#i know let me know doesn't really mesh well with the current situation but
back2bluesidex · 10 months
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so 96% of you wanted to see me do a redesign of mermista. and while i can draw, i've been stuck in an art block so i opted to just draw over her current design. i don't hate all of it so i'm not changing everything.
let me go through the complaints i do have about her design.
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first off, she does not look like royalty in the slightest. she just looks like some girl who likes the color blue. even the gold accents don't really help. i'm not saying she has to walk around in a gown and tiara but at least add something to her design to indicate that she's a princess?
secondly, those clown shoes are NOT IT. who even thought of that? they look uncomfortable and ridiculous, and doesn't make sense for her character design.
those sleeves/armor (??? i honestly don't know what those are) and gold gauntlets also do not look practical in the slightest. they look like they'd be a hindrance for a swimmer. and guess what, she still has them in her mermaid form.
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the OG mermista design wasn't the greatest but at least it looked like she could swim comfortably.
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so my objectives were:
give her outfit a more streamlined look so it would make sense for her powers
make her look like actual royalty and not some girl with a cool color palette
expand more on the indian-inspired design and reflect that in her usual outfit, instead of putting her in a saree-inspired dress for one episode and calling it a day (i say saree-inspired because it's not really a traditional saree, but more like a modern and slightly western rendition)
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i made two versions of her redesign - one with a dupatta and one without. the dupatta, i understand, could be a hindrance in certain situations but i just wanted to give an example of how to take inspiration from a culture instead of just using it for brownie points. a dupatta is something indians would wear with their casual attire, mostly with salwars, unlike sarees which are generally reserved for special occasions (there are sarees that are casual wear, but they're still not the most convenient).
secondly, i gave her a headwear inspired from desi wedding attire and older indian tiaras. mind you, indian tiaras themselves are a lot more complex and beautifully crafted, but 1. it would take me ages to draw all the details and 2. i figured mermista would go for a simpler look, especially when she's not at her palace. also, while indian headwears are usually made with gold and jewels, i gave mermista's headwear pearls because.. pearls, oysters, ocean. mermaid vibes.
i changed the shoes and gave her a pair that are inspired by water shoes. i know that she would transform into a mermaid while swimming anyway, but these still look more comfortable without serving clowncore.
i replaced her gold accents with silver because the gold doesn't really mesh well with the teal, in my opinion. while indians are known for their love of gold, a lot of people nowadays opt for silver, because it is less expensive and more compatible with casual wear.
i highlighted the fishscale pattern in her outfit since you could barely see them in the original.
i gave her a bindi and the necklace that 80s mermista wore, as a tribute to the OG show, and the design is complete. i know that some of these may not be the easiest to animate but if they could animate perfuma's cape thing, entrapta's hair and a hundred different outfits for catra; this design is just child's play.
let me know what you think of the redesign and if you want me to do the same for the other characters!
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angelinanguish · 1 year
TL;DR, changed takes on paywall drama. Shit is hellish right now.
Previously I had defended a paywaller against some snark and even posted a little rant supporting "little creators" on my alt and...dear god do I feel fucking stupid. Like- call me an "EA bootlicker" here but my goodness has being passive towards these paywall-leeches totally fucked the community?
Sure in theory supporting the little guy is ideal but in current times it's only perpetuating this weird vulture mentality. Offering your cc and dropping donation links is totally reasonable but swooping into a new community just to peddle broken bullshit makes you no better than EA. At that point you're just trying to create a mini get rich quick scheme.
Not to mention a lot of these paywall creators aren't just utilizing their own content but art and meshes from other creatives. What gives them the right to yoink a digital artist's illustration and slap it on another basic ass crop top that's going to be locked for like what?...seven months, gross. Of course, none of this is meant to back EA in any way. Everyone knows their only interest in this whole mess is preventing non-EA affiliates from profiting off TS4 but that's no excuse for these "simmers" acting out.
