#i just... his design. his songs. his voice? jeremy jordan's vocals are great.
namimikan · 4 months
turns out i'm there for lucifer morningstar and him alone. gdi.
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raedas · 4 years
Ooo my time has come! (I don't mean to overwhelm you with this just I finally have someone who wants my theatre recommendations! Yay!) I think there's a word limit on these so I'll try to say as little as possible.
Alright so if you like Hamilton definitely listen to Natasha, Pierre and The Great Comet of 1812. Like Hamilton it's completely sung through and the songs are absolutely amazing. The cast is so talented and beautiful too (Denée Benton is an absolute angel). Please watch any video you can get of it too the design is gorgeous.
My personal favorite musical ever is Heathers. Like, it will forever be my favorite. Barrett has such a powerful voice and the songs are so, so good and catchy af. It was also the musical that got me into musicals-
And of course I must mention Newsies. Newsies also has a proshot on Disney+ like Hamilton and oh my fucking god don't even get me started on how talented the cast is. Like, the choreography for this musical is insane and they pull it off so well. Jeremy Jordan/ Jack Kelly (his character) is... Perfection. Absolute perfection. The songs are so powerful and, again, the dance skills of this cast is *chefs kiss*.
Next up, Six. Please listen to Six. It's a pretty short musical too which is great if you're like me and have attention issues when it comes to watching and listening to stuff. Believe me as soon as you listen to the first song you WILL be hooked. It's a very upbeat musical aside from Heart of Stone. It's about the ex-wives of Henry the 7th or whatever his title was. But like, the wives are a pop group now- it sounds odd but it's really great.
Waitress is another one I'd definitely recommend. I don't want to repeat myself and just say "it's great and it's amazing and-" again and again so I'll just give you a warning: She Used To Be Mine is one of the saddest and most powerful musical theatre songs you will ever hear. Be warned.
Oh and let's not forget Beetlejuice. This is an extremely popular musical rn and for good reason. It's super upbeat and fun while also having some dark themes. Alex Brightman is just, god I've already used all my good description-y words haven't I? He's a really, really good human being and preformer and I adore him, alright? Alright.
Oklahoma! Is a classic that I really liked. I mostly listen to newer musicals but I really loved Oklahoma!. I'd recommend the 2019 revival if you are listening for the first time. It has a very classical vibe that's also really sweet if that makes sense? Idk.
Hadestown. This is another long one but god is it one of the best musicals of this (last) decade. It's very jazz-y and the songs can be both catchy and make you want to dance or beautiful and make you very, very emotional. Sometimes both! + it has Amber Gray in it so duh of course it's great.
Dear Evan Hansen. This is a VERY popular musical similar to Hamilton's popularity. It's not my favorite since most of the songs are quite slow and not too memorable for me personally but Sincerely Me and Good For You are absolute bops and I'd recommend the musical just for them alone. It has a powerful message about mental health that I know resonated with many people but again, wasn't my thing personally although you may definitely like it.
Hairspray. I'm pretty new to this one but I adore this sixties sound. It's also a very, very upbeat and dancy type musical. There's a couple different recordings of it so it really depends on which you like more. I loved the movie soundtrack but some people prefer the original Broadway show or the live version. Who knows.
Wicked. This is another kinda classic kinda new show that's extremely popular. Basically it's about the Wicked Witch of the West and that's all you need to know before diving in. This wasn't my personal favorite although I did really like it. Popular is a bop and Defying Gravity is one of the most powerful songs (vocal wise) I've ever heard, ever. It was an enjoyable watch that's for sure and I loved the characters.
Oh how could I almost forgot Book of Mormon? This musical is harlious, genuinely. It's a satire musical about Mormons to put it simply but it's also so much more then that at the same time (kinda). Besides it's satirical parts it also has some really powerful songs and lines. Mainly - I Believe. Like,, I love this song, so much. Andrew Rannells has such a good voice also have I mentioned Josh Gad is in this? Because he is. And I love it.
Alright I've been writing this for like, 13 min now I should stop but I must mention Mean Girls. You know what I was saying about Defying Gravity earlier? Well, Mean Girls the musical has it's own version of a powerful vocal song and it's World Burn. I've listened to that song more times then I can count now and I'm still amazed every single damm time.
Quick mention, I'm listening to Spring Awakening rn and this musical is so beautiful I love it.
Anyways, here's my recommendations! 🎵
w o w this looks like it took a while so thank you!!! i might just jump the boat (is that an expression? i don’t think it’s an expression but in my 7 AM brain it made sense) and listen to some musicals soon :))) (ill def listen to one on this list)
also, congrats on sending the longest ask I’ve ever seen!!!! 😂
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