inkrants · 4 years
watch the owl house bye
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inkrants · 4 years
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inkrants · 4 years
y’all can hold people accountable for their shitty actions/things they said without “cancelling” them like can cancel culture die already?? can i cancel “cancel culture”??
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inkrants · 4 years
Me, poc, watching white people scream over poc voices in hopes of looking "progressive" rather than allowing poc to provide opinions on matters EXPLICITLY regarding race:
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inkrants · 4 years
I swear twitter is the new tumblr. People are angry about the she-ra panel. I can’t speak on the other things, so I’ll just give my opinion on the bow’s brother joke. Yes I’m black, before you start asking. 
I saw the clip and… I don’t care? Was that it? It’s a good pun. Black farmers are a thing and farmers sow seeds and work the fields. There was absolutely no reason to jump to slavery. People are acting like they found klan regalia in Noelle’s closet. Someone literally commented that Bow having a farmer brother was racist since their fathers are scholars. What part of that tracks? There are 13 of them, they don’t all have to be academics. To the non-black people flipping out, calm down. You guys seem more offended than the black fans.
Now, I do know why there are black people offended by this, and with the current political climate I can see why they’re angry. We’re all a bit on edge. At worst (to me) it’s a joke in poor taste. She-ra is a great show and Bow is great character. It’s nice to see a black character who’s arc had nothing to do with race. We all make mistakes, and I’m pretty sure a lot of you have said/done some racist things in the past. If you can grow, so can they.
Personally, I accept the apology. 
*this is my opinion. I obviously don’t speak for all black people and I’m definitely not speaking on the other issues people had. It’s not my place to do so.
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inkrants · 4 years
So I heard about the She-Ra panel apparently being racist. I was expecting to see things like “They said the N word”, but apparently this is it. 
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It’s a joke about how Bow’s brothers would all have names that rhyme with Bow in relation to what they do. One of the jokes was a farmer named Sow. I understand that’s insensitive to our history, but as a black person, I don’t feel “They made an accidental insensitive pun“ to be worth my anger. 
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inkrants · 4 years
I'm going to sum up the current She-Ra drama as best I can:
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inkrants · 4 years
You know what, I’m not even a fan of the show and have no real opinions on its creators but I’m just going to say it.
If someone makes a joke that involves (but isn’t even directly about) one black person being a farmer and you immediately make the association of “black farmer = slave”, there’s something seriously wrong with your thought process here.
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inkrants · 4 years
But not for the reasons you think.
How many of you watched the She-Ra panel tonight? ACTUALLY WATCHED IT?! Because I did and here's what I saw:
1. "_____ called someone the D slur"
He DID NOT call anyone that word. He used it in the context of announcing a panelist to the show. The word is IN THE TITLE of her podcast. He was literally just stating the title. That's it.
2. "Noelle said Double Trouble would be creepy around kids."
What Noelle said was that to get the inspiration for Flutterina, Double Trouble would have gone to a coffee shop, found a girl to imitate, and stare at her until they got her mannerisms down. Because of the implications here irt trans people and the stereotypes of "creeping on children", this could have been worded better. BUT this whole headcanon was in response to Noelle DEFENDING Double Trouble against the rest of the crew thinking they straight up murdered the real Flutterina. And again, problematic because of larger implications, but on the show Double Trouble IS A VILLAIN. Just because we think they're awesome doesn't mean they're not capable of shady shit. I saw very few people having a problem with this before. Other things they said about DT?
They specifically searched for a non-binary trans activist to voice the role.
Double Trouble was the whole cast's favorite character.
Everyone had a crush on them.
They support DT x Peekablue headcanon and think they should date.
3. "Noelle said Entrapta and Hordak are great representation."
Literally just did not say this. This comment was made by a fan writing in. A fan who, by the way, IS DISABLED THEMSELVES, and was writing in to thank the crew for the rep THEY saw in these characters. Noelle didn't agree or disagree at all. She goes on to give a character analysis about them both, and that's it.
4. "They made Bow's brothers slaves."
No. They didn't. It's a crew inside joke that all of Bow's brother's have pun names that rhyme with "Bow". The brother in question came from one of the other male creators making the joke "which one of Bow's brothers tills the field? Sow." Here's a pic from Noelle about the rest of the brothers.
