#i lied its easier to do brown and then change it to a darker color sue me
pointmetostrs · 1 year
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what started of as a crack idea turned into a five-ish hour painting where i learned i hate noses. @silvianorton wrote a smugbug twilight!worm fic and yall need to go read it, like, now.
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filloriansovereign · 5 years
Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?”
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         out of all the things eliot could have asked. their task is so simple: talk about anything at all but be perfectly HONEST about it, so this damned book can be tricked into believing they’re righteous upstanding characters, and breaking its seal for them. (quentin would like to believe that they areupstanding and at least somewhat righteous - but likely not to the extent that is necessary to satisfy this stubborn tome.) eliot could have asked for his favorite dish, or color; or just how well he slept last night; but no, of course he has to ask the most DIFFICULT question to answer.
                   ❛ right.. ❜ quentin starts, brown eyes wide as they shoot up from the tome to eliot’s face. his lips move a few times without producing a sound, like a fish out of water. ❛ uh.. i like you, you are my friend, ❜ he tries, and bites his tongue when the intricate lines on the tome’s leather binding turn a shrill red. LIAR. ❛ oh, oh god, okay.. ❜ quentin closes his eyes, shaking his head a little, lips parted. he breathes in and out slowly, gathering himself, his hands lifting off the table a little in an open gesture. ❛ alright, the truth. –the truth is.. i love you, eliot. ❜ his eyes open again, seeking the other’s across the table. ❛ i have tried going back to just being friends after what you said, but we both know i suck at this.. so– i am your friend. but i also love you. and i can’t think of you the way i used to; —-i can’t look at you and not think of the life we shared. and i think i don’t WANT to, either. ❜ because eliot was not right: the love he felt was not to blame on a whole lifetime of emotion squeezed into one single moment, but something that lasted and still resides in his heart now. and though it would be easier to look at eliot without feeling this bittersweet ache in his heart quentin knows that he wouldn’t be the samewithout it. (this is his pain and he worked hard for it.)
                   ❛ you’ve changed me; being with you has. i mean, fuck, i lived a whole life with you once, and i’d do it all over again. ❜ the lines on the tome flare up once more and settle on a mild yellow color. ALMOST WHITE. not a moment too soon quentin’s self-consciousness returns from the war. his eyes drop back on the book, eyebrows raised. ❛ so that’s.. how i feel about you. and that wasn’t humiliating at all, ❜ he adds a little quieter (and the yellow gains a tinge of orange).
      Eliot didn’t know why he had done this. Like many things — too many things that mattered — this had been an impulse decision on his part. So he spoke while Quentin was still thinking to come up with a good and easy and clever topic. Uncharacteristically, it had also been something Eliot had been afraid of more than words could tell. So, impulsive was really the only road he could ever have taken to get to this point in his life.      But this entire encounter and the content of this tome mattered so much and the implications of failing this quest were so fundamentally catastrophic that they couldn’t afford to fail. From the color of the book, though, it looked a lot like Quentin was about to do just that.      Eliot always felt like an impostor when someone attributed righteousness and honesty to him. The moment the book had asked them to prove they were, in fact, righteous and honest men, he had known he could only do that by lying and cheating. Then the book added that it knew to tell lie from truth and only truth would matter. Worse, lies would, ultimately, burn the book forever. Quentin, though. Quentin was all those things. There was no doubt in Eliot’s mind Quentin could get them there.      If only Eliot hadn’t fucked them over.     Eliot was staring at Quentin and didn’t move an inch like he expected him to explode if he only moved the smallest bit, only glancing down when he saw the orange lines on the book flare up and darken towards the rich, bright color of fresh blood. That wasn’t good.      At least. They were friends. Eliot should have been a lot happier about that than he was. The word stung his heart, not just because it confirmed what he had been afraid was reality all along.      The moment Quentin rectified to tell him he loved him, Eliot looked down at the book. The lines were lightening to the warm, soft color of a late sunset. Then they started bleeding into yellow. He looked back up, searching for the truth in Quentin’s eyes that he already saw reflected in the magical object before them.      Quentin was saying everything Eliot had always hoped he would, the lines on the tome between them getting brighter and brighter to confirm none of this was wishful thinking or deception.      It took Eliot a moment to realize Quentin was done talking, despite the very obvious end of his speech giving the tome a reason to get just the slightest bit darker. the tome seemed to have a clear stance on the controversial question if sarcasm was lying.      It took another moment for him to realize he was staring at him like he had the entire time, safe for the moments he had directed that stare towards the book.      “Quentin,” Eliot finally whispered. With that single word, emotion finally flooded his face like the sound had ripped a hole into a dam holding them back. There was a quick flash of disbelief that made room for slowly growing but carefully regulated joy. Even now, he still couldn’t let himself feel that happiness he wanted to feel without reservations.     “I’m sorry, Q.” Eliot cleared his throat, intent on picking up the pieces of the conversation that had become, by all means, a monologue. The tome, though, was very specific. One person alone can never open the book. It took two people, telling each other the truth, to gain access to its secrets.      Eliot smiled then, his vision blurry from unshed tears, as he reached his hand out over the small table between them to touch Quentin’s face. Casually touching Quentin had always felt easy and comfortable to Eliot. He was a very tactile person and Quentin not the only victim of casual touches.      “I’m sorry, I was scared and I fucked up because... I fuck up. And then I tried not ever to think about it because it hurt too much and that’s what it is. That dull hurt that never really goes away again. But fear just grows when you don’t face it. And then I thought-- when I thought I might never see you again, I said I’ll be braver, and the first thing I do when I see you I will tell you every goddamn thing I should have that moment when... you know. That moment.      I told myself I would tell you that I didn’t mean what I said. I was only afraid you-- that you only really choose me if you have no other option.”      The tome’s lines washed out gradually, slowing down and almost getting a little darker again at the last sentence. One might have missed it as Eliot did, because all he was looking at was Quentin and the way he took what he heard.      It didn’t matter either. The moment Eliot continued talking, the tome’s lines flashed and turned translucent before vanishing altogether. They were what had held the book shut and as they were gone and the light faded away between them, the book could be opened. But Eliot didn’t stop talking. 
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     “But then I did see you again and--I just didn’t. I wasn’t braver. Suddenly it felt again like I had all the time in the world, even though every day I told myself tomorrow might be too late. I love you, and I’d spend a hundred lives with you and I’d... still love you. I never loved anyone like you and it scares the living shit out of me. I am not made to-- I’m not a good person to be loved by. I’m a mess.” Eliot shrugged, finally realizing that the book had stopped glowing. He had wanted to say that he believed Quentin would have gotten tired of him eventually but with their goal reached, this was as much emotional baggage he could stand unloading.      There were only two people left alive in this world he had ever told he loved them in all honesty. Eliot had had trouble saying it to Quentin now but he didn’t regret it. He did feel raw and vulnerable but he had to remember it was his own fault.
     “You’re right,” Eliot cleared his throat again and nodded. “That wasn’t awkward at all.”      Luckily, the book, once opened, didn’t seem to care for lies or sarcasm anymore.
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sharengayonline · 3 years
LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
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“The LG G4 is the best smartphone of 2015, and it’s camera is so good that it often outperforms the iPhone 6 Plus.”
Bạn đang xem: LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
Bright screen with gorgeous contrast
Excellent camera performance
Shooting in RAW and Manual mode
Removable battery and MicroSD card slot
Leather battery cover rocks
Still made of plastic
UX features are a mixed bag
Battery life is average
Speaker quality is weak
“Life’s Good” is LG’s tagline, but life has been tough for the company’s mobile division. Its archrival Samsung has captured a big chunk of the phone market, and LG has spent several years chipping away at Samsung’s mighty presence.
The Nexus 5 and G3 proved that LG could play with the big boys, and the G4 expands on that notion, improving features that optimize the user experience in tangible ways. With an impressive camera and more user-friendly software, the G4 makes a strong case for being the dark horse smartphone that could make waves and surprise many in 2015.
Do the right thing, choose the leather model
To own an LG G4 with a plastic rear cover should be a crime. It’s like ordering a new BMW with a cloth interior: a decision that’ll save you cash on the day, but one you’ll question every time you get in the car later on. Unlike Samsung and more like Vertu, LG has used real leather on the G4, and it feels fantastic; it’s warm, soft, tactile, and classy. It’s a world apart from the cold indifference you get from a plastic-backed G4.
It’s not annoying either. There are never any fingerprints to clean off, it doesn’t cling to the inside of your jeans pocket, and is apparently very hard wearing. For the past few weeks, the G4 has gone case-less in my pocket and bag, and the leather (and screen, actually) have suffered no ill-effects. The leather will undoubtedly bed in with age, but there’s no evidence of that just yet, and it hasn’t lost its sheen.
LG has got the colors right too. The brown leather complements the matt-silver rear controls beautifully, and the phone goes very well with the darker brown leather used for the strap on the gold Watch Urbane. Using the two together looks great, and is one of the first times I’ve ever matched two pieces of tech with each other based on color and material choice.
Showstopping camera
To give the G4 a thorough workout, it recently accompanied me on a long weekend away, where its photographic ability, battery, and general use could be explored in a variety of situations. There’s little to say about how it handles email, web surfing, and calls — because it does them effortlessly. The Snapdragon 808 processor is more than capable enough to keep up, although under heavy usage — I’ve used it for VR in a headset, for example — it can still make the device pretty toasty, but never to the point where it’s uncomfortable or a danger.
