#idw striknut au
IWD Strikenut thoughts. If the DJD and Strika's army show up during the Sunder debacle they'll never be convinced Megatron's brains werent scrambled.
I mean yes
Considering Sunder, they have every reason to think Megs was shadowplayed by that motherfucker (honestly the idea of the DJD boarding the LL during Sunder's rampage is terrifying because then you have multiple threats to avoid.)
How many of them do you think will be balled before they catch on?? Because if Sunder sees you, he can dig right in. And I don't know if they've ever dealt with a threat like that
Tarn v Sunder would be fucking interesting ngl, those two verbally dueling would be. So interesting and crunchy
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I had an IWD thought with Strikenut. Imagine the chaos if Tarn discovered Megatron's defection because the Peaceful Tyranny and Strika's flag ship were at the same station. He hears Lugnut comeing unglued, wailing and weaping " NO! LORD MEGATRON! IT CAN'T BE!" Tarn rushes towards the news fearing Megatron's dead and he sees the mesage. Cue Megatron's fanboi club having histrionics togeather in solidarity for the first time in ever.
Tarn doesn't get a chance to "take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them," because Strika ends up including him in her kick starting her conjux's brain module. "Stop it both of you! Before the pair of you bring the roof down! The stament was likely coerced. We need to find the Supreme Comander, rescue him and check for signs of meneosurgery!"
I have no idea how it would end, or effect the Lost Light's voyage but I'm certian Nickel and Strika would get on famously.
Okay temporarily, Tarn and Luggy would have the most unbearable sobfest yes yes. It would be so fucking funny.
Strika being the braincell yet again🥰
I'm trying to remember if Strika is already in IDWG1 or not. Because her design has gotta be good in the full IDWG1 style
While we the audience know he wasn't shadowplayed, it makes perfect fucking sense to suspect mnemosurgery. How fucked up would it have been if mnemosurgery was involved in his trial or his sentence? (Him on the LL post shadowplay??)
I think they find Nickel somewhere between their first appearance in MTMTE and their second, but yes. They'd have the best goddamn dynamic, but I'm imagining if they get into arguments those arguments have to be so fucking nuclear. But also they (usually) back each other's decisions up because typically "sOMEBODY HAS TO BE THE SMART ONES ON BOARD, and Primus knows it isn't you."
The idea of Lugnut and Strika chilling with the DJD for a while has to be so interesting
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TFP Lugnut and Strika would be some kind of insane Gomez and Morticia-esque battle couple. KoBd would think the two of them were disgustingly sappy. The amount of destruction they would wreak would be a full squad of Wreckers worthy.
Megatron sent them to the hinterlands because he's moderately concerned that they'll make him their third and he really doesn't want that mental image of what that would entail. Also they are devoted to ensuring his wellbeing will he nil he.
They come to Earth when Megatron calls for reinforcements. Strika absolutely terrorizes Blackarachnia because she don't trust that bitch. They Parent the Vehicons to everyone else's chagrine. The Dark Energon "mysteriously" gets incinerated. "OH NO! THE ABOMINATION THAT WAS SAPING MY LORD'S VITIALITY AND MENTAL PROWESS SEEMS TO HAVE SPONTANEOUSLY DETONATED WHEN THE INCINERATOR TURNED ON!"
Exactly yes yes exactly
They'd be such a force on the battlefield, especially with Strika being a fucking general (we don't give her enough credit for that)
Ffghjkk. Tfp Megs does not want to be the filling in that sandwich.
Blackarachnia v Strika sounds like such a dynamic (ESPECIALLY regarding tfa BA's science inclinations)
How often do you think she's gonna be compared to Arachnid (I can exactly see someone calling her the diet version of 'Nid lol)
Sddf yes yes yes. Those there are their children now, and the vehicons find it more than a little smothering
It would be such a fucking thing regarding TFP Megatron's absolute obsession with dark energon and Striknut's hatred of it. (ESPECIALLY depending on what point in the series we're at. S1? S2? S3? Just how involved with it had he become, has the Unicron shit went down, ect ect) it would be absolutely hilarious.
I'm torn between Soundwave often siding with Strika and Luggy, or him having a sort of rivalry with them (after all we saw in tfa how Lugnut regarded Shockwave, I mean Starscream was no help in that lol. Do you think tfp Starscream would also encourage it? Or is she avoiding them, or well is he rogue rn??). I can totally see a petty Lugnut v Soundwave thing.
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