Due to all that enabling rhetoric of small artists with a passion for creation being bullied by EA simps or whatever these weirdos feel comfy just crowding into communities they don't care about to make a quick bag only to dip once the well dries up. Let's all be real here that is what's happening.
Do any of us really NEED that one locked pixel dress? no. But are any of these exclusive Patreon content producers entitled to your dollar? again, no. There have been so many situations in which pro-paywallers have gone out of their way to be outwardly disrespectful going so far as to ridicule their detractors for being too broke or even worse. Comparing them to sexual predators for pirating cc. How can a group of people be so fucking self-centered it just doesn't make sense.
All of this to say: how much is too much? Because at this point it really seems like anything goes so long as you aren't EA. As if being independent makes any of this poor behavior virtuous. I'm sure Karl Marx is saluting you guys from the afterlife for selling broken hats to other minimum-wage workers and then whining when called out for poor craftsmanship.
Real working-class heroes you guys are. Good job.
(But seriously, if you aren't willing to pay for EA's poolside Splish Splash whatever the fuck kit please don't buy someone else's BGC addons. Don't get got. Neither are worth it in the end)
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clickedbait · 4 months
@sondair :
sienna had been here for a week without any sign that she was actually moving out. and honestly? kevin and jessica were more than okay with that. he had seen both hathmoores light up more than ever over the past week. jessica needed the consistent feminine energy. and ryan . . . god, he never thought he'd see this level of his friend. he hadn't seen ryan this excited about everything, and he certainly hadn't seen anything clicked so quickly into place. like sienna had always been here. he had been sitting on the back porch while the sky painted its nightly watercolors show and the crickets started to emerge, smoking joints with his best friend. the girls were inside singing at the top of their lungs to some 00s playlist while they put away the dinner they had all contributed to. he drew in a long breath from his joint, letting the smoke warm through his lungs before he drew back, let it marinate for a moment, and slowly exhaled it into a puff of smoke. " sienna mentioned going apartment hunting this morning, " he mused, the corners of his lips twitching slight as he flicked embers into the ash tray. " you know she doesn't have to do that, right? she's one of us now. she's . . . your person, dude. you deserve to have her here just as much as jess or i do with each other. "
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It'd been just a little over a week since he went to California and came back with Sienna, boxes of her things currently camped out in their garage. She'd been steadily getting stuff from a few here or there, but only on a needed basis. She always made it clear she wasn't marking her territory by getting a curling iron out. It'd just make him laugh and his chest swell unable to find the words to say you can. He wanted her to stay and she was... technically. She wanted to stay in Montana, but she'd spoken a few times about getting a place-- something Ryan was both happy for her and a little sad over.
He doesn't expect what Kevin says as they're sat together passing a joint, blue eyes flicking to look at him and cheeks tinting a faint red. Part of him was sure it was weird to ask her to move in after such a short period of time, but they meshed well-- her and him. Her with them. She fit right into their little abode and it felt insane to not ask her to stay, but what if that was one step too far in this already crazy situation? But then again.. she did come all the way out here to be close to him. Surely asking her wouldn't be too far fetched.
"I've been fighting the urge all week to tell her she didn't have to go," he admits, chuckling a little and giving a nod, "She... she makes me really happy, dude. Happiest I've been in a damn long time... doesn't even compare to her, ya know?" He didn't have to say his ex's name for the mention to land.
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loliwrites · 3 years
How do Alex and Addi find out that they're having a baby? Is it accidental? Do they expect it? Thinking about it makes me melt from cuteness and love and all the happy feels 😍
OH THE FEELS. So.... finding out they’re going to have a Skarsbaby definitely comes after this conversation. And let’s face it. Alex is in his 40s and doesn’t have a little tribe of babies yet, I don’t think bringing life into the world would be an oopsie-daisy for him.
