#i know i’ve written about yelena smoking before but i can’t help it
mosquito-queen · 5 months
“kate bishop, you do not smoke!”
but yelena did. she did and she would ask kate for a light, just to tease, but she didn’t know how stupidly kate wanted to touch her mouth. so kate bought a shitty plastic lighter that was nearly the same color as yelena’s eyes. and she stole yelena’s much sturdier, metal cased lighter that looked like someone had attempted to knife a design into it. and she waited.
she waited until yelena’s phone pinged and the widow grew agitated with whatever was on the screen. and she waited until yelena grabbed her vest and aggressively motioned for kate to follow down the stairs and out into the crowded street. she waited until yelena produced a cigarette and then patted down her vest pockets looking for something she couldn’t find - because it was in kate’s poor excuse for a cutlery drawer at her new apartment. (which she did now at least own two of everything, thank you!)
and then kate didn’t have to wait anymore. because yelena was scowling and desperately rummaging in her empty pockets and kate said, so very cooly: “do you need a light?”
kate held up her shitty gas station lighter and yelena looked just as surprised as when kate slapped her in the elevator nearly six months ago, “kate bishop, you do not smoke!”
which was a point of contention. because kate hated when yelena smoked, but one time she wanted to put her mouth where yelena’s had been because it was the closest she would ever get to what she really wanted. and she had taken a drag and nearly hacked up a lung while yelena berated her for even trying. while yelena said all the same reasons kate told her not to smoke. and then kate was laughing and coughing which made tears streak down her face. and yelena had told her at least she was cute when she wasn’t trying to be cool. and that was a small win.
but kate was trying to be cool right now. she was trying to keep her panicky, throbbing heart from busting out her chest. because, she was going to light yelena’s cigarette and a small part of her brain told her she was special for that, that this was only something yelena would let her do. “do you want it or not?”
and yelena put the cigarette between her lips with a roll of her eyes, her hand outreached to grab the lighter. but kate swatted it away, and flicked the stupid thing - once, twice, fuck was it going to light? embarrassment at her shortfall burned her face, and kate sheepishly looked at yelena. which was always a mistake. because yelena looked like an angel - well the kind that definitely got expelled from heaven. she had a godawful crooked smirk around the cigarette because yelena knew, she always knew kate’s spiraling shenanigans.
and yelena took mercy. as merciful as a fallen angel could be. her hands cupped around kate’s holding the lighter, brought it closer to her face. her eyelashes fluttered and kate almost whined. her last brain cell worked and a flame finally sputtered from the definitely uncool means of getting the proximity kate craved.
yelena lit the cigarette, slowly pulling away. after a dramatic inhale, she took it out of her mouth and said so disgustingly simple: “kate bishop, it is your turn to take me on an american date, yes?”
kate spluttered, “my turn?”
“we had drinks, i paid,” yelena’s nose crinkled, “i said -“
“you said it might not be so bad to be my hawkeye’s widow.”
“and then you choked on your liquor.”
“i thought you meant -“
yelena’s face fell and kate could of kicked herself. “oh, do you not want -“
“no! i mean yes! of course! yes,” kate’s heart was definitely exploded twice over, “i want to take you on a date.” did those words really come out of her mouth?
“good.” it sounded more like a threat, but yelena beamed at kate. she put the half-used cigarette out on the pavement and tugged kate’s sleeve in the direction of their mission, “first we take care of business, then you take me to coney island.”
kate had no choice but to trail after yelena, “coney island? i thought i got to pick this time.”
yelena let out a short bark of laughter.
several bruises and crude stitches later, they went to coney island.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
The Third Widow || Barely Gone, Barely Here
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff X Fem! Belova! Reader.
Summary: Y/n Belova is the younger biological sister of Yelena Belova and the adoptive sister of Natasha Romanoff. Saved from Red Room by Melina & Alexei she now must adjust to a new normal. Going to school, recovering, and finding love in the eyes of another troubled teen, Wanda Maximoff. All while General Dreykov has his eyes set on claiming back what he calls his most powerful ‘widow’.
Angst & Light Fluff | Mentions of Depression |Mentions of Weed & Smoking It | Talks about murder | Language Warning | 3.6K |
Notes: Flashbacks are bold, italic and start with ‘~’ | Written in second person. | 
Translations: сестра (sister), плющ (Ivy), Мэри (Mary)
The Third Widow Masterlist
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“I thought I’d find you here” Wanda smiled as she climbed up the large rock and sat beside you. “I needed to get away” you replied, your eyes rested on the flow of the river below. Today was July 13th, the day you picked to officially be your birthday. School was out for the summer as of last week, you suspension now officially over. “Not a fan of birthdays I take it” Wanda playfully nudged you as you shook your head, ���I don’t feel as though I should be celebrated as Kate explained, not after everything”. 
“Hey, I think you’re worth celebrating” Wanda smiled softly, but her words didn’t make sense to you, “you should hate me like everybody does. I’m not a good person” your eyes still watched the flow of the river as the sun kissed it softly with its orange colour. “Just because people who don’t know you have things to say doesn’t mean those who do you know you can’t celebrate you” Wanda replied in a comforting tone, slowly you turned your heard to look at her with tear eyes, “but the things they say, it’s all true” you spoke softly. 
Last week you went to the mall with Kate and Yelena, Kate wanted some new boots while Yelena only went along for the chance of food, for you, you went to buy some art supplies with the $20 that Melina had given you. You promised you’d pay her back for it because you felt uncomfortable taking money from her, but she insisted that you treat yourself and that she didn’t mind. Town wasn’t fun, in fact the three of you didn’t last more than 5 minutes in the mall before Kate ushered Yelena out the doors with you following closely behind. The public now aware of the accusations made against you by Asya, people mumbled things to you as you walked by them, some called out things and others made the effort to say it to your face. Horrible things, things that you had already told yourself over and over. Yelena didn’t stand for it and bit back at a few people which is why Kate was so quick to get the two of you out of there. 
Now, a week later, the only place you go to is the place Wanda showed you. It was quiet and peaceful here. It gave you a clear mind, fresh air, and nobody around to flood your mind with their small talk and conversations. 
“They don’t know you, not like how we do” Wanda repeated, “their opinions are irrelevant” she adds. You want to believe her, but you struggle to understand how she can be so comfortable around you and not fear the actions you’ve done. Wanda respectfully stopped entering your mind to read your thoughts, she thought it wasn’t fair that she was about to know what you were thinking before you got the chance to speak but this time your thoughts were loud, and she couldn’t ignore them. 
“I’m not scared because I’ve been in a position to do the same” Wanda broke your thoughts. You looked to her once again, “I had too” she added as her eyes fell to her lap, “Pietro and I had to escape…it was more than one” she looked back at you and smiled so softly you almost missed it, “I’m sorry” you spoke now feeling a bit of comfort in knowing Wanda know how you felt once again. “D-do you still see it?” you asked her, your thumbs twirling together. 
“Like flashbacks? Sometimes but I have this trusty friend to help me forget about it” she smiled and pulled a cigarette but only fatter on the end that was a tan colour. “Is that why you smoke? To forget?” you asked. Wanda chuckled lightly, “oh honey, this is a joint. Different to a cigarette. These I don’t smoke around people, only when I’m by myself or I’ll take a hit or two at a party” she explained. “Oh” you mumbled. You knew what a joint was, but this was the first time you’d seen one. “Do you want to try? You don’t have too, no pressure” she smiled as she brought the joint to her lips and grabbed her lighter from her pocket. “No thanks, I’m not 21” you looked away as she lit the illegal drug. 
“Oop! Мэри is back!” she chuckled; you rolled your eyes playfully. The smell from the blunt burnt through your senses causing you to slightly shuffle away from Wanda as she blew the smoke in the other direction. “So, what happened today? Yelena said you just left without a word” Wanda asked before taking another hit. 
“I’ve never had a birthday before. It was uncomfortable being given gifts when I don’t feel like I deserve them and” your eyes fell to your lap again, “I miss my parents which is stupid as I don’t remember them… I don’t even know their names or what they look like…I just had to get out of there” you explained. Wanda wasn’t too sure what to say, she loved her birthday, she loved celebrating with Pietro and her parents. “I’m sure whoever they are they are looking for you and Yelena” Wanda spoke in hopes to bring you comfort. You shook your head, “Yelena doesn’t remember them either”. 
