#i know its harmless really and i wont tell others to stop calling him seven but irs a massive pet peeve
kidrunaway · 1 year
I'm surprised that as the number one rk fan I haven't posted a small analysis of him yet but here we go
So what we know from RK so far is barely anything at all but it's clear he wants to escape with people together rather than alone.
of course if that wasn't clarified I would most likely interpret it as him using the nomes to get further without giving 2 shits about them, but because it's canon, thats not rhe case. that doesn't mean he doesn't defend himself though. He will kill/harm others in order to defend himself (n this is why a lot of the times where I see comics of him getting bullied i get pissed because thats NOT him.) he does seem to defend himself several times throughout the game and will harm others in order to protect himself. What's unique about him is that not only do we get a view of what's happening all the way down at the maw, but his story compared to the other stories has a much more different vibe to it. With mono and six it was very hectic. RK seems to be the only kid that doesn't outright have a chasing scene the same way Six or Mono does (The guests, The doctor, the teacher, that kind of chasing scene.) The only thing we really have is the little battles of him defending himself. he gets chased by the lady for the last bit, and I think that part truly shows WHY he didn't have any chase scenes. I'm sure he was panicking when the lady was chasing him, and when you're panicking, it's very common for people to get impatient. So when he gets caught by the lady, he desperately tries to get away, having the lady basically haunt him from each corner. he goes into a room at some point with a broken mirror and you know if he stood hidden in there or was patient enough to just wait a few seconds or avoid going to the door that opened for him, he would've most likely lived. but being the kid he is, out of curiosity, he goes to where the lady opened the door from. He seems to be a curious little guy. I also wanna mention that he is really smart and it's overseen by the Fandom a lot. We know that Six is smart that's canon, but let's not forget that RK literally solved THE LADYS PUZZLES. I'm sure the lady wanted her puzzles hard enough for not anyone else to figure out, prior to the figures being placed in odd places to take and put on a statue, and extreme puzzles that were even hard for me, he figured it out. it's amazing. And he's invaded the lady's space so much that not only did he finish all her puzzles but ALSO find out her secret. So RK is pretty curious, gets impatient when panicking, and smart on top of that.
Could be a stretch, but truly, in this fandom everything gets stretched so why not 🤷‍♂️
One thing about his story that makes me think a lot are the shadow kids. Although you can usually hear giggles and whispers in the game, if you listen close enough, they will say actual things! (What upsets me though is someone figured this out way before I did and while I went on YouTube to find voice clips I saw the video of the girl that posted this 😭 its only fair if I credit her she's called SPILLTHETHEORIES, watch her video its informative!)
Here's what they say just in case you're curious.
"But there was a difference before."
"You're a goner. Goner."
"Hello there"
"Do you hear her singing?"
"Her intentions were to follow"
"Of course they were/yes she does (?)"
"But that can't be right"
"Its about time it was talking."
"Its looking with Its sight."
"Until six..."
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wellmeaningshutin · 8 years
Short Story #8: Memory Lane.
Written: 12/23/2016
He never remembered the actual moment that he died, just suddenly he was driving, there was a loud sound, and next thing he knew he was back in his childhood home, and his grandmother, died before he was born, was telling him that he was dead. He wasn’t really sure what to do other than accept it, so he just patiently took in the room, it was the living room and it was all done up for Christmas, and judging by the adorable train set, that he had forgotten about, that rode across the border of the room he realized it must have been the Christmas from when he was six years old, the last good holiday he would have until he was far into his adulthood, before his sister would drown in their pool. Huh, he thought, and then he looked around, got up and decided to go deeper into the house before his grandma said, “Don’t keep going or you wont be able to get back here for quite some time.”
This statement confused him, “Why not I just want-”
“Just want to what?” She asked, looking up from her knitting needles and the stocking she was making.
“Well, I thought I’d see my-”
“Just see what?” When she saw the look of impatience on his face she cackled, he was slowly starting to understand why his mother would never want to talk about this woman.
“Just wanted to see my sister,” he mumbled quickly, getting the words out before he could be interrupted.
“Then just wait dear,” she said laughing to herself due to the her perceived stupidity of her grandson, and resumed knitting, showing that she was done talking. He went back into the living room and sat on the couch, and decided to look out the window, and he saw the night rapidly shift into the morning, then the sounds of children’s holiday excitement filled the house and he saw himself, at the age of six, and his older sister, would be nine at the time, rush into the room to go check their stockings. He froze up, he was right behind the kinds but was just realizing that he could see his sister again and he wasn’t sure if he should approach her or not, but after some deliberation he got up, put his hand on her shoulder, she swung around, and he let out a scream, her face was just a blur and she was icy to the touch. His grandmother cackled, “WELL YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO SEE HER!” and just kept laughing to herself, falling into hysterics. He was unsure of what to do so he moved further into his house, opened the door to his childhood room and then walked out onto apparently what was a high way.
He turned around and there was no door behind him. He was at a loss of what to do, the high way looked familiar but was still indistinct, and he decided to just follow it until he found somewhere of note, but when he got a little ways down he heard a voice call to him, “Wait wait! You’re going to miss it.” He turned around to see that the voice belonged to a dog, the one he had in childhood, then the dog stopped and looked behind him, the man followed his gaze to see a car speeding towards them, it looked like his car, and then the honking of a trucks horn from behind, which quickly came into view, looked like an eighteen wheeler, and then slammed right into his car, leaving a wreck of blood and tangled metal. He didn’t know how to react to this so he stood in silence. Eventually his palms grew clammy and then he wanted to throw up, but nothing was able to come out.
The dog, Thunder was the name, a golden retriever that his family found in a thunder storm with no owner to be found, eventually got bored of looking at the wreck and came running up to the man, “Tell me you saw that!”
