#i just wonder how many folks like Sunder the djd have dealt with
IWD Strikenut thoughts. If the DJD and Strika's army show up during the Sunder debacle they'll never be convinced Megatron's brains werent scrambled.
I mean yes
Considering Sunder, they have every reason to think Megs was shadowplayed by that motherfucker (honestly the idea of the DJD boarding the LL during Sunder's rampage is terrifying because then you have multiple threats to avoid.)
How many of them do you think will be balled before they catch on?? Because if Sunder sees you, he can dig right in. And I don't know if they've ever dealt with a threat like that
Tarn v Sunder would be fucking interesting ngl, those two verbally dueling would be. So interesting and crunchy
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