“Maybe Melina might be able to help, have you asked her?” 
“I couldn’t do that…she’s…the only motherly person I know now, I don’t want to hurt her feelings” 
“I’m sure she’d understand, wouldn’t hurt to ask” Wanda took another hit, “are you sure you don’t want give it a try?” she handed the joint to you, but you shook your head, “I’m fine. Thanks, the smell is enough, I don’t want to taste that” you looked back to the river, “plus I should probably go back…I don’t want to worry them anymore” you added before standing up and brushing yourself of any dirty. “Well, I’ll still be here if you change your mind” Wanda smiled softly before you made your way home. 
The walk home was just as quiet as the river, the sunsetting didn’t catch your attention when you reached the front door. The birthday banner still hung proudly in the living room as you entered to see Alexei, Melina and Natasha sat on the sofa’s chatting.
“You’re back” Natasha smiled softly, “is everything okay?” Melina asked. You nodded, “I’m sorry I left…I just…I’ve never had a birthday before” you spoke, your eyes falling to the floor, “I hope I didn’t upset you” you added. 
“Hey, don’t be sorry” Natasha stood up and walked over to you, “we got a little too excited and wanted to surprise you, that’s all” she added with a small gift box in her hands. “W-what’s this for?” you asked as your eyes traced up from her hands to her eyes. “Just one last gift” she smiled once again. Nervously you took it from her hands and thanked her before opening it. Inside was a golden necklace, a coin sized base with a Hamsa hand, a moon with a star and a diamond. 
“It’s called the Safiya necklace” Natasha spoke, “the Hamsa means protection and healing, the moon is a symbol of a celestial timekeeper with a gentle heart. The north star adjacent to the moon guides us on our journey. When I saw it and read more about it, it reminded me of you” she adds. You smiled at her softly, the idea was beautiful and meant more to you than she would ever know, “thank you” you took the necklace out of the box gently and put it on instantly. “I’m glad you like it, сестра” Nat smiled before returning to her seat. 
“W-where is Yelena and Kate?” you asked. 
“They went out to pick up your cake” Melina replied, Alexei had drifted into a nap without anybody noticing. “They’ll be back shortly” she added. You nodded then excused yourself, going up to your room your phone was sitting on your bedside table as it buzzed multiple times before you picked it up. 
*23 texts messages* it read, all from unknown numbers. 
“You’re disgusting! You should be in prison!”
“You’ll get what’s coming to you!” 
“You should leave town for good before somebody does it for you!” 
“Don’t bother showing your face again, murder!” 
Message after message all gave the same message. Asya’s posters had travelled further than school and the town you lived in. Your phone buzzed a few more times with even more messages from unknown numbers, a few voice mails were left from missed calls. 
“We’re back!” you heard Kate’s voice from downstairs, you sighed yourself before turning the device off completely and placing it in the bottom drawer of your nightstand then made your way downstairs. 
“There you are плющ!” Yelena embraced you into a tight hug, something she didn’t do in front of others beside the day you were reunited with her. “Happy birthday, сестра” she whispered as she let you go from her arms. Kate wasted no time and crashed into you with open arms, “Happy Birthday!!” she said with cheer. “Thank you” you smiled softly as you let yourself hug her back lightly. “I suppose it’s time for cake” Melina entered the kitchen with Alexei behind her and Natasha following. “Could we please skip the song part?” you asked, Kate instantly shaking her head, “nope! It’s the best part besides eating the cake of course” she chuckled as she placed 16 candles into the chocolate cake before Yelena lit them with a match. 
“It’s fine, honestly” you said, your stomach twirling with nerves from the attention being all on you. “Sorry I’m late!” a familiar voice entered the room as you looked over your shoulder and saw Wanda, the sight of her made your stomach calm. “I couldn’t miss the cake” she smirked at you. 
“Haaaappy birthday to you!” Kate started the singing. Melina, Natasha, Alexei, and Yelena quickly joining in. You moved slightly so you were facing everybody as they sung while your eyes were stuck on Wanda who didn’t’ sing. She smiled softly at you, her presence making you feel better about how uncomfortable the occasion was for you. Once the song was over you blew out the candles and then the room was filled with the sounds of everybody clapping, everybody but Wanda. “Thank you” you spoke softly before cutting into the cake. 
The rest of the afternoon was more relaxing than anything, Kate convinced Yelena, Natasha, and Melina to play a board game while Alexei was asleep on the armchair, crumbs from birthday cake sat on his beard, evidence of his three slices. “I have something for you” Wanda said as the two of you cleaned up the cake mess. You looked up at her, “don’t look at me like that. I wanted to get you a birthday present” she spoke before you could say anything. 
She placed a book sized gift on the table before she took the left-over cake to the kitchen to cut up and wrap to keep fresh. Slowly you grabbed the gift and unwrapped it neatly. It was a black leather sketch book with your name impressed on it in a red foil, you ran your fingers over your name then you opened the book to a handwritten message. 
“There is 365 pages in this book, drawing something for me every day, or don’t. But I hope you do – Wanda”  
You smiled softly to yourself at her message then flicked to the next page when you saw a tiny arrow drawn on the bottom right corner. 
“Happy Birthday, Мэри x” 
You walked into the kitchen where Wanda was cutting the cake, “thank you, Wanda” you smiled at her softly. “Don’t mention it” she smirked. 
Yelena found you at your desk a little after 1 am when she and Kate decided to head to bed, the lamp on your desk lit up your sketch book perfectly as you drew the first drawing in your new book, a new memory you didn’t want to forget, your first birthday. 
“You’re still up, good! I have something for you” Yelena’s voice broke your concentration, shyly closed over your book as Yelena entered your room. “I’ve had this for a while, I got a copy made…I know it’s not the same as what others have but…I held onto this everyday” she spoke, in her hand was a photo frame. You took it from her gently and turned it over to see a photo of you as a toddler and a young Yelena, it was taken in Red Room on the day Dreykov did every holiday in one to make life feel somewhat normal, but you don’t remember that, but the photo brought a tear to your eyes. 
“сестра” you whispered as a tear fell onto the glass. 
“I never forgot about you” Yelena spoke, her right hand rested on your shoulder. “Thank you” you got up and hugged her tightly, “thank you” you sobbed. 
During the week you felt things were getting harder, your phone had to be turned off completely as the text messages and calls were never ending and once people weren’t getting a reaction from you they started to stalk the house, throwing things at your window, breaking it multiple times, driving by and calling out horrible things late at night, anonymous letters were delivery daily which Melina would burn them without you noticing but you heard the conversations she had with Alexei and Natasha. 
“This has to stop; it’s getting out of hand. The police have started to call the house” she spoke on night in a whisper. “What can they do? There is no evidence unless they know where Red Room is and even if they did, Dreykov would have them dealt with” Natasha replied in the same lowered tone. The whispers were no whisper to your ability to hear things from miles away, you hated this was becoming a bigger issue and you had no idea how to fix any of it. The only reasonable thing to do would be to put Asya in her place yourself but you sore you wouldn’t. 
That day you snuck out of the house again, not telling anybody where you’d be going. You took your sketch book and pencils and headed for that one place that felt so distant from the world, the rock by the river. You arrived at the empty surrounds and sighed with relief that you’d be by yourself without interruptions, time to let your mind run as fast as it wanted, as far as it needed. You thought about leaving, running off and leaving the only people you knew as a family behind so that they could go on with their live and not have this dawning on them, but you knew you couldn’t leave Yelena, not again. 
“I’m starting to think you come here more than I do” a familiar Sokovian accent broke your thoughts. You looked at Wanda and failed to give her any sign of a greeting, your eyes falling to the stones beside her, your mind never truly shutting off in her presence. “It’s one of those days, huh?” she spoke again as she made herself comfortable beside her. “One of what days?” you asked, noticing she had her lighter in her hand. “Just a crappy day, you know, days where everything feels like shit and you don’t want to stick around” she replied, you ignored the fact she’d read your mind. 