The camera is stunning, and did everything I could have wanted. There is absolutely no reason to carry another camera, or even choose a different phone, if photos are your priority. Day or night, inside or out, and in challenging environments it performed flawlessly. There were moments I wanted to capture during my weekend, and I’m pleased the G4 was my camera of choice to do so.
A small concert venue with bright stage lights looking out onto a dark auditorium isn’t the ideal place to take good pictures. Even without switching to manual mode, the G4’s auto settings and the laser autofocus made cool shots possible. Several are shared here, and come straight off the phone. With a little editing, each looks superb.
It’s the same with pictures taken around the city at night, and of sunsets. These were the times where it was possible to play with manual mode, which is hampered only by the fixed f/1.8 aperture — how great would it be to adjust this number? Using the G4 to shoot video did reveal the spot autofocus can be overzealous if left unattended, and results improved when the setting was turned off.
Ignore the slightly uninteresting design
The battery performance has remained steady at a little over a day, but the VR video really did suck the power, and could easily eat 20 to 30 percent in 20 minutes. I’ve also become used to using LG’s Smart Bulletin board, which slides in from the left of the main home screen and shows calendar entries, LG Health, and a music widget. It’s not revolutionary, but it’s attractively presented and easy to access.
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If there’s a problem with the G4, it’s that it doesn’t visually standout, despite the leather back and slight curve to the body. It’s very similar to the G3, and can’t quite match the Samsung Galaxy S6 in terms of cool design. Ignore this, choose a leather clad version, and revel in owning a fantastic flagship smartphone with a camera that takes showstopping shots with ease.
Original review continues below:
Curvy, not flexy
LG likes curves. Every phone it launches seems to stick to that design philosophy, and the G4 essentially maintains its predecessor’s overall look. The contoured back is the same angle, and while slightly taller and wider, the G4 doesn’t deviate from the angular top and bottom. The corners are less rounded and the edges slope outward just enough to give it a slightly inverted look upon closer inspection.
Unlike Samsung, LG hasn’t abandoned plastic, nor a removable back. The back is made of a metal and plastic compound mixture, except it’s clear this cocktail is skewed toward the latter. A patterned design is etched into the metallic and ceramic backs to add some flair. Since gold is in vogue these days, LG got into the act and dipped into that as well, along with white and dark gray versions.
The removable back does serve more than a functional purpose for what lies underneath (battery, SIM, and MicroSD), since it’s also used as a way to personalize and augment the phone’s appearance. The full grain leather battery covers are a stylish turn for LG — in a good way. At its launch event in New York, LG noted that it used the same vegetable tanning process for its leather that luxury brands like Louis Vuitton and Coach are known to use. Using full grain, rather than genuine leather, also makes the G4 is more durable, so fading and age give it character. Brown, black, beige, and sky blue versions are already confirmed, along with the yellow and crimson red versions shown in New York.
Having all these back cover options means they can be swapped, so it would be no problem to buy a white G4 and tack on a blue leather battery cover later. My review unit didn’t include one, but after some hands-on time with a few of them in New York, I was impressed. The leather is smooth and silky soft. Every detail of the leather backing, right down to the stitching, is well executed. I would likely switch to the black one when given the chance, personally.
On the front is a 5.5-inch quad HD IPS Quantum Display with the same resolution of 2,560 × 1,440 pixels and pixel density of 538ppi as last year. LG gave the front a slight curve it calls Slim Arc, which is noticeable when looking at the G4 directly from its side. The slight curve makes the phone more comfortable to hold in your hand. The screen is also brighter, both by default and at full brightness, a necessary design tweak to rectify the duller output of the G3. LG says it also has 20 percent greater color reproduction and 50 percent better contrast. In our comparisons to the Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus, LG’s screen definitely held its own or outperformed the competition.
Under the hood
Playing it safe, LG opted not to go with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810 processor, which has been dogged by concerns over excessive heating. Instead, it’s the Snapdragon 808 chip that’s inside — which is still a powerful hexa-core processor, though LG hasn’t really explained why it made the change other than to say the chipset is “optimized” for the G4’s features.
There’s no doubt the G4 is the best handset LG has made to date.
There is 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage to help the cause, along with a 16-megapixel rear camera with improved optical image stabilization (OIS) and a color spectrum sensor – more on that later. Interestingly, LG chose to go with a Micro SIM card slot, rather than use the Nano SIM the iPhone and other Android phone manufacturers are starting to embrace. There is also a MicroSD slot (not present on competing phones) that is technically capable of supporting up to 2TB cards.
I don’t know if the Snapdragon 810 processor would’ve made a notable difference in the G4’s performance, but I had little to complain about with the 808. The phone is brisk, speedy, and dependable. I had no problem doing anything I would normally do on a smartphone. Streaming video was fine, downloading and uploading content was fine, and switching between multiple apps was fine. The phone did get a little hot, but never to a point where I had to question why.
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Compared to the Samsung Galaxy S6, which uses an octa-core processor, I didn’t notice a drop in overall performance. Both were equally fluid in the same respects, so LG may, in fact, be on the right track in suggesting users wouldn’t notice anything unusual. It’s also easier to compare the two because neither relies on gimmicky features, like they did in the past. Hardline smartphone users may notice intricacies and quirks that might set the G4 back, but I suspect the average person will carry on without missing a beat.
If I did have something to point a finger at, it would be the speaker, found on the rear. It’s easily among the weakest links of the phone’s design, and while the G4’s curved back helps the sound escape when laid flat, fidelity is not in the same league as the HTC One M9.
The DT Accessory Pack
Up your game and the get the most out of your gear with the following extras, hand-picked by our editors:
Creative Sound Blaster Roar: Portable Speaker ($130)
SanDisk – Ultra 128GB microSDXC ($90)
LG G4 Spigen Case ($21)
LG has taken a restrained approach to its software this year, like Samsung. Running on Google’s Android Lollipop 5.1 operating system out of the box, LG’s UX 4.0 user interface features are blended in so everything remains simple. The idea was to include features that make life with the phone easier. Some of LG’s better ideas include faster scrolling through the Gallery app and Event Pocket, an app that can unify calendars from various apps into one place. Those who live and die by their calendars may find this a convenient way to aggregate Facebook event invites with details that can be dragged and dropped from other messaging apps.
Smart Notice is supposed to be more personalized and contextual, offering more than simple weather and traffic updates. By learning my habits, it would ostensibly know that I don’t have to commute to work (I work from home), and prioritize weather and phone usage alerts instead. Perhaps it needed more time to get to know me, because I found it to be too predictable every day, regardless of where I was or what I was doing.
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The Quick Help widget is found as a question mark next to Smart Notice. It’s designed to be a mini search engine for the G4 itself, but for whatever reason, none of the queries I tried yielded results. Simple things like “calendar” and “color spectrum” drew blanks.
The true value in LG’s software experience is the bare minimum of alterations it offers. Icons and menus clearly received the Lollipop treatment with flatter designs and vibrant colors. The Settings menus are clear, concise, and easy to navigate. There’s a level of simplicity here that’s easy to appreciate, even if it’s not always patently obvious. I liked the general look and feel of the software more than any features LG added because its apps and features didn’t impact on my daily usage like they were intended to, and tended to only work with other LG apps. Not everyone wants to use LG Health or LG’s Music app. Some of us use Moves and Spotify. In any case, if you ignore some of LG’s apps, much like you’ve ignored some of Samsung or Apple’s apps, you’ll be better off.
This might be the best smartphone camera
The G4’s camera is unquestionably its crowning feature — And it should be, considering that it sports a 16-megapixel sensor, an f/1.8 aperture lens with OIS 2.0 built-in, and a color spectrum sensor. The latter feature is unique to smartphones, and its purpose is to measure the ambient lighting conditions from both the source of the light and where objects are reflected in the scene. This is on top of the sensor’s ability to capture more realistic color tones.
The G4 has one of the best smartphone cameras on the planet.
These features, coupled with the excellent controls in Manual mode, give the G4 one of the best smartphone cameras on the planet. Focusing is very quick, particularly when conditions are bright enough for the lens and sensor to lock on. The Depth of field capturing is impressive, despite the lack of any real optical zoom. And yes, color composition is superb, producing not only vibrant images, but consistently good ones that maintain their tonality after being transferred or shared.
Low-light shooting is perhaps the best available on any smartphone at this point and time, but there is a catch. LG keeps things basic with three distinct shooting modes: Simple, Auto, and Manual. The first two are very similar, except that Auto shows the heads-up display options. White balance, ISO, and shutter are automatically chosen, like any other smartphone camera does. LG claims that users can still expect better results because the color spectrum sensor is still doing its thing. This is generally true, but to fully appreciate what the camera and sensor are capable of, it’s best to learn the Manual mode.
Here, I could toggle the white balance, ISO, shutter, metering, and choose between auto-exposure lock (AE-L) or manual focus (MF). Adjusting any of the settings shows what the photo would look like in real time. Users who might be intimidated by going manual may find that one factor to be the most inviting. Even someone with years of photography experience like myself very much appreciated seeing that.