They have the conversation and come to a decision that she's going to get off birth control to sort out her body situation, and they're going to continue life as is, no conception. And let's say the actually go a good long while without anything coming of it. As these things tend to do, her body's trying to regulate itself once off the hormonal birth control, which really doesn't mesh with the getting pregnant aspect of things. To an extent, they "forget" that what they're doing could lead to pregnancy. And not forget in the way that they're not conscious of what they're doing, but in the way that they've now gotten away with it for so long, they think they're just lucky and in the clear.
The realization happened slowly. The first sign they didn't know was a sign was when Addi turned down a spoonful of Nutella. She wasn't prone to turning down anything chocolate or chocolate-adjacent. When Alex noticed she'd been a little down all day, he shoved a spoonful in front of her face and she grimaced and pushed it away. He knew something was up but figured she just wasn't feeling all that well. Pressing a hand to her forehead and feeling that she was running a little hotter than normal, he brushed it off on illness. But nothing ever came of that. She never got the sniffles or a cough or body aches. She was fine; except for her new aversion to Nutella and her new obsession with pickle juice.
The second sign – and potentially the most obvious – was the missed period. It hadn’t been the first time she missed a period, and not due to a pregnancy. In moments of high stress and pressure, sometimes her body didn’t play by the rules of nature. She was currently in one of those moments now; where notes on different drafts were coming in from every direction and angle. The producer wanted one thing, the director wanted another, and each of the executives had comments that seemed to juxtapose what everyone else was saying. How to appease everyone while still maintaining integrity on the project was something she was still learning to handle.
In fact, they probably would’ve gone an entire extra month without knowing had it not been for Alex, who insisted she go to the doctor to find out why she was feeling so off. He suggested it could be something as simple as a new food allergy. Addi thought that was ridiculous and told him as much, but nonetheless, accepted his request and made herself an appointment with the doctor. And after a quick urine and blood test, that doctor transferred her over to her OBGYN.
Sure, Addi could’ve come home that day and gone the simple route with telling Alex the news. She could’ve burst through the door and told him that his little swimmers got to her. But, no. Alex had a tendency to do things with flair, and Addi would call his flair and raise him creativity.
He came home from work that day in a chipper mood… undoubtedly trying to overcompensate should he come to learn that she’d gotten less than happy news at the doctor. But he found her on the couch, nestled beneath blankets with a pizza box in front of her.
“What’s this?” He came up behind the couch and bent over to place a kiss to the top of her head.
“Papa John’s,”
Alex nodded but furrowed his eyebrows. “Interesting choice. We’ve got that good place on the corner?”
“I was feeling this one,” she insisted and tilted her head back to look at him. When he pressed a smile, she pouted her lips until he gave her another kiss. “Can you turn off the oven and get me a root beer in the fridge?”
He squinted at her, trying to figure out what was going on. Even if the oven request wasn’t an unusual one, the root beer request was. Up until that moment, he didn’t even know they had root beer in the house. But he left her wordlessly, and walked into the kitchen. “How was the doctor, kid?”
“Fine,” she called back.
Alex looked at the oven and paused. The dial was turned in the off position and he looked around, trying to figure out if she had meant something else. Growing increasingly confused and almost a little frustrated, he pulled open the over door and squatted down. He nearly had to choke back an annoyed grunt when he found what looked to be one single hamburger bun. Not toasted. Not preparing to be used for any sort of reason. Just a bun in the oven. He shot a glance back at Addi to see if she was watching him and laughing. If this was some sort of prank. But she was turned forward, chowing down on a slice of pizza.
“Did they figure out what was wrong?” He paused and she hummed affirmatively just as he opened the refrigerator door and came face to face with a six-pack of Dad’s Root Beer. But when she didn’t elaborate further on what the doctor had concluded, Alex grabbed the bottle with a little more gusto and came back to the living room. “What’d they say?”
Addi smiled and took the bottle from his hand, twisting the cap and tossing it onto the coffee table. “Nothing’s wrong.” She could see the wrinkles in Alex’s forehead getting more and more pronounced and she knew she only had a couple more minutes before he went ballistic.
“Just – tell me like I’m stupid then, because I don’t know what’s going on. Do you not want to tell me what the doctor said?”