“D-did you bring another, you know…” you asked as your eyes darted for her pockets, “joint? Yeah, like I said, it’s one of those days” she took the joint from her pocket. You watched as it sat perfectly between her fingers as she brought it to her lips to light. “C-can I try it?” you asked as the joint was lit. Wanda took the first hit and past it to you without a second thought, “draw some smoke into your mouth before you inhale it” she suggested as you brought the joint to your lips and did as she said then exhale with the same pace before handing it back to her, coughing a few times as you did so. 
“It’ll get easier the more you do it, if you want to do it” Wanda smiled softly before taking another hit. Within minutes you felt relaxed and the thoughts you were having weren’t as bad, you looked at Wanda and asked for another go. “Don’t tell Yelena I was the one that introduced you to this, she’ll kill me” Wanda chuckled as you took the joint from her fingers. You ignored her comment and took another hit followed by a few more coughs on the hand over. 
Another passed and Wanda was enjoying how relaxed and free you felt. You giggled at basically anything and suggested doing some random things that made her chuckle. “You know I didn’t know what caring for others really meant until I met you” you blabbered as Wanda watched you pace around the large rock you both sat on, “oh man, could you imagine if a bear just like came out of fucking nowhere right now?” your change in topic making Wanda laugh, “I’ve only ever seen a couple of bears out here but they seem to stay away” she replied, not that you were truly listening, you just giggled at her comment. “I just realised something oh my god!” you jumped to face Wanda who wide eye you with amusement. 
“We cut down trees for paper on which to draw trees!” you pointed to the closed pine tree then start pacing again while giggling. “Oh god” Wanda chuckled, “I think you’re great” you said before climbing up onto the rock and laying out and resting your head on Wanda’s lap suddenly and closing your eyes. Wanda smiled softly and gently started running her fingers through your hair, you hummed with pleasure as the two of you sat in silence for a while. 
Wanda couldn’t take her eyes off how at peace you looked, a slight sudden giggle here and there made her heart swell as she promised herself that she’d never let anything bad happen to you ever again. She wanted to protect you and show you things that you missed in life but right now, she was enjoying the moment. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” you asked. 
“Of course,” Wanda’s eyes watched as your lips moved, “I like you” you smiled softly, “I like you too, Мэри” she spoke softly. “No” you shook your head in her lap, “I t-think I have a crush on you” you admitted in an almost whisper. Wanda froze for a moment unsure what to say, she thought it was just weed talking at first but when she could hear your thoughts having a panic, she knew it wasn’t the drug. Her fingers continued to run gently through your hair as you lay comfortably in her lap, she opened her mouth to speak but you beat her too it. 
“If you smoke weed on a boat, does that make it seaweed?” you asked as you opened your eyes, “I mean, sure” Wanda smiled softly once again. “We should do this more often, it’s fun” you added and jumped down from the rock. “Where are you going?” Wanda asked. “I’m hungry and I have left over cake at home, are you coming?” you turned to face her. “Oh, that’s not a good idea, how about we go back to mine? I have plenty of snacks” Wanda quickly jumped off the rock and gently pulled you into the direction of her house, your sketch book safely in her free hand. 
Wanda’s room was everything you expected it to be, it captured her with every look your eyes scanned the room. “Here, I found some potato chips” she handed you the packet as you took a seat on the edge of her bed. “Y/n…about before when you said that yo- “
“Just forget I said anything, please…I like our friendship…I shouldn’t have said anything but it’s so new to me and I wasn’t thinking…I’m sorry” you placed the bag of chips beside you. “It’s okay, I like that you like me” Wanda smiled softly as she walked over to you, “you do?” you looked up at her. Gently she brushes a lock of hair behind your ear as she looks into your eyes, “There is so much I want to show you” she spoke, her green eyes taking your mind off everything, “But you’re not ready” she adds, “and that’s okay because I want to take this slow, if you’ll let me” 
You had no idea what she meant but you like the idea and nodded softly, “I’m glad” she whispered and kissed your forehead softly leaving you screaming on the inside. 
Wanda walked you home later that night, she text Yelena saying you were with that so she wouldn’t go into a worry. Quietly you snuck upstairs careful not to wake anybody as Wanda waiting outside until your bedroom light was switched off before making her way home. You didn’t struggle to fall asleep, you felt exhausted but also it was one of the best days you’ve had in a long time. You fell asleep remembering the feeling of Wanda’s fingers running through your hair and how comforting she was. 
Yelena stayed up purposely making sure you got home before sending Wanda a raging text about how late it was and that you shouldn’t be out that late. Wanda ignored the text not wanting to ruin the giddy feeling you left her in, she fell asleep replaying the words you spoke about having a crush on her. 
“Help! You have to help me please! he’s coming! Help!” 
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Taglist: @justabrokensunshine | @sayah13 | @nattyolw | @exclusivitymajor | @bibliophilicbi | @when-wolves-howl | @that-one-gay-mosquito | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @foggymoonbanana | @atmnothere | @justyourwritter69 | @wiertarkanah | @marvelfan98 | @jasminebelding | @bluesimps-world | @wandasobsession | @marvel-fan-2021 | @lattayhottay16 | @jowshuaayee | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @capswife | @1tsmydan | 
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🏰⚔️🐲🐲👑 DMODT- 56 update
Groaning, Eren woke to a rhythmic rocking beneath him, the squeak of wooden wagon wheels and the blurred stars above him confusing the poor omega. Scrunching his eyes closed, he tried to sit, only for a strong hand to hold him down as another took his right hand in theirs "Eren, shhh. It's ok" "M-Mikasa?" "That's right. I'm here. What were you thinking, charging into battle like that?" "M-Mika... Zeke..." Feeling around with his left hand, he wanted to know Zeke was safely with him, wherever here was "He died" "I know... his body, have you got his body?" "He's right beside you..." There was mumbles back and forth in the cart, Eren's head throbbing too hard to make any of it out. As it was, he had to concentrate to pay attention to his sister "Good... good... he was trying to help me and Yelena killed him" Coughing, tears welled in his eyes. Zeke was dead, and his mind was fuzzy... "Shhh. I've got you. We're falling back from the front lines for now" Good. That was good... it was safer... but he felt like he was forgetting something important "Get some more sleep Eren. I'll be right beside you" "Thank you, Mika..." Eren was in and out of consciousness for the ride. Each time he woke, he couldn't remember the previous time. Each time he asked for Zeke, and each time Mikasa reassured him that he'd been retrieved from the battle front. * Waking in a soft bed with a solid roof above his head, Eren whined as he tried to burrow back down into the soft warm furs of the bed. He wanted to fall back to sleep, but baby was pushing on his bladder, not caring that he was both mentally and physically exhausted. Whining again, he clumsily pushed back the covers, before yawning loudly. He could easily go back to sleep... but... peeing came first. Pushing himself up his world span, a hand grabbing his arm to keep him upright "Where do you think you're going?" Eren's breath caught. His instincts to throw himself at the man holding his arm, while his mind filled with anger. A distressed whine coming from his lips as he yanked his arm free. Levi... Levi really was back "Don't touch me!" Spitting the word at his alpha, Eren realised they were back at the castle in Levi's old chambers... Like it was the natural thing to do "Eren... I..." Eren didn't want to hear it. Levi had fucking left him and everything had gone to shit after he had. Pushing past the alpha, his sluggish mind was working better than his alpha. His exhaustion had him shuffling, as did his heavy belly, meaning his storming off wasn't as nearly as angry and dramatic as he would have liked. Having peed, showered, winced at his new scars, and eyed his even larger stomach with equal part confusion and excitement. The omega was still leaning against the bathroom counter as his thoughts finally started to sort themselves out. Zeke's death. Yelena's betrayal. Killing Pieck and Porco. Erwin's injuries and Levi's return... How the hell had they managed to get back here? And why... why did Levi have to show up right now? And why was he so fucking weak for him? Just knowing the alpha was in the joining room left his heart racing as he started slicking in response. Not a work in months, and he turned up like they weren't on the battlefield with hundreds dying around them... he... he couldn't face Levi. Not like this... What was there to even say? I married another man less than a month after you deserted me, and now I'm the widow that caused this war? Wiping away the stupid tears, Eren straightened himself up. There were things that needed