#i know theyre gonna upload right before i 'should' be getting ready so i should just do it now but...
simplydnp · 10 months
i have an appointment in an hour but instead i am here waiting for dapg to upload
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knybits · 5 years
Kimetsu Academy!
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Kimetsu Academy!Au: A Murder of One
Tanjirou x Akiko (and theyre actually happy lmao)
“Oh! Akiko! Hi honey, how’ve you been?” Kie greets the teenager with a warm smile as they open up the bakery for the day. 
Akiko walks into the store, inhaling the red bean and flour scent as well as blueberries and chocolate chips. The atmosphere envelops Akiko and she feels right at home. 
“I’ve been well,”Akiko smiles before looking up at the doorway leading to a set of stairs behind the store. 
“Are Nezuko and Tanjirou awake?” She questions, and Kie smiles hopelessly. 
“Well, you know Nezuko… Tanjirou should be getting her ready. Go on up and here, take a melon pan with you.”
The bun is stuffed into Akiko’s hand and she bids Tanjirou’s mother a thank you before rushing up the stairs. 
Akiko isn’t even half way up until her boyfriend’s voice calls out, “We’re in the bathroom! Can you come do Nezuko’s hair?” 
She smiles gleefully before taking two rights into the bathroom, watching Tanjirou brush his teeth as Nezuko nods off on his shoulders. 
“Mornfging,”Tanjirou smiles and Akiko chuckles lightly before cayrying Nezuko down to the floor, making sure she doesn’t fall. 
“Hey,” she pecks his cheek. “Another early morning?” Akiko can see his eye bags despite the small amount of makeup he wears to hide them. He blushes lightly, knowing he’s been caught, but nods his head nonetheless. 
Akiko finished the rest of her bread to scold him, hands weaving through long locks and twisting strands of hair, but Tanjirou continues to brush his teeth as he listens to his girlfriend’s voice, a pleasant smile on his face. 
The two are able to make it to the train in time, and everyone allows for Nezuko to have a seat on the train. Akiko and Tanjirou stand nearby, Akiko pressed back on the doors as Tanjirou covers her, making sure there are no perverts on the train. 
Akiko finds one anyway, poking Tanjirou’s cheek to nab his attention before pointing out Enmu, the local pervert, trying to creep on a girl. 
Tanjirou lets out a tired sigh at his usual behavior before cutting through bodies, and Akiko smiles proudly as he grabs Enmu and hands him off to the officer at the next station. 
Luckily, it’s their stop, and Tanjirou grabs Nezuko before the three are off to school. Akiko holds all three of their bags as Tanjirou carries his sister, the two talking about what they did yesterday as if they didn’t talk over the phone at night. 
“By the way, what’s our first period?” Akiko asks as they approach the gates. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s music with Miyuki-sensei?” Tanjirou looks over at Akiko to see her face, nearly jumping at the one she’s making. 
“It’s ok! I’m sure you’ll be fine!”
“Tanjirou… We both can’t say that…” 
Thankfully, Miyuki-sensei is nice enough to ace Akiko on tests and quizzes, so Akiko has a passing grade in the class. She can remember facts about music, but she always dreads the extra free time left at the end of class because kids usually try to play instruments. 
“Okay, Akiko, let’s try the piano today,” Miyuki catches Akiko attention and the blood drains from Akiko’s face. She sees Zenitsu cover his ears in the corner but she doesn’t blame him.
“I don’t know, Himi-sensei…” Akiko tries to save the rest of the class, but Tanjirou walks over to place a hand on her shoulder, giving her a bright smile. 
“I believe in you Akiko! You know Himi-sensei is a great teacher, so give it a try!” 
Akiko blushes, turning to him as she sees others looking at them. Hoping to keep the eyes off the both of them, she sighs in defeat before smiling back up at him and agreeing. 
Akiko is glad she’s dating her best friend. 
Her fingers dance across the keys, but they have two left feet and she can’t even plunk out the notes for twinkle twinkle little star. Tanjirou sits by patiently, cheering Akiko on whenever she fumbles. 