The photos the G4 captured were impressive across the board. Being able to shoot in RAW was even better, given how much extra detail the sensor was able to take in.
Video capture in 4K or 1080p is fine. You can’t really tinker with image settings before shooting a clip though. I tried to set up a low-light video clip by toggling the different metrics, but once I tap record, everything went automatic, so it was all for naught.
Battery life
Samsung got some flak for not going with a removable battery, whereas LG may earn praise for sticking with it. That’s subjective, of course, since replacing a battery isn’t something every user feels the need to do. The 3,000mAh battery inside performs well enough, but I wouldn’t consider it to exceptionally good. Basic usage saps little, but once more intensive tasks come into play, the juice starts dripping noticeably.
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Not to say that the G4 guzzles battery life because it’s not that bad, it’s only that intensive tasks seem to take more out of the processor than LG lets on. For example, streaming video remotely via Plex chomped on my battery life by a noticeable margin. Even when I initially set up the phone, I lost 20 percent in less than two hours because of everything that had to be downloaded and installed. Overall performance is fine, but for very intense processes, the G4 fares no better than its competitors.
There’s no doubt the G4 is the best handset LG has made to date, not just because of the components, but also because of the thoughtfulness that went into it. Little things, like a brighter screen with better contrast, prettier interface, and useful software tweaks, stood out because I interacted with them every day. For me, the curved back and edges made it easier to pick up the phone off the table, as well, and hold it. The Knock On double tap to wake from sleep has always been a useful feature. Double pressing the volume down button to instantly launch the camera was great for snapping selfies.
I can forgive the plastic design because real leather is an alternative. If not for that, I would dock LG for taking the easy way out. Using real leather in a way that doesn’t cut corners sends the right message, much like the other moves made with the G4. Whether or not consumers will take it to heart and splurge for the G4 is going to be interesting to watch, but we haven’t been this impressed with a smartphone, and it’s camera, for some time.
Bright screen with gorgeous contrast
Excellent camera performance
Shooting in RAW and Manual mode
Removable battery and MicroSD card slot
Leather battery cover rocks
Still made of plastic
UX features are a mixed bag
Battery life is average
Speaker quality is weak
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Nguồn: https://sharengay.online Danh mục: Công Nghệ
LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
from Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO https://bit.ly/3jFLzlf via IFTTT
0 notes
trishuang-blog1 · 7 years
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but i see a lighthouse in the distance calling my name ; but i can't get there 'til i go through all of this pain. there's a glimmer of hope like an exhale of SMOKE in the sky; and sometimes you drain out all the shit that used to feel right.  (  empty swimming pools.  )
general info
full name: tristan huang ( birth name: huang chen-jui)
nickname(s): most usually call him by his name or tris
gender & pronouns: cisgender male / he/him
sexual & romantic orientation: bisexual demiromantic
age & dob: twenty-three / august 23rd
birthplace/hometown: new york city, new york
parents/siblings: - timothy huang (†), father - lanhee huang, mother - michael huang, older brother 
astrological sign: virgo
dominant hand: right
handwriting style: he’s got a heavy hand so his handwriting tends to come off rather dark with whatever tool he’s using. since he can write in both english and korean, just click the links and you can see an example of each!
language(s) known/spoken: english (first language), fluent in korean
religion: athiest
current living arrangements: he’s living in a two bedroom apartment, who he currently shares with minhyuk.
occupation/major: employed as the lead photographer for a local magazine, has a bachelors in digital photography
picture reference: 1, 2, 3, 4
blood type: a
nationality: american
skin tone/color: his skin tends to stay more on the fair side, but if you keep him outside long enough he’ll gain a lot more color and develop a darker tan than usual.
birthmarks & scars: n/a
height: 175 cm / 5′9″
build: lean, lightly toned, generally rather skinny
hair color: brown
hair length: it’s long enough to cover his forehead when his bangs aren’t styled but he keeps it trimmed and just short enough.
eye color: brown
eye shape: example
diet: tristan doesn’t really go out of his way to diet himself or limit himself on what he eats. he’s always been able to eat everything and anything and still not show it on his body. most of the time he’s eating fruits and noodles though, meats when he can afford them.
exercise & level of fitness: he used to work out more when he lived in the states, especially while in college, but hasn’t done so in awhile. 
how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )? he tends to be pretty controlled with his posture. most would look at the way he holds himself and see it as composed. the only time he’s ever slouching or slumping around is either at home or when he’s distracted on his computer editing (he tends to lean forward after awhile and get closer to the screen to focus better)
typical style of dress: very casual and comfortable. tristan hates being in any clothes that he can’t lounge around in for hours. has a big love of jean jackets. when he’s at home its the most casual he can get (aka probably a t-shirt or hoodie with shorts/boxers) but as for work he tends to actually try and dress with some kind of style. examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
body modifications: he’s got both his ears pierced. double lobe piercings on both as well as a cartilage on his right ear, that has a simple hoop in it. he’s also got a frenulum tongue piercing that he got when he lived in the states. he wears it daily and most don’t seem to notice it since it’s hidden.
body language and mannerisms
how does your muse walk? he tends to have a rather laid-back stride to the way that he moves. if his hands aren’t busy holding something (usually his camera or phone) then he’ll have them shoved in pockets or anything he can to not have them hanging down by his sides. he’s a bit of a fast walker as well without really meaning to be. most would think he’s in a rush most of the time!
how does your muse talk? he’s got a calm tone of voice almost always. tristan can’t even remember the last time he actually raised it or yelled at someone. when he’s speaking english he doesn’t even think twice about how he’s talking and tends to speak rather fast, but when he’s speaking in korean he’s a little slower and more paced, as if he’s making sure the words he’s saying are correct. there are a lot of ‘um’ and ‘uh’ that slip in between words when he starts struggling.
what accent/dialect does your muse talk with? he definitely has more of an americanized dialect when he speaks korean, and he has a bit of a new york accent when he speaks english as well.
how high (or low) is the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet? his voice is kind of in the middle - probably a little more low than it is high, but his tone is always even and he’s never loud.
what is their laugh like? it’s lighter than his normal tone of voice. a bit more bubbly, giggly and energetic when he does it. he’s actually got multiple laughs and they all just kinda come out depending on how much a situation is actually funny to him. he’s also prone to laughing silently and using his entire body to show it when something is particularly funny to him! (honestly just look up vids of mark’s laugh and there you go bc that’s legit tristan’s laugh)
how does your muse typically smell? he’s actually a pretty clean person, but also doesn’t actively use things like colognes and what not unless its a special occasion. he uses a hair + body wash called “mahogany wood” that is described as fresh mahogany, bourbon vanilla and golden amber. so there you go i guess.
what kind of air do they carry? are they intimidating? tristan is probably the least intimidating person you can meet. he comes off pretty quiet when people first meet him, although he’s nothing but kind and encouraging when you try to talk to him. he has an aura of gentleness to him that can affect those around him. once you get to know him though he’s still all of the things above just with a bit more of his quirky nature and sense of humor thrown into the mix.
what makes your muse happiest? he’s probably the happiest when he’s with other people whose company he enjoys. tristan, when by himself, can become a little caught up in nostalgia and get a little lost in his head. he’s a lot more forlorn when he’s alone, so when he’s with people whose energy can push that part of him away and make him smile, he’s genuinely happy to be with them. photography used to bring him happiness as well but his muse has wavered over the years due to the death of his father, but his heart still reaches for it when he needs to distract himself, and he’s sure he’ll find his happiness for it once more.
what upsets them the most? being shut out is probably the biggest thing that could upset tristan, that or being lied to, but even regardless of those two things its very hard for him to hold onto a grudge or stay angry. he was angry and bitter for far too many years in his past and because of the things that happened back then, he finds that he’s a little too eager to forgive sometimes, if anything to be a little easier on his heart. but when he’s upset it’s because his feelings genuinely got hurt. but most only have to talk to him and things get figured out.
does your muse have any quirks? he tends to bite his nails when he’s nervous or worried about something, he’ll also get lost in thought and end up with one of those wide-eyed, staring off into the distance expressions. he also has a habit of jiggling his leg when he’s trying to focus or very into his work and photo editing.
what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them? taking pictures, editing pictures, exploring new places, hanging out with friends, binge watching tv shows or marathoning movies, learning and practicing his korean, trying out new places to eat. when tristan isn’t working he’s either at home lounging around or out with the multitude of friends that he has made. so he can hang out rather frequently.
do they have any guilty pleasures? tristan would be that person who would openly state that nothing that he enjoys is something he’d feel guilty about.
is your muse an extrovert? an introvert? neither? definitely an introvert.
do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence? tristan has never dealth with self-esteem issues. he’s never really been worried about what other people think about him and has kind of marched to his own drum while growing up (which had gotten him into some tricky situations but he learned from them), but he’s also not overly confident either. i guess the best word for it would be he’s comfortable with himself and how he looks and who he is.
are they easily stressed? how do they respond to stress? he’s not easily stressed but once he finally gets to the point of stressed, his anxiety gets triggered pretty easily and its hard for him to calm down from it all. but it’s doubtful that anyone would actually even be able to know when he’s stressed out because he won’t want to openly show that. he’ll figure it out on his own.