to happen, people he needed to talk to. First he had to ascertain if Erwin had survived. Then Zeke's body would need to be prepared for transport back to Marley and his sword removed. Armin needed to be appointed prince, and Luca needed to be returned to his side. Luca was the easy part. Levi had left himself out his quarters while Eren had cleaned up. His son was curled up beneath the furs on the bed, just his nose sticking out. Smiling fondly at his son the smile didn't quite reach his eyes, despite his relief to know the little dragon was alright "Some guard dog you are" Jumping up, Luca blinked at him with wide eyes before letting out a long trill "Did you miss me, baby boy?" Sitting up like a dog begging, his son placed his feet on Eren's stomach carefully, before nuzzling at the swell with a rumbling coo "I know. Your sibling is just fine... I'm just fine... I missed you, beautiful boy" Leaning down was made awkward by his stomach, but Luca stretched up to meet him, the kiss landing between his two horn knobs "I love you. I don't suppose Armin brought me clothes?" Luca chirped, jumping off the bed and running over to the dining table. Waddling over, Eren found a fresh set of robes and a tray of food. It was a wonder Luca hadn't helped himself while Eren had slept... Right... Levi had been there... sighing, Eren half wished he hadn't brushed the alpha off, but he really couldn't deal. Just like he really didn't feel like "dealing" with the food in front of him, yet he knew he had to "Help me finish breakfast? I'm really not in the mood for food... Were you good for your father?" Luca chirped, cocking his head sideways as he did "Levi. Seriously... what is he doing here? And how long did you let me sleep?" Eren couldn't hear explosions, but the smell of smoke was still in the air. They didn't have time to be sitting back and resting. Marley needed to be informed of Zeke's death... Fuck... They'd have to transport Zeke back to Marley, and then they'd have to deal with Queen Dina... Would she even believe Yelena killed Zeke? There was so much shit to deal with... and Levi's bed full of furs were right there... it was soooo beyond tempting. Nuzzling his hand, Luca chirped loudly. He'd promised him food after all. No wonder his son was such a fatty "Right. Sorry, mummy is scattered right now. Let's eat breakfast, then you can show me where everyone is" Three spoonfuls of porridge had Eren running to the bathroom to throw it all back up, Luca more than content to take over his food as he rushed away. He wasn't sure that he could blame it all on his nerves over seeing Levi, when he was falling asleep slumped over the toilet. Nothing really felt real yet... or again. He knew once he saw Zeke's body, it was going to hit all over again. He hadn't deserved the way he died, and the way he'd wanted this baby... it wasn't fucking fair. He couldn't even tell the truth in his final moments, and now Eren didn't know if it was out of cowardice or because it would have only broken the dying alpha's heart. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to get better with him hugging the toilet. Fuck... How was he supposed to face them all? With Luca by his side, his son lead him through the castle like he owned the place. Leading him to the royal libraries, he found Jean and Connie guarding the doors. Both of his friends looked exhausted, Jean not even coming out with his usual insults as he opened the library door and announced him. As expected, Levi was in the room, the alpha seated by the fireplace while Mikasa, Armin and Hanji were looking over maps. Moblit was absent, as was Erwin. It was hard for his mind not to jump to the worse case scenario, the man so close to death the last time he'd seen him. With her arm in a sling, Hanji shot him an exhausted smile "Welcome back" "How bad is it?" "Could be worse... could be a hell of a lot better to" With a racing heart and sweating palms, Eren forced himself to join the others. The map was covered in black lines, broken up with crossed made in red "What's happened? How long was I out for? And where's Zeke?" He couldn't bring himself to say "Where's Zeke's body?". He just wasn't there yet "Eren... Zeke..." "I know. I was there. Yelena severed his spinal cord, and he bled out in my arms. Still. He is still my husband, and he is still the Prince of Marley. His body needs to be treated with respect" The first half of his reply slipped from his lips with such coldness all of them were surprised. Hanji cleared her throat, looking away from a moment. Pity was written all over her features "He's in the royal crypts. Most of the bodies we've recovered are down there, given the cooler temperature slows decomposition. The infirmary is full, and the overflow is extreme. We have everyone we can helping. We did as you asked and took a complete list of those missing and dead. Most of Mitras has been evacuated to the castle's underground, or have travelled north to Nedlay" "And food supplies?" "Running low" As expected... Though still tired, his magic had returned in full force "I'll do what I can. How long was I out?" "3 days. Historia and Ymir came down, along with Steege and Freya. She flew you back from the front lines" So much for their policy of non-interference. Rod would be livid... but Marley had voided the treaty first "Oh... ok... What else do I need to know?" "Erwin passed" Eren flinched as Levi's voice cut through the moment of silence. Armin sniffled, Eren only now noticing how red his best friends eyes were. Holding out his left arm, his shoulder stung, but not too badly. He'd healed, so it was probably nothing more than lingering exhaustion, as the pain was nothing like when he'd been shot, despite the fact it scarred. Shuffling over to him, Armin buried his face against Eren's chest in an awkward sideways hug thanks to his stomach "That was two days. What do we do now? He was the prince... and... Levi said Erwin said something about me? How am I supposed to do anything? I'm not like him. I can't take over his role" Hanji patted Armin's shoulder "No one is asking you to" Well... "Actually. In the place of Erwin's death, his dying request was for Armin to take the throne" Hanji wrinkled her brow, Eren confused. He'd thought Hanji knew about Armin's bloodline? "What? Why me? You're the prince..." "I was the prince through bond because Zeke declared it way, thinking it would please his mother. Then Prince through marriage. But I was never actually a prince" Hanji softly interrupted "We'll discuss the line of succession later. Right now, how are you feeling?" "Tired. Really fucking tired. Still sore, but that's because I may have slightly overdone things" Armin pulled back enough to punch him in the shoulder before pulling him close again "You idiot. I told you that you needed to rest. You... you weren't healing properly... What happened to you?" "I don't think I want to tell you, not if you're hitting me before knowing the full story" Mikasa's voice trembled as she snuggled "Eren, you were bleeding to death. There was so much blood that we thought you'd lost the baby" His sister's tears dripped onto the wooden table as her hands clutched the side "I'm sorry... I was careless. I thought I'd taken care of the harpoons, but they landed a lucky shot. Were Pieck, Porco and Yelena recovered?" Mikasa and Armin share a look, he'd already figured out that they were attempting to shield him from what had happened "Guys. Don't. Ok. I woke up. I showered. I ate. Now don't hold back. I know I killed Pieck and Porco, and I know Levi beheaded Yelena. But were their bodies recovered?" "They were" "I'll be taking them with me to Marley. I'll be returning Zeke's body to Dina personally" Armin shook his head "No. No more rushing in. No more doing stupid things... You're the prince. We need you here" "He was my husband Armin. Hanji, were Zeke's personal belongings recovered?" "They're with his body" "Thank you. He asked me to take his sword..." Crap. He was tearing up again. Levi's scent was turning angrier with each mention of Zeke, but the alpha no fucking right to be mad, and no right to force his feelings onto him. Hanji sighed softly "Eren, perhaps its best you're not here? We're currently reorganising troupe routes and supply points... There's nothing we can do here at the moment, and you need to rest. Not just for yourself, but for the sake of your baby" "No. No. I'm fine... I'm ok..." He didn't want to be weak. Not when everyone else had been pushing themselves so much "Eren" "Hanji, it's fine. What happened to your arm" "It's nothing. I tripped when a bomb hit the castle. It's just a small break" Releasing Armin, Eren took the few steps to close the distance between him and Hanji. Placing his hand on the woman's damage arm, he let his magic flow into her. A bad sprain rather than a break "Eren, wait... oh wow... that feels much better" The tug of a smile played on the omega's lips. He had a use... even if it was something this small "Mikasa, how about you? Are you hurt?" "No. I wasn't" "Have you rested?" "What? Oh. No. We don't have time" "If Hanji can send me back to bed by saying there's nothing to be done at the moment, then you can take a break" Hanji snorted, untangling herself from the sling "He's got a point there" "I'm fine" "Mikasa..." His sister wasn't fine. Not by a long shot. None of his friends were... "Eren, I'm ok. Hanji's right. You're the one who needs to rest" He didn't want to rest... and his baby didn't wish to either. A hard kick causing him to gasp as hand flew to his belly "Eren!" Talk about an overreaction. All eyes went to him as he rubbed at the spot where the baby decided