#i know the exact counter argument youre about to hit me with and thats gonna be my next post tomorrow because the answer i have makes me so
isabelguerra · 2 years
Okay, so I’m doing another old blog deep dive and came across this boss leader fanart by a deleted user. “Haha. Bug spirit” my brain goes in a burst of inspiration. “Haha like the one in ch4.” “Haha maybe thats Boss Leaders’ dream spirit.” “Haha except it can’t be, because BL IS the dream spirit herself.” “Haha but, wait, if she’s a spirit then she’d probably need SOME kind of physical form. Right? Like she can have the power to control dreams, but wouldnt she still need a body?” “Wait.”
Boss Leader has shown that she’s able to drastically change her physical form in the dreamscape, to the point that she’s posed as different renditions of herself for decades. given this ability to control her appearance, and most essentially, her masquerade as a spectral, i’m led to believe that the form we see in the Consortium is more of a mental projection, and that she has a corporeal form out in the physical world DIFFERENT from the one we’re introduced to her with. which is where i’d like to propose:
Part of the Ch4 subterranean bug spirit’s design that always made me curious was how closely it resembled the Consortium suitsies. At first I thought maybe it was a spirit working FOR the Consortium, a spirit that was WEARING a suitsie, but ultimately that seemed silly. But what if it wasn’t a complete coincidence? What if that was the one part of Boss Leader’s physical body that she liked and decided to keep? Look:
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What a fascinating design similarity! Huh, weird. Where do I remember her making a bug joke before OH WAIT THATS RIGHT
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And isn’t it just fascinating how that spirit saves Max! Almost as if it knew how there was going to be a specific group of people on that train tonight! Almost as if it knew said train was going to be there picking up a Consortium agent! A Consortium agent sent under the orders of Boss Leader herself! Well thats cool but I’m sure its just another coincide-
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I have more on this but i needed to vomit this out before i lost my train (aha) of thought . i think im onto something here. please share thoughts
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