She grinned, hoping that would clue him in that this was a sort of game. “Just think about it,”
“I don’t know what to think about,” he half-shrieked. His eyes darted from her face, to the root beer, to the pizza. “Well clearly they didn’t tell you you’re gluten or lactose intolerant,”
The wrinkles grew a little deeper, his gaze becoming a little more pleading. “Slugger, I don’t get it. I don’t get the pizza, and the root beer, and the random hamburger bun,”
Addi rolled her eyes and shifted on the couch until she was facing him. She’d walk him through it, but she wouldn’t give him the answer. “What’s the pizza?”
Alex grimaced and looked at the slice in her hand, “pepperoni.”
“No, where’s it from?”
“Papa John’s,”
She smiled and held up the root beer. Alex stared at it, then at her, and eventually back at the bottle.
“Root beer,” he paused, but when she didn’t give him a verbal response or move on, he amended. “Dad’s Root Beer,”
“And the bun?” she prompted, leaning in a little bit closer.
He shrugged, “I don’t know. Store brand?”
“Where was it?”
Another pause. His eyes flitting around the room. It was as if Addi could see the gears turning in his head, trying to sort out this enigmatic equation. Then she saw the moment it clicked. The moment where he put everything together. The tension in his shoulders left. The wrinkles in his forehead relaxed. His eyes softened and widened.
“Are you being serious?” His eyes were glued to her and he was completely frozen, even as she nodded. “Really?”
Her grin widened as she nodded again. Alex stood up on the couch and took a couple steps backward. "If you're joking..." he leaned over and set his hands on his knees.
"I'm not joking,"
A breathy laugh escaped his lungs. He stood up straight and extended himself backwards with a mighty yawp, "I'm gonna be a dad!"
Running back to the couch, he nearly sent Addi careening back on it as he ran into her, wrapping his arms around her body as tightly as he could get in an embrace. The kisses he planted on her lips were some of the most tender and passionate she'd ever gotten, and just when she thought her head was going to start spinning from them, Alex pulled away just enough to migrate his lips down to her stomach. He lifted her shirt and kissed her skin delicately, causing her to giggle from the light touch.
She looked down at him and tangled her fingers in his hair, scritching at his scalp as he mumbled joyous thoughts into her stomach.
When Addi finally managed to get him back to her; to get his eyes on hers, he had the proudest smile on his face, "I'm a papa."
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borkthemork · 2 years
is there a directors commentary on Quantum Mechanics from your Beyond the Music Box collection ?
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Oooo, I haven't touched this one in a hot second, I definitely could! So if anyone is curious about the drabble they're talking about, I'll be putting a link to it in here, and under the "Read More" I shall discuss the process I did with creating it overall.
So, back when Temple Frogs came out, the implication of Marcy's journal had intrigued me the moment Anne pulled it up on screen, and of course a great deal of authors had also noticed the same too!
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The fact she had Marcy's journal since the beginning, that she perused through and learned to translate runes, was enough to get my brain whirring and I had to work on it.
With Quantum Mechanics, I started writing at 1 AM. I couldn't stop thinking about Anne and how I could format the whole drabble to exemplify a specific weariness — a weariness of having the world weighed down upon your shoulders, of a sleep deprivation that was haunted by your mistakes and worries that couldn't be alleviated.
Since I was sleep-deprived at that time, I was in the mindset that helped accompany that feeling. In knowing that my awareness was impaired, I started to focus heavily on blurring the reality that Anne was in.
Anne Boonchuy was tired before A Fight at the Museum's end revelation. She studied whatever she could to understand how to get back to Amphibia, to the point she researched books, lectures, and videos that were out of her realm of common knowledge. That is dedication. That is a girl set on a goal, and since I had been researching physics stuff in my personal time, I let that rub into the beginning rambles of Marcy too to help with the whole atmosphere of it!