what is your muses worst fear? abandonment, being left by someone he cares deeply for. it used to be the ocean but you know, sometimes life changes that shit.
what is your muses biggest dream? tristan doesn’t have any big dreams. if someone were to ask him that question he’d be the embodiment of ???? because he wouldn’t know how to answer it. he’s never been a dreamer and it will probably stay that way for awhile.
is your muse an early riser? a night owl? definitely an early riser but he’ll stay up late as well regardless of how early he has to get up.
how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it? tristan is actually both very book smart as well as street smart. he did very well in school and had a natural ability to just pass tests with good grades and seem as though he barely studied for them, but it has more to do with his ability to retain information very well and just simply remember things. studying wasn’t ever an issue because he had to read through it once and then it all just clicked. he doesn’t outwardly acknowledge stuff like that though because there isn’t any point to it. he’s very good at remembering things. that’s legit the godsend that got him through schooling. as for street smarts, he liked to call it having common sense.
what is their sense of humour like? it doesn’t take much to make him laugh. honestly, it doesn’t. but he finds people with loud, energetic, and boisterous personalities to be naturally funny all on their own and he vibes well with them because of that. people with funny habits or personalities will make him laugh. he also finds sarcasm funny and any types of dry humor or witty commentary. 
relationship tendencies
what’s their sexual orientation? what about romantic? his sexual orientation is bisexual, he has always been attracted to both sexes. his romantic orientation is demiromantic, meaning that tristan really does not develop feelings for people unless he knows them on a personal level where he’s connected emotionally. developing a ‘crush’ was practically unheard of for him. he either had no feelings or he had all of them, and it was only ever with certain people who he felt completely comfortable and bonded with.
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships? while he’s in no romantic relationships, he does have sexual relationships (wow kids cover your ears) from time to time if he’s feeling interested enough in it. as of right now he is in one sexual relationship.
what is their experience with relationships? he’s had small ones here and there while growing up but never anything serious. he can’t even really count the girls and few guys that he’s dated and messed around with as anything even close to what someone would consider a ‘relationship’. he’s just never really been attracted or interested in someone enough to go for it.
how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one, or would they ever? tristan views the idea of friends with benefits as something that nobody should really be developing opinions about if it’s none of their business. he’d be a bit of a hypocrite anyway if he ever chastised someone for having a fwb relationship because he’s in one right now. it’s working out well. they are always going to be more friends than anything else, and that’s whats important to him.
sex, is it important to your muse? it’s not what tristan looks for when it comes to romance or what he’s seeking. he does like sex a lot, obviously, but it’s not going to determine anything in his head. it’s important but its not everything.
what are their biggest turn on and turn offs? for turn ons in general its a sense of humor that usually gets him, but he’s also very attracted to eccentric personalities and people who are truly and wholly them. he’s also got a thing for smiles and little quirks. for sexual turn ons he’s big on teasing and marking. dirty talk and encouragement. he’s a switch so whatever position he takes it really doesn't matter, but he’s also a huge pleaser when he’s on top and as long as the other receiving it is enjoying it and showing it, then that’s a turn on as well. as for turn offs it would be things like rudeness, bad attitudes and aggressive behavior, and it would be that way sexually as well. 
does your muse find it easy to make friends? being as nice as he is naturally, it’s not hard for tristan to make friends when he really goes out of his way.
how important is friendship to them? friendship is everything to tristan. it’s what has gotten him through some of the darkest days in his life. it’s what has gotten him through his move to seoul and what has gotten him to where he is now. he’s honestly nothing without them.
quantity or quality of friends? quality. there is no question about this.
how important is family? family is important to him, it always will be, but it’s not what he needs right now or anymore.
are they close to their family? why or why not ? tristan used to be close in the normal sense of them being a family and doing family things together, and he has fond memories that he holds onto and likes thinking about sometimes, but they were never close. he barely knew his older brother, his father was more of a stranger to him than he ever realized, and his mother was just lost. after his brother moved away and his father died, it’s really only been tristan and his mother, who he left in new york to start over for his own sake. he’s close to her and he loves her and calls her every few days to check in on her and make sure she’s doing alright, but his whole family concept has been shattered and is a little beyond fixable now.
tristan had a very bad habit of smoking cigarettes and doing drugs while in high school, as well as drinking and doing anything illegal that he could just for the thrill of it. he smoked actively up until a month before he moved to seoul - part of his whole ‘clean slate’ mindset and want to start over. he hasn’t touched a cigarette since, nor any drugs, and drinks alcohol only socially now.
he was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder in high school and when that comes out to play from time to time, he suffers from insomnia really badly as well.
he is not a good swimmer. at all. it’s why he used to (still is) afraid of the ocean or just open water in general. his ass would drown in a second if it’s too deep.
he’s never had any pets. but he loves animals.
he’s got some bad fucking allergies that like to flare up with the season changes. catch him with a face mask literally 24/7 and popping antihistamines like they’re going out of style. he also develops an allergy-induced asthma when this happens so he has an inhaler for emergencies. he’s very miserable for the first few weeks of new seasons.
if he had to choose between sugary foods or salty foods, he’d choose salty every single time.
once he finally falls asleep he barely ever moves. legit, he stays in that one spot that he fell asleep in and doesn’t roll around or anything. he may shift from time to time but usually he’s a damn log once he’s out.
he saves pictures forever. he’s got thumb drives full of pictures and they’re all dated/labelled so that he knows what they are. is that considered hoarding? or more like organized hoarding? who knows. but it’s legit in the thousands.
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f-724-morty-blog · 7 years
724 Journal Entry 001
724 Journal Entry 001
[A series of 724′s journal entries following his Rick’s death. Consider this a consolation prize until Im well enough to draw again. I hope you all enjoy!]
I feel numb. It’s been a few weeks since Rick...passed, and the whole world feels fake. Summer said I should try writing things out, to help process or whatever. I don’t know if it’ll actually work, but why the fuck not, right? It’s not like I can talk to anyone about it. Whenever I try my throat closes up and I feel like I’m drowning.
She bought me the journal, anyways, so I might as well use it. I’ll try and recount as much as I can as accurately as I can. This part isn’t just for me, this is for Rick, so someone will always remember what happened to him. That even after all the wrong he did, he died a hero.
Rick died saving my life.
“M-oUGHRty, g-get dressed, Morty, we gotta go to Pouirte N-683 th-they just opened the pl-AUGHnet again, we, we can finally get this crazy rare substance, Morty, a-and I can synthesize it into a serum that’ll let me, just, just rearrange genomes like nothing you’ve ever seen!”
Morty scrambled out of bed, glancing at his alarm clock as he frantically yanked on a pair of jeans. “B-but Rick, I-I-I’ve seen you m-mani-manip-mess with genomes before, s-so what makes this so special?”
Rick looked manic, pacing the room and throwing his arms about wildly as he spoke. “Th-this stuff makes it so much easier, Morty, wh-when I do it from scratch i-its just overly complicated and fr-uAGH-strating. A-and this, i-it creates new stem cells, Morty, y-you know the kind that can become a-anything, the ones that b-become your whole body when y-y-ou’re in the womb, and look, theres, there’s a lot of complicated science stuff, b-but basically I can reprogram y-your body as if it were still developing and change your appearance and all kinds of stuff Morty, all kinds of science!”
Morty’s shirt was half way on when Rick grabbed his elbow and yanked him out the door, the boy stumbling after him as he struggled with the fabric. “O-oh jeez, Rick, I-I-I dunno if I want y-you to mess with my, my appearance, I think I like-”
“M-oURty we all know y-you’re insecure as fuck, just, just get in the car, Morty, I-I can always reverse it i-if you don’t like it,” He plopped into the drivers seat, kicking a few empty bottles out onto the floor and fumbling with the seatbelt. Morty finally yanked his shirt on properly and went to his place in the passenger seat.
As apprehensive as Morty was to have his genome fiddled with, he hadn’t seen Rick this excited in a while, and the scientist’s mood was infectious. He was only about half as condescending as usual, more willing to pal around and joke as he explained some of the ins and outs of this ‘rare substance.’ Although he didn’t quite understand most of what Rick said, his enthusiasm was warming, and their flight through space was a pleasant one.
“A-alright Morty, Pouirte is, it’s probably one of the safer p-places we’ve visited, there’s no biological land-mines o-or governments who hate me,” Rick said, landing the ship in a vacant parking place.
“R-really, Rick? You mean you haven’t p-pissed off their government yet?”
“Nope,” Rick replied, exiting the vehicle. “W-well, I did, but then the wh-OAUle planet had a Civil war, a-a-and all the old governments were dismantled. So I haven’t pissed off the new government yet.”
Morty chuckled nervously, following Rick out of the car and down the alien streets. The sky here was a light, dusky purple, only a few shades darker than Earth’s blue, and currently dusted with wispy clouds. The city around them was reminiscent of one on the east coast, parts of it clearly unplanned and much older than the more modern landing pads and sky scrapers. Its buildings were made of some sort of shimmering, cobalt material, reflecting the sunlight and neon signs subtly.
Rick, as usual, was unphased by the stunning visuals, and kept up a brisk pace through the winding city streets. “S-so, Rick, where are we going, t-to find this stuff?”