it needed to bash him internally "Hanji, you don't need to yell. This little one just kicked hard, that's all" "You really should rest. You lost a lot of blood, and were severely confused as you drifted in and out of consciousness. It's not healthy for you or the baby to lose that much blood" "Tell that to the baby... I... never mind" Erwin's face came to mind. How the alpha had dragged him back from the fight, then calmed him over the baby... It wasn't fair. He'd started to melt down, and Erwin had been right there for him, and all he'd done was let the man die "No, what were you going to say?" Placing his hand on his, Armin's voice was soft. Armin was probably the one feeling Erwin's loss the most. He'd loved the alpha for years before Eren had returned, and now he was gone... Even if he didn't know they were brothers, Armin still cared for Erwin "I was just thinking of Erwin... I think I want to see Zeke. Armin, will you come with me?" "Yeah. Of course I will" Leaning forward, Mikasa shook her head "Eren, it's not pretty. You should remember him how he was" "I know it won't be pretty. I remember all of it... but I need to see him, and you're all insisting I rest. I'll rest once I know Zeke's body is clean, and that he hasn't been disrespected further. He wasn't a great man. But he was trying. He loved this baby, and he said the three of us was like a dream... I didn't even tell him it wasn't his" Mikasa nearly took out Hanji as she rushed to gather him in her arms. Hushing him softly, Armin joined in front the other side, with Luca jumping up on the table to force his way into the hug "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be crying" "None of us knew him like you did. And none of us can honestly say we liked him, but this is important to you. If you promise to rest, Armin and I will both come with you. I'm sure Hanji and Levi will find a way to handle things here" "P-please?" "Of course. Do you need help walking? You've grown again" Eren snorted a rather gross feeling snot bubble "Historia said that my body was protecting the baby because my mate wasn't there, and I didn't feel safe... I guess because... Well, they're growing again... it probably won't be that much longer before this little on graces us with their presence" Especially given how he'd grown again. He couldn't see his junk, let alone his feet, and his breasts were definitely heavy with milk "That's amazing" "I don't know about that. It's a human child, not showing any dragon magic. I'm long past a normal and healthy due date..." "Just don't go into labour right now. You won't, right?" Eren hiccuped and sniffled "I won't, Uncle Armin" Labour was the last thing they needed... He didn't want to go into labour without Levi there, his omega was already sulking that they weren't curled up in Levi's lap, soaking in the man's comforting scent. The thought of giving birth without him scared him. Especially after having birthed his clutch. He never would have made it through without Levi by his side through the long hours of labouring and birthing.. Would Levi want to be there? How did they find their path back together, if he didn't know how to even find the start of it?They'd both changed in their time apart, more so than the year they'd spent separated, and now they had a baby that complicated things further. * Zeke's body smelt horrible. No one had been down to clean the man since his body had been placed on a stone slab in the royal crypts. Laying beside him, his sword was sheathed, a large red scale set on both sides of the pummel. Carefully, he lifted it down, feeling the dragon magic pulse in his hold. Unlike Obsydin, the sword didn't hold the soul of the dragon it'd been fashioned with, just residual magic. Drawing the blade, Eren placed the scabbard down as he tilted the blade. Armin and Mikasa both looked horrified, though there was no danger of a repeat performance of what had happened in Draecia. Inscribed with runes along the blade was a spell of protection for the weirder. At the hilt Zeke's name was engraved, as well as what Eren assumed to be a name "Vermil", which was most probably the name of the dragon that had been Obsydin's mate. As carefully as he'd drawn it, Eren resheathed it, tying the leather straps into place before handing it Mikasa "This sword is to go to Levi. It forms the pair with Obsydin's sword. It doesn't have the same powers, but Zeke wanted to reunite them" "It's what?" "Marley butchers dragons, we know this. The dragons on the battlefield were mindless, driven crazy by Marley. I wish to honour Zeke's request" Mikasa crossed her arms, looking annoyed "You don't owe him anything. And as for that midget, if you want him to have the sword, return it to him yourself. He's been in a mood since we found you on the beach" It felt wrong to talk about his mate in front of his dead husband. His mind wouldn't let up on the way they'd ignored the alpha all over again. "I don't want to talk about that... Not in front of Zeke. He'll need a change of clothes from his trunks. His nicest clothes. We'll need some water and soap, as well as a needle and thread" Armin took the sword, propping it up against the slab, where Luca was fast to sniff at the weapon "Do you want me to go? Or we both can, so you can have some time with Zeke" Eren sniffled as he nodded. Taking Zeke's hand in his, he rubbed circles on the back with his thumb "That would be nice. I need start undressing him. I need to sew his wounds up. His mother won't show him any respect..." Murmuring the words, Eren turned his back towards his friends as he used his free hand to push Zeke's hair back from his face. After three days, the alpha didn't look like he was sleeping anymore. His organs were rotting, gasses escaping from the holes tore in by the battle dragon after his death. It really wasn't a sight he should be near or handling in his condition, but he wanted this done right and with respect "You stupid idiot... Why didn't you leave me there? Why did you come back here? None of this was worth so many people dying... Worth you dying. I didn't understand you when I was with you, then you died... How could I tell you the baby wasn't yours? You cared so much..." Sinking to his knees, Eren clutched Zeke's hand as he wept. Zeke was flawed, but he was learning. Returning with what he'd asked for, Eren was still on his knees as his friends joined him in the royal crypt. Taking on her "scolding mum" persona, Mikasa was quick to dump Zeke's clothes by the man's feet, the pull him back up to stand, snapping at Armin to find Eren a chair. He didn't need a chair, he needed to prepare Zeke, and as it was, Armin was carrying everything else he'd asked for. His friends hands were full, and an playful Luca wasn't helping. A small snort escaped him, the omega feeling immediately terrible for making such a sound in such a place. He needed to pull himself back together. Shaking, he started by unclasping cloak. His clothes were practically rags, the alpha would have been appalled to have been seen like this. Walking to stand on the other side of the slab, Mikasa caught her hand in his as he moved to shift the cloak from Zeke's shoulder "Eren, are you sure you're alright to be doing this?" "He didn't die of disease..." "That's not what I meant" "I know. Look. In his final moments, I learned a lot of Zeke's character. Under absolutely everything was a lost and broken man who felt he'd never be good enough to please the only family he had in his mother. Everything he did was all a front, while inside he desperately wanted someone to see and acknowledge him, for himself. That's why he cared for this baby. He didn't want to be the kind of parent his mother had been. Perhaps because I rarely held my tongue when we were alone, Zeke came to see me as me and not the omega he married simply to take over Eldia. His final moments were spent in my arms, and I need to do this. I need to do this for me, and for him" Mikasa seemed skeptical, but didn't voice it. Instead her hand went to the buckle Zeke's chest armour "I'll take care of the armour. It can be tricky when you don't know what you're doing. Why don't you start with his boots? But Eren, if I think you're pushing yourself too hard, I will send you to rest" "Ok... I... could probably use some help, but I'll be the one to clean the body" Returning with a found chair, Armin was walking on tiptoe as he carted the solid wood thing "Why can't you use magic to wash him? Wouldn't that be easier?" There was a solid thud as Armin dropped the chair down, leaning on the back of it as he pants. Sighing to himself, he didn't understand how someone as caring as Armin didn't get it "I want to wash him down myself. Then I'll stitch his wounds. It's much more respectful than conjuring up a rain cloud to leak all over him" "Oh..." He didn't want Armin to feel even worse. Somewhere in the crypt Erwin laid, though he'd probably already been washed and made ready for burial "Yeah. Help me with his boots?" "Of course"
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🏰⚔️🐲👑👑👑 DMODT- 56 full draft. I know it's short, but I decided Levi needed a full chapter to explain his shit
