#i cant believe i made this wtf
pointmetostrs · 1 year
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what started of as a crack idea turned into a five-ish hour painting where i learned i hate noses. @silvianorton wrote a smugbug twilight!worm fic and yall need to go read it, like, now.
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sumirerin · 4 months
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Hello sonadow nation 🫡🏳️‍🌈 💙❤️
(Prints of this coming soon >;]c)
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the0verboss · 4 months
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We are Brilliant
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hellobitchlet · 11 days
I have a lot of thoughts about Topaz and the IPC that this update has brought up again, but I'm going to wait until I actually finish the event and stuff before I post them.
For now, I'm just going to leave it at this; I genuinely believe that Topaz had the perfect set up to be Hoyo's best written, complex villain since Otto if she had been done properly. But their insistence on pretending that she's a good person and that there's literally anything good about what she tried to do to Belobog instantly ruined it, and the doubling down on her being 'good' and allowing her to have a good friendship with Trailblazer (while they're acting weirdly about Boothill for merely stealing things in his texts) is just making everything worse.
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brother-one · 9 months
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mamidots · 3 months
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And what if I told you she smokes up the gang??? Regularly self medicates with Josh and whomever else is around wanting to blaze up 🔥🔥 then what????
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juicedbeetle · 2 years
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the ring of smoke after lydia pushes beej off the roof (fav moments 5/?)
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castielfucks · 5 months
I wish more people realized that when someone is seeking diagnosis, it's not because we are trying to collect diseases like infinity stones. it's not to be quirky or interesting.
diagnosis is the guide to resources and community. knowing how to help yourself, being able to understand yourself, connecting with others with similar experiences so you dont feel crazy or alone, finding the right places to look for relief and support, learning about accommodations that can make your life not only easier but liveable.
and for all these reasons, people are allowed to be excited for their diagnosis, theyre allowed to lean into it and advocate for themselves with language they didn't even know existed for the way they live. it is entirely normal to be happy and relieved after finding out that not only is there a name for your experience, but also people groups communities just like you ready to talk about it and support each other.
diagnosis opens up entire worlds for people, that's a good thing. and we need to stop shaming anyone who wants/seek it.
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trixibebe · 5 months
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oc x canon ~ private bath time
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nyukyusnz · 8 months
i honestly get so pissed when someone says something very slightly inappropriate and they have "god(✝️, ❤️,❣️, etc)" in their bio and someone else goes "and you have god in your bio?" "they way god is in ur bio...." like hello???
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loveydive · 1 month
cannot fathom how ppl think inquisition is remotely even a good starting spot for newbies
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bloodsbane · 2 months
god nothing makes you feel like you played yourself more than clicking on a video that you think is just going to be stupid and goofy and it IS both of those things. but also it makes you cry a little at the end
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kiddphel · 10 months
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i had a super normal one with that jjk opening this year
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theboywasallalone · 1 year
is the mcl fandom still a thing on this hell platform
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allylikethecat · 8 months
January OTP Prompts
Update: these are in fact still easier to write in the morning an I deeply regret that I once again left it until the evening. It's such a funny trend, the ones I like I write in the mornings, and the ones I am unimpressed with I write frantically at night. I also did not proof read this in the slightest so lets gooo. On that note, this one is brought to you by the fact that I once absolutely ate shit after slipping on a floor that had Pledge on it (google seemed to think they have Pledge in the UK but to those of you that don't know it's a spray furniture polish that makes floors EXTREMELY slippery)
17. Slippery
George swore softly grabbing onto the edge of the side table, catching himself from tumbling to the ground at the last possible second. He glared down at their hardwood floors in shock and distrust, having not expected to nearly fall onto his ass because he had the audacity to hop skip down the last step while wearing socks. He cautiously let go of the side table, and took a step forward, nearly losing his footing once again as his sock clad foot slid across the floor out from under him. His frown deepened as he tried to rationalize why the floor was so slippery. It looked the same as it always did, and their housekeeper, Sheila, had come by earlier that morning— 
George’s eyes widened. Sheila hadn’t come that morning, her assistant Daisy, had, Sheila was out of town visiting family and George couldn’t handle missing a house cleaning appointment if he wanted to continue living with Matty, the messiest person alive in harmony. Sheila had understood and sent Daisy, whom George had seen spraying Pledge heavy handedly onto the table he was currently clinging to when he left for his yoga class that morning. She must have accidentally gotten the furniture polish on the floor George realized, turning the base of the staircase into a slippery death trap. 
He pulled his phone out of his back pocket, quickly Googling how to resolve the slippery floor issue. He knew that even if he told Matty to be careful coming down the stairs, he would forget within the first ten minutes and fall straight onto his ass if they were lucky, and onto his face if they weren’t. Luckily, Google seemed confident that he would be able to resolve the issue with a bucket of warm water and dish soap, both of which he knew he would be able to find under the sink. If he was lucky, he would be able to resolve the issue before Matty came looking for him.
Carefully, he started making his way towards the kitchen, not trusting himself not to slip even once he was past the Pledge spray zone. 
“Hey, can we order pizza tonight?” Matty called, making his way downstairs in search of George, “I know you said you want to cook more, but I can’t be arsed to go to the shops and pizza sounds so good right now,” Matty said.
“BE CAREFUL,” George shouted, starling Matty as he stepped off the staircase, Matty frowned and took another step forward as George tried to get the words out faster “thefloorisslippery!” 
“The floor is what?” Matty asked, his brow furrowed as he stepped onto the slippery patch and just as George predicted, slipped, landing heavily on his butt, blinking up at George in surprise and confusion.
“The floor is slippery,” George said with a grimace. “You okay?” He carefully made his way over to Matty who still looked absolutely flabbergasted that he had ended up on the floor. 
“The fuck?” he said, taking George’s offered hands and pulling himself up carefully as if he didn’t trust the floor. George could relate. 
“Daisy got Pledge on the floor,” George explained. “And now it’s slippery.” 
“Yeah,” said Matty, rubbing a hand over his sure to be bruised tailbone. “Yeah, I can see that.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
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vaugarde · 2 years
btw in this hypothetical mlp verse, twilight and sunset will have known each other since early childhood and were both celestias students at the same time
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