“W-we’re taking this planet’s equivalent to a, a bu-URRP-llet train t-to a nature preserve,” Rick replied, taking a swig from his flask and glancing at a few street signs. The language was unintelligible to Morty, but he’d seen Rick read so much alien nonsense that he figured he had some sort of translator like, built into his eyes or something.
“R-rick! W-w-what the hell, we, we can’t do that! N-n-nature preserves, they, they preserve nature, Rick! W-we might seriously screw things up!” Morty yelped, tugging at Rick’s sleeve.
“Sh-shut up, Morty,” Rick hissed, elbowing his grandson in the ribs as the mounted the stairs to what he presumed was the train station. “This stuff lit-literal-, it makes areas uninhabitable, Morty, i-it makes your biology unstable if you’re exposed to the unprocessed version. A-any animals near it b-basically get cancer, a-a-and any babies they have are born horribly mutated, Morty, we, we’re pretty much doing them a favor.” Rick passed an alien currency over the counter and retrieved two blue stickers, one of which he slapped onto Morty’s chest.
“O-oh jeez, Rick, are you sure?” Morty was apprehensive; this wouldn’t be the first time Rick had lied to make him go along with things.
“O-of course I am, when am I ever wrong?” Rick rolled his eyes.
“Lots of times, Rick! Y-you make mistakes, just-just like everyone else,” Morty retorted.
Rick just glared and proceeded to stride onto a large blue train, forcing Morty to either follow or be left behind. He followed.
When comparing the trains’ speed, ‘bullet’ was an understatement. Morty couldn’t look out the window for more than a few seconds before he became dizzy, the landscape flying by too fast to pick up any real details, only a blur of purples, blues, and oranges. Eventually he gave up trying to pick anything up, and turned his attention to the other train riders. Usually, the aliens he saw most often on a planet were the natives, and so far the planet was abundant with tall, centaur-esque creatures, their skin a golden brown and dusted with deep, sunset orange freckles. The upper torso supported a head resembling a giraffes, with two large black eyes and four curved horns sprouting from where the eyebrows would be. The ‘taur half had six spindly legs, jointed like a horses would be but evoking a more spider-y feeling. They wore long skirts, buttoned at the upper torso’s waist and laying across the back to drape around the rump and six limbs. Morty was fairly fascinated with alien life, and while he’d seen some much more bizzare and alarming creatures, this planet’s inhabitants were just as interesting, and their sunset colors struck a chord of beauty. When he had first started his adventures with Rick, they would’ve felt like monsters to him, but over the years he had ditched the ‘planetary mindset,’ as Rick put it, and was learning to appreciate all the variety in the endless multiverse presented to him.
After a moment he glanced away from the alien across from him; he didn’t know if they considered staring rude, but he didn’t want to risk it. Their pointed, spider-toe feet would probably slice open his flesh like a fillet knife if he upset them.
The train shuddered to a stop, and despite the obvious attempt at gradual braking, the riders almost all lurched forward. Morty had to scramble for purchase, and Rick, who had a firm hold on the railing overhead, grabbed him by the back of his shirt collar to stop him tumbling forward.
They exited at another station, this one surrounded by wilderness rather than city. Based on the nature-y vibes, one could assume this was the welcome center for the reserve, or park...whatever it was. Rick bypassed the gift shop and waltzed straight out the door, over the parking lot, and into the woods.
Morty scampered after him, chewing his lip nervously. They had forgone any pathways, instead descending directly into the mire. That was the closest thing he could approximate the ground here to; a mire. It was soft and spongy underfoot, sinking a good half-inch with each step and filling their footprints with greenish liquid. The reddish purple earth was host to a strange plant, one that grew like a net over the ground, thin orange vines interwoven loosely enough to show the soil beneath. The closest approximation to trees were huge pires of dirt, seemingly trained upward by a dark blue ropey plant, which grew around the pillars in a spiral and blossomed into long dangling ‘branches’ at the top with translucent ballon-esque flowers. Deeper in, creamy tan ‘ferns’ began to shoot up in spaces between the suffocating orange vines, soon joined by tall blue flowering plants. The further they went the more variety there was, until it was a dense jungle all around.
“S-so, uh, wh-what are we looking for here, Rick?” Morty stammered, trailing his fingers over a silky flower petal.
“D-don’t w-UURP-orry about it, Morty, we, we’re almost there, thi-is device,” he holds up a remote-sized device with a simple screen, “I-is leading us right to it.”
“O-oh, okay, th-that’s really cool, Rick,” Morty replied, jogging a bit to catch up. His shoes kept getting sucked into the earth, and his shorter strides caused him to fall behind. Rick mumbled something incoherent and took a swig from his flask.
Time passed, the jungle grew denser, and Morty sweatier. What had started as a leisurely walk was now a multi-mile hike that he was ill prepared for. The mire was becoming steep, craggy hills, and he could barely keep up. How Rick, his sixty year old grandpa, could do this so effortlessly was beyond him.
“Aw hell yes,” Rick stopped suddenly, and Morty stumbled over himself trying not to knock into his grandfather. “C-come on Morty quit fooling around, we, we’re here, we gotta drill down right here.”
“R-rick, shouldn’t we be wearing, like, hazmat suits or something? Y-you, you said this stuff b-basically gives you cancer!”
Rick rolled his eyes and rummaged through the seemingly endless pockets of his lab coat. “M-morty trust me, you, you’ve probably already got cancer, it’s fine. But!” He cut Morty off before he could panic. “I-Im already going to be messing with y-your genes, I can just repair any damage, easy.”
“O-oh, jeez, okay Rick, i-if you say so,” Morty stammered. Now he could be glad that the hike was over, and he quickly sat down on the rock to catch his breath.
Rick shoved his detection device into a pocket, and produced a small, black bullet, which he placed on the ground point-down. The black casing clicked open, revealing a sturdy metal interior, and a nozzle on the top. Rick attached a small hose, pressed a button, and it quickly whirred down into the earth, spitting up multicolored dirt in its wake.
After a moment, a black, murky liquid began to flow up the hose and into a canister Rick placed on the ground. “All that’s left to do now, Morty, i-is wait, a-and then we, we can do am-URP-amazing things with this stuff.” Rick grinned, reclining on the rock beside Morty.
It was rare for things to be so low-key; Rick was relaxed, like this couldn’t possibly go wrong, and that put Morty on edge. But then Rick’s hand found his, fingers intertwined. He looked up and Rick smiled, a rare, affectionate expression as he looked at Morty.  Morty blushed and smiled back shyly.
The old scientist kissed his forehead quickly, and then reclined again, gazing up at the alien sky while his companion blushed furiously beside him and the machine whirred away in the background. Morty bit his lip and grinned, tipping his head back to watch the sky with him.
Fuck. I’m crying again, I have to stop. I’ll try again tomorrow, I guess. I’m sorry Rick.