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Marcy's voice has been a favorite of mine to explore. I had practice in writing with it during my time with my other fic Falling Down Dry, and since I had similar questions to Amphibia's world, I allowed myself to turn all this jargon into what Marcy probably would've said. That this world is so hypothetically insane and opens up so many ideas and theoretical to our current understanding of science that not many people think about.
Of course, I am merely an amateur, so information could be inaccurate. However, that wouldn't be a problem since Marcy is a kid, and kids can be inaccurate occasionally, haha.
But in using this beginning, I was able to transition to Anne's mindset pretty well. Marcy is speaking to her through the journal. By giving Marcy the format to talk, where the only distinction is the italics and is meshing to the narrative's prose, then the reality bending becomes easier for Anne's perspective to exploit.
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When one is tired and doing research, there comes this futile slog in trying to find answers. For Anne, I wanted to describe it pretty well in her writing style. Season 3A had implied to the audience that Anne is tired, even Escape to Amphibia compounded this with how quick Anne was to break down over feeling powerless over her capabilities.
Anne Boonchuy, by all means, worked really hard to get to this point. Like, what was she supposed to do in this situation? The audience could go "Oh yeah they'll definitely get back home" but Anne doesn't know that.
In her reality, she had to take initiative and research so many ways to return to her other home, and I'll always emphasize the feeling of cycling back to the same place or theme, which is kind of why a great deal of my drabbles like attempting to bring their stories back to a familiar place by the end of the day.
Akin to a "The end is engrained in the beginning" type of shizz.
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One of the important things I try to bring to the table with Anne would be that this girl is stubborn, so unbelievably stubborn.
Even if there are points where she wanted to give up, she had this internal anxiety in her that wants to keep her on the go. She is going to try even if it sounds stupid, and even with her growth and more maternal protection state, Anne never stopped believing in people and doing what she believed was right.
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And it's depressing to think about how much she had to think about Marcy and Sasha.
It's depressing to theorize about Anne losing self-awareness from sleep deprivation, and in wanting to see Marcy again — to hear her through the journal — she started to imagine what it would be like for Marcy to sit beside her. To help her in the journey for a way home.
That the journal truly was a medium for Anne to reassure herself that Marcy's soul was still apparent through the texts.
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It took a second rewrite to get the type of drabble I wanted, and I posted it at 3 AM before I went to sleep, but I do believe that Quantum Mechanics hit that part in me that wanted to see Anne's grieving process.
I wanted to see her think about Marcy, about how much Marcy's betrayal and potential death muddled the way she functioned in a subtle yet obvious way, and I hope the story was able to show that!
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Little Klaus (1)
In which Klaus is somehow deaged and the siblings take advantage of this. Also Ben's alive BC fuck you he ain't dead in my books.
When Klaus woke up he didn't notice anything different. He didn't feel different, look different or act different.
So why is it that when he went downstairs to line up for lunch (as usual) there were five strange adults in the living room?
This lead Klaus to where he was now, backed against the door he entered by and staring at the adults, who seemed to be staring at him.
"W-who are you people?" He said, cursing himself mentally for stuttering over the first word, "What are you doing here?"
"Is anyone else seeing a baby Klaus?" The Asian man muttered, eyes flicking disbelievingly between the other adults and Klaus's own.
Klaus stepped back again, "H-how do you know my name?! Where's my siblings!?" Panic had begun to rise in his chest, and he slowly started to open the door behind him, inch by agonizing inch.
"What are we supposed to do?" A man clad in leather asked, ignoring Klaus's questions, "He clearly has no clue what's going on!"
"Klaus," a smaller woman asked, getting down onto her knees (not that it was necessary, Klaus was sure he wasn't that much shorter than her), "we aren't here to hurt you, I promise. Can you tell me what year it is?"
Green eyes flicking from each adult with panic, he answered hesitantly, "2001, why?"
A rush of hushed whispers filled the room at his answer, but Klaus had finally opened the door to an amount he could slip out of and he wasn't planning on overstaying his welcome. The 12 year old flew out of the room, taking off his clunky shoes as he ran (they were slowing him down) and running barefooted throughout the mansion.
