#i know rick technically also fits the definition but oh man can you imagine if it was trixie
leonamelody3 · 1 year
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So like, Trixie’s definitely the harbinger right?
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17 Questions
Thank you @booklover223 for the tag~ :) 
Nickname: Does Blood technically count? If not, Ella sure does lol
Zodiac: Virgo/Libra cusp (but more Virgo)
Height: 5′2″ >.> I be short |D 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff. It only makes sense because I definitely don’t fit into any of the other houses lol. 
Last Thing I Googled: Oh shit... uh... -squints- I think it was “How do I turn off the chat in Twitch App.” I recently got the Twitch app |D 
Number of Followers: I don’t like answering this question, but I’ll admit a lot more than I ever imagined so thank you all, I love you!
Amount of Sleep: HAHAHAHA What is sleep? ._. Like, 3-4 hours recently. It varies, but it’s never longer than 6 |D 
Lucky Number: 13 :D 
Dream Job: Honestly, I just want a job I like at this point. I’m not picky, I just don’t want to wake up miserable every day. Though I am grateful I have a job, don’t get me wrong, as I know a lot of people are currently struggling on that front. It just gets exhausting being yelled at allatiems |D 
Wearing: Uh, fuzzy socks, sweats, a T-shirt and hoodie. And a blanket. I mean, I have it over my shoulders so I’m not actually wearing it per se, but it’s there, so it counts! 
Favourite Song: Oh wow. This is hard. I would probably have to say Two Weeks by All That Remains. I’ve been listening to that song for upwards of 12 years by now, and every time it comes on my ipod, it’s the only song I never skip. I will always listen to it. So I’d guess that. 
Favourite Instrument: I mean, to play or listen to? I would probably say to play would be drums, but to listen would be piano. Drums are fun as shit man. 
Aesthetic: I don’t feel like I have one... I like earth tones, that’s about it |D 
Favourite Author: Matthew Reilly. Or Rick Riordan, tbh. I do love Rick. 
Favourite Animal Noise: That weird chirpy thing cats do sometimes XD 
Random: I am horrific at video games. Like, so, so terrible at video games. But I also love video games. So it is an awful cycle of me playing a video game, never getting past the first couple of minutes (fuck you Crash Bandicoot) or playing them for literal years and getting stuck forever (LOOKING AT YOU FUCKING ZELDA: LINK’S AWAKENING FOR THE GAMEBOY!). So I tend to watch a lot of Let’s Plays on YouTube for all the games I’d love to play but cannot |D I feel like I could do Among Us though because I’m good at games like that (kind of like “Push the Button” in Jackbox Games). I talk a lot, so those kinds of games I can usually do, but anything that requires actual like, skill, I suck super bad hahaha |D 
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