“Thunder?” He was confused about many things, and with everything that had happened before it was easy for him to accept a talking dog, but something about it seemed off, like he recognized it as his childhood dog, but the more he focused on the details they just didn’t seem right.
“That’s me, in the flesh, well not in the flesh but in spirit I guess, heh heh. Bark bark, eh old buddy?”
“Whats going on?”
“You’re dead pal, just accept it and move forward. This place is,” he looked around him, “is basically boring now, the actions happened, lets keep moving.”
“Moving where?”
“Through your memories.” The man stared at his dog to take this in. “You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes?” The man nodded. “Well this is what they meant. Open that truck door so we can go somewhere else, this place is dull.”
The man made his way over to the truck, trying to accept what was happening and figured he should just listen to the dog until he has a grasp on his current situation. Every now and then he would look down at the dog walking alongside him and would still get a sense about something not being right with it, something about the movement, but Thunder gave him a look that made him focus on the truck. When they reached it he looked at the wreck of his car and his mangled body, so that was how he died huh? After a minute of taking it in he opened the truck door, and climbed in, ending up at his boy scouts camping trip, the only one he went on, at the age of 10.
It was night time, tents and forest all around, the sound of a river off in the distance, kids all sitting around a fire, sitting on stumps and logs, listening to the scout master tell them scary stories about serial killers in the woods, ghosts in the woods, you get the theme. The guy was dealing with kids so he didn’t have to be creative. The man enjoyed this scene, it had been a nice trip, so he told his younger self to scoot over so he could sit and listen to the story, the kid obliged and they both sat there listening to the story.
“-and then the campers, making, uh-”
“Smores?” One kid asked.
“Oh yeah, thats it, smores! Anyways, they’re making the food and then all of the sudden they hear a rustle in the woods, but the husband just thinks its an animal, something harmless like a deer or what not, but the wife feels like somethings lurking there, watching.” The kids started to nervously look into the woods. “And then, you know, the husband decides he wants to show off so he tells his girl that he’s going to go check it out, he wants to play the hero.”
“He wants to get some action!” A kid called out, causing the others to laugh. This particular kid would later, if the man could remember right, kill himself, haunted by sexual nightmares involving his parents. His family was poor and would all sleep in one bed, but three times a week his dad would instruct him to turn over and face the wall, so he could “get some action.”
The scout master was not happy by this outburst and struggled to regain the attention of the kids.
“This memories a bust, nothing neat here.” Thunder called out as he wondered around the edge of the camp site.
“But this is a really happy one, I like it here, these were good times.” The man replied irritated.
The dog took a step back, realizing he offended his owner and thought for a second, then asked: “Well, whats the one thing you want to go back to, something more interesting than this.”
The man thought for a second and then he remembered that Christmas, “I want to see my older sister, she died young, before we got you but-” he started gesturing vaguely with his hands, unsure how to explain the event.
“But she just came up blurry, didn’t she?”
“Y-yeah. How’d you know that?” The scout master had given up on the story and decided to retreat to his tent to get some shut eye, and a large kid decided to take over the role and started to explain, scene for scene, some old horror film to the rest of the scouts.
“Well thats how it works around here, she’s dead so the real here is off somewhere else, probably in her own memories. So all memories of her are corrupted, because the real one exists out there and well..” He grew silent for a little bit, “Just don’t worry about that, lets keep moving. If we can find a memory you shared with her you might just find her.”
“Wait then if it has to be a shared memory then what was my grandma doing in the first memory I experienced, she was already dead at that point.”
“Do you want me to explain the after life to you, which we have all the time in the world for, or do you want to find your sister?” When the dog said this the man could note a slight note of anger, and knew that more was being held back, so to keep things simple he stood up, brushed some pine needles off of him, and then made his way to one of the tents, looked back at thunder for approval, the dog nodded, he unzipped the tent and then crawled through.
They spent some time traveling door to door, ignoring memories that he didn’t share with his sister, too determined to stop to enjoy his first wedding, senior prom, his little league games, trips to Disneyland, all ignored until finally, after hours of this, they finally ended up at the backyard of same same house he had the Christmas memory of, and he could see his older sister, blurry and unsupervised, get into their pool. Looking up at the house, up at the second story window he waited for it, then could see himself approach the window and watch his sister, in a week he would be seven, and then he turned to look at the pool, knowing what would happen. When she first started to sink he turned away, he tried to look at the dog for support but he was focused on the scene that was unfolding, panting while he watched.
As he could hear frantic splashing he turned to the dog to say, “She’s not here, lets just keep going.”
“Wait wait, let’s just let this play out.” Thunder said, staring intently at the scene.
The man just couldn’t stand to be there any longer, so he made his way to the back door, and when he reached for the handle his older sister, still young, stepped through the door and he just stared at her baffled.
“Who are you? How’d you get here?” She said startled, but held her ground. He didn’t know how to respond so he pointed to the upper window where his childhood self was crying. The splashing had stopped. “Oh, so you finally died.” He nodded sheepishly. “How old were you before it happened, you look like dad.”
“Uh, 38. Is he here too? I mean have you seen-”
“Yeah, I see dad around. It was hard to get him away from me at first, he just kept following me around crying, it was hard to forgive him until I saw..” She didn’t have to say what it was, when the man was 15 his dad shot himself, right in the head, unable to contain the guilt of his negligence leading to the death of his child.
“Yeah…” He nodded quietly afterwards, they stood in silence for a bit, then she finally left the doorway and walked out to the backyard, finally noticing the dog watching her limp body in the pool.
“Who is that?” Pointing to the dog, and looking at her brother with a look of worry on her face.
“Oh, thats a dog we found shortly after you, well…”
She looked him right in the eyes with a confused expression on her face, “Thats not a dog.”
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