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What choosing the right paint colors can do for your mood
What lifts yours spirits when you are just bored, a bowl of ice cream, watching football or just taking a trip? There's a better way to improve your mood, though: color. Color is a powerful design tool that can make the rooms in your home feel more calm, cheerful, comfortable or dramatic. ​ Color makes a tiny room feel larger, or a spacious one feel more intimate, without the time and expense of actually moving walls. You can make a den feel cozy by painting the walls with a warm color, or make a narrow space feel wider by using different colors on opposing walls. The paint colors you choose, as well as the color of the furniture and accessories, all create a mood. "Color is all around us and even in our vocabulary. We say we feel 'blue', it’s part of our core, but for many years color has been excluded from our homes.But now I see a real love for it and people wanting it in their home. It's all about finding the colors you respond to and that make you feel good. There are colors that work for certain home styles, but don't be afraid to be creative. Instead of using dark olive green on a Craftsman, go for a celery green that gives a fresh and lighter touch. The power of color is that it can completely alter your experience The colors of the rooms in your home are a direct reflection of your personality. While most of us may not spend a lot of time thinking about room color, it affects us every day. Room color can influence our moods and our thoughts. Color affects people in many ways, depending on age, gender, ethnic background and climate. Certain colors (or groups of colors) tend to get a similar reaction from most people; the variations come from the shades or tones used. This is why it’s so important to choose colors wisely when it comes to decorating. You don’t have to worry about trends in order to have a beautiful home. Color trends will come and go. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by choosing colors that reflect their preferences and personalities. The trick is to blend the colors you like into a pleasing combination. Choosing color combinations is one of the most intimidating steps for beginners. Color has the power to change the shape and size of furnishings, as well as the shape and size of the room itself. Selecting colors is not difficult if you equip yourself with some basic information about color and its effects. Choose Wisely Keep in mind that each color has a psychological value. Think about how certain colors make you feel; they can influence any emotion, from tranquility to rage. To create peace and harmony in your home, choose your colors wisely; some colors in large amounts might have the opposite effect on you and your loved ones. What mood do you want to create? Which colors will help you achieve that mood? If you need help answering these questions, look at magazines, decorating books, blogs and websites for ideas. Also, let your textiles be your guide. Fabric, carpeting, furniture and tile are available in a more limited range of colors than paint, so choose them first and then decide on your paint color. Once you find something you like, limit the number of colors in a room to no more than three or four. Too many colors can make a room look busy or cluttered. Paint is fairly inexpensive and transforms a room more quickly than anything else, so you can afford to experiment a little. Room Colors and Their Effects Colors act in three basic ways: active, passive and neutral. You can easily match every room’s colors to your personal desires, to your taste and to the room’s purpose. Light colors are expansive and airy, making rooms seem larger and brighter. Dark colors are sophisticated and warm; they give large rooms a more intimate appearance. Red Red raises a room’s energy level. The most intense color, it pumps the adrenaline like no other hue. It is a good choice when you want to stir up excitement, particularly at night. In the living room or dining room, red draws people together and stimulates conversation. In an entryway, it creates a strong first impression. Red has been shown to raise blood pressure and speed respiration and heart rate. It is usually considered too stimulating for bedrooms, but if you’re typically in the room only after dark, you’ll be seeing it mostly by lamplight, when the color will appear muted, rich and elegant. Yellow Yellow captures the joy of sunshine and communicates happiness. It is an excellent choice for kitchens, dining rooms and bathrooms, where it is energizing and uplifting. In halls, entries and small spaces, yellow can feel expansive and welcoming. Even though yellow although is a cheery color, it is not a good choice for main color schemes. Studies show that people are more likely to lose their temper in a yellow interior. Babies also seem to cry more in yellow rooms. In large amounts, this color tends to create feelings of frustration and anger. In chromotherapy, yellow is believed to stimulate the nerves and purify the body. Blue Blue is said to bring down blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate. That is why it is considered calming, relaxing and serene, and it is often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. A pastel blue that looks pretty on the paint chip can come across as unpleasantly chilly on the walls and furnishings, however, especially in a room that receives little natural light. If you opt for a light blue as the primary color in a room, balance it with warm hues for the furnishings and fabrics. To encourage relaxation in social areas such as family rooms, living rooms or large kitchens, consider warmer blues, such as periwinkle, or bright blues, such as cerulean or turquoise. Blue is known to have a calming effect when used as the main color of a room — but go for softer shades. Dark blue has the opposite effect, evoking feelings of sadness. Refrain from using darker blues in your main color scheme. Green Green is considered the most restful color for the eye. Combining the refreshing quality of blue and the cheerfulness of yellow, green is suited for almost any room on the house. In the kitchen, green cools things down; in a family room or living room, it encourages unwinding but has enough warmth to promote comfort and togetherness. Green also has a calming effect when used as a main color for decorating. It is believed to relieve stress by helping people relax. It is also believed to help with fertility, making it a great choice for the bedroom. Purple Purple, in its darkest values (eggplant, for example), is rich, dramatic and sophisticated. It is associated with luxury and creativity; as an accent or secondary color, it gives a scheme depth. Lighter versions of purple, such as lavender and lilac, bring the same restful quality to bedrooms as blue does, but without the risk of feeling chilly. Orange Orange evokes excitement and enthusiasm, and is an energetic color. While not a good idea for a living room or for bedrooms, this color is great for an exercise room; it will bring out all the emotions that you need released during your fitness routine. In ancient cultures, orange was believed to heal the lungs and increase energy levels. Neutrals Neutrals (black, gray, white and brown) are basic to the decorator’s tool kit. All-neutral schemes fall in and out of fashion, but their virtue lies in their flexibility: Add color to liven things up; subtract it to calm things down. Black is best used in small doses as an accent. Indeed, some experts maintain that every room needs a touch of black to ground the color scheme and give it depth. To make the job easier, rely on the interior designer’s most important color tool: the color wheel. Crimsom Crimson can make some people feel irritable. Invoking feelings of rage and hostility, this is a color that should be avoided as the main color of a room. Sitting for long periods of time in a room painted in this color will likely affect the peace and harmony you are striving to create in your home. Color’s Effect on Ceilings The ceiling represents one-sixth of the space in a room, but too often it gets nothing more than a coat of white paint. In fact, for decades, white was considered not only the safest but also the best choice for ceilings. As a general rule, ceilings that are lighter than the walls feel higher, while those that are darker feel lower. Lower need not mean claustrophobic: visually lowered ceilings can evoke cozy intimacy. As a general rule, dark walls make a room seem smaller, and light walls make a room seem larger. These guidelines are a good starting point in your search for a paint color. Keep in mind that color choice is a very personal matter; you are the one who has to live with your new paint color, so choose a hue that suits you, your family and your lifestyle.  Color Can Influence Performance Studies have also shown that certain colors can have an impact on performance. No one likes to see a graded test covered in red ink, but one study found that seeing the color red before taking an exam actually hurt test performance. While the color red is often described as threatening, arousing or exciting, many previous studies on the impact of the color red have been largely inconclusive. The study found, however, that exposing students to the color red prior to an exam has been shown to have a negative impact on test performance. In the first of the six experiments described in the study, 71 U.S. colleges students were presented with a participant number colored either red, green or black prior to taking a five-minute test. The results revealed that students who were presented with the red number before taking the test scored more than 20 percent lower than those presented with the green and black numbers Therefore, chose the right color for your home and it may affect your life positively. Color your world today! If you need help with interior or exterior painting in South Orange County, call 949-484-4568 now!
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kareemsharrington · 7 years
What choosing the right paint colors can do for your mood
What lifts yours spirits when you are just bored, a bowl of ice cream, watching football or just taking a trip? There’s a better way to improve your mood, though: color. Color is a powerful design tool that can make the rooms in your home feel more calm, cheerful, comfortable or dramatic. ​ Color makes a tiny room feel larger, or a spacious one feel more intimate, without the time and expense of actually moving walls.
You can make a den feel cozy by painting the walls with a warm color, or make a narrow space feel wider by using different colors on opposing walls. The paint colors you choose, as well as the color of the furniture and accessories, all create a mood.
“Color is all around us and even in our vocabulary. We say we feel ‘blue’, it’s part of our core, but for many years color has been excluded from our homes.But now I see a real love for it and people wanting it in their home.
It’s all about finding the colors you respond to and that make you feel good. There are colors that work for certain home styles, but don’t be afraid to be creative. Instead of using dark olive green on a Craftsman, go for a celery green that gives a fresh and lighter touch.
The power of color is that it can completely alter your experience
The colors of the rooms in your home are a direct reflection of your personality. While most of us may not spend a lot of time thinking about room color, it affects us every day. Room color can influence our moods and our thoughts.
Color affects people in many ways, depending on age, gender, ethnic background and climate. Certain colors (or groups of colors) tend to get a similar reaction from most people; the variations come from the shades or tones used. This is why it’s so important to choose colors wisely when it comes to decorating.
You don’t have to worry about trends in order to have a beautiful home. Color trends will come and go. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by choosing colors that reflect their preferences and personalities. The trick is to blend the colors you like into a pleasing combination.
Choosing color combinations is one of the most intimidating steps for beginners. Color has the power to change the shape and size of furnishings, as well as the shape and size of the room itself. Selecting colors is not difficult if you equip yourself with some basic information about color and its effects.
Choose Wisely
Keep in mind that each color has a psychological value. Think about how certain colors make you feel; they can influence any emotion, from tranquility to rage. To create peace and harmony in your home, choose your colors wisely; some colors in large amounts might have the opposite effect on you and your loved ones.
What mood do you want to create? Which colors will help you achieve that mood?
If you need help answering these questions, look at magazines, decorating books, blogs and websites for ideas. Also, let your textiles be your guide. Fabric, carpeting, furniture and tile are available in a more limited range of colors than paint, so choose them first and then decide on your paint color.
Once you find something you like, limit the number of colors in a room to no more than three or four. Too many colors can make a room look busy or cluttered. Paint is fairly inexpensive and transforms a room more quickly than anything else, so you can afford to experiment a little.
Room Colors and Their Effects
Colors act in three basic ways: active, passive and neutral. You can easily match every room’s colors to your personal desires, to your taste and to the room’s purpose. Light colors are expansive and airy, making rooms seem larger and brighter. Dark colors are sophisticated and warm; they give large rooms a more intimate appearance.
Red raises a room’s energy level. The most intense color, it pumps the adrenaline like no other hue. It is a good choice when you want to stir up excitement, particularly at night. In the living room or dining room, red draws people together and stimulates conversation. In an entryway, it creates a strong first impression.
Red has been shown to raise blood pressure and speed respiration and heart rate. It is usually considered too stimulating for bedrooms, but if you’re typically in the room only after dark, you’ll be seeing it mostly by lamplight, when the color will appear muted, rich and elegant.
Yellow captures the joy of sunshine and communicates happiness. It is an excellent choice for kitchens, dining rooms and bathrooms, where it is energizing and uplifting. In halls, entries and small spaces, yellow can feel expansive and welcoming.
Even though yellow although is a cheery color, it is not a good choice for main color schemes. Studies show that people are more likely to lose their temper in a yellow interior. Babies also seem to cry more in yellow rooms. In large amounts, this color tends to create feelings of frustration and anger. In chromotherapy, yellow is believed to stimulate the nerves and purify the body.
Blue is said to bring down blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate. That is why it is considered calming, relaxing and serene, and it is often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms.
A pastel blue that looks pretty on the paint chip can come across as unpleasantly chilly on the walls and furnishings, however, especially in a room that receives little natural light. If you opt for a light blue as the primary color in a room, balance it with warm hues for the furnishings and fabrics.