Groaning, Eren woke to a rhythmic rocking beneath him, the squeak of wooden wagon wheels and the blurred stars above him confusing the poor omega. Scrunching his eyes closed, he tried to sit, only for a strong hand to hold him down as another took his right hand in theirs "Eren, shhh. It's ok" "M-Mikasa?" "That's right. I'm here. What were you thinking, charging into battle like that?" "M-Mika... Zeke..." Feeling around with his left hand, he wanted to know Zeke was safely with him, wherever here was "He died" "I know... his body, have you got his body?" "He's right beside you..." There was mumbles back and forth in the cart, Eren's head throbbing too hard to make any of it out. As it was, he had to concentrate to pay attention to his sister "Good... good... he was trying to help me and Yelena killed him" Coughing, tears welled in his eyes. Zeke was dead, and his mind was fuzzy... "Shhh. I've got you. We're falling back from the front lines for now" Good. That was good... it was safer... but he felt like he was forgetting something important "Get some more sleep Eren. I'll be right beside you" "Thank you, Mika..." Eren was in and out of consciousness for the ride. Each time he woke, he couldn't remember the previous time. Each time he asked for Zeke, and each time Mikasa reassured him that he'd been retrieved from the battle front. * Waking in a soft bed with a solid roof above his head, Eren whined as he tried to burrow back down into the soft warm furs of the bed. He wanted to fall back to sleep, but baby was pushing on his bladder, not caring that he was both mentally and physically exhausted. Whining again, he clumsily pushed back the covers, before yawning loudly. He could easily go back to sleep... but... peeing came first. Pushing himself up his world span, a hand grabbing his arm to keep him upright "Where do you think you're going?" Eren's breath caught. His instincts to throw himself at the man holding his arm, while his mind filled with anger. A distressed whine coming from his lips as he yanked his arm free. Levi... Levi really was back "Don't touch me!" Spitting the word at his alpha, Eren realised they were back at the castle in Levi's old chambers... Like it was the natural thing to do "Eren... I..." Eren didn't want to hear it. Levi had fucking left him and everything had gone to shit after he had. Pushing past the alpha, his sluggish mind was working better than his alpha. His exhaustion had him shuffling, as did his heavy belly, meaning his storming off wasn't as nearly as angry and dramatic as he would have liked. Having peed, showered, winced at his new scars, and eyed his even larger stomach with equal part confusion and excitement. The omega was still leaning against the bathroom counter as his thoughts finally started to sort themselves out. Zeke's death. Yelena's betrayal. Killing Pieck and Porco. Erwin's injuries and Levi's return... How the hell had they managed to get back here? And why... why did Levi have to show up right now? And why was he so fucking weak for him? Just knowing the alpha was in the joining room left his heart racing as he started slicking in response. Not a work in months, and he turned up like they weren't on the battlefield with hundreds dying around them... he... he couldn't face Levi. Not like this... What was there to even say? I married another man less than a month after you deserted me, and now I'm the widow that caused this war? Wiping away the stupid tears, Eren straightened himself up. There were things that needed to happen, people he needed to talk to. First he had to ascertain if Erwin had survived. Then Zeke's body would need to be prepared for transport back to Marley and his sword removed. Armin needed to be appointed prince, and Luca needed to be returned to his side. Luca was the easy part. Levi had left himself out his quarters while Eren had cleaned up. His son was curled up beneath the furs on the bed, just his nose sticking out. Smiling fondly at his son the smile didn't quite reach his eyes, despite his relief to know the little dragon was alright "Some guard dog you are" Jumping up, Luca blinked at him with wide eyes before letting out a long trill "Did you miss me, baby boy?" Sitting up like a dog begging, his son placed his feet on Eren's stomach carefully, before nuzzling at the swell with a rumbling coo "I know. Your sibling is just fine... I'm just fine... I missed you, beautiful boy" Leaning down was made awkward by his stomach, but Luca stretched up to meet him, the kiss landing between his two horn knobs "I love you. I don't suppose Armin brought me clothes?" Luca chirped, jumping off the bed and running over to the dining table. Waddling over, Eren found a fresh set of robes and a tray of food. It was a wonder Luca hadn't helped himself while Eren had slept... Right... Levi had been there... sighing, Eren half wished he hadn't brushed the alpha off, but he really couldn't deal. Just like he really didn't feel like "dealing" with the food in front of him, yet he knew he had to "Help me finish breakfast? I'm really not in the mood for food... Were you good for your father?" Luca chirped, cocking his head sideways as he did "Levi. Seriously... what is he doing here? And how long did you let me sleep?" Eren couldn't hear explosions, but the smell of smoke was still in the air. They didn't have time to be sitting back and resting. Marley needed to be informed of Zeke's death... Fuck... They'd have to transport Zeke back to Marley, and then they'd have to deal with Queen Dina... Would she even believe Yelena killed Zeke? There was so much shit to deal with... and Levi's bed full of furs were right there... it was soooo beyond tempting. Nuzzling his hand, Luca chirped loudly. He'd promised him food after all. No wonder his son was such a fatty "Right. Sorry, mummy is scattered right now. Let's eat breakfast, then you can show me where everyone is" Three spoonfuls of porridge had Eren running to the bathroom to throw it all back up, Luca more than content to take over his food as he rushed away. He wasn't sure that he could blame it all on his nerves over seeing Levi, when he was falling asleep slumped over the toilet. Nothing really felt real yet... or again. He knew once he saw Zeke's body, it was going to hit all over again. He hadn't deserved the way he died, and the way he'd wanted this baby... it wasn't fucking fair. He couldn't even tell the truth in his final moments, and now Eren didn't know if it was out of cowardice or because it would have only broken the dying alpha's heart. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to get better with him hugging the toilet. Fuck... How was he supposed to face them all? With Luca by his side, his son lead him through the castle like he owned the place. Leading him to the royal libraries, he found Jean and Connie guarding the doors. Both of his friends looked exhausted, Jean not even coming out with his usual insults as he opened the library door and announced him. As expected, Levi was in the room, the alpha seated by the fireplace while Mikasa, Armin and Hanji were looking over maps. Moblit was absent, as was Erwin. It was hard for his mind not to jump to the worse case scenario, the man so close to death the last time he'd seen him. With her arm in a sling, Hanji shot him an exhausted smile "Welcome back" "How bad is it?" "Could be worse... could be a hell of a lot better to" With a racing heart and sweating palms, Eren forced himself to join the others. The map was covered in black lines, broken up with crossed made in red "What's happened? How long was I out for? And where's Zeke?" He couldn't bring himself to say "Where's Zeke's body?". He just wasn't there yet "Eren... Zeke..." "I know. I was there. Yelena severed his spinal cord, and he bled out in my arms. Still. He is still my husband, and he is still the Prince of Marley. His body needs to be treated with respect" The first half of his reply slipped from his lips with such coldness all of them were surprised. Hanji cleared her throat, looking away from a moment. Pity was written all over her features "He's in the royal crypts. Most of the bodies we've recovered are down there, given the cooler temperature slows decomposition. The infirmary is full, and the overflow is extreme. We have everyone we can helping. We did as you asked and took a complete list of those missing and dead. Most of Mitras has been evacuated to the castle's underground, or have travelled north to Nedlay" "And food supplies?" "Running low" As expected... Though still tired, his magic had returned in full force "I'll do what I can. How long was I out?" "3 days. Historia and Ymir came down, along with Steege and Freya. She flew you back from the front lines" So much for their policy of non-interference. Rod would be livid... but Marley had voided the treaty first "Oh... ok... What else do I need to know?" "Erwin passed" Eren flinched as Levi's voice cut through the moment of silence. Armin sniffled, Eren only now noticing how red his best friends eyes were. Holding out his left arm, his shoulder stung, but not too badly. He'd healed, so it was probably nothing more than lingering exhaustion, as the pain was nothing like when he'd been shot, despite the fact it scarred. Shuffling over to him, Armin buried his face against Eren's chest in an awkward sideways hug thanks to his stomach "That was two days. What do we do now? He was the prince... and... Levi said Erwin said something about me? How am I supposed to do anything? I'm not like him. I can't take over his role" Hanji patted Armin's shoulder "No one is asking you to" Well... "Actually. In the place of Erwin's death, his dying request was for Armin to take the throne" Hanji wrinkled her brow, Eren confused. He'd thought Hanji knew about Armin's bloodline? "What? Why me? You're the prince..." "I was the prince through bond because Zeke declared it way, thinking it would please his mother. Then Prince through marriage. But I was never actually a prince" Hanji softly interrupted "We'll discuss the line of succession later. Right now, how are you feeling?" "Tired. Really fucking tired. Still sore, but that's