kano-puti or white American.” House said, touching the keyboard of his laptop repetitively.
Wilson didn’t know what to say. “I am sorry you went through that, babe.”
“Don’t be,” House said, making eye contact for the first time since the question started.
End of Chapter 3
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