#i kinda derailed that last question but i didn't prepare anything for TWOSday even though it's supposed to be his day
beanboisforbrains · 2 years
resisting the urge to send all of them at once
🤔☘ answered here! Answering the rest out of order because the last one is long LMAOOO
👌 What are some matsu duos that you think are underrated?
WAKABA BABEYYYYY! CYBER AS WELL! NEARLY ALL THE CHORO DUOS TBH. Choromatsu has incredible middle child energy, its so fun seeing him try to be a big brother to Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu, especially when they call him out. Combined with the fact that he flip flops between being nagging mom friend and intensely delusional, it makes his interactions a real treat.
Also, up until like 3 months ago, parka wasn’t on my radar at all. Then I saw a parka compilation on youtube and my third eye opened. They’re so cute, I like parka a lot. I think they’re kind of underrated and I can’t believe I didn’t even think about them until recently sfkjds.
🎉 What do you like most in a skit?
I like sextuplet centric ones that take place in the “canon” timeline. When the six of them are together and the duo interactions makes different aspects of their personality shine, its just soooo *chefs kiss*. Even silly little skits, like Totty Quiz and all The Late Night Himatsuya skits, bring the biggest smile to my face. UGH skits where there’s a balance between being nice to each other and being absolutely brutal, LIKE ACCIDENT, OH MAN *EVEN BIGGER CHEFS KISS*
😍 What’s a moment that made you fall in love with your favourite character?
I love you for asking this but also do you know what you’ve unleashed.
Before watching the show, I was already prepped and primed for becoming a Karamatsu girl. One year and a half of screenshots and clips about this man from someone trying to get me to watch ososan... I didn’t know much about the show, but I knew blue man funny and cute. 
I also really liked his design, even though they mostly looked the same to me back then skdfnskd. HIS SUNGLASSES AND LEATHER JACKET LOOKS GOOD OKAY. AND HIS ROLLED UP SLEEVES!!! His bravado was/is so cringe but also endearing? From the clips I saw, it seemed like he really cared about his brothers and wanted the best for them.
When I started watching season 1 EVERYONE WAS SO MEAN TO HIM 😭😭😭 S1 OSOSAN WAS SO RUDE TO HIM FR
Thus began the babygirlification of Karamatsu Matsuno. I was like damn nobody love you in canon, so I’m going to love you. I liked the fact that he was still nice to his brothers even though they could be so aggressive to him. BUT I ALSO LIKED THE FACT THAT HE JOINED IN ON THEIR STUPID TRASHY ANTICS. I LIKED WHEN THE NARRATIVE WAS DEPICTING THEM AS ASSHOLES, HE WASN’T EXCLUDED. 
I’m glad I didn’t interact with the fandom until I caught up to season 2 and had already formed my own opinions about the bros, because I can definitely see myself warping my interpretation to fit the fandom standard. Karamatsu was the nice oneTM but from season 1 there were moments where we could peak behind the curtain, behind the façade. His actions were so outrageous, I was like okay, at least some of it’s got to be an act. Moments where his bravado falls because things aren’t going his way and he gets all whiny are some of the best. IT’S THE GAP MOE APPEAL.
Honestly at this point, Karamatsu only had a slight edge above the rest. I liked all the bros relatively equally. And then Osomatsu kicked Jyushimatsu in a huge oh shit moment. Immediately followed by oh shit moment #2; Karamatsu punches Osomatsu and drags him outside.
Emotion 1: Super surprised. Karamatsu has been wimpy this entire season, but when it comes to his family, he’s able to recognize the responsibility he holds as the second son. He can confront even the oldest if its to protect his brothers.
Emotion 2: That was kinda…THAT WAS KINDA… 😳 😳 😳 Karamatsu stepping up was so insanely attractive to me LMAOFIDSJKKDJFS
Once he truly got his hooks in, there was no escaping. Now practically everything he does I find fascinating/lovable/endearing/s-se-*gunshots*
I know I just spent 400+ words describing what I like about Karamatsu BUT I STILL THINK ITS VERY HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS WHY EXACTLY I LOVE HIM. ITS JUST THE VIBE. Something about him activates the “go stupid” part of my brain so intensely. I just want to
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