because I may have slightly overdone things" Armin pulled back enough to punch him in the shoulder before pulling him close again "You idiot. I told you that you needed to rest. You... you weren't healing properly... What happened to you?" "I don't think I want to tell you, not if you're hitting me before knowing the full story" Mikasa's voice trembled as she snuggled "Eren, you were bleeding to death. There was so much blood that we thought you'd lost the baby" His sister's tears dripped onto the wooden table as her hands clutched the side "I'm sorry... I was careless. I thought I'd taken care of the harpoons, but they landed a lucky shot. Were Pieck, Porco and Yelena recovered?" Mikasa and Armin share a look, he'd already figured out that they were attempting to shield him from what had happened "Guys. Don't. Ok. I woke up. I showered. I ate. Now don't hold back. I know I killed Pieck and Porco, and I know Levi beheaded Yelena. But were their bodies recovered?" "They were" "I'll be taking them with me to Marley. I'll be returning Zeke's body to Dina personally" Armin shook his head "No. No more rushing in. No more doing stupid things... You're the prince. We need you here" "He was my husband Armin. Hanji, were Zeke's personal belongings recovered?" "They're with his body" "Thank you. He asked me to take his sword..." Crap. He was tearing up again. Levi's scent was turning angrier with each mention of Zeke, but the alpha no fucking right to be mad, and no right to force his feelings onto him. Hanji sighed softly "Eren, perhaps its best you're not here? We're currently reorganising troupe routes and supply points... There's nothing we can do here at the moment, and you need to rest. Not just for yourself, but for the sake of your baby" "No. No. I'm fine... I'm ok..." He didn't want to be weak. Not when everyone else had been pushing themselves so much "Eren" "Hanji, it's fine. What happened to your arm" "It's nothing. I tripped when a bomb hit the castle. It's just a small break" Releasing Armin, Eren took the few steps to close the distance between him and Hanji. Placing his hand on the woman's damage arm, he let his magic flow into her. A bad sprain rather than a break "Eren, wait... oh wow... that feels much better" The tug of a smile played on the omega's lips. He had a use... even if it was something this small "Mikasa, how about you? Are you hurt?" "No. I wasn't" "Have you rested?" "What? Oh. No. We don't have time" "If Hanji can send me back to bed by saying there's nothing to be done at the moment, then you can take a break" Hanji snorted, untangling herself from the sling "He's got a point there" "I'm fine" "Mikasa..." His sister wasn't fine. Not by a long shot. None of his friends were... "Eren, I'm ok. Hanji's right. You're the one who needs to rest" He didn't want to rest... and his baby didn't wish to either. A hard kick causing him to gasp as hand flew to his belly "Eren!" Talk about an overreaction. All eyes went to him as he rubbed at the spot where the baby decided it needed to bash him internally "Hanji, you don't need to yell. This little one just kicked hard, that's all" "You really should rest. You lost a lot of blood, and were severely confused as you drifted in and out of consciousness. It's not healthy for you or the baby to lose that much blood" "Tell that to the baby... I... never mind" Erwin's face came to mind. How the alpha had dragged him back from the fight, then calmed him over the baby... It wasn't fair. He'd started to melt down, and Erwin had been right there for him, and all he'd done was let the man die "No, what were you going to say?" Placing his hand on his, Armin's voice was soft. Armin was probably the one feeling Erwin's loss the most. He'd loved the alpha for years before Eren had returned, and now he was gone... Even if he didn't know they were brothers, Armin still cared for Erwin "I was just thinking of Erwin... I think I want to see Zeke. Armin, will you come with me?" "Yeah. Of course I will" Leaning forward, Mikasa shook her head "Eren, it's not pretty. You should remember him how he was" "I know it won't be pretty. I remember all of it... but I need to see him, and you're all insisting I rest. I'll rest once I know Zeke's body is clean, and that he hasn't been disrespected further. He wasn't a great man. But he was trying. He loved this baby, and he said the three of us was like a dream... I didn't even tell him it wasn't his" Mikasa nearly took out Hanji as she rushed to gather him in her arms. Hushing him softly, Armin joined in front the other side, with Luca jumping up on the table to force his way into the hug "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be crying" "None of us knew him like you did. And none of us can honestly say we liked him, but this is important to you. If you promise to rest, Armin and I will both come with you. I'm sure Hanji and Levi will find a way to handle things here" "P-please?" "Of course. Do you need help walking? You've grown again" Eren snorted a rather gross feeling snot bubble "Historia said that my body was protecting the baby because my mate wasn't there, and I didn't feel safe... I guess because... Well, they're growing again... it probably won't be that much longer before this little on graces us with their presence" Especially given how he'd grown again. He couldn't see his junk, let alone his feet, and his breasts were definitely heavy with milk "That's amazing" "I don't know about that. It's a human child, not showing any dragon magic. I'm long past a normal and healthy due date..." "Just don't go into labour right now. You won't, right?" Eren hiccuped and sniffled "I won't, Uncle Armin" Labour was the last thing they needed... He didn't want to go into labour without Levi there, his omega was already sulking that they weren't curled up in Levi's lap, soaking in the man's comforting scent. The thought of giving birth without him scared him. Especially after having birthed his clutch. He never would have made it through without Levi by his side through the long hours of labouring and birthing.. Would Levi want to be there? How did they find their path back together, if he didn't know how to even find the start of it?They'd both changed in their time apart, more so than the year they'd spent separated, and now they had a baby that complicated things further. * Zeke's body smelt horrible. No one had been down to clean the man since his body had been placed on a stone slab in the royal crypts. Laying beside him, his sword was sheathed, a large red scale set on both sides of the pummel. Carefully, he lifted it down, feeling the dragon magic pulse in his hold. Unlike Obsydin, the sword didn't hold the soul of the dragon it'd been fashioned with, just residual magic. Drawing the blade, Eren placed the scabbard down as he tilted the blade. Armin and Mikasa both looked horrified, though there was no danger of a repeat performance of what had happened in Draecia. Inscribed with runes along the blade was a spell of protection for the weirder. At the hilt Zeke's name was engraved, as well as what Eren assumed to be a name "Vermil", which was most probably the name of the dragon that had been Obsydin's mate. As carefully as he'd drawn it, Eren resheathed it, tying the leather straps into place before handing it Mikasa "This sword is to go to Levi. It forms the pair with Obsydin's sword. It doesn't have the same powers, but Zeke wanted to reunite them" "It's what?" "Marley butchers dragons, we know this. The dragons on the battlefield were mindless, driven crazy by Marley. I wish to honour Zeke's request" Mikasa crossed her arms, looking annoyed "You don't owe him anything. And as for that midget, if you want him to have the sword, return it to him yourself. He's been in a mood since we found you on the beach" It felt wrong to talk about his mate in front of his dead husband. His mind wouldn't let up on the way they'd ignored the alpha all over again. "I don't want to talk about that... Not in front of Zeke. He'll need a change of clothes from his trunks. His nicest clothes. We'll need some water and soap, as well as a needle and thread" Armin took the sword, propping it up against the slab, where Luca was fast to sniff at the weapon "Do you want me to go? Or we both can, so you can have some time with Zeke" Eren sniffled as he nodded. Taking Zeke's hand in his, he rubbed circles on the back with his thumb "That would be nice. I need start undressing him. I need to sew his wounds up. His mother won't show him any respect..." Murmuring the words, Eren turned his back towards his friends as he used his free hand to push Zeke's hair back from his face. After three days, the alpha didn't look like he was sleeping anymore. His organs were rotting, gasses escaping from the holes tore in by the battle dragon after his death. It really wasn't a sight he should be near or handling in his condition, but he wanted this done right and with respect "You stupid idiot... Why didn't you leave me there? Why did you come back here? None of this was worth so many people dying... Worth you dying. I didn't understand you when I was with you, then you died... How could I tell you the baby wasn't yours? You cared so much..." Sinking to his knees, Eren clutched Zeke's hand as he wept. Zeke was flawed, but he was learning. Returning with what he'd asked for, Eren was still on his knees as his friends joined him in the royal crypt. Taking on her "scolding mum" persona, Mikasa was quick to dump Zeke's clothes by the man's feet, the pull him back up to stand, snapping at Armin to find Eren a chair. He didn't need a chair, he needed to prepare Zeke, and as it