#i know thevoidsings labels brian’s part in this as ‘tsuru’ which makes sense to me
In Stranger, I think Brian’s voice getting harder to hear with the other voices is meaningful.
I interpret those voices to be other people finding out and disparaging him. I think where Brian (Tsuru) is from robots are lower class and the idea that a robot would marry a human is absurd, but marrying one while lying about your identity is dastardly. But now he is on a different planet and here they do not have sentient robots. Keeping it a secret is to protect his husband so he can be as innocent as possible should they be found out and prosecuted (he’s still thinking in terms of where he used to live). A monster is semi-literal because the husband has not seen an android before and he is astonished. But people fear what they don’t know, and he becomes angry at Brian (Tsuru) for lying.
As more voices are added more people are finding out about what he did, yet failing to actually listen to him. His husband doesn’t even listen.
I don’t think the husband went and told everyone, but that he was mad and either someone found out by spying or he told one person and that person spread it and those people spread it, etc.
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