"Come on," he muttered, panicked tears pricking at his eyes, "the others have to be somewhere!"
Hearing the yells of the adults behind him only made him panic more, and he ran over the polished wooden floors, skidding and slipping as he went but never once staying in the same place for a second. As he was heading towards the bedrooms (he was sure if his siblings were anywhere they'd be there, heading down for breakfast) he ran straight into Five. The two collided and fell to the ground, rubbing their heads before clocking each existence. Five's brow furrowed in confusion before Klaus grabbed him and shoved him into the ex-junkies room, and he shoved a chair against the door in a pitiful attempt at a barricade. Still confused, Five spoke up.
Klaus's face crumpled, and he flung himself at the 13 year old (who to be frank didn't look much different at 12). "Five," he breathed out in a panicked voice, "I-I can't find the others! Diego and Vanya, even Luther is missing! And dad isn't anywhere to be found! All I found were five adults downstairs, and I don't know who they are. I'm so glad you're ok!" His eyes had filled with tears and he buried his face into Five's neck.
"Klaus," Five asked gently, putting his arms awkwardly around the pre-teen, "W-what year is it?"
"2001, but what does it have to do with anything?"
***le time skip before this gets super long***
"So, let me get this straight," Klaus stated, "The year is 2019, these people are obviously our siblings judging by the tattoos and what I'm assuming is Vanya's lack of one, and you are in the body of a 13 year old because you travelled forward in time to prevent the apocalypse and it did some weird doolally kinda space stuff and left you like that?"
Raising his eyebrows at the choice of words, Five simply said, "Yes."
"Huh. Ok. Then why am I twelve instead of..." He paused to count on his fingers, "30? Holy hell!" His eyes widened comically, "You guys are really really old!"
Laughing gently, Ben responded, "We don't know Klaus."
"I should assume that it's something to do with the space-time continuum being messed up," Five murmured absently to himself, "but with the timeline being as fragile as it is right now I am exceedingly reluctant to mess about with it some more."
"Wait," Klaus cried, "Are you saying that I'm gonna be stuck as the youngest sibling now??!!"
"Oh, this is priceless!" Diego crowed, a large grin on his face, "Who'd have thought large beansprout Klaus would end up being the baby?"
"Oi!" The pre-teen shouted, pouting, "I'm not a baby at all!"
"You sure look like one," the leather clad man teased, and Allison huffed out a laugh, thwacking him on the head.
"Behave, you idiot," she admonished, "it's gotta be scary being stuck in that situation. It could just as easily be you."
"So," Five started, "if Klaus is going to be stuck like this for the moment, unless it doesn't wear off in which case it's permanent, I think we should try and let him get to know us and start to live a normal life."
"TRUTH OR DARE!" Klaus screamed in excitement, already running to the living room to plop himself on a couch, "SCHNELL SCHNELL!"
***another time skip Yeet***
Eventually everyone was sat in the living room (Five and Luther may have needed a little bit of coaching to get them there) and Klaus grinned widely in glee.
"Youngest to oldest, so me then Five, then in numerical order we can go Vanya, Ben, Allison, Diego and Luther!" He crowed in excitement, before turning to Five (who was quietly drinking his coffee).
"Five, truth or dare?"
Thinking for a moment, Five responded, "Dare."
"I dare you..." Klaus pondered, before pouting cutely, "I can't think of anything."
Ben leaned over and whispered into his ear, and Klaus perked up significantly, "I dare you to sit in Allison's lap for the rest of the game!"
Unable to stay mad at the seance's adorable excitement, Five grumbled good-naturedly as Allison pulled him into her lap. Five quickly turned to Ben, eager to get the attention off himself.
"Ben, truth or dare?"
"I'm gonna be boring and go with truth."
"You never know what music's on the radio now, so I have to ask, what is it that you're always listening to in your headphones?"