was, Armin was carrying everything else he'd asked for. His friends hands were full, and an playful Luca wasn't helping. A small snort escaped him, the omega feeling immediately terrible for making such a sound in such a place. He needed to pull himself back together. Shaking, he started by unclasping cloak. His clothes were practically rags, the alpha would have been appalled to have been seen like this. Walking to stand on the other side of the slab, Mikasa caught her hand in his as he moved to shift the cloak from Zeke's shoulder "Eren, are you sure you're alright to be doing this?" "He didn't die of disease..." "That's not what I meant" "I know. Look. In his final moments, I learned a lot of Zeke's character. Under absolutely everything was a lost and broken man who felt he'd never be good enough to please the only family he had in his mother. Everything he did was all a front, while inside he desperately wanted someone to see and acknowledge him, for himself. That's why he cared for this baby. He didn't want to be the kind of parent his mother had been. Perhaps because I rarely held my tongue when we were alone, Zeke came to see me as me and not the omega he married simply to take over Eldia. His final moments were spent in my arms, and I need to do this. I need to do this for me, and for him" Mikasa seemed skeptical, but didn't voice it. Instead her hand went to the buckle Zeke's chest armour "I'll take care of the armour. It can be tricky when you don't know what you're doing. Why don't you start with his boots? But Eren, if I think you're pushing yourself too hard, I will send you to rest" "Ok... I... could probably use some help, but I'll be the one to clean the body" Returning with a found chair, Armin was walking on tiptoe as he carted the solid wood thing "Why can't you use magic to wash him? Wouldn't that be easier?" There was a solid thud as Armin dropped the chair down, leaning on the back of it as he pants. Sighing to himself, he didn't understand how someone as caring as Armin didn't get it "I want to wash him down myself. Then I'll stitch his wounds. It's much more respectful than conjuring up a rain cloud to leak all over him" "Oh..." He didn't want Armin to feel even worse. Somewhere in the crypt Erwin laid, though he'd probably already been washed and made ready for burial "Yeah. Help me with his boots?" "Of course" It took hours to get Zeke washed and redressed to a standard Eren was finally happy with. Having to pee every five minutes hadn't exactly sped the process up. Eren growing flustered when Armin had brought the fact up. He couldn't help being pregnant. Well. He could. But he couldn't help everything else that came along with it. With careful hands he stitched Zeke's skin back together the best he could, after the alpha was bathed in herbs to cover the scent of death. It wasn't possible with all the wounds, but he did his best, the stitching some of the neatest he'd ever done in his life. It all felt surreal. He could still hear Zeke's voice in his mind, though he wasn't even sure it was the alpha and not his mind playing tricks on him. When Zeke was finally cleaned, he was wrapped for burial in a white sheet Armin had found from somewhere, the man cocooned so only his face showed. With the hour late, Eren requested some time to rest before returning upstairs, promising Armin and Mikasa he'd join them for dinner shortly, but needed a moment to rest alone. The truth was, he felt guilty over leaving Zeke down here alone. He felt guilty for ending Zeke's life, and though he could never atone for it, he could sit by Zeke's side and be there with him so he wasn't so alone... or maybe, it was simply so Eren didn't feel so alone. Soon he'd turn 21, be a mother to the child inside of him, and advisor to Armin. His mate was back, yet he was so filled with pain each time he looked upon him. Each time sent his thoughts racing and swirling, the joy, the pain, the anger and the abandonment. All conflicting and threatening to tear him in two. They'd wanted a pup, but with the thought it could be Zeke's, he'd simply started calling the little thing his baby. "Pup" felt a like a word between him and Levi, whispered in secret before everything went to hell. Now he was back, all his body could think of was the physical pleasures Levi brought forth in him. The hours spent in his arms, as his brain turned soggy with sex, and his love for Levi filled him to the very core... But that was then, and this was now. His mind and his body not on the same page as each other. So... he hid behind Zeke. Luca having gone with Armin at his request, a place of death like this was no place for his son. Zeke was his last safe harbour, even in death. Unintending to fall asleep, Eren did just that. Waking to the sound of the iron door to the crypts creaking. Shit... it was probably Mikasa or Armin come to fetch him. With a trill, Luca came running to him, Eren catching his son as he jumped on him "I'm sorry, baby boy. I fell asleep" "So that's why you're still down here?" Eren's heart did a funny little jump, his breath hitching at the sound of Levi's voice. All at once his anger returning "I was spending time with my husband" "You don't owe Zeke anything" Eren scoffed "What would you know?!" "I know what kind of man Zeke was" "Really?! Do you? Because from where I'm standing, you don't know jack shit about anything that's happened in the last 8 months" Luca huffed, clawing to stand on his shoulders. Boosting him up, Eren rose as Luca wrapped himself around Eren's neck "Eren..." "No. No, Levi. You don't get to say anything right now! You fucking abandoned me! You abandoned your son! You left us on the beach and you fled like a coward!" "I left you to protect you" "Silence! Just the sound of your voice makes me angry! You broke your promises Levi. You left me on that beach and you didn't even say goodbye. You don't get to come down here and start something in front of the body of my husband!" Roaring at Levi agitated the baby, the small thing kicking hard as if to tell him he shouldn't be talking to their father that way "He..." "I know exactly who he was! We married so he could get his hands on Eldia because I was supposed to be infertile! I bargained for three years of peace. Three years for Erwin and Hanji to find a way out of the hole you put us in! But Zeke... He regretted everything. He never once touched me without my wanting. He held my hair when I was throwing my guts up. He carried me when I was too weak to walk. He protected me when I was scared, and he fell in love with this baby. Zeke was a product of his upbringing! All he ever wanted was for someone to see beyond his lies, and beyond his mask. Then he was killed. He died in my arms worried about the baby he thought to be his and scared of what came next! He wasn't a great man, but at the end o the day, none of us are! But you know what, I would take his presence over yours right now. You have no idea what I went through, and no right to come here like you do!" "I left to protect you! I was hurting you! Losing my mind!" "I know! I was there when you broke my arm. When you slapped me and choked me. When your nails would tear into my skin. And when you would sleepwalk. I was there! I didn't leave you because I thought you loved me, like I love you! That once we got back to Eldia we would be able to find a way to help you! You promised we would come together and you broke that promise! You broke that promise..." Tears rolled down Eren's face, his body shaking. His omega angry that he was being disrespectful towards his mate, but fuck it felt good. He didn't even realise his slip of the tongue with "love" not "loved" "Eren" "I... I can't talk about this... You broke my fucking heart Levi. Two weeks later I was married to Zeke, twice. Both time our "union" witnessed. That was supposed to be our wedding. That was supposed to be you and me up there... You were supposed to be my husband! This war is because I disappeared! I caused all of this! When I was shot down, Zeke was the one who came to my aid and that cost him his life... Now Erwin's gone, and ugh..." Stumbling, he grabbed the stone slab Zeke rested on. Feeling lightheaded from yelling, and pained from Levi's hurt scent. Levi's voice was soft as he called his name in such a bittersweet way that Eren was nearly swayed "Eren..." "I hate you... and I hate that I still love you so fucking much... Why did you have to come back here? Things aren't the same as they were Levi. I'm not the same as I was... Please, just leave me alone and stop breaking my heart" "I still love you" "But for how long? How long until you leave me again? How long until you leave both our children behind? I prayed for this baby to be yours. I prayed and prayed. And when Historia told me, I was so fucking happy and so fucking scared. I didn't even know if you were alive, or rotting in a ditch somewhere... I didn't know anything..." Eren's foot caught Zeke's sword, Eren shaking his head as he picked it up. He needed to rest... somewhere where Levi wasn't. Clutching the sword, he forced himself tall as he "strode" towards Levi, shoving the sword against Levi's chest as he reached him "This sword is made from Obsydin's mate, Vermil. Zeke wanted to reunite them. He might not have been a great lover of dragons, but this was his dying wish" Leaving Levi in the royal crypts, Eren made his way up through the castle and to Armin's quarters with Luca's help. Letting himself into his friends room, the beta wasn't there. It didn't matter though. All he wanted to do was climb into bed and sleep, so that's what he did.
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