#i know the religious themes are very popular for zolu so this is my own take
aimbutmiss · 10 months
ZoLu and love as a religious experience:
What does it mean to dedicate your power, your dream, your whole life to someone? What does it mean to become ablaze with your whole being for them? Zoro doesn't believe in God, but every night he prays to the sun until it rises again. Because everyone wants to bask in the sunlight, but he wants to burn in it. He yearns for it. So, when Luffy turns out to be a god, it doesn't surprise him one bit. Because for Zoro, loving Luffy was already a religious experience.
What does it mean to go further than devotion for someone? The meaning lacks a word, it is indescribable.
So, Zoro loves Luffy, and that's that.
What does it mean to let someone worship the ground you walk on? What does it mean to trust someone completely, with the entirety of your existence? Luffy trusts his first mate to be by his side, always, no matter what. What can he give in exchange for such devotion, if not the one thing the other desperately needs? (Faith.) He let's Zoro drown in his warmth, because he knows that's what he needs from him. If he needs a god, that's what Luffy will be. Because how can a man have faith in something that doesn't exist?
What does it mean to become a god for someone's sake? There is no word to describe it.
So, Luffy loves Zoro, and that's that.
The devotion between a captain and a first mate is special. No one would dare argue against that. Once they take on these titles, the two men's lives and their very beings become so intertwined that they become impossible to separate. 
Zoro and Luffy's souls have been tangled up in each other from the very first day. They exist as one. Devotee and god. Did the god create the man because he was lonely? Or did the man create the god because he lacked direction, or guidance? Either way, they are one. 
Captain and first mate. 
Devotee and God.
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