Finally, her finger presses the last key and the tune to twinkle twinkle little star is complete. Akiko looks up from the piano, wide eyed and in awe of herself before she beams at Miyuki. 
“I knew you could do it!” Tanjirou cheers before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. Akiko blushes furiously before taking his hand into her own when the bell rings. 
“We- We’re gonna be late so let’s go!” She insists as Tanjirou laughs. 
Miyuki congratulates Akiko before offering to walk them over to Shinazugawa’s math class, and the two shiver in fear. 
Tanjirou isn’t on good terms with Sanemi, but he’s friends with his younger brother, Genya. Akiko is rather fond of Genya too, since he taught her how to make different types of bento boxes so that she could make Tanjirou lunches every so often.  
When Akiko sees Miyuki talking lovingly to Sanemi, she smiles fondly. It’s the same look Miyuki’s mother would give her husband when he came to visit her with flowers in hard at Ray’s hospital. Just by looking, Akiko can tell that they’re absolutely in love with each other. 
She glances over at Tanjirou, who is talking to Genya at the moment, before wondering if the two of them will love each other like Miyuki and Sanemi. 
“Hey you three,” Himi-sensei’s voice catches their attention, “Save Friday night for me. My mother is inviting your family for dinner.”
Akiko looks over at her math teacher and Sanemi looks away under her piercing gaze. Akiko smiles, turning to look back at Miyuki before nodding her head and promising to ask her parents. 
Periods pass by, Tanjirou enjoying Rengoku-sensei’s class the most as always as she has to reign in her boyfriend from fighting the other students with yard sticks. Sure, some of the other fighters in the cavalry battle make fun of him, but Tanjirou makes a sad face at them before looking over at Akiko. 
“But guys... I pinkie promised her…”
They all agree that Tanjirou has a legal excuse to not participate in the cavalry battle and potentially get hurt. 
When the school bell rings for lunch, Zenitsu bolts down the hallway in search of Nezuko and Inosuke stomps to the cafeteria. Tanjirou pushes his desk over to Akiko’s as she brings out two bento boxes, an excited smile on her face. 
“You already know, but Genya came over yesterday to help me make today’s lunch. Also, it’s unreal how good he is at cooking. I wish he would share some of his skills… He doesn’t need all that talent, y’know?” Akiko goes off, untying the green and black checker patterned cloth with a huff before opening the boxes to present Tanjirou with today’s lunch. 
His eyes shine at the display, his favorite rice balls with a pickled plum in the middle making its appearance as always. There’s a rolled omelet and some edamame beans on the side, and Akiko pulls out a small container of miso soup for the two of them to share. 
He’s about to start eating, thanking Akiko for the meal, but she stops him as she pulls out her phone. 
“Oh yeah, today’s picture, right?” He poses, smiling into the camera as Akiko snaps a picture of him with the food she’s made for the day. She turns her phone off the minute she uploads the photo, knowing that her phone is already blowing up. 
Despite being linked at the hip for their whole lives, and even more so now that they’re dating, the two still find things to talk about. It’s odd, but they find random things to discuss. 
“Are you working at the hospital today?” Tanjirou asks as she chews her omelet, and she pauses to think before nodding her head. 
“Dad doesn’t need me till later though. If you’re not helping your parents today, wanna go to that new tapioca shop near the station? It’s been a while since we spent time together after school.” Akiko juts her lower lip out, batting her eyelashes at Tanjirou, who gives in easily. 
She cheers, hands thrown up into the air before Tanjirou stuffs another omelet into her mouth, and Akiko shuts up in embarrassment. 
“AKIKO!!” The door to the classroom slams open and Akiko nearly chokes on a rice ball. Tanjirou offers her his water, eyes soft with concern before looking over to the culprit. 
“Zenitsu, you almost killed her!” He says with exasperation, but Zenitsu is already tugging Akiko out of the room. 
“Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease you gotta help me find Nezuko!” Zenitsu cries, grasping at the hem of her skirt as Tanjirou tries to bat him away. 