To encourage relaxation in social areas such as family rooms, living rooms or large kitchens, consider warmer blues, such as periwinkle, or bright blues, such as cerulean or turquoise. Blue is known to have a calming effect when used as the main color of a room — but go for softer shades. Dark blue has the opposite effect, evoking feelings of sadness. Refrain from using darker blues in your main color scheme.
Green is considered the most restful color for the eye. Combining the refreshing quality of blue and the cheerfulness of yellow, green is suited for almost any room on the house. In the kitchen, green cools things down; in a family room or living room, it encourages unwinding but has enough warmth to promote comfort and togetherness.
Green also has a calming effect when used as a main color for decorating. It is believed to relieve stress by helping people relax. It is also believed to help with fertility, making it a great choice for the bedroom.
Purple, in its darkest values (eggplant, for example), is rich, dramatic and sophisticated. It is associated with luxury and creativity; as an accent or secondary color, it gives a scheme depth. Lighter versions of purple, such as lavender and lilac, bring the same restful quality to bedrooms as blue does, but without the risk of feeling chilly.
Orange evokes excitement and enthusiasm, and is an energetic color. While not a good idea for a living room or for bedrooms, this color is great for an exercise room; it will bring out all the emotions that you need released during your fitness routine. In ancient cultures, orange was believed to heal the lungs and increase energy levels.
Neutrals (black, gray, white and brown) are basic to the decorator’s tool kit. All-neutral schemes fall in and out of fashion, but their virtue lies in their flexibility: Add color to liven things up; subtract it to calm things down.
Black is best used in small doses as an accent. Indeed, some experts maintain that every room needs a touch of black to ground the color scheme and give it depth. To make the job easier, rely on the interior designer’s most important color tool: the color wheel.
Crimson can make some people feel irritable. Invoking feelings of rage and hostility, this is a color that should be avoided as the main color of a room. Sitting for long periods of time in a room painted in this color will likely affect the peace and harmony you are striving to create in your home.
Color’s Effect on Ceilings
The ceiling represents one-sixth of the space in a room, but too often it gets nothing more than a coat of white paint. In fact, for decades, white was considered not only the safest but also the best choice for ceilings.
As a general rule, ceilings that are lighter than the walls feel higher, while those that are darker feel lower. Lower need not mean claustrophobic: visually lowered ceilings can evoke cozy intimacy. As a general rule, dark walls make a room seem smaller, and light walls make a room seem larger.
These guidelines are a good starting point in your search for a paint color. Keep in mind that color choice is a very personal matter; you are the one who has to live with your new paint color, so choose a hue that suits you, your family and your lifestyle. 
Color Can Influence Performance
Studies have also shown that certain colors can have an impact on performance. No one likes to see a graded test covered in red ink, but one study found that seeing the color red before taking an exam actually hurt test performance.
While the color red is often described as threatening, arousing or exciting, many previous studies on the impact of the color red have been largely inconclusive. The study found, however, that exposing students to the color red prior to an exam has been shown to have a negative impact on test performance.
In the first of the six experiments described in the study, 71 U.S. colleges students were presented with a participant number colored either red, green or black prior to taking a five-minute test. The results revealed that students who were presented with the red number before taking the test scored more than 20 percent lower than those presented with the green and black numbers
Therefore, chose the right color for your home and it may affect your life positively. Color your world today!
If you need help with interior or exterior painting in South Orange County, call 949-484-4568 now!
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timothykhinkle · 7 years
What choosing the right paint colors can do for your mood
What lifts yours spirits when you are just bored, a bowl of ice cream, watching football or just taking a trip? There’s a better way to improve your mood, though: color. Color is a powerful design tool that can make the rooms in your home feel more calm, cheerful, comfortable or dramatic. ​ Color makes a tiny room feel larger, or a spacious one feel more intimate, without the time and expense of actually moving walls. You can make a den feel cozy by painting the walls with a warm color, or make a narrow space feel wider by using different colors on opposing walls. The paint colors you choose, as well as the color of the furniture and accessories, all create a mood. “Color is all around us and even in our vocabulary. We say we feel ‘blue’, it’s part of our core, but for many years color has been excluded from our homes.But now I see a real love for it and people wanting it in their home. It’s all about finding the colors you respond to and that make you feel good. There are colors that work for certain home styles, but don’t be afraid to be creative. Instead of using dark olive green on a Craftsman, go for a celery green that gives a fresh and lighter touch. The power of color is that it can completely alter your experience The colors of the rooms in your home are a direct reflection of your personality. While most of us may not spend a lot of time thinking about room color, it affects us every day. Room color can influence our moods and our thoughts. Color affects people in many ways, depending on age, gender, ethnic background and climate. Certain colors (or groups of colors) tend to get a similar reaction from most people; the variations come from the shades or tones used. This is why it’s so important to choose colors wisely when it comes to decorating. You don’t have to worry about trends in order to have a beautiful home. Color trends will come and go. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by choosing colors that reflect their preferences and personalities. The trick is to blend the colors you like into a pleasing combination. Choosing color combinations is one of the most intimidating steps for beginners. Color has the power to change the shape and size of furnishings, as well as the shape and size of the room itself. Selecting colors is not difficult if you equip yourself with some basic information about color and its effects. Choose Wisely Keep in mind that each color has a psychological value. Think about how certain colors make you feel; they can influence any emotion, from tranquility to rage. To create peace and harmony in your home, choose your colors wisely; some colors in large amounts might have the opposite effect on you and your loved ones. What mood do you want to create? Which colors will help you achieve that mood? If you need help answering these questions, look at magazines, decorating books, blogs and websites for ideas. Also, let your textiles be your guide. Fabric, carpeting, furniture and tile are available in a more limited range of colors than paint, so choose them first and then decide on your paint color. Once you find something you like, limit the number of colors in a room to no more than three or four. Too many colors can make a room look busy or cluttered. Paint is fairly inexpensive and transforms a room more quickly than anything else, so you can afford to experiment a little. Room Colors and Their Effects Colors act in three basic ways: active, passive and neutral. You can easily match every room’s colors to your personal desires, to your taste and to the room’s purpose. Light colors are expansive and airy, making rooms seem larger and brighter. Dark colors are sophisticated and warm; they give large rooms a more intimate appearance. Red Red raises a room’s energy level. The most intense color, it pumps the adrenaline like no other hue. It is a good choice when you want to stir up excitement, particularly at night. In the living room or dining room, red draws people together and stimulates conversation. In an entryway, it creates a strong first impression. Red has been shown to raise blood pressure and speed respiration and heart rate. It is usually considered too stimulating for bedrooms, but if you’re typically in the room only after dark, you’ll be seeing it mostly by lamplight, when the color will appear muted, rich and elegant. Yellow Yellow captures the joy of sunshine and communicates happiness. It is an excellent choice for kitchens, dining rooms and bathrooms, where it is energizing and uplifting. In halls, entries and small spaces, yellow can feel expansive and welcoming. Even though yellow although is a cheery color, it is not a good choice for main color schemes. Studies show that people are more likely to lose their temper in a yellow interior. Babies also seem to cry more in yellow rooms. In large amounts, this color tends to create feelings of frustration and anger. In chromotherapy, yellow is believed to stimulate the nerves and purify the body. Blue Blue is said to bring down blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate. That is why it is considered calming, relaxing and serene, and it is often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. A pastel blue that looks pretty on the paint chip can come across as unpleasantly chilly on the walls and furnishings, however, especially in a room that receives little natural light. If you opt for a light blue as the primary color in a room, balance it with warm hues for the furnishings and fabrics. To encourage relaxation in social areas such as family rooms, living rooms or large kitchens, consider warmer blues, such as periwinkle, or bright blues, such as cerulean or turquoise. Blue is known to have a calming effect when used as the main color of a room — but go for softer shades. Dark blue has the opposite effect, evoking feelings of sadness. Refrain from using darker blues in your main color scheme. Green Green is considered the most restful color for the eye. Combining the refreshing quality of blue and the cheerfulness of yellow, green is suited for almost any room on the house. In the kitchen, green cools things down; in a family room or living room, it encourages unwinding but has enough warmth to promote comfort and togetherness. Green also has a calming effect when used as a main color for decorating. It is believed to relieve stress by helping people relax. It is also believed to help with fertility, making it a great choice for the bedroom. Purple Purple, in its darkest values (eggplant, for example), is rich, dramatic and sophisticated. It is associated with luxury and creativity; as an accent or secondary color, it gives a scheme depth. Lighter versions of purple, such as lavender and lilac, bring the same restful quality to bedrooms as blue does, but without the risk of feeling chilly. Orange Orange evokes excitement and enthusiasm, and is an energetic color. While not a good idea for a living room or for bedrooms, this color is great for an exercise room; it will bring out all the emotions that you need released during your fitness routine. In ancient cultures, orange was believed to heal the lungs and increase energy levels. Neutrals Neutrals (black, gray, white and brown) are basic to the decorator’s tool kit. All-neutral schemes fall in and out of fashion, but their virtue lies in their flexibility: Add color to liven things up; subtract it to calm things down. Black is best used in small doses as an accent. Indeed, some experts maintain that every room needs a touch of black to ground the color scheme and give it depth. To make the job easier, rely on the interior designer’s most important color tool: the color wheel. Crimsom Crimson can make some people feel irritable. Invoking feelings of rage and hostility, this is a color that should be avoided as the main color of a room. Sitting for long periods of time in a room painted in this color will likely affect the peace and harmony you are striving to create in your home. Color’s Effect on Ceilings The ceiling represents one-sixth of the space in a room, but too often it gets nothing more than a coat of white paint. In fact, for decades, white was considered not only the safest but also the best choice for ceilings. As a general rule, ceilings that are lighter than the walls feel higher, while those that are darker feel lower. Lower need not mean claustrophobic: visually lowered ceilings can evoke cozy intimacy. As a general rule, dark walls make a room seem smaller, and light walls make a room seem larger. These guidelines are a good starting point in your search for a paint color. Keep in mind that color choice is a very personal matter; you are the one who has to live with your new paint color, so choose a hue that suits you, your family and your lifestyle.  Color Can Influence Performance Studies have also shown that certain colors can have an impact on performance. No one likes to see a graded test covered in red ink, but one study found that seeing the color red before taking an exam actually hurt test performance. While the color red is often described as threatening, arousing or exciting, many previous studies on the impact of the color red have been largely inconclusive. The study found, however, that exposing students to the color red prior to an exam has been shown to have a negative impact on test performance. In the first of the six experiments described in the study, 71 U.S. colleges students were presented with a participant number colored either red, green or black prior to taking a five-minute test. The results revealed that students who were presented with the red number before taking the test scored more than 20 percent lower than those presented with the green and black numbers Therefore, chose the right color for your home and it may affect your life positively. Color your world today! If you need help with interior or exterior painting in South Orange County, call 949-484-4568 now!