Laughing shyly, Ben answered, "It's... It's Kpop. Korean pop. I don't know how I got into it, I think big you introduced me to it Klaus," he laughed, getting the youngest's attention.
"Really, who's my favourite groups?"
"Well, you thirst over Jungkook from BTS," Ben teased, watching Klaus turn crimson, "but your favourite groups at the moment are BLACKPINK and Hellovenus."
"Can you show me them after we're done?"
"Sure." Ben turned to Vanya, "I think Five just wanted to ask me that question and forgot the order haha, so Vanya truth or dare?"
"Hmm... Dare."
"I dare you to pick an outfit out of big Klaus's wardrobe and wear it all day!"
Laughing incredulously, Vanya made her way to Klaus's bedroom. 5 minutes later, she came down in a pair of tight leather shorts, mesh top with a loose crop top (with the word GAY in pink on black) over the top of it, and a bright pink feather boa. "Look at this madness!" She laughed in delight, shimmying over to Klaus who was giggling non-stop. She took the feather boa off and hooked it around his skinny torso, and Klaus burst into belly laughter as she shimmied it closer towards her.
"Vanya," he laughed, "Stop it! It tickles!!"
"Oh does it really?" She smiled, "Couldn't tell, truly!"
While trying to escape the feather boa, Klaus hadn't noticed Diego sneaking up behind him and lifting him up.
"You seriously thought we'd forget how ticklish little you was? Shame on you Klaus!" The leather clad man laughed as Klaus kicked his bare feet.
"No, please don't tickle me!" He giggled nervously as Vanya stepped towards him, wiggling her fingers menacingly.
"Sorry, what's that? I couldn't make it out between the giggles," she teased, and as Klaus opened his mouth to speak again she started tickling his armpits.
Klaus instantly began giggling, kicking his legs in the air in a weak protest against the tickling. He had always been weak and frail against his siblings, the slightly too skinny one, the one who was sensitive. His protesting was half hearted as his mouth spewed out bubbly giggles.
"Nohohoho fair! Vanyahahahaha plehehehehease!!!"
"It has been too long since we tickled him," Allison laughed, Five still on her lap. The teen was looking at the scene in front of him, a rare fond smile on his face.
"Why don't you join in?" Diego laughed, "Luther take the baby from me."
At Allison's squeal of delight, Luther grabbed the kid by the wrists, sitting the underweight preteen across his lap (image BC this is a strange thing to describe???)
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He grabbed the boys skinny wrists and carefully lifted them over his head, pinning them with one large hand against the couch. Knowing he was completely exposed, Klaus just laid there, bursting out into squeaky giggles as Allison went straight for his sides.
"So cute~~" The woman cooed as Klaus helplessly kicked his little feet, struggling to pull down his arms.
"Allisohohohon!! Stahahahahap!"
"Oh no, sweetheart, we're only just beginning!" She grinned, and lifted his shirt up. Klaus began to giggle apprehensively, chanting no's under his breath.
"Oh yes," Allison grinned teasingly, "I remember squeaky toy Klaus, don't the rest of you?"
A manicured nail poked the inside of Klaus's bellybutton, and he let out a squeak. His face flushed red at the adoring coos from his siblings, but he didn't have time to retaliate because Allison lightly scribbled her fingers across his flat stomach, causing him to burst once more into giggly laughter. Eventually, when the woman was done and Luther let him go, Klaus curled up in her lap, giggling cutely as she lightly rubbed his stomach.
"That feel good, Klaus?"
A sleepy nod confirmed her statement, and Allison grinned widely.
"There's not long left, baby, wanna see the game through?"
The final three finally took their turn. Allison had chosen truth, and was told to pick the current cutest UA member (Klaus was an easy win), Luther chose dare and was dared to hang upside down on the railing reciting the entirety of Eminem's Rap God while Klaus was dared to have his bellybutton (his well-known weakest spot) tickled for five minutes non stop. However, at the end of the game, with a giggly little baby Klaus still snuggling into her lap ready to fall asleep, Allison was excited to see how long this would last.
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