Akiko deadpans. 
“Can I have one peaceful lunch with my boyfriend?” 
“Now that you say that I think Yahaba from class 2-B has a thing for you.” 
“R-REALLY?!” Zenitsu lets go, stumbling out of the classroom with a smile on his face. 
Akiko mentally prays for Yahaba, apologizing under her breath for sending a disaster bi after him. 
Finally, the final bell rings and school is out. Akiko and Tanjirou look over at each other before smiling, packing up their supplies before walking out of class together. 
His hand easily finds its way through her’s, and when Akiko asks him if Nezuko will be okay getting home on her own, he says that Kanao will take her since they’re both in the soccer club together. 
This puts Akiko at ease and they pass by Sanemi and Miyuki leaving for the day, the two piling into the car with some school supplies. Both couples wave each other goodbye (though Sanemi looks forced, and Miyuki begins to bicker with him).
The minute their car door closes, Akiko looks over at Tanjirou before saying, “Sanemi is going to propose this Friday.” 
He blinks in surprise before looking down at her, “Really? How do you know?” 
Akiko smiles teasingly before giving him a quick peck on the lips, tugging the two of them along to the station, “I just know!” 
“Hey, love? File this away for me? I have to go to the OR, but you can observe when you’re done,” Ray says, handing his daughter a manila folder. 
She nods her head, taking the folder before walking into the archives room and stashing it under “na”.  She’s about to walk out when her pager blips, and she looks at it in confusion, wondering why she’s been called up to the front lobby. 
A sudden thought hits her and she blushes lightly, biting her lip as she tries to calm her beating heart. Akiko doesn’t want to be wrong. 
“Tamura-san! Your grandmother is here to see you!” A nurse says, and Akiko’s heart drops. She braves a smile anyway, nodding her head despite the want to run away. 
But her eyes catch a familiar lock of hair, and she raises a questioning eyebrow at the nurse. 
“Tanjirou? You can come out.” 
Said person rises from the counter, laughing weakly, “You caught me…” 
“You can’t get past these eyes, love,” she smiles at him, glad that he decided to visit her at the hospital. 
Tanjirou does this often, and Akiko has no idea why she’s still so surprised when he shows up. Whenever he visits, it’s usually because he’s off work and wants to see her for just a moment before going off to his other job. 
He likes to say that she’s his recharging station, as embarrassing as it sounds. He asks for a smile, receives one, and immediately be ready for his next job. Akiko worries for him all the same. 
Tanjirou works at a flower shop with Miyuki and a cafe during the weekends and helps out at his family’s bakery throughout the weekdays. On top of that, he’s a student, and Akiko doesn’t know how he’s able to juggle all of this as well as a relationship. 
“Did you miss me already?” Akiko laughs, taking Tanjirou over to a secluded corner so that they can talk. 
“Well, yeah, I always miss you,” he says, and Akiko is thrown off, blinking twice before looking away. 
“But also because it’s already nine and you haven’t replied to my calls. You should be off by now, right?” 
When Akiko checks her phone she sees the two phone calls she’s missed, apologizing to him before confirming that it really is late at night. Her dad usually lets her off at eight, but today’s been a busy day. 
So Akiko tells the nurse to leave a note for her dad before she grabs her things from the lounge, walking out of the hospital, hand in hand with Tanjirou. 
The last remaining cherry blossoms flutter down, staining the streets as Akiko’s amber eyes reflect the street lights. Tanjirou allows Akiko to lead since she’s good at seeing in the dim lighting, but the two already have their way home memorized. 
“You can’t sleep over tonight, can you?” Akiko suddenly asks and Tanjirou startles, eyes wide at her request. 
“W-Well we have school tomorrow…” He looks away, timidly looking at the floor. Akiko smiles nonetheless before nodding her head. 
Tanjirou can smell the sadness seep from Akiko despite her happy appearance, and his tongue feels like lead. Akiko looks over at him when his hold on her hand tightens, and he beams brightly at her. 