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Because of the complicated history between black people and "farm work" it's best to not make any joke at all like this. It was tasteless and misguided, but hardly a reason to grab pitchforks. Black people have the phrase "whites gonna white" for a REASON. We know there's no such thing as an unproblematic person. Creator or otherwise. Is it still wrong? Yes. Should people strive to do and be better? Absolutely. Should allies listen when POC talk about things that make us uncomfortable, and support us when WE call it out? Please, for the love of God!!! But I do not think the level of backlash the crew-ra is getting is at all warranted.
I understand I do not speak for all black people or lesbians, and I don't speak for ANY of those other groups mentioned and possibly offended, because I am not one of them. However, I felt the need to speak for myself. I am SO SICK of everyone knee-jerk reacting to every little thing that could possibly offend someone. Noelle is not perfect, but she has done a SHIT TON of work for representation and the progression of normalizing queer, inclusive stories to younger audiences. She also went to bat for a diverse cast of characters to be voiced by a diverse cast of VA.
The truly fucked up thing? There was a question someone wrote in about how a cis, straight, white person can respectfully tell the stories of underrepresented and marginalized communities. Noelle then goes on for 5 minutes about how it's difficult, and how it's more important to hold doors open for creators who actually come from those communities to be able to have their own voices heard. And this is the woman you throw flames at? Ridiculous. Our true enemies are able to so easily conquer us, because we so easily divide ourselves.
No one owes allegiance to any one fandom or creator. But we have got to start picking our battles more carefully. If we don't, people will become desensitized to our cries when REAL threats and offenses happen. And white people? PLEASE stop being so outraged at every little "off-color" remark someone makes YOU think might offend ME. I appreciate you wanting to be an ally, but you are drowning out our voices over things that really matter. That's why we get shit like musicians and sports teams changing their "racially insensitive" names, while police are STILL killing unarmed black peple in the streets without repercussions. It shouldn't be an either/or thing, but it often is, so please focus your attention on "canceling" THAT.
TL;DR: Don't just retweet and reblog everything you see without doing your own research and forming your own opinion. Speak out against bigotry, but understand when it's time attack, and when it's time to educate. Stop holding people on so high a pedestal they have no room to grow, and can only fall. Do not speak for, or louder, than the people you say you are standing up for. We can speak for ourselves. Help amplify our voices; DO NOT BECOME OUR VOICES. And finally, because we really do just have so much bigger fish to fry:
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inkrants · 4 years
Okay I’ve got to say something because I’m taking major psychic damage here. The Noelle Stevenson Bow/Sow joke wasn’t racist right? I’m black and from a rural area and growing up I knew a lot of black farmers (edit: I knew 2 families of black farmers, I dont want to give the impression I lived in some type of black farming co-op), my grandmother had a garden and surrounded with all the other rhyming name jokes, not to mention getting upset about reading a fan letter on the air, I feel like people are just looking to be offended. Like I can’t speak on the D slur one but the name joke feels like a non-issue?
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[ID: A line of sketches of Bow’s brothers. They each look likeB ow with hair style or assecories diferentiating them. From left to right, Woe, who wears a chocker and eyshadow, Sow who wears a straw hat and bandana and is chewing on a bit of straw, Oboe who wears glasses and is tooting an oboe, Gogh who has Van Gogh’s Iiconic ear bandage and Woah who has dreads, a shark necklace and a stoner expression.}
 This is just a cute joke that didn’t even make it into the show.
Edit: So, I’m just going to point out that these are the first and twelfth entries if you search google for farmer
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[ID: first picture is of a man with a hoe slung over his shoulders, he wears a blue shirt and a straw hat. Second picture is of a different man in a straw hat He is sitting down and has a basket filled with various vegatables.]
Like, I don’t know anyone on the she-ra crew, so who knows maybe in they’re heart of hearts they are all terrible racist, but this ain’t proof of that. More likely they just have the same mental image of farmers as most of America and put Bow’s face on it. 
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inkrants · 4 years
from what I can tell a lot of black people found it pretty offensive/insensitive and have explained why it is offensive/insensitive on twitter and I can see why it is but that is all i can say because i'm not black
I am black.
I can see how/why many people would see it in poor taste, but I don’t think it was intended to be racist or mock slavery.
I sat down and watched the clip. I am not filled with rage or disappointment. It’s more of an “okay.”
Was it insensitive? I’d say yes. Sow. Could’ve thought of a better name. Was it tone deaf and naive in not anticipating fan response/interpretation or how black fans would’ve interpreted it? Especially when spoken by a white woman? I’d say yes.