0 notes
What choosing the right paint colors can do for your mood
What lifts yours spirits when you are just bored, a bowl of ice cream, watching football or just taking a trip? There's a better way to improve your mood, though: color. Color is a powerful design tool that can make the rooms in your home feel more calm, cheerful, comfortable or dramatic. ​ Color makes a tiny room feel larger, or a spacious one feel more intimate, without the time and expense of actually moving walls. You can make a den feel cozy by painting the walls with a warm color, or make a narrow space feel wider by using different colors on opposing walls. The paint colors you choose, as well as the color of the furniture and accessories, all create a mood. "Color is all around us and even in our vocabulary. We say we feel 'blue', it’s part of our core, but for many years color has been excluded from our homes.But now I see a real love for it and people wanting it in their home. It's all about finding the colors you respond to and that make you feel good. There are colors that work for certain home styles, but don't be afraid to be creative. Instead of using dark olive green on a Craftsman, go for a celery green that gives a fresh and lighter touch. The power of color is that it can completely alter your experience The colors of the rooms in your home are a direct reflection of your personality. While most of us may not spend a lot of time thinking about room color, it affects us every day. Room color can influence our moods and our thoughts. Color affects people in many ways, depending on age, gender, ethnic background and climate. Certain colors (or groups of colors) tend to get a similar reaction from most people; the variations come from the shades or tones used. This is why it’s so important to choose colors wisely when it comes to decorating. You don’t have to worry about trends in order to have a beautiful home. Color trends will come and go. The people who live in a home make it beautiful by choosing colors that reflect their preferences and personalities. The trick is to blend the colors you like into a pleasing combination. Choosing color combinations is one of the most intimidating steps for beginners. Color has the power to change the shape and size of furnishings, as well as the shape and size of the room itself. Selecting colors is not difficult if you equip yourself with some basic information about color and its effects. Choose Wisely Keep in mind that each color has a psychological value. Think about how certain colors make you feel; they can influence any emotion, from tranquility to rage. To create peace and harmony in your home, choose your colors wisely; some colors in large amounts might have the opposite effect on you and your loved ones. What mood do you want to create? Which colors will help you achieve that mood? If you need help answering these questions, look at magazines, decorating books, blogs and websites for ideas. Also, let your textiles be your guide. Fabric, carpeting, furniture and tile are available in a more limited range of colors than paint, so choose them first and then decide on your paint color. Once you find something you like, limit the number of colors in a room to no more than three or four. Too many colors can make a room look busy or cluttered. Paint is fairly inexpensive and transforms a room more quickly than anything else, so you can afford to experiment a little. Room Colors and Their Effects Colors act in three basic ways: active, passive and neutral. You can easily match every room’s colors to your personal desires, to your taste and to the room’s purpose. Light colors are expansive and airy, making rooms seem larger and brighter. Dark colors are sophisticated and warm; they give large rooms a more intimate appearance. Red Red raises a room’s energy level. The most intense color, it pumps the adrenaline like no other hue. It is a good choice when you want to stir up excitement, particularly at night. In the living room or dining room, red draws people together and stimulates conversation. In an entryway, it creates a strong first impression. Red has been shown to raise blood pressure and speed respiration and heart rate. It is usually considered too stimulating for bedrooms, but if you’re typically in the room only after dark, you’ll be seeing it mostly by lamplight, when the color will appear muted, rich and elegant. Yellow Yellow captures the joy of sunshine and communicates happiness. It is an excellent choice for kitchens, dining rooms and bathrooms, where it is energizing and uplifting. In halls, entries and small spaces, yellow can feel expansive and welcoming. Even though yellow although is a cheery color, it is not a good choice for main color schemes. Studies show that people are more likely to lose their temper in a yellow interior. Babies also seem to cry more in yellow rooms. In large amounts, this color tends to create feelings of frustration and anger. In chromotherapy, yellow is believed to stimulate the nerves and purify the body. Blue Blue is said to bring down blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate. That is why it is considered calming, relaxing and serene, and it is often recommended for bedrooms and bathrooms. A pastel blue that looks pretty on the paint chip can come across as unpleasantly chilly on the walls and furnishings, however, especially in a room that receives little natural light. If you opt for a light blue as the primary color in a room, balance it with warm hues for the furnishings and fabrics. To encourage relaxation in social areas such as family rooms, living rooms or large kitchens, consider warmer blues, such as periwinkle, or bright blues, such as cerulean or turquoise. Blue is known to have a calming effect when used as the main color of a room — but go for softer shades. Dark blue has the opposite effect, evoking feelings of sadness. Refrain from using darker blues in your main color scheme. Green Green is considered the most restful color for the eye. Combining the refreshing quality of blue and the cheerfulness of yellow, green is suited for almost any room on the house. In the kitchen, green cools things down; in a family room or living room, it encourages unwinding but has enough warmth to promote comfort and togetherness. Green also has a calming effect when used as a main color for decorating. It is believed to relieve stress by helping people relax. It is also believed to help with fertility, making it a great choice for the bedroom. Purple Purple, in its darkest values (eggplant, for example), is rich, dramatic and sophisticated. It is associated with luxury and creativity; as an accent or secondary color, it gives a scheme depth. Lighter versions of purple, such as lavender and lilac, bring the same restful quality to bedrooms as blue does, but without the risk of feeling chilly. Orange Orange evokes excitement and enthusiasm, and is an energetic color. While not a good idea for a living room or for bedrooms, this color is great for an exercise room; it will bring out all the emotions that you need released during your fitness routine. In ancient cultures, orange was believed to heal the lungs and increase energy levels. Neutrals Neutrals (black, gray, white and brown) are basic to the decorator’s tool kit. All-neutral schemes fall in and out of fashion, but their virtue lies in their flexibility: Add color to liven things up; subtract it to calm things down. Black is best used in small doses as an accent. Indeed, some experts maintain that every room needs a touch of black to ground the color scheme and give it depth. To make the job easier, rely on the interior designer’s most important color tool: the color wheel. Crimsom Crimson can make some people feel irritable. Invoking feelings of rage and hostility, this is a color that should be avoided as the main color of a room. Sitting for long periods of time in a room painted in this color will likely affect the peace and harmony you are striving to create in your home. Color’s Effect on Ceilings The ceiling represents one-sixth of the space in a room, but too often it gets nothing more than a coat of white paint. In fact, for decades, white was considered not only the safest but also the best choice for ceilings. As a general rule, ceilings that are lighter than the walls feel higher, while those that are darker feel lower. Lower need not mean claustrophobic: visually lowered ceilings can evoke cozy intimacy. As a general rule, dark walls make a room seem smaller, and light walls make a room seem larger. These guidelines are a good starting point in your search for a paint color. Keep in mind that color choice is a very personal matter; you are the one who has to live with your new paint color, so choose a hue that suits you, your family and your lifestyle.  Color Can Influence Performance Studies have also shown that certain colors can have an impact on performance. No one likes to see a graded test covered in red ink, but one study found that seeing the color red before taking an exam actually hurt test performance. While the color red is often described as threatening, arousing or exciting, many previous studies on the impact of the color red have been largely inconclusive. The study found, however, that exposing students to the color red prior to an exam has been shown to have a negative impact on test performance. In the first of the six experiments described in the study, 71 U.S. colleges students were presented with a participant number colored either red, green or black prior to taking a five-minute test. The results revealed that students who were presented with the red number before taking the test scored more than 20 percent lower than those presented with the green and black numbers Therefore, chose the right color for your home and it may affect your life positively. Color your world today! If you need help with interior or exterior painting in South Orange County, call 949-484-4568 now!
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