“I can sleep over after the dinner party on Friday though!” 
He can smell her happiness again and she smiles back, jumping into his arms to bury her face into his chest, nodding enthusiastically. 
Tanjirou pats her head, laughing, before smiling fondly at his girlfriend. 
They both know that they’re lucky to have each other. 
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im not trying to troll yalls asses by not giving you guys ch 7 but also i am :,,) but yalls also get to see happy tanjirou and akiko so who rly is losing here,,,
this is a collab thing i did with @giyuwu-writings!! we’re rly excited to post this content for you guys, so stay excited for the wholesome and fluffy chapters of this au!! 
also our tag for this collab is giyuwubits and its cute plz validate us LMAO ;-; 
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hyunjins-bebe-blog · 6 years
Primadonna Girl - K.W.J. AU
You were a model reaching the peak of your career, when your darling daddy just announced that you’re getting married to Kim Woojin, the heir of his best friend’s company.
Genre: Businessman!AU/Fluff/Some light Angst
Pairing: Woojin x Female Reader
A/N: this is the last chapter guys!!! I’ so incredibly proud of myself,,, i finally finished a freaking story!!! I have so many drafts on my laptop, and i just never seemed to finish any of them, they’re all just one page long, but i never continued. Thank u for ur support in this little thingy that i’ve written, i hope you’ll like the epilogue!!! And the next series i’ll release ((((((; i’ll tell y’all who it’ll be after the next upload. Love y’all! Enjoy this hehehe mwa
Word Count:  1441
Chapter 10/10
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You and Woojin were now at the hotel, tired after a long time in the airport, waiting for your flight. The only exciting thing was that both of you were in first class, because of your guys’ status.
You were currently lounging on the hotel bed, reading a brochure from the company you were about to work with. Woojin was at the terrace the room came with, looking over the view of the temple in the distance. It was four in the afternoon, and the sun was close to setting. Your shoot was scheduled at five thirty, and you were weighing the probability of you being late. Mark was scheduled to arrive at the hotel thirty minutes later, failing to catch the same flight with you.
You get up and head to the bathroom, deciding on taking a bath for your skin to get refreshed. It was only twenty minutes and you were falling asleep, when someone knocked on the door. You wake up, attempting to sit up. The bath was full enough to cover your chest, but apparently, it wasn’t enough for Woojin to not freak out.
He poked his head in, eyes widening when he realized you were kind of naked. “What the hell, why are you naked!” he shouted, closing his eyes and leaning on the door. Your muffled voice from the inside shouted about what kind of person you were to bathe with clothes on.
He shook his head, “Anyways, Mark is here, and a manager told me to tell you to be on standby, you’re leaving in twenty minutes.”
With that remark, you rush to get ready, realizing you left your dress (really, all you owned were dresses since putting on two articles of clothing took way too much energy) on the bed. So you just suck it up and put on your underwear, leaving the bathroom with a towel on.
Unsurprisingly, Woojin shrieked again, complaining that you’re breaking the first rule. You roll your eyes and slip on the orange romper, slipping on your sandals before going to Mark’s room.
“Knock knock,” you say, peeking inside the room to see your trusty make up assistant eating an overpriced hamburger he ordered off of room service. His eyes widen as he sees you, making a noise as a greeting as you let yourself in, looking at what the television was playing.
“So, I heard you’re getting married,” he says, putting the meat sandwich down and wiping off the grease surrounding his lips.
You roll your eyes, “Oh Tuan, if you actually put your good looks to use and woo someone, I’m sure you’d win someone over.” You settled on your make-up chair, which he insisted on carrying over to every shoot, just for you guys to be aesthetic. He actually gifted it to you on your sixteenth birthday, and the first time you get paid for something, you bought these pouches that hold makeup to hang at the side of the chair, as well as this fancy black suitcase for all the makeup samples he gets.
Mark rolls his eyes, although four years older than you, you guys acted like best friends since he was there for you from the very beginning. As he gets started on your face, you remember the time when he was still a beginner, experimenting on your face and laughing when you get a pimple from an irritating foundation he put on you.
