#i know for a fact none of those jamokes even know what tumblr is anyway so im not afraid to get caught talking shit tbh
hayleykiyopioids · 1 year
oh my good lord i hate my job so much dudes
hello to the 4 real people that follow me, and all the bots i haven't had the energy to block yet! i need like 5 minutes to talk shit about my job, so if that's not your vibe tonight please feel free to just not read this shit because this is the last corner of the internet that's blessed with anonymity and i would like to scream into the ether without consequence <3
so i'm the entire IT department for a shitty little car dealership in Almost The Middle Of Nowhere, USA and like maybe 6 out of the 50 people that work there have more than one single brain cell. there is so much crap in that building that only i know about, and i'm at the end of my Got Damn rope guys.
the GM of this dealership is the dumbest and laziest man in this building, and every 3 months or so he decides to go on some kind of fucking crusade to try and convince everyone else he does something around there. probably every other crusade, i end up a fucking target because he can't comprehend a single thing i do on any given day.
i very seriously need you to understand that i have never received an email from this man that wasn't a paragraph of a run on sentence. i had to teach this man how to upload photos to the vehicle auction site that i don't even have access to. this man does not know a single policy in the building, he has never filled out a single form correctly, and is constantly losing Important Documents with enough sensitive information that someone's whole identity could get stolen! almost every single decision he makes on a given day costs the dealership money and somehow still screws the customers over! but for some fucking reason the owner trusts his word like fucking gospel. this man is going to run the dealership into the ground, and he does not give one single shit
that's all just kind of background info so the actual thing i want to complain about makes some kind of sense. today was the day the GM decided to open up another crusade, and i got caught up in it for pretty much no damn reason.
we have this storage area we call the loft. it's a fairly small second floor type thing, that once upon a time someone built out of plywood and 2x4s. it's ugly, it's dusty, it's probably not even all that safe, and it's a dumping ground for all the crap we don't have space for anywhere else. this space has been a disorganized shit show for the last two and a half years.
well, the parts department is packed at the seams, and the only real solution to this is to put more shelves up in the loft. the GM was up in there, and decided to get pissed at me and the accounting department, and the "marketing" department for not keeping our shit up there organized.
half the crap up there belongs to detail and service, and another quarter of it is paperwork that our state requires us to keep paper records of for a number of years before it can be sent to be shredded for customer privacy
half of the IT stuff that the GM found up there can't possibly be pinned on me. a lot of it was up there in unmarked boxes, and has been there since well before I started working here. how are you going to be mad at me for not going through UNMARKED BOXES in a space that is famously everyone's dumping ground?
everything that was in an unmarked box was also special shit from other departments! even if i knew it was there, it would not have been my call to get rid of old credit card readers and check scanners. that shit has never been on me, it's been on the departments who use those things.
the other half of the IT stuff was crap i've been wanting to get rid of for so long! but every time i bring it up, it's "well someone might need that printer so let's hang onto it" "those monitors still work, so let's hang onto them" "lets save that monitor wall mount in case we need it" EVERYTHING i was told to save when it should have gotten tossed has been collecting dust up there for well over 6 months at least.
everything else that the GM was mad about: it was the GM who said to store it in the loft in the first place. AND almost everything that gets put up there gets moved around by anyone and everyone! when shit goes missing or gets put in stupid places, it's never because of the person who's actually supposed to be keeping track of it
so anyway, since the loft is an obvious problem, the GM now has an excuse to nitpick literally every other aspect of the departments he's pissed about now. me, my friend who's the cashier, and the "marketing" department now all of a sudden have to send an email at the end of every fucking day detailing everything that we've done that day. this isn't the first time the GM has made up this stupid little rule, and every other time i've had to do it i get told to stop after about a week or two. that, or i just kind of stop sending them because i know full well that he doesn't read them. i don't think the GM has literally ever read a single email i've sent him.
the worst part about this crap is that i know he doesn't understand a single thing i do in that building, let alone how long any of it takes. one of the time i had to send these stupid emails i was told to include an estimate of how long it took me to do each thing on the list! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?? and it also doesn't help that 99% of my job is just waiting for something to break so i can go fix it.
the only upside is that i'm a little less than a month out from switching jobs. the dealership hires this other guy to manage the network in the building, just about the only thing i don't have my hands on since i don't have the knowledge yet. he used to be the one they called to fix all their stupid little problems too until they hired me. i'm kind of being handed off to go work for him, and they'll just call me like they used to call him before. i'm also going to be essentially working to build up his company, since up until now he's been a one man operation. me and him work incredibly well together, and i've been doing work for him part time in my off hours for the last 6 months or so.
that god forsaken dealership is going to go under in the next few years if the owner doesn't fire that GM. there's a million and one issues with the way that place gets ran, and the owner doesn't seem to give a single shit. she punishes the small handful of people who actually do their jobs right for all the others' mistakes, and people are already starting to jump ship. i don't think there's a single employee there that doesn't have some kind of issue with either her or the GM or both. and the saddest part of it all is the the owner of that dealership is so fucking smart when she takes her head out of her own ass! she doesn't realize how much she leans on a small handful of people there and how close they all are to quitting.
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