In that regard, yeah, she fucked up, but the fuck up was blown out of proportion imo.
I don’t think Sow was created with the intention of being associated with slavery. He’s a farmer. Black people are farmers. It happens.
It could be I don’t feel as much of an attachment to Noelle Stevenson, although I love the show, so when I found out, I wasn’t disappointed.
Or it could’ve been when I read the account I was expecting much worse and was confused when I actually watched it, “Is that it?”
I went to twitter. I’ve read fan responses. I get it, but I don’t feel aggrieved or disappointed about it.
Her apology is appreciated. I certainly hope she uses her platform and connections to help black creators and other poc creators get their feet into the industry, but I don’t feel the outrage/disappointment others feel.
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inkrants · 4 years
Let's give people the chance to learn and be better, instead of trying to cancel them outright.
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inkrants · 4 years
Ok this is fucking ridiculous.
I proudly ID as SJW, but lotta y'all are doing the fucking most and are doing all the shit that racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, anti-pc piss babies accuse SJWs of doing, in this case, not factchecking ANYTHING, co-opting the valid and very real pain of others (looking at you, yt allies), and just plain making-up of complete bullshit.
- NO, absolutely no one used the d slur AS a slur. (What did you want him to say? "Check out this awesome podcast made by lesbians, but the title has the d slur in it so I can't say it" ??????)
- NO, absolutely no one on the crew claimed Entrapta and/ or Hordak was/were good disability rep.
- NO, absolutely no one even ALLUDED to pedophilia, much less make light of it.
- NO, absolutely no one made fun of slavery.
What did happen that WAS problematic:
- Crew had an incredibly racially-insensitive inside joke that brought up pretty terrible real-life imagery and history re: slavery. (Esp cuz there was a drawing to boot. *cringe*)
- maybe more stuff, but I didn't watch the whole thing; I'm only pointing out this one bc ppl are making up complete and total bullshit about it.
Some really FUCKED UP bullshit some of y'all are doing:
- NOT fucking reading/interacting with the ACTUAL CONTENT. Like, AT ALL.
The most ridiculous example? Y'all fucking tossing the disabled person's letter of gratitude and deep feelings of positive rep in the show that was read during the panel.
Hella fucking pissed esp at that last one. Offensive as fuck.
I'm all the above except for black. Other folks with membership in those groups are also sick of your fucking lazy-ass, virtue-signaling bullshit that actively tramples on us and our feelings.
Seriously, take a time-out from social media. Maybe even sequester yourself to a literal corner and think about what you've fucking done.
P.s. I'm sure most of you are very decent people. But please stop. You're hurting ppl WAY worse with your "helping."
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inkrants · 4 years
i really, genuinely don't get why the bow/sow thing is so bad. like it's not funny? but? it's literally just farmer bow?
like please don't get me wrong, I'm a whole ass black adult, I'm agender, I'm queer, and while i think SPOP could be better i don't think it needs to be fucking ideologically pure. of course it has problems but this feels like another case of otherwise very progressive media being criticised for it's mistakes way way harsher than media that doesn't even try to be progressive and is actively harmful.
personally i liked double trouble too!! it's ok to have villains who are bad people and also minorities!! like catra isn't representative of all lesbians and treated as bad lesbian rep by the fandom and she tried to end the entire universe and almost succeeded
idk man idk like sow isn't the n word or something i just do not get the intensity of this backlash
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inkrants · 5 years
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inkrants · 5 years
imagine being a normal citizen of arendelle. you’re just minding your goddamn business when the queen plunges your kingdom into eternal winter, very nearly killing you. she then somehow recovers from that absolute PR nightmare by building a cool ice rink. then three years later you’re forced to evacuate because that bitch decided to Awaken The Spirits of the Enchanted Forest and you almost die AGAIN when the kingdom almost floods– but wait, she saves the day! so it’s Fine!
then she hands the kingdom over to her normal well-adjusted sister and peaces out to the scandinavian wilderness to become a full-time forest cryptid. she can occasionally be spotted riding her magical water horse across the sea like lesbian jesus. you have no idea what the fuck just happened. you’re just trying to sell some lutefisk. how do you explain this to your children
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inkrants · 5 years
i only came back to tumblr to say SKAM NL is the cutest please save this show bye
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