“Hey,” you begin to say as he puts on eye shadow on you.
He mumbles a ‘what’, concentrating on blending the pigments on your lid.
“Can you be like, walk me down the aisle.” He stops and reels back, looking at you weirdly. You blink open and see him judging you, and you begin to whine.
“Come on! You’re like, my best friend, and yeah i know what you’re gonna say, but you’ve been there for me longer than my dad has been, and you know...” you trail off, failing to make up more excuses. Sure it would be controversial for your dad not to walk you down the aisle, but he didn’t deserve it.
He thinks about it for a moment, before smiling at you fondly. “Fine, I’ll walk you.” He ruffles your hair, making you whine some more.
After finishing your look, the two of you head down to the hotel lobby, meeting up with the manager for her to take you to the venue.
The shoot was successful, the photographer taking advantage of the golden hour. The diamonds you wore on your ears shined, along with the highlight on your cheekbones. The bridge you shot in overlooked the ocean, making the scene look so magical, and you were thankful that you were allowed to shoot there. Honestly? You looked bomb af.
You looked like you were dipped in honey, and you were being praised by the different personnel, claiming that after this was published, you would rise to even more success. You were feeling so happy, and you just got even happier when you spotted Woojin.
It was already night time, and the staff allowed you two to take a stroll while they packed up equipment. You were both walking around, swinging your hands back and forth. You ended up back at the bridge, and most of the equipment was cleared. They were now trying to shove them back into the van, playing a dangerous game of tetris.
You enjoyed the night breeze, laying your head on Woojin’s shoulder, his arm snaking around your waist.
“Hey,” he whispered, looking out into the blue.
“Hey.” You whispered back, the wind and the sound of the waves crashing over rocks almost drowning out your voice.
Suddenly, Woojin turns to you. “You did great earlier.”
You smirked, loving the compliment. “I know, you really should be thankful that you’re marrying me. I mean, when will you ever get the chance to spend you whole entire life with someone as gorgeous as me?” Sure you were over confident, but Woojin would have to deal with that, he was stuck with you, after all.
His eyes never leaved yours. “Yeah, you’re probably the most gorgeous person I’ve ever met. Sure you’re a bit bitchy, but we can always work on that,” he chuckled at your expression. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life. These past days have been so much fun, and believe me when I say my life is boring. It’s always work, work, work, and you’ve showed me so much emotion that my black and white world got corrupted with color. I know that with all these going on, I haven’t had the time to properly propose to you, but while you were out here flaunting, I’ve stumbled upon this little antique shop and got you a little something.”
You were speechless. It didn’t cross your mind that you didn’t have an engagement ring, or the fact that Woojin hasn’t proposed to you yet.
He took out a little pouch from his pocket, fumbling over the strings. “I hope you like it. I know it isn’t as fancy and as shiny as all the other rings you’ve worn in your lifetime, but it’s pretty cool, if I do say so myself.”
You laughed as he opened the brown bag, revealing a white gold band with an oval cut diamond right at the center of it. Your eyes widened, realizing how expensive this is, and the fact that it was old...
You let out a tiny little gasp as Woojin got down on one knee. You could hear other gasps too, most likely the crew you worked with.
“So, let’s make this simple, will you make me the happiest man alive, fill my world with color, let me tame you,” at this point you were laughing, full on knowing that those are your father’s words, “Will you marry me? Please?”
His eyes were shining, solely focused on you. You can’t help but let a tear fall as you nod, letting him slip on the ring. It fit perfectly, like it was made to be yours.
“I got a little help from the staff, they let me get your ring size.” Woojin chuckled as he stood up, trapping you in his embrace.
Claps and hollers were heard from far away, and the two of you turn to see Mark jumping up and down wildly, shouting “That’s the girl y’all called arrogant! Look at her now with the man of your dreams!”
You both laughed, looking back at each other, sharing your first kiss. He leaned his forehead onto yours, smiling brightly.
“I could get used to this.”
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