#i know Zoop looks a lot like Klover
kyoyo-supreem · 8 months
i picked up Trover Saves the Universe again
i actually just finished the main game + dlc a few hours ago, I’m gonna go back in a bit to collect all of the powerbabies
in the meantime…
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a small, low-quality, low-effort doodle of the Chairorpian, Trover, and two OCs I’ve just thunk (thinken’d?) up !!
—green eyehole monster—
name: Zoop (pronounced ALMOST like “soup,” he gets very pissy if you call him soup.)
age: 23-ish
affiliation: ICJ
xtra info: his job specifically is to kill weird little monster alien things— they damage the environment and also sometimes cost the ICJ a lotta money in damages.
—slightly more emo looking Chairorpian—
name: Reid
age: 24-ish
affiliation: none
xtra info: has two persian cats. due to being exposed to space-stuff, they’ve grown to be quite big. almost as big as Trover, to be exact.
—Reid & Zoop Backstory—
one day, Reid was going outside for a walk (or maybe hover?) when he encountered a few troublesome monsters. thankfully, Zoop just so happened to be passing through the area, and basically saved Reid’s life. after that, just to assure an innocent citizen’s safety (and totes not because Zoop’s into Chairorpians or whatever,) Zoop walked Reid home. they chatted along the way, and realised they had a lot in common. the two of them exchanged numbers, and the rest is history.
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