#i know it’s no longer adam’s birthday (aug 26) but my ideas always come to me in the wee hours 🙄
lumiereandcogsworth · 2 years
So Happy
word count: 540 | Adam’s Birthday!!
tags: fluff, love, tipsy but in a sweet way
on AO3! | top divider roses divider
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“Woah!” Adam chuckled, flopping onto his side of the bed.
“You alright, there?” Belle asked, smirking at her silly husband as she sat up against the headboard.
“Yes,” he grinned. He shoved himself closer to her, kissing her cheek and laughing again.
“Did you have a happy birthday, love?”
“Oh yes,” he nodded, pressing another kiss to her shoulder, wrapping his arm around her pregnant stomach. “I had a beautiful birthday. Absolutely gorgeous.”
“Good, I’m glad,” Belle replied, chuckling again at how giddy he was.
He snuggled against her for a moment, sighing and smiling like he was a cat resting in a sunbeam. Suddenly he raised his head up again, meeting his wife’s eyes. “Can I just tell you something?”
For a moment he looked at her as though he might cry, eyebrows drawing together and eyes welling up. But then he smiled, sweetly and without a care. “I love our life together, Belle.”
Belle slowly smiled as she listened to him.
“I love that I spend everyday with you. I love how we talk and laugh and argue—,” he coughed out a laugh, “I love arguing with you.”
She laughed too, touching his cheek tenderly.
“I love that I get to spend all my days with you,” he moved his hand over hers. “I want to spend the rest of my days with you.”
“You will, love. Of course,” she promised, touched by his mildly inebriated worry.
He smiled back, happy to have it all confirmed. He looked down at her growing belly. This little one still had about three months before it would arrive, but Adam had spent every day thinking about it. He laid his palm there, then grinned at his wife again. “I love our family, my darling. Our beautiful family.”
She chuckled, eyes welling up. “Me too.”
Her husband grinned, “And you can blame the extra wine for the bountiful amount of love that seems to be pouring out of me tonight—,” she laughed. “—But, I love you so much, Belle.”
Belle smiled, running a hand through his hair and letting her palm land affectionately along his jaw. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
He returned the smile, leaning up closer and kissing her, locking them in time for a moment, letting the earth fall away. He parted their lips but pressed his forehead to hers, grinning, so overcome with joy. “My darling…” he whispered.
“My love,” she replied. They closed their eyes, touching foreheads, hearts beating as one. After a beat, Belle opened her eyes.
“Little one’s up and about,” she smiled.
Adam looked at her, then to her bump, placing his hand by his wife’s as they felt their child move. Adam smiled, so happy, so content. He shifted his body down a little so he could rest his head on Belle’s shoulder, shutting his eyes as he was lulled to some sleepy state by the excited little dancing steps of their baby.
Belle wrapped her arm around his shoulders, massaging fingers finding his scalp. Peace found its way to them, crashing over them like a wave on a sandy shore. They rested, snuggled in bed, love filling the room so effortlessly as Adam’s birthday came to a tender and sweet end.
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