#i know japan does to western mythology exactly what we do to theirs
If you're taking the questions for the Obey Me themed asks, #3 Who is your favorite undateable???
Thank you for sending one in!
3. Who is your favorite undateable? 
I have a hard time picking favourites, so my answer tends to change a lot, but I’d say probably Diavolo or Solomon at this point.
Diavolo bc look at him I think he’s a really interesting, multifaceted character and I’d love to explore more sides of him in game but we don’t really get to interact with him one on one and that’s sad imo
Solomon bc I Love Shady Wizards and human cryptids, but also bc it’s all but stated that he’s The Literal Biblical King Solomon, and that’s pretty cool! King Solomon is a pretty damn important figure in Judaism since he’s considered the last king of a unified Israel, and I don’t see a lot figures from our mythology in fiction.*
*I admit I also have a lot of Complicated feelings about Solomon on a meta-level, not just bc my interest in him is largely based on fanon conjectures, but also because I kinda side-eye the idea of taking a Very Jewish Biblical Figure and having him repeatedly referred to as “so much like demons it’s hard to tell if he’s human” as well as untrustworthy and strongly implied to have some Hidden Agenda going on...
...especially when coming from Japanese creators. And if you don’t know why I’m saying that, let’s just say I wouldn’t let Germans or Italians off the hook for this either.
also it would have been cool if he looked more ethnically Middle Eastern, like, the guy was born and died in Jerusalem, he wouldn’t be as pasty as he is in-game
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